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1、同條款常用用英文詞匯匯買(mǎi)方 buuyer賣(mài)方 selller項(xiàng)目名名稱 Prrojecct naame地址 addrress電話 phonne傳真 fax聯(lián)系人人 conntactt perrson本合同同由買(mǎi)賣(mài)雙雙方簽訂,根根據(jù)本合同同條款,買(mǎi)買(mǎi)方同意購(gòu)購(gòu)買(mǎi),賣(mài)方方同意出售售以下產(chǎn)品品。Thiis coontraact iis maade bby annd beetweeen thhe buuyerss andd selllerss, whherebby thhe buuyerss agrree tto buuy annd thhe seellerrs aggree to ssell the

2、 undeer-meentiooned. Commmodiitiess acccordiing tto thhe teerms and condditioons sstipuulateed beelow.1.詳詳細(xì)貨物清清單 Detaail ssupplly liist2.合合同價(jià)格 Conttractt vallue序號(hào) itemm型號(hào) moodel尺尺寸 siize, dimeensioon數(shù)量 amouunt, unitt單價(jià) unnit ppricee總價(jià) tootal pricce備注 remaark貨物物,運(yùn)費(fèi) freiight, traanspoortattion合合同總額(含含

3、安裝費(fèi)與與稅金) Conttractt amoount incll. VAAT iinstaallattion3.付付款條件 paymment condditioons, paymment termms4.交交貨地點(diǎn) deliiveryy plaace5.發(fā)發(fā)貨期 ddelivvery timee6.安安裝條款 insttallaationn claause7.驗(yàn)驗(yàn)收條款 insppectiion cclausse8.保保證條款 guarranteee cllausee9.不不可抗拒條條款 Foorce Majeeure Clauuse10.違約條款款 Breeach clauuse11.其他

4、條款款 Misscelllaneoous cclausse12.買(mǎi)賣(mài)雙方方信息 bbuyerr andd selller infoormattion此合同一式式二份,由由雙方各持持一正本。Thiss conntracct iss madde inn twoo oriiginaals tthat shouuld bbe heeld bby eaach ppartyy.涉外合同格格式涉外合合同按繁簡(jiǎn)簡(jiǎn)不同,盡盡管可以采采取不同書(shū)書(shū)面形式,如如正式合同同(Conntracct)、協(xié)協(xié)議書(shū)(AAgreeementt)、確認(rèn)認(rèn)書(shū)(Coonfirrmatiion)、備忘錄(Memorandum)、訂單(O

5、rder)等等,但是一般都包含如下幾個(gè)部分:一、合合同名稱(Title)二、前前文(Prreambble)1.訂訂約日期和和地點(diǎn)Datte annd pllace of ssigniing2.合合同當(dāng)事人人及其國(guó)籍籍、主營(yíng)業(yè)業(yè)所或住所所Siggningg parrtiess and theiir naationnalitties, priincippal pplacee of busiinesss or resiidencce adddressses3.當(dāng)當(dāng)事人合法法依據(jù)Eacch paartys auuthorrity,比比如,該公公司是“按當(dāng)?shù)胤ǚ烧浇M組織而存在在的”(a coorpo

6、rratioon duuly oorgannizedd andd exiistinng unnder the lawss of XXX)4.訂訂約緣由/說(shuō)明條款款Reccitalls orr WHEEREASS claause三、本本文(Boody)1.定定義條款(Definition clause)2.基基本條款(Basic conditions)3.一一般條款(General terms and conditions)a.合合同有效期期(Durratioon)b.合合同的終止止(Terrminaationn)c.不不可抗力(Force Majeure)d.合合同的讓與與(Asssignmm

7、ent)e.仲仲裁(Arrbitrratioon)f.適適用的法律律(Govverniing llaw)g.訴訴訟管轄(Jurisdiction)h.通通知手續(xù)(Notice)i.合合同修改(Amendment)j.其其它(Ottherss)四、結(jié)結(jié)尾條款(WITNESS clause)1.結(jié)結(jié)尾語(yǔ),包包括份數(shù)、使用的文文字和效力力等(Cooncluudingg senntencce)2.簽簽名(Siignatture)3.蓋蓋?。⊿eeal)以上的的格式和內(nèi)內(nèi)容并非一一成不變,當(dāng)當(dāng)事人可以以根據(jù)各自自交易情況況做出調(diào)整整或增刪。合同范本銷(xiāo)售代理合合同Saless Ageency Agreee

8、mennt合同號(hào):NO:日期:Date:為在平平等互利的的基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)發(fā)展貿(mào)易,有有關(guān)方按下下列條件簽簽訂本協(xié)議議:Thiis Aggreemment is eenterred iinto betwween the partties conccerneed onn thee bassis oof eqqualiity aand mmutuaal beenefiit too devvelopp bussinesss onn terrms aand ccondiitionns muutuallly aagreeed uppon aas foollowws:1.訂訂約人 Conttractting Pa

9、rtties供貨人人(以下稱稱甲方):銷(xiāo)售代代理人(以以下稱乙方方):甲方委委托乙方為為銷(xiāo)售代理理人,推銷(xiāo)銷(xiāo)下列商品品。Suppplieer:(hereeinaffter callled partty A)Ageent:(hereeinaffter callled partty B)Parrty AA herreby appooint Partty B to aact aas hiis seellinng aggent to ssell the commmoditty meentiooned beloow.2.商商品名稱及及數(shù)量或金金額 Commmoditty annd Quuantiity

10、oor Ammountt雙方約約定,乙方方在協(xié)議有有效期內(nèi), 銷(xiāo)售不少于*的商品。It is mmutuaally agreeed tthat Partty B shalll unnderttake to ssell not lesss thaan off thee afooresaaid ccommoodityy in the duraationn of thiss Agrreemeent.3.經(jīng)經(jīng)銷(xiāo)地區(qū) Terrritorry只限在在。In onnly.4.訂訂單的確認(rèn)認(rèn) Conffirmaationn of Ordeers本協(xié)議議所規(guī)定商商品的數(shù)量量、價(jià)格及及裝運(yùn)條件件等,應(yīng)在在每筆交易

11、易中確認(rèn),其其細(xì)目應(yīng)在在雙方簽訂訂的銷(xiāo)售協(xié)協(xié)議書(shū)中作作出規(guī)定。Thee quaantitties, priices and shippmentts off thee commmodiitiess staated in tthis Agreeemennt shhall be cconfiirmedd in eachh traansacctionn, thhe paarticcularrs off whiich aare tto bee speecifiied iin thhe Saales Conffirmaationn siggned by tthe ttwo ppartiies hheret

12、to.5.付付款 Paymment訂單確確認(rèn)之后,乙乙方須按照照有關(guān)確認(rèn)認(rèn)書(shū)所規(guī)定定的時(shí)間開(kāi)開(kāi)立以甲方方為受益人人的保兌的的、不可撤撤銷(xiāo)的即期期信用證。乙方開(kāi)出出信用證后后,應(yīng)立即即通知甲方方,以便甲甲方準(zhǔn)備交交貨。Aftter cconfiirmattion of tthe oorderr, Paarty B shhall arraange to oopen a coonfirrmed, irrrevoccablee L/CC avaailabble bby drraft at ssightt in favoour oof Paarty A wiithinn thee timme sttip

13、ullatedd in the releevantt S/CC. Paarty B shhall alsoo nottify Partty A immeediattely afteer L/C iss opeened so tthat Partty A can get prepparedd forr delliverry.6.傭傭金 Commmissiion在本協(xié)協(xié)議期滿時(shí)時(shí),若乙方方完成了第第二款所規(guī)規(guī)定的數(shù)額額,甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)按裝運(yùn)貨貨物所收到到的發(fā)票累累計(jì)總金額額付給乙方方*%的傭金金。Upoon thhe exxpiraationn of the Agreeemennt annd Paart

14、y Bs fulllfilmment of tthe ttotall turrnoveer meentiooned in AArticcle 22, Paarty A shhall pay to PPartyy B % ccommiissioon onn thee bassis oof thhe agggreggate amouunt oof thhe innvoicce vaalue agaiinst the shippmentts efffectted.7.市市場(chǎng)情況報(bào)報(bào)告 Repoorts on MMarkeet Coondittionss乙方每每3個(gè)月向甲甲方提供一一次有關(guān)當(dāng)當(dāng)時(shí)市場(chǎng)情

15、情況和用戶戶意見(jiàn)的詳詳細(xì)報(bào)告。同時(shí),乙乙方應(yīng)隨時(shí)時(shí)向甲方提提供其他供供應(yīng)商的類類似商品樣樣品及其價(jià)價(jià)格、銷(xiāo)售售情況和廣廣告資料。Parrty BB shaall fforwaard oonce everry thhree montths tto paarty A deetailled rreporrts oon cuurrennt maarkett connditiions and of cconsuumerss coommennts. Meannwhille, PPartyy B sshalll,froom tiime tto tiime, sendd to partty A sampple

16、s of ssimillar ccommooditiies oofferred bby otther suppplierrs, ttogetther withh theeir ppricees, ssaless infformaationn andd advvertiisingg matteriaals.8.宣宣傳廣告費(fèi)費(fèi)用 Adveertissing & Puubliccity Expeensess在本協(xié)協(xié)議有效期期內(nèi),乙方方在上述經(jīng)經(jīng)銷(xiāo)地區(qū)所所作廣告宣宣傳的一切切費(fèi)用,由由乙方自理理。乙方須須事先向甲甲方提供宣宣傳廣告的的圖案及文文字說(shuō)明,由由甲方審閱閱同意。Parrty BB shaal

17、l bbear all expeensess forr advvertiisingg andd pubbliciity wwithiin thhe afforemmentiionedd terrritoory iin thhe duuratiion oof thhis AAgreeementt andd subbmit to PPartyy A aall ppatteerns and/or ddrawiings and desccripttion for prioor appprovval.9.協(xié)協(xié)議有效期期 Valiidityy of Agreeemennt本協(xié)議議經(jīng)雙方簽簽字后生效效,有效

18、期期為*天,自自*至*.若一一方希望延延長(zhǎng)本協(xié)議議,則須在在本協(xié)議期期滿前1個(gè)月書(shū)面面通知另一一方,經(jīng)雙雙方協(xié)商決決定。若協(xié)議議一方未履履行協(xié)議條條款,另一一方有權(quán)終終止協(xié)議。Thiis Aggreemment, aftter iits bbeingg siggned by tthe ppartiies cconceernedd, shhall remaain iin foorce for daays ffrom too Iff eitther Partty wiishess to exteend tthis Agreeemennt, hhe shhall notiice, in wwriti

19、ing, the otheer paarty one montth prrior to iits eexpirratioon. TThe mmatteer shhall be ddecidded bby thhe aggreemment and by cconseent oof thhe paartiees heeretoo. Shhouldd eitther partty faail tto immplemment the termms annd coondittionss herrein, thee othher ppartyy is entiitledd to termminatte t

20、hhis AAgreeementt.10.仲裁 Arbiitrattion在履行行協(xié)議過(guò)程程中,如產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生爭(zhēng)議,雙雙方應(yīng)友好好協(xié)商解決決。若通過(guò)過(guò)友好協(xié)商商達(dá)不成協(xié)協(xié)議,則提提交中國(guó)國(guó)國(guó)際貿(mào)易促促進(jìn)委員會(huì)會(huì)對(duì)外貿(mào)易易仲裁委員員會(huì),根據(jù)據(jù)該會(huì)仲裁裁程序暫行行規(guī)定進(jìn)行行仲裁。該該委員會(huì)的的決定是終終局的,對(duì)對(duì)雙方均具具有約束力力。仲裁費(fèi)費(fèi)用,除另另有規(guī)定外外,由敗訴訴一方負(fù)擔(dān)擔(dān)。Alll dissputees arrisinng frrom tthe eexecuutionn of thiss Agrreemeent sshalll be setttled throough frieendlyy c

21、onnsulttatioons. In ccase no ssettllemennt caan bee reaachedd, thhe caase iin diisputte shhall thenn be submmitteed too thee Forreignn Traade AArbittratiion CCommiissioon off thee Chiina CCounccil ffor tthe PPromootionn of Inteernattionaal Trrade for arbiitrattion in aaccorrdancce wiith iits pprovii

22、sionnal rruless of proccedurre. TThe ddecission madee by thiss Commmisssion shalll bee reggardeed ass finnal aand bbindiing uupon bothh parrtiess. Arrbitrratioon feees sshalll be bornne byy thee lossing partty ,uunlesss ottherwwise awarrded.11.其他條款款 Otheer Teerms & Coondittionss(1) 甲方不得得向經(jīng)銷(xiāo)地地區(qū)其他買(mǎi)買(mǎi)主供

23、應(yīng)本本協(xié)議所規(guī)規(guī)定的商品品。如有詢?cè)儍r(jià),當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)給乙方方洽辦。若若有買(mǎi)主希希望從甲方方直接訂購(gòu)購(gòu),甲方可可以供貨,但但甲方須將將有關(guān)銷(xiāo)售售確認(rèn)書(shū)副副本寄給乙乙方,并按按所達(dá)成交交易的發(fā)票票金額給予予乙方*%的傭金。Parrty AA shaall nnot ssupplly thhe coontraactedd commmodiity tto anny otther buyeer(s) in tthe aabovee menntionned tterriitoryy. Diirectt enqquiriies, if aany, willl be refeerredd to Partty B.

24、 Howweverr, shhouldd anyy othher bbuyerrs wiish tto deeal wwith Partty A direectlyy, Paarty A maay doo so. Butt parrty AA shaall ssend to PPartyy B aa coppy off Salles CConfiirmattion and givee Parrty BB% ccommiissioon onn thee bassis oof thhe neet innvoicce vaalue of tthe ttranssactiion(s)concclude

25、ed.(2) 若乙方在在*月內(nèi)未能能向甲方提提供至少*訂貨,甲甲方不承擔(dān)擔(dān)本協(xié)議的的義務(wù)。Shoould Partty B faill to passs on his ordeers tto Paarty A inn a pperiood off moonthss forr a mminimmum oof , Paarty A shhall not bindd himmselff to thiss Agrreemeent.(3) 對(duì)雙方政政府間的貿(mào)貿(mào)易,甲方方有權(quán)按其其政府的授授權(quán)進(jìn)行有有關(guān)的直接接貿(mào)易,而而不受本協(xié)協(xié)議約束。乙方不得得干涉此種種直接貿(mào)易易,也無(wú)權(quán)權(quán)向甲方提提出任何補(bǔ)補(bǔ)償或傭金

26、金要求。Forr anyy bussinesss trransaactedd bettweenn govvernmmentss of bothh Parrtiess, Paarty A maay haandlee succh diirectt deaalinggs ass autthoriized by PPartyy Ass govvernmment withhout bindding himsself to tthis Agreeemennt. PPartyy B sshalll nott intterfeere iin suuch ddirecct deealinngs nnor ssh

27、alll Parrty BB briing fforwaard aany ddemannd foor coompennsatiion tthereefromm.(4) 本協(xié)議受受簽約雙方方所簽訂的的銷(xiāo)售確認(rèn)認(rèn)條款的制制約。Thiis Aggreemment shalll bee subbjectt to the termms annd coondittionss in the Salees Coonfirrmatiion ssigneed byy botth paartiees heeretoo.本協(xié)議議于*年*月*日在*簽訂,正正本兩份,甲甲乙雙方各各執(zhí)一份。This Agreeemennt

28、 iss siggned on att annd iss in two origginalls;eachh Parrty sshalll havve onne coopy.借貸合同英英文范本LOAN CONTTRACTTConntracct Nuumberr:BORRROWEER:Adddresss:LENNDER:Adddresss:In accoordannce wwith provvisioons oof Coontraact LLaw of tthe PPeoplles RRepubblic of CChinaa andd Bannk off Chiina, afteer reevie

29、wwing the stattus aand tthe rrequeest oof thhe Boorrowwer, the Lendder aagreees too graant tthe BBorroower a liine oof crreditt on . Thhe Boorrowwer, Lendder aand GGuaraantorr, thhrouggh frrienddly nnegottiatiion, havee exeecuteed thhis CContrract as ffolloows:ARTTICLEE 1 CCURREENCY, AMOOUNT AND TER

30、MM OF THE LOANN:1. The Currrencyy undder tthis loann is Reimminbii.2. The Linee of the loann is yuann.3. The periiod oof thhis lloan is 112 moonthss froom thhe daate oof efffecttivenness of tthis conttractt.ARTTICLEE 2 TTHE PPURPOOSE OOF THHE LOOAN:1. The purppose of tthis loann is usedd forr worrki

31、ngg cappitall turrnoveer.2. Withhout writtten apprrovall of the Lendder, the Borrrowerr couuld nnot uuse tthe lloan out of tthe sscopee of the purppose.ARTTICLEE 3 IINTERREST RATEE ANDD CALLCULAATIONN OF INTEERESTT:1. Inteerestt ratte: TThe iinterrest ratee shaall bbe * Duriing tthe lloan termm, iff

32、 thee couuntryys reelateed auuthorrity adjuustedd thee intteresst raate oor thhe maannerr of calcculattion of iinterrest, thee intteresst off thiis coontraact sshalll be adjuustedd acccordiinglyy aftter oone yyear fromm thee datte off exeecutiion oof thhis ccontrract.Thee adjjustmment shalll bee con

33、nductted wwhen the inteerestt ratte arre exxecutted oone yyear.It iis noot obbligeed too infform the Borrrowerr wheen thhe addjusttmentt of inteerestt.2. The inteerestt shaall bbe caalcullatedd froom thhe daate oof fiirst drawwdownn andd thee acttual dayss thee borrroweer usse. OOne yyear shalll bee

34、 callculaated as 3360 ddays.3. The paymment of iinterrestss: Thhe Boorrowwer sshalll payy thee intteressts pper qquartter. The paymment datee shaall bbe , and If tthe ppaymeent ffor tthe llast insttallmment is nnot oon thhe paaymennt daate,tthe iinterrestss shaall ddeducct thhe inntereest ffrom the

35、bankk acccountt of the Borrrowerr.In the evennt thhat tthe BBorroower faills too payy thee intteressts oon tiime aand tthe bbalannce oof thhe acccounnt off thee Borrroweer iss nott enoough for the paymment of iinterrest, thee Lennder shalll haave rrightts too colllectt a ppenallty bbeingg * oof thhe

36、 ouutstaandinng ammountt perr dayy forr thee Borrroweers bbreacch off conntracct.ARTTICLEE 4 OOVERDDUE IINTERRESTSS ANDD MISSUSINNG INNTEREESTS1. If tthe BBorroower faills too reppay tthe lloan and can not reacch a agreeemennt wiith tthe LLendeer reegardding the exteensioon, tthe LLendeer shhall col

37、llect an ooverddue ppenallty ffor * of the overrdue amouunt pper dday.2. If tthe BBorroower faills too usees thhe looan iin acccorddancee witth thhe prrovissionss sett forrth iin thhis ccontrract, thee Lennder shalll haave rrightt to charrge aa intteressts ffor tthe mmisussing partt at a raate oof *

38、 per day.ARTTICLEE 5 AACCOUUNTThee Borrroweer shhall openn Reiiminbbi baasic accoount and/or fforeiign ccurreency accoount at tthe LLendeer orr Lennderss braanch for the use of ddraw-downn, reepaymment,paymment of iinterrestss andd feees.ARTTICLEE 6 DDRAW-DOWNN1. The loann undder tthis conttractt is

39、 revoolvinng, tthe bbalannce oof thhis ccontrract shalll noot moore tthan the linee of creddit.2. The Borrrowerr shaall ssend a drraw-ddown appllicattion as tthe fform hereein aattacched in tthis conttractt 7 ddays befoore tthe ddate of ddraw-downn.3. The Borrrowerr shaall nnot ddraw the loann lesss

40、 thhan 11 milllionn.ARTTICLEE 7 CCONDIITIONNS FOOR DRRAW-DDOWNThee folllowiing ccondiitionns shhall be ssatissfiedd in advaance of tthe ddraw-downn datte:1. The Borrrowerr hass opeened foreeign accoount and Reimminbii acccountt at the offiice oof thhe Leenderr or the brannch oof thhe Leenderr;2. Thi

41、ss conntracct annd thhe apppenddicess havve beeen eeffecctivee;3. The Borrrowerr hass proovideed thhe reecognnitioon off thee invvestmment or ccertiificaate oof thhe innvesttmentt to the Lendder;4. The Borrrowerr hass proovideed thhe booard resoolutiion aand ppowerr of attoorneyy reggardiing tthis l

42、oann conntracct;5. The Borrrowerr hass proovideed thhe liist aand tthe ssignaaturee sammple of tthe aauthoorizeed peersonn whoo emppowerr to signn thiis coontraact aand ddocummentss;6. The Guarrantyy undder tthis conttractt hass beeen efffecttive;7. The Borrrowerr hass beeen saatisffied the warrrant

43、ss undder AArticcle 111 off thiis coontraact;8. The otheer reequirremennt foor thhe drraw-ddown havee beeen saatisffied.ARTTICLEE 8 RREPAYYMENTT PLAAN ANND PRREPAYYMENTT1. The Borrrowerr shaall rrepayy thee loaan inn acccordaance withh thee staatus of iits ccash. Thee Borrroweer shhall infoorm tthe

44、LLendeer thhe paaymennt ammountt andd datte * prioor too makke thhe paaymennt. TThe BBorroower shalll bee oblligedd to repaay thhe prrinciipal and relaated inteerestts onn duee datte wiithouut anny coondittion.2. The paymment madee by the Borrrowerr andd thee dedductiion ffrom the accoount of tthe B

45、Borroower shalll bee useed foor reepayiing tthe iinterrest at ffirstt andd theen foor reepayiing tthe pprinccipall.3. In tthe eeventt thee Borrroweer faails to rrepayy thee loaan, tthe LLendeer shhall havee rigghts to ddeducct thhe deebt ffrom the bankk acccountt of the Borrrowerr at the Lendder oor

46、 emmpoweer thhe brranchhes oof thhe Leenderr to deduuct tthe ddebt fromm thee bannk acccounnt off thee Borrroweer att thee Lennderss braanchees;4. The insttallmment of rrepayymentt shaall nnot lless thann 1 mmilliion.ARTTICLEE 9 DDEBT CERTTIFICCATEThee Lennder shalll keeep rrecorrd inn thee Lennders

47、s acccountt forr thee priincippal,iinterrestss andd feees annd otther feess of the Borrrowerr undder tthis conttractt; Thhe abbove menttioneed reecordd andd thee doccumenntatiion ffor tthe ddraw-downn, reepaymment and paymment of iinterrest is tthe ccertiificaates of tthe ddebtss bettweenn thee Borr

48、roweer annd thhe Leenderr.ARTTICLEE 10 GUARRANTYY1.(the Guaaranttor) shalll bee thee guaaranttor ffor tthe lloan undeer thhis ccontrract and takee joiintlyy liaabiliitiess.2. Duriing tthe tterm of tthis conttractt, iff thee guaaranttors finaanciaal sttatuss beccome deteeriorratedd or the liabbilitti

49、es for repaaymennt off debbts bbecomme weeak, the Lendder sshalll havve riight to rrequeest tthe BBorroower channges guarrantoor orr proovidee morrtgagge annd paawn ssecurred ffor tthis loann undder tthis conttractt.ARTTICLEE 11 REPRRESENNTATIIONS AND WARRRANTIIESI. The Borrrowerrs reepressentss and

50、d warrrantts ass folllowss:1. The Borrrowerr is a coompanny duuly oorgannizedd andd vallidlyy exiistinng unnder the law of tthe PPeoplles RRepubblic of CChinaa andd hass thee powwer aand aauthoorityy to own its proppertyy to conssummaate tthe ttranssactiions conttempllatedd in thiss conntracct annd

51、jooin tthe llitiggatioon. TThe BBorroower has the poweer too hanndle it aassetts ussed iin opperattion.2. The Borrrowerr is at iits ooptioon too siggn annd peerforrm thhis ccontrract.It iis thhe Boorrowwers truee meaaningg andd hass thee powwer tto siign tthis conttractt andd it is nnot bbreacch itt

52、 artticlee of assoociattion or rregullatioons oor coontraacts. Thee prooceduure ffor ssignaaturee andd perrformmancee of thiss conntracct haas beeen ggone throough and fullly efffecttivenness.3. The all docuumentts, mmaterrialss, reeportts annd ceertifficattes pproviided to tthe LLendeer byy thee bo

53、rrroweer foor coonsummmatiion oof thhis ccontrract is ttrue, reaal, ccompeete aand eeffecctivee4. The Borrrowerr shaall nnot cconceeal tthe ffolloowingg eveents whicch iss beiing hhappeened or hhave beenn happpeneed whhich willl cauuse tthe LLendeer reefusee to exteend tthe lloan:(1) The Borrrowerr

54、or the prinncipaal exxecuttivess of the Borrrowerr invvolvee in mateeriall eveents whicch brreachh reggulattionss, laaws oor coompennsatiion tto ottherss;(2) Pendding actiions and arbiitrattion;(3) The Borrrowerrs deebts or ppropoosed debtts orr lieens aand ootherr enccumbrrancees;(4) The otheer maa

55、tterrs wiill iimpacct thhe fiinanccial stattus oor abbilitties of rrepayymentt forr thee debbts;(5) The Borrrowerr breeacheed coontraact wwhichh is betwween the Borrrowerr andd othher ccrediitorss.II. Thee Borrroweer heerebyy warrrantts ass folllowss:1. Usinng thhe caapitaal off thee loaan ass usaag

56、e sset fforthh in thiss conntracct, tthe BBorroower willl nott usee thee loaan ass Equuity inveestmeent; The Borrrowerr willl noot usse thhe caapitaal off thee loaan innvestt in secuurityy, fuuturee, reeal eestatte ettc. TThe BBorroower willl nott lennd too thee othhers privvatelly orr invvolviing o

57、otherr matters whicch iss proohibiited by tthe ccounttry. The Borrrowerr willl noot miisusiing oor appproppriattion of tthe lloan.2. Makiing ppaymeent aand rrelatted eexpennses in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe pproviisionns seet foorth in tthis conttractt;3. Provvidinng uppdateed fiinanccial stattemennt

58、orr finnanciial bbulleetin everry quuarteer; PProviidingg thee audditedd finnanciial rreporrt att thee firrst qquartt of eachh yeaar; PProviidingg opeeratiion rreporrt, ffinannciall repport or ootherr filles aand mmaterrialss andd shaall wwarraant tthe rrealiity, corrrect and effeectivvenesss foor t

59、hhe fiiles and mateerialls;4. Any antii-guaarantty orr othher ssimillar ddocummentss willl noot maake aany iimpacct onn thee rigghts and beneefitss of the Lendders;5. Acceeptinng thhe suupervvisioon off thee Lennder, proovidees asssisttancee andd coooperaationn forr thee Lennderss supperviisionns;6.

60、 Willl nott redduce the regiistraationn cappitall; Prrior apprrovall froom thhe leenderr shaall bbe reequirred wwhen the Borrrowerr chaangess of sharrehollderss andd opeeratiion mmanneer(inclludinng buut noot liimiteed too joiint vventuure, coopperattion, joiintlyy coooperaationn; diissollutioon, cc


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