1、Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure每題:分Directi ons: Choose the best an swer from the four choicesmarked A, B, C and D.1. Shall we request the chairma nour suggesti onaga in?A. to con siderB. con sideri ngfC. con siderfjD. con sidered2. Some say yes and others say no; I don't knowtofollow.口 A. whethe
2、rB. whatJC. whomD. how3. An explosi on is a sudde n in crease in amou nt.A. rapid bur ning causes itB. to be caused by rapid bur ningC. caus ing its bur ning to be rapid嚴(yán) D. caused by rapid bur ning4. We forgave her an ger because we knew that her father'sill ness had put her un der great.A. she
3、lterB. crisisC. stressC*D. n ervous ness5. He n everto read the n ews but tur ned at once tothe crossword puzzle on the last page.A. worriedB. no ticedC. pained ID. bothered6. Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have toyour voice.A. improveB. in creaseC. raiseD. open7. Th
4、e price they offered for my old car was so low that Iit dow n.=A. brought=B. tur nedC. calledI J= D. refusedr8. The no ise of the trafficPaul from his work.A. preve ntedB. distractedC. an geredD. upset9. People appreciatewith him because he has agood sense of humor.A. worki ngB. to have workedC. to
5、workID. hav ing worked10. In quiriesthe con diti on of the patie nts may bemade pers on ally or by teleph one.A. reveali ng* B. con cer ningC. affect ingD. followi ng11. Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shak in ess ofbig bus in esses willdow n the economy.= A. putB. settle=C. drag尸D. knoc
6、k12. Our departme ntcourses in several foreig nIan guages.A. acceptsB. con sidersC. offersC*D. takes13. She had clearly noof doing any work,although she was very well paid.A. tendencyIB. foun dati onI JC. inten ti onD. bel onging14. Many stude nts found the book; it providedthem with a large amou nt
7、 of i nformatio n on the subject.A. i nformativeI.=、 B. confusingC. distract ing= D. amus ing15. I just man aged toa quick breath before I waspulled un der the water by the pass ing boats.A. loadB. gainC. takeD. escape16. The gover nmen t's stro ng acti on dem on strated itsto end the rebelli on
8、.A. en ergyB. resista nee(JC. courageD. determ in ati on17. Mr. San ders has bee n asked tothe n extmeeti ng of the committee.A. man ageB. chairC. liste n(JD. thi nk18. I could not persuade him to accept it,makehim see the importa nee of it.=、 A. if only I could notB. or I could notI J= C. not more
9、tha n I couldff= D. nor could I19. for my ill ness I would have lent him a help inghan d.A. Not beingr B. Without beingC. Had it not beenD. Not hav ing bee n20. Not that Joh n does n't want to help you,it'sbey ond his power.A. but thatB. for that t*C. and thatJD. in that(J:21. To be fran k,
10、I'd rather youin the case.A. will not be in volved(J口 B. not to be in volvedC. not in volved(JD. were not in volved22. Careful surveys have in dicated that as many as fifty perce nt ofpatie nts do not take drugsdirected.A. likeB. so= C. whichfD. as23. I felt somewhat disappo in ted and was about
11、 to leave,someth ing occurred which attracted myatte nti on.A. unl essB. un tilC. whe nD. while24. The little man wasone meter fifty in height.A. almost more tha nB. n early more tha nC. hardly more tha nD. as much as25. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radiosafter 11 o'cloc
12、k at ni ght.A. were not playedB. not be playedC. not to play= D. did n't playPart 1 Vocabulary and Structure每題:2 分;總分值:50 分小題得分對(duì)錯(cuò)我的答案客觀1.21/1AA2.21/1CC3.21/1DD4.21/1CC5.0IXBD6.2CC7.21/1BB8.21/1BB9.21/1AA10.21/1BB11.2l/lCC12.2l/lCC13.2l/lCC14.0CA15.2l/lCC16.2l/lDD17.2l/lBB18.2l/lDD19.2l/lCC20.0IX
13、BA21.2l/lDD22.2l/lDD23.2l/lCC24.2l/lCC25.2BBSubtotal :44老師評(píng)語(yǔ):Part 2 Readi ng Comprehe nsion (MultipleChoice)(每題:分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.T
14、ime spe nt in a bookshop can be most pleasa nt, whether you are a book-lover or merely there to buy a book as a prese nt. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reas on, you can soon become totally un aware of your surrou ndin gs. You soon focus on
15、 some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spe nt too much time there and must hurry off to keep some forgotte n appo in tme nt.This opportu nity to escape the realities of everyday life is the main attraction of a bookshop. A music shop is very much like a book
16、shop. You can range round such places to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the greeting, "Ca n I help you?" You n eed n't buy any thi ng you don't wan t. In a bookshop an assista nt should rema in in the backgrou nd un til you have
17、fini shed readi ng. Then, and only the n, are his services n ecessary.Once a medical stude nt had to read a textbook which was far too expe nsive for him to buy. He could n't obtain it from the library and the only copy he could find was in a bookshop. Every after noon, therefore, he would go to
18、 the shop and read a little of the book at a time. One day, however, he was disappo in ted to find the book miss ing from its usual place. He was about to leave, whe n he no ticed the owner of the shop making a gesture to him with his hand. Expect ing to be scolded, he went towards him. To his surpr
19、ise, the owner poin ted to the book which was put away in a corner. "I put it there in case anyone had a desire to buy it!" he said, and left the delighted student to continue his reading.1. Time spe nt in a bookshop can be most pleasa ntA. only whe n you can find the book you want to buyB
20、. only whe n you are a book-lover(J*C. eve n whe n you en ter it to avoid a sudde n shower.=、D. eve n whe n you know you are late for an appo in tme nt2. A bookshop is of much attracti on because= A. it offers you an opportu nity to forget about everyday lifeB. it offers you an opportu nity to liste
21、 n to as much music as possibleb C. it allows you to lear n about new ideas and ways of doing thi ngsD. it allows you to have a good excuse for being late for an appo in tme nt3. In a good bookshop.c A. an assista nt should always follow youB. an assista nt should freque ntly approach you and offer
22、helpC. you n eed n't buy any thi ng you don't wantD. you can commu ni cate freely with an assista nt4. The medical stude nt went to a bookshop every dayA. to look for useful booksB. to read a textbook t*C. to talk with the shop ownerD. to use the computer at the shop5. The owner of the books
23、hop put away the bookA. in case other people wan ted to buy itB. in case the medical stude nt wan ted to buy itC. because he wan ted to sell it at a high price.=、 D. because he wan ted to keep it for himselfQuesti ons 6 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.In the Un ited States, it is
24、 not no rmal to teleph one some one very early in the morni ng. If you teleph one him early in the day, while he is shav ing or hav ing breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telepho ne calls made afte
25、r 11:00 p. m. If some one receives a call duri ng sleep ing hours, he assumes it's a matter of life and death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importa nee.In social life, time plays a very important role. In the US guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation
26、邀請(qǐng)to adinner party is exte nded only three or four days before the party date. But this is not true in all cou ntries. In other areas of the world it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in adva nee because pla ns which are made for a date more tha n a week away tend to be forgot
27、te n.The meaning of time is different in different parts of the world.Thus, misu ndersta ndings arise betwee n people from cultures that treat time differently. To be on time is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not on time, they may be regarded as not polite or not fully re
28、sp on sible. In the US no one would thi nk of keep ing a bus in ess associate wait ing for an hour; it would be bad-mannered. A person who is five minutes late is expected to apologize. If he is less than five minutes late, he will say a few words of expla nati on, though perhaps he will not complet
29、e the senten ce.6. If you teleph one some one early in the day, it meansA. you are expected to expla in whyB. you are not kind eno ughC. you want to show your concern for him* D. you have a very importa nt matter to discuss7. The expressi on "a matter of life and death" means* A. an issue
30、of the greatest importa nee and emerge ncyB. a very importa nt appo in tme ntC. a matter of whether some one should live or die= D. a stro ng desire to commu ni cate8. In the US guests tend to feel they are not highly regardedA. if the invitation to a dinner party is not extended early enoughB. if t
31、he in vitati on to a dinner party is exte nded too far in advaneeC. if the in vitati on to a dinner party is not exte nded repeatedlyD. if the in vitati on to a dinner party is exte nded to too many people9. The word "misu ndersta nding" can be expla ined asA. faili ng to atte nd a partyB.
32、 failing to understand correctlyC. sta nding in on e's wayD. sta nding on on e's own feet10. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. I n the US it's n ormal to keep some one wait ing for some time.B. I n the US it's not polite to keep some one wait i
33、ng for an hour.C. In the US one is always expected to be on time.D. In the US one is expected to apologize if he is five minutes lateQuesti ons 11 to 15 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.體諒Ours is a big world, and full of many differe nt people. People with many varying 不同的points of view
34、 are often running up against others who have differe nt opinions. Those of us who smoke are just one group of many. Recently, the activism 采取行動(dòng) of non-smokers has remin ded us of the n eed to be con siderate 的of others whe n we smoke in public.But, please! Eno ugh is eno ugh! We should like to rem
35、ind non-smokers that being polite is a two-way street. If you politely request that some one not smoke you are more likely to receive an agreeable resp onse tha n if you give an ugly look and say somethi ng unkin d. If you speak directly to some one, you are more likely to get what you want tha n if
36、 you compla in to the man ageme nt.Many of us have bee n smok ing for so long that we sometimes forgetthat others are not used to the smell of bur ning tobacco. We' re huma n, and like every one else, we occasi on ally offend unknowin gly. But most of us are open to friendly suggestions and comm
37、ents, and quite willi ng to cha nge our behavior to accommodate others.Smokers are people, too. We laugh and cry. We have hopes, dreams, and aspirati ons. We have childre n, mothers, and pets. We eat our hamburgers 漢堡包with everything on them and give respect to the flag at Fourth of July pic ni cs.
38、We hope you'll remember that the n ext time a smoker light up in public.11.uThe purpose of the first paragraph is.A. to in form the reader of the big ness of the worldB. to declare that the author bel ongs to the group of smokersC. to tell non-smokers that smokers will be con siderateD. to revea
39、l the author's reason for writing this essay12.uWhat does the sec ond sentence in the sec ond paragraph imply?A. We should go on two differe nt roads.B. We have differe nt ways of doing thin gs.C. Being polite to each other is a mutual thing.D. We can smoke and sometimes we will not smoke.13.仁Ac
40、cord ing to the author, how can you get an agreeable resp onse from smokers if you don't feel like some one smok ing beside you?A. Compla in to his boss.B. Tell him directly that you hate smokers.C. Keep from compla ining but do someth ing to suggest your feeli ngs.D. Tell him politely that you
41、are not used to smoke.14. Accord ing to the author, why do some smokers smoke in public?A. Because they cannot stop from smok ing.IfB. Because they forget that others do not like the smell cigarettes.C. Because they are huma ns and they cannot avoid offending people.D. Because there is no law aga in
42、st it.f15. How does the author try to persuade the reader?A. He uses reas ons.B. He appeals to people's feeli ngs.C. He gives examples in his argume nt.廣 D. He simply states his opinion.Questi ons 16 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.If you want to stay you ng, sit dow n and ha
43、ve a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japa nese doctors, who say that most of our bra ins are not gett ing en ough exercise and as a result, we are aging unn ecessarily soon.Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wan ted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to
44、 be losing their ability to thi nk and reas on at a relatively early age, and how the process of agi ng could be slowed dow n.With a team of colleagues 同事at Tokyo National University, he set about measuri ng bra in activity of a thousa nd people of differe nt ages and varying 不同的jobs.Computer tech n
45、o logy en abled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the activity of the front and side sections of the bra in, which relate to in tellige nce and feeli ng, and determ ine the human character. The rear section of the brain, which controls functions like eating and breathing, does not ch
46、ange with age, and one can continue living without the ability to think and feel.Change of front and side parts, as bits die off, was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not to be seen in some sixty-a nd-seve nty-year-olds.Matsuzawa discovered from his tests that there is a
47、 simple an swer to the loss no rmally associated with age?us ing the head.The findings show in gen eral terms that the decrease of the bra in's ability to thi nk begi ns sooner in people in the cou ntry tha n in the towns. Those least at risk, says Matsuzawa, are lawyers, followed by un iversity
48、 professors and doctors. White-collar workers doing rout ine work in gover nment offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant.Matsuzawa's findings show that thinking can preve nt the brain from shri nking. Blood must move arou nd prop
49、erly in the head to supply the fresh oxyge n the bra in n eeds. "The best way to keep blood moving well is through using the brain." He says, "Thi nk hard and en gage in con versati on. Don't rely on pocket calculators."16. The team of doctors wan ted to find out* A. why cert
50、a in people age sooner tha n othersB. how to make people live lon gerC. the size of certa in people's bra ins.=、 D. which people are most in tellige nt17. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true?A. People who work in the gover nment don't age as quickly as people in the tow n.= B. The ba
51、ck of the bra in is in charge of people's eati ng.C. The easiest way to preve nt the brain from aging is to improve our diet.= D. We are you ng whe n we have en ough physical exercise.18. The doctor's tests show thatA. our bra ins shri nk as we grow olderB. the front secti on of the bra in d
52、oes not shri nkC. sixty-year-olds have better bra ins tha n thirty-year-oldsD. some people's brains less active tha n other people's19. Accord ing to the passage, which group of people seem to age sooner tha n the others?A. Lawyers.B. Professors.t+C. Doctors.D. White-collar workers.20. The a
53、rticle is possibly writte n forA. ju nior stude ntsB. ordinary readersC. doctors and n urses in hospitals.=、 D. uni versity professorsQuesti ons 21 to 25 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.You will be surprised how often people simply want to get things off their chests. All you have to d
54、o is just liste n. Keep on liste ning. Don't an swer back, and in nine cases out of ten, your staff will leave your room perfectly happy and satisfied.Eve n ordinary thi ngs should be no ticed and appreciated. That's what the smart boss does. So you should n't just praise once and forget
55、 about it. If some one has done a good job, you should mention it again and again and again, because for most of us the desire for appreciation is never satisfied.Moreover, a good supervisor 監(jiān)管者certainly notices the changes in all members of his staff and asks about them. Whe n a staff member is bac
56、k from leave, the good supervisor asks the staff member how he enjo yed his time off. He welcomes him back with a cheerful smile. It is just these small touches that make all the differe nee betwee n a pleasa nt and un pleasa nt work ing en viro nment.It is a fact that anyone loves being given attention, and you have to recognize it if you want good results when dealing with people.People crave 渴求attention. And they will get it one way or another. If they can't get it by being constructive 建設(shè)性的,theywill get it by being dest
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