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1、uide sexfurther enhanced,documents handlea nd r unning ofspeedoperational capa citygrows,nurtureda politicalfirm, sharp, professionaland icolla boration, pr omotethe implementati on ofthework.a realprobl em, isa bigissue.Tity, cohe sion andcomL _II . I oday, I just combi ned thisyear,t.IL -officesw

2、orking in therenderi ng atmosphere i nrece ntyears, citygoverobvi ouslynnsopveaetidve ups,tparff,coregrataemdgsroalduallyidarity,ssptericviifnicgatfioront,probl ems,we musteffectively be addressed inthe futpetitivene ss. ouwanttomakea unit, aDehecity's CommunistParty CommitteeOffice,hadJ . IL- L

3、 _一一. . I - 一city's mai n taskis tosnmentsystem OfficetudyGovernme ntsystemspartmentworkimconferenceservi cea nd Chiefre cepti on ofqualityand level has hasnew ofimprove, Logistics support capabilityfurther strengthene d.Documentmanageme nt,conf idential,confide ntiality, dut y, lettersa nd othe

4、r itemshave bee nsig nifica ntly improve d.4,Office construction increased at all level s. City Gover nment officesa dher e to stre ngthe n andimpr ovethe constr uction ofthe systema sa breakthrough, has developeda series ofcode of conduct,continuous improvement ofoperational mechanism, sounda nd t

5、heimplementationofthe rule s a nd reg ulations,a nd adhere tothesy stem ofmanagi ng pe opl e,a ccor dingto the rules,the work gradually i ntothe or bitofi nstituti onalizati on andstandardization.Focusonstre ngthe ning ideologica land politi cal construction of the continge ntof ca dres,and actively

6、 carrie d outvarious busi ness traini ng, knowle dge oft heOfficete amstruct ure hasbeenoptimized,t obr oade n the range ofknowledgea ndhetop, pragmatic,de dicati on,good image. Howeve r,wit h theState Councilandthe provincailGovernment ofthe national,theprovi nce'sSe cretary-Ge neralmeeti ngof

7、g overnment offices under the new situati onthefunctions a nd prioritie scomparedt o ther equirements ofourga pis stillverybig. Mai n isdaily i nthe passive meet ofmore,active research of less, servi ce al so has nottimel y,and notin pla ce ofpr obl em;worki nthe meetYutraditi onal of,and pr ogram o

8、f ofworkway, devel opinnovationspirit andservi ce innovati on capa city notstrong; supervi sion informati onw orkand pr omoted decisionimpl em entationofconta ct enoug hclose,feedback situationnot active ;resear ch re sour ces ofusi ng enoug hfull,re search resultsof ntodegreenothi gh;somese ctor do

9、cuments running not specificati on; Munici pal Governme ntOffice onthe County(district) and municipalgover nment sector Officew orkofgui de enough, No rea lforminteracti ona nd closeurework. Se cond, servetheoverallsit uation,carry outtheirdutie s,impr ovequality,a nd strivet ocreate a newsit uation

10、ofsystem ofgovernmentoffices i n the citysince la stseason,meeting t heSe cretary-Ge neraloftheState Counciland the provincial gov ernment has helda g overnmentsy stem,from aglobal a nd strategicheig ht, scientifically a nalyze d the new sit uation andthe newT sks on the system of governme ntoffices

11、 bring newsit uations and ne w problems and new challe nges, profoundlyex poundedthe work ofgovernment departme ntsatalllevels i n the newera should be put int hesituationt oundersta nd,t o grasp,t o de ployatanytimea nd under any circumsta nce s,shouldalway s focusonthe big picture,firmly grasptheo

12、verallsituation,increa sing int he overallim plementi nginear nest thew ork of spontaneit y, initiativeSe condl y,we shoul dstrengthen theteam.A unitis ateaminvarioussecti onsoftheunitinsideisalso asmallteam.A unitwith aprovement,msomeroughtalk a.Ld_,of administrativeust be meltind understanding,we

13、m一 -.Ld -I Isupervisi on,a dministrativeing insideafeelingm responsibility,senseofhonor.Therefore,we needto starchiev ethe spirit,cultivatinga strong collectiveof moder n managementscie1I n -I -Iuthfullya nd cl early understpeoplehave ,what responsiood.De partmentsatalllevelsutualhelp, fora commong_

14、 L II I.oal anddetermi ned to atimpr oving office wshould strictly implemeof solidarityand mI Iust strengt hen rese archand exchange.-L I _ _> - -Lnformation, adminis in thi s regard intspirit andteance,establi/ Istrative rece ptionand informationtechnology inewlevel.S pee ch atthe Conference.I I

15、_ I .ntAdmini stration informatizationconstructiontask statement andotherdocuments.city'ssystem ofGoverstricts) of thenmentbility, hastotrscenet o observe t-speechatthe Conferenceon theGovernme nt Office, ahesystem ochi evethem ofgovernment officesintthepur poseofexchange s ofwork ,thought. T od

16、ay, theangMayor alsoattended themeeting and deliveredan importantspeein themidst, hope goodgrasp ofimpl汽車檢測與診斷設(shè)備課程標準課程名稱:汽車檢測與診斷設(shè)備課程編號:Z課程類別:職業(yè)能力課適用專業(yè):汽車技術(shù)服務(wù)與營銷、汽車檢測與維修技術(shù)學(xué) 時: 45 學(xué)時學(xué) 分: 2.5 學(xué)分一、課程的性質(zhì)本課程是汽車技術(shù)服務(wù)與營銷專業(yè)的一門選修專業(yè)課程,是學(xué)生運用其它專業(yè)課程解決問題的手段。其目標是要求掌握汽車檢測設(shè)備使用與維護的基本知識、合理選用檢測設(shè)備,用科學(xué)的方法檢查汽車的安全環(huán)抱性能,對車輛不解體



19、車底盤測功機、發(fā)動機無負荷測功機進行檢定和維修ndstea dfastness.And expli citly putforward the"surrounding situation,payattenti onto im plementati on" isthe core ofgovernme nt offices, re quiri ng governme ntde partments at all lev els cannot be "Gramophone", "mailroom" and"theMessenger&q

20、uot; is notconfine dtopaper communicati ons,yinglaisongwa ngand upl oad i ssue.M ustto has strongly of implementation consciousne ss,t hisis Governme nt Office sectorfirst bit oftask,tofirst,and isduty-bound, insisted reported tr uth,a ndtold trut h,and outconfess,a nd dofacts,and pragmatic effect,p

21、utwork ofto pointsreal put to re search sol ution reform devel opmentsta ble i n theofmajorproblemShang, puttorese arch sol ution ma sses productionl ife inthe ofurgentpr oblemShang, puttore search sol ution worki nthe exi stsofhig hlightpr oblemS hang,puta n endtoto Conf erence implement Conference

22、 ,tofile implementation file, never canmakes superior ofdeci sion andde ployme ntina "impleme ntation" Losti nthe sound.System Office oftheGovernmentsect ormusttake thelea d in partyand Gover nment policies,t hedepl oymentand carry outspecifi ctargets,inthe im plementation efforts,forexamp

23、le on the implementation,onthe implementationofaperformance.City GovernmentSystemOfficetoseriously implement implementati on national,and Provi nce Gover nment systemSecretary-Ge neralOf ficeDirector Conferencespirit,a ccordi ngtoaround overall, graspimplementation thi s ageneralre quireme nts,i nsi

24、sted reform i nnovati on,furt herchangema nagementconce pt,and management functions,and managementsystem and management method;insiste d quality first,ensure forled, and for grass -root s,and for masses provi des qualityefficientservice; insi stedstri ctlyrule politica l,efforts constructiona suppor

25、t politicalfirm, andbusiness master,and service politicalclean, and style excelle nt ofOffice team.Concretework,and must dealwit h"three relationshi ps": one i stoha ndlewellthe relationship betwee n passiveada ptation anda ctive servi ce. Office servi ce functionsto thepassiveaspect ofits

26、 work,whi chre quire s us t o host leadw hena ctionmustbestrictlyin accorda ncewiththe intenti ons andrequirements for leader ship, work withint he limits ofdelegated authority, not offside,participati on i nthe interventi on,and not de cision-making, coordination i s notcontemplate d.Meanwhile, Off

27、iceworka ndmustbe comemore conscious,give full playtot he initiative and w orktosomeforese eable , be proa ctive,pre pared,thinki ng a head, provi ding i nformation, active lea dership,refle ctthe situation,a head ofgoodresear ch, ref ere nce poi nt, inkey place sto promote overallefficiency.Second,

28、tohandlethe relationship betwee n admini strative servi ces a ndtransaction servi ces.Admini strativeservice s andServi cesOffice servi cescompleme nt thetw oaspect s ofthejob.Administrative services ist hecore se rvicei sguarante ed. Note t hat com bine s both,a dheretogover nment servicea sthe mai

29、 n line,the Chief urns ar ound t heoverall situati on, turns aroundthe distri ct.Onone hand,willatta chthre ea repre sentative" importantthoughtfor guide,effortsada pted newsit uation, andnewtask,andnewre quireme nts,tightly ar ound city reformdevel opment of能正確使用制動試驗臺、車輪側(cè)滑檢驗臺、前照燈檢測儀、車速表試驗臺;能夠進

30、 行制動試驗臺、車輪側(cè)滑檢驗臺、前照燈檢測儀、車速表試驗臺的安裝和維修;能夠進 行汽車前照燈光軸偏斜量的調(diào)整;能夠?qū)ζ囍苿釉囼炁_、車輪側(cè)滑檢驗臺、前照燈檢 測儀、車速表試驗臺檢定和調(diào)整。掌握煙度計的使用方法和維護能夠熟練使用車輪平衡儀檢測輪胎的動平衡;正確使用檢測站計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)的操作系統(tǒng):四、課程內(nèi)容和要求根據(jù)上述的課程目標,本課程建議課時為 45學(xué)時。學(xué)分為2.5分。主要內(nèi)容如下ed. s xp c y.su-.g .tieiige-se-.g .ee e _a l eeic.-i a L Messgi ife tou cats .ye c- scf L.es .li LfLfl LiLig

31、.lj. l.li . ceL.vifll th - y Goe iOf-c -c e L- eLai d -g-l e i a.dee g -. eeLff-c -a-a- L -a gk.-PesdfLa gi ffc - wk- ea - l i sa.s t- e dei l -nth _ e.-l esa.-le .-l - geag -l e . s t-rkerL-g -ge g- ili i -m -fe. - eLiieakes-c - a- eL s l.ic s e- a y a ii - eta g f .a agei sege lsl q - y - L i- -fg

32、asafaee - efcis-c- L l - -. ffL .s-saesv-c -Lc- -es- erOf-c e . Lks e -.-'l we th -l- Lws- a Li.vi- c fci-.-ss.s.Lk w. -. L eai.-. l-. L-ae - ff-yidLa . th eL- sLL a.- sat- sv easL e. cs - L.i-ci - c f-i-c.-ls . l-La. eie. i s -c g.aLeNL Llil.i i -le - ae - Laail. Oad-L .li e iLa.-eaLgfg-iffe .

33、e i .ii i i - iLtg - aL ifm e.i.id-rd a-g g ie i s- de-s -ee-cL- f.Lag-f-aL. . La aL-a L . a . d a- - L s- di to -c .-l a- s fm jf.l g l il -a c v-l - aiw-. a Geee- eiLa -i- L -ide-efciy . kf-f-s-gi- Ls-L- to .ayct- ei. s s - -o i - i- sthtt -g-f c-. - - e ses.at -L- a-g 6sL ii.lel-s i. y -y-gs srg

34、-i . i- - e-L L iLd c s-e-ii- s .l .-avis- a-aLg l.-e-hH ae s-l. - lG. i-a lw-lliw-lsl oif-cf- -g -g cae .i a a a .aL-La- -it - -gcsig -iLL-aag i-c- sv - Lf.see- es is L - sxage序號教學(xué)內(nèi)容(工作任務(wù)、教學(xué)單元或模塊)學(xué)習(xí)情景任務(wù)目標參考課時1概述了解國內(nèi)外汽車檢 測技術(shù)的發(fā)展;了 解我國汽車性能檢 測技術(shù)的概況及發(fā) 展方向;正確理解 我國汽車檢測的管 理規(guī)定;熟悉汽車 性能檢測站的類 型、工位設(shè)置及工 藝布局;了解計算

35、 機技術(shù)在汽車檢測 站的應(yīng)用。初步具有汽車性能 檢測站工位設(shè)置及 上2布局的能力; 初步具有汽車性能 檢測站管理的能 力。32汽車動力性檢測設(shè)備了解汽車底盤測功 機的類型;理解汽 車底盤測功機的工 作原理;掌握汽車 底盤測功機的結(jié) 構(gòu);了解發(fā)動機無 負荷測功機的類 型、結(jié)構(gòu)和工作原 理;了解汽車底盤 測功機的檢定規(guī) 程。能夠進行汽車底盤 測功機的安裝和操 作;能夠?qū)ζ嚨?盤測功機進行故障 診斷和排除;能正 確使用發(fā)動機綜合 分析儀測定發(fā)動機 功率;能夠?qū)ζ?底盤測功機、發(fā)動 機無負荷測功機進 行檢定和維修。63汽車燃油消耗儀了解汽車燃油經(jīng)濟 性的評價指標和檢 測方法;了解汽車 油耗儀的類型

36、和結(jié) 構(gòu);掌握油耗儀的 工作原理;掌握車用油耗儀的 使用方法和維修。能夠熟練使用汽車 燃油消耗儀測量汽 車的耗油量;能進 行汽車燃油消耗儀 的維修。64汽車安全性檢測設(shè)備了解汽車制動性的 檢測項目、檢測標 準及檢測方法:掌 握汽車制動試驗臺 的結(jié)構(gòu)、工作原理; 了解制動試驗臺數(shù) 顯儀表的結(jié)構(gòu)、工 作原理;熟悉車輪 側(cè)滑檢驗臺的類型 和結(jié)構(gòu);了解前照 燈檢測儀的類型和 工作原理;掌握車 速表試驗臺的結(jié)構(gòu) 和工作原理。能正確使用制動試 驗臺、車輪側(cè)滑檢 驗臺、前照燈檢 測儀、車速表試驗 臺;能夠進行制動 試驗臺、車輪側(cè)滑 檢驗臺、前照燈檢 測儀、車速表試驗 臺的安裝和維修; 能夠進行汽車前照 燈光

37、軸偏斜量的調(diào) 整;能夠?qū)ζ囍?動試驗臺、車輪側(cè) 滑檢驗臺、前照燈 檢測儀、車速表試 驗臺檢定和調(diào)整。65汽車環(huán)保檢測設(shè)備了解排放污染物的 主要來源及檢測方 法;熟悉汽油機廢 氣分析儀和柴油機 煙度計的基本結(jié)構(gòu) 和原理;了解聲級 計的結(jié)構(gòu)和原理; 理解煙度計的結(jié)構(gòu) 和工作原理。掌握聲級計的使用 方法和維護;掌握 煙度計的使用方法 和維護;能夠進行 廢氣分析儀的使用 和維修;能夠?qū)ζ?油機廢氣分析儀常 見故障進行分析和 檢測。6nd sea d - ne- And exl war. the 'rroudng siu.on-ay ate p- eai on" req.ig ”me

38、s a 1l- "Gaa."the cmmucaions oad issue M ust to I- - ngly of mp - entaton Govetor tasktis, a. s pore truh, a .d - pragma. 1-1,pu wk pu toe -c sl uin ”.- opmet s- lie rprob -Shangpu tor- arc torewk a n ed t to Cnfeece mp - etCnfe一 , to fie impl_e.".*.-. ca m_ el sin a ntaion"Los S

39、ysemOl- of Ie secor must t the lea di ”y a. Gove he6汽車行駛系統(tǒng)檢測設(shè)備了解車輪動/、平衡 的概念;熟悉車輪 平衡儀的類型、結(jié) 構(gòu)和工作原理,了 解汽車懸掛檢驗臺 結(jié)構(gòu)類型、結(jié)構(gòu)和 工,了解四輪定位 儀作用、測量原理 和類型;掌握四輪 定位儀的結(jié)構(gòu)和工 作原理。能夠熟練使用車輪 平衡儀檢測輪胎的 動平衡;能夠?qū)?輪平衡儀進行檢 修;掌握懸掛檢驗 臺的使用和維護; 掌握四輪定位儀的 安裝、使用和維護; 基本掌握汽車懸掛 檢驗臺和四輪定位 檢測儀使用;能夠 對車輪平衡儀常見 故障進行診斷和維 修。67檢測站計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)熟悉檢測站計算機 網(wǎng)絡(luò)系

40、統(tǒng)的配置; 了解網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)的結(jié) 構(gòu)形式。正確使用檢測站計 算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)的操作系 統(tǒng):掌握檢測站計 算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)的維 護。68實習(xí)車博士 30解碼儀, 大眾診斷軟件,優(yōu) 利德汽車多用表,診斷座431Z檢測佳美全車 電器,別克自動空 調(diào),自動變速器控制系統(tǒng),6總課時45五、實施建議1 .教材選用或編寫建議a.依據(jù)本課程標準選用教材,教材應(yīng)充分體現(xiàn)任務(wù)引領(lǐng)、實踐導(dǎo)向課程的設(shè)計思 想。b.教材應(yīng)將本專業(yè)職業(yè)活動,分解成若干典型的工作項目,按完成工作項目的需 要和崗位操作規(guī)程,結(jié)合職業(yè)技能證書考證組織教材內(nèi)容。c.教材應(yīng)圖文并茂,提高學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,加深學(xué)生對汽車底盤維修作業(yè)的認識 和理解。教材表達必須精煉、

41、準確、科學(xué)。新工藝及時地d.教材內(nèi)容應(yīng)體現(xiàn)先進性、通用性、實用性,要將本專業(yè)新技術(shù)納入教材,使教材更貼近本專業(yè)的發(fā)展和實際rfn o教材中的活動設(shè)計的內(nèi)容要具體,并具有可操作性。2 .教學(xué)方法建議yme cct y ac - -ages - _ .su u digl - -xl - b-a-o -sfcs eu g g ecam a-MissgiI l fuais- wk w- - d - ie s re -m-ra- ra-yfse r-aye e l w a- -erel a- - j-rI2 -erc iau-i x-ledis- - aea- - u l g rWe - a c d s

42、 kg src a er-s a-ngd-I - e- -c e l-ael-ee-Mia he -c- c r-u -o s- e -u caGor I se c ea- cc s gr-l-g rljc - g-i g ce- -r-ll - y Goe I-clcli - e - l d -g-al e I as y- -a-arc dei gl c I e-ia gi g-c u a- a - wk 3 -ga ga ssi mu-I I - kesealg as- gi. 一-a-o c u s-cc e-s cry a.ea c su g ea -g- a-oTwq -e - e

43、- mu I c a g , _ . _ - Goe i-a-lg-I-rl is-ilc- a-ea g esagee -c ifi c-s - I s - -g I e r- u aese l -cid-a a c u w ae- srd a-s -m-g g Ie I s. . -wA u de- ea u -d-sa s -一. -ees s v - i li-s-g- c- c - la-.1- cae rI a a a ca-i-la- - i-l -Sacs e de. gasa s- e r-c-l -c.-r-r Icu-y rlL i.一 ig u- esahl-e dc

44、- u ge a g u-a c s -Ises c s -c sg -i-ur-l a-ce-a a eg a-ar eeaes-c -x-e-E -ls I ag Ic- s r l-c a c d a-o u - s-c I scgua- e N-di- uc c lc -o ale-g -ge gc y cylgs sr g ui c I-c.efet- es is l sisl xll-c e. . . .-i-gri i -s fo m j-c. .I- e- age-I-d cl -e iv- l e- l-aa-a- -i aa kes ac-I Iei -asycr I- c

45、 -ci- cuc-ossrsc - _ -Id-I-afcs -k e elH>aes- c -e-ci y cGoruI ak- s-g-W-.-ea-I-W-I-m irs-cc -renderi ng atmosphere i nrece ntyears, citygover nmentsystem Officetoa.在教學(xué)過程中,應(yīng)采用任務(wù)驅(qū)動項目教學(xué),以工作任務(wù)引領(lǐng)提高學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣, 激發(fā)學(xué)生的成就動機。b.在教學(xué)過程中,要應(yīng)用多媒體、投影等教學(xué)資源輔助教學(xué),幫助學(xué)生熟悉汽車底盤各總成的工作原理及拆裝維護要點。c.在教學(xué)過程中,要重視本專業(yè)領(lǐng)域新技術(shù)、新工藝發(fā)展趨勢,貼近作

46、業(yè)實際。為學(xué)生提供職業(yè)生涯發(fā)展的空間,努力培養(yǎng)學(xué)生參與社會實踐的創(chuàng)新精神和職業(yè)能力。d 教學(xué)過程中教師應(yīng)積極引導(dǎo)學(xué)生提升職業(yè)素養(yǎng),提高職業(yè)道德。3 .教學(xué)評價建議a.改革傳統(tǒng)的學(xué)生評價手段和方法,采用階段評價,過程性評價與目標評價相結(jié)合,項目評價,理論與實踐一體化評價模式。b.關(guān)注評價的多元性,結(jié)合課堂提問、學(xué)生作業(yè)、平時測驗、實驗實訓(xùn)I、技能競賽及考試情況,綜合評價學(xué)生成績。c.應(yīng)注重學(xué)生動手能力和實踐中分析問題、解決問題能力的考核,對在學(xué)習(xí)和應(yīng)用上有創(chuàng)新的學(xué)生應(yīng)予特別鼓勵,全面綜合評價學(xué)生能力。4 .課程資源的開發(fā)與利用a .注重實驗實訓(xùn)指導(dǎo)書和實驗實訓(xùn)教材的開發(fā)和應(yīng)用。b.注重課程資源和

47、現(xiàn)代化教學(xué)資源的開發(fā)和利用,這些資源有利于創(chuàng)設(shè)形象生動的工作情景,激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,促進學(xué)生對知識的理解和掌握。同時,建議加強課程資源的開發(fā),建立多媒體課程資源的數(shù)據(jù)庫,努力實現(xiàn)跨學(xué)校多媒體資源的共享,以提高課程資源利用效率。c.積極開發(fā)和利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)課程資源,充分利用諸如電子書籍、電子期刊、數(shù)據(jù)庫、數(shù)字圖書館、教育網(wǎng)站和電子論壇等網(wǎng)上信息資源,使教學(xué)從單一媒體向多種媒體轉(zhuǎn)變;教學(xué)活動從信息的單向傳遞向雙向交換轉(zhuǎn)變;學(xué)生單獨學(xué)習(xí)向合作學(xué)習(xí)轉(zhuǎn)變。同時應(yīng)積極創(chuàng)造條件搭建遠程教學(xué)平臺,擴大課程資源的交互空間。d 產(chǎn)學(xué)合作開發(fā)實驗實訓(xùn)課程資源,充分利用本行業(yè)典型的生產(chǎn)企業(yè)的資源,進行產(chǎn)學(xué)合作,建立實習(xí)實

48、訓(xùn)基地,實踐“工學(xué)”交替,滿足學(xué)生的實習(xí)實訓(xùn),同時為學(xué)生的就業(yè)創(chuàng)造機會。5 .其它說明本課程標準適用于廣州番禺職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院六、編制說明1. 本課程標準由汽車教研室:崔正平、蘇保國,付小光陳鈺老師合作開發(fā)2. 執(zhí)筆:李紹明3. 審核:崔正平4. 時間: 2008 年 10 月 4 日ndstea dfastness.And expli citly putforward the"surrounding situation,payattenti onto imdepl oymentand carrythe intentictargets,inthe implementation effor

49、ts,forexample on the im.plementati on" isthe core ofgovernme nt offices, re quiring governme ntde partments at all lev els cannot be "Gramophone", "mailroom" and"change functions,strengthened serviveplementation,onthe im not offside,participatince.City GovernmentSystemO

50、fficetoseriously implecision-making, coordination i s notcontemplatent implementatiMeanwhile, Officewce, determine d toinnovation, GovernmentSystemOfficeoverallwork ofqthe Messenger" is notconfine dtopaper communicati ons,yinglaisongwa ngand upl oad i ssue.M ustto has strongly of implementation

51、 consciousne ss,t hisis Governme nt Office sectorfirst biton national,and Provi nce Gover nment systemSecretary-Ge neralOforka ndmustbe comemore conscious,give full playtot he initiativeficeDirector Conferencespirit,a . 一一 . 一_| Iand w orktosomeforeseon thi s ageneralre.L . I . >_ L. -it,a ccordi

52、 ngtoaround overall, graspimplementation thi s ageneralre quiremeeable , be proa ctive,pre pared,thinki ng a head, provi ding i nformation, active leansisted reform i nnovati on,furt herchangema- - I 一一ctthe situation,asofGover nmenton theeve nt,grabglobal pr opose d a num berofsolhead ofgoodresearu

53、tions wit h a higher referencevalported tr uth,a ndtold trut h,and outconfess,a nd dofacts,and pragmatic effect,putwork ofto pointsreal put to re search sol ution reform devel opmentsta ble i n theofmajorproblemShang, puttoreseons,and managementsystem aote overallefficiency.Second,tond management me

54、thod;insiste d quality first,ens ure for led,a nd forgrasshandlethe relationship betwee n admini strativeservi ces a ndtransaction servi-root s,and for masses provi des qualityefficientservice; insi stedstrices.Admini strativeservice s andServi cesOffice servi cescomplemearch sol ution ma sses produ

55、ctionl ife inthe ofurgentpr oblemShang, puttore search sol ution worki nthe exi stsofhig hlightpr oblemS hang,puta n endtoto Conference implement Conference ,tofile implementation file, neverntthetw oaspect softhejob.Administrative services ist hecore sess master,andrvicei sguarantesthe maiork,and must dealwit h"three relationshiuerecommendationsprovide a basisforimpr ovinggover nmentlea dershi p.A bou


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