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1、矮參加氨網(wǎng)絡(luò)巴經(jīng)濟學壩課程胺學習懊的叭同學凹請巴注意氨,邦我們敗現(xiàn)在頒把懊何笆夢鞍筆疤教授矮的芭網(wǎng)絡(luò)經(jīng)濟瓣學矮介紹把轉(zhuǎn)擺給敖你們凹。班里面昂既愛有愛他哀設(shè)想藹的壩學習岸方法扒的把敘述襖,版也般有拔參加按這門霸課程藹的鞍同學拌必須愛回答邦的壩問題扳,挨也敖有艾參加哎學習挨的瓣人熬在敗網(wǎng)靶上澳需要捌找到板的爸閱讀礙材料捌。敗請?zhí)@按照礙何佰夢叭筆岸教授拔在巴他白的隘介紹吧中板的吧要求敖去盎做搬,搬否則爸可能啊會昂影響霸到扳學習按效果斑。隘Introdu唉ction I瓣nto Evo傲lutiona罷ry Econ扮omics案Teacher澳: Prof.稗 Dr. Ca百rsten H邦errm

2、ann跋-Pillat愛h, Witt班en/Herd耙ecke Un扳iversit叭y, Germ版any俺In a no安n-techn罷ical fa搬shion, 暗the cou擺rse off澳ers an 佰introdu癌ction i壩nto the啊 newly 伴emergin昂g field把 of Evo安lutiona敖ry Econ疤omics. 阿Basic c拜oncepts礙 and me暗thodolo絆gical p盎remises扮 are de凹veloped般, follo霸wing an斑 indepe敖ndent a絆pproach挨 whi

3、ch 隘is clos藹ely rel阿ated to半 Europe壩an inte阿llectua捌l tradi鞍tions i挨n econo暗mics (e按.g. ins捌titutio笆nal eco班nomics,百 theory吧 of ord扮er, reg罷ulation扳 theory笆, Schum伴peteria霸n econo吧mics, A耙ustrian愛 School板 etc.).爸 半Teachin稗g metho芭dology 鞍is “ero拔tetic”,頒 based 疤on the 絆Socrati奧an appr笆oach to鞍 gain

4、n笆ew know般ledge v半ia posi百ng ques俺tions a辦nd cond挨ucting 芭an open阿 and eq傲ual dia扳logue b敖etween 襖student百 and te疤acher. 挨The cla班ss pres哎upposes骯 prior 罷indepen啊dent st靶udy by 佰the stu扳dents, 骯the und安erlying壩 materi吧al of w捌hich is背 offere板d via t暗he webs辦ite HYPERLINK 皚www.evo霸lutiona唉ryecono辦mic

5、s.ne哀t拜. Stude瓣nts are埃 asked 背to prep盎are the凹ir answ拜ers to 哀the que白stions 般by expl皚oiting 昂this ma八terial,般 howeve白r they 捌are fre胺e to in隘clude i拌ndepend拌ent res班earch a啊nd view版points.哀 The we澳bsite c凹ontains敗 numero靶us link澳s to ot皚her res疤ources 壩that ca敖n be us凹ed for 扮this pu背rpose. 艾In pa

6、rt案icular,稗 they a壩re stro佰ngly en癌courage安d to fi笆nd thei跋r own s伴olution盎s and t耙o devel板op thei襖r indep隘endent 氨opinion柏. In th昂e class奧room, t罷he teac瓣her act愛ively p胺articip癌ates in背 the fr吧ee disc鞍ussion 伴among t熬he stud爸ents an按d provi版des add芭itional疤 inform版ation a芭nd pers翱pective把s.絆The cl

7、a隘ss is c暗onclude皚d with 扮a writt艾en exam班ination唉 where 拌one out扮 of two跋 questi邦ons for白 choice芭 has to阿 be dis絆cussed.芭 Origin懊al and 跋critica白l thoug半ht is e吧special伴ly prai岸sed, wi柏th less把 emphas敖is on “邦right” 擺or “wro靶ng”.背Languag半es used吧 in the跋 classr昂oom are阿 Englis澳h and C八hinese.盎 The

8、wr白itten e捌xaminat胺ion is 班in Chin扮ese (cl跋early w半ritten吧).拔Session叭 One: 安First S愛teps To罷ward a 白New Vie挨w of Ec隘onomics捌: Knowl叭edge an藹d Netwo般rks艾1-1. Wh澳at are 凹the cos稗ts of t八he entr白epreneu罷r? Are 疤they in背cluded 佰in the 奧data fr八om the 佰account阿ing dep靶artment擺? 笆1-2. Pe骯ople of班ten dec跋i

9、de wit百h incom吧plete i佰nformat骯ion and俺 even t唉otal ig疤norance柏 about 跋the fut岸ure. Do傲 you th白ink tha襖t they 盎can app啊ly some搬 optimi阿zation 板calculu鞍s about癌 the ne愛cessary挨 invest埃ment in礙to the 凹collect案ion of 版informa扳tion? W澳hat are半 the al拜ternati愛ves? Im稗agine y胺ourself奧 buying瓣 a new 把compu

10、te芭r with 骯cutting把 edge e癌quipmen般t. How 襖do you 芭find th啊e best 頒buy? Wh凹en do y爸ou stop靶 search拌ing for氨 furthe案r marke捌t intel拔ligence板?俺1-3. Ho般w would疤 you de隘fine k敖nowledg疤e“? Is 俺there a敖lways a敗 subjec盎t who “版knows” 骯the kno拔wledge?昂 Consid笆er some傲 social埃 rules 唉the fun班ction o岸f which佰

11、 might 凹differ 扒from th拜e meani皚ng that版 is ass哀igned t瓣o the r斑ules by澳 the pa懊rticipa奧nt subj背ects. D罷raw a c敖omparis懊on with頒 the “k吧nowledg挨e” that斑 is emb拜odied i芭n your 暗genes.班1-4. Wh翱at is t盎he diff班erence 隘between哀 the fo版llowing吧 two vi礙ews of 柏the mar癌ket? a)版 The ma半rket is隘 the pl伴ace w

12、he癌re supp百ly and 翱demand 巴meet an敗d are e壩quilibr般ated vi案a the p盎rice me靶chanism板, and b白) the m半arket i芭s a com隘plex so岸cial ne礙twork w百here su百bjects 藹communi霸cate an氨d proce拌ss info笆rmation八 to fin白d oppor奧tunitie柏s for m皚utually八 benefi爸cial ba皚rgains.挨 Try to伴 define懊 a netw捌ork of 絆relatio邦n

13、s betw扒een act百ors and伴 compar挨e your 疤concept百 with s百tandard耙 descri拔ptions 半of mark頒ets in 班a micro霸economi巴cs text埃book.挨1-5. In癌 what w半ay do s佰tructur胺es of n伴etworks伴 consti班tute po百wer of 般an acto半r? What矮 does p傲ower me爸an in t擺he econ邦omic co壩ntext? 挨In the 伴context啊 of com斑petitio爸n, powe

14、靶r is of哎ten per半ceived 阿as bein巴g detri挨mental 般to the 拜emergen瓣ce of s擺ocially皚 optima鞍l(fā) outco艾mes. Ho邦wever, 半how abo稗ut the 板role of斑 power 鞍for sta哀bilizin安g struc凹tures o邦f netwo邦rks tha案t coord柏inate m扳arket t拜ransact啊ions?俺Session把 Two: 艾Ends an稗d Means瓣 in an 俺Evoluti板onary C霸ontext挨2-1. Ma

15、般ny econ搬omists 傲think t胺hat pre襖ference岸s are g板iven an俺d do no胺t need 靶to be e挨xplaine骯d. Peop艾le are 安presume翱d to fi襖nd an e扒quilibr凹ium of 哎their c霸onflict艾ing wan耙ts such岸 that t把hey are奧 fully 笆satisfi版ed with邦 their 拜realize頒d state壩 of con伴sumptio案n. Yet,瓣 try to佰 unders霸tand co耙nsumpti奧on

16、and 癌prefere拌nces wi俺th a vi斑ew on t搬hen exi八stence 扒of inte壩rnal co扮nflicts隘, for e稗xample,板 betwee岸n the w扳ish to 拔have a 頒beautif絆ul body跋 and th芭e drive埃 to eat百 a lot 吧of deli隘cious t癌hings, 埃or betw癌een sho艾rt-term八 intere辦sts in 挨leisure襖 and lo愛ng-term暗 intere拜sts in 隘profess壩ional s叭uccess.

17、藹 How ca氨n we ex擺plain t霸he diff矮erent k埃inds of哎 prefer哀ences, 斑and how絆 can we稗 unders芭tand th按e way o絆f solvi艾ng the 扳conflic版ts? Is 鞍the equ胺ilibriu八m conce佰pt real伴ly sens埃ible he岸re?俺2-2. Do百 you th白ink tha拔t it ma般kes a d愛ifferen稗ce whet巴her peo岸ple try昂 to max疤imize t鞍heir pe凹rceived耙 level

18、懊of mate岸rial we跋lfare o皚r wheth盎er they愛 try to哀 maximi稗ze thei拌r relat跋ive pos案ition t唉o other艾 people襖? What 皚is the 癌implica稗tion fo澳r socia鞍l(fā) coope矮ration 矮and soc靶ial ord藹er? Try笆 to fin巴d some 埃argumen版ts why 背the max稗imizati笆on of r岸elative安 status半 might 拜be engr般ained i跋n our g壩enes as鞍 a

19、resu岸lt of n版atural 安evoluti熬on. Wha骯t kind 班of evid皚ence do傲 you fi鞍nd in e罷veryday疤 life?案2-3. Ec叭onomist愛s mostl唉y think版 of peo稗ple bei隘ng led 俺by self瓣-intere芭st and 傲rationa斑l choic氨e. In r壩eality,壩 there 扳is much絆 room f柏or symp半hathy, 伴love an爸d hatre骯d and o擺ther em疤otions.頒 Think 壩of prob熬

20、lems of芭 strate唉gic int霸eractio暗n where柏 “irrat板ional” 暗behavio扒r may l啊ead tow背ard opt稗imal ou哎tcomes!白 Strate吧gic int捌eractio邦n invol八ves com鞍plex is扮sues of百 mutual俺 inform邦ation a把bout th笆e knowl般edge of芭 the di拌fferent啊 actors稗 involv叭ed. How愛 can em般otional瓣 commit芭ment he柏lp to o百vercome伴 obs

21、tac啊les aga把inst a 爸solutio瓣n to th板e probl耙em to u澳ndersta叭nd and 八anticip傲ate the搬 other白s actio皚n?柏2-4. On懊e of th矮e main 阿achieve岸ments o笆f human埃 histor跋y is th奧e capab暗ility t霸o creat敗e large佰 organi矮zations斑. Consi矮der dif胺ferent 皚explana藹tions o鞍f the e板mergenc瓣e of th阿e organ俺ization熬 in a

22、m稗arket c拜ontext.靶 To whi岸ch exte般nt can 百we expl班ain the案 organi哀zation 挨as a re頒sult of敖 explic礙it huma班n desig敖n? Can 佰we thin靶k of go班als of 罷the org搬anizati霸on whic挨h are p哀artly a頒utonomo吧us from疤 the go版als of 拔the ind敗ividual挨 member敗s? 芭Session絆 Three:按Pattern俺s of Pr柏ocess a礙nd Chan稗ge板3-1

23、. Th癌ink abo笆ut time凹. In mo案st scie拜ntific 版analyse搬s, time扳 is tre壩ated as哎 a line扒ar arro瓣w betwe敗en past哀 and fu爸ture. H疤ow far 案can we 柏say tha壩t time 瓣has als耙o a str斑ucture?熬 Imagin拌e produ矮ction a巴s a cha案in of e扒lementa板ry proc巴esses w把hich ca唉nnot be捌 furthe捌r subdi搬vided i八n time.扮 In wha

24、拔t way a瓣re simu凹ltaneou擺s event拌s a cru俺cial de跋termina皚nt of t敖he spec吧ific ou俺tcome? 巴How is 白coordin傲ation o芭f diffe艾rent pr八ocesses盎 in tim伴e possi唉ble? Th俺ink of 版economi柏c devel俺opment 疤as an i擺ncreasi板ng comp壩lexity 拔of stru胺ctures 暗of time昂!阿3-2. Ho八w does 礙the pas阿t deter疤mine th鞍e prese般n

25、t? Tak胺e techn百ology a班s an ex矮ample, 靶as, for擺 instan懊ce, the板 automo巴bile. H板ow far 拜are cur白rent te般chnolog疤ical ch般oices r班estrain傲ed by p罷ast eve埃nts in 伴technol巴ogy evo跋lution?八 Try to擺 unders佰tand te頒chnolog盎y as a 胺network俺, both 百on the 班materia岸l and t澳he soci安al leve鞍l(fā). How 安do netw半ork s

26、tr半uctures哀 channe扳l furth頒er tech般nologic唉al chan哎ge?罷3-3. A 盎fundame斑ntal co唉ncept o跋f any e板volutio懊nary ex安planati癌on is t疤he mech版anism o岸f varia敗tion, s骯electio安n and r巴etentio隘n. Imag白ine the安 market敗 proces奧s and t傲ry to d愛epict i愛t as a 啊VSR-mec皚hanism.哎 Could 懊you thi芭nk of t壩echnolo盎gy ev

27、ol霸ving vi靶a VSR-p鞍rocesse半s? How 叭is plan拔ned con哀structi凹on rela耙ted to 昂evoluti礙on? Wha八t is th扳e role 暗played 暗by limi霸ted kno捌wledge 百about c百omplex 案systems扳? Pay s伴pecial 靶attenti按on to t靶he sour般ces of 熬variety礙 and to瓣 the me叭chanism拜s of re翱tention霸. Consi翱der wha艾t happe笆ns if t傲he mech斑a

28、nisms 瓣of rete胺ntion a扒re them笆selves 矮the obj敖ect of 爸a VSR-p阿rocess.敖3-4. We澳 can sa芭y that 班an econ敖omic sy翱stem ma搬intains百 a stat骯e of or哎der as 俺compare胺d to it阿s envir藹onment.擺 For th叭is, the爸 system把 needs 挨energy.挨 Try to稗 apply 愛the law瓣s of th澳ermodyn版amics o扒n this.邦 How fa拌r can w斑e can

29、 g埃o in re鞍aching 扮certain半 conclu骯sions f八or ener鞍gy poli辦cy? For敗 exampl熬e, shou佰ld we t扳ry to m熬inimize半 energy叭 throug隘hput as背 far as按 possib八le, eve稗n if ma拜rket pr昂ices su懊ggest o耙therwis胺e? Shou阿ld the 扮governm霸ent pur傲sue an 巴explici佰t polic藹y to sa霸ve reso皚urces? 按Or, wil巴l the m奧arket r胺e

30、gulate暗 the pr霸oper pr叭eparati暗on for 啊future 哎needs?凹Session柏 Four:邦Evoluti胺on of S按tructur擺e敗4-1. Ho矮w can w耙e disti把nguish 唉between靶 differ扳ent lev岸els of 俺evoluti啊on? Wha罷t is th板e relat叭ion bet邦ween un盎its of 笆selecti伴on and 挨complex辦ity of 隘VSR-mec霸hanisms礙? Consi扒der the挨 effect頒 of a s把elf-r

31、ef半erentia爸l VSR-p翱rocess.翱 Apply 哀these t笆heoreti辦cal dis皚tinctio敗ns on h挨uman so壩cial or辦ganizat斑ion and拌 cooper巴ation. 皚For exa唉mple, c柏onsider傲 cooper半ation a邦mong vi啊llagers擺 who co靶l(wèi)lectiv白ely org埃anize a藹n irrig疤ation s扒ystem, 叭and who愛 stay i暗n a com巴petitiv頒e relat吧ion wit翱h a nei熬ghbouri骯n

32、g noma柏dic tri唉be who 搬might t捌ry to l背ive par唉asitica藹lly on 靶the vil哀lage by唉 means 擺of regu艾lar rai罷ds. How霸 far ca案n we go傲 with a捌n indiv芭idualis唉tic exp拜lanatio柏n of ob斑served 靶pattern拜s, and 巴do we n佰eed a c藹oncept 敗of grou疤p selec板tion?伴4-2. An胺alyze t骯he diff把erent f癌unction敖s of in跋stituti

33、暗ons in 傲the eco敖nomy. H傲ow far 俺can we 疤explain盎 these 頒as a re藹sult of艾 ration哀al choi板ce amon哀g a lar跋ger gro拜up of a柏ctors? 藹Discuss埃 the re佰lation 辦between翱 “evolu澳tion” a伴nd “rev氨olution熬” in in皚stituti敖onal ch唉ange, t挨aking C氨hinas 案recent 半history跋 as an 靶example襖. 頒4-3. Co傲nsider 班market 奧i

34、nstitu壩tions t跋hat cop班e with 隘the pro叭blem of頒 qualit辦y uncer頒tainty.班 How ca擺n they 鞍emerge 皚spontan艾eously 板out of 百the mar吧ket pro班cess? T邦o which奧 extent叭 is a p拔owerful昂 interv霸ention 懊needed 扳to crea昂te and 斑stabili案ze such拜 instit矮utions?骯4-4. Is跋 there 半a relat襖ion bet半ween te擺chnolog佰y and

35、 i哀nstitut瓣ions? B挨roaden 鞍your vi拔ew on o埃rganiza稗tions. 斑How far昂 is tec拔hnology艾 evolut鞍ion det凹ermined矮 by int阿ernal f柏actors,礙 how fa白r by ex哎ternal 壩factors壩, i.e. 搬referri瓣ng to t盎he inst拌itution昂al and 隘organiz皚ational安 enviro捌nment? 俺Is ther霸e an in唉teracti澳ve rela奧tion, w瓣ith tec伴hnology罷

36、also d安etermin白ing the奧 evolut案ion of 扳institu案tions a拔nd orga骯nizatio澳ns? 背4-5. An案alyse t柏he diff敗erent k礙inds of昂 knowle奧dge inv礙olved i罷n techn叭ology e版volutio皚n. Test胺 your r拌esult b氨y means叭 of app八lying i耙t on th稗e quest霸ion how啊 users 敖influen俺ce tech傲nology 藹evoluti罷on.拌Session佰 Five:案Emerg

37、en藹ce of O拌rder芭5-1. Ma啊ny peop柏le thin敗k that 盎culture岸 is an 頒importa芭nt dete靶rminant哀 of eco板nomic d搬evelopm鞍ent. Ho皚w can c胺ulture 按be fit 吧into an版 evolut佰ionary 岸approac熬h? How 半do you 柏think a熬bout re吧cent fe邦ars abo礙ut a “c斑lash be佰tween c懊iviliza頒tions”?壩 Try to斑 distin埃guish b扳etween 柏negativ挨e and p傲ositive背 econom艾ic effe骯cts of 氨cultura拌l disti斑nctiven安ess amo捌ng grou柏


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