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1、The Academic Word List (AWL)英語學(xué)術(shù)詞匯表1. What is the AWL?AWL (英語學(xué)術(shù)詞匯表)是一個由 Victoria Uni versity of Welli ngto n, New Zeala nd的一些應(yīng)用語言學(xué)家統(tǒng)計出來詞匯表,它包含了的學(xué)術(shù)英語(English for Academic Purpose)中最常用的570個詞目(headwords),每一個詞目下面還列出了該詞目的相關(guān)變化形式。例如: 詞目“ analyse ” 就包含以下相關(guān)聯(lián)的詞匯:analysed, analyser, analysers, analyses, analys

2、ing, analysis, analyst,an alysts, an alytic, an alytical, an alytically, an alyze, an alyzed, an alyzes, an alyz ing。其中斜體字,analysis,在學(xué)術(shù)英語中最為常見。2. What are the 10 sublists of the AWL ?AWL分十個sublists (小組)。除了第十小組包含30個詞目外,其他小組均含有90個詞目。Sublist 1 (第一組)包含的詞匯最常用,sublist 2 (第二組)中的詞匯使用頻率稍低,其他的sublists依次類推。AWL

3、中的每一個詞目后都有abandon 8就表示abandon是屬于第八小組的詞目。能看到 570個詞目(headwords )。http:/la nguage.massey.ac. nz/staff/awl/sublists.shtml, 該網(wǎng)頁一個數(shù)字,它代表了該詞目是屬于AWL中的哪一組。例如3. Where to find the AWL?本文件的附錄以字母先后排列出了所有的AWL詞目。登陸網(wǎng)頁 如果你想得到每一個詞目下面所包含的相關(guān)單詞,請登陸 能下載所有的單詞。THE ACADEMIC WORD LIST (E - O)abandonv. go away from (a pers on

4、 or thing or place) not intending to retur n; forsake; desertabstractadj. existi ng in thought or as an idea but not hav ing a physical or practical existe neeacademyn. school for special trainingaccessn. means of approach ing or en teri ng (a place); way inaccommodatev. provide lodg ing or room for

5、accompa ny accumulatev. walk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper; escortv. gradually get or gather together an in creas ing nu mber or qua ntity of get (sth) in this wayaccurateadj. free from errorachievev. gain or reach (sth), usu by effort, skill, courage, etcack no wledge acquire adapt a

6、dequate adj ace nt adjust admi nistratev. accept the truth of admit (sth)v. gain (sth) by on es own ability, efforts or behaviourv. sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situati on, etc; modify sthadj. satisfactory in qua ntity or quality; sufficie nthav ing a com mon en dpo int or border a

7、lso immediately preced ing or followi ngv. put (sth) into the correct order or positi on; arrangev. to admi nisteradultadj. grow n to full size or stre ngthadvocatev. speak publicly in favour of (sth); recomme nd; supportaffectv. have an in flue nee on (sb/sth); produce an effect onaggregateaidv. sb

8、 (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amountn. helpalbeit allocateconj althoughv. sth allot or assig n sth (to sb/sth) for a special purposealterv. become differe nt; cha nge in character, positi on, size, shape, etcalter nativeadj. available in place of sth else; otherambiguous a

9、me ndadj.hav ing more tha n one possible meaningv. correct an error in (sth); make minor improvements in; change slightlyan alogy an alyse annualn. partial similarity between two things that are comparedv. separate into its parts in order to study its n ature or structure adj. happe ning every yeara

10、n ticipate appare nt append appreciate approach appropriate approximate arbitraryv. expectadj. clearly see n or un derstood; obviousv. sth (fml ) attach or add sth (esp in writing)v. un dersta nd and enjoy (sth); value highlyv. come n ear or n earer to in space or timeadj. suitable; right and proper

11、adj. almost correct or exact but not completely soadj.based on pers onal opinion or impulse, not on reas onarean. exte nt or measureme nt of a surfaceaspect assemblen. particular part or feature of sth being con sideredv. come together; collectassessv. sth decide or fix the amount of sthassig n assi

12、stv. sth to sb give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be usedv. in/with sth; (sb) in doing sth (fml ) helpassumev. accept as true before there is proofassurev. tell (sb) positively or con fide ntlyattachv. sth fasten or join sth (to sth)attai nv. succeed in gett ing (sth); achi

13、eveattituden. way of thinking or behav ingattributev. sth to sb/sth regard sth as bel onging to, caused by or produced by sb/sthauthorn. writer of a book, play, etcauthority automaten. power to give orders and make others obeyv. cause to operate by automati onavailableadj. that can be used or obta i

14、nedaware behalfadj. of sb/sth; that. hav ing kno wledge or realizatio n of sb/sthn. on behalf of sb/on sbs behalf; US in behalf of sb/i n sbs behalf as the represe ntative of or spokesma nfor sb; in the in terest of sbben efitn. profit; gain; future good (used esp with the vs and preps shown)biasn.

15、opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group orseries;predispositi on; prejudicebondn. writte n agreeme nt or promise that has legal force; cove nantbriefadj. lasti ng only a short time; shortbulkn. size, qua ntity or volume, esp whe n greatcapable capacity

16、 categoryadj. hav ing ability; able; compete ntn. ability to hold or con ta in sthn. class or group of things in a complete system of group ingceasechalle ngev. come or bring (sth) to an end; stopn. (to do sth) in vitati on or call (to sb) to take part in a game, con test, fight etc to prove who is

17、better,stron ger, more able, etccha nneln. sunken bed of a river, stream or canalchapterchartn. (usu nu mbered) divisi on of a bookn. detailed map used to help n avigati on at sea, show ing coasts, rocks, the depth of the sea, etcchemicaladj. of or relat ing to chemistrycircumsta neen. con diti on o

18、r fact conn ected with an eve nt or acti oncitequote; comme ndciviladj. of or relati ng to the citize ns of a countryclarify classicv. (cause sth to) become clear or easier to un dersta ndadj. having a high quality that is recognized and unquestioned; of lasting value and importanceclausen. group of

19、 words that includes a subject1(4a) and a verb, forming a sentence or part of a sentencecoden. (system of) words, letters, symbols, etc that represe nt others, used for secret messages or forprese nti ng or record ing in formati on brieflycohere ntadj. conn ected logically or con siste nt; easy to u

20、n dersta nd; clearcoin cidev. (of events) occur at the same time or occupy the same period of time as sth elsecollapse colleague comme ncev. fall dow n or in sudde nlyn. pers on with whom one works, esp in a professi on or bus in essv. beg in (sth); startcomme ntn. writte n or spoke n remark giv ing

21、 an opinion on, expla ining or criticiz ing (an eve nt, a pers on, asituati on, etc) commissi on commitn. acti on, task or piece of work give n to sb to dov. do (sth illegal, wrong or foolish)commodity com muni caten. thing bought in a shop and put to use, esp in the homev. sth make sth known; con v

22、ey sthcom mun ity compatible compe nsate compile compleme nt complex comp onent compo und comprehe nsive comprise compute con ceiven. the com mun ity the people livi ng in one place, district or coun try, con sidered as a whole adj. (of people, ideas, arguments, principles, etc) suited; that can exi

23、st togetherv. for sth give (sb) sth good to bala nce or lesse n the bad effect of damage, loss, injury,etc;v. sth (for/from sth) collect (in formati on) and arrange it in a book, list, report, etcn. thing that goes well or suitably with sth else, or makes it completeadj. made up of (usu several) clo

24、sely conn ected partsn. any of the parts of which sth is maden. thing made up of two or more separate things comb ined togetheradj. that in cludes everyth ingv. have as parts or members; be made up ofv. sth calculate sth with a computerv. become preg nantconcen tratev. (sth) (on sth/do ing sth) focu

25、s (on es atte nti on, effort, etc) exclusively and inten sely on sth, notthinking about other less importa nt thingscon ceptcon cluden. idea un derly ing sth; gen eral no ti onv. (with sth) (usu fml ) come or bring (sth) to an endcon curre ntadj. existi ng, happe ning or done at the same timecon duc

26、tn. pers ons behaviourconferv. (with sb) (on/about sth) have discussi ons (esp in order to excha nge opinions or get advice)confinecon firmv. sb/sth keep (a person or an animal) in a restricted spacev. provide evide nce for the truth or correct ness of (a report, an opinion, etc); establish the trut

27、h ofcon flictn. struggle; fightconformv. keep to or comply with (ge nerally accepted rules, sta ndards, etc)consentv. give agreeme nt or permissi onconsequentcon siderablecon sistadj. (fml ) followi ng sth as a result or an effectadj. great in amount or sizev. (phr v) con sist of sth be composed or

28、made up of sthcon sta ntadj. going on all the time; happe ning aga in and aga incon stitutev. (fml ) make up or form (a whole); be the components ofcon stra inv. make (sb) do sth by strong (moral) persuasi on or by forcecon structv. build (sth); put or fit together; formcon sultv. sb/sth go to (a pe

29、rs on, book, etc) for in formati on, advice, etccon sumev. use (sth) upcon tactn. state of touch ing (used esp with the vs show n)con temporarycon textadj. of the time or period being referred to; bel onging to the same time writi ngs preced ing and follow ing passage quotedcon tractn. (for sth/to d

30、o sth) legally binding agreement, usu in writingcon tradictv. say sth that conflicts with by (sb), suggesting that the person is mistaken or not telling the truthcon trarycon trastadj. opposite in n ature, tendency or directi onv. A an d/with B compare so that differe nces are made clearcon tributev

31、. (to/towards sth) give on es share of (mon ey, help, advice, etc) to help a joint causecon troversy convenen. public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many people disagreewithv. sum mon to come together; arrange (a meet ing, etc)con versev. (about sth); (together) (fml ) t

32、alkconvertv. (sth) (from sth) (in to/to sth) cha nge (sth) from one form or use to ano therconvincev. sb make sb feel certa in; cause sb to realizecooperate coord in ateto work or act togethervt. to orga nize or in tegrate (diverse eleme nts) in a harm onious operati oncoren. centre of such fruits a

33、s the apple and pear, containing the seedscorporate corresp ond couple create creditadj. of or shared by all the members of a group; collectivev. be in agreeme nt; not con tradict sth or each othern. two people or things that are see n together or associated, esp a man and woma n togetherv. cause to

34、 exist; make (sth new or orig in al)n. permissi on to delay payme nt for goods and services un til after they have bee n received; system ofpay ing in this waycriterian. (pl of criterio n) sta ndard by which sth is judgedcrucialadj. very importa nt; decisiveculturen. refined un dersta nding and appr

35、eciati on of art, literature, etccurre ncy cycle datan. money system in use in a countryn. series of events that are regularly repeated in the same ordern. facts or information used in deciding or discussing sthdebaten. formal argume nt or discussi on of a questi on, eg at a public meeti ng or in Pa

36、rliame nt, with two ormore oppos ing speakers, and ofte n ending in a votedecaden. period of ten yearsdecl inededucev. say no to (sth); refuse (sth offered), usu politelyv. sth arrive at (facts, a theory, etc) by reas oning; infer sthdefi nev. sth state precisely the meaning of (eg words)defi nitead

37、j. clear; not doubtfuldem on strate denote deny depress derive desig n despite detect deviate device devote differe ntiate (from sth else) dime nsion dimi nish discrete discrimi nate displace display dispose disti net distort distribute diverse docume nt domai n domestic domin ate draft drama durati

38、 on dyn amic economy edit eleme nt elimi nate emerge emphasis importa nee empirical en able encoun ter en ergy en force enhancev. sth (to sb) show sth clearly by givi ng proof or evide neev. be the n ame, sig n or symbol of (sth); refer tov. say that (sth) is not truev. make sad and without en thusi

39、asmv. sth from sth obtain sth from sth; get sth from sthn. (for sth) drawing or outline from which sth may be madeprep without being affected byv. discover or recog nize that (sth) is prese ntv. from sth stop followi ngn. thing made or adapted for a special purposev. on eself/sth to sb/sth give to s

40、b/sth; dedicate ;v. betwee n A and B; A (from B) see or show (two thin gs) to be differe nt; show sth to be differe ntn. measureme nt of any sortv. become smaller or less; decreaseadj. separate; dist inctv. A from B see or make a differe nee (betwee n two thin gs)v. move from the usual or correct pl

41、acev. sth put sth on showv. place(sb/sth) in a suitable way; arrangeadj. easily heard, see n, felt or un derstood; defi nitev. pull or twist out of its usual shapev. sth separate sth into parts and give a share to each pers on or thingadj. of differe nt kin ds; variedn. paper, form, book, etc giving

42、 information about sth, evidence or proof of sthn. lands owned or ruled by a n oblema n, gover nment, etcadj. of the home, household or familyv. have con trol of or a very stro ng in flue nce on (people, eve nts, etc)n. rough prelimi nary writte n vers ion of sthn. play for the theatre, radio or TVn

43、. time during which sth lasts or continuesadj. of power or forces that produce moveme ntn. avoida nce of waste (of mon ey, stre ngth, time, resources, etc)v. prepare for publicati on, eg in a book, n ewspaper, or magaz inen. necessary or characteristic part of sthv. sb/sth remove (esp sb/sth that is

44、 not wan ted or n eeded)v. come out or up (from water, etc)n. force or stress give n to a word or words whe n spoke n, to make the meaning clear or to showadj. based on observati on or experime nt, not on theoryv. make able to do sth by giving him the necessary authority or meansv. meet or find on e

45、self faced by (sth/sb un pleasa nt, dan gerous, difficult, etc)n. ability to act or work with stre ngth and eager nessv. sth force people to obey (a law, etc); make sth effectivev. in crease make (sb/sth) look bettereno rmousadj. very large; imme nseen surev. make sure; guara nteeen tityen viro nmen

46、tn. thing with dist inct and real existe neen. con diti ons, circumsta nces, etc affect ing peoples livesequate equip equivale nt erodev. sth con sider sth as equal or equivale nt (to sth else)v. sb/sth (with sth) supply sb/sth (with what is n eeded, for a particular purpose)adj. equal in value, amo

47、unt, meanin g, importa nee, etcv. destroy or wear (sth) away graduallyerrorn. thi ng done wron gly; mistakeestablishv. set up on a firm or perma nent basisestaten. area of land, esp in the coun try, with one ownerestimateethicn. judgeme nt or calculati on of the approximate size, cost, value, etc of

48、 sthn. system of moral prin ciples; rules of con ducteth nicadj. of a n ati on al, racial or tribal group that has a com mon cultural traditi onevaluateeve ntualv. find out or form an idea of the amount or value of (sb/sth); assess adj. happe ning at last as a result; ultimateevide ntadj. (that.) ob

49、vious (to the eye or min d); clearevolvev. (cause to) develop n aturally and (usu) graduallyexceed excludev. be greater or more nu merous tha n (esp a qua ntity)v. sb/sth preve nt sb from en teri ng somewhere, tak ing part in sth, etc; keep sb outexhibitn. object or collecti on of objects displayed

50、for the public, eg in a museumexpand expert explicit exploit exportv. (in to sth) (cause sth to) become greater in size, nu mber or importa neen. person with special knowledge, skill or training in a particular fieldadj.(of a stateme nt, etc) clearly and fully expressedn. brave or adve nturous deed

51、or acti onn.export ingexpose exter nalv. un cover or make (sth) visible; displayadj. outside; situated on the outside of sth (esp the body)extract facilitate factorv. sth take or get sth out, usu with effort or by forcev. (of an object, a process, etc but not of a pers on) make (sth) easy or less di

52、fficultn. fact, circumsta nee, etc that helps to produce a resultfeaturen. one of the n amed parts of the face (eg no se, mouth, eyes) which together form its appeara neefederalof or relati ng to a form of gover nment or a country in which power is divided betwee n one een tral andseveral regi onal

53、gover nmentfeen. (usu pl ) amount paid for professi onal advice or service, eg to private teachers, doctors, etcfilen. metal tool with a rough surface for cutt ing, smooth ing or shap ing hard substa ncesfinaladj. of the end; coming lastfinancen. man ageme nt of moneyfiniteflexibleadj.having bounds;

54、 limited; not infiniteadj. that can bend easily without break ingfluctuatev. (of a price, number, rate, etc) rise and fall; change irregularlyfocus comen. =Usage at data data. point at which rays (of light, sound, etc) meet or from which theyappear toformatn. shape, size, binding, etc of a bookformu

55、lan. (chemistry ) set of symbols show ing the eleme nts that a substa nee is made offorthcomi ng foun datio n foun ded frameworkadj. about to happe n or appear in the n ear futuren. act of foundingfind: to meet with or discover by chancen. structure giv ing shape and supportfun cti onn. special acti

56、vity or purpose of a pers on or thingfundn. sum of money saved or made available for a particular purposefun dame ntaladj. of or forming the basis or foun dati on of sth; esse ntialfurthermoreadv. in additi on; moreover ;gender gen erate gen erati on globe goaln. (in certa in Ian guages) classificati on of a noun or pronoun as masculi ne or femininev. cause to exist or occur; ducti onn. small spherical model of the earth show ing th


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