1、高考英語復(fù)習(xí) 動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)改錯(cuò)I. A級(jí) 單項(xiàng)單句改錯(cuò)1. The teacher told that the sun rose in the east.2. I will speak to him when I will see him next Sunday.3. I will get everything ready before my boss come back.4. Does your mother has lunch at home?5. He was writing a letter at the moment, I believe.6. He cant be waiting u
2、s.7. I am looking at the sky, and I see a strange star.8. I havent seen her since two months.9. She has gone to Beijing several times.10. Jane is doing some cleaning this time yesterday.B級(jí) 單項(xiàng)單句改錯(cuò)1. If it wont rain, we will go to visit the zoo.2. The new secretary will supposed to report to the manag
3、er as soon as she arrives.3. When I was at college I spoken three foreign languages, but I had forgotten all except a few words of each.4. The police found that the house has been broken into and a lot of things stolen.5. The volleyball match will be put off if it rain.6. Mary is making a dress when
4、 she cut her finger.7. This is the first time I had been here.8. You can join the club when you will get a bit older.9. Mother promised she will buy me a bike.10. - We could have walked to the station. It was so near.- Yes. A taxi wasnt at all necessary.II. A級(jí) 單項(xiàng)短文改錯(cuò)An artist went to beautiful part
5、of the 1._country for a holiday, and stay with a farmer. 2._Every day he went out without his paints and brushes 3._and paint from morning to evening, and then 4._when it got dark, he went back to the farm or 5._had a good dinner before he went back to the bed. 6._In the end of his holiday he wanted
6、 to 7._pay the farmer and the farmer said, No, I do 8._not want money, but give me one of your 9._picture. What is money? In a week it will all 10._be finished, but your painting will still be here.B級(jí) 單項(xiàng)短文改錯(cuò)One day, some children were playing hide-and-seek 1._in an garden. The garden was big and ful
7、l of man-made 2._stones. The children knew them very well because 3._they played at there very often. Then, the youngest of 4._them saw a tall jar, and had an idea. He decided climb 5._into it and hide himself. However, it was filled of 6._waters. As soon as he got into it and began to 7._drown, he
8、let out a cry of help. When all were frightened, 8._one of their picked up a stone and threw it hard at 9._the jar. The jar was broke and the boy was saved. 10._III. A級(jí) 綜合單句改錯(cuò)1. She found her book this morning, but now she lost her pen.2. I was going to bed when the telephone rang.3. When I got to t
9、he station, the bus has left.4. There will going to be an English evening tonight.5. Where is Jack? He has been to NewYork.6. I saw that our teacher still working at eleven oclock last night.7. Will you bring it to the party the next Sunday?8. Who come to school earliest in your class every morning?
10、9. He decides not to go to the office, for he has been very tire.10. The doctor advised him to take more rest, but he didnt listen him.B級(jí) 綜合單句改錯(cuò)1. The students were writing busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she has left in the office.2. We havent heard from Jane a long time.3. Tom slipped th
11、e house when no one was looking.4. The reporter said that the UFO was travelled east to west when he saw it.5. Had you seen my glasses? Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.6. I dont think Jim saw me; he has just staring into space.7. The last time I saw Jane,she was picked cotton in the fields.
12、8. How long have they known each other before they got married?9. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he leave office soon.10. I dont really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.IV. A級(jí) 綜合短文改錯(cuò)The big day had arrived for Agnes Cole. She 1._finally is left the h
13、ospital after a long illness. Her hus- 2._band, Clark, is pushing her by a wheelchair. They say 3._good-bye to the nurse as they pass by on their ways to 4._the hospital entrance. Clark has parked the car there. 5._Agnes was illness for more than six weeks. The doc- 6._tors were not certain her illn
14、ess. At first, they thought 7._that she needed operation. Finally, after many tests, 8._the doctors gave to her some new drugs. Now, she is 9._near well - only a little weak. 10._B級(jí) 綜合短文改錯(cuò)The problem with TelevisionNow I cant watch much television but a few years ago 1. _I was used to watch it every
15、 night. I was often 2. _a little tired after a days work and watch TV 3. _demands very little effort. Unfortunate, there are 4. _too many people among my family. Some wanted 5. _to see the programme while others preferred 6. _ another. I am happy with any programme but 7. _the others spent a lot tim
16、e arguing and there 8. _was no way of settling the matter except by 9. _selling the set. Now someone at home reads instead. 10. _39. Shelly _ (leave)California for Texas in 1996 and _ (work) there ever since.44. Bob has gone to New York, I hear. Oh, I wonder when he _ (leave). 45. Look at the black
17、clouds. It _ (rain) soon. Sure. If only we _(start) out. 46. She has no sooner got to the office than she got down to writing the report.47. Beijing Childrens Library had set up four branch libraries in different districts. They can receive more readers than before.49. I dont know what decision has
18、made at the conference, as Mike hasnt reported to me yet.51. Although the children have many difficulties, they kept happy.55. You didnt have to obey me if I am wrong.答案:改錯(cuò)階梯訓(xùn)練I. A級(jí) 單項(xiàng)單句改錯(cuò)1. rose - rises2. 將when I 后will劃去3. come - comes4. has - have5. was - is6. 在waiting后加for7. 正確8. 在months后加ago9. g
19、one - been10. is - wasB級(jí) 單項(xiàng)單句改錯(cuò)1. wont - doesnt2. will - is3. had - have4. has - had5. rain - rains6. is - was7. had - have8. 將you 后will劃去9. will - would10. 正確II. A級(jí) 單項(xiàng)短文改錯(cuò)1. 在to后加a2. stay - stayed3. without - with4. paint - painted5. or - and6. 將to后the劃去7. In - At8. and - but9. 對(duì)10. picture - pictu
20、resB級(jí) 單項(xiàng)短文改錯(cuò)1. 正確2. an - a3. them - it4. 將at劃去5. 在decided后加to6. filled - full 或 of - with7. waters - water8. of - for9. their - them10. broke - brokenIII. A級(jí) 綜合單句改錯(cuò)1. 在she后加has2. 正確3. has - had4. will - is5. been gone6. 在teacher后加was7. 將party后the劃去8. come - comes9. tire - tired10. 在listen后加toB級(jí) 綜合單句
21、改錯(cuò)1. 將she 后has劃去2. 在Jane后加for3. 在slipped后加into4. travelled travelling5. Had - Have6. has - was7. picked - picking8. have - had9. 在he后加would10. 正確IV. A級(jí) 綜合短文改錯(cuò)1. had - has2. left - leaving3. by - in4. ways - way5. 正確6. illness - ill7. 在certain后加about8. 在needed后加an9. 將to劃去10. near - nearlyB級(jí) 綜合短文改錯(cuò)1.
22、將much劃去2. 將used前的was劃去3. watch - watching4. Unfortunate - Unfortunately5. among - in6. the - one 7. am - was8. 在lot后加of9. 正確10. someone- everyone或everything AAreyoufacingasituationthatlooksimpossibletofix?In1969,thepollutionwasterriblealongtheCuyahogaRivernearCleveland,Ohio.It_1_ (be)unimaginabletha
25、re_8_(amaze)storiesofinstanttransformation,formostofusthe_9_ (change)aregradualandrequirealotofeffortandwork,likecleaningupapollutedriver.Justbe_10_(patience) BOnemorning,Iwaswaitingatthebusstop,worriedabout_1_(be)lateforschool.Thereweremanypeoplewaitingatthebusstop_2_someofthemlookedveryanxiousand_
26、3_ (disappoint)Whenthebusfinallycame,weallhurriedonboard.Igotaplacenext_4_thewindow,soIhadagoodviewofthesidewalk.Aboyonabike_5_(catch)myattention.Hewasridingbesidethebusandwavinghisarms.Iheardapassengerbehindmeshoutingtothedriver,butherefused_6_(stop)untilwereachedthenextstop.Still,theboykept_7_(rid
28、ly.Everyoneonthebusbegantalkingaboutwhattheboyhaddone,andthecrowdofstrangers_10_(sudden)becamefriendlytooneanother.CSara:Howareyourecently,Jane?Jane:Notverywell.Ihavebeengainingweight.Itstoomuchformy_1_ (high).ThedoctoraskedmetowatchwhatIeat,_2_Icanthelpeatingsweetswhenevertheyareinmypresence.Ifonly
29、I_3_ (follow)mydoctorsadvice.Sara:_4_isbelievedthatoverweightresultsfromovereating.Youneedtoworkout.Whydontyouattendanaerobicsclass?Perhapsitcan_5_(less) youranxiety.Jane:CanIcertainlyloseweightafterattendingthatclass?Sara:Yes,Ithink_6_.Youcan_7_workthefatoffyourbodybutalsokeepyourbodyfit.Soyoucanki
31、ious)at LondonAirport.David:Youdbettermakeaphonecallandtell_2_aboutthesituationhere.Linda:Right.Whatareyouherefor?David:Iwasat_3_two-weekinternationalconferenceonspacetechnologyinBeijing.Linda:How_4_(interest)!Iwasherewithatour.David:Really?HowdidyoufindBeijing?Linda:Beijingisoneof_5_(beautiful)citi
33、Youshould_9_.Excuseme,_10_Illphonemyhusbandincasehewillbeworried.David:OK.Justdoit.E“Remember,yourfatherisonlyoneyear_1_(old)thanyou.” ThatwasMumsusualexcusewhenDadsaidthewrongthingsordidsomething_2_(fool).DadquitteddrinkingexactlyoneyearbeforeIwasborn.Hejoinedagroupofotherpeople.Hesaidthey_3_(stop)
35、haveyourpartyonSunday.”SaturdayeveningIsatonmybed,_8_(feel)sorryformyself.Dadstartedtoleave,thenpausedandsaid,“Whynotcomewithmetogethertonight?Itsanopenmeeting.Allarewelcome”._9_wouldIdoatameeting? ButmaybeIneededtoseewhysomethingDaddideveryweekmatteredsomuch.Afterwearrived,Dadannouncedthethemeofthe
36、meetingwasgoingtobegratitude.Hetoldhisstoryaboutgivingupsmoking.Later,aman_10_(call)Davealsotoldhisstory.OnlythendidIknowitwasDadthatsavedhislifefromdrinking.Showingupweekafterweekandmeetingwithpeople,Dadwaschanginglives.Shamewashedoverme.A篇 答案:1was時(shí)間是在1969年,顯然要用一般過去時(shí)態(tài)。2actually由語境可知,此處要用副詞修飾catch,故
38、9changes由空后面的are可知,此處要用名詞復(fù)數(shù)。10patientbepatient耐心點(diǎn),形容詞patient作表語。 B篇答案:1beingabout為介詞,后跟名詞、代詞、動(dòng)名詞作賓語,故用being。2and由上下文,人們等車,看起來很焦急,之間是順承關(guān)系,故用and連接。3disappointed人們看起來很焦急失望,用形容詞形式disappointed“失望的”修飾人,而disappointing“令人失望的”修飾物,不合題意。4to我得到了一個(gè)靠近窗子的座位,nextto靠近,臨近。5caught文章是講述過去的事情,故用過去時(shí)。6tostop固定短語refusetodosth.拒絕做某事。7riding固定短語keepdoingsth.一直做某事。8Did“有人在上一站丟了手提箱嗎?”一般疑問句,過去時(shí)用did。9me/mine此處作表語,強(qiáng)調(diào)“它是我的”,用mine;或者表示“是我丟了包”,用me。10suddenly副詞作狀語修飾動(dòng)詞beca
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