1、英語中常見的專有名詞Bearish行情下跌的Bullish行情上漲的State prisoner 政治犯Stowaway偷渡者,逃票的乘客Plainclothesman便衣警察Police dog 警犬Police post 派出所Neglige nt homicide 過 失殺人 Impostor江湖騙子ICJ Intern ati onal Court of Justice 國際法院Espi on age間諜間諜活動Lifer職業(yè)軍人Mine地雷水雷Pan zer裝甲車坦克Off limits 軍事禁區(qū)Q-boat偽裝成商船或漁船的武 裝船只Riot corps防暴部隊(duì)Standing a
2、rmy 常規(guī)軍Sniper狙擊手Bermuda Triangle百慕大三角 洲Brain drain 腦力人才外流 Brawn drain 勞力外流Break- dancing 霹靂舞 French wi ndows 落地窗 Funeral home 殯儀館Taillight車尾燈Visiti ng team 客 隊(duì)Runner-up 亞軍Black referee 黑哨Foul play犯規(guī)動作Standing broad jump 立定跳遠(yuǎn) Un derachiever差 等 生Hothouse對兒童進(jìn)行學(xué)前教育Whiz kid神童優(yōu)等生Newsbreak重要新聞Needle trade
3、成衣業(yè)Moonlight作動詞,干第二職業(yè)Beat ge nerati on 垮掉的一代Tea-cerem ony 茶道Badger game 美人計(jì)Scene stealer搶鏡頭的人Hooligan阿飛,足球流氓Repeated offender 慣犯Double age nt雙重間諜Mr. Big黑社會老大Love child私生子Han d-to-ha nd fighti ng 肉搏Box news花邊新聞Scree n agers整天看電視玩電腦的孩子June-December wedding雙方年齡懸殊的婚姻 King s Englisi標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語Leap day/year 閏日 2
4、.29/年 366Maid of Orleans 圣女貞德Narrow squeak (口)九死一生的脫險Ninja turtle 忍者神龜Poet laureate桂冠詩人Pony tail馬尾辮Protesta nt 新教徒Pulitzer Prize 普利策獎Rat race激烈的競爭Red-light district 紅燈區(qū)Reader s Digest者文摘Russian roulette俄羅斯輪盤賭 Sexual harassme nt 性騷擾 Short fuse易怒的脾氣Soft-soap奉承討好Silent contribution 隱名捐款Silly money來路不明的
5、錢Silver screen銀幕,電影界Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子Tenth-rate最低等的,劣等的Vertical/lateral thi nki ng 縱向,橫向思維 Wide-body大部頭的作品Wheel of life (佛教)輪回Xenomania媚夕卜Yearbook年鑒年刊Zen禪Paparazzi狗仔隊(duì)Show people娛樂界人士Exotic dance 脫衣舞英語中常見的專有名詞英語中常見的專有名詞Mixed marriage 異族通婚Moon roof汽車的頂窗Egghead對知識分子的蔑稱Dog days七八月份的酷暑期,伏天Box offi
6、ce 票房Bridesmaid 女儐相Bee (美)為互助友好而舉行的聚會Bigtime紅極一時的,赫赫有名的Exclusive獨(dú)家新聞Divorcee離了婚的人disposable worker 臨時工Ede n伊甸園Bandwagon見風(fēng)使舵Sapphire藍(lán)寶石Scrappage報廢物Sha ngri-la香格里拉Obituary 補(bǔ)告Hangover 宿醉Full scholarship全額獎學(xué)金Stone-cold fox 冰山美人Brain trust政府的智囊團(tuán)A-list名流群,精英all-expense tour 自費(fèi)游Bard-of-Avon埃文河詩人,莎士比亞的別稱Bea
7、u monde上流社會Beautiful people上流社會的時髦階層Bagstuffer街頭廣告?zhèn)鲉蜛ntichoice 反墮胎Backwater死水,死氣沉沉的地方Intercom對講機(jī),閉路通訊裝置In vitro fertilizati on 體外受精,試管受精Cottonmouth snake 百步蛇Laser surgery激光外科手術(shù)Intercept 截球Un scrupulous bomb ing 狂轟濫炸Tommy gun (美)沖鋒槍Strafe掃射,猛烈炮擊Superbomb 氫彈Uncon diti onal surre nder 無條件投降Losing battl
8、e必敗之戰(zhàn)Military operati on 作戰(zhàn)Missile equipped destroyer 導(dǎo)彈驅(qū)逐艦Mess軍用食堂Seed money 本錢Principal本金,可生息Securities證券,有價證券Sag蕭條,下跌Profiteer投機(jī)商,奸商Prime銀行貸款的最低利率Red ink赤字,虧損Ready money 現(xiàn)鈔Bell-bottom trousers 喇叭褲 Julibee五十周年大慶Jim Crow對黑人的蔑稱Iron lady指鐵娘子撒切爾夫 人Itinerant巡回的Intelligentsia知識分子的總稱, 知識界,知識階層Blue moon千載
9、難逢的時機(jī)Benefit義賣,義演,義賽Brainwave靈感,突然想到的 王意Honor man (美)優(yōu)等生Full professor 正教授 Doctorate 博士學(xué)位Alma Mater 母校Academician 院士Pony report每日要聞報道Peter Fu nk (美俚)拍賣中冒 充賣家抬高價格的冒牌出價人Pep rally動員大會Pipe dream 白日夢,空想Pay TV收費(fèi)電視Plastic operation 整形手術(shù) Made man成功的人Manicure修指甲Mad mo ney (美俚)私房錢Lotusland逍遙鄉(xiāng)Jolly Roger 海盜旗In
10、 valid病號,傷殘者In formed sources消息靈通的 人士Hot air吹牛,空話Idiot box (口)電視機(jī)Insand outs迂回曲折,底細(xì) In-flight meal 航空餐Rock-bottom 最低的中華文明 Chi nese civilizati on文明搖籃 cradle of civilizati on華夏祖先 the Chin ese an cestors秦始皇帝 First Emperor, Emperor Chin皇太后 Empress女皇;皇后 Dowager漢高祖劉邦 fou nder of the Han Dyn asty (206BC-22
11、0AD)成吉思汗 Gen ghis Kha nTemujin夏朝 Xia Dynasty明清兩代 (of) Ming and Qing dyn asties地名:特別注意四川和陜西拼法四川Sichua n, Szechwa n, Szechuan 陝西Shaa nxi四大發(fā)明 the four great inventions of ancient China火藥 gun powder g ? npa?d?(r)印刷術(shù) printing pr ?it?造紙術(shù) paper-making指南針 the compass漢字 Chinese character k? r?kt?(r)單音節(jié) singl
12、e syllable s?bl n.音節(jié)漢語四聲調(diào) the four tones t ?un of Chinese characters陽平 level levltone陰平 rising tone上聲 falling-rising tone去聲 falling tone四書 the Four Books大學(xué) The Great Lear ning中庸 The Doctrine d ?ktr?i of the Mean論語 The Analects ? n?lekts文選,論集of Confucius k?nfju: ?孟子The Menciusmen ?s春秋 the Spring and
13、Autumn Ann als ?n?編年史史記Historicalh ?曲I Recordsrek?:d詩經(jīng) The Books of Songs; The Book of Odes?dz頌詩,頌歌書經(jīng) The Books of Historyh tr?易經(jīng)I Ch in gt?; The Book of Cha ngest?nd?s禮記 The Book of Ritesra?s儀式,典禮孝經(jīng) Book of Filial li?lf子女的Pietypa ?虔誠,虔敬孫子兵法 The Art of War三字經(jīng) The Three-Character Scriptureskr t?2r)經(jīng)文
14、,圣典;The Three-Word Chantt ant吟頌,詠唱三國演義 Three Kin gdoms西游記 Journey to the West; Pilgrimagep ?y?n?l?朝圣之旅 to the West紅樓夢 Dreamdri:mof the Red Man sio ns m?n ?大廈;宅第山海經(jīng) The Classic of Mou ntai ns and Rivers資治通鑒Historyh ?str? as a Mirrorm ?(r); Comprehensive HistoryRetold as a Mirror for Rulers西廂記The Roma
15、 nee of West Chamber* 宅?mb?(r)水滸傳Heroesh? of the Marshesm a?沼澤,濕地;Tales of the Water Margin聊齋志異 Strange Tales of a Lonelyl?nl? Studiostju:d ?工作室,畫室;Strange Tales from Make-Do 代用的;權(quán)宜的 Studio圍城Fortressf?:tr?s堡壘,要塞Besiegedb/?s/dl?d包圍,圍困阿 Q 正傳The True Story of Ah Q五言絕句 five- character quatraintkw?n 四行詩七
16、言律詩 seven-character octave ?kt?v高八度音;八度和音八股文 eight-part essayese?散文;隨筆;stereotyped stertapt套用陳規(guī)的 writing 重 要文化遺產(chǎn) major cultural heritageher ?:?P優(yōu)秀民間藝術(shù) outstanding folkf ?k arts 文物 cultural relics k遺物,遺跡中國畫 traditional Chinese painting書法 calligraphyk? g?fi水墨畫 Chinese brushbr? painting; ink ?k and was
17、h painting工筆 traditional Chinese realistic painting中國結(jié) Ch in ese kn ot n?t旗袍 Cheongsamt?:?s?m中山裝 Chinese tunictju:n *長袍 suitsu:t唐裝 traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit朝廷使者 royalr ? court envoyenv ?使節(jié),外交官;文人 men of letters雅士 refinedr ?fa?id經(jīng)過改良的;舉止優(yōu)雅的scholarssk?l?(r)獎學(xué)金獲得者;學(xué)者表演藝術(shù) perfor
18、m ing art現(xiàn)代流行藝術(shù) popular art, pop art純藝術(shù)high art高雅藝術(shù) refined art電影藝術(shù) cinematographics ?i?m?t? g? f*k電影的 art戲劇藝術(shù) theatrical 0 i?tr?戲劇的 art才子佳人 gifted scholarssk ?l?(r) and beautiful ladies生(男性正面角色)male (the positive male role)旦(女性正面角色 )female (the positive female role)凈(性格鮮明的男性配角 )a supporting male ro
19、le with strikingstra 永? character丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色 )a clownkla ?n or a negative role花臉 pain ted role歌舞喜劇 musical滑稽場面,搞笑小噱頭shtick?*滑稽短劇skitsk;t京劇人物臉譜 Pekingpi:ki? Opera? p?r? Mask皮影戲 shadow ? d? play; leatherlee ?(r) -silhouettes ?et輪廓,剪影 show 說書 story-telling疊羅漢 make a human pyramidp ?m?i折子戲 opera?p?r? hi
20、ghlights踩高蹺stiltst?t支柱;高蹺 walk啞居U pantomimep? nt?ma?m; mimema ?m啞劇演員 pantomimistp? nt?ma?m?st戲劇小品 skitsk?馬戲 circuss?:k?s show單口相聲 monologuem ?n?l? g|獨(dú)白;獨(dú)角戲 comic talk, standup comedyk ?m?d?特技表演stu ntst? nt相聲 witty dialogue comedyk ?m?d?, comic cross talk雜技 acrobatics kr?b? t*s京韻大鼓 the traditi onal s
21、tory-telli ng in Beiji ng dialect with drum dr?m鼓;鼓狀物accompaniment ?k?mp?nim?nt伴奏;伴隨物秦腔 Shaanxi opera?p?r?武術(shù) martialm a?軍事的;戰(zhàn)爭的 art功夫 kung fuk ?、fu:武術(shù)門派 styles or schools of martialm a? art習(xí)武健身 practice martial art for fitn ess氣功 qigongk?g?, deep breathingbri:e exerciseseks? sa?fZ拳擊 boxing篆刻 sealsi:
22、l 密圭寸; 印章; 海豹cutting upriteous 工藝, 手藝 workmanship / craftsmanshipkr ctftsm ?n ?卷軸 scroll skr?l蠟染 batik b ?ti:k泥人 clay kle? figure漆畫 lacquer l? k?(r)漆,天然漆 painting唐三彩 Trio tri: ? -colored glazedgleNd像玻璃的 potteryp ?t?r?陶器 of the TangDyn asty景泰藍(lán) cloisonn e文房四寶 The four stationery 、ste?ri文具;辦公用品 treasur
23、es tre ?z of the Chinese study - a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper民間傳說 folklores f ?kl?(r)寓言 fable fe?Dl傳說 lege nd神話 mythology m ? 0l?d?古為今用,洋為中用 make the past serve the present and the foreign serve china賦詩 in scribe ?nskra?)題寫,題獻(xiàn) a poem p ?m對對聯(lián) matchi ng an an tithetical ? nt?
24、0 ei?正相反的,對立的 coupletk ?pl?t對聯(lián)陽歷 solar calendar公歷 Gregorian calendar k? I?id?(r)陰歷 lunarlu:n ?(r) calendar天干 heavenly hevnli 天國的;莊嚴(yán)的 stem地支 earthly branch閏年leapli:p 跳;沖動的行動year二十四節(jié)氣 the twen ty-four solar terms十二生肖 the twelve Ch in ese zodiacz ?d? k黃道帶;黃道十二宮圖sig ns本命年 ones year of birth considered i
25、n relation to the 12 Terrestrialt ?restr?地球的;人間 的 Branches傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日 traditi onal holidays春節(jié) the Spring Festival元宵節(jié) the Lan ternl? n t? n Festival (15th day of the first lu narlu: n ?(r) mon th)清明節(jié) the Pure Brightness Festival / the Tomb-sweeping Day (April the 5th)端午節(jié) the Drago n Boat Festival (5th of the fifth lunar mon th)中秋節(jié) the Moo n Festival / the Mid-Autu mn Day (15th of the eight lun arm
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