1、第 PAGE12 頁 共 NUMPAGES12 頁2023年最新的面紗 毛姆引言:文化不是詞藻華麗的修飾,更不是要炫耀你的學(xué)問,而是一種豐富靈魂的方式,得來實(shí)在不易。接下來小編給各位讀者分享一些毛姆的英文經(jīng)典語錄,歡迎大家閱讀。 1、疲憊,而非生離死別,才是愛之苦澀。 Tired, not death, love is bitter. 2、完美有一個(gè)嚴(yán)重的缺陷,就是很容易乏味。 There is a serious flaw, it is easy to boring. 3、一個(gè)丈夫的權(quán)利,在我看來卻是一種恩惠。 A husband s rights, in my opinion is a k
2、ind of grace. 4、一經(jīng)打擊就灰心泄氣的人,永遠(yuǎn)是個(gè)失敗者。 A man who is discouraged by the attack, always a loser. 5、人生最大的悲劇不是死亡,而是他們不再有愛。 The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but they are no longer love. 6、兩人肩并肩地走路本身就是件令人愉快的事情。 Two people walking side by side, it was pleasant. 7、人生的大悲劇不是人會(huì)死亡,而是他們不再愛了。 The great tr
3、agedy of life is not that men die, but that they are not loved. 8、改變好習(xí)慣比改掉壞習(xí)慣容易的多,這是人生的一大悲衰。 Easy to change the habit to get rid of some bad habits, this is a sad life. 9、一把刀的鋒刃很不容易越過;因此智者說得救之道是困難的。 It is not easy for a knife edge over; therefore the wise man said salvation is difficult. 10、一般人都是他們想
4、要做的那種人,而是他們不得不做的那種人。 The average person is the kind of person they want to do, but the kind of person they have to do. 11、如果我們只會(huì)這樣相互冷嘲熱諷,就不要希望事情有什么進(jìn)展了。 If we just don t want to taunt each other in this way, things are what progress. 12、若是你的快樂感不再那么強(qiáng)烈,那么你的痛苦也一樣不再那么揪心。 If your happiness is no longer so
5、 strong, so your pain also not so worried. 13、要想理解一個(gè)男人的想法,最好的辦法是設(shè)身處地從他的角度考慮。 To understand a man s mind, the best way is to put yourself from his point of view. 14、如果一個(gè)男人無力博得一個(gè)女人的愛,那將是他的錯(cuò),而不是她的。 If a man can t win a woman s love, it will be his fault, not hers. 15、只有詩人同圣徒才能堅(jiān)信,在瀝青路面上辛勤澆水會(huì)培植出百合花來。 Onl
6、y the poet and the saints can believe that the hard water on the asphalt pavement will produce the lily. 16、虛榮心遭到打擊在女人心里激起的仇恨,將勝過身下幼崽慘遭屠戮的母獅。 Vanity was hit in the hearts of women arouse hatred, would be better than under the slaughter of the lioness cub. 17、藝術(shù)是什么藝術(shù)是感情的表露,藝術(shù)使用的是一種人人都能理解的語言。 What is
7、art Art is the expression of feelings, and the use of art is a language that everyone can understand. 18、很少有男人學(xué)會(huì)拒絕女人,等他們看懂女人說話的意圖,也老得動(dòng)彈不了了。 Few men learn to reject women, so they understand the intention of a woman to speak, but also the old can not move. 19、卑鄙與偉大、惡毒與善良、仇恨與熱愛是可以互不排斥地并存在同一顆心里的。 The m
8、ean and the great, the evil and the good, the hatred and the love can be mutually not mutually exclusive and exist in the same heart. 20、追逐夢(mèng)想就是追逐自己的厄運(yùn),在滿地都是六便士的街上,他抬起頭看到了月光。 Chasing dreams is chasing his own doom, in the ground is six pence in the street, he raised his head to see the moonlight. 21、
9、大水也澆不滅愛火,如果他愛她就遲早會(huì)心軟的,還會(huì)無法自拔地繼續(xù)愛她下去。 Neither unextinguishable love if he loves her sooner or later will xinruan, will be unable to extricate themselves and continue to love her. 22、我的生命史又翻過了一頁;我覺得自己距離那誰也逃脫不掉的死亡又邁近了一步。 My life history has turned over a page; I feel that I can not escape from the deat
10、h of those who have not lost a step closer. 23、同情體貼是一種很難得的本領(lǐng),但是卻常常被那些知道自己有這種本領(lǐng)的人濫用了。 Compassion is a very rare skill, but it is often abused by those who know that they have the ability. 24、我要的是令我專注的東西,我要烤牛肉和約克郡布丁,你給我面包和牛奶我就不滿意。 What I want is to my attention, I want to Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudd
11、ing, you give me bread and milk I was not satisfied. 25、良心是我們每個(gè)人心頭的崗哨,它在那里值勤站崗,監(jiān)視著我們別做出違法的事情來。 Conscience is each of us the heart of the sentry, it guard on duty there, watching us, don t make illegal things. 26、我不能希望她像我愛她那樣愛我。我是滑稽角色。她允許我愛她,這樣我就覺得幸福了。 I can t hope she loves me like I love her. I am
12、a funny character. She allowed me to love her, so I felt happy. 27、文學(xué)的最高形式是詩歌。詩歌是文學(xué)的終極目的。它是人的心靈最崇高的活動(dòng)。它是美的捷徑。 The highest form of literature is poetry. Poetry is the ultimate aim of literature. It is one of the most noble activities of the human mind. It is a shortcut to beauty. 28、對(duì)我來說愛情就是一切,你就是我的全
13、部??伤鼘?duì)你來說竟然只是一個(gè)小小的插曲,這我怎么受得了 Love is everything to me, you are everything to me. But it s just a little episode for you, how can I get it 29、小丑的嘴唇在微笑,他的笑話越來越滑稽,因?yàn)樵谒喝税l(fā)笑的時(shí)候他更加感到自己無法忍受的孤獨(dú)。 Clown lips smiling, his jokes are more funny, because when he funny he was he couldn t stand alone. 30、如果我們對(duì)一個(gè)人的看法
14、受到他的重視,我們就沾沾自喜,如果他對(duì)這種意見絲毫也不理會(huì),我們就討厭他。 If we view of a person by his attention, we complacent, if he is of the opinion and cared nothing at all, and we hate him. 31、作為墜入情網(wǎng)的人來說,男人同女人的區(qū)別是:女人能夠整天整夜談戀愛,而男人卻只能有時(shí)有晌兒地干這種事。 As people fall in love, the difference between men and women is: woman can love all d
15、ay long, while men are only at times made to do such a thing. 32、他教導(dǎo)說,人都比他自視的為高,而智慧是解脫之道。他教導(dǎo)說,要脫離苦海并不一定要出家,只要去掉一個(gè)我字。 He taught that people are as high as he, and wisdom is the way to liberation. He taught, to misery doesn t have to be a monk, as long as I get rid of a word. 33、這么說來,問題的癥結(jié)所在,就是得搞清楚你自己
16、是什么樣的人,這點(diǎn)清楚了,你的一套哲學(xué)體系也就水到渠成了。 Say so, the crux of the problem lies, is to figure out what kind of person you are, this is clear, you are a set of philosophical system is on autopilot. 34、藝術(shù)家較之其他行業(yè)的人有一個(gè)有利的地方,他們不僅可以譏笑朋友們的性格和儀表,而且也可以嘲弄他們的著作。 Artist compared to other industry has a favorable place, they
17、 can not only mock the character of friends and instrumentation, and can also make fun of their works. 35、他們將在望得見大海的地方租一幢小房子,眺望著打眼前駛過的一艘艘大輪船,目送它們駛向那些他永遠(yuǎn)到不了的地方。 They will be in sight to see the sea to rent a small house, overlooking the front of the drill passing aboard a great ship, watched them tow
18、ards the place that he can never get to. 36、我害怕魅力太多的人,他們把你吞沒,最后,你成了他們施展魅惑才能與虛情假意的祭品。我要的,是令我專注的東西。 I m afraid of too much charm, they swallow you up. Finally, you became them to display their charm and false offerings. What I want is something to focus on. 37、今年的我們已與去年不同,我們的愛人亦是如此。如果變化中的我們依舊愛著那個(gè)變化中的人
19、,這可真是個(gè)令人欣喜的意外。 This year we have been different from last year, our love is so. If we are still in love with the change in the people, this is really a happy accident. 38、我那時(shí)還不了解人性多么矛盾,我不知道真摯中含有多少做作,高尚中蘊(yùn)藏著多少卑鄙,或者,即使在邪惡里也找得著美德。 I still do not understand how contradictory human nature, I do not know h
20、ow many of the true nature of the nature, noble, or how many of the mean, or even in the evil can not find a virtue. 39、正如一個(gè)假內(nèi)行有時(shí)也會(huì)感覺到自己是在無中生有地偽造某件器物的精神價(jià)值一樣,人們已經(jīng)失掉了他們用之過濫的鑒賞能力。 As a snob who sometimes feel that they are out of thin air forged a piece of artifacts of spiritual values, people have los
21、t their excessive appreciation ability. 40、時(shí)間,正因?yàn)樗钥v即逝,時(shí)間,正因?yàn)樗蝗ゲ环?,所以它是世間最珍貴的財(cái)富,而虛擲光陰則是可以令人縱情其中的最精美的消遣。 Time because it is fleeting, time because it is gone, so it is the most precious wealth in the world and the imaginary time throwing is a revel in the most exquisite pastime. 41、將來會(huì)怎么樣,我根本不會(huì)考慮。要是成
22、天想著今天,愁著明天,生活還有什么意思呢就是事情糟到無可再糟的地步,我想總還是有路可走的。 What will happen in the future, I don t think about it at all. If all day thinking about today, worry about tomorrow, what do you mean Is that things are so bad that no worse, I think there is always a way to go. 42、他又懦弱又虛榮,他虛榮得叫你總是得小心翼翼不要傷害了他的感情。他把自己的游手
23、好閑同理想主義混為一談,以至于他自己都不能將兩者區(qū)別開來。 He was weak and vain, and he was so vain that you always have to be careful not to hurt his feelings. He put his idleness with idealism confused, that he would not be able to distinguish between the two. 43、在這冷漠的世界上,無法躲避的邪惡始終包圍著我們,從搖籃直到墳?zāi)?,?duì)此,善雖然算不上是一種挑戰(zhàn)或者一種回應(yīng),但卻是我們自身獨(dú)立性
24、的一種證明。 In this cold world, unable to escape the evil always surrounds us, from the cradle to the grave. In this regard, good is a challenge or a response, although not, but it is our own independent a prove. 44、美麗是上帝賜予的禮物,最罕有、最珍貴的禮物。如果我們幸運(yùn)地?fù)碛忻利?,就?yīng)該心懷感激。如果我們沒有,那么就應(yīng)該感謝別人的美給我們帶來了愉悅。 Beauty is the gift
25、of God, the most rare, the most precious gift. If we are lucky to have beauty, we should be grateful. If we do not, then we should appreciate the beauty of others to bring us joy. 45、人降生世上,便受苦受難,最后雙目一閉,離世而去。生活沒有意義,人活著也沒有目的。出世還是不出世,活著還是死去,均無關(guān)緊要。生命微不足道,而死亡也無足輕重。 People born in the world, they suffer,
26、the last two eyes closed, died away. Life has no meaning, people have no purpose. To be or not to be, to live or die, does not matter. Life is insignificant, and death is nothing. 46、皈依能以不同的形態(tài)出現(xiàn),也可以通過不同的途徑實(shí)現(xiàn)。有些人通過激變,有如憤怒的激流把石塊一下子沖擊成粉末;另些人則由于日積月累,好像不斷的水滴,遲早要把石塊磨穿。 The conversion can occur in differen
27、t forms, and can be realized in different ways. Some people through the crisis, as the fury of a torrent. The stones are all of a sudden impact into powder; other people is due to the tip of the day, as if will continue to drop, sooner or later, to the stones worn out. 47、強(qiáng)權(quán)就是真理。世上沒有什么責(zé)任或者道義,就其本身來說,
28、所有的行為都一樣有理,唯一的道德標(biāo)準(zhǔn)就是國(guó)家利益。個(gè)人與國(guó)家之間達(dá)成約定:個(gè)人處于對(duì)自身利益的考慮按國(guó)家利益行事。 Might is the truth. There is no responsibility or moral, on its own, all the behavior is the same reason, the only moral standard is the national interest. Between individuals and the state to reach an agreement: the individual is in the interests of their own interests in accordance with national interests. 48、我知道我將會(huì)不得不讓自己對(duì)如此度過的一生感到心酸的悔恨,但是我否認(rèn)這悔恨同我自己有什么關(guān)系。我現(xiàn)在,身體虛弱,老態(tài)龍鐘,貧病交加,行將就木,可是還緊緊地把靈魂抓在我手里,我沒什么好悔恨的。 I know I will have to make their own to spend life feel sad regret, but I deny t
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