1、同義詞:prosaic 的同義詞是?A green handB fakeC lousyD ordinary正確:D:prosaic 平凡的,單調(diào)的;極壞的; ordinary 平凡的br/green hand 生手;,的; lousy 討厭的,fake2circumscribed 的同義詞是?A expertB carelessC limitedD smooth正確:C:circumscribed 局限的;expert光滑的br/的; careless 粗心的; limited 限制的; smooth3indecorous 的同義詞是?A continuousB unseemlyC seren
2、eD tame正確:B:indecorous 不合時宜的,不得體的; continuous 連續(xù)不斷的; unseemly 不合時宜的; serene 平靜的; tame 馴服的br/4scathing 的同義詞是?A sarcasticB brilliantC tantamountD broad正確:A:scathing 嚴厲的,損傷的; sarcastic同等的; broad 遼闊的br/尖刻的,挖苦的;brilliant杰出的; tantamount5riveting 的同義詞是?A garnishB robustCcaptivatingD inhibited正確:C:riveting
3、吸引人的; garnish抑制的br/裝飾; robust 健康的; captivating 吸引人的; inhibited6renounce 的同義詞是?A proclaimB despiseC accoladeD relinquish正確:D:renounce 放棄; proclaim放棄br/; despise 鄙視; accolade 榮譽,推崇; relinquish7exotic 的同義詞是?A royalB foreignC opiteD innovate正確:B:exotic 異國的,外來的;royal創(chuàng)新br/王室的; foreign 外國的; opite 相反的; inno
4、vate8toxic 的同義詞是?A tonicB concentratingC poisonousD trivial正確:C:toxic的; tonic 滋補的; concentrating 濃縮的; poisonous的; trivial 瑣碎的,不重要的br/9deflect 的同義詞是?A varyB divertC debateD ridicule正確:B:deflect 使傾斜,轉(zhuǎn)移; vary嘲笑br/變化,變異; divert 轉(zhuǎn)移,; debate辯論; ridicule10abeyance 的同義詞是?A approvalB continuationC suspenD an
5、tidote正確:C:abeyance 中止,停頓;止; antidote 解毒劑br/approval 贊成; continuation 繼續(xù); suspen暫停,停反義詞:cursory 的反義詞是?A capriciousB circumspectC causalD conciliatory正確:B:cursory 草率的,匆忙的;capricious 反復無常的;circumspect 細心的,周到的;causal因果關系的; conciliatory 調(diào)停的br/2deferential 的反義詞是?A inimicalB ingeniousC curtD credulous正確:A
6、:deferential 恭敬的; inimical 有敵意的; ingeniouscredulous 輕信的br/機靈的; curt 簡要的,草率的;3deprecate 的反義詞是?A conformB contendC covetD camouflage正確:A:deprecate,輕視; conform 遵循; contend 爭辯,競爭; covet 垂涎,覬覦;camouflage 掩飾,br/4sloppy 的反義詞是?A discrepantB discreetC pristineD prosperous正確:B:sloppy 草率的,粗心的; discrepant古的; pr
7、osperous 繁榮的br/差異的,的; discreet 謹慎的; pristine 遠5entranced 的反義詞是?A depressedB disdainfulC empatheticD embellished正確:A:entranced 著迷的,狂喜的;depressed同感的;embellished 裝飾的br/沮喪的; disdainful 輕蔑的,鄙視的;empathetic6esoteric 的反義詞是?A luridB laconicC limD lergic正確:C:esoteric 秘傳的,難懂的; lurid 可怕的; laconic 語言簡潔的; lim清晰的,
8、易懂的;lergic 昏睡的br/7exacerbate 的反義詞是?A mitigateB discernC disdainD monopolize正確:A:exacerbate 加劇,; mitigate 減輕,緩和; discern識別,領悟;disdain 鄙視;,monopolizebr/8excoriate 的反義詞是?A accoladeB consolidateC apportionD conflate正確:A:excoriate 嚴厲責難; accolade配,分攤; conflate 合并br/榮譽,稱贊; consolidate鞏固,加強; apportion 分9exi
9、gent 的反義詞是?A ingenuousB unruffledC underratedD insular正確:B:exigent 急切的,迫切的; ingenuous 天真的,坦白的; unruffled 平靜的,鎮(zhèn)定的;underrated 低估的; insular 孤立的br/10exiguous 的反義詞是?A ubiquitousB unfazedC unvariedD unethical正確:A:exiguous 稀少的,太少的;ubiquitous變的; unethical 不道德的br/無處不在的; unfazed 無憂愁的;unvaried 不習題 3基礎填空題-解釋說明類
10、比做題結(jié)果Representing a round world on a flat surface is imsible without some : the Mercatorprojection may shows Greenland as over ten times largern Mexico, a country in fact onlyslightly smallern Greenland.A oversightB simplificationC distortionD clarificationE superfilityF war正確:CF:解釋說明,冒號后面的內(nèi)容體現(xiàn)了一個“M
11、ercator projection 和事實情況不符合”的特征,所以正確選 CF 選項“distortion 歪曲”和“war歪曲”。br/2The highly publicized redesign of the car is essentially : the exterior has been updated, butthe engine remains unchanged.AuitiveB cosmeticC superfilD consequentialE retroactiveF momentous正確:BC:解釋說明,更新外部不變,體現(xiàn)了汽車只是做了一些表面工作,正確選 BC選
12、項“cosmetic 裝點門面的”和“superfil 表面的”。br/3Many of our memories are , escaa name.our consciousness just as we strao recall a face orA elusiveB pervasiveC unvariedD insensitiveE unaffectedF slippery正確:AF:解釋說明,后文的 escaour consciousness just as we strao recall a face or a name體現(xiàn)了 memor“y 難以抓住”的特征,所以正確滑的,靠不住的
13、”。br/選 AF 選項“elusive 難以抓住的”和“slippery4Over the years the anthropologists opinions had : he refused to tolerate new ideas andnothing could change his mind.A digressedB proliferatedC ossifiedD deviatedE calcifiedF incubated正確:CE:解釋說明,后文的 he refused to tolerate new ideas and nothing could change his mi
14、nd說明這個人是一個守舊而且固執(zhí)的人,所以正確選 CE 選項“ossified的”和“calcified的,鈣化的”。br/5When two chemical compounds are combined, a effect can be achieved: the resultingcombination can be more potentn either of the individual compounds alone.A synergisticB naturalisticC competitiveD cooperatingE neutralizingF counteracting正
15、確:AD:解釋說明,后文的 the resulting combination can be more potentn either of theindividual compounds alone 說明前文空格強調(diào)了結(jié)合的效果,所以正確“synergistic 協(xié)同作用的”和“cooperative 合作的”。br/選 AD 選項6Artists who are described as are theto experiment with new forms or concepts.A aestheticB partisanC pioneeringD biasedE avant-gardeF
16、 decorous正確:CE:解釋說明,后文的 experiment with new forms or concepts 說明空格的特征是“先鋒,前衛(wèi)”,所以正確選 CE 選項“pioneering 先鋒的”和“avant-garde 先鋒派的”br/7The represenive was a traditionalist, reluctant to support any legislation inconsistent with thenations most principles.A orthodoxB impasedC precariousD conventionalE indet
17、erminateF impresable正確:AD:解釋說明,前文說了代表人是一個傳統(tǒng)主義者,所以他不愿意支持與“傳統(tǒng)”原則不相符合的東西,所以正確選 AD 選項“orthodox 正統(tǒng)的”和“conventional 傳統(tǒng)的”。br/8Anthropology was much moren for the novelist Zora Neale Hurston: she studied atBarnard College with Franz Boas, who is often called the “Father of American Anthropology”.A an obsesB
18、 a recreationC an avocationD an encumbranceE a fascinationF a career正確:BC:解釋說明,后文的 she studied at Barnard College with Franz Boas, who is often called the“Father of American Anthropology”說明這個人把人類學當成了一個非常重要的事,不只是一個“副業(yè)或者消遣”,所以正確好”。br/選 BC 選項“recreation 消遣”和“avocation 業(yè)余愛9The employer blamed the staff
19、member s lack of productivity on rathernpetence, claimingt the mnew how to do his job but was too lazy to apply himself.A infatuationB slothC obsesD indolenceE ineptitudeF ten正確:BD:解釋說明,后文的 claimingt the mnew how to do his job but was too lazy to applyhimself 說明這個人的特征是 lazy,所以正確惰”。br/選 BD 選項“sloth 懶
20、散”和“indolence 懶10As ifended to squelch rumors of cutbacks, the companys annual ceration was as asever.A sparingB tawdryC sumptuousD lavishE providentF belated正確:CD:解釋說明,前文的 as ifended to squelch rumors of cutbacks 表明公司的慶典會很好,以此來壓制削減開支的的”。br/,所以正確選 CD 選項“sumptuous 奢華的”和“l(fā)avish 奢華11The professors lect
21、ure on American history served more to confuse the studentsclarify the difficult material.n toA incoherentB persuasiveC cogentD scillatingE disjoedF perspicacious正確:AE:解釋說明,句中 more to confuse the studentsn to clarify the difficult material 說明演講的特征主要是confuse,所以對應的正確脫節(jié)的,雜亂的”。br/是AE 選項“incoherent 不連貫的”
22、和“disjoed12Edmund White is a author: he has written novels, essays, short stories, a travel book, and abiography.A demonstrativeB all-aroundC meticulousD versatileE metaphoricF scrupulous正確:BD:解釋說明,冒號后面的內(nèi)容體現(xiàn)了 EW 全能的特征,所以正確全面的”和“versatile 全面的”。br/選BD 選項“all-around13A mof behavior, Cunningham never at
23、e or drto exs.A temperateB laconicC duplicitousD asceticEF aesthetic正確:AD:解釋說明,never ate or drto exs 體現(xiàn)了一種“節(jié)制”的特征,所以正確選AD 選項“temperate 有節(jié)制的”和“ascetic 禁欲主義的”。br/14The entrepreneur had a well-deserved repuion for , having accurachanges unforeseen by established business leaders.yipated manyA prescienc
24、eB conspiracyC foresightD complicityE mendacityF avarice正確:AC:解釋說明,后文的 having accurayipated many changes unforeseen by establishedbusiness leaders 說明此人有“預見性”,所以正確選AC 選項“prescience 預知”和“foresight先見之明”。br/15The mountain road was distinctly : it twisted back and forth along the contours of thehillside.
25、A panoramicB precipitousC sentineD withdrawingE retrogradeF winding正確:CF:解釋說明,冒號后面的內(nèi)容 it twisted back and forlong the contours of the hillside說明山路很“蜿蜒”,所以正確的”。br/選 CF 選項“sentine 彎彎曲曲的”和“winding 彎曲1A newly published, laudatory biography of Gee Bernard Shaw fails, like others before it, toality: the m
26、ore he is , the more his true self seems tocapture the essence of his.正確:AD:解釋說明,前文說沒有抓住他性格的本質(zhì),后文進行解釋,第一空只能選 A 選項“discussed寫一個br/”,BC 選項都是評價詞,不符合前文 laudatory 的句意;第二空應該填的詞來體現(xiàn)“沒有抓住性格的本質(zhì)”,所以最好選 D 選項“disappear”。2t it dwells too long on matterst are to its main subject,The chief flaw of the work isleavin
27、g space for treatment of the heart of the topic.Bl(i)Bl(ii)Agermane BegralDscantEequivalentBl(i)Bl(ii)Adiscussed BdisparagedCdisregardedDdisappear Eemerge Fcoalesce正確:CD:解釋說明,第一空要體現(xiàn)前文的flaw,所以應該是一個負評價詞,只能選C 選項“ancillary附加的”;第二空是前文的狀語表示結(jié)果,所以只能選 D 選項“scant的”。br/3Throughout the artists work there runs a
28、 thread of psychic darkness strong enough to unnervethe most added sensibility: even her drawings from the comparatively months of her visitto Rome , secrecy, and despair.正確:BF:解釋說明,前文的 a thread of psychic darkness strong enough to unnerve the most added sensibility 說明他的畫主要特征是 darkness,所以第二個空格應該填表示“
29、有”的意思的詞,所以第二空選 F 選項“emanate 散發(fā),產(chǎn)生”;第一空通過 even 得知與第二空取反,所以第一空選 B 選項“tranquil 安靜的”。br/4Tuberculosis has long been and disease: for thousands of years, is continued toafflict humind without regard for sex, class, occupation, or race.正確:AEBl(i)Bl(ii)Aa relentlessBan unpredictable Ca sporadicDselective E
30、egalitarian FcapriciousBl(i)Bl(ii)Amorbid Btranquil ClanguidDeschew ErivalFemanateCancillaryFcompensatory:解釋說明,后文中的 for thousands of years, is continued to afflict humind withoutregard for sex, class, occupation, or race 說明了這個疾病“持續(xù)”和“不加區(qū)分”的特征,所以對應的正確是 AE 選項“relentless 持續(xù)的”和“egalitarian的”。br/5The new of knowledge has created people: everyone bevest his or hersubject cannot andsibly should not be understood by others.正確:CD:解釋說明,后文的 everyone
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