1、英語學習講義只要堅持夢想終會實現(xiàn)- -2019年秋期高中二年級期中質量評估英語試題注:本試卷分第1位和第U卷兩部分.其】50分,考試時間120分鐘考生作答時楊琴 案暮在譽建手上I斗題注毒事項見冬建十),在本試題點上冬題無效.考我姑柬后,將本試題卷 和答題卡一并交回.第一部分 聽力理解(共商節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題:每題1.5分,滿分7.S分)所卜面5段對話,籽段對詔后有 個小題*從趣中所給的A、B. C三個選項中選出最佳 選項,并標在試卷的相應位置.聽完每段對話后你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下 一小題,每段時話僅謨一遍.L . What lime is ii nuq”A.
2、8:15,B. 7:45.工 Who is warned on ihe pho口。,A. John Smith.R. Sarah White.C. 7:00.C. Chris Watson.L hai do we know ahunt the woman ?A- She plays term is well.B. She seldom plays tennis,4, What does the man want the woman io do?C She plays tennis rgu tarty.A. Plaj chess with him. 11. Clean up the house.
3、5, hats the -either like tomorrow?A、Rainy.B. Sunny.第二節(jié)f共15小腹;標小題L 5分,滿分”.5分)C Have a chat with himC Wg.聽下面5段對話或獨白.所段對話或獨白后有幾個小建從避中所給的項中選出量佳選現(xiàn)井標在試卷的相應位置聽完每段對話后你都有5眇神的時間來閱逐著個 小星,聽完或,著小18將給出5秒髀的作答時f%斑段對活或獨自沒兩遍.A、B. C三個年明死b段材料,回答第6、7版6 Whal is not iticludcd in Llic free brcukfasi?A. Eggs,H. RollsL Juice
4、7. How arc the rooms of th hole門CM”A. l.arge.H-Clean所第7段材料,回咎第段9嘰K. Why did the man 8口 iohC go on holiday.A. To hve (here.Br To 和 on 同加*,高二英語第1箕(共10頁)How did the man spend his night?A. Went swimming,凡 AU out.聽笫8段材料,回答第10至12腮, 10. Who arc the speakers waiting for?A. The manager.R. The waiter1 How lon
5、g Wi| they go on waiting before leavingA,1 5 mijiuies.B. IOmmu(e5.What do they probably think of the service otrvs1at|IJI|KA. GotxLB. Poor.所第9段材料,回答第13至16遨“Whats the possible relationship between the speakers A. Husband and wile. B. Buss and sccrelaryWhat*& the house like?A, Modem and beautiful* B.
6、Rig and RautiluLWhat difficulty do the speakers have buying the house ?A Jt5 inconvenient for the man.C Wenl walking,(I hr If Av-r-ii-(,Salesman 自nd cuMomt-rC Cheap and smallB (s too expensive.C. Its style is nol to their laste-16 What decision do the speakers finally make?A. Buying the house.氏 Choo
7、sing another house.聽第10段材料,回答第門至20強。C. Discussing 皆 ith 也亡 WWhals the speaker talking alxjut /A. The approaches to learning English.B_ The importance ofkamirtg English.C The difficulties in learning English, 1S( are you advised to do to change _tide?A.Goaboad.A R,應e your 改皿母 Whafsthe purpose of cxpo
8、smK yourself?c Leam through ihe lnicmc(A, To develop atac,B. To accept i 8nBp跳c To crcate Q 刖必曲 atmosphere.,encouriige learners to du by mentloninj.1 lkiid Hcckhitn?20. What does tne 產A, To learn from、1aB. To broken leershorizonsC. To careless about niislakes高-英語第2頁(共10頁)第二部分閱讀理解I共兩節(jié).滿分“分)第二節(jié)供15小馥海小
9、題2分篇分30分)閱讀下列坂文,從每題所給的M B,CBID四個選項中選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將諦項 譙黑AIf ?ue falkn in loc 雨th stories about prince and princess. 1 mot on covered with the bocksare brand new in 2019,aCufw So Dirk ind Lonely by Brigid KemmererThis Bcaun and the Beast retelling follows PrinccRhenh cursed mio a bcasl by a powudul Qmm
10、nd Harper, a 應即釁a who 而和加 abk to save him Bin powerful forces art ending against (hem* and it will rake more than a broken curse to save them from ruiri-Shenvood by Ieajian Spcwnery- - Mjppond methcdby 也 u$ military to help people Lill asleep.The infoonalion comes from a l鉞】book called Relax and Win
11、: Champimhtp Pcrfonnance, with ihe story being picked up by wriier Sharon Ackman in July. In the book, rcaden are told how to relax, and also how to fall asleep within two minutes, someth inappajendy empkryed, US mibtary.* the US Navy PrFhcht Schflal developed a scientific incLhcxl s 周I 肥住卬 da/ /門巾
12、m:. conditions, in under two minutes;* wroic Adman. *Aflcr six weeks N practice, 6 pcrceM of p.iocs could fall askep in two tninutc ot lcss Even after drinking coffee, with mMhnc gunfire being playedin ihc background,”,.So how 依 you d。it? Well, the first step is to blank your mind. To do this, if$ r
13、wmmfflded M you relax all of the muscles in ywr lace. Then, drop you shtjulder and relM your arms. Breathe out &口d relax ywr die。and then ako relax yuur kgs, all in that 臂quenBCT the next 10 seconds, you II then 腳 ant 閱 clear jour mind of everything. Either MMgeyoMrt lying in a pitch-blKk room on a
14、corQfy couch or. if youir wrug前咯網呻收 words 的 ihinkovcr and over again can supposedly help.And if you 而 alE ihaih well, you shculd be 州展p Ackman said 由唱 was /七pem辦 詠 J technique for people in the military who were in dangerous situaticns, or those deahng 5如跳horrnr% of war.According to a recent study,
15、getting between 審 and nine hours sleep a mgh can help orTsei hTt conditions, while other studg have stiown the rather 由 asm因災思的 i 5r 做 ts 樂工也打天 can have on the body. While we dont ufidtrstand it complcicl slctp super 血也!期冒向暗(he hook Rdax and Wm Championship Performance 而WA How to get to sleep fastC
16、How to win n perfonnarwe29. Uhat doe% the third ra-rilPf, la!k ahoulA The mclhod is used in sch(x)ltake 6 weeks lu leam ihe riciImkJH_ Hot【訃 rclav m the: 5 一D How lo keep calm in ihe anti)H Hit mrihxl kjcjII) 4ktmtL)r Minkm tufhiw help kint the methodD Rough.1 AdrtisemcriL30P ihlt dott the uikdcrlin
17、cd wotd mejn fA- Woodsb. EJipcnsivc.C ComtE出*31. In which column can ihis 皿 be read?A. Science,B. Fashion匚 Edgtiw高二英謂第5頁(共10nThe new garbage sorting regulationhas taken effect in Shin ghat starting July 1 Many citizensare still confusedihc chssification of the four different types of trash. Thankful
18、ly, authcriueshave released an offiod uidelmc to clarify The m髀 w-The guideline, published by Che Shanghai Greener% and Public Saltation Bureau, provides a rather clear definition on the four kmds of waste: recydabk waste, hi7ardous(有害的)不丹玳* household food waste andGduaM 剩余的)waste.Kayardous wasie.并
19、the namt suggests, includes aswned poisonous mtc門忝 hke u就d 卜泄心,lightbulbs 0ut-of,)ciure not gomg g nm into the same people everyday unless you plan on it Ncbody will brine up that w iripped on your into the pomi oftke. 37 .(;rm* 叩 faslNothing forces you tc row up fast quice like liing in a hig ctiy
20、Even 明商 sq many people around, there will he momenh when)au feel so lonely But u win gel h,jrd-earned success and ausfaction . 38 . Your i亡瑞 of life becomes chai knt,-dconiing instead of karfuLOpportvniiy Everyone focuses on the competitive nature of big cities, but there are also opportunities that
21、 you never would have access to in a small town. _ 列, And when *u have passion fueling you, ytw aitimdc to work will become uniouchable,Rrondcn your horizon If there are niaitv foreigners in your lott n- 口】鵬 bv limeg ycursclf up to more hnguages, cultures, and tool And ou 口 he m a pl然c wiih access 3
22、 so nian different ick鶴 und values.40 . ou can Icayupar where it belongsWhen evenday tasks become chaJlengmgC More pevplc, more protessions more businessD, It will expand your knowledge and imdnstMidingMoving to a major city helps you achieve success rapidlyE While moving to the next small town mav
23、not CXpBd your worlj.flurdetcnnmahunG* You made it thsgh with nothing but yoursclC 叩第、川3 WA 高二英語第7頁(共I。頁)第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié);完形填空(共加小題:每小馥L5分,滿分30分) 1J選出川以加人空白處 閱讀下面短文從短文后各遮所給的四個選項A* 口、C和D中的最佳選項,并在普國卡上將該項涂黑,Ryan was 6 years M when a talk by his grade one teacher chn典圖d his lift. She toW theiab
24、out people in Africa who had a very _ 42_ ume gelt mg clcunand accessto wells. Africanpeople, _43parents to .children, can gel sick and sometimes _4 _ Dtcpbmoved, Ryan persuaded his4-5 him w do extra chores and finally earned S70, wich he 由。屈was enough i()47 waier to poor 咯 * him.He got very busy do
25、ing chorescollected the 52,000. He _1L-mdrill a 46_ .But WaterCai a non-proftl organizaiion ihat provides that it would need $2*000 to drill a well Ryan didnt _4 and *9 his fundraising. Several months later he _52 money to WaterCan and in Jamisiy, 1999, Water Can drilled a well beside Angoio Primary
26、 School in northern Uganda, with funds 52 by Ryan.Since the tirst well was dug, Ryan,s Well Foundation has raised over $800,00。lo provide clean watcr to people in 53 And others have also _ 54 along 也e way. including his school, and The World Health Organization.In the past 18 months, Ry卻 has 55 acro
27、ss the world, like Japan, China, and England, making speeches, io 06 otliers to spread his hsceds of hopeh His Ryans Well Foundation has supported waler projects that have been completed or are under _57_ in many African countries. Ryan has many 58 people and even been blcs&ed by the Pope(敖里)but he
28、59 be is just a nqrmal boyl His mother Susan says, lln his heart we all make a _60_ as lung z* w e help the people in need;41. A classB. hniilyC. stree!B. club42. A* busyB. hardC standardD. pale43. A. graduallyB. sJowlyC especially1). Icialh .44. A. healB. escapeC jtunpD.die45, A. punishK I嗎C educat
29、eD. help46. A. wallB. svhtxjlC.hopeD. w ell47. A. cleanH dhnkingCh時.bonled超,A. stand up*a take offC give up【)give inA. stoppingA. firstlyB. designingR. usuallyC把卯沖擊個Ct tmlyD. leavingD. finally高二英語第 8頁(共10頁)5LA. &entH. mailedC.spendD.saved52. A. wastedB raisedC. discoveredD. stolen53. A. AsiaB. India
30、C. AustraliaD. Africa54. A guided0. dreamedC. explodedD, helped55, A (ravelledB. comeC. runD* driven56. A. discourageH. fbrccC. inspireD. forgive57. A. wayB. inspectionC. suriaecD. age58. A. AeahhB. commonC. famousD, talented59, A. declinesB. insistsC. suggestsD. quarrels60. A. promiseB diiTcrenceC.
31、 breakD. decision第二節(jié)(共1Q小題.每小毯LW分滿分15分)閱讀下面短文.在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式,并將答案填寫在 答題R上.A population of the u orlds mosi iii asive mosquito species was ahnosi completely wiptd out bj 61 experiment on tw o islands in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, according to a study , which 62 (publish Wed
32、nesday.The expenment successfully reduced the female Asian Tiger Mosquito populaiion the main source of biles and disease trinsmtssion-by up to 94%,63 (reduce) the number of reportedhuman bitts by 97%.One of the Chinese studys 64 (rcscarchcrl Xi Zhiyong, a professor at Michigan State Universityt has
33、 been a longtime pioneer in this field of study, 65 is ninning a mosquito fheton in southern China. He 66(previous attempted to use skrilized(絕育的)male mosquiioesnute with unaltered females.口 the neu study, 67 (publish) by the liKemational Journal of Science. Xi and his eolkagues anempted to cut mosq
34、uito numbers even 68 (far) by limiting both ninks and temales ability to reproduce.The results so successful that they nearly 69 (wipe) out ihc entire feniilc mosquito population on the two islands.Mosquitoes pose grave thrats to humpn health beyond just irritating bites. However. there is currently
35、 no effective vaccine or (reaiment 7Q most niosquiioransit)itkd discal, kavingcontrolling the insects populations one of the most cfTeciive control muth0dli according to the International Journal of Science.高二英語第9頁(共10甄)(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)第四部“0小題,每小題1分,滿分1(1分)第一*節(jié)短文改錯L;渾匕老M要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文.文中共用班句中
36、最多有兩處口每處錯謖僅涉及一個單詞的增加二刪除或修改.0處沿”帶*增加 花映詞處加1個漏字符號1八),并在其下面寫出該加的詞.刪除把多余的詞用斜線3劃電修墳.在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞.;I.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞,工只允許修改1。處,多者(從第11處起)不計分A& p,r JS jjn concerned, houses in the future will be likely to be built with environnienrfriendly matcnals The materials are wonderful, that can not only pr
37、oduce electricity by take in air and sunshine and also keep the houses warm in winter and cool in summer. On atlditton, if there 15 an accident happen in the house, the hoil will receive an aJarm call imniediate. Most importantJy3 once sorTle disasiers such as earthquakes or storm happen, the house
38、will fly away to avoid the dangenIn a word, as the dcvdopmeFit of science and technology, 1 believe my dream will be come true. And the houses in the fiilure will become comfortabk to live in, 第二節(jié)書面表達能分2s分)假如你是李華,你班開展主題“不忘初心.竽記使命”演講比要。請你就以下要點,結合自 q的經歷q一篇講稿,談談自己的理解內容要點如下.I-你的“初心K:工選擇此“初心H的原因或意義;3.如何寞
39、現(xiàn)注意;L詞數100左右t工可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫:*參考詞匯:不忘初心, remain true to our original骷叫疝。解1由曜口,好弋starred Dear c lassmates,卜 18 nly nour io be here and share u/ilh you my idea cm th】* topic.Thank ynW高二英語第I。頁(共勾頁)2019年秋期南陽市普通高中高二年級期末質量評估(英語)第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)1-5 ACBBA 6-10 BBCBB 11-15 CBABA 16-20 BABCC聽力附錄(Text 1)W: I
40、ts getting dark. Do you have the time?M: Its a quarter after eight.W:Time flies. It feels like its only seven! Id better start heading for home.(Text 2)M: Hello. This is John Smith.W: Hello. This is Sarah White. Can I speak to Chris Watson, please?M: Just a minute please. Hey! Chris! The phone is fo
41、r you!(Text 3)W: You play really well! How often do you play tennis?M: About once a week. What about you?W: Me? Just three or four times a year.(Text 4)M: Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute?W: Sure. Whats on your mind?M: Im fed up with this mess.W: Oh. Sorry. Ill tidy up tomorrow.(Text 5)W:Have you
42、 heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?M: Yeah. Its supposed to keep raining tomorrow. And it may clear up on Friday. (Text 6)W: I like this hotel.M: What do you like about it?W: We get a free breakfast, with toast.,ham, eggs, fresh fruit and juice.M: Wow! Thats nice. Lets stay for two nights.W: A
43、nd the rooms are clean, too.M: Do they allow pets?W: No pets, no smoking.(Text 7)M:I went to Hawaii on vacation.W: Do you like it?M:I love it. I want to live there.W: It must be attractive.M: Yes, the island is so green, and the water is so blue.W: What did you do at night?M: At night I went out to
44、eat. The food was delicious.W: People who live in Hawaii are lucky.(Text 8)W: Have you seen our waiter.M: Here he comes now.W: Weve been sitting here for almost 10 minutes.M:Oops, I guess I was wrong. That isnt our waiter.W: We can give him five more minutes,and then leave.M: Ill go up to the front
45、and talk to the manager.W: Thats a good idea.M: Maybe they ll give us free drinks for waiting so long.W: Maybe hell send us our waiter immediately.M: Every time we eat out, its an adventure.W: Last time, we got seats next to the kitchen.M:Well never go there again.(Text 9)M: Do you like this house?W
46、:Yes, it s beautiful.M: Its perfect for us and the kids.W:Three bedrooms, three bathrooms,and a big backyard.M: And we can afford it !W: So are we going to buy it?M: Im afraid not.W: Its too far from your job, isnt it?M: Yes, I cant spend four hours on the road every day.W: By the time you get home,
47、 youll be too tired to even eat.M : I wont be able to play with kids.W: No, we have to find someplace closer to your job.(Text 10)We would simply advise you to think of the word CEKwhich stands for changing attitude, exposing yourself and keeping talking.Change attitude: The point is that you should
48、 realize that your goal is to communicate withpeople in English. It is acceptable for the beginner to say he don t know instead of he doesnAt least it is less annoying for them to wait for you.Expose yourself: This step means to expose yourself to an English environment. This is the twenty-first cen
49、tury and English is already everywhere. Movies, music, newspapers, articles and hundreds of tourists who walk past you every day can be great learning sourcesKeep talking: Whenever you have a chance to talk or to test your skills, just do it. Do not worry about mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, Tig
50、er Woods, David Beckham etc. Come on. Lets go out and create your own world of English.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)A【文章大意】本文介紹了 2019年四本全新的童話故事書籍。.D。細節(jié)理解題。根據第一本書介紹中的第一句,可知該書是美女與野獸的復述版,故答案為Do.C。細節(jié)理解題。根據第二本書的介紹,可知該書是從MaidMarian的角度來講述故事的,她面臨看做自己英雄的塊擇,故答案為Co.A。細節(jié)理解題。根據文章最后一句話,可知 Alice的者師中毒
51、了,她要進入奇境找藥,即 她要救自己老師的生命,故答案為A。B【文章大意】作者在文中記述了自己參加為他人建造房屋的公益活動的經歷。.B。細節(jié)理解題。根據第二段中的Dad was somehow a row of two story housesbeing built,mostly by volunteers like us可知,作者提到的重要事情是去義務修建房屋。.B。推理判斷題。根據第三段中的By lunch break I had pried countless bent制s,作者一開始釘釘子老是釘彎,由此推斷,作者剛開始釘釘子技術很不熟練。.A。推理判斷題。根據第二段中的 They we
52、re in the process of being built, mostly by volunteers like us 及最后段中的giving me such an opportunity to make a difference others lives 可知, 作者在公益組織做義工,為改變他人生活狀況積極努力,是一個很有愛心的人。.A。推理判斷題。根據最后一段中的 Habitat for Humanity is. You are welcome to join and be part of the change you want to see in your community 可
53、知,作者在本段中介紹了公益組織 Habitat for Humanity,并呼吁人們加入該組織,身體力行為公益事業(yè)盡一份力。C【文章大意】本文個了一種美國軍隊中流傳的快速入睡的方法。.A。細節(jié)理解題。根據文章第二段第二句,可知這本書介超了如何放松,如何在兩分鐘內入 睡,即如何快速入睡,故答案為A。.B。王旨大意題。根據文章第三段內容,可知經過練,96%的飛行員可以在兩分鐘內入睡,即該方法是有效的,故答案為 Bo.C。詞義測題。根據文章第五段第二句,可知這個快速入睡的方法需要你放松自己,而放松 的方式應該是躺在舒適的”沙發(fā)上,符合語境,故答案為a.A。推理判斷題。文章介紹的是一種快速入睡的方法,
54、屬于生理學和心理學范疇,即應屬于 科學專欄,故答為 A。D【文章大意】本文介紹了上海的垃圾分類指南及相關規(guī)定出臺后人們的反應。.C。細節(jié)理解題。根據文章第五段內容,可知紡織品屬于可回收垃圾,而舊衣物屬于仿織品, 故為Co.D。理判斷題,根則文章第四段內容,可知家食物垃級也被稱為濕垃級、包括剩飯剩菜、糜 爛的食物、寵物食品、果皮、中藥的殘留物核鮮花等,與其他三種垃圾相比,它們的共同點 在于易分解,故答案為D。34.B。推理判斷題。根據文章最后一段,可知該網友說從豬的角度來看,垃圾分類就簡單了, 他還編出了 口訣,可見該網友是以一種幽默的語氣來表達自己觀點,故答案為Bo。主旨大意題。本文主要介紹了
55、上海的垃圾分類指南的出臺及人們對此的反應。故答案為 Bo第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)【文章大意】本文是說明文。文章介紹了為何要搬去大城市的四個理由。Fo F項中的 Whilemay not與土文中的 While it may not是同一種句式, 即 while引導的 讓步狀語從句,雖然搬去下一個小鎮(zhèn)不會拓寬你的視野,但是搬去大城市可以給你帶來許多 挑戰(zhàn)。Ao 根據上文中的Nobody will bring up that time you tripped on your way into the post office可知,在大城市中沒有人知道你以前在小城市的模事,所以你可以盡
56、情地與過去告別。A項是對上文的總結。G。聯(lián)系上文中的 Even with so many people around. But you will get hard-earned success and satisfaction可知,大城市會讓你迅速成長起來, 因為即使身邊有很多人, 但你可能依然是孤軍 奮戰(zhàn),你需要通過自己的努力獲取成功。G項符合此處語境。Co 根據上文中的 Everyone focuses on the competitive nature of big cities, but there are also opportunities that you never would
57、 have access to in a small town 可知, 大城市會給你帶來許多 機遇,所以會有更多的職位和商業(yè)機會提供給你,讓你充滿干勁地去工作。C項起承上啟下的作用。Do 根據上文中的 And you ll be in a place with access to so many different ideas and values 可 知,大城市會給你接觸多元化思想和價值觀的機會,因此你可以拓寬視野和提升洞察力。第三部分英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題15分,滿分30分)【文章大意】本文為記敘文,少年英雄瑞恩在全世界募捐,幫助非洲人民打井
58、,讓非洲人民據有了健康的潔凈用水。A??疾槊~辨析。上文提到老師的一番講話改變了他的生活,由此可知老師是講給班上的同學聽的,故答案為 Ao??疾樾稳菰~辨析。下文提到非洲的人們沒有潔凈的水hard意為 艱難的,艱苦的”,故答案為B。.C??疾楦痹~辨析。根據語境,可知此處表示遞進關系,尤其是兒童,在沒有干凈的水的情 TOC o 1-5 h z 況下,容易生病,故答案為Co.D。考查動詞辨析。同樣表示遞進,沒有干凈的水的情況下人會生病,有時甚至會死亡,故答案為D??疾閯釉~辨析。該句提到他額外做家務,并掙得了70美元,由此可知他勸服了父母支付他做家務的酬勞,故答案為B。.D。考查名詞辨析。下文反復提及瑞恩幫助打井以獲得潔凈的水,故答案為Do.A??疾樾稳菰~辨析。根據上文,可知非洲人民最需要的是潔凈的水源,故簽案為A.C??疾閯釉~短語辨析。 根據上文,可知瑞恩只攢了 70美元,而打一口水井需要 2000美元,下文提
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