SE B5 單詞綜合測試_第1頁
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1、SE B5 單詞綜合測試SE B5 Unit 1 Great scientists一. 單詞拼寫(須用本單元的單詞和詞匯)1. This new e _ for the car works well.2. She has a strong c_.3. The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s_ farming.4. The doctor had my eyes e_ for weakening.5. The meeting c_ at eight oclock.6. They were d _ i

2、n their attempt(企圖)to reach the top of the mountain.7. The little brave girl e _ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).8. He was a_ in the book.9. He b _ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).10. I think you are too s_ on the boy.11. He finished his work in a_(積極的) way.12. We must try to _(分析)the causes of the stri

3、ke.13. He became_(狂熱的) about classical music.14. He has_(完成)the whole job already.15. In the factory the workers_(紡成線)wool into thread.16. Be c_ when you cross the street. 17. You should not r_ the invitation from your old friend.18. What is your v_ on Chinese education?19. The police are watching t

4、he mans m_ secretly.20. The class needs a s_ teacher.21. Kindness is one of the prime ministers _(特征).22. Britain_(議定) a trade agreement with China.23. Dont _(暴露) your skin to the sun or you will be burned.24. The _(貴重的) culture relics will be on show in Guangzhou Art Museum in October.25. The famou

5、s Korean play actor got an_(熱情的) reception in Hong Kong.26. The most important thing is not to admit _(失敗)27. Water and salt are _(吸收) into our blood stream everyday.28. If a doctor or a medical treatment c_ someones illness, they make the people well again.29. A v_ is a kind of germ that can cause

6、disease.30. If you a_ something, you consider it carefully or use some methods in order to fully understand it.二. 短語翻譯1. 蒸汽機_2. 提出 _3. 得出結論_4. 也, 另外_5. 將和連接起來_6. 對嚴格的_7. 有意義_8. 通向, 導致_9. 態(tài)度, 觀點_10. 繼續(xù)工作_三. 完成句子1. 除了這些理由以外, 他無話可說了。 _ _these reasons, he said nothing.2. 我們的英語老師對我們要求嚴格。Our English teach

7、er_ _ _us.3. 讓我們一起去聽來自北京大學的李教授的演講。Lets _ the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.4. 他的粗心大意的駕駛導致了這起嚴重的交通事故。 His careless driving _ _ the serious traffic accident.5. 他捐贈食物和衣服給紅十字會。He _ food and clothing _ the Red Cross.Unit One一. 1. engine 2. character 3. scientific 4. examined 5. conclude

8、d6. defended 7. exposed 8. absorbed 9. blamed 10. severe11. positive 12. analyse 13. enthusiastic 14. completed 15. spin 16. cautious17. reject 18. view 19. movement 20. strict21. characteristics22.concluded23. expose 24. valuable 25. enthusiastic26.defeat 27. absorbed 28. cures29. virus 30. analyse

9、二. 1. steam engine 2. put forward 3. draw a conclusion4. in addiction5. linkto6. be strict with 7.make sense 8. lead to 9. point of view 10. work on三.1. Apart from 2. is strict with 3. attend 4. led to 5. contributed toSE B5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom一. 單詞拼寫(須用本單元的單詞和詞匯)1. The common interests u_ the

10、 two countries.2. The class _ of (組成) 56 members.3. Our class is d_ into two groups during the discussion.4. What he said in the meeting p_ all of us.5. The bad _(影響) of the flood is that no people are dared to swim in that river. 6. The c_ of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain

11、 village.7. Her beautiful singing drew the a_ of the professor.8. The film Hero has much a_ for the youth.9. The habit of c_ stamps benefit him a lot.10. The_(工業(yè)) area of this area made more pollution to the air compared with agricultural area.11. If something is done for your c_, it is done in a wa

12、y that is suitable or useful for you.12. An a_ is something that people can go for interest or enjoyment, for example a famous building.13. A p_ is a question, game or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly.14. U_ is a particular type of clothing worn by all the

13、members of a group or organization such as the police, the army, etc.15. Most advertisements work through_(暗示).16. We are_(感到激動) to hear a wonderful piece of news that the people lived in the mainland can go to visit Taiwan in the near future.17. The second Childrens Palace of Guangzhou sits in _(極好

14、的) location by the side of Pearl River.18. The government is_(辯論) the new adjustment of Guangzhous district.19. Some parents considered that some of their childrens friends to be a bad _(影響) to their children.20. There are plans to _(建造) a new road bridge across the river to ease the traffic problem

15、s in this area.二. 短語翻譯1. 將分成_2. 英國國旗_3. 省去;漏掉_4. 令人吃驚的是_5. 脫離_三. 完成句子1. Why you debate this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a _(困惑) to me.2. The _ _ _ tigers (老虎保護工程)will be launched after the meeting.3. She is good at _ flowers(插花).4. If you continue working like that, your body will _ _(垮下來)

16、.5. Their _(婚禮) will _ _(舉行) in May.6. 這道數學題把小明給難住了, 無論他怎么努力也無法計算出正確的答案.This maths problem _ Xiaoming. No matter how hard he tried, he couldnt _ _ the right answe7. 世界上最著名的教堂之一西敏寺是英國的旅游勝地. Westminster Abbey, _is one of the most famous churches in the world, is the _ _ of Britain,8. 陳水扁想把臺灣從中國分裂出去的企圖

17、永遠不可能得逞. Chen Shuibians attempt to _ Taiwan _ _ China could not be achieved forever. 9. 未來, 地鐵將會逐步取代公共汽車成為人們的主要交通工具. The underground will _ _ _ _ the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future. 10. 國際社會正在討論關于如何懲治伊拉克前總統(tǒng)薩達姆(Sadamm). The international society _ _ _ the punishment for t

18、he former Iraqi president Sadam.11. 初升的朝陽看起來很美但是西下的夕陽看起來更美. The _ sun looks beautiful and the sun _ in the west looks even more beautiful.12. 十年以后他們第二次來廣州, 發(fā)現廣州變化很大. Ten years later they came to Guangzhou _ _ _ _ and found Guangzhou greatly changed.13. 小李環(huán)顧四周, 發(fā)現有一個人正把手插入一個乘客的口袋里. Xiao Li _ _ and ca

19、ught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.14. 在我四周的范圍內, 除了沙漠以外沒有任何的東西, 只能看見一棵樹. For miles around me, there was nothing but a desert, with a single tree _ _.15. 在我們搬進新房子以前, 我們準備(請人)安裝電話. Before we _ _ the new house, we are going to get our telephone _.16. 我們沒有必要再浪費時間討論去哪兒度假了, 因為計劃已取消了.Ther

20、e is _ _ that well waste time discussing where to go for our holiday, for the plan has been _.17. 紹興被人稱作中國的威尼斯. Shaoxing is _ _ as Chinas Venice.18. 很使我感到高興的是, 父親給我買了一臺電腦作為生日禮物. _ to my joy, Father bought me a computer _ a birthday gift19. 托尼踢足球時, 他的腿受傷了. Tony _ one of his legs _ when playing footba

21、ll.20. 今天下午教室里竟然一個人也沒有, 真是奇怪. _ _ _ that there shouldnt have been any student in the classroom.Unit Two一. 1. united 2. consists 3. divided 4. puzzled 5. influence6. convenience7. attention 8. attraction 9. collecting 10. industrial11. convenience12. attraction 13. puzzle 14. uniform 15. suggestion16

22、. thrilled17. splendid 18. debating 19.influence 20. construct二. 1. divideinto 2. The Union Jack 3. leave out 4. to ones surprise 5. break away from三. 1. puzzle 2. project of protecting 3. arranging 4. break down5. wedding; take place6. puzzle ; work out 7. which; tourist attraction8. break away fro

23、m 9. take the place of 10. are debating about 11. rising; setting12. for the second time13. looked around; putting 14. in sight 15. moved to; installed 16. no need; cancelled 17. referred to 18. Much; as 19. had hurt 20. It was strangeSE B5 Unit 3 Life in the future一. 單詞拼寫(須用本單元的單詞和詞匯)1. She r_ me t

24、hat I hadnt written to mother.2. We have s_ experiences, but your end result is quite different.3. Liu Huan is a w_ singer.4. The t_ of goods by air is very expensive.5. There is no such car in the s_ area.6. As is known, it takes years to m_ a new language.7. Why is the driver f_ his lights at me?8

25、. The flowers died for 1_ of water.9. Everyone who enters the chemical factory must wear a m_.10. His head a_, which stopped him from going to the party.11. Its said that she is a girl of e_ beauty.12. Good glasses can a_ you to read.13. I got this job through an employment a_.14. The little boy s_

26、along at his mother s side.15. This suggestion r_ careful thought. 16. The teacher is in a bad m_ today.17. He has built an e_ house.18. James can i_ his fathers speech perfectly.19. The new plane goes at an a_ speed.20. You cant i_ Jack living on the lonely island alone.21. Your i_ of a person or t

27、hing is what you think they are like, usually after having seen or heard them.21. A s_ is a place where people have come to live and have built homes.23. Your p_ things belong only to you, or may only be used by you.24. If you describe something as e_, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising.

28、25. We are _(樂觀的) that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the near future.26. He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has had no _(先前的) experience of this kind of job.27. All the passengers are_(需要) to show their passports when they leave the country.28. After a big flood, thousands o

29、f volunteers went to Hunan to _(協(xié)助) in rebuilding the disaster area.29. The government decided to explore the _(周圍的) countryside to build a new industrial park.30. The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was _(不斷的) hit by war.二. 短語翻譯1. 拿起, 接受, 繼續(xù)_2. 結果, 由于的結果_3. 缺乏, 缺少_4. 立刻, 馬上_5. 橫掃, 掠過_6

30、. 尋找_7. 幫助;援助_8. 光年_9. 變成_10. 以為依據_三. 完成句子1. Suddenly the driver began to _ _(加速)2. His leaving _ _(增加了) our difficulty.3. Who_ _(究竟) is the man you spoke to?4. I _seen him _ _(不再).5. We still need _ _(另外五個) students to finish the work.6. 餐廳里響起了那首動聽的歌, 它使我回想起我快樂的童年. The fair-sounding song playing in

31、 the restaurant _ me _ my happy childhood.7. 人只有鼓起勇氣, 告別海岸, 才能發(fā)現新的海洋. Man cannot _ new oceans unless he has _ to lose sight of the shore.8. 拿起掃帚把地上的紙屑和碎玻璃打掃干凈, 行嗎?Get a broom and _ _ the bits of paper and broken glasses on the floor, will you?9. 這本書會提供一些好的消息來源幫助你做出最好的選擇. This book will provide you s

32、ome good source of information to _ you _ making the best choice.10. 一些公司把新聞媒體用作他們?yōu)樽约旱漠a品做廣告的工具. Some companies used the press as a vehicle for _ their products.11. 由于大霧天氣的影響, 今天廣州新白云國際機場的全部航班都必須取消. Today all flight at the New Baiyu International Airport of Guangzhou have to be cancelled, _ _ _ foggy

33、 weather.12. 一項研究表明經歷過南京大屠殺的人們仍然在焦慮和戰(zhàn)爭的痛苦記憶中扎. A study shows that people who _ _ the massacre of Nanjing still struggle with anxiety and painful flashback from the war.13. 誰都不愿意別人懷疑自己的話. One does not like to have his word _.14. 第一本為把英語作為外語教學用而寫的教科書是在十六世紀出版的. The first text book written for teaching

34、English as a foreign language _ _ in the 16th century.15. 現在才去清理受到這么嚴重污染的河流可能已經太遲了. Having suffered such heavy pollution already, it may be now too late to _ _ the river.Unit Three一. 1. reminded 2. similar 3. well-known 4. transportation 5. surrounding6. master 7. flashing 8. lack 9. mask 10. ached1

35、1. extraordinary 12. assist13. agency 14. skipped 15. requires16. mood 17. enormous 18. imitate 19. amusing 20. imagine21. impression 22. settlement 23. private 24. extraordinary 25. optimistic26. previous 27. required28. assist 29. surrounding30. constantly 二. 1. take up 2. as a result of 3. lack o

36、f 4. in no way 5. sweep up6. search for 7. assist in 8. light year 9. change into 10. base on三. 1. speed up 2. added to 3. on earth 4. havent any more 5. five; more 6. reminded; of; courage8. sweep up 9. assist in 10. advertising11. as a result of 12. went through 13. doubted 14. came out

37、 15. clean upSE B5 Unit 4 Making the news一. 單詞拼寫(須用本單元的單詞和詞匯)1. After graduation he took an o_ as a teacher in the city.2. The a_ offered by the manager is difficult for him to finish.3. An expert is a man who is engaged in p_ business.4. All his c_ who work with him in the same factory are all read

38、y to help others.5. You should c_ on your work when you study.6. In the_(案子) of Ma Haitao, he was treated unfairly.7. We also can a_ knowledge during playing.8. He hit me on the head with a ball d_ which made me very angry.9. He felt g_ after he stole some money from the old couple.10. His_(簡練) intr

39、oduction of the product got great interest of the people.11. He worked as a e_ in that newspaper. 12. She graduated from English d_ of Beijing University.13. Dont just say almost, nearly. , what we need is a_ number.14. My shoes are so dirty that they need to be P_.15. I cant understand your meaning

40、, can you give me a little h_.16. Before marrying, they always made an a_ in that park.17. If Ive hurt your feelings, it was quite without _(有意).18. Her father will never a_(同意) of her marriage to you.19. I dont want a _(否定的) answer to my question.20. In harvest time, he has to_(雇傭) more people to w

41、ork for him.21. A p_ is a type of job that required advanced education or training.22. If you have an a_ with someone, you have arranged to see them at a particular time, usually in connection with their work.23. An i_ that you have is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.24. Your o_ is your

42、job.25. Industrial development is being_(集中) in the west of China.26. He had to rewrite his essay, because his teacher said it needed some _(潤飾) in language.27. The little boy cried_(故意地) to draw his mothers attention.28. An _(精確的) instrument is able to give you information that is correct to a deta

43、iled level.29. Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an _(獲得的) taste and are not in born.30. The busy mother feels really _(內疚的) at forgetting her daughters birthday again.二. 短語翻譯1. 全神貫注于_2. 因指責或控告_3. 為了(做)_4. 填(表)_5. 依靠;依賴_6. 傳遞_7. 開始工作_8. 最終;最后_9. 從事于_10. 被用在上(中)_三. 完成句子1. We should _(保衛(wèi)) ourselve

44、s against the coming flood.2. They found that cave _(意外地).3. Its necessary for young people to receive _ _(正規(guī)教育)4. They are all _ _ that idea(反對).5. You should concentrate yourselves on the class and avoid _ _.6. 消費者利益保護委員會的創(chuàng)立旨在保護顧客的權益, 使其免受奸商的欺詐. The Consumer Council exists to_ the customers right

45、and interests _ unscrupulous traders.7. 那個著名的教授被指控偷取學生的理念并將它們發(fā)表. The famous professor has been _ _ stealing his students ideas and publishing them.8. 政府今年所做的事情對所有的廣州市民都很有利. What the government has done this year will be of _ _ all the citizens living in Guangzhou.9. 經理決定今年冬天公司的全體員工去安徽的黃山游玩. The manager has decided all the _ of the company will go on a _ to the Yellow Mountain in Anhui province this winter. 10. 那個女記者冒著生命的危險為鳳凰衛(wèi)視


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