2、相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫、DNA和蛋白質(zhì)相互作用數(shù)據(jù)庫)基因或蛋白質(zhì)一些特定數(shù)據(jù)庫糖類及其相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫蛋白質(zhì)翻譯后修飾相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫基因表達(dá)數(shù)據(jù)庫人類基因突變及疾病相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫進(jìn)化相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫及資源專利數(shù)據(jù)庫資源目錄服務(wù)器或網(wǎng)頁1)、核酸序列數(shù)據(jù)庫)、核酸序列數(shù)據(jù)庫l BIOSINO 我國的核酸序列公共數(shù)據(jù)庫lEMBL - EMBL Nucleotide sequence database (EBI) lGenBank - GenBank Nucleotide Sequence database (NCBI)lDDBJ - DNA Data Bank of Japan ldbEST - Database of Exp
3、ressed Sequence Tags (表達(dá)序列標(biāo)簽)(NCBI) ldbSTS - Database of Sequence Tagged Sites (序列標(biāo)簽位點(diǎn)) (NCBI) lGenomeWeb(HGMP) - A catalogue of useful Web sites for Genomics with a set of collections of genome databases lGSDB - Genome Sequence database (NCGR)lGOLD - Genomes On-line dbl一些數(shù)據(jù)庫的直接鏈接lNDB - Nucleic Acid
4、 Databank (3D structures) lBNASDB - Nucleic acid structure db from University of Pune lAsDb - Aberrant Splicing db (異常拼接)(異常拼接)lACUTS - Ancient conserved untranslated DNA sequences db lCodon Usage Db - The frequency of codon use in each organism is made searchable through this World Wide Web site. l
5、EPD - Eukaryotic Promoter db(真核啟動(dòng)子)(真核啟動(dòng)子) lHOVERGEN - Homologous Vertebrate Genes db (同源(同源脊椎動(dòng)物)脊椎動(dòng)物)lIMGT - ImMunoGeneTics db Mirror at EBI (免疫遺傳學(xué)免疫遺傳學(xué))lISIS - Intron Sequence and Information System lRDP - Ribosomal db Project lgRNAs db - Guide RNA db lPLACE - Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA eleme
6、nts db lPlantCARE - Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements db lsRNA db - Small RNA db lssu rRNA - Small ribosomal subunit db llsu rRNA - Large ribosomal subunit db l5S rRNA - 5S ribosomal RNA db ltmRNA Website ltmRDB - tmRNA dB ltRNA - tRNA compilation(編輯)(編輯) from the University of Bayreuth luRNA
7、DB - uRNA db lRNA editing - RNA editing site lRNAmod db - RNA modification db lTelDB - Multimedia Telomere(端粒) Resource lTRADAT - TRAnscription Databases and Analysis Tools lSubviral RNA db - Small circular RNAs db (viroid and viroid-like) (類病毒)lCre Transgenic Database - Cre transgenic mouse lines l
8、Transgenic/Targeted Mutation Database - Information on transgenic animals and targeted mutations 蛋白質(zhì)序列數(shù)據(jù)庫蛋白質(zhì)序列數(shù)據(jù)庫lPIR-international -The Protein Information Resource (protein sequence) (國際蛋白質(zhì)信息中心,(國際蛋白質(zhì)信息中心,NBRF+JIPID+MIPs,PIR1PIR2PIR3PIR4)) lSWISS-PROT - SWISS-PROT annotated(注釋) protein sequence db
9、 (SIB+EBI,EBI創(chuàng)建蛋白質(zhì)專家分析系統(tǒng)ExPASy,北京)lMIPS (Munich information center for protein sequence )(德國慕尼黑蛋白質(zhì)序列信息中心德國慕尼黑蛋白質(zhì)序列信息中心) lPROSITE - PROSITE dictionary of protein sites and patterns lInterPro - Integrated Resources of Proteins Domains and Functional Sites lBLOCKS - BLOCKS db lDOMO - Protein domain db
10、(Automatically generated) lPfam - Protein families db (HMM derived) Mirror at Sanger lPRINTS - Protein Motif fingerprint db lProDom - Protein domain db (Automatically generated) lPROTOMAP - An automatic hierarchical(分等級(jí))(分等級(jí)) classification of SWISS-PROT proteins lSBASE - SBASE domain db (Protein do
11、main sequence library) lSMART - Protein signalling and extracellular domain patterns (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool) lProClass - Protein sequence alignments and curation of protein families lPDB - Protein Data Bank Mirrors in EBI lBioMagResBank Repository(知識(shí))(知識(shí)) for data on proteins, pe
12、ptides, and nucleic acids from NMR spectroscopy(光譜學(xué))(光譜學(xué)) lSWISS-MODEL Repository - Automatically generated protein models db lModBase - Db of comparative protein structure models lCATH - UCL BSM structural classification of proteins lSCOP - Structural classification of proteins Mirror at USA | Isra
13、el | Singapore | Australia lMol_R_Us - Molecules R Us, browser for PDB lBMM Domain Server - Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory (ICRF) protein domain server lPRESAGE - Collaborative resource for structural genomics lSBASE - SBASE domain db (Protein domain sequence library) lSMART - Protein signalling
14、and extracellular(細(xì)胞外)(細(xì)胞外) domain patterns (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool) lProClass - Protein sequence alignments and curation of protein families lKabat - Kabat db of protein of immunological interest lPMD - Protein Mutant db lWORLD-2DPAGE - A complete index of 2D-PAGE db and servers
15、lPhoretix links - Phoretix page of links to 2D gel db lDIP - Db of Interacting Proteins lINTERACT - Protein-Protein interaction db lProNet - Protein-Protein interaction dblCANSITE - Signal Transductions (信號(hào)傳導(dǎo))(信號(hào)傳導(dǎo))WeblSPAD - Signaling pathway db lCSNDB - Cell Signaling Networks db lDPInteract - DNA
16、-Proteins interactions dblAAA - AAA family of ATPases server Acetylcholinesterases lALDH - Aldehyde dehydrogenase (醛脫氫酶,l 醛氧化酶)gene superfamily db lAminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in SWISS-PROT - List of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in SWISS-PROT lAARSDB - Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases db lAllergens in SWISS-
17、PROT - Nomenclature and index(命名和索引) of allergens(過敏原) in SWISS-PROT lAMSDb - Antimicrobial sequences db (抗菌)lAntibody resource page - Links to antibody related Web resources (抗體)lAustralian venom and toxin db (澳大利亞蛇毒)lBacillus thuringiensis toxin specificity db(Bt)lTFII - Basal transcription factor
18、s (轉(zhuǎn)錄子)lBlood group antigens in SWISS-PROT (血型抗原)血型抗原)lBCGD - Breast cancer genes db from MBCR (乳癌)lBRENDA - Db of enzyme functional data lEF-hand CaBP - EF-hand calcium-binding proteins db lCAZy - Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes Web site lCBS domain Cystathionine(胱硫醚,丙氨酸丁氨酸硫醚)Beta Synthase domain WWW p
19、age lCD antigens in SWISS-PROT - Nomenclature for surface proteins of human leucocytes (白血球CD) lCD antigens in PROW - Database on information about CD antigens lChaperonin - Information on GroEL and GroES chaperonins lConotoxins - Information on conotoxins from a Web site on cone shellsl。 etc。 l Car
20、bBank - Complex Carbohydrate Structure Database lGlycoSuiteDB - Db of glycan structures lTGN - The Glycoscience Network lFCCA - Forum Carbohydrates Coming of Age lCARBHYD - Carbohydrate information WWW sites lMonosacharide browser - Space filling Fischer projection for monosaccharides (單糖)lO-GlycBas
21、e - O-glycosylated( 使(蛋白質(zhì))糖基化)proteins db lPhosphoBase - Phosphorylation (磷酸化作用)sites db lRESID - Db of Amino Acid Modifications lASDB - Protein products and expression patterns of alternatively-spliced genes lAxeldb - Gene expression in Xenopus lBodyMap - Human and mouse gene expression data lEpoDB
22、 - Genes expressed in vertebrate RBC lFlyView - Drosophila development and genetics (果蠅)lGene Expression Database (GXD) - Mouse gene expression and genomics (鼠)lKidney Development Database Kidney(腎) development and gene expressionlMAGEST - Ascidian (Halocynthia roretzi) gene expression patterns lMou
23、se Atlas and Gene Expression Database - Spatially-mapped gene expression data lPEDB - Normal and aberrant prostate(正常、異常前列腺)gene expression lTooth Development Database - Gene expression in dental tissue lTRIPLES - TRansposon-Insertion Phenotypes, Localization and Expression in Saccharomyces(酵母)lHMGD
24、 - Human Gene Mutation dbl SVD - Sequence variation db lHGBASE - Human Genic Bi-Allelic Sequences db lThe SNP consortium ldbSNP - Human single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) db (單核苷酸多態(tài)性數(shù)據(jù)庫)lList of mutation databases from OMIMl List of mutation databases from IMT (Finland) lADB - Albinism db (Mutatio
25、ns in human genes causing albinism(白化?。? lAlpha-glucosidase - Information about human acid alpha-glucosidase (GSD-II) lAR mutations - Human androgen receptor mutation db lAntithrombin mutation db (抗凝血突變)lAsthma and Allergy gene db (哮喘和過敏)lBIOMDB - Db of mutations causing tetrahydrobiopterin deficien
26、cies (缺乏四氫生物蝶呤缺乏四氫生物蝶呤lBLMbase - Human BLM mutation db (Bloom snydrom)lBTKbase - Human BTK mutation db (X-linked agammaglobulinemia) (血中丙球蛋白貧乏)lCD40Lbase - Human CD40 ligand mutation db lCOL1/3 mutation - Human Type I and III collagen mutation db lCFTR mutation - Human cystic fibrosis mutation db (C
27、FTR) (囊腫性纖維化,屬遺傳性胰腺病囊腫性纖維化,屬遺傳性胰腺?。﹍EMD db - Human Emerin (EMD) mutation db (Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy) 肌肉萎縮癥肌肉萎縮癥lKMeyeDB - Eye disease genes db lFVII mutation - Human Factor VII mutation db lHAMSTeRS - Human Factor VIII mutation db (Haemophilia A) lHAeMB - Human Factor IX mutation db (Haem
28、ophilia B) 血友病lFBN1 mutation - Human fibrillin 1 mutation db (Marfan syndrome) lG6PD - Human G6PD deficiency resource lGalt mutation - Human galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase mutation db (Galactosemia)lHEXAdb - Human Hexosaminidase A mutation db (Tay-sachs disease) lIL2RGbase - Human IL2RG (
29、Interleukin-2 receptor gamma) mutation db (X-SCID) lL1CAM mutation - Human L1CAM mutation db lLDLR mutation - Human LDLR mutation db (Familial hypercholesterolemia) lLQTSdb - Long QT syndrome db lNCF1base - Human NCF1 mutation db lNCF2base - Human NCF2 mutation db lNeuromuscular diseases web site lN
30、CL - Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses mutation db lOTCase - Human ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase) website lCytochrome P450 alleles nomenclature lp53 mutation db - University of Tokyo p53 mutation db lGermline p53 mutation db - University of Prague db of germline p53 mutations lPAHdb - Human phenyl
31、alanine hydroxylase (PAH) mutation db lPAX6 mutation - Human PAX6 mutation db lPrion - Prion and prion disease web site lRAG1base - Human RAG1 mutation db lRAG2base - Human RAG2 mutation db lRB1base - Human retinoblastoma-associated protein (RB) mutation db lRetNet - Retinal Information Network lRet
32、ina International Scientific Newsletter - Information on Retinal genes, proteins and diseases lTSC - TSC (TSC1/TSC2) variation db lTSC2 - Cardiff-Rotterdam Tuberous Sclerosis (TS) db (Tuberin; TSC2) lTGDB - Tumor gene db lVMD2 mutation - Human VMD2 mutation db lvWF mutation - Human von Willebrand fa
33、ctor (vWF) mutation db lWRN - Human WRN mutation db (Warner disease) lWT1 mutation - Human WT1 mutation db lX-ALD mutation - Human ABCD1 mutation db lClusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) - Phylogenetic classification of proteins from 21 complete genomes lXREFdb - Cross-referencing of model organism
34、genetics with mammalian phenotypes lTreeBASE - Relational db of phylogenetic informationlThe Tree of life - Collection of WWW pages on phylogeny and biodiversity of organisms /tree/lDPD - DNA Patent db lAg Patents - Agricultural Biotechnology patents from the USDA (農(nóng)業(yè)生物技術(shù)專
35、利)lUSPTO patent db - USA Patent and Trademark (商標(biāo))Office patent db lEspcenet - Patent information database from the European Patent Office (worldwide coverage) lThe Delphion Intellectual Property Network (IPN) for searching, viewing, and analyzing patent documents. lBioCatalog - The BioCatalog at EB
36、I lYellow BAGI - Bio Access Guide to the Internet at Houston University lSoftware library from G lDBCAT - Databases catalog at INFOBIOGEN lMBDL - Molecular Biology Database List lAmos WWW links page lNucleic Acids Research database issuelCEPH-genotype databaselCEPH home page - a research laboratory
37、which constructs maps of the human genomelGeneMap99 - A Gene Map of the Human Genome (NCBI) lOMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man lGENATLAS - Human genes atlas lGeneClinics - Medical genetics knowledge base lGDB - Human genes and genomic maps lGeneCards - Db integrating information on human ge
38、nes lUDB - Unified db for Human genome mapping lEnsembl - Human genome annotations site lUCSC human genome working draft lTIGR HGI - TIGR Human Gene Index lHuman BAC Ends Database - Non-redundant human BAC end sequences lHs UniGene - Human transcripts in GenBank (EST clusters) lSTACK - Sequence Tag
39、Alignment and Consensus Knowledgebase (Db of consensus human ESTs) lA - Human predicted gene index/catalog lGenLink - Human genetics resource lGENOTK - Human cDNA db lHUGE - Human Unidentified Gene-Encoded large proteins cDNA (KIAA.) lCGAP - Cancer Genome Anatomy Project lSCDb - Stem cell
40、 db lHuGeMap - Human genome genetic and physical map data lG3-RH - Stanford G3 and TNG radiation hybrid maps lGB4-RH - Genebridge4 (GB4) human radiation hybrid maps lRadiation Hybrid Database - Radiation hybrid map data lChr1 - Human chromosome 1 at Rockefeller University Mirror at EBI lChr3 - Human
41、 chromosome 3 db at the University of Texas Health Science Center lChr7 - Human chromosome 7 db at Ontarios Hospital for Sick Children lChr8 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 8 lChr9 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 9 lChr9 - Human
42、 chromosome 9 db lChr10 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 10 lGTC Chr10 data - Human chromosome 10 data from Genome Therapeutics Corporation lChr11 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 11 l11DB - Human chromosome 11 db at Imperial Coll
43、ege (U.K.) lChr12 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 12 lChr13 - Human chromosome 13 db at Columbia lChr14 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 14 lChr15 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 15 lChr15 UBC
44、- Human chromosome 15 WWW page at UBC lChr16 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 16lChr16 LANL - Human chromosome 16 db at Los Alamos National Laboratory lChr16 TIGR - Human chromosome 16 db at TIGR lChr17 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chrom
45、osome 17 lChr18 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 18 lChr18 - Human chromosome 18 at Boston Childrens Hospital lChr19 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 19 lChr20 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 20
46、 lChr21 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome 21 lChr21 at RIKEN - Human chromosome 21 genome site at RIKEN (Japan) lChr21 at ERI - Human chromosome 21 genomic sequence db from the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute lChr22 SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from hum
47、an chromosome 22 lChr22 at Sanger - Sanger Center chromosome 22 project lChr22 at HGC - Human genome center for chromosome 22 lChrX SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human chromosome X lIXDB - Integrated X chromosome db lChrY SWISS-PROT list - Links to SWISS-PROT entries from human
48、chromosome YlOMIA - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals lMGI - Mouse Genome Informatics (includes *Mouse Genome Database (MGD)Mirrors in Australia | UK | Japan lTIGR MGI - TIGR Mouse* Gene Index lMm UniGene - Mouse transcripts in GenBank (EST clusters) lRatMAP - Rat genome db lTIGR RGI - TIGR Ra
49、t Gene Index lRn Unigene - Rat transcripts in GenBank (EST clusters) (以上與老鼠有關(guān)的基因數(shù)據(jù)庫)lBovBASE - Bovine genome db (in UK) lBOVMAP - Bovine genome db (in France) (牛) lArk-Cat cat genome db (貓)lHorseBASE - Horse genome db (馬)lDGP - Dog Genome Project (狗)lPiGBASE - Pig genome db (豬)lSheepBASE - Sheep gen
50、ome db (also known as SheepMap) Mirror in UK (羊)lMIS - Mendelian Inheritance in Sheep lChickGBASE - Chicken genome db (雞)lFugu - HGMP Resource Centre Fugu Project (Fugu rubripes) (河豚)lMedakafish - Mekada fish (Oryzias latipes) server lArk-Tilapia - Tilapia (羅非魚)mossambica genome db lThe fish net - Z
51、ebrafish server (斑馬魚)lFishBase - Global information system on fishes lGOBASE - Organelle Genome Database lMitoDat - Mendelian Inheritance and the Mitochondrion db (mitochondrial nuclear genes) lMITOMAP - Human mitochondrial genome db lMmtDB - Metazoa mitochondrial DNA variants db (后生動(dòng)物)lMitBASE - In
52、tegrated mitochondrial DNA db lMitBASE-Pilot - Db of S.cerevisiae nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis lHvrBase - Primates mtDNA control region sequences compilation lMOUSE - Mitochondrial and Other Useful SEquences (human and apes mit. DNA db) lMITOP - Mitochondrial proteins, genes an
53、d diseases lAMmtDB - Metazoan mitochondrial DNA sequences lDrosophila SWISS-PROT list - Links to Drosophila SWISS-PROT entries (果蠅)lFlyBase - Drosophila genetic and molecular db Mirror at EBI lFlyView - Drosophila image db lGIFTS - Gene Interactions in the Fly Trans-World Server lFlyNets - Db of mol
54、ecular interactions in Drosophila melanogaster lSOS-DGBD - Db of Drosophila DNA sequences annotated with regulatory binding sites lMosquito Genomics (蚊子)lWormBase - C.elegans db Mirror at Sanger lC.elegans WWW server - at University of Texas Southwestern (線蟲)lACeDb - Caenorhabditis elegans db lC.ele
55、gans Mitochondrial Directory - Data on C.elegans genes for mitochondrial proteins lC.elegans EST - C.elegans EST db from Japan (Yuji Koharas group) lC.elegans SWISS-PROT list - Links to C.elegans SWISS-PROT entries lWormPep - C.elegans proteins db lWormPD - C.elegans protein db lDictystelium Genome
56、Sequencing project at BCM lDictyostelium discoideum genome project at IENA lDictyDb - Dictyostelium discoideum db lDicty_cDB - Dictyostelium discoideum cDNA project lCone shells Web site lParasite genomes db and resources (寄生蟲)lParasite genomes WWW site lPlasmoDB - P.falciparum genome db lMalaria -
57、WHO - Malaria db (from WHO) lP.falciparum Sanger - P.falciparum genome project at Sanger lPFDB - Plasmodium falciparum Genome db lP.falciparum - Plasmodium falciparum Gene Sequence Tag project ( 瘧原蟲)lMAD - Malaria Antigen db lMalaria parasite metabolic pathways lLGN - Leishmania Genome Network (利什曼蟲
58、)lTrypanosoma brucei genome project (錐體蟲)lTrypanosoma cruzi genome project lkDNA - Kinetoplast Minicircle Sequence db lNAL - AGIS - Access to many plant genome databases at the National Agricultural Library lDemeters genomes - Access to many plant genome databases at the USDA-ARS lMendel - Plant gen
59、e nomenclature database from CPGN lAtDB - Arabidopsis thaliana genome database lTAIR - The Arabidopsis Information Resource lMATDB - MIPS Arabidopsis thaliana db lTIGR AtGI - TIGR Arabidopsis thaliana Gene Index lAGR - Arabidopsis Genome Resource lBeanGenes - Beans genome db (豆)lBeanRef - Beans geno
60、me db and other resources lChlamyDB - Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome db (衣藻)lCropNet - Genome mapping in crop plants (農(nóng)作物)lCottonDB - Cotton genome db (棉花)lMaizeDb - Maize genome db (玉米)lINRA Maize - INRA Maize genome db lZmDB - Maize genome database lPisum sativum (pea) web site (豌豆)lRGP - Rice G
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