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1、Unit 7In Other WordsYour Objectives: By the end of this unit you should be able to have a general knowledge of English synonyms, idioms, proverbs, slang and euphemisms know how to use such language appropriately in different situations understand the difficulty of rendering English idioms into Chine

2、se and vice versa describe the characteristics of English proverbs and the cultural background of certain proverbs compare the similarities and differences between English proverbs and Chinese ones by translating some English proverbs into Chinese and vice versa describe the functions of slang words

3、 or phrases in native speakers daily talk, and have an idea of what rhyming slang is Idioms , Proverbs, Slang and EuphemismsIdioms Idioms on colorspaint the town red: to go on a spree and indulge in noisy, rough behavior狂歡, 胡鬧e.g.: When the Leeds won the football game, all the people in the city pai

4、nted the town red.see red: lose control of oneself through anger, or indignation發(fā)怒catch someone red-handed: being caught stealing on the spot當(dāng)場被抓red tape: necessary official rules and processes which delay the getting of results官樣文章in the red: owing money to someone or another organization 欠債e.g.: H

5、is account is in the red. out of the red: a debt which has been paid back 還債e.g.: My passport is stuck in red tape.once in a blue moon: very rare and hardly ever happens 千載難逢地e.g.: I only get over to Cambridge once in a blue moon and Im never in London.out of the blue: unexpectedly occurs 突然地black a

6、nd blue: badly bruised 青腫的,青一塊紫一塊的e.g.: Hes been black and blue for three months.black and white: (see) complex issues in simple terms of right and wrong. It is used to criticize people who treat complex ideas in a very simple way, 非是即非, 絕對化e.g.: She is still seeing issues in black and white.她現(xiàn)在看問題仍

7、然很絕對。in black and white: written proof 白紙黑字e.g. The contract is written in black and white.該合同已是白紙黑字寫上了。a black look: a look that is full of anger and hate怒視, 惡狠狠地看e.g.: She gave me a black look.a black sheep: a person who has done something bad, especially something that brings embarrassment and lo

8、ss of respect to the family.in the black:have moneye.g.: Last year, the company was back in the black, showing a modest pre-tax surplus of $5 million.去年, 該公司又盈利稅前5百萬美元。a white elephant: a thing that is useless but expensive 昂貴而無用的東西e.g.: That office building is a white elephant. Its been empty for a

9、 long time.a white lie: a polite lie to stop people from being upset by the truth.a white hope: a person or a thing which people hope will be very successful in the near future.in a brown study: thinking deeplygreen with envy: extremely envious of something that another person has or does, similar t

10、o Chinese idiom 紅眼病 (Hong Yan Bing -disease of red-eye)嫉妒得很e.g. She told us that she had spent a month in Paris with her husband for their 5th wedding anniversary. Not surprisingly, we were all green with envy. green (as grass): inexperienced or naive 新手green fingers: (Br. E.) a skill in growing pla

11、nts,園藝能手green thumb (Am.E.) 園藝能手in the pink: being fit and healthy (old)e.g.: He appeared in the pink.Idioms on animalsas busy as a beeas meek as a lambas happy as a lark as merry as a cricket as slippery as an eel(Chinese-loach)as cunning as a fox as strong as a horseas mild as a doveas stubborn as

12、 a mule(Chinese-bull)as blind as a batas wise as an owl(Chinese-monkey) as majestic as a lion(Chinese-tiger)as stupid as a goose(Chinese-pig) as foolish as a donkeyIdioms on sportsa straight shooterbeing honest and frank in ones talk一個言行正直的人shoot with real bulletsspeak from practical experience and

13、can actually accomplish something rather than just speaking theoretically踏踏實(shí)實(shí),言行一致shoot ones mouth offbrag about something one cannot really take credit for, or make unjustified criticisms, boast胡吹,滔滔不絕,隨便亂講, right on targetdoing very well, very appropriate準(zhǔn)確,合適,擊中要害slam dunkdo something decisively,

14、 force through 全力以赴地做某事hand-to-hand combata difficult tasktwist ones armpersuade or threaten somebody to do something 向某人施加壓力go for the jugularto attack aggressively 猛烈攻擊 no nettersomething done perfectly beyond beliefa knockouta very attractive or impressive person or thing 引人注目的,令人印象深刻的人或物take aim

15、 at somethingtarget something or exam something quite critically behind the eight ballbeing blocked or behind schedule regarding accomplishing a successful goal 處于不利地位strike a low blowbe unfairstand up to a few puncheswithstand criticism and go ahead withones work 經(jīng)得起批評Chinese idioms and their Engli

16、sh equivalents愛屋及烏(Ai Wu Ji Wu-love the house, love its birds): love me, love my dog幫倒忙( Bang Dao Mang -be more of a hindrance than a help): the kiss of death(貌似好心實(shí)則兇兆的行為)拜人為師 ( Bai Shi - ask for a master): sit at somebodys feet不露鋒芒 ( Bu Lu Feng Mang -hide the shining blade of ones sword ): hide one

17、s light under a bushel不辭而別(Bu Ci Er Bie-leave without asking for): take French leave吹牛( Chui Niu -blowing a bull): boast, talk bigger, talk horse, blow ones own trumpet/ horn膽小如鼠 (Dan Xiao Ru Shu -as timid as a rat): chicken-hearted對牛彈琴(Dui Niu Tan Qin -play the lute to a cow/bull/ address a wrong l

18、istener ): cast /throw pearls before swine ( waste time by offering something valuable or good to someone who doesnt know its value)多此一舉, 畫蛇添足( Duo Ci Yi Ju-Its unnecessary to draw a snake by adding its feet): carry coals to Newcastle; teach the dog to bark夸夸其談( Kua Kua Qi Tan-brag , boast)- have a

19、big mouth空中樓閣( Kong Zhong Lou Ge- a pavilion in the air/ have unrealistic plans or hopes for the future): castles in the air/ castles in Spain害群之馬(Hai Qun Zhi Ma -the bad horse in the group ): black sheep攔路虎( Lan Lu Fu -a tiger in the way): a lion in the way狼吞虎咽(Lang Tun Fu Yan -eat like a wolf and

20、tiger): wolf down 溜須拍馬( Liu Xu Pai Ma -Clearing the horses hair and patting the horses ass/bottom)- bootlick, lick someones boot亂七八糟(luan Qi Ba Zao-in a mess)- at sixes and sevens驢唇不對馬嘴( Lu Chun Bu Dui Ma Zhui- the donkeys lip doesnt fit the horses mouth ): out in the left field落湯雞( Luo Tang Ji-a dr

21、owned chicken): a drowned rat僥幸 ( Jiao Xin -very lucky): by the skin of ones teeth酒后之勇( Jiu Hou Zhi Yong-being courageous because of being drunk) - Dutch courage摸老虎屁股( Mo Lao Hu Pi Gu-touch the tigers ass): twist the lions tail牛飲( Niu Yin-drink like a bull): drink like a fish騎虎難下( Qi Hu Nan Xia -Rid

22、e a tiger without being able to get down ): hold a wolf by the ears守口如瓶( Shou Kou Ru Ping-shut ones mouth like a bottle with a cover): button ones lips五十步笑百步(Wu Shi Bu Xiao Bai Bu -the one backing 50 feet laughed at the one backing 100 feet): the pot calling the kettle black小菜一碟(Xiao Cai Yi Die- a s

23、mall dish): a piece of cake 一丘之貉(Yi Qiu Zhi He- a flock of racoon dogs) :birds of the same feather flock together ProverbsProverbs using a dogA good dog deserves a good bone.好狗應(yīng)該啃好骨頭, 有功者受賞。Barking dogs seldom bite.愛叫的狗不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齒。Every dog has its day.凡人皆有得意日。Love me, love my dog.你若把我當(dāng)朋友, 也要把我的朋友當(dāng)

24、朋友; 愛屋及烏。Teach the dog to bark. 教狗怎么叫 (意指多此一舉)。Proverbs using a cat A cat has nine lives. 貓有九條命。(英國迷信, 指貓的生命力強(qiáng))A cat in gloves catches no mice. (=Muffled cats catch no mice.) 帶手套的貓捉不到耗子; 四肢不勤, 一事無成; 怕沾污手指的人做不出什么事。All cats are grey in the dark. (=At night all cats are grey; when candles are out, all

25、cats are grey.) 貓在暗中都是灰色; 黑暗中難分美丑。 English proverbs and their Chinese equivalentsIts no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水難收 (Fu Shui Nan Shou -Its hard to collect the spilt water.) Where there is smoke there is fire. 無風(fēng)不起浪 (Wu Feng Bu Qi Lang -Where is wind, there is wave.)Idleness is the root of all e

26、vil. 一懶生百邪。(Yi Lan Sheng Bai Xie -Idleness is the root of all evil. )A bargain is a bargain. 一言為定(Yi Yan Wei Ding-Thats settled then.)An honest mans word is as good as his bond. 一諾千金( Yi Nuo Qian Jin - A promise is worth a thousand ounces of gold. )An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth.以眼還眼, 以牙還牙(Yi

27、 Yan Huan Yan ,Yi Ya huan Ya -an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth)As you sow , so you reap. 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。(Zhong Gua De Gua, Zhong Dou De Dou-Grow melons and get melons, grow beans and get beans.)Live and let live. 得饒人處,且饒人。(De Rao Ren Chu , Qie Rao Ren -Forgive someone else if you can. )A stitch in

28、time saves nine; Soonest done, soonest mended. 小洞不補(bǔ),大洞吃苦。(Xiao Dong Bu Bu , Da Dong Chi Ku-A small unmended hole will turn into a big one. )Many hands make light work.眾人拾柴火焰高。(Zong Ren Shi Cai Huo Yan Gao-The more wood is collected by the mass, the more fire it gets. )All good things must come to an

29、 end.天下沒有不散的宴習(xí)。( Tian Xia Mei You Bu San De Yan Xi- There is no banquet which will not come to an end. )No one can play the fool so well as the wise man. / Still water runs deep. 大智若愚。(Da Zhi Ruo Yu-The greatest wisdom seems like stupidity / The wise man plays a fool.)The wisdom that comes after the

30、 event . / Wisdom after the fact. / Advice comes too late when thing is done. 事后諸葛亮。(Shi Hou Zhu Ge Liang- One becomes a wise man like Zhu Geliang only after the event. )What can you expect from a hog( 肥公豬) / pig but a grunt? 狗嘴里吐不出象牙。(Gou Zhui Tu Bu Chu Xiang Ya-How can you expect an ivory tooth fr

31、om a dog? )Beat the dog before the lion. 殺雞給猴看。(Sha Ji Gei Hou Kan -Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey. )Its an evil bird that fouls (弄臟) its own nest. 家丑不可外揚(yáng)(Ji Chou Bu Ke Wai Yang -Do not give publicity to family scandals. )The early bird catches the worm. 捷足者先登。(Jie Zu Zhe Xian Deng- The swi

32、ft foot first reaches the top. )Speech is the picture of the mind. / What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. 言為心聲。(Yan Wei Xin Sheng-The speech reflects the mind.)Goes in one ear and out the other.左耳進(jìn)右耳出/ 當(dāng)作耳旁風(fēng) (Zuo Er Jin You Er Chu-Go In the left ear and out the right one.)e.g.: The mother keeps

33、telling her son to work harder, but her words go in one ear and out the other.Walls have ears. 隔墻有耳。(Ge Qiang You Er-Walls have ears.)A pie in the sky. 畫餅充饑。(Hua Bing Cong Ji- Draw a pie when hungry. )Kill the goose that lay the eggs. 殺雞取卵 /竭澤而漁。(Sha Ji Qu Luan / He Ze Er Yu - Kill the hen to get th

34、e eggs. / Dry the pond to get the fish. ) Slang Slang words in daily life Slang wordsReferencethe boxthe televisionthe clicker/ flickerthe remote controlthe blower/hornthe telephonea dive / holea cheep restaurant, bar or nightclubdough,dosh, dollars, woonga or moolahmoneyStreet slang (by young peopl

35、e)Slang wordsReferencecool, massive, wicked, stormingexcitingnaffsomething old-fashioned or undesirablerankanything bada nerd / prat /an anorak,a dweeb/ geek (AmE)somebody who seems stupidlarging it or chillinggoing out and having a good timeget pissed/ smashed (rude and offensive)get drunkblowing c

36、hunks/ chundering (AusE) praying to the porcelain god (AmE)vomiting after drinking too muchsmackheroinecrackcocaineEuphemismsSlang wordsReferencespend a penny, powder ones nose, visit the bathroom, go to the loogo to the toiletlet someone godismiss someonesanitary engineergarbage mana busker ( Londo

37、n)a street musician or public entertainer for moneythe big Ccancerpass awaydieKey PointsActivity 1synonyms Three ways in which words with the same meaning may differ from one another : a. it may be a difference in regional variety: autumn /fall; snack /baggin b. there may be stylistic differences: s

38、alt/ sodium chloride; disobedient /recalcitrant ( a formal equivalent of) ; c.in the emotional connotations of words : youths/ younsters The emotional associations differ from person to person objectionableActivity 2 IdiomsWhats an idiom?An idiom may have the same structure as an ordinary phrase, bu

39、t it has become frozen in form, whereas an ordinary phrase does not have the same idiomatic sense. In other words , an idiom is a fixed phrase with its own meaning which has to be learned as one unit. Idioms differ from ordinary phrases by their tendency to be frozen in form, and they must be entere

40、d into our mental dictionaries as single items.1. 拍馬屁 bootlick ,lick ones boot 2. 拜某人為師 sit at somebodys feet 3. 小菜一碟a piece of cake 4. 空中樓閣- castles in air5. 幫倒忙 the kiss of death 6. 守口如瓶 button ones lips7. 不辭而別 take French leave 8. 多此一舉, 畫蛇添足carry coals to Newcastle9. 五十步笑百步-the pot calling the ke

41、ttle black 10. 亂七八糟at sixes and sevens11. 夸夸其談 have a big mouth12. 酒后之勇Dutch courage 13. 以眼還眼 an eye for an eye 14. 不露鋒芒 hide ones light under a bushel15. 攔路虎 lion in the way 16. 正合吾意 after ones own heart17. 僥幸 by the skin of ones teeth 18. 對牛彈琴 cast /throw pearls before swine19. 美中不足 a fly in the o

42、intment 20. 社會中堅分子 the salt of the earth21. 洗手不干 wash ones hands 22. 良心的呼喚 still small voiceActivity 3 More on IdiomsTask 1 Colourful language Both English and Chinese are rich in idioms employing colours and animals. For example, once in a blue moon, a lucky dog, 紅眼病 and 望子成龍. English is also rich

43、in idioms composed of sports terms, such as strike a low blow, right on target, etc. These idioms make images vivid and bring so much life to language. However, the correct and appropriate use of these idioms is also a most challenging part of language learning. In this activity, we are going to foc

44、us on these idioms. 1. as busy as a bee 2. As strong as a horse 3. as slippery as an eel ( Chinese-loach) 4. As meek as a lamb5. as happy as a lark 6. As stubborn as a mule( Ch-bull)7. as cunning as a fox 8. As blind as a bat9. as wise as an owl (Ch-monkey) 10. As majestic as a lion11. as stupid as

45、a goose ( Ch-pig) 12. As foolish as a donkey13. as merry as a cricket 14. as mild as a doveFrom the above 12 English metaphors , we can see that there are some similar expressions in English and in Chinese when certain qualities are associated with certain animals. Both cultures will describe a pers

46、on as cunning as a fox, or as meek as a lamb. But there are more different associations, English speaking people will say somebody is as stubborn as a mule , but Chinese will say somebody is as stubborn as a bull. As wise as an owl indicates that English-speaking people associate wisdom with this bi

47、rd. In English books and cartoons , the owl is usually solemn and wise. Among many Chinese, however, there is a superstitious belief that this bird is a sign of bad luck .If people use an animal image to describe cleverness, they often say s/he is as wise as (a monkey).The bat is usually associated

48、with negative qualities in the West. As blind as a bat, hes a bit batty( mad)are typical expressions of the negative associations. Mention of the bat often evokes the image of an ugly, sinister, blood-sucking creature, This may possibly be because of the vampire bat. To us Chinese people , however,

49、the bat is a symbol of good fortune, well-being, happinesee- all positive qualities. The reason for such associations is probably because the name of the creature is pronounced the same as the word “fu” , which is the very word that means fortune, well-being and happiness. Activity 4 ProverbsProverb

50、s - the popular short sayings containing words of advice or warning. They are , as the Dutch put it, the daughters of experience, pieces of traditional wisdom put into a memorable form and handed down from previous generations. Task 1 Different cultural background, similar views1.A stitch in time sa

51、ves nine . 小洞不補(bǔ)大洞吃苦.1. 天下沒有不散的宴習(xí)。All good things must come to an end。2. 十里不同俗。 Other countries ,other manners。9 眾人 拾柴火焰高。Many hands make light work。 10 親身下河知深淺, 親口嘗梨知酸甜。The proof of the pudding is in the eating。 11 失之東隅,收之桑榆。What we lose on the swings we gain on the roudabouts12 甘瓜苦蒂, 物無全美.There is

52、no rose without a thorn。Task 2 proverbs: daughters of experience:The effectiveness of proverbs relies on their brevity (briefness) and directness. Their images are vivid and taken from the events of everyday life. They are made memorable by the use of a number of devices such as alliteration as in “

53、 Look before you leap”, and rhyme, as in “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” But perhaps the commonest device of all is reliance on a simple balanced structure, as in “ More haste, less speed.”The main proverbs:1. Desperate disease must have desperate remedies.重病需要猛藥醫(yī)2. When Greek meets, then com

54、es the tug of war. ( difference of opinions between two strong-minded men) 棋逢對手,將遇良才/ 兩強(qiáng)會戰(zhàn), 爭斗必酣3. Dont have too many irons in the fire. 一口吃不成胖子/ 心急煮不成熟飯4. Strike while the iron is hot. 乘熱打鐵5. Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs. 不要?dú)㈦u取蛋/竭澤而漁6. Dont change horses in mid-stream./ Dont swap ho

55、rses when crossing a stream. 處在危難中, 不宜 大更動7. The last straw breaks the camels back. 最終使人無法忍受的事8. Like father like son.9. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 不打不成器.10. Many a little make a mickle.11. A hedge between keeps friendship green.12. Forgive and forget. 不念舊惡13. Grasp all . lose all. 貪多必失.14.

56、A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,謬以千里15. Every dog has his day. 人皆有得意時.16. Waste not ,want not. 不用不喊17. Forewarned is forearmed.凡事預(yù)則立.18. In for a penny , in for a pound.一不做二不休19. Haste makes waste欲速則不達(dá)Activity 5 Slang, Taboo Words and Euphemisms The distinctive characteristics in English writing a

57、nd speech: English writing tend to be : carefully constructed, use longer words, relies on rhetorical devices for effectiveness. Conversational English tends to ramble, short sentences, loose construction, plenty of colloquialisms and slang Slang is used between people who know each other very well

58、or who have the same job or the same interests. One generations slang is often another generations standard vocabulary. Slang is often invented in keeping with new ideas and customs. Acid to zonked one function: to make speech vivid, colorful and interesting.Activity 5 Taboo Words English and Chines

59、e have certain areas of agreement on taboos. Talking about sexual intercourse and certain parts of the body is taboo in both cultures. (Excreta and acts of human excretion ) Nowadays those words which are related to Christian religious terms or names ( Crist, God, etc.) are used as swearwords to exp

60、ress their strong feelings, such as Jesus Christ! Holy Mary! Oh, god! In many languages, swearwords are taboo. Activity 5 Task 5 Euphemisms Euphemisms:indirect expressions that enable people to avoid talking directly about something which might cause offence or embarrassment Several categories: deat


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