1、(伊利諾伊州 芝加哥)作為一名藝術(shù)家As an artist.我心中的家when I think about home for myself.它與房♥子本身的關(guān)系不大it has less to do with the house.更重要的是我居住的地方It has more to do with my neighborhood.在芝加哥南區(qū)On the South Side of Chicago.人們常說這里是個充滿暴♥力♥的地區(qū)where people would normally say this is a violent place,或是說這個
2、地區(qū)與美無關(guān)or this is a place where beauty doesnt live,我卻一直被這種美所圍繞Im constantly surrounded by this beauty.問題在于 沒有人去記錄這些美的事物The problem is, aint no camera capturing the beautiful things.我心想:“好And so its like, All right.我能做些什么?What can I make讓我們將日常生活中 普通人的美展現(xiàn)出來?”that allows us to then be a reflection of th
3、e beauty of everyday people?用這些空間就可以做到These spaces do that.我的個人經(jīng)歷 并不是先拿到了美術(shù)學(xué)士學(xué)位My history was not a history of, like, a bachelors of fine arts再拿到美術(shù)碩士學(xué)位and then a masters of fine arts.我的經(jīng)歷是先拿到了城市規(guī)劃學(xué)歷 然后工作了一段時間My history was a degree in urban planning and time on the job.我爸是做房♥頂?shù)腗y dad was a ro
4、ofer.所以我從小就接觸做房♥頂 我學(xué)會了如何切割So, growing up roofing, youre learning how to cut things,我學(xué)會了如何預(yù)知哪里會漏水youre learning how to, like, anticipate where water falls.但我解決的那些房♥頂問題But those roofing problems that youre solving for和創(chuàng)作上的構(gòu)思沒有區(qū)別are no different from trying to figure out compositional thi
5、ngs.我認為藝術(shù)大概就是這樣And I think that art is kind of like that.有些似乎很不起眼的小東西Theres something in the idea of the seemingly small對我來說卻有成為藝術(shù)品的巨大潛力that has, for me, the greatest potential for art.比如有黑色油畫顏料So, its like, all right, theres black oil painting.(房♥主兼藝術(shù)家 西斯特蓋茨)有黑色丙烯酸顏料Theres black acrylic.這些我都
6、沒有 我有柏油I didnt have those. I had tar.(黑人男子)(烏木雜♥志♥)當(dāng)人們想到秀的藝術(shù)家時 無論他們是非裔美國人When you think about fantastic artists, whether they are African American白人或是拉丁裔or white or Latino,西斯特蓋茨就在這個圈子里Theaster Gates is in that milieu.(約翰遜出版社首席執(zhí)行官 琳達約翰遜萊斯)他是這個圈子中的佼佼者He is at the very, very peak.我認為西斯特的藝
7、術(shù)品不同尋常I would describe Theasters art as unconventional但能引起人們的共鳴、通俗易懂but relatable and accessible.(文化評論家 布瑞特朱利斯)他很熱衷于將傳統(tǒng)視覺藝術(shù)圈中 不常用的材料He is really interested in repurposing materials that are改造、加工成藝術(shù)品maybe not traditionally considered to be a part of the visual arts world.(JET雜♥志♥)(烏木雜&h
8、earts;志♥)他給老舊的物品帶來了新的樣貌He takes old things and gives them a refreshed look,但他總是會給這些東西賦予一些歷史感but then he always puts some historical relevance within them.(彩虹推廣聯(lián)盟 珍妮特威爾遜教士)我記得他的消防水管系列作品I remember the fire hose series that he did該作品誕生于幾年前的種族暴♥亂♥born out of the race riots several y
9、ears ago.很不可思議 有著巨大的影響力And that was incredible and very significant.然后他只用木材創(chuàng)作作品And then he does the pieces that are all in wood,用玻璃和燈光來創(chuàng)作and then he works in glass and in light.他還從事表演藝術(shù)And then he does performance art.很難把他的作品歸結(jié)到一種類別Its hard to just pinpoint him into one genre and say,“這就是西斯特的風(fēng)格”This
10、 is just what Theaster does.這是不可能的Its not possible.但我認為他的藝術(shù)也升華到了But I think his art also transcends into他的真愛城市規(guī)劃中去his real love, which is urban planning.(伊利諾伊州 芝加哥南區(qū))去調(diào)查這個街區(qū)最先發(fā)生了什么Its so interesting to try to track what happened first.是很有趣的事on the block.我會去試一試Ill give it a shot.(南多徹斯特街)(東69街)我搬到南區(qū) 買
11、♥♥了房♥之后When I moved to the South Side and I bought my house,我們當(dāng)時就知道那一區(qū)域的房♥價很低we knew that the property values in my neighborhood were low.我們都不知道這里的房♥價會不會變動And none of us knew about whether or not those values would ever change.(黑人的財富居住于此)我那些懂得理財?shù)呐笥褌兌颊fFriends of min
12、e who had money sense would say,“不要把全部的資金投入到這棟房♥子上Dont invest all your money in this building,因為它永遠不會升值的”cause youre never gonna get your money out of it.我對再次出♥售♥的價值不擔(dān)心也不在意And so I wasnt worried about or concerned about resale value.我是對自己的生活投資 對我居住的街區(qū)投資I was investing in my life
13、. I was investing in my block.當(dāng)你走過一棟廢棄建筑時When you walk past an abandoned building,心情很容易就變得沉重起來its hard not to feel heavy.它會提醒你這個地方的破敗It reminds you of a kind of failure of a place.它會展示出當(dāng)一個地方失去價值時It starts to show you the dormancy that happens那種休眠的狀態(tài)when a place no longer has value.芝加哥南區(qū)The South Sid
14、e of Chicago有最高的失業(yè)率、貧困率has the highest unemployment, the highest poverty,和投資縮減率the highest disinvestment,這一地區(qū)還有最高的暴♥力♥犯罪率and these same communities have the highest violent crime rates.是全市謀殺案最多的地區(qū)They have the highest number of homicides in the city.南區(qū)成了人們不愿居住的地方South Side neighborhood
15、s have become a place where people dont want to live.西斯特非常善于Theaster has a really great eye for在被摧毀、被忽略、被遺忘的東西中finding purpose and value in things that get destroyed發(fā)現(xiàn)隱藏的作用及價值or ignored or forgotten about.就是說It is saying that這些東西比我們最初想象中更有價值theres more to these things than what we maybe initially th
16、ought.我希望可以走到街區(qū)里I wanted to be able to walk down the block,去本地的餐廳里享用美味佳肴go get a nice meal at a local restaurant.或是去看電影Or go to the movies.但這些選項在我住的地方都是不可能的But those options werent really available where I lived.于是我開始想象 這些地方and I just started imagining that those platforms could exist不應(yīng)僅存在于白人的土地上not
17、 just in white space.偉大的文化有權(quán)植根于我住的地方Great culture had a right to live where I live.有什么地方比家 更適合去做其他那些事呢?Where better than the home to make some of those other things happen?所以我就用當(dāng)時擁有的材料 在可以的地方創(chuàng)作作品And so I just built things where I could with what I had,我是在第一個家中開始的and I started in my first crib.我不是專職做
18、建筑與設(shè)計的Architecture and design are not my professions.我與人工建造出的環(huán)境之間 其實沒有職業(yè)上的關(guān)聯(lián)I dont have a professional relationship, really, with a built environment.我造東西是因為這能給我?guī)頋M足感 給我?guī)碛鋹侷 build because it satisfies me, it gives me joy.令我很開心It makes me really happy.我剛開始重新裝♥修♥時When I was just startin
19、g the renovation,房♥子已經(jīng)被白蟻侵蝕了these termites had infested the place.我們不得不把東西全都搬出去We had to move all my things out.我們把廚房♥的地板拆除了And we took the kitchen floor out,然后便形成了 這個類似兩層樓的半地下室空間and it revealed this kind of two-story, vaulted area.比例簡直太棒了The proportion was so beautiful.我們最后加固了墻壁And we
20、 ended up just stabilizing the walls安裝了內(nèi)置家具 作為裝飾細節(jié)的金屬欄桿and building out built-ins, metal rail detailing,還有保齡球道用的地板bowling alley floors.這樣便創(chuàng)造出了這個半地下室空間And we created this kind of vaulted space它成了聆聽之屋的足跡that is now the footprint of what we call the Listening House.(聆聽之屋)在我重新裝♥修♥時And whil
21、e I was renovating it,我的一個朋友正好在賣♥♥隔壁的房♥子a friend of mine happened to be selling the building next door,我很想把那塊地買♥♥下來and I became motivated to buy the land因為我希望能在我居住的地區(qū)做更多事because I was interested in being able to do more things in my neighborhood.這次擴建絕對有不同尋常的地方There
22、s something that is definitely nonconventional about the build-out.我在建造時會考慮所有的層次Id build considering all of the layers.然后最終回歸某種原始結(jié)構(gòu)and then ultimately getting back to, like, some kind of original structure.如果把多年的墊層和地毯撤掉If you pull back the years of underlayment and carpeting,地面是什么樣子?what do the floo
23、rs look like?如果移除一層層的油漆If you remove the layers and layers of paint,建筑的原始結(jié)構(gòu)是什么樣子?what do the built-ins look like?如果把墻壁拆開 內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)又是什么樣子?If you were to pull out the walls, what do the bones look like?我的工作就是要找到必要的工具My job is to just find the tools necessary將房♥子進行改進 再將其以人們從未見過的全新樣貌to make the thing
24、better than it had been and then re-present it to the world重新展現(xiàn)給世人in a way that the world hasnt seen it before.那棟房♥子后來被稱為檔案之屋That building eventually became known as the Archive House.(檔案之屋)在打造聆聽之屋和檔案之屋的過程中So, between the Listening House and the Archive House,我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了一位文化制♥造♥者I f
25、ound myself becoming a cultural producer.我會邀請人們到家里來 對他們說I would invite other people in and say,“我想建造一個創(chuàng)意空間 一個社區(qū)I want to build a creative space, community.你們愿意和我一起建造嗎?”Would you like to build it with me?會在那里辦展覽Exhibitions would happen there.辦音樂會Music would happen there.然后出現(xiàn)了一個極好的機會 芝加哥智慧博物館And then
26、there was this great moment when the Smart Museum of Chicago舉辦了一場名叫“盛宴”的展覽had this exhibition called Feast.我們也參與了其中We were part of that.這些都是我藝術(shù)生涯中新興的東西All these things that were, like, emergent within my artistic practice,但全都是在我家中出現(xiàn)的but they were all happening at my crib.我想找個大♥麻♥煩I wan
27、t a big problem.他們說:“沒人愿意 在69街和多徹斯特街這一帶投資的”Like, Oh, no ones gonna invest in 69th and Dorchester.我不會搬家的 因為我可以搬Im not gonna move, because I could move.但我對眼皮底下的這些麻煩But its like, Im interested in the problems很感興趣that are right up under my nose.在我看來 多徹斯特街上發(fā)生的事For me, the things that happen on Dorchester
28、是世界上最有意義的事are the hottest things in the world.要比檔案之屋和聆聽之屋更重要Its bigger than the Archive House. Its bigger than the Listening House.比“家”這個詞更重要Its bigger than the word home.我的建筑包含著My buildings, they constitute.愛的投入a love investment.我的下一個翻新工程My next renovation是街對面的第一塊黑人影院用地was the first space for black
29、 cinema across the street現(xiàn)在我家也在那里in what is now my house.我認為那是這個街區(qū)里的一片小綠洲And I think its a little bit of an oasis in the middle of the block.在一層 我們把房♥間弄得漆黑 把熒幕拉下來On the first floor, we would blacken everything, pull the screen down,觀賞新興藝術(shù)視頻and then watch emerging video artwork.黑人影院之屋的意義 并不在于這
30、個地方本身You know, Black Cinema House wasnt so much about a place.黑人影院之屋的意義在于 給那些沒有地方展映作品的電影人Black Cinema House was about filmmakers who are making films-提供了一個展映作品的地方and they dont have a place to screen their films- could have a place.其意義在于 創(chuàng)造一場提高電影影響力的運動It was about creating a movement so that film mat
31、tered more,這樣也提高了文化的影響力and, in that sense, culture mattered more.其意義在于It was about defending the right捍衛(wèi)黑人擁有商業(yè)用地的權(quán)利that a black person has to make black space work.(黑人影院之屋)現(xiàn)在我擁有這些建筑And now I have these buildings我會在其間搬來搬去that I kind of move in between從我家搬到6916號♥、6918號♥from my crib to 69
32、16, 6918.從這個意義上來說 這是一系列的空間In that sense, theres a kind of constellation of spaces,把這些建筑放在一起 就像是一個膨脹的家and when you put those buildings together, its a kind of an exploded home.(檔案之屋 黑人影院之屋 聆聽之屋)我個人并不需要太大的空間I dont actually need a lot of space for me.但我想要很大的空間But I do want a lot of space讓我能夠看到黑人同胞們的巨大潛
33、力so that I can see the mad potential within my people.西斯特在對一個地方進行改造時What Theaster says when he transforms a place(貨幣兌換咖啡館)他并非僅僅是修復(fù)并讓其變漂亮its not just, Fix the place and make it look pretty.他說:“這是我們住的地方 是我們養(yǎng)育子女的地方”Hes saying, We live here. We raise our children here.為了讓孩子擁有希望 他說For a child to have any
34、 sense of hope, hes saying,“我們不必搬家 我們必須要改造我們住的地方”We dont have to move anywhere. We have to transform where we are.(請在吧臺下單)我們最初是以藝術(shù)品的角度 來看待那個建筑的We tackled the building initially as an artwork.-是 -所以一切裝飾細節(jié)-Right. -So, you know, all the cladding,比如與兌換相關(guān)的東西you know, the exchange stuff,比如我們會空出幾面墻 之后再添加新的
35、裝飾choosing to leave some walls and then make new things happen,(西聯(lián)匯款)(食品券 支付水電賬單 汽車牌照服務(wù))所有這些感覺都是我的美學(xué)的一部分all of that stuff felt like its part of my aesthetic.-感覺很好 -老兄 太棒了-It feels good. -Dude, its dope.聽著 通常的情況是 我們非??释玫酱嬖诟蠸ee, cause what happens a lot of times is were so hungry for representation,結(jié)
36、果不得不為所有人提供幫助we wind up having to be something for everybody.-是的 -這個話題-Oh, yeah. -Thats the conversation是我們社區(qū)中的一個核心話題 因為事實如此thats a visceral conversation in our community cause its real.-不是我們瞎編的 -對-We gotta make none of that up. -Yeah.-是 -互相幫助-Yeah. Yeah. -Helping one another.-是 -對 那才是關(guān)鍵-Yeah. -Yeah,
37、 thats what its all about.咖啡館回來了 它活了The caf茅 is back. Its alive.-是 -是 它活了 重新開業(yè)了-Yeah. -Yeah. Its live. Its back on.不要忘記Dont forget it.(哈洛德雞棚)(貨幣兌換咖啡館)我認為西斯特對這里的影響非常巨大I think Theasters impact here has been incredible.西斯特擁有遠見Theaster comes in with vision,這些房♥屋在他眼中and he takes a look at these bu
38、ildings,不僅僅是年久失修的建筑and he sees them more than just dilapidated buildings.他能看到它們的第二次生命、第三次生命He sees them with a second life and a third life.我認為那是他給這個社區(qū)帶來的活力Thats what I think hes brought to this community. Its a vibrancy.(東69街 南多徹斯特街)69街和多徹斯特街 和我小時候長大的地方很像69th and Dorchester is a lot like the neighb
39、orhood that I grew up in,可以說 我感覺and I feel like, in some ways,在芝加哥南區(qū)做這些事doing this work on the South Side of Chicago has to do with是我在尋找成長過程中 對我影響深遠的重要東西me looking for richness within the things that made me.我確信他從小在芝加哥西區(qū)長大 一定很艱難Im sure it was very difficult for him to grow up on the West Side of Chi
40、cago那是一個出于實際原因而被廢棄的城區(qū)in an area that was, for all practical purposes, abandoned.沒有城市資源No city resources.那里毫無希望No light was shining on that place.我是家里九個孩子中最小的Im the ninth child of nine.我有八個姐姐I have eight sisters.我和姐姐們從小在芝加哥西區(qū)長大My sisters and I grew up on the West Side of Chicago.我們很窮 但我們不知道自己很窮We did
41、nt have a lot, but we didnt know we didnt have a lot.到了該上中學(xué)時 我的成績很好When it was time for middle school, my grades were very good.我搭巴士去北區(qū)上學(xué)I got bused to the North Side school.在去北區(qū)的路上As you went north,會途徑黑人區(qū)、波多黎各區(qū)、墨西哥區(qū)the neighborhood would go from black to Puerto Rican and Mexican最后來到藍領(lǐng)與中產(chǎn)白人區(qū)to a kin
42、d of working-class and middle-class white.這一路上 我能感受到居民區(qū)的變化As I moved neighborhood to neighborhood, I could feel the change.我能看到整齊的磚墻和修剪過的草坪I could see the brick tuck-pointing, the grass mowed.我無論何時看到一棟漂亮房♥子 都會認為里面住著白人Whenever I saw a nice building, I assumed white people lived in it.我無論何時看到一棟
43、年久失修的房♥子Whenever I saw a busted-up building,都會認為里面住著黑人I assumed black people lived in it.然后開始發(fā)生一種現(xiàn)象 我上學(xué)前What started to happen was Id go to school,一臺推土機出現(xiàn)在我家的街區(qū)and a bulldozer would be showing up on my block.等我放學(xué)回家時 那棟房♥子已經(jīng)不見了Id come home, and the building would be gone.如果那房♥子里有
44、人販賣♥♥毒品 或者是一棟廢棄房♥屋If drugs were being sold in the building or the building was abandoned(私人領(lǐng)地 禁止入內(nèi))我們就把那棟房♥子拆掉 好像這樣就能解決問題we would erase the building as if that would make the problem go away.我們拆除了建筑物We erased our architecture.大幅度地改變了It drastically changed the built enviro
45、nment黑人和棕色人種居民區(qū)的居住環(huán)境in black and brown neighborhoods.要靠近問題的所在 了解需求 才能作出改變You gotta be proximate to the problem, to the need, to change it,我認為這正是西斯特的優(yōu)秀之處and I think thats the beauty of Theaster.有他那樣的人際關(guān)系和曝光度With all of his relationships, with all of his exposure,他想住在哪里都可以he could live anywhere.我認為這很強
46、大I think thats powerful.(芝加哥城際列車)兄弟們Fellas.-喂 -嗨-Yo, yo. -Hey, hey.-嗨 -怎么樣 老兄?-Hey, man. -Whats happening, man?-你好嗎? -很好-How ya feeling? -Good.-你們呢? -很好-How yall been? -Good.這棵樹是哪來的?混在一起的嗎?Where did this tree come from? Was it in the mix?混在一起的It was in the mix.腐爛的地方可能在內(nèi)部一直爛到這里You know, the rot could
47、 conceivably go up to here.也許從這到這的木材還不錯You might have decent wood from here to here.但也可以繞開腐爛的部分But you could play around with that rot too.我們可能可以做個高腳凳We could potentially have a high stool.對 酒吧里那種 好的Yeah, a bar type stool. Okay.來看一看這些Lets look at these real quick.-幾乎就像文身一樣 -是 對-I mean, it almost fee
48、ls like a tattoo. -Yeah, right, right.-但密度很大 -是-Its dense though. -Yeah.農(nóng)夫們曾經(jīng)用這種木材做籬笆的支柱 很適合用在戶外Farmers used to use it for fence posts. Its good outside.感覺不錯It feels good.我喜歡I love it.我真的很喜歡I really do love it.在2014年 我接到了文♥化♥部♥打來的電♥話♥In 2014, I received a call from
49、 the Department of Cultural Affairs.他們對我說They told me城市要砍掉很多樹that the city was in the process of having to cut down a lot of trees.他們想讓我考慮來做一件藝術(shù)品They wanted me to consider making an art project.當(dāng)他們告訴我具體要砍多少棵樹后When they explained to me the number of trees that was being torn down,我立刻想:“你們需要的不是藝術(shù)品I im
50、mediately thought like, You dont need artwork.而是更大的解決方案You need a bigger intervention.你們需要一個能加工九萬棵樹的木材廠”You need a mill where these 90,000 trees could be processed.也許我的藝術(shù)品就是這個木材廠本身And maybe my artistic intervention would be to build the mill.(木材廠)(替換)我發(fā)現(xiàn)我們的木材廠里發(fā)生了三件事What I found in our mill is that
51、three things are happening.第一件是切割樹木One thing is that trees are being cut人們學(xué)會了如何加工樹木and people are learning how to mill trees.這很好Thats great.第二件是我們在制♥作♥產(chǎn)品The second thing is that were creating products.我們在制♥作♥桌子、硬木地板Were making tables, were making hardwood flooring,我們在制&he
52、arts;作♥藝術(shù)品and were making art.第三件是木材的副產(chǎn)品Then this third zone is, the by-product of the wood給我們的木窯提供燃料feeds our wood kiln.我們創(chuàng)造了一種閉合循環(huán)So, weve created this kind of closed loop用木材加工的副產(chǎn)品between the offshoots of the milling process提供窯所需的能量或燃料and the energy or the fuel needed in order to fire our k
53、ilns,窯再燒制出非常美麗的陶制品which makes really exceptionally beautiful ceramic objects.但我認為木材廠的作用不僅只有這些But I also think that there are these other things like比如它的哲學(xué)意義this kind of philosophical arm of the mill“我們該如何讓南區(qū)的生活 變得更加豐富多彩?”thats like, What can we do to make life on the South Side more rich?我認為我們把這些木板能
54、做的東西I think that the more we can start to demonstrate展示得越多越好what can be done with these pieces, the better.所以如果我們知道So, if we know that we have我們有400塊奧塞奇樹木板 或800塊灰樹木板400 pieces of Osage like this, or 800 pieces of ash,我們就可以去想象it then starts to allow us to think about,“一棟全部由灰樹木材建造的房♥子 是什么樣子的?”O(jiān)
55、kay, what could a house look like thats all ash?我們的財富在于這大量的木材當(dāng)中The wealth is in the excess of wood that we have是用很低的價格買♥♥來的that were getting very cheap.這很好 這些木板很漂亮This is great. These are beautiful boards.此事的意義不在于樹木Its not about trees.也不在于廢棄的建筑物Its not about abandoned buildings.而在于我們是否有能力、動力和信仰Its do we have the ability, the drive, the faith來將芝加哥變成家園?to make Chicago home?我認為西斯特的作品傳達了幾個信息I think that there are several messages in The
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