1、 (): Masterplan : EDAW: & Contents1. Introduction - Project Goal - Vision Statement - Design Teams2. Design Strategy - Project Site - Urban Framework - Research - Case Studies - Design Concept - Masterplan Framework - Landscape Framework3. Masterplan - Academic Core - Residential Hall - Sports Compl
2、ex 4. Life in Songdo Global Academic Complex1. Introduction Project Goal Vision Statement- Design TeamsUrban Campus 1.1 Project Goal The East Asia Hub of Research & Education - - Vision 2020 - - , Urban Campus 1.1 Project Goal Residential College & Global Education : Global 5-5-10 Inbound Vision Sta
3、tement1.0 Introduction Urban Campus “ , ” - , - , Residential College “ ” - Living & Learning Community Network - Residential College Synergetic Complex ” - / / Academic Complex - 24 365 U - Campus “ ” - Flexible Campus - Hi-tech / Hi-touch U-campusUrban Campus . / / / , - , . 1.2 IntroductionReside
4、ntial College . Residential College. 11,359 (fall, 2004) 5,159 ( 47.2%) 13,602(2005) 2,557( 18.7%) 18,918 6,660( 52.1%) 12,466 6,491( 35.2%) 17,097(2003) 15,658( 97%) 23,704 5,789( 24.4%)1.2 IntroductionSynergetic Complex / . () () / , 24 365 . 1.2 IntroductionINELLIGENCEVIRTUEPHYSIQUEU-Campus . Hig
5、h-Tech / High-Touch . 1.0 Introduction - VisionVision Statement Urban Campus “ , ” - , - , Residential College “ ” - Living & Learning Community Network - Residential College Synergetic Complex ” - / / Academic Complex - 24 365 U - Campus “ ” - Flexible Campus - Hi-tech / Hi-touch U-campus1.3 Master
6、 PlanUrban Campus“ , ”1.3 Introduction - Master PlanResidental Hall1.3 Introduction - Masterplan“ ”Synergetic Complex1.0 Introduction - Masterplan“ ”U-Campus1.3 Introduction - Masterplan“ ”2001 Time Magazine Architect of the Year 2002 New York AIA Design Award2003 New York AIA Design Award National
7、AIA Design Award Best of Boston New Building Award2004 ACEC Engineering Excellence Honor Award2005 New York Chapter American Institute of Architecture Honor Award2006 AIA New York Architecture Merit Design Award AIA New York Architecture Project Citation AwardSteven Holl (Newyork, USA) 1.4 Introduct
8、ion Design Team1947 1976 1976 1976 1989 MOMA School of Art and Art History Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Expansion and Renovation450 West 31st Street 11th FloorNew York, NY 10001 T: 212 629-7262 F: 212 629-7312 Sir Terry Farrell (London, England) 1.4 Introduction Design Team1961 Architect at Newcastle
9、 Univ1964 Masters courses in Architecture & City Planning at the Univ. of Pennsylvania1965 Farrell / Grimshaw Partnership1980 Terry Farrell and Partners - , , - “ ” 10 bowling Green laneLondon EC 1R 0BQTel +44 (0)20 7253 5147Fax +44 (0)20 7251 8322 University of Manchester Inchon International Airpo
10、rt,Korea - University of Manchester- London Business School- The Deep Aquarium, Hull - Inchon International Airport,Korea - KOWLOON Station,Hong Kong- Wuxi Masterplan,China- Nanyou Masterplan,ChinaDominique Perrault (Paris, France)1.4 Introduction Design Team EWHA Womans University (2004)1978 Diplom
11、a in architecture (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris)1979 Higher diploma in town planning (Ecole superieure des Ponts et Chaussee, Paris) Winner of the Programme for New Architecture (PAN XII)1989 French National Library, Paris1989 Winner of the international competition for the Fre
12、nch National Library in Paris26, rue BruneseauF-75629 Paris Cedex 13Tel +33 1 44 06 00 00Fax +33 1 44 06 00 01- Architecte DPLG- Urbaniste SFU Bibliotheque Nationale de France (1989)1992 Winner of the international competition for the Velodrome and Olympic Swimming Pool in Berlin Mies van der Rohe P
13、avilion Award for European Architecture1996 Court of Justice of the European Communities, Luxembourg2002 Masterplan of Donau City, Vienna Olympic Tennis Centre, Madrid Mariinsky II Theatre, Saint Petersburg2004 Winner of the international competition for the New EWHA Womans University Campus Center
14、Project, Seoul, KoreaMVRDV (Netherlands+Germany)1.4 Introduction Design Team1991, Winy Maas (1959) Jacob van Rijs(1964) Nathalie de Vries(1965) Dunantstraat 10 3024 BC Rotterdam NLTel +31 10 477 2860Fax +31 10 47736272000 Fritz Schumacher Preis awarded for complete work of MVRDV, Alfred Toepfer Stif
15、tung, Hanover, Germany J.A. van Eckprijs awarded by the BNA (Dutch Architects Association), first prize for WOZOCO2001 The Dutch pavilion Expo 2000 in Hanover is selected for the European Union Prize for Contemporary ArchitectureMies van der Rohe Award Nomination for the Dutch Pavilion Expo 2000 for
16、 the World Architecture Awards 2003 Nomination Architectuurprijs Almere 2003 for TopTower Almere Finalist Mies van der Rohe Award for Contemporary Architecture for Hageneiland 2004 Amsterdam Prize for the Arts 2003 - awarded for complete work 2005 Copenhagen City Buildings Prize - awarded for Frsilo
17、s The Marcus Corporation Foundation Prize - awarded for complete work Wozoco House Dutch PavilionMasterplan - EDAW 1939, Garrett EckboUnited StatesAlexandriaAtlantaDenverFirmwideFort CollinsIrvineLake TahoeLos AngelesMiami BeachNew YorkPasadenaPhoenixSacramentoSan AntonioSan DiegoSan Diego - Mission
18、 ValleySan FranciscoSeattle AsiaBeijingHong KongShanghaiShenzhenSingaporeSuzhou AustraliaBrisbaneMelbourneSydney EuropeEdinburghLondonManchester 1.4 Introduction Design Team Master Plan 31 C.E.O Masterplan - EDAW2004-Stapleton2004-StLouisDowntown2004-OmahaRiver2004-CramerHill2005-Oceanfront2004-Picc
19、adily2004-Centennial2006-USCapitolPicLandscape Design-Blackpool Vision and Master Plan Client: Blackpool Borough Council -Cremorne Plaza Client: North Sydney Council -Cruise Ship Promenade, Los Angeles Waterfront Client: Port of Los Angeles -Discovery Communications Headquarters Client: Discovery Co
20、mmunicationsPlanning + Urban Design-Balboa Park Station Area Plan Client: The City of San Francisco -Beacon Cove Client: Mirvac -Beijing 2008 Olympic Aquatic Park Client: Aquatic Park Consortium -Black Creek Sanctuary at Mountain Creek Client: Intrawest Corporation -Blackpool Public Realm Implementa
21、tion Client: Blackpool Borough CouncilEnvironment-Biscayne National Park Ethnographic Overview and Assessment Client: National Park Service -Black Law Windfarm Client: ScottishPower UK -Ehime Maru Recovery Assessment and Mitigation Plan Client: U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command -EIS for Disp
22、osal and Reuse of Marine Corps Air Station El Toro Client: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command -Environmental Compliance Services for Emergency Water Storage Project Client: San Diego County Water AuthorityEconomic, Social + Cultural Services-Arroyo Seco Bike Path Hist
23、orical Evaluation Client: County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works -Atlantic Avenue Streetscape Improvements + Connector Parks Client: City of Virginia Beach -California National Historic Trails Interpretive Center Client: Bureau of Land ManagementRelated Information Technology Services-Hab
24、iTrak - GIS-Based Habitat Tracking Application Client: San Diego Association of Governments -Pacific Design Center Red Building and Specific Plan Update EIR Client: City of West Hollywood -Reserve Information Management System (RIMS) Client: The Nature Conservancy 1.4 Introduction Design Team2. Desi
25、gn Strategy- Site Analysis- Urban Framework- Research- Case Studies- Design Concept- Masterplan Framework- Landscape Framework 2.0 ContentsSite AnalysisFrameworkMasterplanElementsScale, Density and Framework Central Spine : 88.67% : 24.7% : 81.76% : 14.44% : 69.2%Radial ShapeCross AxisCross Axis, Sp
26、litedSookmyung Womens UniversitySungkyunkwan UniversityEwha Womens UniversityKorea University 2.1 Site Analysis 2.1 Site AnalysisUniversity of virginiaJohns Hopkins UniversityUniversity of ColombiaCornell University: Merton College: Christ church: Kings: Trinity: Main Quad: Schwab Residential Center
27、Community QuadResidential QuadLearning QuadCommunity QuadResidential QuadLearning QuadCommunity QuadResidential QuadLearning QuadOxfordCambridgeStanfordQuad Typology _Quad + PathQuadQuad Typology & Case StudyQuad Type & Scale Study 2.1 Site AnalysisTransformation: Four Selected Campus TypesUniversit
28、y of Virginia (UVA)Yale UniversityGeorgetown UniversityHarvard University 2.1 Site Analysis : Scale, Density and Framework University of Virginiastudent residencesacademic and faculty buildingslawnacademic and faculty buildingsstudent residencesSlope upSlope upCampus organizedin a clear cross axis p
29、lan.Student residenceslead to the academicand faculty buildings positionedslightly above level,which in turn have frontage tothe main central lawn definedby a landmark dome at its end.University of VirginiaYale Universityold campus blockCampus integratedin the city grid followinga compact developmen
30、t,yet it still accommodatesgreen courtyards within its fabric.A central lawn can be identifiedin the old campus block.Yale UniversityGeorgetown UniversityPotomac RIverCampus planned arounda series of minor andmajor quads, all locatedin a gently sloping site towardsthe Potomac River andscenic drivewa
31、y.Georgetown UniversityHarvard UniversityHarvard UniversityMITold campusHarvard UniversityOriginal old campus enclosed. Access through Harvards famous“gates”.Expansion of the campussuccessfully incorporatedand blended administration officesand commercial fabricalong Massachusetts Avenuethat links MI
32、T campus.Student residentsopen up towards riverFuture growth is currently underwayon new campus across the river.CampusStructureLandscapeFocusUniversity of Virginia (UVA)Formal core, informal perimeterCentral SpineGreat LawnLibraryYale UniversityExtension of a dense urban gridEnclosed QuadrangleGree
33、n CourtyardResidential CollegesGeorgetown UniversitySituated at edge of urban gridFenced YardFront LawnLibrary + AdminHarvard UniversityEnclosed campus, adjuncts on riverfrontFenced Yard and Riverfront QuadranglesForest ParkLibrary +Admin +ChapelSummary: Four Selected Campus Types 2.1 Site Analysis
34、: Scale, Density and Framework 2.2 Design ApproachLocated in the infill land of Songdo, the Yonsei Songdo Global Academic Complex will become part of a strong “Yonsei-Network” of university campusesUrban Design Framework-IntegrationPark Avenue 2.2 Design ApproachThe Yonsei Songdo Global Academic Com
35、plex area, together with the adjacent future science-park, is bisected by two major regional arteries connecting the site to Seoul. The campus also becomes one of the key vertices of a strategic triangle of development sites comprised by Songdos CBD and City HallPark RoadArterial RoadUrban GreenRegi
36、onal OS Network OPPORTUNITESRiverfrontRegional OS NetworkMain Roads adjacent to sitesFeatures (Pedestrian Bridge)Subway and LRTReclamation (influence landform)CONSTRAINTSReclaimed land (fill quality)Salt Water intrusion (planting) Water QualityTopography (flat)Zoning (distribution of land uses) 2.2
37、Design Approach1. Diving Eagle: Orthogonal framework 2. Soaring Eagle: Diagonal framework3. Eagle Eye: Curve-linear4. Expanding Wings: Rectangle5. Expanding Wings: OvalInitial Five alternatives2.3 MasterplanAlternative-12.3 MasterplanDIVING EAGLEDesign Concept: CorridorSpatial Character: OrthogonalA
38、dvantage: Easier to pay for Songdo campusDisadvantage: Less room to grow Yonsei over timeOrthogonalSOARING EAGLEDesign Concept: WedgeSpatial Character: Diagonal Advantage: More room to grow Yonsei over timeDisadvantage: Harder to pay for Songdo campusDiagonalAlternative-22.3 MasterplanAlternative-32
39、.3 MasterplanAlternative-42.3 MasterplanAlternative-52.3 MasterplanMostMostMiddleMostHighFastFastLowIdealMostMiddleSynergyMostLeastRoom to GrowMostMiddleFlexibilityHighestMiddleDensityHighestMiddleLong Term ValuePhase 1 FastPhase 2 MiddlePhase 1 FastPhase 2 MiddlePhasingSlowestMiddleSpeed of Executi
40、onHighestMiddleFirst CostSoaring EagleDiving EagleAspectDiscussion2.3 Masterplan2.4 Landscape FrameworkRoad Frontage2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:Connection to natureCampus identityAmenityRiver Frontage2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:Connection to natureCampus ContextRegional Amenity
41、Gateways2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:ArrivalThresholdTransitionWelcomingMain GateSub GateSub GateAcademic Core2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:Connection Academic CoreInformation exchange ForumApproaches2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:GatheringMovementBackboneOrientationRefres
42、h zone2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:RechargeRelaxRefreshSports Complex2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:RefreshEnergyRegional connectionResidential Hall2.4 Landscape FrameworkCharacteristics:RechargeDecompressionRecreateNS Life Source2.5 Landscape ConceptTransition EW Hard to Soft2.5 L
43、andscape ConceptTransition Formal to Nature2.5 Landscape ConceptSpatial Experience2.5 Landscape ConceptFive Plazas2.5 Landscape Conceptachievement- institution- horizon/goalscontemplation- shelter- self/spiritualchange- water- dynamicsharing- interaction - exchange- nowhistory - reflection- roots- c
44、ontextintegrationinnovation - creativity- lateral thought- insightNS connections2.5 Landscape ConceptRefresh Zone2.5 Landscape ConceptLandform2.5 Landscape Conceptlandscape Masterplan2.5 Landscape Concept Southern Gateway2.5 Landscape MasterplanCentral Square2.5 Landscape MasterplanAcademic Core Spi
45、ne2.5 Landscape MasterplanAspiration Plaza2.5 Landscape MasterplanAcademic Core2.5 Landscape MasterplanRefresh Zone2.5 Landscape MasterplanResidential Hall2.5 Landscape MasterplanPlanting2.6 Landscape ElementsHardy Salt Tolerant VegetationBetula nigraTreesGinkgo bilobaTaxodium distichumBuxus microph
46、yllum var. KoreanaShrubsHamamelis virginianaPhiladelphus coronariusCuphea hyssopifoliaGroundcoversParthenocissus quinquefoliaJuniperus horizontalisChasmanthium latifoliumCortaderia selloanaGrassesPhragmites australisPlanting2.6 Landscape ElementsLandscape Palette: PlazaPlanting ConceptLightingPaving
47、Landscape ElementsSculpture/ArtPlanting2.6 Landscape ElementsLandscape Palette: CourtyardPlanting ConceptLightingPavingLandscape ElementsSculpture/ArtPlanting2.6 Landscape ElementsLandscape Palette: GatheringLandscape ElementsPlanting ConceptLightingPavingLandscape ElementsSculpture/ArtPlanting2.6 L
48、andscape ElementsLandscape Palette: Refresh ZonePlanting ConceptLightingPavingLandscape ElementsSculpture/ArtPlanting2.6 Landscape ElementsLandscape Palette: Residential HallPlanting ConceptLightingPavingLandscape ElementsSculpture/ArtPlanting2.6 Landscape ElementsLandscape Palette: WaterfrontPlanti
49、ng ConceptLightingPavingLandscape ElementsSculpture/ArtPlanting2.6 Landscape ElementsLandscape Palette: Open SpacePlanting ConceptLightingPavingLandscape ElementsSculpture/Art3. Masterplan()- Masterplan- Academic Core- Residential College- Recreation Zone5 1 () 3 .Residential HallResidential HallAca
50、demic CoreRefreshment ZoneJointUniv. CampusSportsComplexR&DCampus 3.0 Program PositioningRefreshment ZoneProgram Positioning R&D/ 3.1 Academic Core ()- Innovation & Technology- Inbound Globalization- World Network 3.1 Academic Core ()- Global Academic Complex Joint Univ. Campus - . - Sceince Park 3.
51、1 Academic CoreHarvardYaleOxfordMIT 3.1 Academic Core- Global Academic Complex Joint Univ. Campus - . - Sceince Park 3.1 Academic Core- Global Academic Complex Joint Univ. Campus - . - Sceince Park 3.1 Academic Core ()- Campus Core- Cross Axis- Activity Area- , - 3.1 Academic Core : + 3.1 Academic C
52、ore : + - , - 3.1 Academic Core- Residential Hall - - ,(spa), , - - Sky Lounge 3.1 Academic Core- Residential Hall - - ,(spa), , 3.1 Academic Core - Spirit & Silent Quad- Multi Media System- Observation 3.1 Academic Core()- - - , 3.1 Academic Core - 3.1 Academic Core- - - , - MIT Media Lab - - , 3.1
53、 Academic Core - - Lecture Area- Flexibility 3.1 Academic Core - - Pavilion Lab 3.1 Academic Core - - Pavilion Lab 3.1 Academic Core - - Pavilion Lab 3.1 Academic Core - Open Community- Cultural Complex Zone 3.1 Academic Core- - - 3.1 Academic Core 3.1 Academic Core/- - - 3.1 Academic Core- - - 3.2
54、Residential HallCluster Identity 6 Residential HallCulture Network Language, History, Propriety, Art&MusicNorth Village South Village CosmopolitanSlavonianLatinEuropeanAsianKorean 3.2 Residential HallThemeQuadThemeQuadHallCommunity Zone(1F)Residence Zone Fraternity HouseCluster Composition Community
55、 Quad 3.2 Residential HallCommunity Quad Theme QuadCommuntyQuad 3.2 Residential HallHallHall , , , 3.2 Residential HallOxfordYaleCommunity Zone 3.2 Residential HallA thousand of club. - - - -Club Room . , , Global Leader Community Zone , , 3.2 Residential HallCaf & Snack Bar Fitness, PTDVD & AV Room Residence Zone Live & Learn with Community Master Resident Fellow( ) 3.2
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