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1、優(yōu)質資料-歡迎下載教學基本信息課題Keep it up、Xie lei是否屬于 地方課程或校本課程否學科英語學段:高中年級高二相關領域人與社會:領略多樣文化教材書名:英語選修七 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2007年2月教學背景分析,學習內容分析What本單元主題是“領略多樣文化”,內容主要涉及中國留學生在英國、加拿大國家的介紹、 不同國家間的文化沖突及對澳大利亞這個多元文化國家的人的采訪。本行課是本單元的閱讀 課,本篇課文Keep it up, Xie Lei是一篇記敘文,主題語境是人與社會一領略多樣文化,主 要講述了中國留學生Xie Lei在英國求學時所面臨的學習及生活上的問題,及其

2、在房東、導 師的幫助下勇敢而對困難,迎接挑戰(zhàn),最終樹立了信心的故事。Why本文通過描寫Xie Lei在英國留學所面臨的學習和生活上的困難,讓我們了解Xie Lei是 如何一步步在房東和導師的幫助下克服苦難并重塑自信心,并最終適應留學生活的。文章明 線是Xie Lei在英國留學期間的所面臨的各種困難,暗線是她在不同階段的內心情感變化, 并由此推斷出文章寫作意圖,引發(fā)讀者思考不同的文化對人的影響以及人與人之間的關系, 使讀者反思如何才能更好的處理人與多樣文化以及人與人之間的關系How本文是篇記敘文,具備記敘文的要素:時間、地點、人物、事情的起因、經過、結果。 開篇點明事情發(fā)生的起因、人物、時間、地

3、點,主體部分介紹事情的經過和結果。引導學生 關注故事的發(fā)展尤其是情感傳達時用的語言,進一步感受記敘文的風格。學生情況分析濰坊實驗中學高二學生,經過高二一年的學習已經很好的具備獲取信息處理信息的能 力,能夠分析文本,但是口語表達能力欠缺,詞匯理解難度略大,深入挖掘文本能力也有所 欠缺。本節(jié).課預設主要困難:某些詞匯不易理解:不熟悉mind map的建構;不能用英語流 利地交流個人想法。解決措施:對于詞匯部分,先通過語境猜測詞義,必要時引導近義詞替 換,鼓勵學生在交流環(huán)方多運用文中重要的新詞。課前給予一定的引導,培訓啟發(fā)構建mind map的大致思路,同時發(fā)揮好組長的作用,老師也在合作交流時充分給

4、予學習有困難的學 生關注。鼓勵他們敢于開口,樹立信心。預設難點及解決措施難點:準確構建本文的思維導圖措施:學生構建時教師應對其進行提示和指導,在學生展示完后老師再進一步用問題引 導學生進行深度思考,引導學生樹立正確使用思維導圖的思想:畫思維導圖不是誰畫的好看 就評價它好,而是要有邏輯性,克服形式主義。教學方式與教學手段說明任務驅動下的自主學習與探究。教學資源設計教材、271教育英語學科學習設計與指導、多媒體課件、學案、黑板和粉筆。教學目標(內容框架)By the end of tliis class, students will be able to:read the hvo passages

5、 and know how the story goes.;draw the mind map of Xie Leis experience and use your own words to descnbe it; and retell it in your own words.To assess this article and provide more relevant iiifonnation.教學過程(表格描述)教學階段教學活動設置意圖時間 安排Pre-readingStepl: Lead inl.Ss answer do you want to go abroad for a ft

6、irtlier study?(Ss can answer yes or no, but must speak out the reason.)2.Ss answer next question:what are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?(Ss can answer from those aspects:advantage: broaden horizon, learn language, meet different kinds of persons know more English-

7、speaking countries cultures.disadvantages: lonely, problems of language, cultural conflict)利用兩個問 題引出出國 學習及生活 這個話題和 出國學習的 優(yōu)點和缺 點,激活學 生興趣和背 景知識。同 時通過問答 引出部分生5 niiii詞,為正文 的閱讀作好 知識上和心 理上的準 備。WTiile-readingStep 2: Acthityl Summarize die main idea and draw the mind map.T invites Ss to draw a mind map of t

8、he story.l .Ss read the text and write down the main idea of the text.2.Ss tlmik about the stnictiire of the story and match die key pomt for each part.3. Ss tliiiik about what they are going to show m their mind map and draw the mind map學生自主閱 讀,按照自 己的理解梳 理、歸納文 本信息。40iiihiStep 3: Activity2 Share, an

9、alyze and improve their own niHid-inaps.l.Ss work in groups to explain tlieir own muid-niaps, exchange their work and add more key points if necessary. Meanwhile, volunteers draw their works on the blackboards.Ss explain their own mind-map in public.If Ss havent pomted out. T will eiiligliten Ss to

10、infer some hidden infbnnation such as: the difficulties of Xie Leis studying and living; the way she solve her problems in studying abroad: the change of Xie LeTs feeluigs. Her difficulties in her life and study at the universitycan not find a balance between study and a social life.can not underhan

11、d what others say?can not make new friends.Not read widely and analyse the text.can not express one s own opmion witli reason. the way tliey solve problemsl .To leam how to fillfill westem academic requirementsTo get to used to a new way of life and improve her English.to learn more about everyday l

12、ife and customs.to have people to explain thmgs not imderstand.to explain about why you can not use other peoples work without ackiiowledgmg it.to encourage you to express your own ideas with reasons.the change of Xie Leis feelmgs.合作學習, 分享交流成 果,部分同 學來點評本 篇文章的思 維導圖,主 要是從謝蕾 在英國的生 活、學習及 謝蕾的情感 變化進行點 評。注

13、意; 老師再進一 步對本篇文 章的思維導 圖進行深度 點撥時,要 向孩子們明 確表明;畫 思維導圖不 是誰畫的好 看就好,思 維導圖要有 邏輯性。最 后老師引導 孩子們進行25niinlonely/conftised feel much more at home深度思考聊 拓展孩子們 的思維寬度 及深度。Step4: Activity 3 Questions for ftirther tlmikingWhy did Xie Lei tlmik her essay will get a good mark but her tutor gave her an E?Superficial: can

14、not copy others and you should have your own ideas.Tlie difference between China and English speakmg country.學生閱讀之 后可依據自 己的認知和 價值觀發(fā)表 個人看法5niinPost-readingStep5 Furtlier tlmikingAt the end of this story Ss know the ending: Xie Lei feels much more at home m England now. Then T asks Ss to tliuik about

15、the following questions:What type of text does the passage belong to?Why does the autlior write this article? Who are the intended readers?One possible opinion: Why the author write this article is to get more students who want to go abroad know what the life and study are really like m a totally di

16、fferent country with different culture. And the intended readers may be those who want to go to England for studying.If you have an opportmuty to study abroad, what can you get from tlie text? What should you prepare?One possible opinion: If I can study abroad, I must prepare to leam more about the

17、local culture, especially the customs and rules m life. And 1 must leam English well.Does die autlior give you all die expected infbnnation? If you were the author, what other infbnnation would you provide? What would you go on reporting about Xie Lei in the later editions.?最后老 師引導孩子 們進行深度 思考聊拓展 孩子們

18、的思 維寬度及深 度。015111K1HomeworkWrite a summary for this story.Do more research about tlie different cultures m the English-speaking countries and thnik about tliein and report the positive and negative effects of them.教學反思本行課活動的設置圍繞”學習理解、應用實踐、遷移創(chuàng)新”三個層次培養(yǎng)學生思維C先 是讓學生通過mind map形式構建梳理文本框架,總結情感變化并推斷寫作意圖,基本達到 了課堂預設目標。優(yōu)點:本課比較實用,學生整體都很積


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