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1、nt.4lectricity li nes,equi pmenti nspecti ons,found hi dden i n time for rectificati on,mainte nance,a nd security. 9,do notuse anopen flame in thecla ssroom, prohibit bur ningst ove, lit ca ndl es, mosquito repellent,no smoking,and ba nni ng messywiri ng. Withoutusing a ny house hol d applia nces i

2、snot allowed. 10, live on campusfaculty mem bers, must lead byexample,a nd educatefamilies a ndchil drenrea dy to fire.11, house hol d useofgas i nschools,to master proper usage, payattention tot he leak -proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valve afterusetoensure security. 12, dining room mustbe

3、 qualifie d, andannual te stingof pressurevessels,t oregularly check,the cante enw orkers must becertified,stri ctlybyoperation operation,gastank and stove safetydista nceof1.5meters,toprevent accide nts. 13,the adverse conse quences c aused by ig noringfiresafety regulations,will be punishe d,until

4、investigate d for legalresponsibilit y.Song LinXiang Liu Jiaping eleme ntary school Mar ch2016 Xiang LiuJia ping el ementaryschool,pine slopes surrounding safetymanagementsystem 1 teacher s andstudents,the surroundingarea oftheschool g overna ncecover s per sonal and food hygie ne, cult ural events

5、a nd othera spe cts,i ntegratedgover nanceshallobtain wident.4lectricity li nes,equi pmenti nspecti ons,found hi dden i n time for rectificati on,mainte nance,a nd security. 9,do notuse anopen flame in thecla ssroom, prohibit bur ningst ove, lit ca ndl es, mosquito repellent,no smoking,and ba nni ng

6、 messywiri ng. Withoutusing a ny house hol d applia nces isnot allowed. 10, live on campusfaculty mem bers, must lead byexample,a nd educatefamilies a ndchil drenrea dy to fire.11, house hol d useofgas i nschools,to master proper usage, payattention tot he leak -proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closi

7、ng valve afterusetoensure security. 12, dining room mustbe qualifie d, andannual te stingof pressurevessels,t oregularly check,the cante enw orkers must becertified,stri ctlybyoperation operation,gastank and stove safetydista nceof1.5meters,toprevent accide nts. 13,the adverse conse quences c aused

8、by ig noringfiresafety regulations,will be punishe d,untilinvestigate d for legalresponsibilit y.Song LinXiang Liu Jiaping eleme ntary school Mar ch2016 Xiang LiuJia ping el ementaryschool,pine slopes surrounding safetymanagementsystem 1 teacher s andstudents,the surroundingarea oftheschool g overna

9、 ncecover s per sonal and food hygie ne, cult ural events a nd othera spe cts,i ntegratedgover nanceshallobtain wideIn order to e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecting student s healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost,t o preve ntorm inimize t he occurrenceofsafety a cci d

10、ents,fol lowt heprevent, re week,teachers are on dutysystem,e stablish a nd impr ovethe le adership val ues;strengt hent heeducati on,ma nagement ofteachi ng a ctivities in schoolstoe nsurenormalteachingorder;r esponsible forclosed,and re ported t othe localpeoplesGovernment,educati on, a nd rule of

11、law section.9,the schoolshould alwaysche ckthe i nternalwall s, retaini ngwalls, ponds, railings,handrails,doors, Wi ndows, staircasesand avariety ofsports,extracurrises princi ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal conditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,

12、schoolsecurity underthe leadershipof Pre side ntse curityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershipteam i s responsiblefor,implemene d cl ose conta ct anddistri ct police stations,ca nvassi ngsupportfromthe policestationon schoolsafetyand hel p.5, strengtheni ng teachersmorale ducation,

13、esta blish adedicate d love,im proving education quality,observethe studentspsychol ogical cha nges ata nytimeand takepreventiveme一 I -1 - Ld- L L - I -L |_|!I一一一 - 一 一 I 一 一 .|_. _ _ 一 II. . I L. M -hatteachers andstudent swork,lear n,live venuesand faciliti esare safeand reliable.Song Li n Xia ng

14、Li u Jiaping el ementaryschoolMarch 2016song LintationnXiang Li uJiapiofthe a ccountabilitysystem.2,asure s, no corporal punishmentaschoolmont hlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducation,educati onshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafety educationforst udents ofclassesperweekshouldbetargeted. o car

15、ryonemergency iss ues deali ng withe ducation in General,nd covert corporal puni shme nton students, student outofthe cla ssroom,schools maynot be.6, unitsor de partments use student Street pr opaganda orparti cipate i n the celebrations,as w ellas participating in other socialw ork,without aself-he

16、lpa ndmut ualrescue k nowledge. Emergencycalls (suchas 110,119,122,120,a nd so on) use commonsense ineppr ovalofthe Corre ctionalCe ntre,school pri nci pals conse nt,without orga nization.Wit houtthe a ppr ovalof relevantccordi ngto there quireme nts ofthe FireServices Act,s othateveryone hasof keep

17、i ng fire controlsafety,ducation.3,the establishme ntof majora ccident re porti ng system.Schoolstudents redepartme nts,may organi ze stude nts to participatein firefighting,disasterreliefand soport majoraccide ntwithi nan hourofe ducati on;student r unand disappeara nces toreport; re portofthe acci

18、de nttoa written re porti ntripli cate,acorrecti onal centre,a poli ce station,atownshippeoples Gover nment shall notconcealtheaccideon.7,school sshoul deducate studentst o obeythe school r ules and r egulations, ontime, ontime home to prevent a cci dent s.8, schooltoschooli nspecti ons on a r egula

19、rba sis,found hidde n in time,a nd insevere case s,it is hardto eliminateimmediately餐飲服務食品安全管理制度范本一、餐飲服務食品原料采購索證驗收登記制度一、食品采購員、驗收員要認真學習食品安全法律、法規(guī)、熟悉并掌握食品原料采購索證要求和相關(guān)食品安全知識。二、 采購食品要按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定向供貨方索取有關(guān)證照、產(chǎn)品的檢驗合格證或檢驗報告、購物憑證,并妥善保存,以備查驗。三、認真做好購進食品原料的驗收和臺帳登記工作,臺帳應如實記錄進貨時間、食品名稱、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、供貨商及其聯(lián)系方式等內(nèi)容,所購入的食品及原料須經(jīng)驗收員驗

20、收登記后方能使用。四、重點做好下列食品的索證、驗收、登記管理工作(一)米、面、食用油、調(diào)味品。(二)奶及奶制品、肉及肉制品、水產(chǎn)品。(三)食品添加劑。五、禁止采購以下食品及原料:(一)無檢驗合格證和產(chǎn)品準入標識的食品及原料。(二)腐敗變質(zhì)、有毒有害、摻雜摻假、混有異物或生霉牛蟲、感觀性狀異常及農(nóng)藥殘留超標的食品及原料。(三)無標識和標識不全、包裝材料破損的定型包裝食品。(四)超過保質(zhì)期限的食品及原料。(五)非定點屠宰企業(yè)屠宰的產(chǎn)品(豬、牛等)。六、采購的食品及原料在入庫前,庫管員應對其食品質(zhì)量情況進行感官檢查。(一)肉類:審核有無農(nóng)業(yè)部門檢疫合格證明,查驗胴體有無檢驗印章;(二) 定型包裝食品

21、:審核生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營單位的生產(chǎn)許可證是否在有效期限和許可范圍內(nèi), 檢驗合格證明和檢驗單是否為該批次產(chǎn)品的檢驗結(jié)果;核對包裝標識是否按規(guī)定表明產(chǎn)品、 產(chǎn)地、 廠名、 生產(chǎn)日期、批號或者代號、規(guī)格、 配方或者主要成分、保質(zhì)期限、食用或使用方法等:表明具有保健功能的食品,是否有衛(wèi)生部或國家食品藥品監(jiān)督管理局簽發(fā)的保健食品批準證書,標簽上是否有保健批號和標志;標識是否有 “食品添加劑”字樣; 進口食品是否有口岸進口食品監(jiān)督檢驗機構(gòu)和國家進出口商品檢驗部門的衛(wèi)生檢驗證明,是否有中文標識;(三)散裝食品:審核加工單位的生產(chǎn)許可證是否有效,檢查標簽是否按規(guī)定標明食品名稱、配料表、生產(chǎn)者和地址、生產(chǎn)日期、保質(zhì)期、保

22、存條件、食用方法等;support a ndfull cooperation ofthe community. Ont hesurr oundi ng environment i n schools should becl osely monitore d.2, schoolworkatthe same time, shoul d pay attenti onto t hesafetymanagementofschool enviro nment,shouldtake theinitiativetoconta ct the district police station,thevill age

23、Committee,Corr ectionalCentre, Tow nshi p gover nment, busi ness managementa nd otherdepartment stodoa goodjob management.3,tea cher on duty witht heexce ption ofinspecti ons inschool s,should alsopay attenti ontoe nvironmentalinspe ctionsnearthe campus, foundthatthejoble ss migrantsfrom ruralareas,

24、forexample,harassment of st udentsand avariety ofaccidents,a ccording t odifferentsituati ons reported school officialsor thepolicestation i n atimelymanne r,topr otect thesafetyofstudents.4,every day before school,teachers remind st ude nts,payattenti ontotraffic safety.5,should educate st ude ntst

25、orespe ctsocialethi cs,and vari ous regulations,maintai ning public orde r,and fight theba d guys,andgraspthecorrectwaysa nd means ofmaintainingand improvingstudent s self-careabilit y.6,t heestabl ishme ntofemergencyrescue teams ofteachers i nschool s,onhighal ertand deploye d.Song Lin Xia ng Liu J

26、ia pingel ementary schoolMar ch2016song Li nXiang Li uJiapi ng primary schoolteachers and st udents orga nizationsoutofsafetymanagementsystemorganizat on activiti esbetw een tea chers andstudents,t odrawupa pre cise plana nd security measure s mustbe signed bythe schoolofficials t o reviewthe progra

27、mme ofactiviti es agreed uponCorrecti onal Center agree dtoimpleme nt.Orga nization to thefiel d relatively faror activities require a pprovalby the DeputyDirect oroftheEducati on Burea u in chargeof se curit y.2, ea cha ctivity shoul d havea spe cific responsibilit y,payattenti on to t he per sonsa

28、ge, physicalmatch.Route 3, activities, location,field surveys should be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4,activitie s for themeansoftransportshould expla in the situationtothe schooltocomplywithvehicl e,safety requirements, beforethe li ne for repair s. 5,ea ch a ctivity must havesecurit y, emergency res

29、ponse pl an foraccide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, pi cni c to payattenti on tofire preve ntion,foodpoisoning ,preventi on offall accidents 7, t heactivitie sneart he rivers,reservoirs, nomeasures or do not meetthe securityrequirementsofthe Orga nization and notletstudents int othe waterlectricity li n

30、es,equi pmenti nspecti ons,found hi dden i n time for rectificati on,mainte nance,a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame in thecla ssroom, prohibit bur ningst ove, lit ca ndl es, mosquito repellent,no smoking,and ba nni ng messywiri ng. Withoutusing a ny house hol d applia nces isnot allowed. 10

31、, live on campusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,a nd educatefamilies a ndchil drenrea dy to fire.11, house hol d useofgas i nschools,to master pr oper usage, payatt entiontot he leak -proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valve afterusetoensure security. 12, dining room mustbe qualifie d, anda

32、nnual te stingof pressurevessels,t oregularly check,the cante enw orkers must becertified,stri ctlybyoperation operation,gastank and stove safetydista nceof1.5meters,toprevent accide nts. 13,the adverse conse quences causedbyig noringfiresafety regulations,will be punishe d,untilinvestigate d for le

33、galresponsibilit y.Song LinXiang Liu Jiaping eleme ntary schoolMar ch2016 Xiang LiuJia ping el ementaryschool,pine slopes surrounding safetymanagementsystem 1 teacher s andstudents,the surroundingarea oftheschool g overna ncecover s per sonal and food hygie ne, cult ural events a nd othera spe cts,i

34、 ntegratedgover nanceshallobtain widelectricity li nes,equi pmenti nspecti ons,found hi dden i n time for rectificati on,mainte nance,a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame in thecla ssroom, prohibit bur ningst ove, lit ca ndl es, mosquito repellent,no smoking,and ba nni ng messywiri ng. Without

35、using a ny house hol d applia nces isnot allowed. 10, live on campusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,a nd educatefamilies a ndchil drenrea dy to fire.11, house hol d useofgas i nschools,to master pr oper usage, payatt entiontot he leak -proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valve afterusetoensu

36、re security. 12, dining room mustbe qualifie d, andannual te stingof pressurevessels,t oregularly check,the cante enw orkers must becertified,stri ctlybyoperation operation,gastank and stove safetydista nceof1.5meters,toprevent accide nts. 13,the adverse conse quences causedbyig noringfiresafety reg

37、ulations,will be punishe d,untilinvestigate d for legalresponsibilit y.Song LinXiang Liu Jiaping eleme ntary schoolMar ch2016 Xiang LiuJia ping el ementaryschool,pine slopes surrounding safetymanagementsystem 1 teacher s andstudents,the surroundingarea oftheschool g overna ncecover s per sonal and f

38、ood hygie ne, cult ural events a nd othera spe cts,i ntegratedgover nanceshallobtain wideIn order to e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecting student s healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost ,to preve ntorminimizet he occurrenceofsafety a cci dents,fol lowt heprevent, re s

39、cueea ch other,ensure safetyand reducelosses princi ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocalconditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,schoolsecurity underthe leadershipof Pre side ntse curityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershipteam i s respo

40、nsiblefor,implementation ofthe a ccounta bilitysystem.2, schoolmont hlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducation,educati onshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafety education forst udents ofclassesperweekshouldbetargeted. o carryonemergency issuesdeali ng withe ducation in General,self-helpa ndmut ua

41、lrescue k nowledge. Emergencycalls (suchas 110,119,122,120,a nd so on) use commonsense ineducation.3,the establishme ntof majora ccident re porti ng system.Schoolstudents report majoraccide ntwithi nan hourofe ducati on;student r unand disappeara nces toreport; re portofthe accide nttoa written re p

42、orti ntripli cate,acorrecti onal centre,a poli ce station,atownshippeoples Gover nment shall notconcealtheaccide nt.4week,teachers are on dutysystem,e stablish a nd impr ovethe le adership val ues;strengt hent heeducati on,ma nagement ofteachi ng a ctivities in schoolstoe nsurenormalteachingorder;r

43、esponsible for schoolsafetyleadershi p always maintai ne d cl ose conta ct anddistri ct police stations,ca nvassi ngsupportfromthe policestationon schoolsafetyand hel p.5, strengtheni ng teachersmorale ducation,esta blish adedicate d love,im proving education quality,observethe studentspsychol ogica

44、l cha nges ata nytimeand takepreventivemeasure s, no corporal punishmentand covert corporal puni shme nton students, student outofthe cla ssroom,schools maynot be.6, unitsor de partments use student Street pr opaganda orparti cipate i n the celebrations,as w ellas partici pating in other socialw ork

45、,without a ppr ovalofthe Corre ctionalCe ntre,school pri nci pals conse nt,without orga nization.Wit houtthe a ppr ovalof relevant departme nts,may organi ze stude nts to participatein firefighting,disasterreliefand so on.7,school sshoul deducate studentst o obeythe school r ules and r egulations, o

46、ntime, ontime home to prevent a ccident s.8, schooltoschooli nspecti ons on a r egularba sis,fou nd hidde n in time,a nd insevere case s,it is hardto eliminateimmediatelyclosed,a nd re ported t othe localpeoplesGovernment,educati on, a nd rule oflaw se ction.9,the schoolshoul d always che ckthe i nt

47、ernalwall s, retaini ng walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Wi ndows, staircase sand avariety ofsports,extracurricul ar activities,facilities such asfiresafety, infrastructure security, unsafefacility to immediately repairand demolitiontoensurethatteachers andstudentswork,lear n,live v enuesa

48、nd faciliti esare safeand reliable.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jiaping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016song Li nXi ang LiuJiapi ng primaryschoolfiresafety systemsto enhancefiresafety,protecti on of public pr opertya nd thelifeand propertysafety of teachers and students, schoolfiresafetyinto day-t o-daymanagem

49、ent,i s devel opi ngthefoll owing firesafetysystem.1,strengthen fire safety education ofthe whole school.Accordi ngto there quireme nts ofthe FireServi ces Act,so that everyonehasof keepi ng fire controlsafety,protecti ngfirecontrolfacilities,fire prevention, reports offire(四)農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品等非定型包裝食品及原料;審核供貨合同,

50、檢查有無腐爛變質(zhì)、霉變、生蟲、污穢不潔、混有異物或感官性狀異常,如有上訴問題,不簽收、不入庫。七、索證時要有相關(guān)資料,驗收記錄不得涂改、偽造,保存期不得少于食品使用完畢后 2 年。二、餐飲服務從業(yè)人員健康檢查制度一、餐飲服務從業(yè)人員每年必須進行健康檢查。二、食品安全管理人員負責組織本單位的健康體檢工作,建立從業(yè)人員衛(wèi)生檔案,督促“五病”人員調(diào)離崗位,并對從業(yè)人員健康狀況進行日常監(jiān)督管理。三、餐飲服務從業(yè)人員每年參加一次體檢,每年到期前一個月參加健康復查,不得超期使用健康證明。四、新參加工作的從業(yè)人員、實習工、實習學生必須取得健康證明后上崗,杜絕先上崗后體檢的情況發(fā)生。凡忠有痢疾、傷寒、 病毒性

51、肝炎等消化道傳染病以及其他有礙食品安全疾病的,不得參加直接入口食品的餐飲服務工作。定期檢查從業(yè)人員持證上崗情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)無有效健康證明者,交食品藥品監(jiān)督部門按有關(guān)法律法規(guī)處理。三、餐飲服務從業(yè)人員食品安全知識培訓管理制一、從事餐飲服務從業(yè)人員必須在接受食品安全法律法規(guī)和食品安全知識培訓并經(jīng)考核合格后,方可從事餐飲服務工作。二、認真執(zhí)行培訓計劃,在食品藥品監(jiān)督部門的指導下定期組織管理人員、從業(yè)人員參加食品安全知識、職業(yè)道德和法律、法規(guī)的培訓以及食品安全操作技能培訓。三、餐飲服務從業(yè)人員的培訓包括負責人、管理人員和餐飲服務從業(yè)人員,初次培訓時間分別不得少于20、50、15 課時。四、新參加工作的餐飲服

52、務從業(yè)人員包括實習工、實習生必須經(jīng)過培訓、考核合support a ndfull cooperation ofthe community. Ont hesurr oundi ng environment i n schools should becl osely monitore d.2, schoolworkatthe same time, shoul d pay attenti onto t hesafetymanagementofschool environment,should takethe initiative toconta ct the district police stat

53、ion,thevill ageCommittee,Corr ectionalCentre, Tow nshi p gover nment, busi ness managementa nd otherdepartment stodoa goodjob management.3,tea cher on duty witht heexce ption ofinspecti onsin school s,should alsopay attenti ontoe nvironmentalinspe ctionsnearthe campus, foundthatthejoble ss migrantsf

54、rom ruralareas,forexample,harassment of st udentsand avariety ofaccidents,a ccording t odifferentsituati ons reported school officialsor th e police stati on i n atimelymanne r,topr otect thesafetyofstudents.4,every day before school,teachers remind st udents, payattenti ontotraffic safety.5,should

55、educate st ude ntstorespe ctsocialethi cs,and vari ous regulations,maintai ning public orde r,and fight theba d guys,andgraspthecorrectwaysa nd means ofmaintainingand improving student s self -careabilit y.6,t heestabl ishme ntofemergencyrescue teams ofteachers i nschool s,onhighal ertand deploye d.

56、Song Lin Xia ng Liu Jia pingel ementary schoolMar ch2016song Li nXiang Li uJiapi ng primary schoolteachers and st udents orga nizationsoutofsafetymanagementsystemorganizati on activiti esbetw een tea chers andstudents,t odrawupa pre cise plana nd security measure s mustbe signed bythe schoolofficial

57、s t o reviewthe programme ofactiviti es agreed uponCorrecti onal Center agree dtoimpleme nt.Orga nization to thefiel d relatively faror activities require a pprovalby the DeputyDirect oroftheEducati on Burea u inchargeofse curit y.2, ea cha ctivity shoul d havea spe cific responsibilit y,payattenti

58、on to t he per sonsage, physicalmatch.Route 3, activities,location,fieldsurveysshould be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4,activitie s for themeansoftransportshould explain the situation to theschoolto complywith vehicl e,safety requirements,beforethe li ne for repair s. 5,ea ch a ctivity must havesecuri

59、t y, emergency response pl an foraccide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, pi cni c to payattenti on tofire preve ntion,foodpoisoning ,preventi on offall accidents 7, t heactivitie sneart he rivers,reservoirs, nomeasures or do not meetthe securityrequirementsofthe Orga nization and notletstudents int othe wa

60、ternsure security. 12, dining roommustbe qualified, andannual te stingof pressurevessels,toregularly check,the cante enw orkers muston inschool s,onhighal ertand deploye d.Song Lin Xia ng Liu Jia pingel ementary schoolMarnsure security. 12, dining roommustbe qualified, andannual te stingof pressurev


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


