1、XML之運用-知識管理工具Topic Maps (ISO/13250)飛資得資訊有限公司溫達茂中華民國91年8月22日What is XML XML is a method for defining special markers or tags that can be inserted into text to indicate its logical structure and to make explicit the meaning or rhetorical role of its component partsWhy XML? HTML: Containing information
2、 only about a pages appearance. The future of the electronic scientific literature by John Smith XML: Document to be tagged with machine-readable metadata The future of the electronic scientific literature JohnSmithHTML VS. XML Latin phrase Quid pro quo in HTML Quid pro quo US Battle Ship in HTML US
3、S Constitution Latin phrase Quid pro quo in SGML Quid pro quo US Battle Ship Title USS Constitution XML Intelligence George Washington - 華盛頓總統(tǒng) George Washington Washington, D.C.- 地名Washington, D.C. Washingtons Army - 華盛頓的軍隊Washingtons Army USS Washington - 華盛頓號戰(zhàn)艦USS WashingtonXML Structure for Journ
4、al ArticleXML-Structured DocumentforJournal ArticleWhat does that mean? (I) Every part of the document is not just displayable, but also definable, including tables and/or charts. For example, in a scientific article, XML tags can be used to distinguish the title of the article from the names of its
5、 authors or the cells in a tableWhat does that mean? (II) Analytical StructuralXML - Analytical Tag (Marker) - standardize - metadata: Data Interchange - Dublin Core System Communication - OpenUrlXML - Analytical - Application Data Interchange 數(shù)位典藏計劃聯(lián)合目錄(OAI標準) MARC的XML化 Machine Communication OpenUr
6、l ResolverXML - Structural Logical Structure Logical RelationshipXML - Structural - Application XML in Hierarchical and Structural Context Metadata Within XML Knowledge Structure Knowledge Organization ToolsThree General Categories of Knowledge Organization Term List: Emphasizing lists of terms with
7、 definitions Classification and Categorization Emphasizing the creation of subject sets Relationship List: Emphasizing the connections between terms and conceptsTerm Lists Authority files Glossaries Dictionaries GazetteersClassification and Categorization Subject headings Classification schemes, tax
8、onomies, and categorization schemesRelationship Lists Thesauri Topic Maps Semantic network OntologiesPrinciples of Knowledge OrganizationGroup ByAssociationKey Issues in the Principle Terms - Subjects - Concepts Subject Relationship - Concept 與 Concept 之間的關(guān)係What is Concept(概念)? 定義: 概念是知識基本單位,也是思維最小單
9、位 概念是人類斯為的重要組成部分, 是反映事務(wù)特有屬性的思維方式 屬性: 概念的內(nèi)涵: 事務(wù)反映到概念的特有屬性, 亦即構(gòu)成此一概念的屬性總和 汽車的內(nèi)涵是下列屬性的總和: “車”, “由發(fā)動機驅(qū)動”, “有駕駛”. 外延概念的外延是事物反映到概念的數(shù)量範圍 該概念所包括的各個個體的總和,稱同類外延 大象此一概念的外延是印度象, 非洲象. 構(gòu)成整體的各部分的總和,稱成分外延 “化學(xué)元素系統(tǒng)”此一概念的外延是指氫, 氧, 硫.概念的邏輯暨語義關(guān)係(I)同一關(guān)係 兩個概念的外延一樣。例如:機器翻譯和自動翻譯,都表示用機器進行的翻譯。屬種關(guān)係 一個概念的外延把另一個概念的外延完全包含。屬概念:例如:
10、交通工具。外延較大,包含另一個概念全部外延的概念。種概念:例如:汽車。被屬概念包含,外延較小的概念。概念的邏輯暨語義關(guān)係(II)交叉關(guān)係 兩個概念外延有一部份相同,另一部份不同。例如:作家、教授。有部分作家是教授,也有部分作家不是教授。全異關(guān)係 並列的全異關(guān)係:例如:鋼鐵工人、紡織工人,工人共同的鄰近屬概念。非並列的全異關(guān)係:無共同的鄰近屬概念。例如:茶杯、水果 概念的邏輯暨語義關(guān)係(III) 否定關(guān)係 一個概念的否定關(guān)係構(gòu)成了另一個概念的屬性。例如:加壓、減壓 概念的邏輯關(guān)係暨語義關(guān)係概念的屬性- 邏輯- 語義關(guān)係如何定義及運用於K.O.?What is Topic Map?Topic Ma
11、p 之定義 Definition: (T. A. O.) A set of Topics, Associations, Occurrence, Facet, and Added Theme Elements that are used to Manage a set of Terms relevant to a particular Knowledge Domain.Topic Maps a Topic Map is a collection of topics and (semantically meaningful) relationships between these topics T
12、opic Maps link these topics with external references, such as resources behind URLs XTM serves as XML-based interchange format for topic mapsTopic Maps (contd) TMs are a “superimposed semantic layer” connection between topics and resources are URLs TMs capture real-world subjects/objects but also co
13、ncepts, like “TCP” or “l(fā)ove” these are defined not absolute but relative to each otherTopic Maps (contd) can deal with incomplete knowledge: I know that Prince Charles was married but I do not know the name of his wife. can be merged: Maybe someone else knows that someone called Dianna was married t
14、o a British Prince merging maps by identifying common topicsTopic Maps (contd) are supposed to deal with many thousand topics are built to denote information, not knowledge (no semantic network) are not built for a specific application but will be reused in many different contextsWhat is Topic Map I
15、nformation connection is not just web hyperlinks, instead a structured semantic link network over the resources - easy and selective navigation to the requested information.Elements of Topic Map Topics Association Occurrence and Resources ScopeReification (Definition) creation and/or identification
16、of a subject this topic stands for the subject (proxy) in this process, a topic will be created and characteristics (name, .) will be assignedTopics A topic can be any thing. Regardless whether it exists or not, whether it is of physical nature or just an idea or expression Web resources (Stock Quot
17、es, Documents .) real world (someone, people, countries, .) A topic can be any concept. Abstract idea (Happiness, Effectiveness) Each topic has an internal identification (id), an external representation (baseName), can have any number of external references (occurrence) and any number of classifica
18、tion (instanceOf) Topics are only representants: they represent (proxy) the subject; the subject itself exists outside the topic map - This is what a subject is reified by a topic means and why subjectIdentity element is proposed.Topic (Example)Topic Names every topic has an unique id within a map t
19、his id is for internal use only every topic can have (one or more) names: this name is visible to end usersTopic Name - BaseName The element specifies a topic name A topic name is represented by one string: the content of the child of The context within which the assignment of a name to a topic is v
20、alid may be expressed using a child element. A topic may have multiple base names in the same and/or multiple scopes.Topic Name - Variant The element is an alternate form of a topics base name appropriate for a processing context specified by the variants child element A variant name whose parameter
21、s include the “display” or “sort” published subjects, which is semantically equivalent to display names and sort names (respectively) as defined in ISO 13250.Variants variants are names for a specific purpose and/or in a specific format: name, as it should appear on a mobile display logo on black&am
22、p;white screen high resolution low resolution be used for sortingVariants (contd) external representations organized as a tree parameters control which variant will be usedTopic Types any topic can have any number of types every type is itself a topic either within the same map then university must
23、be a defined topic or defined via some other document Topic Types (contd) topic types introduce a type hierarchy every topic map has its own type hierarchy there is NO global type system (ontology)Topic - instanceOf The element specifies the class to which its parent belongs, via a or child element.
24、 The element is a syntactic shortcut for an association of a special type defined by the class-instance published subject.Topic Types (Example) Bond University Topic - SubjectIdentity The element specifies the subject that is reified by a topic, via , , and/or child elements. When a topic has an add
25、ressable subject, the subject can be addressed directly via a element. In that case, it is the resource itself which is considered the subject of the topic, not what the resource means or indicates. There can be only one such resource per topic. Resources may also be subject indicators, as opposed t
26、o subjects in and of themselves. Resources are used to indicate subjects via elements, of which there may be more than one per topic. A topic may also indicate that it has the same subject as another topic by addressing that topic via a element.Associations topics can participate in relationships, c
27、alled association, in which topics play roles as members Among the associations, which relationship two or more topics have to each other. It must be explicitly defined. topics play there Members: the topics involved in the association are called members Role: and the members play the role. typical
28、associations is-located-in, lived-in, written-by is-facillity-provided-by, requires-to-haveAssociation (Example)Associations (contd) all newly introduced topics has to be defined: is-located-in, building, location also these topics can be linked with associations associations can have any number of
29、members (1, 2, 3, .)Topic Occurrences reference external resources documents: via URLs http:/www./where/is/the/document.pdf defined by IANA/ICANN: via URNs urn:inet:.au:tech_report01 not defined, but globally unique: ? urn:my-social-security-numbers:1234-5678-9 a topic can have any number of
30、 resourcesTopic Occurrences (contd) Bond University Scopes not all topic characteristics are valid in all contexts scopes limit a characteristic scopes are topics themselvesScopes (contd) occurrences: a web document could be written in german the document is not for a beginner, but an expert a visa
31、to visit a country is not relevant for residents, only for non-residents names the document writes about trees in computer science but not about trees in agricultureScopes (contd) associations “Santa Clause brings the presents” is good enough for children, but not for adultsScopes (contd) if no scop
32、e was defined, then the characteristic is valid in ALL scopes unconstrained scopeScopes (Example)mergeMap A element references an external element through an xlink:href attribute containing a URI. Topic Map-DTDTopic Map-XMLTopic Map-XSLTopic Maps Limitation XML-enabled Database and Search Engine Ass
33、ociation is only Part of Relationship (Non-directional Relationship)Database-supported Topic MapsWhat is an ontology Philosophy: Theory of existence An ontology is an explicit specification of objects and relations in the target world intended to share with the community and to use for building a mo
34、del of the target world It is a taxonomy of conceptsOntology To support the sharing and reuse of formally represented knowledge, it is useful to define the common vocabulary in which shared knowledge is represented. A specification of a representational vocabulary for a shared domain of discourse -
35、definitions of classes, relations, functions, and other objects - is called an ontology.Ontology Ontology is a Specification of a Conceptualization Ontology: a formal explicit description of concepts and relationship in a domain of knowledge Class - Concepts Slot (roles, properties) - Features &
36、 attributes of Concepts Facet (role restriction) Subject Description & Analysis: Relationship: Vertical & Horizon Hierarchical & Structured Semantic and Conceptual RelationshipOntology Classes describe concepts in the domain A class can have subclasses that represent concepts that are mo
37、re specific than the superclass An ontology together with a set of individual instances of classes constitutes a knowledge base Ontology ends and the knowledge base beginsComponents of an ontology Concepts Taxonomy of the concepts Relations among concepts Formal specification of the concepts and rel
38、ationsOntology has: A common vocabulary An explicit representation of thing (conceptualization) usually left implicit behind a system An explicit representation of a shared understanding of the target worldOntology EngineeringOntology Engineering: Defining terms in the domain and relations among the
39、mDefining concepts in the domain (classes)Arranging the concepts in a hierarchy (subclass-superclass hierarchy)- (taxonomy)Defining which attributes and properties (slots) classes can have and constraints on their valuesDefining individuals and filling in slot values Ontology What is “Ontology”? 利用定義好的字彙來描述目前已存在之實體 以樹狀結(jié)構(gòu)勾畫出實體間彼此之關(guān)係 進而建構(gòu)專業(yè)領(lǐng)域中可解釋並利用之知識架構(gòu) 提供一致性的相關(guān) “詞彙” 解釋與定義 資訊呈現(xiàn)的單一化 資料分類與註解的標準化ont
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