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1、 .wd.第一冊Unit 11.Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.翻譯:等我們終于找到8號房間的時候,媽媽已經(jīng)漲紅了臉,上氣不接下氣。我翻開門鎖,我們都走了進去。2.She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldnt even brea the the same air as her.翻譯:她給我留下了深刻的印象,我覺得自己太無知了,甚至不

2、配跟她呼吸同樣的空氣。3.I dont know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office says its a requirement even though Ive read Dostoyevsky and Melville and thats admirable for someone without a high school education.翻譯:我不知道為什么我非得了解文學。可是招生辦公室的那位女士說即使我讀過陀思妥也夫斯基和梅爾維爾的小說也得選,一個沒上過高

3、中的人能讀這些書確實令人敬仰,但這門課是必修課。4.Im in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.翻譯:我樂得飄飄然了,第一件事就是去買所需要的課本,然后用紐約大學紫白相間的護封把它們套起來,這樣地鐵里的乘客就會向我投來艷羨的目光了。5.Then the professor tells

4、 us ideas dont drop fully formed from the skies, that the Pilgrims were, in the long run, children of the Reformation with an accompanying world view and their attitudes to children were so informed.接著,教授告訴我們,觀念并不是從天而降的現(xiàn)成品。從長遠看,清教徒是宗教改革運動的產(chǎn)物,他們繼承了宗教改革運動的世界觀,并且他們對孩子的態(tài)度表達了宗教改革運動的思想。B Translate the sen

5、tences into English.1.他們對業(yè)余劇社的介紹給蘇菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就報了名。Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it.2.網(wǎng)絡教育為全職人員提供了利用業(yè)余時間承受繼續(xù)教育的時機。Online education provides those who work full-time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time.3.剛上大學時,

6、他不知道是否需要把教師講的內(nèi)容一字不落地都記下來。(be supposed to do; scribble down)When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professors mouth.Be supposed to do:應該,應當做某事 scribble down:匆匆記下4.沒人覺察出他隱藏在笑容背后的絕望。(Detect)Nobody detects his despair well hidd

7、en behind his smile.No one was aware of the despair that he hid behind his smile。5.有些學生能輕松自如地與陌生人交談,可有些學生卻很難做到這一點。Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so.Unit 21 Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as g

8、loomy as I felt.外面,天空是灰色的,海面上刮來一陣強風。天氣看起來和我的心情一樣陰郁。2.“Now, stop complaining, try one oyster for me, then you can have something nice and easy to eat, maybe some prawns with bread and butter, he suggested, striking a note of compromise for the first time during the whole meal.“好啦,別抱怨了,就給我嘗一只牡蠣,然后你就可以

9、吃些好吃的、順口的東西,比方黃油、面包 加對蝦。他提議說。吃了這么長時間的飯,他的話里頭一次有了妥協(xié)的意思。oyster:牡蠣 prawn:對蝦3.But with the clear conception which only a ten-year-old boy can have, I still understood that the compromise included eating that oyster, sitting on the side of my fathers plate. 但是,盡管清晰地感覺到了他的妥協(xié)只有一個十歲的男孩才有這樣的感覺,我仍然明白這妥協(xié) 包含著吃掉

10、那只牡蠣,那只放在我父親的盤子邊上的牡蠣。4.The chocolate sets into bars which will easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth.添加了可可油后巧克力凝固成易折斷的條塊,入口即化。5.But what accounts for its amazing popularity or even the properties that have made millions of people confess to being chocaholics ? 但是,是什么原因使得巧克力出奇地暢銷?又是什么造成了

11、巧克力的上癮特性,致使無數(shù)人成認自己是巧克力癮君子呢?confess to :坦白、成認 chocaholics:巧克力狂B Translate the sentences into English.1.他們這兒不賣薯條,如果你想吃,得去肯德基或麥當勞。(serve)They dont serve French fries here. If you want it, you have to go to a KFC or McDonalds.French fries:炸薯條2.他揀起一個核桃,想用錘子把它砸開,可沒想到卻把它砸爛了。(crack; crush)He picked up a wal

12、nut and tried to crack it with a hammer, but instead he crushed it.Walnut w:lnt核桃;crack:破裂,翻開; crush:鎮(zhèn)壓;壓破,壓碎3.由于雨后道路又濕又滑,今天早上路上行車比擬緩慢。(slippery)As the roads are wet and slippery after the rain, the traffic is rather slow this morning.4.當金子加熱融化后,他們把金水倒進模子,鑄成金條。(melt; mould)When the gold was heated a

13、nd melted, they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar.mould:模型; a gold bar:金條5.他成認是他打破了教室的窗玻璃。(admit to)He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom.6.令我們欣喜的是,新的經(jīng)濟方案開場對經(jīng)濟開展產(chǎn)生積極影響。To our delight, the new economic policy is beginning to have a positive effect on the economy.Unit 31.Whenwast

14、helastorganizationalvisionstatementyousawthatincludedthewords“todevelop ourselves into a model environment in which everyone at every level can think for themselves?“在我們周圍逐漸培育出一個可供人們效仿的環(huán)境,使各個層次的人都有獨立思考的空間。你上一次看到包含上述字眼的機構前景展望報告是在什么時候?2.Hadsheaffirmedourintelligencefirstandspokenaboutthejoyofthinkingf

15、orourselves,hadshe notfannedourfearofher,wewouldallhavelearnedevenmorepowerfullywhatitmeanttodoour thinking.Andwemighthavebeenabletothinkwellaroundhertoo.要是她一開場就肯定我們的聰明才智,給我們講講獨立思考的樂趣,要是她沒有激起我們對她的恐懼,我們大家就能更深切地體會到獨立思考的意義;而且,即便她在場,我們也會更好地開動腦筋思考問題。3.Likeeveryoneelse,studentshavetheirfairshareofproblems

16、.Gettingtoknowanewenvironment, formingrelationshipswithotherstudents,andsurvivingonlimitedfinancialresourcesarealltypical problems.和其他人一樣,學生們也有他們自己必須面對的問題。典型的問題包括熟悉新環(huán)境、與其他同學相處、以及靠有限的經(jīng)濟來源生活。4.Talktosomeofyourfriendsafteralectureoratutorialandyouwillprobablyfindtheyremember different things about it w

17、hich may be more or less relevant to the teachers aims. 下課后或是聽過一次個別指導后,如果你和朋友們聊一聊,你可能會發(fā)現(xiàn)他們所記住的東西不盡一樣,但或多或少都與教師的教學目的相關。Tutorial tju:t:ril :個別輔導時間,私人教師的,輔導的5.Effectivereadingrequiresyoutovaryyourrateandstyleofreadingaccordingbothtothetypeof reading material and your purpose in reading it.有效的閱讀需要你根據(jù)不同的

18、閱讀材料和閱讀目的來變換閱讀的速度和方式。B Translate the sentences into English.1.教師很有可能不欣賞不會獨立思考的學生。It is most likely that a teacher wont think much of a student who cannot think for himself.備注:tthink much of :尊重,重視,欣賞;think for oneself:獨立思考2.他上中學的時候,幾乎沒有什么人被鼓勵去做科學實驗,更談不上承受這方面的訓練了。(hardly; much less)When he was in hig

19、h school, hardly anyone had been encouraged, much less trained, to do scientific experiments.備注:much less:更不用說;何況3.嫉妒是由懶惰和無知造成的。(the result of )Envy is the result of laziness and ignorance.4.有些大學生是根據(jù)自己的專業(yè)來選擇志愿效勞的,而不是碰到什么就做什么。(volunteerjob;rather than)Rather than picking any volunteer job, some colle

20、ge students choose activities based on their majors.5.最好的方法就是把學生分成假設干小組,讓他們針對具體的問題進展討論。(breakupinto;focuson) Thebestapproachistobreakthestudentsupintoseveralgroupssothattheycanfocustheirdiscussion on specificproblems.Unit 4ATranslatethesentencesintoChinese.1.Mobilephoneshavebeenthebiggestfactorofcha

21、ngeineverydaybehaviourinBritainoverthePast15years.Todayitisthoughtthattherearemorethan55million mobilephonesubscribers,arisefromlessthan10millionin1997.在過去的15年里,手機已成為改變英國人日常行為方式的最主要因素。據(jù)估計,目前英國手機用戶已超過5,500萬,而在1997年還缺乏1,000萬。2.NowithasbeenannouncedthatthesignalrangethroughoutLondonwillbeextended,nowhe

22、reinLondonwillbebeyondthereachofamobilephone,noteventhe Underground.現(xiàn)在有消息說,倫敦手機信號的覆蓋范圍將拓展延伸。以后,在倫敦的每一個角落都有手機信號,就連地鐵也不例外。3.Thissubjectofresearcharousedmyinterestandtookmethelengthand breadthofFrance.這個研究話題激起了我的興趣,為此,我走遍了法國各地。4.Theseepisodesandincidentsallinvolveaculturalbump,somethingwhichyou noticeu

23、suallywithcuriosity,usuallywithpleasure,occasionallywithshockor embarrassment.這些插曲、事件都包含著文化碰撞,讓你感到好奇、愉悅,偶爾也會讓你感到震驚或為難。5.Butitsnotamatterofknowingalltheconventionsandritualsindifferentcultures.Itsimpossible tocollectalltheinformationyoumightneedtoberelaxedinthemanydifferentculturesaround theworld.但是這

24、不等于說我們需要悉數(shù)掌握不同文化中的風俗習慣和禮儀。豐富的知識能使你對世界各種不 同的文化中應對自如,但是你不可能掌握全部必備的知識。B Translate the sentences into English.1.據(jù)估計,目前中國4億手機用戶中,有大約一半人的隱私受到了威脅。(itisestimatedthat;privacy)It is estimated that today, the privacy of half of the 4 billion mobile phone subscribers is endangered.2.人們在購置生活必需品上的花費越少,他們安排諸如旅游等娛樂

25、活動就越多。(thelessthe more )Thelesstheyspendondailynecessities,themorearrangementstheywillmakeforsuchleisure activities as travelling.3.對我來說,旅游最大的好處就是可以去不同的地方,了解于不同文化背景下人們的生活方式以 及傳統(tǒng)習俗。(What I especially like about is )WhatIespeciallylikeabouttravellingisthatIcangotodifferentplacesandknowaboutparticular

26、lifestyles, conventions and customs in different cultures.4.在大多數(shù)情況下,文化碰撞激起的是人們對不同文化的好奇心,只是在極少數(shù)情況下,文化碰 撞才會造成為難。(culture bump; on rare occasions)Inmostcases,aculturalbumparousesourcuriosityaboutadifferentculture.Onlyonrareoccasions can it cause embarrassment.5.你可以保存自主選擇的權利,但作為一個成年人,你做事不要沖動。(reservethe

27、right;acton impulse)You can reserve the right to make an independent choice, but as an adult, you should not act on impulse.Unit 5A Translate the sentences into Chinese.1.Her lips were half asunder as if she meant to speak; and she drew a deep breath, but it escaped in a sigh, instead of a sentence.

28、她半張著嘴,似乎想說什么;她深深地吸了一口氣,可隨之而來的卻是一聲無語的嘆息。2.Ive no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven.我不該嫁給埃德加林頓,就像我不該去天堂一樣。3.Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same, and Lintons is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire.不管我們倆的靈魂是什么做成的,它們都是一樣的,而林頓與我

29、們的差異猶如月光之于閃電,烈火之于寒霜。4.I kissed with my eyes closed and opened them on her wrinkles.我閉上眼睛親吻,睜開時見她已滿臉皺紋。5.I give you an onion.Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,possessive and faithfulas we are,for as long as we are.我送給你一棵蔥頭。它那兇猛的親吻會留在你的嘴唇上,霸道獨占而忠心耿耿像我們一樣,只要我們活著。B Translate the sentences into Engl

30、ish.1.那位身穿紅襯衫的人突然收起假笑,露出他的本來面目。(turn off; false smile; true colour)Suddenly the man in red shirt turned off his false smile and showed his true colours.2.妻子聲稱丈夫很懶,不愿做家務,丈夫對此予以堅決否認。(contradict; flatly)The husband flatly contradicted his wifes claim that he was too lazy to do the housework.3.經(jīng)理已經(jīng)做出保證,

31、在他的任期完畢之前,他不會離任。(pledge ones word; leave office; term) The manager pledged his word that he would not leave office until the last day of his term.4.他沒有意識到,對她美貌的迷戀使他對她的缺點視而不見。(blind v.)He did not realize that his love for her beauty has blinded him to her faults.5.當?shù)弥旖K于在樹林里找到她的孩子時,這位年輕的太太流下了眼淚。On h

32、earing that the police had finally found her child in the woods, the young lady shed tears.Unit 6A Translate the sentences into Chinese.1.Theres nothing comparable to the feeling of power and importance I get when I go shopping. 購物時,那種地位顯赫、身價非凡的感覺真是無與倫比。 2.Psychologists see shopaholism as an addicti

33、on which can benefit from treatment. The symptoms include behaviour which is adapted to avoid reality, a loss of control, an illusion of freedom, or a combination of all three. 心理學家認為,購物癡迷癥是購物成癮,通過治療可以得到緩解。它的病癥包括逃避現(xiàn)實、行為失控、夢想自由或三者兼而有之。 3. Linda, Kate and Carina are not exceptions. Theyre like many wo

34、men all over the world, all with stories which have a happy beginning but end in despair. And like all addicts on the road to recovery, they take it one day at a time. 琳達、凱特和卡里納并不是特例,像世界各地的許多女人一樣,她們的故事有一個幸福的開端,卻在絕望中完畢。像所有的上癮者一樣,購物成癮的人需要有足夠的耐心才能走完康復之路。4.There are no time limits, there arent even any

35、specific objectives, we can just spend the whole day wandering around, trying things on and chatting about nothing in particular.沒有時間的限制,甚至沒有特定的目標。我們可以花一整天的時間逛來逛去,試穿、閑聊。5. But if he agrees to cooperate, the big advantage in shopping with your boyfriend is that he shows you more affection than usual,

36、 and will even want to hold your hand. Its because he knows no one can shop single-handed. 要是你的男朋友容許陪你逛商場,跟他一起購物是大有好處的:他會向你表露更多的愛意,甚至想 牽著你的手,因為他知道,誰也不能一個人逛商場。B Translate the sentences into English.1.一定要先確認把郵票貼牢了,再把信投入信箱。(attach) Make sure the stamp is firmly attached to the letter before you drop it

37、 into the mailox. 2.很多青少年癡迷網(wǎng)絡游戲,這會對他們的身心安康造成損害。Many youngsters are addicted to net games, which can damage their physical and mental health. 3.她坐在桌子旁邊讀報,看上去好似什么事也沒發(fā)生過。(for all the world) She sat at the table reading the newspaper,looking for all the world as if nothing had happened. 4.我本打算去購物中心購物以緩解

38、壓力,但后來我改主意了。我決定好好睡一覺。(change ones mind)I had intended to reduce stress by shopping in the mall, but I changed my mind. I decided to have a good sleep instead. 5.議會否決了總統(tǒng)提出的最新經(jīng)濟提案,因為它引起了廣泛的批評。(reject; put forward; provoke) The Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the Presi

39、dent because it provoked widespread criticism. Unit 7ATranslatethesentencesintoChinese.1.AsasmallboyIwasalwaysfascinatedatthesoundsthecoinsmadeastheyweredroppedintothejar.Theylandedwithamerryjinglewhenthejarwasalmostempty.Thenthetonesgraduallymutedtoadull thud as the jar was filled. 小時候,我對那些硬幣落在壇子里發(fā)

40、出的碰撞聲總是很著迷。當壇子幾乎還是空著的時候,它們落進去時發(fā)出的是歡快的叮當聲,等到壇子快要裝滿的時候,它們的聲音便漸漸變成了沉悶的嘭嘭聲。2.Mydadwasamanoffewwords,andneverlecturedmeonthevaluesofdetermination,perseverance,andfaith.Thepicklejarhadtaughtmeallthesevirtuesfarmoreeloquentlythanthemostfloweryof words could have done.爸是一個沉默寡言的人,從來沒有對我講過決心、毅力和信仰等價值觀的重要性。但是這

41、個泡菜壇卻教給了我這些美德,它的說服力遠遠勝過了華美的辭藻。3.Tomyamazement,there,asifithadneverbeenremoved,stoodtheoldpicklejar,thebottomalready covered with coins.這句話的主體構造是there stood the old pickle jar。令我感到驚訝的是,那兒放著那個舊泡菜壇,壇底已經(jīng)鋪滿了硬幣,就好似它從來不曾被拿走過。4.AndImthankfulforthatbecause,eventhoughwerestillrelativelyyoung,Icanalreadyseehow

42、it sbeenanimportantbuildingblockinbothourcharacters.(注意:that指的是前一句提到的那個事 實。building block 應意譯成“塑造的根本因素。) 我對此心存感謝,因為雖然我們還年輕,可我已經(jīng)認識到,這對塑造我們的性格起了很大的作 用。5WhatwithplayingtennistogetherandsharingbedroomsuntilIwas15,SerenaandIhavealwaysbeen close. (注意what with 的意思。) 在我15歲以前,都是和塞雷娜一起打球,還和她睡在同一間臥室里,我們一直親密無間。

43、BTranslatethesentencesintoEnglish.1.你只要將這張桌子移到另一間辦公室就行,剩下的事由我來負責。(see to)You just remove the desk to another office,and Ill see to the rest.2.有些美國人認為,對隱私和個人資料的保護阻礙了對恐懼主義和有組織犯罪的打擊。(hold back) SomeAmericansbelievethattheprotectionofprivacyandpersonaldataholdsbackthefightagainst terrorism and organized

44、 crime.3.這位著名的科學家將在北京大學發(fā)表有關全球氣候變化與公共政策的演講。(lectureon;global climate change)This well-known scientist will lecture at Peking University on global climate change and public policy.4.鮑勃需要控制自己,別再貪玩和浪費時機了。(get oneself together)Bob needs to get himself together and stop playing around and wasting his oppo

45、rtunity.5.當約翰踩到香蕉皮滑倒的時候,那幾個搞惡作劇的男孩放聲大笑。(fallover;mischievous;laugh ones head off)As John slipped on the banana skin and fell over, those mischievous boys laughed their heads off.Unit 8A TranslatethesentencesintoChinese.1.For George, the city was like an over-familiar elderly lady, who in the right l

46、ight,reminded him of her past beauty, but who had lately become rather tiresome. 對喬治來說,倫敦這座城市就像一個他熟悉得不能再熟悉的老太太,她年事已高,只有從適當?shù)慕嵌瓤?,才能讓他想起她昔日的美貌,可最近卻讓人厭倦了。2. Despite his cynical and pessimistic nature, he especially enjoyed the classic works of travel writing, so that from the deep warmth of his armchair

47、, he could travel in his mind to the farthest reaches of the world. 盡管生性憤世嫉俗、悲觀厭世,但他卻特別喜愛閱讀經(jīng)典游記。這樣,即便是舒舒服服地坐在溫暖的扶手椅上,他也可以神游到天涯海角。3.George was suddenly struck by the realization that as a stranger, he would never experience the warmth and colours of his mind. Perhaps the Provence of Pagnol, like else

48、where in the world, might be the reality. 喬治突然意識到,作為一個陌生人,他永遠也不可能體驗到他想象中的融融暖意和繽紛色彩。也許,帕尼奧爾筆下的普羅旺斯才是真實的,就像世界上其他地方一樣。4.But unfortunately, not one but two song-and-dance groups had been booked, not only rivals but deadly enemies, and neither wanted to yield to the other. 可不幸的是,他們請的歌舞團不是一家而是兩家,這兩家歌舞團不僅僅

49、是競爭對手,而且是死對頭,誰也不服輸。5.A hundred or more people were squashed into a large cupboard, everyone too embarrassed to correct their mistake by leaving, everyone laughing as quietly as they could. 大約有100多人擠在一個大櫥柜里,每個人都覺得要是糾正錯誤、離開這個地方就未免太為難了。每個人都盡力壓低聲音不笑出聲來。BTranslatethesentencesintoEnglish.1.他抑制不住自己的好奇心,決心立

50、刻出發(fā),去看看真實的普羅旺斯是什么樣子。(contain ones curiosity; resolve; set off) He couldnt contain his curiosity, so he resolved to set off immediately to see what Provence was really like. 2.隨著截止日期的臨近,他花更多的時間搜尋線索,以確保結論與事實相符。(be matched by) As the deadline approaches, he is spending more time searching for clues, ma

51、king sure that the conclusion is matched by the fact. 3.他們大約每隔兩天就爭吵一次,整整持續(xù)了半年多,誰也不肯認輸。(at intervals; yield to) Their quarrels continued at approximately two-day intervals for more than half a year, and neither wanted to yield to the other. 4.我們剛躺下,旅店的大門就被撞開了,一群士兵沖了進來。(no sooner than ) No sooner had

52、we gone to bed than the door of the hotel burst open and a group of soldiers rushed in. 5.由于突然下起了大雨,他們在路上花的時間比預計多了一倍。(due to; intend to) Due to the unexpected heavy rain, the time they spent on the road was twice as long as they had intended to. Unit 9A TranslatethesentencesintoChinese.1.Thisnever-s

53、ay-diespiritisbestrepresentedbythe19thcenturymaxim,“Ifyoudontsucceed,try,try again.19 世紀的格言“如果你一次不成功,就再試一次充分表達了這種永不言敗的精神。2.Theyfoundthatpeoplewhoreadilyjumpedbackintolifehadagreatersenseofpurposeandwereless likely to think about the past.他們發(fā)現(xiàn)那些迅速重返生活的人擁有更強的目標感,不太可能去想過去的事。3.For young people, its part

54、 of creating an individual identity in the world.對年輕人來說,這是他們在世上創(chuàng)立個人身份時必做的一件事。4.Theimpactofweightonyourlimbsandjointswillstrengthenthemagainstbonedisease,andalthough thishappensmorewitholderpeople,itsnevertoolatetobuildupbonedensity.體重對四肢和關節(jié)的壓力將增強它們抵御骨科疾病的能力。雖然這種疾病多發(fā)生在老年人身上, 但是任何時候增加骨密度都為時不晚。5.Scient

55、istsestimatethatwalkingaslittleas30minutesadaywillhelptheimmunesystemandgive greater protection against ill health. 注意:help 的意思是make something better。 科學家們估計每天只要步行30 分鐘就能改善免疫系統(tǒng),更好地保護身體免受疾病的侵害。BTranslatethesentencesintoEnglish.1.在災難面前,人們不惜一切代價挽救生命。(in the face of; at any cost)In the face of a disaster, people save lives at any cost.2.他認為在整個工程開場之初就對方案進展調整沒有意義。(theres no point in doing ; adjust)He believed that there would be no point in adjusting the plan at the beginning of the whole project.3.學生們正在集中精力復習功課,突然之間這座城市發(fā)生地震了。(concentrate; all of a sudden)Students were


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