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1、基礎5000詞匯: part 1 barrenthe barren land could produce little food.這塊貧瘠的土地只能生產些微的食物。重點詞匯:barren adj. 貧瘠的 同: sterile bumpthe room was dark and i bumped my head against the door.房間里很暗, 所以我的頭才撞上門。重點詞匯:bump v. 碰撞 同: collide devisehe devised a new method for teaching the blind.他設計出一種教導盲人的新方法。重點詞匯:devise v.

2、 設計, 發(fā)明 同: invent exertmy wife's been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.我太太一直對我施加很大壓力, 要我換新工作。重點詞匯:exert v. 使用 同: use intrigue the king's younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king.國王的弟弟為了爭奪王位而加入陰謀。重點詞匯:intrigue 1. n. 陰謀 同: conspiracy 2. v. 引起的興趣take part

3、in: 參與, 參加 intriguethe book's unusual title intrigued me into reading it.這本書奇特的書名引起我閱讀的興趣。(激起.的興趣, 用詭計取得)重點詞匯:intrigue 1. n. 陰謀 同: conspiracy 2. v. 引起的興趣 oathhe placed his right hand on the bible as he spoke the oath of office.當他宣讀就任誓言時, 他把右手放在圣經上。重點詞匯:oath n. 宣誓, 誓言 同: pledge postponethey had t

4、o postpone their trip because of rain.他們因下雨必須將旅行延期。重點詞匯:postpone v. 延期 同: adjourn refugethe cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.那只貓躲在一棵樹后以逃避那只狗。重點詞匯:refuge n. 避難所, 避難 同: shelter regainit took her a long time to regain her health.她花了很長一段時間才恢復健康。重點詞匯:regain n. 恢復 同: recover shattertheir hope of

5、 finding him alive was shattered when his dead body was found.他的尸體被發(fā)現(xiàn)時, 他們對他還活著所抱的希望破滅了。重點詞匯:shatter v. 破滅, 粉碎 同: smash teaseat school, the other children always teased me because i was fat.在學校里, 其他的小孩老是因為我胖而嘲笑我。重點詞匯:tease v. 嘲弄 同: vex tilthe tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor.他把椅子向

6、后傾斜得太厲害, 因而摔倒在地板上。重點詞匯:tilt v. 傾斜 同: inclinefell on: 落到, 指向 versiondo you have the english version of this book?你有這本書的英文譯本嗎?重點詞匯:version 1. n. 翻譯 同: translation 2. n. 敘述 versionyour version of the accident differs from that of the other witness.你對這次意外事件的描述與另一位證人不同。重點詞匯:version 1. n. 翻譯 同: translatio

7、n 2. n. 敘述differ from: 不同劉毅5000詞匯: part 2 absurdhis belief that he was too clever to be caught in his wrongdoing was absurd.他認為他太聰明了而做壞事不會被抓到的信念是荒謬的。重點詞匯:absurd adj. 荒謬的 反: reasonable alienafter ten years his alien speech was still noticeable.在十年后他的外交演說依舊值得注意。重點詞匯:alien adj. 外國的 反: domestic amiables

8、he is an amicable girl and gets along with everyone in the office.她是一個和藹可親的女孩, 和辦公室里每個人都能相處。重點詞匯:amiable adj. 和藹可親的 反: spiteful banin most countries the sale of liquor to children is banned.在大多數(shù)國家里, 賣酒給小孩子們是被禁止的。重點詞匯:ban v. 禁止 反: allow figurative"the sweet temper" is a figurative expressio

9、n, but "sweet coffee" is not.“甜美的性情”是一種比喻式的表達, 但“甜咖啡”不是。重點詞匯:figurative adj.比喻的 反: literal genuineher wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.她的結婚戒指是用真正的鉆石做的。重點詞匯:genuine adj. 真正的 反: false hoistthey hoist the national flag at six o'clock every morning.他們每天早晨六點鐘升旗。重點詞匯:hoist v. 升起 反: lo

10、wer incorrectthe newspaper gave an incorrect account of the traffic accident.報紙?zhí)岢龅年P于交通事故的報告是不正確的。重點詞匯:incorrect adj. 不正確的 反: accurategive an account of: 報告, 敘述, 說明 massivethe house was built on a massive rock.這棟房子建筑在一塊巨大的巖石之上。重點詞匯:massive adj. 巨大的 反: tiny stalethere was only a piece of stale cake le

11、ft in the refrigerator.冰箱里只剩下一塊不新鮮的蛋糕。重點詞匯:stale adj. 不新鮮的 反: fresh thrivemost flowers will not thrive without water and sunshine.大部分的花無水和陽光不會茂盛。重點詞匯:thrive v. 茂盛 反: decline wholesalethey buy at wholesale and sell at retail.他們大批地買進, 再以零售方式賣出。重點詞匯:wholesale n. 批發(fā) 反: retail3annoythe baby is always ann

12、oying his sister by pulling her hair.這嬰兒經常用拉他妹妹的頭發(fā)來騷擾她。重點詞匯:annoy v. 騷擾 n. annoyance celebratewe celebrated christmas with trees and presents.我們以圣誕樹和禮物來慶祝圣誕節(jié)。重點詞匯:celebrate v. 慶祝 n. celebration diplomatthe unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat.不擅社交的人幾乎不適合做外交家。重點詞匯:diplomat n. 外交家 n. diploma

13、cybe fit for: 適合于 foreseeit is impossible to foresee whether she'll be well enough to come home from hospital next month.想預知她下月是否能康復出院上不可能的。重點詞匯:foresee v. 預知 adj. foreseeable inducewe couldn't induce the old lady to travel by air.我們沒辦法說服這老婦人乘飛機旅行。重點詞匯:induce v. 說服 n. inducement mobilizeour

14、country is in great danger; we must mobilize the army.我們國家的處境非常危險, 我們必須動員軍隊。重點詞匯:mobilize v. 動員 n. mobilization precedeMr. Eisenhower preceded Mr. Kennedy as president of the united states.艾森豪威爾任美國總統(tǒng)在肯尼迪之前。重點詞匯:precede v. 在前 n. precedent predeterminesome people believe that man's destiny is pred

15、etermined.有些人相信命運是被注定的。重點詞匯:predetermine v. 預先決定 prevailmaking resolutions on new year's day is a custom that still prevails.在新年這一天下決心是個依然流行的習俗。重點詞匯:prevail v. 流行 adj. prevalentnew year's day: 元旦 subtleher subtle smile made him curious.她淡淡的一笑使得他好奇。重點詞匯:subtle adj. 精致的, 淡的 n. subtlety transac

16、tthe man transacts many affairs connected with the purchase of a home.這人辦理許多跟購買房屋有關的事情。重點詞匯:transact v. 辦理 n. transaction treasonhelping the enemies of one's country is an apparent treason.幫助自己國家的敵人是一種明顯的叛國行為。重點詞匯:treason n. 叛國 adj. treasonous utilizehow can we utilize his knowledge and skill to

17、 our advantage?如何來利用他的知識和技術對我們有利。重點詞匯:utilize v. 利用 n. utilityto sb's advantage: 對某人有利4bosomshe wore a flower on the bosom of her dress.在衣服的胸襟上, 她戴了一朵花。重點詞匯:bosom n. 胸 diplomawhen a person has successfully completed a certain course of study, he is given a diploma by the school.當一個人成功地完成了某一門課程的研

18、讀, 學校將授予他一張文憑。重點詞匯:diploma n. 文憑 dramaticthe meeting between the mother and her blind son was dramatic.母親與其失明的兒子相會的情景是戲劇化的。重點詞匯:dramatic adj. 戲劇的 fumethe strong fumes of the automobile exhaust nearly choked him.汽車排的強烈臭氣幾乎使他窒息。重點詞匯:fume n. 煙, 氣體automobile exhaust: 汽車排氣 hurrah"hurrah!" they

19、shouted as the team scored again.當球隊再度得分時他們歡呼著:“好?。 ?。重點詞匯:hurrah n. 歡呼聲 亦作: hurray miniaturein the museum there is a miniature of the ship "mayflower."在博物館里有一個“五月花號”的船的縮小模型。重點詞匯:miniature 1. n. 縮小之模型 2. n. 縮小物 miniaturethe child was playing on the floor with his collection of miniature far

20、m animals.孩子在地板上玩著他收集的縮小的農場動物。重點詞匯:miniature 1. n. 縮小之模型 2. n. 縮小物 parcelon her birthday her arms were filled with gift parcels.生日那天, 她的手里拿滿了禮物包裹。parcel n. 包裹be filled with: 充滿著 pillthe pill stuck in his throat but an extra drink of water washed it down.這藥丸哽在他的喉嚨里, 但多喝些水就把它沖下去了。重點詞匯:pill n. 藥丸racket

21、the students made a big racket as they left the school.這些學生離開學校時, 發(fā)出了很大的喧嘩聲。重點詞匯:racket n. 喧嘩 比: rocket rhymethe poet used the word "flight" as a rhyme for the word "night."這詩人使用“flight”這個詞來與“night”這個詞諧音。重點詞匯:rhyme n. 音, 韻 scarthe man looks terrible; he has many scars on his chee

22、ks.這人看起來很可怕, 臉頰上有許多疤痕。重點詞匯:scar n. 疤 sculpturethere are many famous sculptures in the museum.這個博物館內有很多著名的雕刻品。重點詞匯:sculpture n. 雕刻 skipwhen i read a book, i usually skip over the uninteresting part.當我閱讀一本書時, 我同城跳過無趣的部分。重點詞匯:skip v. 跳5apparatusthe town has recently purchased some new fire-fighting app

23、aratus.這城鎮(zhèn)最近購買了一些新的滅火器。重點詞匯:apparatus n. 儀器 同: equipmentfire fighting: 救火 assertthe witness asserted that the salesman was dishonest.目擊者斷言那售貨員是不誠實的。重點詞匯:assert v. 斷言 同: insist assignhe was pleased that he was assigned such an easy task in the company.他非常高興在一群人中,他被分配到如此簡單的任務。重點詞匯:assign v. 分派 同: allo

24、t compensatehe gave me a new knife to compensate for the one of mine he lost.他給了我把新的小刀,用以賠償他遺失我的那一把。重點詞匯:compensate v. 賠償 同: reward deemhe would deem it an honor if the minister came to see him.如果部長來看他,他將視為一種光榮。重點詞匯:deem v. 認為 同: consider inviolable(adj)不可侵犯的 同義詞:sacred例;freedom of action is one of

25、the inviolable rules of human behavior.行動的自由是人類行為中不可侵犯的原則之一。specimenhe collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.他收集各種巖石和礦物的標本。重點詞匯:specimen n. 標本 同: sample stimulatethe beating of a drum on the battlefield stimulated the soldiers to fight more bravely.戰(zhàn)場上的鼓聲鼓舞了戰(zhàn)士們,使他們更加英勇地作戰(zhàn)。重點詞匯:stimul

26、ate v. 刺激, 鼓舞 同: excite tendencyboys have a stronger tendency to fight than girls.男孩比女孩好打架。重點詞匯:tendency n. 趨勢 同: inclination testifyhe testified that the car was being driven slowly at the time of the accident.他作證肇事時這輛汽車開得很慢。重點詞匯:testify v. 證明 同: prove touristeach year, many foreign tourists visit

27、taiwan for sight-seeing.每年有許多外國觀光客到臺灣觀光。重點詞匯:tourist n. 觀光客 同: traveler utilitytheir furniture was chosen for utility rather than for elegance.他們選擇家具上為了實用而不是好看。重點詞匯:utility n. 效用 同: usefulness6blunttoo much alcohol makes all your senses blunt.太多的酒精使你感覺遲鈍。重點詞匯:blunt adj. 鈍的 反: sharp elastictoy balloo

28、ns, sponges, and steel springs are elastic.玩具氣球、海綿及彈簧上有彈性的重點詞匯:elastic adj. 有彈性的 反: inflexible exithe left the building through the rear exit.他從后面的出口離開這棟建筑。重點詞匯:exit n. 1. 出口 反: entrance 2. 離去 exitwhen the cat came in, the little mouse made a hasty exit.當貓進來時,小老鼠連忙離開。重點詞匯:exit n. 1. 出口 反: entrance 2

29、. 離去 fatiguehe was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night.經過一個無眠的夜晚,他因疲勞而臉色蒼白。重點詞匯:fatigue n. 疲勞 反: vigor heirwhen he died, his young nephew was the only heir to his great wealth.當他死后,他年輕的侄兒是他龐大財產的唯一繼承人。重點詞匯:heir n. (男)繼承人 反: heiress inflateas the currency of a country is inflated, the prices o

30、f goods begin to rise.當一國的通貨發(fā)生膨脹時,物品的價格開始升高。重點詞匯:inflate v. 膨脹 反: deflate plumpshe is too plump to fit into this dress.他太豐滿了以至于穿不上這件衣服。重點詞匯:plump 1. adj. 豐滿 反: thin 2. v. 忽然落下fit into: 適合 plumputterly exhausted, she plumped down on a chair.全然地耗盡體力,她忽然倒在椅子上。重點詞匯:plump 1. adj. 豐滿 反: thin 2. v. 忽然落下plu

31、mp down: 突然而沉重地墜下, 快速而堅決地放下 recallmother could recall stories that she had heard years ago.媽媽能憶起幾年前她聽過的故事。重點詞匯:recall v. 1. 憶起 反: forget 2. 召回 recallthe government recalled the general after he lost the battle.這位將領戰(zhàn)敗后,政府將他召回。重點詞匯:recall v. 1. 憶起 反: forget 2. 召回 shunyou can hardly shun meeting her if

32、 you and she both work in the same office.如果你跟她同在一個辦公室工作,你很難避開她。重點詞匯:shun v. 避開 反: encounter sneerthe mean girl sneered at the poor girl's cheap clothes.這個刻薄的女孩譏嘲那窮女孩的廉價衣服。重點詞匯:sneer v. 輕蔑, 嘲笑 反: admiresneer at: 嘲笑7adjoincanada and mexico adjoin the United States of America.加拿大和墨西哥鄰近美國。重點詞匯:adjo

33、in v. 臨近 adj. adjoiningUnited States of America: 美國, 美利堅合眾國 allygreat Britain, France and Italy were allied during the first world war.第一次世界大戰(zhàn)時英國、法國和意大利聯(lián)盟。重點詞匯:ally 1. v. 同盟 n. alliance 2. n. 同盟 allygreat Britain and the united states were allies in both world wars.兩次大戰(zhàn)中英國和美國都是同盟。重點詞匯:ally 1. v. 同盟

34、n. alliance 2. n. 同盟 chasteher parents teach her to be chaste and decent in her behavior.她的父母教導她,要她行為貞潔而端莊。重點詞匯:chaste adj. 貞潔的 n. chastity confidewhen she was a child she always confided her problems to her sister.當她是個孩子時,她通常將她的問題告知她妹妹。重點詞匯:confide v. 1. 依賴(告知秘密) n. confidence 2. 信任 confidewe can&#

35、39;t confide in his words, for he often breaks his promises.我們不能信任他的話,因為他經常不守諾言。重點詞匯:confide v. 1. 依賴(告知秘密) n. confidence 2. 信任 defythe driver of the car was defying the traffic law by speeding.這汽車駕駛員超速,藐視交通規(guī)則。重點詞匯:defy v. 藐視 n. defiance disruptan accident has disrupted railway service into and out

36、of the city.一場意外事故使進出城市的鐵路線中斷。重點詞匯:disrupt v. 1. 使中斷 2. 使分裂 adj. disruptiverailway service: 鐵路線, 鐵路服務(業(yè)務) disruptslavery seemed likely to disrupt the union.奴隸制度似乎可能使美國分裂。(union 聯(lián)邦政府: 被視為國家聯(lián)合的美國, 尤指內戰(zhàn)過程中)重點詞匯:disrupt v. 1. 使中斷 2. 使分裂 adj. disruptive enablethe bird's large wings enable it to fly v

37、ery fast.這只鳥的大翅膀使它能夠快速飛翔。重點詞匯:enable v. 使能夠 n. ability fantasticthe wall was covered with many fantastic pictures and photographs.這片墻蓋滿了許多怪誕的圖畫和照片。重點詞匯:fantastic adj. 怪誕的 n. fantasy impactthe force of the impact threw the driver out of the car.沖擊的力量將駕駛員拋出車外。重點詞匯:impact n. 沖擊 interfereit is best not

38、to interfere in other people's arguments.最好不要干涉他人的討論。重點詞匯:interfere v. 干涉 n. interference minimizeyou can minimize the dangers of driving, by taking care to obey all the rules of the road.小心遵守所有的道路規(guī)則,你可將駕車的危險減至最小程度。重點詞匯:minimize v. 將減至最小程度 n. minimum narrateshall i narrate a strange experience o

39、f mine?我可以說一個我奇怪的經歷嗎?重點詞匯:narrate v. 敘述 adj. narrative visualthe contrasting colors created an interesting visual effect.對比色制造了一個有趣的視覺效果。重點詞匯:visual adj. 視覺的 n. vision8appliancethe modern house has many useful electrical appliances.這間現(xiàn)代化的房子有許多實用的電氣用具。重點詞匯:appliance n. 1.電器用品 2. 應用 appliancethe appli

40、ance of electricity to household tasks makes housework much easier.電力應用于家務上使做家務事容易多了。重點詞匯:appliance n. 1.電器用品 2. 應用 broodthere are twelve chickens in this brood.這一窩共孵出了十二只小雞。重點詞匯:brood 1. n. 孵, 窩 2. v. 沉思 broodshe brooded on her past mistakes so much that she became ill.她過于深思從前的錯誤以至于生病了。重點詞匯:brood 1

41、. n. 孵, 窩 2. v. 沉思brood on: 念念不忘, 計較(特指忿恨不滿) fringethe woodcutter had a little house on the fringe of the forest.伐木者在森林的邊緣有一間小屋。重點詞匯:fringe n. 邊緣 gravelthe path to the house was covered with gravel.通往這房子的小徑布滿了碎石。重點詞匯:gravel n. 碎石 hutin the storm, they found a shabby hut in the forest.在暴風雪中,他們在森林發(fā)現(xiàn)了間

42、簡陋的小屋。重點詞匯:hut n. 小屋 lurethe fisherman had some bright colored lures to attract fish.這漁夫有一些色彩鮮明的誘餌來吸引魚。重點詞匯:lure 1. n.誘餌 2. v. 引誘 lurethe hope of high profits lured him into questionable dealings.高利潤的希望誘使他從事那有問題的交易。重點詞匯:lure 1. n.誘餌 2. v. 引誘 perchthe bird flew down from its perch in the cage.這只鳥從棲息的

43、鳥籠里飛下。重點詞匯:perch 1. n. 棲身處 2. v. 棲息 perchthe bird perched on the woman's shoulder.這只鳥棲息在那女人的肩膀上。重點詞匯:perch 1. n. 棲身處 2. v. 棲息 retailmost people buy meat and groceries at retail.大部分的人以零買方式購入肉和雜貨。重點詞匯:retail n. 零售 stridegreat strides have been made in science since 1900.在科學方面自一九年來有了很大的進步。重點詞匯:stri

44、de n. 大步 swarma swarm of people surrounded the car to see the famous actress in it.一群人圍繞在車旁,看車里那位著名的女演員。重點詞匯:swarm 1. n. 群 2. v. 蜂擁 swarmrural populations swarmed into nearby towns.鄉(xiāng)民們擁入了臨近的城鎮(zhèn)。重點詞匯:swarm 1. n. 群 2. v. 蜂擁swarm into: 涌入 twigthe tree bears so many apples that the twigs seem almost brok

45、en down.樹上結了太多的蘋果,以至于樹枝似乎都幾乎要折斷了。重點詞匯:twig n. 小樹枝 wadethe bridge is far away from here; we'd better wade across the stream.橋離這兒太遠了,我們最好涉水而過。重點詞匯:wade v. 涉水 wrinkleshe is beginning to get many wrinkles around her eyes.她眼睛四周開始長出很多皺紋。重點詞匯:wrinkle n.皺紋9alterif the coat is too large, the tailor can a

46、lter it to fit you.如果這件外套太大,裁縫可以更改它使適合你。重點詞匯:alter v. 改變 同: change doomas the ship sank, they faced their doom.當船沉沒時,他們面臨厄運。重點詞匯:doom n. 命運, 劫數(shù) 同: fate fragilethis old dish is in a very fragile condition.這舊的碟子處在易碎的狀態(tài)下。重點詞匯:fragile adj. 易碎的 同: breakable fruitfulwe had a very fruitful discussion in th

47、e classroom.在教室里,我們舉行了一次很有收獲的討論。重點詞匯:fruitful adj. 有收獲的 同: profitable garrisonthe japanese garrison on wake surrendered at the end of world war ii.日本在威克島的要塞在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結束時投降了。重點詞匯:garrison n. 要塞 同: fort hurlthe hunter hurled a long, sharp spear at the bear.獵人向熊投一支長而尖銳的矛。重點詞匯:hurl v. 用力投擲 同: cast jailthe

48、 judge sent him to jail for six days.法官判他監(jiān)禁六天。重點詞匯:jail n. 監(jiān)獄 同: prison questshe went to the library in quest of something to read.她到圖書館去找些東西來讀。重點詞匯:quest n. 探詢 同: pursuitin quest of: 為了探索., 為了尋求. refrainin order to lose weight, she refrained from eating candy.為了減肥,她避免吃糖果。重點詞匯:refrain v. 抑制 同: absta

49、inlose weight: 體重減輕refrain from: 忍住, 制止, 戒除, 控制, 克制不要 scripti could easily recognize my father's careful script.我能夠輕易地認出我父親精確的字跡。重點詞匯:script n. 字跡 同: handwriting shabbyyou look rather shabby in those clothes.你的衣服看起來很寒酸。重點詞匯:shabby adj. 簡陋的 同: worn temporarymany students find temporary jobs durin

50、g their summer holidays.許多學生在暑假期間找些臨時工。重點詞匯:temporary adj. 暫時的 同: transient urgentthe refugees are in urgent need of medical supplies.難民們迫切地需要醫(yī)藥的補給。重點詞匯:urgent adj. 緊急的 同: imminent10alerta good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement in the field.好的獵犬對田野里的每一個動靜都留心。重點詞匯:alert adj. 留心的 反: hee

51、dless artificialthe artificial flowers were made of paper and cloth.人造花是用紙和布做成的。重點詞匯:artificial adj. 1. 人造的 反: natural 2. 虛偽的be made of: 用.造成(用于原材料顯而易見的場合) artificialshe welcomed us with an artificial smile on her face.她臉上掛著虛偽的笑容來歡迎我們。重點詞匯:artificial adj. 1. 人造的 反: natural 2. 虛偽的an artificial smile:

52、 假笑, 虛偽的笑 ascendhe watched the airplane ascend higher and higher.他望著飛機越飛越高。重點詞匯:ascend v. 上升 反: descend disgracea doctor like him is a disgrace to our hospital.有像他一樣的醫(yī)生真是我們醫(yī)院的恥辱。重點詞匯:disgrace n. 恥辱 反: honor grudgei always feel she has a grudge against me, although i don't know what wrong i have

53、done to her.我總覺得她對我懷恨在心,雖然我不知道我什么地方得罪了她。重點詞匯:grudge n. 怨恨 反: favor nunmy aunt is a nun; she can't get married, and has to live a life of prayer and worship.我姑姑是一位修女,他不可以結婚,而必須過充滿禱告和拜神的生活。重點詞匯:nun n. 修女, 尼姑 反: monk randomthe room was filled with a random selection of furniture.這房間堆滿了隨便選擇的家具。重點詞匯:

54、random adj. 隨便的 反: deliberaterandom selection: 隨機選擇, 雜亂選擇random select: 隨機選擇 steadfasthe was so steadfast to his principles that we couldn't move him.他的原則是如此的堅定,以至于我們無法改變他。重點詞匯:steadfast adj. 堅定的 反: inconstant subordinatea clerk in a business occupies subordinate position to that of the owner.職員在一個事業(yè)中占有的地位低于老板。重點詞匯:subordinate 1. adj. 下級的 反: superior 2. n. 屬下 subordinatea good leader is the one that is respected by his subordinates.好的領導者是受屬下尊敬的。重點詞匯:subordinate 1. adj. 下級的 反: superior 2. n. 屬下 thrifther thrift saved them


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