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1、PAGE PAGE 29Globaal inntegrratioon annd thhe intrra-urrban deteerminnantss of foreeign direect iinvesstmennt inn Shaanghaai全球一體化化和上海外外商直接投投資的城市市內決定因因素Jiapiing WWu *, Iann Raddbonee Schoool oof Naaturaal annd Buuilt Enviironmment, Uniiverssity of SSouthh Ausstrallia, Austtraliia吳家坪*,伊伊恩紅石 自然與建建筑環(huán)境學學院

2、,南澳澳大學,澳澳大利亞The ow oof caapitaal beetweeen ciitiess hass shaaped bothh thee gloobal urbaan neetworrk annd thhe innternnal sstruccturee of citiies. Chinnese citiies hhave attrracteed a subsstanttial amouunt aand vvarieety oof fooreiggn diirectt invvestmment (FDII) inn thee passt twwo deecadees. TThe

3、iintraa-urbban ddistrributtion of FFDI aand tthe llocattion of xed asseets hhave beenn siggnicantt in theiir reestruucturring. Thiis paaper inveestiggatess thee cauuses and conssequeencess of diffferennt paatterrns oof FDDI wiithinn Chiinesee citties usinng Shhanghhai aas a casee stuudy. 資金金在城市之之間的流

4、動動已經形成成全球城市市網絡和城城市的內部部結構。中中國城市在在過去的二二十年里吸吸引了大量量的多種多多樣的外國國直接投資資(FDII)。城市市內分布的的外國直接接投資和固固定資產在在他們的重重組中作用用顯著。本本文利用上上海作為個個案研究中中國城市內內的不同的的外國直接接投資模式式的原因和和后果。Introoducttion簡介Globaal caapitaal moovemeentas bboth a caausattive and conssequeentiaal feeaturre off ecoonomiic glloballisattion hass emeergedd as an

5、 iinuenttial facttor oof urrban growwth. The attrractiion oof fooreiggn diirectt invvestmment (FDII) iss a ppromiinentt feaaturee of Chinnas mmarkeet-orrientted eeconoomic refoorms and the mainn vehhiclee of Chinnas gglobaal inntegrratioon, wwhichh hass beeen siignicantt in motiivatiing uurbann plaa

6、nninng annd reeshapping urbaan grrowthh. Muuch hhas bbeen writtten abouut thhe sppatiaal immpactts off FDII on the Chinnese urbaan syystemm andd thee repposittioniing oof Chhinesse ciitiess andd reggionss in the globbal eeconoomy. Howeever, ressearcch too datte haas iggnoreed thhe diifferrent pattte

7、rnss of FDI withhin CChineese ccitiees. 全全球資本流流動,同時時作為經濟濟全球化間間接的特征征或原因,已已經成為城城市發(fā)展的的影響因素素。外國直直接投資(FFDI)的的吸引力是是中國市場場為導向的的經濟改革革和中國的的全球一體體化,這一一直是推動動城市規(guī)劃劃和重塑城城市增長顯顯著的主力力車型的一一個突出特特點。很多多人都寫了了關于外國國直接投資資對中國城城市體系與與中國的城城市和地區(qū)區(qū)在全球經經濟中的重重新定位的的全方位影影響。然而而,對數據據的研究忽忽視了中國國城市里不不同模式的的FDI。The gglobaal inntegrratioon off

8、devvelopping counntriees haas beeen ddominnatedd by theiir laarge citiies. For exammple, thee majjoritty off forreignn invvestmment has conccentrratedd in the primmate citiies oof moost AAsiann couuntriies, due to ssubsttantiial ccommuunicaationn andd traanspoortattion advaantagges, largge laabourr

9、andd connsumpptionn marrketss andd othher llocall advvantaages of tthesee citties (Fucchs aand PPerniia, 11989). Whhile Chinnas gglobaal inntegrratioon coommennced withh thee esttabliishmeent oof Sppeciaal Ecconommic ZZoness (SEEZs) on iits eeconoomic and poliiticaal peeriphhery, thee exttra llargee

10、 citties in tthe ccoasttal zzone havee sinnce bbecomme doominaant. 發(fā)發(fā)展中國家家的全球一一體化已由由他們的大大城市所主主導。 例如,由由于通訊和和交通的顯顯著優(yōu)勢,大大量的勞動動力和消費費市場以及及這些城市市的其他地地方優(yōu)勢(福福斯和佩尼尼亞,19989),外外國投資大大部分集中中在亞洲大大多數國家家的首位城城市。而中中國的全球球化整合以以在其經濟濟和政治的的邊緣建立立特別經濟濟區(qū)(特區(qū)區(qū))為開端端,在沿海海地區(qū)特大大城市已經經成為主導導。Shangghai is tthe llargeest ccity in CChinaa

11、, wiith aa lonng hiistorry annd diifferrent histtoriccal llayerrs off urbban ddevellopmeent. Desiignatted aas onne off Coaastall Opeen Ciitiess (COOCs) in 11984, it was chossen aas a briddgeheead tto inntegrrate the deltta annd vaalleyy of Yanggtze Riveer wiith tthe gglobaal maarkett in 19900. VVari

12、oous sspatiial aand eeconoomic meassuress havve beeen iimpleementted tto atttracctFDI iinto the cityy.It has channged subsstanttiallly wiith tthe pproliiferaationn of FDI. In addiitionn to re-eestabblishhing Shannghaiis poositiion iin thhe glloball ecoonomyy, itt hass resstrucctureed thhe ciity iin

13、soociall andd spaatiall terrms. Mosst drramattic hhas bbeen the creaationn of Pudoong NNew AArea, wheere aa neww citty skkylinne haas beeen ccreatted oover the pastt deccade. Usiing SShangghai as aa casse sttudy, thiis paaper offeers aan annalyssis oof inntra-urbaan paatterrns oof FDDI. 上上海是中國國最大的城城

14、市,有著著悠久的歷歷史和城市市發(fā)展的不不同歷史層層次。它于于19844年被指定定作為一個個沿海開放放城市(CCOCs),11990年年它被選為為橋頭整合合長江三角角洲和山谷谷與全球市市場。 各各種各樣的的的空間和和經濟的措措施已經實實施,以吸吸引FDII注入這個個城市。隨隨著FDII的增殖,他他已改變了了許多。除除了重新建建立上海在在全球經濟濟中的地位位,它在社社會和空間間層面也重組了這這個城市。最引人注注目的是浦浦東新區(qū)的的創(chuàng)立,在在過去的十十年一個新新的城市天天際線已經經建立。本本文的研究究以上海為為例,提出出了FDII的城市內內的分析模模式。We beegin withh a bbrie

15、ff criiticaal evvaluaationn of two decaades of rreseaarch on uurbann traansfoormattion and the growwth oof fooreiggn diirectt invvestmment.Thessetwo ppersppectiives thenn connvergge onn thee intternaationnal ddevellopmeent ppath, inttegraatingg thee mottivess forr difffereent ttypess of FDI withh th

16、ee devveloppmentt staages of rrecippientts. SSectiion tthreee exaaminees Chhinass strrateggies to aattraact FFDI aand cconseequennt urrban growwth. Secttion fourr foccusess on the struucturral ccharaacterristiics oof Shhanghhai, and in ppartiiculaar onn inttra-uurbann difffereencess in the growwth o

17、of FDDI thhere. Emppiriccal mmodells baased on tthe cconceeptuaal frramewwork estaablisshed in ssectiion ttwo aare eemplooyed to eexamiine tthe FFDI ddistrributtion amonng Shhanghhais urbaan diistriicts, as welll as thatt devvotedd to servvicess andd to manuufactturinng. 我們以一個個對二十年年來城市轉轉型研究增增長和外商商直接

18、投資資的一個簡簡短的批判判性評價為為開端。這這兩種觀點點現在收斂斂于國際發(fā)發(fā)展道路,結結合不同類類型的FDDI的動機機,隨著接接受者的不不同發(fā)展階階段。第三三部分探討討中國吸引引外商直接接投資的策策略和隨之之而來的城城市發(fā)展。第四部分分聚焦于海海的結構特特征,特別別是在外商商直接投資資的增長的的城市內的的差異。在在第二部分分中以概念念框架為基基礎的實證證模型被用用來檢查上上海城市區(qū)區(qū)域間FDDI的分布布,以及專專門的服務務和制造業(yè)業(yè)。FDI, urbaanisaationn andd inttra-uurbann loccatioon dyynamiics外商直接投投資,城市市化和城市市內的位

19、置置動態(tài)The ggrowtth off FDII hass outtpaceed thhe grrowthh of inteernattionaal trrade sincce thhe 19960s. Traansnaationnal ccapittal mmovemment has becoome tthe mmain vehiicle of eeconoomic globbalissatioon annd haas loockedd toggetheer ecconommies acrooss tthe wworldd. A key elemment in uunderrstanndi

20、ngg thiis haas beeen tthe nnotioon thhat ggrowtth inn thee perripheery wwas ddepenndentt on tradde annd fooreiggn caapitaal frrom ddevellopedd couuntriies.DDepenndenccy thheoryy wass reffinedd by an iinfluuentiial cconceeptuaal innnovaationn, thhe Neew Innternnatioonal Diviisionn of Laboour. Finnanc

21、iial ffuncttionss, heeadquuarteers oof muultinnatioonal comppaniees (MMNCs), reesearrch & devveloppmentt (R&D) aand ootherr higgh leevelss of servvicess werre inncreaasinggly cconceentraated in aa feww iinfluuentiial nnodess in the deveelopeed woorld whille thhe moore uunskiilledd mannufaccturiing w

22、was ttranssferrred eextennsiveely tto deeveloopingg couuntriies Idenntifyying the funcctionns asssignned tto ciitiess in the new inteernattionaal diivisiion oof laabourr andd thee connsequuent struucturral cchangges iin ciitiess hass beeen a growwing phennomennon iin urrban studdies. A key featture

23、has beenn thee reiintrooducttion of tthe nnotioon off thee worrld oor glloball citty (ssee FFrieddmannn, 19986; Sasssen, 19911, 20000; Kingg, 19990; Abu-Lughhod, 19955; Beeaverrstocck et aal., 19999; Taaylorr et al., 20002). 自自上世紀660年代外外商直接投投資的增長長超過了國國際貿易的的增長??缈鐕Y本流流動已成為為經濟全球球化的主要要載體,并并把全球經經濟凝聚在在一起。

24、 理解這個個的一個關關鍵因素是是外圍的增增長依賴于于貿易和來來自發(fā)達國國家的外國國資本。依依附理論是是由一個有有影響力的的概念創(chuàng)新新提煉而成成,新國際際勞動分工工。金融功功能,跨國國公司(MMNCs)總總部,研發(fā)發(fā)(R&DD)和其他他高水平的的服務越來來越集中于于一些有影影響力的節(jié)節(jié)點在發(fā)達達國家,然然而更多的的非技術的的制造業(yè)向向發(fā)展中國國家大量轉轉移。確定定指定的新新國際勞動動分工的城城市功能和和城市帶來來的結構性性變化已成成為城市研研究中的一一個日益凸凸顯的現象象。一個關關鍵的特點點是世界和和全球城市市的概念的的引入(參參見弗里德德曼,19986;11991,22000;Sasssen,

25、王王,19990;路哥哥德,19995beeaverrstocck等人。,19999;泰勒勒等人,22002)。The gglobaal ciity cconceept iis baased on tthe aassummptioon off a ttop ddown proccess of gglobaalisaationn thaat leeads to tthe ddecliine oof thhe naationn-staate, and to aan innternnatioonal poliiticaal ecconommy goovernned bby ecconommic aa

26、ctorrs, ppartiiculaarly MNCss. TThe eeconoomic orgaanisaationn of natiionall staates is, in ppart, takken oover by bbordeerlesss, ccyberr andd mulltiplles-bbasedd ecoonomiies (Ohmaae, 11995, 20001) .(Ohmmae,11995,22001)。Thiss ineexoraably trannsforrms llocallitiees byy dissconnnectiing tthem fromm t

27、heeir tties to nnatioon-sttatess andd plaace-mmakinng prractiices (Smiith, 20011). UUrbann traansfoormattion occuurs, accoordinng too thee dicctatees off extternaal ecconommic fforcees, tthat streetch simiilar econnomicc, cuulturral aand ppolitticall acttivitties acrooss tthe gglobee(Shoort aand YYe

28、ongg-Hyuun, 11999). Whhile the globbal ccity apprroachh hass proovideed soome vvaluaable insiightss intto thhe foorcess shaapingg urbbanizzatioon att thee maccro llevell, inn parrticuular at gglobaal annd naationnal llevells, iit haas beeen ccritiiciseed foor iggnoriing ttendeenciees toowardd hetter

29、oggeneoous oor loocallly orrganiised spattial diviisionns off labbor (Whitte, 11997aa,b). To Cox (19997), for exammple, cappitall is not as mmobille ass is claiimed. Forreignn firrms nneed to bbe loocateed inn speecifiic pllacess forr a vvarieety oof reeasonns annd, tto thhis eend , loccal uurbann p

30、laannerrs wiill hhave leveeragee in shapping the formm of thatt invvestmment. Allso, the apprroachh is too focuused on sspeciific actiivitiiessuchh as CBD baseed fiinancceand cannnot nnecesssariily bbe geeneraaliseed too othher ssectoors oof caapitaal, oor too othher ppartss of the cityy. Thhe deeba

31、tee hass inccreassinglly leed too thee unddersttandiing oof thhe glloball urbban ssysteem ass a nnetwoork rratheer thhan aa pyrramidd. Thhe esssencce off gloobal econnomicc forrce iispoweer toorathher tthan poweer ovver (Tayllor eet all., 22002). BBorjaa andd Casstellls (11997, p. 23) conccludee tha

32、at thhe glloball citty issNott Neww Yorrk, LLondoon orr Tokkyo, evenn if theyy aree thee mosst immporttant manaageriial ccentrres oof thhe syystemm. TThe gglobaal ciity iis a netwwork of uurbann noddes, at ddiffeeringg levvels and withh diffferiing ffuncttionss, thhat sspreaads oover the entiire ppl

33、aneet annd fuunctiions as tthe nnervee cenntre of tthe nnew eeconoomy, in aan innteraactivve syystemm of variiablee geoometrry too whiich ccompaaniess andd citties mustt connstanntly and exibbly aadaptt. 全全球城市的的概念是基基于一個自自頂向下的的導致民族族國家衰落落的全球化化進程的假假設,以及及被經濟主主體操縱的的國際政治治經濟,特特別是跨國國公司。 民族國家家的經濟組組織,部分分來說,由由

34、無國界的的多重基礎礎經濟體和和多網絡所所接管。這無情地地變換在于于切斷他們們與國家和和地方的決決策行為的的聯系(史史密斯,22001)。根據外部部經濟力量量的支配,城城市改造發(fā)發(fā)生在全球球類似的經經濟,文化化和政治活活動的延伸伸 (Shhort and Yeonng-Hyyun, 19999)。而全全球城市的的道路在宏宏觀層面上上為塑造城城市化的力力量提供了了一些有價價值的見解解,尤其是是在全球和和國家層面面,它一直直被批評為為忽視向異異構或局部部組織的空空間勞動分分工的傾向向(Whiite, 19977a,b)。例如,考考克斯(11997),資資本不是像像聲稱的那那樣流動。外國公司司必須位于


36、中樞,在在可變的互互動系統(tǒng)中中,企業(yè)和和城市必須須不斷地靈靈活地適應應。Econoomic globbalissatioon, aas a formm of sociial, econnomicc, cuulturral aand, in ppartiiculaar, uurbann devveloppmentt, haas beeen eessenntiallly iimpleementted bby thhe ow oof FDDI, aand ffacillitatted bby prrogreess iin trranspportaationn andd infformaationn

37、tecchnollogiees. TThe ggenerratioon off cappitall in somee citties and its absoorptiion iin ottherss hass shaaped the globbal uurbann nettworkk. Thhe ow oof diifferrent typees off cappitall is alsoo siggnicantt in the inteernall resstruccturiing oof ciitiess. Exxplannatioons oof thhe ecconommic ffun

38、cttion and spattial patttern of aa citty wiill rresorrt too itss rellatioonshiip wiith tthe ccapittal ows of tthe eexpanndingg gloobal econnomy. Theerefoore, studdies of iintraa-urbban ppatteerns of FFDIwhatt typpes oof FDDI arre loocateed whhereis ffundaamenttal tto ann unddersttandiing oof thhe ur

39、rban sociial aand sspatiial ttranssformmatioons tthat resuult ffrom econnomicc gloobaliisatiion. 經經濟全球化化,作為社社會、經濟濟、文化特特別是城市市發(fā)展的一一種形式,已已基本上是是由外國直直接投資實實現的,并并在交通和和信息技術術的進步中中得到便利利。在一些些城市產生生的資本及及其在其他他地方所吸吸收的資本本塑造了全全球城市網網絡。不同同類型的資資本流動在在城市內部部的重組也也十分顯著著。經濟功功能和城市市空間格局局的解釋將將訴諸其與與不斷擴大大的全球經經濟的資本本流動關系系。因此,城城市內的外

40、外國直接投投資的模式式的研究,什什么類型的的外國直接接投資位于于何處,是是理解由經經濟全球化化引起的城城市社會和和空間轉型型的基礎。Narulla annd Duunninng (22000) furrtherr divvidedd thee loccatioonal advaantagges oof hoost ccounttriess intto ve sttagess, baased mainnly oon thheir deveelopmment charracteeristtics, andd divvidedd mottivess forr FDII intto foour ppa

41、tteerns: natturall ressourcce-seeekinng, mmarkeet-seeekinng, eefcienncy-sseekiing aand sstrattegicc assset-sseekiing FFDI. An iinvesstmennt deeveloopmennt paath wwas ppropoosed to iidenttify and evalluatee thee linnkagees beetweeen mootivees, kkindss of FDI and the econnomicc strructuures of tthe rr

42、ecippientts. TThey sugggesteed thhat ddiffeerentt pattternns off FDII wouuld ttend to ooccurr at diffferennt loocatiions, corrresppondiing tto thhe sttage at wwhichh thee reccipieents weree on the inveestmeent ddevellopmeent ppath. NARULLA和鄧寧寧(20000)進一一步把東道道國的區(qū)位位優(yōu)勢劃分分為五個階階段,主要要是根據其其發(fā)展特點點來劃分的的,并把外外國直

43、接投投資劃分為為為四種模模式:尋求求自然資源源型FDII,尋求市市場型FDDI,尋求求效率型FFDI和尋尋求戰(zhàn)略資資產型FDDI。 一一種投資發(fā)發(fā)展路徑被被提出用于于確認和評評估動機、不同形式式外國直接接投資和受受助人的經經濟結構之之間的關系系。他們認認為不同模模式的外國國直接投資資往往會發(fā)發(fā)生在不同同的位置,對對應于受助助人的投資資發(fā)展路徑徑的不同階階段。The iimporrtancce off Jappanesse FDDI annd itts diistriibutiion iin Assia-PPacic haave bbeen inteensivvely studdied and

44、disttilleed innto tthe fflyinng geeese modeel (RRiedeel, 11995; Hattch aand YYamammura, 19996; EEdginngtonn andd Hayyter, 20000). Lo aand MMarcootulllio (19999) reeportted tthat the histtoriccal ppatteern oof reegionnal eeconoomic deveelopmment withhin EEast and Soutth Eaast AAsia was relaated to tt

45、hreee wavves oof sppatiaal cooncenntrattion of JJapannese FDI. Thee firrst wwave focuused on tthe rreloccatioon off Jappans laabor-inteensivve maanufaacturring induustriies tto offfshoore ssitess in Newlly Inndusttriallizedd Ecoonomiies (NIEss) duuringg thee 19660s aand 11970ss; thhe seecondd occcur

46、reed inn thee 19770s aand 11980ss, whhen JJapann divvesteed liight induustriies (in wwhichh it no llong heldd a ccompaaratiive aadvanntagee) too thee NIEEs. TThe NNIEs folllowedd Jappan aand bbecamme thhe soourcees off labbour inteensivve maanufaacturring FDI for ASEAAN coountrries. Thee thiird wwav

47、e occuurredd aftter tthe mmid-11980ss andd cenntredd on Chinna. 日本的外外國直接投投資及其在在亞太地區(qū)區(qū)分配的重重要性已被被廣泛研究究,并提煉煉成了雁行行模式(里里德爾,11995;哈奇和山山村,19996;埃埃和艾泰,22000)。Lo和MMarcootulllio(11999)報報指出中東東亞和東南南亞的區(qū)域域經濟發(fā)展展的歷史模模式和三波波集中的日日本FDII相關。第第一波集中中于20世世紀60年年代和700年代日本本的勞動力力密集型制制造業(yè)搬遷遷到境外新新興工業(yè)化化經濟體(NNIEs);第二次發(fā)發(fā)生在200世紀700年代和8

48、80年代,當當日本的剝剝離輕工業(yè)業(yè)(在它沒沒有長期持持有的比較較優(yōu)勢)的的新興工業(yè)業(yè)化經濟體體。新興工工業(yè)化經濟濟體效仿日日本,成為為東盟國家家的勞動密密集型制造造業(yè)FDII的來源。第三波發(fā)發(fā)生在200世紀800年代中期期,以中國國為中心。Chinaas glloball inttegraationn andd urbban ggrowtth paatterrns中國的全球球一體化與與城市增長長模式The iintrooducttion of mmarkeet-orrientted eeconoomic refoorms at tthe eend oof thhe 19970s triggge

49、reed a channge aand pproviided pathhs foor FDDI too pennetraate iinto Chinna. IIts oopennness has coinncideed wiith tthe ttranssfer of mmanuffactuuringg acttivitties fromm devvelopped ccounttriess to deveelopiing ccounttriess. SSincee 19779, aand eespecciallly inn thee 19990s, Chinna haas abbsorbbed

50、 aa hugge ammountt of FDI in aabsollute termms. PPlaceed onn thee perripheery oof thhe woorld as aa follloweer gooose in AAsia, Chiinas FDDI haas beeen ddominnatedd by manuufactturinng frrom NNIEs, andd connfineed too govvernmment-desiignatted aareass. Chhinesse sttrateegiess of globbal iinteggratii

51、on sstartted ffrom the prommulgaationn of the Sinoo-forreignn Equual JJointt Vennturee Laww in 19799 andd thee esttabliishmeent oof foour SSEZs in GGuanggdongg andd Fujjian provvincees inn 19880. TThe pperiood 1997919833 saww thee firrst iinfloow off Sinno-fooreiggn Eqqual Joinnt Veenturres, almoost

52、 aall llocatted iin thhe foour SSEZs. Thee opeen dooor ppoliccy waas thhen eextennded to tthe ddesiggnatiion oof foourteeen CCOCs in 11984, andd FDII douubledd froom 19983 tto 19984, reacchingg US $12558 miillioon. TThe aamounnt coontinnued to iincreease fromm 19884 too 19888 att an averrage annuual

53、 ggrowtth raate oof 388%, aalthoough thiss theen feell ssharpply ffrom 38% in 11988 to 66% inn 19889, aas a resuult oof thhe evventss in Tiannanmeen Sqquaree. 220世紀770年代末末以市場為為導向的經經濟改革引引發(fā)的變化化為FDII進入中國國提供了路路徑。它的的開放性恰恰逢發(fā)達國國家向發(fā)展展中國家轉轉移制造業(yè)業(yè)。自19979以來來,特別是是在20世世紀90年年代,中國國吸收了大大量的外商商直接投資資。位于世世界的邊緣緣,在亞洲洲的追趕者


55、廣場事件件外資流入入量急劇下下降,從11988年的388%下降到到19899的6%。Deng Xiappings faamouss souutherrn toour oof thhe SEEZs iin Guuangddong in oorderr to showw thee commmitmment of CChinaas glloball inttegraationn in 19922 wass follloweed byy an astooundiing ggrowtth off FDII. FDDI reeacheed USS $111,0077 milllionn in thatt

56、yeaar, ddoublle thhe ammountt of 19911. Itt douubledd agaain iin thhe foollowwing yearr, annd Chhina becaame tthe sseconnd laargesst FDDI reecipiient in tthe wworldd (affter the US). The amouunt oof FDDI maaintaainedd a hhigh growwth rrate, reaachinng USS $455,4633 milllionn in 19988, beeforee falll

57、ingg in 19999 to US $40,3319 mmilliion. The gurees inn thee folllowiing ttwo yyearss in 20000 andd 20001 reesumeed thhe sttrongg groowth trennd, rreachhing US $46,8878 mmilliion iin 20001. 在在19922年鄧小平平為展現中中國全球一一體化的承承諾而進行行著名的廣廣東經濟特特區(qū)之行之之后,外商商直接投資資實現了一一個驚人的的增長。11992年年外商直接接投資達到到1100070000000美美元,是11991年

58、年的兩倍。在接下來來的一年,它它又翻了一一番,中國國成為世界界上第二大大的外國直直接投資接接受國(僅僅次于美國國)。外商商直接投資資的數量保保持較高的的增長率,11998年年達到45546300000000美元,11999年年下降至44031990000000美元元。 在隨隨后的20000年和和200年年,外資量量恢復了強強勁增長態(tài)態(tài)勢,在22001年年達到了44687880000000美元元。A subbstanntiall amoount of lliterraturre haas foocuseed onn thee devveloppmentt of FDI itseelf, or o

59、on itts coontriibutiion tto Chhinas ecconommic aand ttradiing ggrowtth annd maanufaacturring deveelopmment (e.gg. Suun, 11998; Hayyter and Han, 19998; WWu, 11999; Gippoulooux, 20000; OEECD, 20022). GGong (19995); Chenn (19998) and Sun et aal. (20022) haave aall iinvesstigaated the locaationnal cchar

60、aacterristiics oof FDDI inn Chiina aat thhe prrovinnciall levvel. Receentlyy, Tuuan aand NNg (22003) havve innvesttigatted tthe ddistrributtion of HHong Konggs ouutwarrd fooreiggn innvesttmentt entterprrisess in the Pearrl Riiver Deltta (PPRD). Conssiderring Hongg KonngPRD as aa corre-peeriphhery sy


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