1、文件Pan American Standards Commission泛美標準委員會COPANT STATUTES AND RULES OF PROCEDURE泛美標準委員會章程及議事規(guī)則Final version approved by the Argentinean authority (September 2010)經阿根廷主管部門(2010年9月)批準之終版章程泛美技術標準委員會2008年獲批章程阿根廷主管部門2010年9月獲批版COPANT STATUTES AND RULES OF PROCEDUREAPPROVED BY ASSEMBLY OF COPANT BUENOS AIR
2、ES. ARGENTINA, 6th MAY 2008泛美標準委員會章程及議事規(guī)則泛美標準委員會大會批準2008年5月6日阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯FOREWORDThe new Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the Panamerican Standards Commission (COPANT) were approved in Assembly of the Organization, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the 6th of May 2008.前言新版泛美標準委員會章程及議事規(guī)則由泛美標準委員會大會于
3、2008年5月6日在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯批準。STATUTERULES OF PROCEDURE章程議事規(guī)則CHAPTER I - DENOMINATION, OBJECT AND SEAT OF THE ORGANIZATION第一章組織名、目標及所在地SECTION 1 - Denomination第1節(jié)組織名Article 1Note: The articles not indicated do not require regulation.第1條注:未列明條款則無需監(jiān)管。The Pan American Standards Commission, hereinafter referre
4、d to as COPANT, is a civil nonprofit association. It has complete operational autonomy and is of unlimited duration.泛美標準委員會(COPANT,以下簡稱“委員會”)系一家民間非營利性機構。具備完整的經營自主權,無限期存續(xù)。SECTION 2 - Object第2節(jié)目標Article 2第2條The object of COPANT shall be to promote the development of technical standardization and relat
5、ed activities in its member countries with the aim of promoting their commercial, industrial, scientific and technological development in benefit of the economic and commercial integration and the exchange of goods and services, while facilitating cooperation in the intellectual, scientific, economi
6、c and social spheres.The following general objectives have been established to accomplish this object:委員會的宗旨應是促進各成員國技術標準化和相關活動的開展,通過經貿一體化以及商品和服務的交換,從而推動商業(yè)、工業(yè)、科學和技術的發(fā)展,同時促進知識、科學、經濟和社會領域的合作。為達成上述目標,特此制定了下列總體目標:a) To develop standards of interest to the countries of the region that have not been develo
7、ped by international organizations or that do not correspond to their particular needs;a)制定未被國際組織制定或不符合其具體需求的有益于泛美地區(qū)各國的標準;b) To promote coordination among its member bodies in order to facilitate the harmonization of their technical standards;b)促進成員機構間的相互協(xié)調,進而促進其技術標準間的相互協(xié)調;c) To ensure increased uti
8、lization and application of international standards in the Pan American Regionc)確保各國際標準在泛美地區(qū)的使用及應用水平得到提高;d) To serve, when appropriate, as a linking, coordinating and representative body for its member bodies with:d)在適當時機,充當成員機構與下列組織間的聯(lián)系、協(xié)調及代表機構:1) Other international, regional and sub-regional orga
9、nizations with similar goals;1)目標相似的其他國際、區(qū)域及次區(qū)域組織;2) International, regional and sub- regional organizations requiring support on technical standardization to fulfill their economic, scientific and technological functions.2)為實現(xiàn)其經濟、科技及技術職能而需要技術標準化支持的國際、區(qū)域及次區(qū)域組織。e) To encourage and facilitate the exch
10、ange of information among its member countries and with international, regional and sub- regional systems dedicated to a specific field of action;e)鼓勵和促進成員國間及成員國與國際、區(qū)域及次區(qū)域體系致力于某一特定領域的信息交流;f) To promote technical education and training in the fields of standardization and Conformity Assessment, as we
11、ll as in related activities;f)促進標準化與合格評定領域及相關活動的科技教育及培訓;g) To encourage the development of certification systems based on international criteria;g)鼓勵基于國際標準的認證體系的發(fā)展;h) To promote the harmonization, homologation and mutual recognition of certification systems;h)促進各認證系統(tǒng)間的協(xié)調、統(tǒng)一及相互認可;i) To favor the harm
12、onization of policies and technical positions of its member bodies with international standardization and related activities;i)促成各成員國在國際標準化及相關活動中的政策和技術定位協(xié)調一致;j) To support and participate in an active manner in regional economic integration bodies in the subjects of standardization, conformity asses
13、sment and related activities.j)積極支持和參與以標準化、合格評定及相關活動為主題的地區(qū)經濟一體化機構。The fulfillment of these general objectives may initiate the implementation of actions, which are not expressly indicated in this article, as long as such actions are closely related to the following specific objectives:雖然本條款并未明文列出行動清
14、單,但只要行動與下列目標密切相關,在滿足上述總體目標的前提下,則可執(zhí)行此類行動:1) To provide a forum to the National Standards Bodies in order to coordinate the voluntary standardization policies and their relation with technical regulations at the national, sub-regional and regional levels;1)為國家標準機構提供論壇,讓其協(xié)調自愿性標準化政策及這些政策與國家、區(qū)域及次區(qū)域技術規(guī)范間的
15、關系;2) To encourage, among its members, the acceptance and compliance with the “Code of good practice for the preparation, adoption and application of standards”, Annex III of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade of the World Trade Organization (WTO); as well as the Code of Good Practice for
16、Standardization (ISO/IEC Guide 59) and the Code of Ethics (ISO).2)鼓勵成員采納和遵守世界貿易組織貿易技術壁壘協(xié)議附錄三之關于制定、采用和實施標準的良好行為規(guī)范 (WTO)、標準化良好行為規(guī)范(ISO/IEC 指南 59)及道德規(guī)范 (ISO)。3) To provide mechanisms for the preparation, adoption and harmonization of standards in the region, in accordance with what has been established
17、 by the WTO and following the hierarchy of international, regional, sub-regional and national standards, according to the needs of the sectors involved;3)根據(jù)所涉及領域的需求,按照世貿組織已制定的標準及國際、區(qū)域、次區(qū)域及國家標準,為泛美區(qū)域內標準的制定、采用及協(xié)調提供機制;4) To provide a means for the coordination of the positions of its members in relatio
18、n to the policies and technical activities of ISO, IEC, and other international bodies, as appropriate. In these two organizations, COPANT shall make every possible effort to act in cooperation in those areas of interest to the goals of the Organization and to support those positions in which there
19、is consensus among its members;4)為與ISO、IEC及其他國際機構之政策及技術活動相關之委員會成員間的職位協(xié)調提供適當途徑。在上述兩個組織中,在有益于實現(xiàn)委員會組織目標的領域中,委員會應竭盡所能達成合作,并為成員間已達成共識的職位安排提供支持;5) To search for mechanisms and resources and to coordinate training programs for its member bodies with the aim of improving their participation in the internati
20、onal and regional standardization processes. Special emphasis shall be given to assist those bodies with less developed infrastructures;5)為提高成員機構在國際及區(qū)域標準化進程中的參與程度,委員會應尋求相關機制及資源,并協(xié)調各成員的培訓項目。應特別注重為基礎設施欠發(fā)達之機構提供協(xié)助;6) To create a network for the distribution of information on standardization and related
21、activities among its members;6)為促進標準化及相關活動的信息傳播,在成員間建立信息傳播網絡;7) To support the integration of the activities of its members with other international organizations;7)支持成員活動與其他國際機構的融合;8) Where appropriate, to encourage the development of conformity assessment arrangements among its members, fostering
22、the harmonization of procedures, with the aim of establishing mutual recognition arrangements;8)為確立相互認可協(xié)定,在適當情況下,鼓勵成員間達成合格評定協(xié)定,促進程序間協(xié)調;9) To establish permanent relations with other organizations involved with conformity assessment.9)與參與合格評定的其他機構建立永久關系。SECTION 3 Seat of the Organization第3節(jié)組織所在地Artic
23、le 3Article 3第3條第 3條The seat of COPANT, which shall legally be in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the location of the Executive Secretariat, shall be determined by the Assembly.Any proposal for change of the seat of COPANT or of the location of the Executive Secretariat shall be presented to the Board
24、of Directors by at least eight (8) active members and at least ninety (90) days prior to the Assembly meeting.委員會的法定所在地為阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯,而秘書處的所在地應由大會決定。如提議更改委員會所在地或秘書處位置,應在大會開始前至少九十(90)天,由至少八(8)位成員將提案聯(lián)名上交至董事會。CHAPTER II CONSTITUTION: MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS第二章委員會構成:成員類別、權利及義務SECTIO
25、N 1 - Constitution第1節(jié)組成Article 4第4條COPANT members are:a) Active;b) Adherent.委員會成員分為:a)成員;b)觀察員。Article 5第5條Active members are those National Standards Bodies of the Americas and that have been recognized by the Assembly as representative of their countries and which have been admitted in accordance
26、with these Statutes and under the obligation to expressly respect and comply with their provisions.成員為大會按照本章程認可和接受的、應承擔遵守本章程明確規(guī)定義務的、代表泛美各國的國家標準機構。Article 6第6條One standards body per country may be admitted as an active member.每個國家僅一家標準機構可獲選為成員。Article 7第7條Adherent members of COPANT are:委員會的觀察員為:a) In
27、ternational, regional and sub- regional standards bodies;a)國際、區(qū)域及次區(qū)域標準機構;b) National Standards Bodies of other continents;b)其他各大洲的國家標準機構;c) Scientific, technical, commercial, industrial, and agricultural organizations.c)科技、商業(yè)、工業(yè)及農業(yè)組織。SECTION 2 - Rights and obligations第2節(jié)權利及義務Article 8第8條Active membe
28、rs are entitled to the following:成員享有如下權利:a) Elect and be elected; to the different COPANT committees and groups;a)于委員會下各委員會及組中的選舉及被選舉權;b) Voice and vote in Board of Directors and Assembly meetings;b)在董事會及大會中的發(fā)言權及表決權;c) Join and participate in groups constituted to fulfill the objectives of COPANT;c
29、)加入及參與為實現(xiàn)委員會目標而成立的組的權利;d) Receive COPANTs official documents;d)獲取委員會正式文件的權利;e) Use the COPANT technical standards to promote regional standardization activities and to fulfill the goals and objectives of COPANT.e)為促進地區(qū)標準化活動、實現(xiàn)委員會目標而使用委員會技術標準的權利。Article 9Article 9第9條第9條Active members have the followi
30、ng obligations:成員應承擔如下義務:a) Comply with the COPANT Statutes, their Rules of Procedure and the decisions adopted by the Assembly and the Board of Directors;a)遵守委員會章程、議事規(guī)則及大會與董事會采用的決定;b) Attend Assembly meetings in person or by proxy; the representative must be a member of the intervening agency that
31、the board member who comes to replace it;b) When a COPANT active member decides to participate by proxy in an Assembly meeting, due notification shall be submitted in writing to the representing country and to the Executive Secretariat, before the start of the meeting.b)親自或委派代表出席大會;但代表必須是即將被董事會成員頂替的
32、干預機構的成員;b)若委員會成員決定委派代表參與大會,應在會議開始前向該代表國及秘書處發(fā)出適當書面通知。c) Attend Board of Directors meetings if membership in this group is held;c)若為董事會成員,則應出席董事會會議;d) Vote when required or abstain from voting;d)必要時表決或放棄表決;e) Promptly pay the membership fee established by the Board of Directors;e)及時支付董事會規(guī)定的成員費;f) To i
33、nform the Executive Secretariat in a timely manner regarding any variation in their constitution;f)及時將自身構成相關的任何變動通知秘書處;g) Take appropriate actions for the protection and defense of the intellectual property rights of COPANT;g)采取適當行動保護和維護委員會的知識產權;h) To consider the mediation of the Board of Directors
34、 of COPANT, or of a committee designated by the Board of Directors, to solve conflicts or disputes among members.h)成員間解決沖突或糾紛時,應考慮委員會董事會或董事會指定的其他委員會的調停。Article 10第10條Adherent members are entitled to the following:觀察員享有如下權利:a) Attend Assembly meetings;a)出席大會;b) Receive the annual report and documents
35、 authorized by the Board of Directors and the Assembly;b)獲取經過董事會及大會授權的年度報告及文件;c) Join and participate in the work of technical groupings as established by the Board of Directors;c)加入和參與董事會確定的技術分組工作;d) Voice at Assembly meetings.d)大會上的發(fā)言權。Article 11第11條Adherent members have the following obligations:
36、觀察員應承擔如下義務:a) Comply with the COPANT Statutes and their Rules of Procedure, and cooperate in those tasks entrusted to them by mutual agreement;a)遵守委員會章程及議事規(guī)則,配合根據(jù)相互協(xié)議委托的任務;b) Promptly pay the membership fee established by the Board of Directors.b)及時支付董事會規(guī)定的成員費。SECTION 3 - Admittance, withdrawal, sus
37、pension and re-admission第3節(jié)入會、退會、中止與重新入會Article 12第12條Any member application for admittance shall be presented in writing to the Executive Secretary, who shall assess its conformity with the conditions established in the Statutes. Upon receiving the application, the Executive Secretary shall submit
38、it to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days for approval.任何入會申請應書面提交至秘書長,由秘書長對照章程條款評定合格與否。秘書長應在收到申請書后三十(30)天內將申請書提交董事會審批。Article 13Article 13第13條第13條When applying for admittance, the applicant shall agree to pay the established annual fee.When an applicant has been accepted as a member of C
39、OPANT, it shall pay the fee established within ninety (90) days of its admission for its membership to come into effect.申請入會時,申請人應同意支付規(guī)定的年費。若申請人已受任委員會成員,應在其入會日起九十(90)天內支付規(guī)定費用,使其成員資格生效。Article 14第14條If a member desires to withdraw from COPANT, it shall give at least six (6) months written notice to t
40、he Executive Secretary for the withdrawal to come into effect.若成員想要退出委員會,應至少提前六(6)個月向秘書長發(fā)出書面通知,以使退會生效。Article 15Article 15第15條第15條Any member whose last annual fee has not been paid by the 30th of June of the calendar year shall be notified to pay within ninety (90) calendar days. In the event that t
41、he mentioned period expires without making the corresponding payment, the Executive Secretary shall submit the case to the Board of Directors for the corresponding actions, which could involve a suspension or an extension, or any other relevant action.a) Extensions for payment may be granted to memb
42、er bodies upon request with an explanation of the reasons for which the corresponding payment was not made effective in due time.b) A suspended member shall regain all its rights once the Board of Directors readmits it.對于上年度年費至本公歷年6月30日仍未繳清的成員,應通知其在九十(90)個日歷日內繳清。若上述期限期滿時該成員仍未繳清上述年費,則秘書長應將情況提交至董事會,由董
43、事會采取相應措施,可包括中止、延期或其他相關的任何措施。a)對未能按時支付年費的成員,若能給予解釋并要求延長時限,則委員會可為該成員延長支付時限。b)被中止成員在獲得董事會重新入會后方可恢復所有權利。CHAPTER III - MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION第三章管理與行政SECTION 1 Structure and Officers第1節(jié)機構和人員Article 16第16條a) The bodies of COPANT are: the Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Secretaria
44、t;a)委員會機構分為:大會、董事會及秘書處;b) The Officers responsible for the administration of COPANT are the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the Executive Secretary.b)負責委員會行政工作的官員包括:總裁、副總裁、財務總管及秘書長。Article 17Article 17第17條第17條The Assembly shall be constituted by the President, the Vice-President, th
45、e Treasurer, the Executive Secretary and duly accredited delegates appointed by active and adherent members.大會應由總裁、副總裁、財務總管、秘書長、以及成員和觀察員任命的并獲得正式認可的代表構成。Article 18Article 18第18條第18條The Board of Directors is compose by (14) members the President, the Vice- President, the Treasurer, the Executive Secre
46、tary and Directors from each of the ten (10) standards bodies which are active members of COPANT, or duly accredited representatives, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.The ten (10) members of the Board of Directors belonging to each of the standardization bodies shall be chosen in accordance
47、 with the territorial division of the American Continent, as follows: Two (2) for the active members in North America; three (3) for the active members in Central America and the Caribbean; of the 3, with at least one (1) from Central America and at least one (1) from the Caribbean; and five (5) for
48、 the active members in South America.董事會由十四(14)名理事構成,他們分別是:總裁、副總裁、財務總管、秘書長以及作為委員會成員的十(10)家標準機構分別派出的一名理事或是按照議事規(guī)則獲得正式認可的代表。來自各標準化機構的十(10)名董事會成員的選舉應符合美洲區(qū)域劃分,即:北美洲成員選舉兩(2)名;中美洲及加勒比地區(qū)成員選舉三(3)名,其中中美洲及加勒比地區(qū)應至少均有一 (1)名;南美洲成員選舉五(5)名。Article 19第19條The Executive Secretariat shall be represented by the Executiv
49、e Secretary, who serves according to the provisions of the currently valid Statute and Rules of Procedure, and to the resolutions adopted by the Assembly and the Board of Directors.秘書處應以秘書長為代表,秘書長應按現(xiàn)行章程及議事規(guī)則的規(guī)定以及大會及董事會采納的決議行事。Article 20第20條The fiscal year of COPANT shall be the calendar year.委員會的財政年
50、采用公歷年。SECTION 2 Duties and operation of the Assembly and the Board of Directors第2節(jié)大會及董事會的職責與運作Article 21 - AssemblyArticle 21第21條大會第21條The Assembly, when in session, shall function as the top authority of the Organization.a) The Assembly shall, in principle, be held in conjunction with a meeting of
51、the Board of Directors.大會在會議中應作為組織的最高權力機構。a)原則上,大會應與董事會會議共同召開。The Assembly, convened by the Executive Secretary on the instruction of the President, shall ordinarily meet own its own accord once each year, and extraordinarily when it is so requested by the Board of Directors or by greater than fifty
52、 percent (50 %) of the active members, or by the Presidentb) The Ordinary Assembly shall be notified at least ninety (90) days prior to the meeting. The Extraordinary Assembly shall be notified at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.秘書長按總裁指令召集的大會通常應按其需要每年召開一次,經董事會或半數(shù)(50%)以上成員或總裁要求的情況下,可召開特別
53、大會。b)常規(guī)大會應在會議開始前至少九十(90)天下達通知。b)特別大會應在會議開始前至少十五(15)天下達通知。c) The Executive Secretary shall notify the Assembly by a means that assures reception of the corresponding notice by the members and which provides for proof of receipt.c)秘書長應通過確保成員能收到該通知并能出具通知送達回執(zhí)的方式通知大會。d) The notice of the Assembly meeting
54、 shall include the available documents and a preliminary agenda. Every document related to the agenda shall be circulated to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date.d)大會通知應包含可用文件及預定會議議程。與議程相關的各份文件應在開會日期至少三十(30)天前給全體成員傳閱。e) To include any other item in the agenda, it shall be
55、necessary to gather an affirmative opinion from at least a hundred percent (100%) of the members attending the Assembly and unanimous vote of the resolution.e)若要在會議議程中添加任何項目,應獲得全體(100%)與會成員的同意并全票通過決議。f) The Assembly quorum shall include a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the active members, taking
56、into account the members present and those represented by proxy.f)將親自及委派代表出席的所有與會成員考慮在內,大會中應至少有半數(shù)(50%)為成員。g) Assembly decisions shall be made by consensus, whenever this is possible. In the event that consensus is not reached, decisions shall be made by majority of vote greater than fifty percent (50 %) of the members present and of those voting by proxy, not counting the abstentions, except for those cases foreseen in these Statutes.g)大會應盡可能在達成一致意見后做出決定。若未能達成一致意見,則親自及委派代表出席會議的全體與會成員中應有多數(shù)超過半數(shù)(50%)表決通過該決定(除本章程中預先規(guī)定情況外,否則棄權不計票數(shù))。h) Active members
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