1、外商投資產(chǎn)業(yè)(chny)指導(dǎo)目錄(2015 年修訂)Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries(Amended in 2015)Promulgation Date:2015-03-10 Promulgation Number:Order of the National Development andReform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce No.22 Promulgation Department:Development and Reform Commission,
2、Ministry of CommerceCatalogue for the Guidance of Foreign InvestmentIndustries (Amended in 2015)Order of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry ofCommerce No.22 The Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (Amended in 2015)which has been approved by the St
3、ate Council is hereby promulgated for implementationas of April 10, 2015. The Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries(Amended in 2011) promulgated by the National Development and Reform Commissionand the Ministry of Commerce on December 24, 2011 will be repealed simultaneously.Xu
4、 Shaoshi, Chairman of the National Development and Reform CommissionGao Hucheng, Minister of the Ministry of CommerceMarch 10, 2015Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries(Amended in 2015)Catalogue of Encouraged Foreign Investment Industries I. Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry
5、and Fishery Industries1.Planting, development and production of woody edible oil, ingredient and industrial rawmaterial2.Development of planting technology of green and organic vegetables (including ediblefungus and melon-watermelon), dried fruits, teas and production of these products3.Development
6、and production of new technology of sugar-yielding crops, fruit trees,forage grass, etc.4.Production of flowers and plants, and construction and operation of nursery base5.Planting of rubber, oil palm, sisals and coffee6.Planting and cultivation of traditional Chinese medicines7.Reusing in fields an
7、d comprehensive utilization of straws and stalks of crop,development and production of resources of organic fertilizers8.Breeding of aquatic offspring (except precious quality varieties peculiar to China)9.Construction and operation of ecological environment protection projects preventing andtreatin
8、g desertification and soil erosion such as planting trees and grasses, etc.10. Breeding of aquatic products, cage culture in deep water, large-scale breeding ofaquatic products, breeding and proliferation of eco-ocean products.II. Mining and Quarrying Industries11. Prospecting and exploitation of pe
9、troleum, natural gas (unconventional oil resourcessuch as oil shale, oil sand, shale gas and coal bed gas) and utilization of coal-bedgas(limited to equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures)12. Development and application of new technologies that can increase the recoveryfactor of crude o
10、il (in the form of engineering service)13. Development and application of new technologies for prospecting and exploitation ofpetroleum, such as geophysical prospecting, well drilling, well-logging and downholeoperation, etc. 14. Development and application of new technologies for improving the util
11、ization oftailings and the comprehensive utilization of recovery technology of the mine ecology15. Prospecting, exploitation, and beneficiation of scarce mineral resources in China (suchas sylvine and chromite)III. Manufacturing Industries(I) Processing Industry of Farm and Sideline Products16. Deve
12、lopment of green pollution-free feeds and additives17. Aquatic products processing, seashell products cleansing and processing, anddevelopment of health food made from seaweed18. Processing of vegetables, dried fruits, fowl and livestock products(II) Food Manufacturing Industry19. Development and pr
13、oduction of food for babies and agedness, as well as health-carefood20. Development and production of forest food21. Development of new technologies and production of natural addictive for foodstuff andnatural perfume material(III) Manufacturing Industry of Wine, Beverages and Refined Tea22. Develop
14、ment and production of drinks of fruits, vegetables, albumen, tea, coffee andvegetables(IV) Textile Industry23. Production of multi-functional industrial textile characterized by lightness, high tenacity,high/low-temperature resistance, and chemical and light resistance with the non-weaving,machine-
15、waving and knitting and the composite technology24. Dyeing and post dressing of high-grade loomage with advanced energy-saving andemission reduction technology and equipment 25. Processing of special natural fiber products satisfying the requirement ofcomprehensive utilization of ecology and resourc
16、es and environment protection (includingspecial animal fiber such as cashmere, bamboo fiber, fibrilia, mulberry silk and coloredcotton)(V) Garments and Apparel Industry26. Production of clothes with computer integrated manufacturing system27. Production of functional special clothing(VI) Leather, Fu
17、r, Feather and Its Products and Footwear Industry28. Cleaning processing of leather and fur29. Post ornament and processing of leather with new technology30. Comprehensive utilization of feather waste(VII) Lumber Processing Industry and Wood, Bamboo, Vine, Palm, Grass ProductsIndustry31. Development
18、 and production of new technology and products for the comprehensiveutilization of three remainder of forestry, sub-quality, small wood and fuel wood andbamboo in the forest area(VIII) Manufacturing Industry of Culture, Education, Handicraft, Fine Arts, Sportsand Entertainment Articles32. Production
19、 of high-end carpets, embroidery and drawnwork products(IX) Petroleum Refining, Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing Industry33. Processing of carbolic oil& wash oil and high-end utilization of coal tar pitch (withoutmodified pitch)(X) Chemical Raw Material and Products Manufacturing Industry34. Devel
20、opment and production of new type down-stream products of polyvinyl chlorideand organic silicon 35. Production of supporting raw materials for synthetic materials: hydrogen peroxidepropylene oxide-method propylene oxide, NDC and 1,4-CHDM, adipic dinitrile synthesizedthrough butadiene method with an
21、annual production of 50,000 or more tons andhexamethylene diamine.36. Production of synthetic fiber raw materials: nylon 66 saltand 1,3-propylene glycol37. Production of synthetic rubber: isoprene rubber, polyester rubber, acrylic rubber,chlorohydrin rubber, and the special rubbers of fluorous rubbe
22、r and silicon rubber38. Production of engineering plastics and plastic alloy: non phosgene-method PC with anannual production of 60,000 or more tons, POM produced through homogeneouspolymerization, polyphenylene sulfide, polyether-ether-ketone, polyimide, polysulfone,polyethersulfone, PAR, polypheny
23、l ether& its modified materials, liquid crystal polymerideand other products.39. Fine chemistry: new products and technologies of catalyst, commercializationprocessing technology of dying (pigment) materials, electric chemicals and papermakingchemicals, leather chemicals (except N-N DMF), oil additi
24、ves, surface active agent, watertreatment agent, adhesives,inorfil, inorganic nano materials production, anddeep-processing of pigment diolame40. Production of environmentally-friendly printing ink, and aromatic hydrocarbon41. Production of natural perfume material, synthetic perfume and isolate per
25、fume42. Production of high-performance coating, high solids, solventless coatings, hydrophobicautomotive paint and supporting waterborne resin43. Production of high-performance fluoro resin, fluorous membrane materials, medicalfluoro midbody, environmentally-friendlyfluorinerefrigeration agent, clea
26、ning agent andfoaming agent44. Production of fluorine recycling from phosphorus chemical and aluminum smelting45. Development and production of new technology and products of forestry chemicals 46. Development and production of environmentally-friendly inorganic, organic andbiological membrane47. De
27、velopment and production of new fertilizers: high-density potash fertilizer,compound microorganism inoculant, composite microorganism fertilizer, straw and wastedecomposing agent and special-function microorganism agent48. Development and production of new varieties of effective, safe andenvironment
28、ally-friendly pesticides, new formulations, special-purpose midbody andaddition agents as well as development and application of related cleaning technology(methane-method acetochlor, aqueous phase-method chlorpyrifos technology, glyphosaterecycling chloromethane technology, stereospecific synthesis
29、-method chirality andstereochemical structure pesticide production and synthetic technique of ethyl chloride)49. Development and production of biopesticide and bio-control products: microbialinsecticide, microbial fungicide, agricultural antibiotic, insect pheromone, enemy insectand microbial herbic
30、ide50. Comprehensive utilization and disposal of exhaust gas, discharge liquid and wasteresidue51. Production of organic polymer material: covering film for plane, rare-earth ceriumsulphide red dye, lead-free in electronic packages, serials of special sizing agent byphotoetching for color Plasma Dis
31、play Panel, small-diameter and large specific surfacearea superfine fiber, high precision fuel filter paper, and Li-ion battery membrane,self-healing materials for surface treatment and superhydrophobic nanostructured coating(XI) Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Industry52. Production of new type
32、 compound medication or active composition medication(including bulk drug and preparation)53. Production of amino acids: tryptophan, histidine, and methionine with fermentationmethod 54. Development and production of new anti cancer medication, newcardio-cerebrovascular medication and new nervous sy
33、stem medication55. Production of new drugs with bio-engineering technology56. Production of new type bacterin for AIDS, HCV and contraception as well as cervicalcarcinoma, malaria and hand-foot-and-mouth disease57. Exploitation and production of marine drug58. Drug preparation: production of new for
34、mulation using new technologies ofsustained-release, release, targeting and percutaneous absorption59. Exploitation and production of new type of pharmaceutical adjuvant60. Production of antibacterial raw material drug for animal use (including antibiotics andsynthetic chemicals)61. Production of ne
35、w products of antibacterial drug, insect repellent, pesticide,anticoccidial drug for animal use and new formulation62. Exploitation and production of new diagnosis reagent(XII) Manufacturing Industry of Chemical Fiber63. Production of hi-tech chemical fiber (except viscose) of differential chemical
36、fiber,aramid, carbon fiber, polyethylene of high-strength and high-mode, polyphenylene sulfide(PPS) and so on64. Production of new style of fiber and non-fiber polyester: PTT, PEN, PCT and PETG65. Production of biopolymer fiber with new type renewable resources and greenenvironmentally-friendly tech
37、nology, including new solution-method Lyocell, regeneratedcellulose fiber with bamboo and fiber as raw materials, PLA, chitosan fiber, PHA and plantand animal protein fiber66. Exploitation and production of new type of polyamide(nylon11,nylon1414, nylon46,long carbon chain nylon and high-temperature
38、-resistantnylon)67. Production of meridian tyre aramid fiber and tyre cord (XIII) Industry of Rubber and Plastic Products68. Development and production of new type photo-ecology multi-functional broad widthagricultural film69. Digestion and recycle of waste plastics70. Exploitation and production of
39、 new technology and new production of soft plasticpackage (high barrier, multi-function film and raw material)(XIV) Non-metal Mineral Products Processing Industry71. Development and production of energy-saving, environmentally-friendly, wasterecycling, light and strong, high-performance and multi-fu
40、nctional building materials72. Production of using plastic to replace steel and wood, energy-saving and high-efficientchemical architecture materials73. Production of not less than 10,000,000 sq.m. elastomer (per year), plastic changeableasphaltum waterproof coiled materials, EPDM waterproof coiled
41、materials with width (ofnot less than 2 meters) and matched materials, PVC coiled material with width (of not lessthan 2 meters), and TPO waterproof coiled materials74. Development and production of functional glass with new technology: screenelectromagnetic wave glass, micro-electronics glass base
42、plate, penetrating infrarednon-lead glass, electron grade large spec quartz glass products (pipe, plate, crucible andinstrument vessels), optical property high-quality multi-functional windshield glass,extreme materials and products for information technology (including waveguide-levelhigh-precise o
43、ptical fiber pre-fabricating quartz glass sleeve and ceramic baseplate), andrefining and processing of crystal raw materials with high purity of (99.998% or above) andsuper-purity of (99.999% or above).75. Production of film battery conductive glass, solar light-concentration glass andconductive gla
44、ss for buildings76. Production of glass fiber products and special glass fibers: dielectric glass fiber, quartzglass fiber, high silica glass fiber, strong and flexible glass fiber, ceramic fiber andproducts 77. Production of optical fiber and products: coherent fiber bundle and laser medical opticf
45、iber, super-second generation and third generation microchannel plate, optical fibersurface plate, image inverter and optical glass cone78. Standardized refining of ceramic material and production of high-level decorativematerials used for ceramics79. Production of environmentally-friendly refractor
46、y material (without chromizing) used infurnaces such as cement, electronic glasses, ceramics and porous carbon bricks80. Production of AIN ceramic base piece, and multiple-hole ceramics81. Production of inorganic, non-metal materials and products: complex materials, specialkind of ceramics, special
47、kind of airproof materials (including quick oil sealed materials),special friction materials (including quick friction braking products), special cementationmaterials, special type latex materials, water rubber materials and nano materials82. Production of organic-inorganic composite foam insulation
48、 materials83. Production of high-tech compound materials: sequential fiber increasingthermoplasticity compound materials and prepreg, colophonycompound material mouldingcraftwork assistant materials (endure heat300), colophony compound material(including top grade sports articles and light and stron
49、g transport tool parts), specialfunction compound materials and products (including deep water and diving compoundmaterial products and medical and healing use compound material products),carbon/carbon compound materials, high-performance ceramic compound materials andproducts, metal and glass compo
50、und materials and products, metallic layeredcompoundmaterials and products and super-high-pressure compound rubber pipes(pressure320MPa) and air bus aviation tyres.84. Production of precise high-performance ceramics materials: carborundumsuper-minute powder(purity 99%, average granule diameter 99%,
51、average granule diameter 99.9%, average granule diameter 0.5m), low temperaturesintered zirconia (ZrO2) powder (sintered temperature 99%, average granule diameter 98.5%),white char black(granule diameter 99%, granulediameter 1m)85. Development and production of top grade artificial crystal and cryst
52、al film products:top-grade artificial synthetical crystal (piezo crystal and ultraviolet crystal), super-hardcrystal (cubic boron nitride crystal), high temperature resistant and strong insulationartificially synthetic insulation crystal (artificially synthetic mica), new type electric-opticcrystal,
53、 large power laser crystal and large-sized glittering crystal, and diamond film tools,super-thin artificial diamond saw piece with thickness of0.3mmor less86. Deep processing of non-metal mineral products (super-thin comminution, high levelpurity, fine production, modification)87. Production of supe
54、r high power graphite electrode88. Production of pearlite mica (granule diameter: 3-150m)89. Production of multiple dimension and multiple direction integer weaving fabric andprofile modeling fabric.90. Using new dry cement kiln to innocuously dispose solid waste91. Recycling of building waste92. Co
55、mprehensive utilization of industrial byproduct gypsum93. Development and application of new technology for the comprehensive utilization ofnon-metal mining tailings as well as ecological recovery of mining(XV) Non-Ferrous Metallurgical Smelting and Rolling Processing Industry94. Production of silic
56、on single crystal with the diameter of more than200mmand polishingpiece95. Production of high-tech non-ferrous metallurgical materials: compound semiconductormaterials(gallium arsenide, gallium phosphide, indium phosphide, gallium nitride), hightemperature super-conducting materials, memory alloy ma
57、terials (titanium nickel,copper and iron memory alloy materials) , super minute (nanometer) calcium carbide and superminute (nanometer) crystal hard ally, super-hard compound materials, noble metalcompound materials, lightmetal compound materials and different material matching,aluminum foil used fo
58、r radiator, middle and high pressure cathode capacitance aluminumfoil, special large aluminum alloy materials, aluminum alloy precise model forge product,electrified railwayoverheadconductor, super-thin copper strip, erosion proof heatexchanger copper alloy material, high-performance copper nickel,
59、copper and iron alloystrip, beryllium copper strip, thread, tube and stick process material, high temperaturebearable tungsten filament, magnesium alloy cast, non-lead solder, magnesium alloy andits applicable products, bubble aluminum,titanium alloy smelting and processing, atomicenergy grade spong
60、e zirconium, tungsten and deep-processing products of molybdenum.(XVI) Metal Products Industry96. Development and production of aviation, aerospace, lightened car, automobile andenvironmentally-friendly new materials (special-purpose aluminum board, aluminummagnesium alloy materials, automobile alum
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