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1、第I卷第一局部閱讀理解共兩節(jié),總分值40分第一節(jié)共15小題;每題2分,總分值30分閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的四個選項 A、B、C和D中,選出最正確選項,并在答 題卡上將該項涂黑。AMy doorbell rings at 11 a.m. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady. She is small and slight. She holds a paper carrier bag in her han ds.I know this lady. It is by no means her first visit. Her daughter,

2、Nicole, bought the house next door last October. Nicole, who is currently in Shanghai, has apparently told her mother that I am hav ing heart surgery shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided I n eed to be supplied with meals.I know what is in side the paper carrier bag a sta ini ess-st

3、eel container with a meal of rice, vegetables and either chicke n, meat or shrimp. This has become an almost-daily occurre nee.Communi cati on betwee n my ben efactor 恩人and me is somewhat han dicapped by the fact that she doesn t speak English and all I can say in Mandarin isnee, she broughtiertciPa

4、d .and pointed to the screen, which displayed a message from Nicole telling me that her mother wan ted to know if the food was all right.I protested.“ Your mother just can t be bringing me meals like this all the timereciprocate by cooking something from my native Iand, like roast beef or Yorkshire

5、pudding forher I said.“ Oh no, Nicole said.“ Don t worry about that. She has to cook for the family any way, andshe wants to do it for you. You can call her Wing, which is her surn ame.The tenant in my baseme nt suite is a uni versity stude nt who speaks Man dari n quite well, sowith her help, I hav

6、e found out that Wing is 68 13 years youn ger tha n I am and that she lived through the Cultural Revolution. For my part, I was raised in wartime Britain.So here we are, two gran dmothers a world away from where we were raised, n either of usable to speak the other s Ianguage. But the doorbell keeps

7、 ringing and there is the familiar paperearner bag, han ded smili ngly to me by Wing.Right now I am working on some more Mandarin words it s the least I can do after such adisplay of kindn ess.“ Thank you is, of courstbe first one, which somehow seems in adequate.1. The author and Wing got to know e

8、ach other.A. as next door n eighborsB. whe n excha nging mealsC. by shari ng similar experie ncesD. after using an iPad to com muni cate2. The underlined word “ reciprocate in Paragraph 5 probably meansA. do as wellB. offer gen erouslyC. give in retur nD. accept with pleasure3. The author s effort t

9、o learn Mandarin shows her.A. great satisfact ionC. heartfelt tha nksIt s not what you look at that matters; itSlow Art Day is a global event with athemselves the joy of look ing at and lovi ng art.Why slow?B. real kindn essD. sincere frien dshipBs what you see.Henry David Thoreausimple mission: hel

10、p more people discover forWhen people look slowly at a piece of art, they make discoveries. The most importantdiscovery they make is that they can see and experienee art without an expert. And that is excit ing discovery. It uni ocks passi on and creativity and helps to create more art lovers.How do

11、es it work?One day each year, people all over the world visit local museums and galleries to look at art slowly. Participants look at five works of art for 10 minutes each and then meet together over lunch to talk about their experie nee. ThatA it. Simple by desig n, the goal is to focus on the art.

12、 In fact, Slow Art Day works quite well this way.By the nu mbersOver 1,200 in dividual Slow Art Day eve nts have take n place since its official launch in 2021. Slow Art Day events have taken place on all seven continents.700 venues (museums, galleries, artist studios, sculpture parks, public art si

13、tes, etc.) have hosted Slow Art Day eve nts.Participa nts love Slow Art DayFeedback on this simple event has been overwhelmingly positive. Here s a sample:loved taking the time to just bewith the works, particularly pieces I might otherwise walk by. It s a much better way of doing the art museum tha

14、n the usual idle ramble. Discussion afterwards was fun , in teresti ng, in formative and eye- ope nin g. I look forward to doing it aga in.Slow Art Day 2021 is Saturday, April 8, in museums and galleries worldwide. Join us and experie nee art differe ntly.4. The author quotes Thoreau s words at the

15、beginning to.A. arouse readers in terest in artB. in troduce the topic of the textC. stress the importa nee of look ingD. illustrate the joy of art appreciati on5. A typical slow art activity .A. lasts about fifty minutes when people look at art works criticallyB. en courages people to see art for t

16、hemselves and discuss with expertsC. orga ni zes people to look at art on their own and talk about their experie neeD. i nspires people to make discoveries about art works and create their own6. What can we learn about Slow Art Day from the text?A. The year of 2021 will see the eighth Slow Art Day.B

17、. It happens once a year in all museums and galleries worldwide.C. It has become an art festival celebrated on all seve n continents.D. Slow Art Day events have bee n held in over 1,200 differe nt places.7. Accord ing to the text, the author.A. has con ducted a survey on Slow Art DayB. stron gly rec

18、omme nds Slow Art Day eventsC. sees the good and bad sides of Slow Art DayD. is freque ntly in volved in Slow Art Day eventsCGot big plans for Friday night? That s OK, we don t either.Guess we ll all have to make do by watching the celestial (天空的)show that will take placethat ni ght.First, there wil

19、l be a full moon. Thats always fun, but this one willcbe apetcahnIt s known as asnow moon. The name comes from the fact that the heaviest snows usually fallduri ng February, accord ing to the Old Farmers Alma nac.But if that s not special eno ugh, theres月食o)tiateraigpsel(ll be a palnu mbrlunar eclip

20、se, meaning ifs a partial eclipse that leaves sect ions of the moon darke ned by the earthshadow. No, it wont be as spectacular as thoseblood moon eclipses. Itll be subtler. Thof dark ness it reached duri ng the eclipse may or may not be appare nt; it just depe nds on where you are whe n you view it

21、.In North America, the eclipse begi ns at 5:34 p.m. ET and ends at 9:53 p.m. ET, accord ing toastr onomy website EarthSky. The eclipse will be at its height around 7:44 p.m. ET.If that s still not eno ugh, let s th彗星 )tDathmietit s festivities.Comet 45P (it has a much Ion ger n ame, but we won t bur

22、de n you with it here) is visible as it flies by Earth. The comet will get within 7.4 million miles of the planet as it makes its closest approach this weeke nd, accord ing to Uni verse Today.Comet 45P will be the most visible a couple of hours after the eclipse, so look to the skiesaga in around 3

23、a.m. ET Saturday and find the gree ni sh-blue light with a tail.And don t forget, a totOdig-time solar eclipse will streak across the United States on August21st.8. According to the text, what can be viewed on Friday night?A. A blood moon.B. A total solar eclipse.C. A partial l unar eclipse.D. A com

24、et without a tail.9. If you want to see Comet 45P, you will n eed to .A. wait around 7:44 p.m. ETB. stay up un til 9:53 p.m. ETC. wake up before 3:00 a.m. ETD. start watch ing at 5:34 p.m. ET10. The author writes the text with the purpose of .A. i ntroduci ng basic astr onomy to the mediaB shari ng

25、new discoveries with astr onomy researchersC promoti ng astr ono mical events among scie nee sce ntsD informing average readers of recent celestial phe nomena11. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A Comet 45P will be visible as it approaches the earthB Penu mbral I unar eclipse will happe n

26、on Friday ni ghtC. Suggestio ns of fun scie ntific exhibiti ons for the coming weeke ndD. Eclipse, full moon, comet team up to put on a show on Friday ni ghtDThe Super Bowl is the annual champi on ship game of the Nati onal Football League (NFL).The game is the cul min ati on (髙潮)to a seas on that b

27、egi ns in the late summer of the previous cale ndar year. Normally, Roma n nu merals are used to ide ntify each game, father tha n the year in which it is held. For example, Super Bowl I was played on Jan uary 15, 1967, followi ng the 1966 regular seas on. The sin gle excepti on to this rule is Supe

28、r Bowl 50, which was played on February 4, 2021, will follow the 2021 regular seaso n.The game was created as part of a merger (合并)agreement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the American Football League (AFL). Currently, the Pittsburgh Steelers have the most Super Bowl victories, with six.

29、 The New England Patriots have the most Super Bowl appeara nces, with nine.The day (usually the first Sun day in February) on which the Super Bowl is played, nowcon sidered as an uno fficial America n n ati onal holiday, is called“ Super Bowl Sun day . It issec on d-largest day for U.S. food con sum

30、pti on, after Tha nksgivi ng Day. In additi on, the seve n most-watched broadcasts in U.S. television history are Super Bowls. In 2021, Super Bowl XLIX attracted an audie nee of 114.4 milli on.Because of the high viewership, commercial airtime during the Super Bowl broadcast is themost expensive of

31、the year, leading to companies regularly developing their most expensive advertisements for this broadcast. As a result, watching and discussing the broadcasts commercials has become a sig ni fica nt aspect of the event. In additi on, popular sin gers and musicia ns in clud ing Michael Jacks on, Mad

32、onna, Prin ce, Beyon ce, Paul McCart ney, The Roll ing Ston es, The Who, Whit ney Houst on, and Lady Gaga have performed duri ng the even ts pre-game and halftime ceremoni es.12. According to the text, in the Super Bowl .A. the New England Patriots have won nine timesB. the Pittsburgh Steelers have

33、won six titlesC. Arabic nu merals are used to refer to each gameD. winners of the last seas on play aga inst each other13. On Super Bowl Sun day, America n people usually.A. buy expe nsive Super Bowl ticketsB. con sume the most food of the yearC. avoid the Super Bowl commercialsD. enjoy performa nce

34、s by famous artists14. In 2021, theSuper Bowl was held.A. 46 thB. 49 thC.51stD.55th15. We can know from the text that the Super Bowl .A. is a public holiday in the Un ited StatesB. is the annual champi on ship game of AFLC. la un ches a new seas on of the Nati onal Football League every yearD. has f

35、reque ntly bee n the most watched America n televisi on broadcast of the y第二節(jié)(共5小題;每題2分,總分值10分)根據(jù)短文容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最正確選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。Gourage is a pers on ality quality that every one possesses, but it sometimes fades because of bad experie nces or memories. 1色 By ide ntify ing the source of any l

36、ack of courage and actively cha nging your behavior, you can build courage.Determine your specific fears. People are often reluctant to admit that they are afraid of someth ing and this may be weake ning their con fide nee and courage. In order to begi n buildi ng courage, you need to determine your

37、 specific fear. This may help you to develop a plan to overcome them and build your courage.Recognize your courage. Just as it important to identify your fears, you should also recognize that you also possess courage in many situations. 18Jt can help you to figure out how to apply this quality to si

38、tuations in your life that cause timidity (life). It can also help you to develop your behavior and begi n buildi ng courage in every aspect of your life.Develop a concrete plan to build your courage. Once you vedentified your specific fears and recog ni zed situati ons where you exhibit courage, wr

39、ite out your pla n to build your courage and update it when necessary. 19, for it helps you stay on track if you have setbacks and see your progress over time.Avoid comparing yourself to others. Every person is different and comparing yourself to other people can mini mize your self-c on fide nee. F

40、ocus ing on yourself and not compari ng yourself to others is esse ntial to buildi ng your. con fide nce and courage.20. Two characteristics of a courageous pers on are that they not only have con fide nce, but also they believe in their ability to succeed and overcome fears. By cultivating and proj

41、ecting con fide nce in yourself, you set yourself on the path to build and maintain courage.A. Part of buildi ng your courage is tak ing risksB. Embrace the positive and avoid the n egativeC. Write a list of your fears as you figure them outD. Having a clear strategy you can follow is importa ntE. T

42、ake the time to ack no wledge that you are courageousF. Have con fide nee and believe in your ability to be courageousG. Having courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life第二局部英語知識運用共兩節(jié),總分值 45分第一節(jié)完形填空共20小題;每題1.5分,總分值30,分閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項A、B、C和D中,選出可以填入空 白處的最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。On a bri

43、ght Friday after noon in spri ng, Sumeja Tulic had every reas on to enjoy walki ng inthe streets of New York, a city she 21 nine months earlier from London to atte nd a journ alismschool. “ When the weather is good, it s very hard to find c2reasonstsabsfied with thecity, she said.Yet her time in New

44、 York has coin cided with en dless ugli ness. As she 23_toward the subwaystati on, she thought,“ Please, God, I want to see son24thtiOTgay. She said, “ Eno ugh of thiscraz in ess .At the City Hall 25jshe settled onto a ben ch. It was just after 2 p.m. Only a few people werethere. A man 26 against a

45、pillar 柱子,the way anyone might, waiting for the train. The stillnesswas interrupted by an 27that the next train was two stations away. Then Tulic 28 the man at the pillar collapsing forward onto the tracks.A man, who was 29wait ing for the train on the platform, ran over, peered over the edge andthe

46、n jumped onto the 30.The man who had 31 was not movi ng. Two more men jumped dow n to help.I don t kn32/ these men got the wit and the quickness, Tulic said.“The man who fellwas kind of jammed in the tracks. They were very 33 to_know that the train was coming. Will it stop? Will they 34 pulling him

47、out? On the tracks, the 35_ man was held up to a sitting position by the three men, who then liftedhim from below to 36_who dragged him from above and rolled him onto the platform. Then therescuers were themselves 37, pulled back to safety by helpi ng han ds. As soon they were all clear,the train pu

48、lled in.An ambulanee 38 soon and the man was taken to a local hospital with 39 butnon-life-threate ning injuries, doctors said.“ That is the greatest thing. Tulic said,根底設(shè)施rastirubtsnEity of milli onsis the 40 themselves providing, being there for others.21. A. hung outB. moved toC. passed byD. left

49、 behi nd22. A. pleasedB. ashamedC. depressedD. relieved23. A. walkedB. rushedC. travelledD. toured24. A. urge ntB. stra ngeC. mysteriousD. nice25. A. statio nB. schoolC. theatreD. store26. A. struggledB. lea nedC. layD. sat27. A. noteB. reportC. announ ceme ntD. poster28. A. rememberedB. foresawC. i

50、g noredD. glimpsed29. A. againB. alsoC. neverD. seldom30. A. tracksB. roadC. trainD. platform31. A. stoodB. settledC. falle nD. escaped32. A. whomB. whetherC. whe nD. where33. A. n ervousB. embarrassedC. dan gerousD. disappo in ted34. A. object toB.succeed inC. put offD. give up35. A. uncon sciousB.

51、 dyingC. activeD. discouraged36. A. themB. usC. othersD. anyone37. A. jammedB. recog ni zedC. affectedD. rescued38. A. stoppedB. startedC. arrivedD. raced39. A. carelessB. seriousC. slightD. un forgettable40. A. peopleB. passe ngersC. friendsD. stude nts第II卷注意:將答案寫在答題卡上。寫在本試卷上無效。第二局部 英語知識運用共兩節(jié),總分值45

52、分第二節(jié)共10小題;每題1.5分,總分值15分閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)娜?個單詞或括號單詞的正確形式。People who have spent time in other cultures often talk about “ reverse逆向的culture shock .If you leave your country for more tha n a short tour ist trip and the n go back home, you may feel 41. What is “ reverseculture shock Well, imagine the fol

53、lowing: You have just adjusted to a new culture and have come 42 enjoy life in it. You have made new friends and haves time to leave, but you are alsohad 43 great variety of new experie nces. Then, 44_ sad eno ugh, itvery excited about 45go home. Arriving home is wonderful seeing all the friends and

54、 relativesyou haven steen, eating all the special foods, reading the newspapers 46 hearing music youhaven t heard in such a long time. But then after a few weeks, perhaps, things may not seem so“ wonderful . You may become critical of your home counts you have grown up. You may notlike certa in thin

55、gs or ideas. 48 your eyes, either you or your home country 49_cha nge.This is the process of readjustment. It s a difficult period, and many people experienee it afterthe 50 excite of coming home has worn off. Fortunately, it doesn utsually last as long as adjustme nt to a new culture does.期三局部 寫作共兩

56、節(jié),總分值35分第一節(jié):短文改錯共l0小題,每題1分,總分值10分假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號人,并在其下寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線劃掉。修改:在錯的同下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2.只允許修改10處,多者從第11處起不計分。Last win ter vacatio n, my pare nts and I went back to our hometow n, where I spe

57、 nd mychildhood. Walk ing slow in the quiet small tow n remin ded me of the good old day. I went fromstreet to street, in the search of my childhood footpri nts. Sudde nly, I found me at the gate of theprimary school on which I studied for six years. As I entered, I was surprised find that the old classroom building was gone. But it was filling with my chil


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