1、-本科生畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計冊學(xué)院信息技術(shù)學(xué)院專業(yè)電子商務(wù) 班級 2021屆1班學(xué)生偉偉 指導(dǎo)教師*寧 師大學(xué)本科畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計任務(wù)書編 號:信息技術(shù)學(xué)院2021屆論文設(shè)計題目:關(guān)于餓了么營銷及其配送方式的探究 學(xué) 院:信息技術(shù)學(xué)院專業(yè):電子商務(wù)班級:2021 屆1班學(xué)生:偉偉*:2021021239 指導(dǎo)教師:*寧職稱:副教授 1、 論文設(shè)計研究目標(biāo)及主要任務(wù)隨著網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的開展,人們的生活方式有了很大的變化。而隨著現(xiàn)代生活節(jié)奏的加快,人們漸漸沒有時間顧及到自己的飲食。此時,外賣應(yīng)運而生。它在保障人們?nèi)粘9ぷ髂軌蛘M瓿傻那疤嵯拢帜鼙WC人們的身體安康。因此,外賣得到了長足的開展。餓了么就是在這個形勢下
3、議,以及如何提高消費者黏性。2、 論文設(shè)計的主要容1分析文獻資料了解餓了么營銷及其配送方式的開展?fàn)顩r以及對未來的開展前景預(yù)期。2對餓了么的營銷策略、配送方式和所到達(dá)的效果幾個方面進展介紹。3對各外賣品牌及餓了么作出比照,總結(jié)各自的優(yōu)勢與缺乏。4進展調(diào)研,根據(jù)調(diào)研報告,分析餓了么在用戶方面所面臨的問題,制約其開展的因素,了解消費者及的消費需求。5通過對上述問題的分析總結(jié),對餓了么的營銷及配送方式所遇到的問題給出解決方案。6結(jié)論。通過整篇論文的研究探討,給出結(jié)論。3、 論文設(shè)計的根底條件及研究路線根底條件:1隨著網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的開展和人們生活方式的開展,外賣逐漸被人們所接收。餓了么通過一個開放的物流平臺
5、品牌的差異;通過對文獻的分析與線上線下調(diào)研的進展,找到餓了么目前遇到的問題;通過調(diào)研活動,得到用戶的消費需求,對未來餓了么在營銷及配送方式方面提出一定的建議。4、 主要參考文獻1曉睿. “餓了么營銷淺析J. 經(jīng)濟與管理,202101.2 紀(jì)云,偉民. 餓了么:小外賣,大門道J. 創(chuàng)業(yè),2021 07.3 康嘉,韋龑. “餓了么憑什么值1億美元?J.創(chuàng)業(yè)家,2021Z1.4 石洪英,史睿. 外賣在松江大學(xué)城的現(xiàn)狀分析及優(yōu)化以餓了么為例J.電子商務(wù),2021 22.5 任璽言. 借鑒再創(chuàng)新淺析“餓了么訂餐平臺盈利模式J.文產(chǎn)研究,2021 19.6 云鵬. 餓了么:校園走出的“O2O閉環(huán)訂餐平臺J
6、.創(chuàng)業(yè),202106.7 王冠雄. “餓了么互動營銷:如何抓住消費者的胃?J.媒體瞭望,202110.8 繼偉,孔蘊雯. 外賣O2O平臺商業(yè)模式比較以餓了么、美團外賣、到家美食會為例J. 案例·實務(wù)_專題:股權(quán)鼓勵落地,202102.9 良賓.餓了么移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)時代大學(xué)生創(chuàng)業(yè)新模式J.辦公自動化,2021 16.10紫宸.餓了么,快速開展的管理隱憂J.商學(xué)院,202104.11 衛(wèi).餓了么上線食材交易平臺 食材供應(yīng)B2B價格戰(zhàn)在即J.中國食品,2021 22.12 Katsikeas, Constantine S,Morgan, Neil A,Leonidou, Leonidas C,
7、Hult, G. Tomas M. Assessing Performance Outes in MarketingJ. Journal of Marketing,202103.5、 方案進度階段起止日期1進展論文的擬題、選題。2021 .12.42021 .12.242閱讀中外文獻,對餓了么及各大外賣的開展現(xiàn)狀有一個良好的認(rèn)知,撰寫任務(wù)書。3充分閱讀文獻,論證課題和設(shè)計方案,并在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下填寫開題報告書。同時撰寫文獻綜述和外文文獻翻譯。4搜集資料,分析各餓了么線上訂餐品牌。5進展線上調(diào)研,同時撰寫調(diào)查問卷進展線下調(diào)查。6問卷分發(fā),數(shù)據(jù)匯總,對數(shù)據(jù)分析研究。7通過數(shù)據(jù)研究得到的結(jié)果,撰寫調(diào)查報
8、告,同時進展論文的撰寫。8修改論文,進展工作總結(jié)。9制作辯論幻燈片,預(yù)辯論,辯論。指 導(dǎo) 教師:年月日教研室主任: 年月日注:一式三份,學(xué)院系、指導(dǎo)教師、學(xué)生各一份師大學(xué)本科生畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計開題報告書 信息技術(shù) 學(xué)院 電子商務(wù)專業(yè) 2021屆學(xué)生偉偉論文設(shè)計題目關(guān)于餓了么營銷及其配送方式的探究指導(dǎo)教師*寧專業(yè)職稱副教授所屬教研室電子商務(wù)研究方向電子商務(wù)課題論證:研究背景隨著網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的開展和人們生活方式的開展,外賣逐漸被人們所接收。餓了么通過一個開放的物流平臺和網(wǎng)絡(luò)平臺,形成了一個垂直外賣平臺。通過連接“跟吃相關(guān)的一切,使自身迅速壯大,并且吸引了不斷的大批量的投資。隨之而來的就是配送問題,外賣配送
12、消費者的需求,以提高消費者黏性。方案設(shè)計:1分析文獻資料了解餓了么營銷及其配送方式的開展?fàn)顩r以及對未來的開展前景預(yù)期。2對美團外賣和淘點點等類似外賣平臺的配送方式進展分別闡述,分別從營銷策略、配送方式和所到達(dá)的效果幾個方面進展介紹。3對各外賣品牌及餓了么作出比照,總結(jié)各自的優(yōu)勢與缺乏。4進展調(diào)研,根據(jù)調(diào)研報告,分析餓了么在用戶方面所面臨的問題,制約其開展的因素,了解消費者及的消費需求。5通過對上述問題的分析總結(jié),對餓了么的營銷及配送方式所遇到的問題給出解決方案。6結(jié)論。通過整篇論文的研究探討,給出結(jié)論。進度方案:1、2021 .12.42021 .12.24進展論文的擬題、選題2、2021 .
13、12.252021.1.7閱讀中外文獻,撰寫任務(wù)書2021.1.21寫開題報告書,撰寫文獻綜述和外文文獻翻譯2021.3.6搜集資料,分析各餓了么線上訂餐品牌2021.4.13進展線上調(diào)研,同時撰寫調(diào)查問卷進展線下調(diào)查2021.3.20問卷分發(fā),數(shù)據(jù)匯總,對數(shù)據(jù)分析研究2021.4.11寫調(diào)查報告,同時進展論文的撰寫2021.4.25修改論文,進展工作總結(jié)2021.4.29制作辯論幻燈片,預(yù)辯論,辯論指導(dǎo)教師意見:指導(dǎo)教師簽名: 年 月 日教研室意見:教研室主任簽名: 年 月 日師大學(xué)本科生畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計文獻綜述文獻綜述容中文為宋體,英文為Times New Roman,小四號字、首行縮進2字符
14、,1.5倍行距,至少1000字。線上訂餐作為近幾年來的新興行業(yè),國外目前還沒有對其有很深的研究。并且,國外研究的重點幾乎是放在了關(guān)于外賣食品的平安性上,對線上訂餐平臺的營銷策略或者是線下配送方式的選擇沒有很多的研究。但是可以就國外學(xué)者對營銷策略的價值方面做出的研究進展一定的參考。Katsikeas, Constantine S,Morgan, Neil A,Leonidou, Leonidas C,Hult, G. Tomas M在文章?Assessing Performance Outes in Marketing?中提到企業(yè)應(yīng)該如何營銷才能提高自己的營銷績效,同時也講述了企業(yè)應(yīng)該用怎樣的方
16、刊雜志上面也會有關(guān)于餓了么的研究的相關(guān)文章,大大方便了我們對這個領(lǐng)域的容的研究。紀(jì)云和偉民在?餓了么:小外賣,大門道?一文中提到第三方外賣餓了么,從早期"接單+訂單配送"的業(yè)務(wù)模式,經(jīng)過一路的探索、失敗和總結(jié),在O2O思維下,一方面通過自創(chuàng)的餐廳后臺效勞系統(tǒng),精準(zhǔn)用戶需求對接到目標(biāo)餐廳,一方面打破了行業(yè)傭金模式,建立起了具有核心競爭力的效勞收費模式。 康嘉,韋龑在?“餓了么憑什么值1億美元?從創(chuàng)業(yè)者的角度講述了餓了么的開展歷程,餓了么的價值觀念。石洪英和史睿在?外賣在松江大學(xué)城的現(xiàn)狀分析及優(yōu)化以餓了么為例?這篇文章通過實地考察數(shù)據(jù),主要運用卡方檢驗、列聯(lián)分析等統(tǒng)計學(xué)分析方法
17、,以"餓了么"為實例研究,著重探究其在松江大學(xué)城的科學(xué)有效的運行模式,分析出了優(yōu)勢與缺乏,對其未來開展給出了相關(guān)建議。任璽言在?借鑒再創(chuàng)新淺析“餓了么訂餐平臺盈利模式?這篇文章中借鑒其他網(wǎng)絡(luò)APP的運營模式,結(jié)合"餓了么"訂餐平臺自身特點,從餐品評論成冊、擴展增值效勞等幾個角度進展論述。 云鵬在?餓了么:校園走出的“O2O閉環(huán)訂餐平臺?一文中,分析了2021年初夏,群眾點評網(wǎng)以8000萬美元巨資戰(zhàn)略入股網(wǎng)絡(luò)訂餐平臺"餓了么"。交易完成后,以"餓了么"創(chuàng)始人團隊為首的管理層將繼續(xù)擁有對公司的控制權(quán)、保持獨立運營開展,
18、并謀求3年后上市。作為一家名不見經(jīng)傳的,"餓了嗎"緣何獲得網(wǎng)絡(luò)餐飲大佬的青睞? 餓了么作為一個新興的外賣平臺,開展勢頭非常迅猛。隨著餓了么的開展,關(guān)于其的研究也逐漸多了起來。雖然截止到現(xiàn)在相對于其他領(lǐng)域來說,關(guān)于餓了么的文獻和研究仍然比較少,但是我還是能從各大期刊上找到關(guān)于餓了么的相關(guān)研究和容。這些容在關(guān)于餓了么的開展歷史、餓了么的營銷策略及餓了么的配送方面做出了一些研究,給予了我們一定的指導(dǎo)建議。參考文獻:1曉睿. “餓了么營銷淺析J. 經(jīng)濟與管理,202101.2 紀(jì)云,偉民. 餓了么:小外賣,大門道J. 創(chuàng)業(yè),2021 07.3 康嘉,韋龑. “餓了么憑什么值1億美元
19、?J.創(chuàng)業(yè)家,2021Z1.4 石洪英,史睿. 外賣在松江大學(xué)城的現(xiàn)狀分析及優(yōu)化以餓了么為例J.電子商務(wù),2021 22.5 任璽言. 借鑒再創(chuàng)新淺析“餓了么訂餐平臺盈利模式J.文產(chǎn)研究,2021 19.6 云鵬. 餓了么:校園走出的“O2O閉環(huán)訂餐平臺J.創(chuàng)業(yè),202106.7 王冠雄. “餓了么互動營銷:如何抓住消費者的胃?J.媒體瞭望,202110.8 繼偉,孔蘊雯. 外賣O2O平臺商業(yè)模式比較以餓了么、美團外賣、到家美食會為例J. 案例·實務(wù)_專題:股權(quán)鼓勵落地,202102.9 良賓.餓了么移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)時代大學(xué)生創(chuàng)業(yè)新模式J.辦公自動化,2021 16.10紫宸. 餓了么,快
20、速開展的管理隱憂J.商學(xué)院,202104.11 衛(wèi).餓了么上線食材交易平臺 食材供應(yīng)B2B價格戰(zhàn)在即J.中國食品,2021 22.12 Katsikeas, Constantine S,Morgan, Neil A,Leonidou, Leonidas C,Hult, G. Tomas M. Assessing Performance Outes in MarketingJ. Journal of Marketing,202103.師大學(xué)本科生畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計翻譯文章翻譯文章的容用中文為宋體,英文為Times New Roman,小四號字,首行縮進2字符,1.5倍行距。至少2000字。營銷結(jié)果的績
28、額,市場占有率,以及保費收入等措施,據(jù)業(yè)人士分析。文獻出處:Katsikeas, Constantine S,Morgan, Neil A,Leonidou, Leonidas C,Hult, G. Tomas M. Assessing Performance Outes in MarketingJ. Journal of Marketing,202103.英文原文:Assessing Performance Outes in MarketingA central question in the marketing discipline is the role that firms marke
29、ting plays in e*plaining performance outes. Answering this question is critical to ensuring the relevance of academic research and strengthening marketers voice in firm-level strategy. As a result, since the early 1980s, hundreds of studies have investigated the impact of various aspects of firms ma
30、rketing on performance outes.However, to date, the findings remain fragmented and inconclusive . A key reason for this may be the nature, number, and diversity of performance oute measures employed. Yet there has been little conceptual developmentand no systematic evaluationof the performance measur
31、es employed as dependent variables by marketing researchers. This contrasts with the management literature, in which critical consideration and debate concerning how organizational performance should be assessed has been the focus of much attention.In this article, we provide such a critical assessm
32、ent of performance outes used in the marketing literature. The raison detre for this study is that although linking firms marketing with performance outes is a critical issue, scant attention has been devoted to how performance isand should beconceptualized and measured. This deficiency has limited
33、knowledge development because researchers have lacked a well-defined, theoretically anchored framework for developing valid measures of the performance outes that may be associated with firms marketing. As a result, researchers have used a range of often ill-defined measures of performance that may
34、not capture the whole domain of the construct. In addition, a plethora of different performance measures have been used across studies, many of which are unlikely to be highly positively correlated with one another. Thus, the measures of performance used across (and sometimes within) studies are oft
35、en inmensurate making synthesis across studies and cumulative knowledge development difficult, if not impossible.To establish the nature and scale of this problem, we first delineate the conceptual domain of marketing performance outes and identify the major different types of performance outes that
36、 may be associated with firms marketing. In doing so, we provide researchers with a mon set of different aspects of performance2 that may be linked to firms marketing. Furthermore, we build a theory-based evaluation framework, employing criteria that researchers can use to assess the conceptualizati
37、on and operationalization of dependent variables measuring marketing performance outes. This framework identifies important issues that should be considered and within which e*plicit choices need to be made when selecting measures of performance oute in empirical studies. The marketing performance o
38、ute chain we develop as part of this evaluative framework has important and actionable implications for managers. It also offers important new operational performance “mechanism insights for researchers in other disciplines focused on understanding organizational performance.Second, we employ this e
39、valuative framework to provide a systematic assessment of the performance conceptualizations and measures used in empirical literature that e*amines the outes of firms marketing. This assessment reveals and calibrates major weaknesses in prior conceptualizations and operationalizations of performanc
40、e outes. We identify ways in which these problems have limited researchers ability to synthesize findings across studies and to build credible cumulative knowledge of the performance impact of marketing. Our analysis also reveals aspects of marketing performance outes about which little is known, pr
41、oviding important opportunities for further research. For e*ample, we show that little is known about the growth outes of firms marketing and also that few studies have e*amined theoretically important market-based assets, such as brand equity and customer lifetime value (CLV), as performance outes.
42、Third, building on the evaluative framework and the weaknesses and gaps observed in our empirical literature assessment, we identify the discipline-level steps needed to improve the conceptualization and operationalization of performance outes in future studies in ways that will allow cumulative kno
43、wledge building. We also offer practical new guidelines for how researchers should approach the conceptualization and operationalization of performance outes that may be the result of firms marketing. In addition, we identify major factors that should be considered in making these choices. In doing
44、so, we provide an actionable road map that, if employed, will enhance the contribution to knowledge of future empirical research studies. Even more important, it will enable the synthesis of future empirical findings on the performance outes of marketing across studies. This is vital if the marketin
45、g discipline is to be able to credibly “prove the value of firms marketing assets and activities.In the following sections, we detail the conceptual model of marketing performance outes developed in our study.Then, we e*plain the evaluative framework built to analyze the measures of marketing perfor
46、mance outes in empirical studies. Ne*t, we describe the methods employed in this review,after which we present and discuss the results. Finally, we draw conclusions from this evaluation and highlight directions for further research, along with guidelines for improving performance conceptualization a
47、nd operationalization.The accepted paradigm for measurement development and theory testing in organizational science holds that the conceptual domain of a construct must be well-defined and understood before operationalization can be attempted and the measures used should represent a valid sample of
48、 indicators of the domain of the construct they purport to measure. Here, we view performance outes associated with firms marketing efforts in line with conceptualizations of operational and organizational performance in strategic management. From this perspective, operational performance refers to
49、the fulfillment of goals within different value-chain activity areas of the firm that may subsequently lead to organizational performance, that is, “the economic outes resulting from the interplay among an organizations attributes, actions,and environment.Drawing on the conceptual frameworks of Rust
50、 et al.(2004), Keller and Lehmann (2006), Petersen et al. (2021), and Morgan (2021), we illustrate in Figure 1 the conceptual model we develop to identify the fundamental steps in the creation of operational and organizational marketing performance outes. This begins with firms marketing resources,
51、strategies, and actions that bee manifest in the product marketplace in firms realized marketing programs (e.g., Rust et al. 2004), which represent the first stage of the operational performance outes of firms value chain activities associated with marketing (bs et al. 2005; Porter 1985). Only when
52、customers in the product marketplace are e*posed to firms strategic marketing decisions and the deployment of marketing program-related resources to enact these decisions can the firm begin to realize its marketing program value.The ne*t stage in operational performance oute realization begins with
53、customers perceptions of a firms value offerings, which stem from the firms marketing program actions, and customers subsequent behavioral responses. Pree*isting knowledge of some of the firms market-based assets may also directly influence customers perceptions and behaviors. For e*ample, e*isting
54、brand equity, customer relationships, and perceived firmcategory e*pertise may all influence customer perceptions and behaviors with respect to the firms realized marketing program. Ceteris paribus, the greater the number of target customers who are aware of the firms marketing program and perceive
55、it positively with respect to their consumption needs, the greater will be the number of purchase selection decisions favoring the firms value offering and the more likely will be these customers to be satisfied with their purchase and to engage in positive postpurchase behaviors.Ne*t, these custome
56、r purchase and postpurchase behaviors result in product-marketplace outes. These outes may be observed by the supplier firm and calibrated at the level of individual or groups of customers in terms of customer value measures, such as share of wallet, profitability, and CLV). These outes are also obs
57、erved and calibrated at a product-market level by individual firms, channel members, and/or industry analysts using measures such as unit sales, market share, and revenue premium.本科生畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計題目關(guān)于餓了么營銷及其配送方式的探究作者偉偉指導(dǎo)教師*寧所在學(xué)院信息技術(shù)學(xué)院專業(yè)系電子商務(wù) 班級屆2021屆1班 完成日期2021 年4月28. z-目錄摘要、關(guān)鍵字21、緒論21.1 研究背景21.2研究意義31.3研究現(xiàn)狀31.4 研究方法41.5 創(chuàng)新點42、線上訂餐平臺餓了么的現(xiàn)狀分析42.1 線上訂餐平臺餓了么的介紹52.2 線上訂餐平臺餓了么的開展現(xiàn)狀52.3 線上訂餐平臺餓了么的特點62.4 線上訂餐平臺餓了
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