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1、 房屋買賣合約 Sale & Purchase Agreement of HouseThe date of signature on本合約訂於This agreement is made on the day of合約之第一方(以下簡稱賣方)Party A (hereinafter referred to as The Vendor):姓名Name:身份證號碼Identity Card Number: 地址Address:合約之第二方(以下簡稱買方)Party B (hereinafter referred to as The Purchaser) :姓名Name: 身份證號碼Iden

2、tity Card Number: 地址Address:合約之第三方(以下簡稱經(jīng)紀人):Party C (hereinafter referred to as the Agent) :姓名Name: 身份證號碼Identity Card Number: 註冊地址:Registered Address:合約三方茲同意買賣條款如下:All three partes agre e on the terms and conditions as follow:1、 買賣雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商須以下列條款通過經(jīng)紀出售及購入位於 (以下簡稱該物業(yè))之物業(yè)。Both The Vendor and The Purchase

3、r shall sell or buy the house located at (hereinafterrefers to as the property)through The Agent according to the following terms and conditions。該物業(yè)建築面積為 平方米(以房產證面積為準)。The gross floor area of the property is square meter.2、該物業(yè)之樓價為 幣,買方須按下述選擇的方式付款(AC只可選擇其中1種)。and The Purchaser shall pay in the follow

4、ingmanner(choose one from A to C) .A一次性付款CASH PAYMENT(a) 幣須在簽本合約之同時付清作為定金;shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing this agreement;(b) 幣須在簽正式買賣合約時付清作為部分樓款,正式買賣合約須於 或之前簽妥;RMB ,which shall be signed on or before ;(c) 幣須於買賣完成時由買方付清作為樓價餘款,而買賣須在或之前完成;RMB shall be paid as remaining balance of the purc

5、hase price when closing the transaction,which shall be singed on or before ;B、按揭付款 MORTGAGE PAYMENT(a) 幣須在簽本合約之同時付清作為定金;RMB shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing this agreement;(b) 幣須在簽正式貸款合同時付清作為首期餘款,正式貸款合同須於 簽妥;RMB shall be signed on or before;(c) 幣須於買賣完成並辦妥他項權利登記後由貸款銀行直接撥入賣方銀行帳號作為樓價餘款,銀行實

6、際貸款額與原貸款額之間差額由買方以現(xiàn)金支付,而買賣須在完成;RMB shall be paid as remaining balance of the purchase price by the mortgage bank whenthe transaction is completed and all other formalities of mortgage loan registration settled,Thedifferences between the actual and the original mortgage loan,if any,shall be paid in ca

7、sh by ThePurchaser;C、轉按付款 Submortgage(a) 幣須在簽本合約之同時付清作為定金,賣方收款 天內向抵押銀行申請轉按手續(xù),並協(xié)助買方申請銀行貸款手續(xù);shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing of this agreement,within Days afteraccepting the said deposit The Vendor shall apply for submortgage to the mortgage bank,andshall assist The Purchaser to apply fo

8、r the mortgage loan;(b) 幣須在簽正式買賣合約時付清作為首期餘款,正式買賣合約須於 簽妥;RMB shall be paid as partial deposit upon signing formal sale & purchase agreement,whichshall be signed on or before ;(c) 幣須於買賣完成並辦妥他項權利登記後由貸款銀行扣除賣方所欠款項後將餘款直接拔入賣方銀行帳號作為樓價餘款,銀行實際貸款額與原貸款額之間差額由買方以現(xiàn)金支付,而買賣須在 完成;RMB shall be paid as remaining ba

9、lance of the purchase price by the mortgage bank whenthe transaction is complete and house encumbrance, deducting vendors arrearage. Thedifferences between the actual and the original mortgage loan,if any,shall be paid in cash by ThePurchaser;D、涂銷抵押Revocation of mortgage幣須在簽妥本合約天內付清作為定金餘款,賣方收款當日須即時向

10、抵押銀行申請贖契手續(xù),賣方須在完成贖契、涂銷抵押登記及歸檔等手續(xù) 天內簽署廣州市房地產交易所正式買賣合約,協(xié)助買方申請銀行貸款手續(xù),賣方完成以上手續(xù)不得遲於 ;RMB shall be paid as partial deposit within days after signing this agreement and TheVendor shall immediately apply for Revocation of mortgage of the Propertys title from themortgage bank on the same day of accepting the

11、 said deposit. The Vendor shall signing formalsale& purchase agreement with the Purchaser assist The Purchaser to apply for the mortgage loanwithin Days after finishing all formalities of redeeming title,discharging mortgageregistration and filing,whereas these formalities shall be finished not

12、later than ;3、稅費繳付方式Tax paynet method:4、賣方收到買方首期樓款當日/買賣完成時,賣方須負責將該物業(yè)交付/買方同意連同該物業(yè)現(xiàn)有之租約一起購入該物業(yè),賣方須負責將該物業(yè)連租約一起交付給買方,並協(xié)助買方與租戶簽訂新的租約。When the transaction is completed,The Vendor shall deliver the possession right of the propertyto The Purchaser / The Purchaser agree on purchasing the property with the ex

13、isted tenancyagreement.5、該物業(yè)是以現(xiàn)狀售予買方,而買方已檢查該物業(yè),故買方不得借此拒絕交易。The property is sold to The Purchaser in status quo,and The Purchaser has already inspected theproperty and deemed acceptable,The Purchaser shall not refuse to complete the transaction on thisexcuxe.6、在該物業(yè)交易完成日期前,賣方須付清一切有關該物業(yè)之雜費(如水電、煤氣、管理、電話

14、費及有線電視費等)。The Vendor shall settle all outgoing utility charges in respect of water,electricity,gas,management and telephone fee related to the property before the transaction of the property iscompleted.7、賣方須保證對上述該物業(yè)享有完整所有權,能完全支配及處理。有關該物業(yè)的產權瓜葛、債務、稅項及租賃清還抵押等,賣方應在交易完成前清理完畢,並保證交易後買方無須負責,否則賣方應賠償買方由此引起的一

15、切損失。The Vendor shall ensure that he enjoys the full title right of the property with absolute control andis lawful to dispose of the property. And The Vendor shall settle any encumbrances related to thepossession rights,debts,taxation and tenancy,mortgage and so forth before the transaction iscomple

16、ted,otherwise any loss hereafter caused shall be borne by The Vendor.8、經(jīng)紀代賣方所收之臨時定金,由賣方收妥及簽署本合約作實,如賣方拒絕收取該臨時定金及簽署本合約,則該筆定金在沒有任何補償情況下原銀交回買方,買方將不得要求任何賠償。The initial deposit paid by the Purchaser shall be confirmed after The Vendor accepting the saiddeposit and sign this agreement. If The Vendor refuse

17、 to accept the sail deposit and sign theagreement,the said deposit will be refunded to The Purchaser without any compensation and ThePurchaser shall not claim for any compensation.9、如買方未能履行本合約之條款以至本合約不能順利完成,則已付之定金將由賣方?jīng)]收,而賣方有權再將該物業(yè)售予任何人,唯賣方不可再為此而向買方進一步追究責任或要求賠償損失。Provided that The Purchaser fails to

18、perform any terms of this agreement and therefore thisagreement cannot be executed properly,the paid deposit by The Purchaser can be forfeited by TheVendor and The Vendor shall have the right to resell the property to other parties. But The Vendorshall not run further obligation or claim fo compensa

19、n on to The Purchaser.10、賣方在收取定金後不依合約條款將該物業(yè)售予買方,則賣方除須退還所有買方已付定金外,並須以同等數(shù)目之金額賠償買方以彌補買方之損失,唯買方不可要求進一步賠償或逼使賣方履行此合約。If The Vendor fails to sell the property to The Pruchaser after accepting the deposit according tothe terms of this agreement shall refund all paid deposit to The Pruchaser and pay the same

20、amount of money to The Purchaser to compensate his losses. But The Purchaser shall not ask forfurther compensation or force The Vendor to further execute this agreement.11、基於經(jīng)紀已提供之服務,經(jīng)紀有權簽訂此合約時向賣方收取 幣及向買方收取 幣 作為傭金,該筆傭金之繳交日期為 .The Agent is entitled to collect a sum of RMB/HKD from The Vendor and a su

21、m ofRMB/HKD from The Purchaser as the commission after signing this agreement owing to hisservices provided related to this transaction for two parties. And this commission shall be paid notlater than the date of .12、無論在任何情況下,若賣方或買方任何一方未能依本合約之條款賣出或買方物業(yè),則毀約之一方須即時付予經(jīng)紀 幣作為賠償經(jīng)紀之損失。Either The Vendor or T

22、he Purchaser who fails to sell or buy the property according to the terms ofthis agreement shall immediately pay a sum of RMB / HKD as the compensation to TheAgent.13、簽署本合約後,如買賣雙方在未得經(jīng)紀同意下協(xié)議取消本合約,則買賣雙方將同時及分別成為本合約之毀約者,並仍須各自負責付予經(jīng)紀應得之上述傭金。If The Venlor and The Purchaser rescind this agreement without the endorsement of The Agentafter signing this agreement,both parties will be re


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