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1、HOW to Write a COmPOSitiOn單位阿城區(qū)交界一中姓名鄒靜HOW to Write a COmPOSitiOnTeaChing Aims:ACCOreIing to the form, teach StUdentS how to Write a COmPOSitiOn USing the effective SentenCeS. Train the StUdents Writing abilityTeaChing ImPOrtant Points:the students Writing ability.TeaCh the StUdentS how to get the k

2、ey WOrdS and how to USe effectiveSentenCeS to COmPIete a COherent COmPOSitiOn.TeaChing Methods:DiSCUSSiO nTeaChing Aids:multimediablackboardTeaChing Procedures:SteP IJntroduction Ofthe basic elementsSiX StePS to Write a COrnPoSitiOnAnaIyZing the taskFinding OUt the mein pointsThinking Of key POintS/

3、phrasesFOrming SentencesCOmbining the SentenCeS into a PaSSageCOPying normallySteP 2 DiSCUSSing the COmPOSitiOnPreSent the Writing materials to the class, ask StUdentS to do SOme brainstorming:目前,許多學(xué)校對(duì)學(xué)生采取封閉式管理,學(xué)生對(duì)此看法不一。請(qǐng)根據(jù)下表 所提供的信息,寫一篇短文,談?wù)勛约旱目捶ā?字?jǐn)?shù):150左右)有的同學(xué)認(rèn)為有的同學(xué)認(rèn)為1.學(xué)校限制我們的自由;1.學(xué)校是學(xué)習(xí)知識(shí)的地方;2.學(xué)生和社

4、會(huì)接觸少;2.學(xué)生應(yīng)該安心在學(xué)校里學(xué)習(xí);3.3.學(xué)生缺乏自覺性,離開了老師,4.學(xué)生的興趣和愛好得不能得到可能會(huì)充分的發(fā)展。因此你的看法:AnalyZing the task:寫作人稱為第三人稱和第一人稱,詞數(shù)150詞左右,時(shí)態(tài)一般現(xiàn)在時(shí).Finding OUt the mein points第一段:有的同學(xué)認(rèn)為:.學(xué)校限制我們的自由.學(xué)生和社會(huì)接觸少.學(xué)生的興趣和愛好得不到充分的發(fā)展.因此第二段:有的同學(xué)認(rèn)為:學(xué)校是學(xué)習(xí)知識(shí)的地方.學(xué)生應(yīng)該安心在學(xué)校里學(xué)習(xí).學(xué)生缺乏自覺性,離開了老師,可能會(huì).第三段:你的看法:呈現(xiàn)觀點(diǎn):贊成哪一方說明理由/提出措施Thinking Of key POintS

5、/phrases :the StUdentS WOrk in groups Of four to get the key WOrdS Of each POint OraIly2. ASk SeVeral StUdents to report their answers to the rest Of the ClaSS PreSent these key WOrdS and PhraSeS to the WhOle ClaSS(POint 7&8 is flexible, enCOUrage StUdents to express WhateVer they Want to Say freely

6、. If they can: ChineSe is also allowed. Then help them to trenSlate What they Say into English.)要點(diǎn)序號(hào)關(guān)鍵單詞和短語1.Limit freedom2.HaVe IittIe Chance to get in touch With3.Interests and hobbies/ fully developed4.The best PlaCe to get knowledge5.PUt ones heart into6.LaCk the ability to COntrOl / affect7.It

7、is .to keep StUdents at SChOOl/ (dis)agree to8.Organize VariOUS activities /develop .Forming SentenCeS (Pay attention to the USe Of COnjUnCtiOn)ASk StUdentS to Say Sentences One by One according to the POintS given.SteP 3 PreSentatiOnThree keys to improving your COmPOSitiOn:I ear n to USe SUPeriOr P

8、hraSeS I ear n to USe abunda nt Senten CeS I earn to USe SUitabIe COnjUn CtiO n.邏輯角度合適的過渡性詞匯.時(shí)間順序first, then, finally/at IaSt Z SOon after; immediately, SUddenly, next空間順序here, there, On One side.on the Other side, in front of, at the back OfZ next to并列關(guān)系and, as WeIl as, also轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系but, however, yet, i

9、nsteac though, otherwise, despite, On the contrary, in SPite Of因果關(guān)系because, SinCeZ as, thanks to, as a result, thus, OWing to, due to條件關(guān)系as IOng as, SO IOng as, On ConditiOn that, if, UnleSS對(duì)比關(guān)系similarly, like, unlike, On the COntraryz On the Other hand,遞進(jìn)關(guān)系BeSideSz in addition, moreover, what,s mor

10、e, furthermore, what,s worse, to make matter WOrSe舉例for example, for instance, SUCh as, in Other words, that is to Say讓步關(guān)系though,as,evenif/though,Whetherzwho/where/what/whe n+ever總結(jié)歸納in general, generally SPeaking, above allz after all, in ShOrtz in a WOrCI, in brief, in COnClUSiOnz all in all過渡性插入語

11、I think, l,m afraid, you know, as We all know, as far as I know, in my OPiniOnZ PerSOnaIlySentences:(PreSent SOme typical SentenCeS Written by the StUdents to the class.ASk StUdents to USe SUPeriOr PhraSeS Or SentenCeS to Change the SentenCeS). In addition, StUdents dont have the ability to COntrol

12、themselves f In addition ” StUdents lack the ability to COntrol themselves /In addition, StUdentS Carvt manage themselves WeIl due to a lack Of SeIf-COntrol.They may Play COmPUter games and forget to study.They may SPend much time Playing COmPUter games inStead Of studying. /They may get addicted to

13、 PIayi ng ComPUter games in stead Of StUdyi ng hard In SChOOl We ShOUId StUdy hard In SChOOl We ShOUld COnCentrate On/be absorbed in /devote OUr bodv and SoUl to studies.KeeP StUdents in SChOOl all day are bad for StUdents.lts bad to keep StUdents at Sehool ell day.SChOOl is the best PIaCe to get a

14、IOt Of knowledge, StUdents ShOUId PUt their heart into their StUdieS in SChOOLSchool is the best PIaCe to get a Iot Of knowledge So that StUdents ShOUld PUt their heart into their StudieS in SehOoL()Some StUdents can,t behave themselves WeIl but for teachers remind us. Some StUdentS COUldrt have beh

15、aved themselves WeIl but for/without teachers help /Some StUdentS Caryt behove themselves WeIl UnIeSS teachers remind US to do So SOme StUdents IeaVe the SChOOl may do SOmething UnreIated to their StUdieS Once they leave SehoOI, they may do SOrnething UnreIBted to their StUdieSWe Can OnIyenjOy OUrSe

16、lVeS When We have SChOOl holidays.Only When SChOOlS break UP Cen We enjoy OUrSeIVeSin the blanks: PreSent the model One (WithOUt SOme COnjUnctiOn )to the WhOle class, ask StUdentS to fill in SUitabIe COnjUnCtiOn ,NOWadayS a IOt Of SChOOlS keep their StUdentS in SChOOl all day long. StUdentS have dif

17、ferent OPiniOnS about it.SOme Of the StUdentS think they enjoy IeSS freedom , and have Iittle ChanCe to get in touch With SOCiety .They are not able to fully develop their interests and hobbies,they have IeSS interest in their StUdieSSOme Other think SChOOl is the best PlaCe to get knowledgetheyShOU

18、ld PUt their heart into their , SOme StUdentS IaCk the ability to COntrOl themselves OUt Of SChOOI, they may IOSe COntrOl Of themselves and doSOmething that WiIl affect their StUdieSZ it is necessary to keep StUdentS at SChOOl at the Same time SChOOIS ShOUld OrganiZe VariOUS actiVitieSStUdentS Can enjoy theirSChOOl IifeSteP 4. FeedbaCkLet the StUdentS WOrk in groups to COrreCt each others COmPOSitiOn and try to find OUt as many mistakes as they can.2. ClaSS


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