1、【法規(guī)分類號】 W82001199418【標題】馬拉喀什建立世界貿(mào)易組織協(xié)定一一附件3:貿(mào)易政策審議機制【時效性】有效【簽訂地點】馬拉喀什【簽訂日期】 1994.04.15【生效日期】 1994.05.15【失效日期】 【內(nèi)容分類】【文號】【題注】【正文】各成員特此協(xié)議如下:A.目標(I) 貿(mào)易政策審議機制(“TPRM”)的目的在于通過提高各成員貿(mào)易政策和做法的 透明度并使之得到更好的理解,有助于所有成員更好地遵守多邊貿(mào)易協(xié)定和適用的諸邊貿(mào)易 協(xié)定的規(guī)則、紀律和在各協(xié)定項下所作的承諾,從而有助于多邊貿(mào)易體制更加平穩(wěn)地運行。 為此,審議機制可以對各成員的全部貿(mào)易政策和做法及其對多邊貿(mào)易體制運行的
2、影響進行定 期的集體評價和評估。但是,該機制無意作為履行各協(xié)定項下具體義務或爭端解決程序的基 礎,也無意向各成員強加新的政策承諾。(II) 根據(jù)審議機制所進行的評估,在有關的范圍內(nèi),均以有關成員更廣泛的經(jīng)濟和 發(fā)展需要、政策和目標及其外部環(huán)境為背景進行。但是,審議機制的職能是審查一成員的貿(mào) 易政策和做法對多邊貿(mào)易體制的影響。E. 國內(nèi)透明度 各成員認識到政府在貿(mào)易政策問題上決策的國內(nèi)透明度對各成員的經(jīng)濟和多邊貿(mào)易體制 具有的固有價值,并同意在各自體制內(nèi)鼓勵和促進提高透明度,同時承認國內(nèi)透明度的落實 必須以自愿為基礎,并考慮每一成員的法律和政治體制。C. 審議程序(i) 特此設立貿(mào)易政策審議機構
3、(下稱“TPRE”),負責實施貿(mào)易政策審議。(11)所有成員的貿(mào)易政策和做法均應接受定期審議。各成員對多邊貿(mào)易體制運行的 影響是確定審議頻率的決定因素, 此種影響按其在一最近代表期的世界貿(mào)易中所占份額確定。 按此確認的前4個貿(mào)易實體(歐洲共同體計為一實體)每2年審議一次。其后的16個實體 每4年審議一次。其他成員每6年審議一次,但可對最不發(fā)達國家成員確定更長的期限。各 方理解,對于包括一個以上成員、擁有共同對外政策的實體的審議,應涵蓋其影響貿(mào)易的政 策的所有部分,包括各成員的有關政策和做法。作為例外,如一成員貿(mào)易政策或做法的變更 可能對其貿(mào)易伙伴產(chǎn)生重大影響,則TPRB在進行磋商后,可要求該有
4、關成員提前進行下 一次審議。(iii) 在TPRB會議上的討論應按A款所列目標進行。討論的重點應為成員的貿(mào) 易政策和做法,即審議機制下評估的主題。(iv) TPRB應為實施審議制定基本計劃。還可討論和注意各成員更新的報告。T PRB應通過與直接有關的成員進行磋商,制定每年的審議計劃。主席在與接受審議的一個 或多個成員磋商后,可選出討論人,討論人以個人身份行事,負責引導在TPRB中進行的 討論。(v)TPRB的工作應以下列文件為基礎:(a) 由接受審議的一個或多個成員提供的一份D款所指的全面報告;(b) 由秘書處自行負責根據(jù)其可獲得的和一個或多個有關成員提供的信息起草的報告。 秘書處應尋求一個或
5、多個有關成員對其貿(mào)易政策和做法進行澄清。(vi) 由接受審議的成員和秘書處提交的報告,與TPRB有關會議的記錄一起,應 在審議后迅速公布。(vii) 這些文件將送交部長級會議,部長級會議應注意到這些文件。D. 報告為實現(xiàn)盡可能最充分的透明度,每一成員應定期向TPRB報告。全面報告應根據(jù)將由 TPRB決定的議定格式,描述有關成員實施的貿(mào)易政策和做法。該格式最初應以由19 8 9年7月19日決定(BISD36冊4 0 6至4 0 9頁) 所確定的“國別報告提綱格式” 為基礎,并作必要修正,將報告的范圍擴展到附件1所列多邊貿(mào)易協(xié)定和適用的諸邊貿(mào)易協(xié) 定所涵蓋的貿(mào)易政策的所有方面。 此格式可由TPRB
6、根據(jù)經(jīng)驗進行修改。在兩次審議之間,各成員應在其貿(mào)易政策發(fā)生任何重大變更時提供簡要報告;每年將根據(jù)議定的格式提供更新 的統(tǒng)計信息。對于最不發(fā)達國家成員在編寫其報告時所遇到的困難應予特別考慮。應請求, 秘書處應使發(fā)展中國家成員、特別是最不發(fā)達國家成員可獲得技術援助。報告中所含信息應 盡最大可能與根據(jù)多邊貿(mào)易協(xié)定和適用的諸邊貿(mào)易協(xié)定的規(guī)定作出的通知相協(xié)調(diào)。E. 與GATT 1 9 9 4和GATS國際收支條款的關系各成員認識到有必要將還需根據(jù)GATT1994或GATS國際收支條款進行全面磋 商的政府的負擔減少到最低程度。為此,TPRB主席在與有關成員和國際收支限制委員會 主席磋商后,應作出可使貿(mào)易政
7、策審議的正常節(jié)奏與國際收支磋商的時間表相協(xié)調(diào)的行政安 排,但不得將貿(mào)易政策審議推遲達12個月以上。F. 對機制的評審TPRB應在WTO協(xié)定生效后5年內(nèi)對TPRM的運用情況進行一次評審。評審 結果將提交部長級會議TPRB隨后還可按其確定或按部長級會議要求的時間間隔對TP RM進行評估。G. 國際貿(mào)易環(huán)境發(fā)展情況綜述TPRB每年還應對影響多邊貿(mào)易體制的國際貿(mào)易環(huán)境的發(fā)展情況作出綜述。綜述將以 總干事的年度報告為輔助,該報告列出WTO的主要活動,并指出影響貿(mào)易體制的重大政策 問題。TRADE POLICY REVIEW MECHANISMANNEX, 3, OF, MARRAKESHA,GREEME
8、NTE,STABLISHING,THE, WORLDT, RADEORGANIZATION TRADE POLICY REVIEW MECHANISMMembers hereby agree as follows:A. Objectives(i) The purpose of the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) is to contribute to improved adherence by all Members to rules, disciplines and commitments made under the Multilateral
9、Trade Agreements and, where applicable, the Plurilateral Trade Agreements, and hence to the smoother functioning of the multilateral trading system, by achieving greater transparency in, and understanding of, the trade policies and practices of Members. Accordingly, the review mechanism enables the
10、regular collective appreciation and evaluation of the full range of individual Members trade policies and practices and their impact on the functioning of the multilateral trading system. It is not, however, intended to serve as a basis for the enforcement of specific obligations under the Agreement
11、s or for dispute settlement procedures, or to impose new policy commitments on Members.(ii) The assessment carried out under the review mechanism takes place, to the extent relevant, against the background of the wider economic and developmental needs, policies and objectives of the Member concerned
12、, as well as of its external environment. However, the function of the review mechanism is to examine the impact of a Members trade policies and practices on the multilateral trading system.B. Domestic transparencyMembers recognize the inherent value of domestic transparency of government decision-m
13、aking on trade policy matters for both Members economies and the multilateral trading system, and agree to encourage and promote greater transparency within their own systems, acknowledging that the implementation of domestic transparency must be on a voluntary basis and take account of each Members
14、 legal and political systems.C. Procedures for review(i) The Trade Policy Review Body (referred to herein as the TPRB) is hereby established to carry out trade policy reviews.(ii) The trade policies and practices of all Members shall be subject to periodic review. The impact of individual Members on
15、 the functioning of the multilateral trading system, defined in terms of their share of world trade in a recent representative period, will be the determining factor in deciding on the frequency of reviews. The first four trading entities so identified (counting the European Communities as one) shal
16、l be subject to review every two years. The next 16 shall be reviewed every four years. Other Members shall be reviewed every six years, except that a longer period may be fixed for least-developed country Members. It is understood that the review of entities having a common external policy covering
17、 more than one Member shall cover all components of policy affecting trade including relevant policies and practices of the individual Members. Exceptionally, in the event of changes in a Members trade policies or practices that may have a significant impact on its trading partners, the Member conce
18、rned may be requested by the TPRB, after consultation, to bring forward its next review.(iii) Discussions in the meetings of the TPRB shall be governed by the objectives set forth in paragraph A. The focus of these discussions shall be on the Members trade policies and practices, which are the subje
19、ct of the assessment under the review mechanism.(iv) The TPRB shall establish a basic plan for the conduct of the reviews. It may also discuss and take note of updated reports from Members. The TPRB shall establish a programme of reviews for each year in consultation with the Members directly concer
20、ned. In consultation with the Member or Members under review, the Chairman may choose discussants who, acting in their personal capacity, shall introduce the discussions in the TPRB.(v) The TPRB shall base its work on the following documentation:(a) a full report, referred to in paragraph D, supplie
21、d by the Member or Members under review;(b) a report, to be drawn up by the Secretariat on its own responsibility, based on the information available to it and that provided by the Member or Members concerned. The Secretariat should seek clarification from the Member or Members concerned of their tr
22、ade policies and practices.(vi) The reports by the Member under review and by the Secretariat, together with the minutes of the respective meeting of the TPRB, shall be published promptly after the review.(vii) These documents will be forwarded to the Ministerial Conference, which shall take note of
23、 them.D. ReportingIn order to achieve the fullest possible degree of transparency, each Member shall report regularly to the TPRB. Full reports shall describe the trade policies and practices pursued by the Member or Members concerned, based on an agreed format to be decided upon by the TPRB. This f
24、ormat shall initially be based on the Outline Format for Country Reports established by the Decision of 19 July 1989 (BISD 36S/406-409), amended as necessary to extend the coverage of reports to all aspects of trade policies covered by the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1 and, where applicab
25、le, the Plurilateral Trade Agreements. This format may be revised by the TPRB in the light of experience. Between reviews, Members shall provide brief reports when there are any significant changes in their trade policies; an annual update of statistical information will be provided according to the
26、 agreed format. Particular account shall be taken of difficulties presented to least-developed country Members in compiling their reports. The Secretariat shall make available technical assistance on request to developing country Members, and in particular to the least developed country Members. Inf
27、ormation contained in reports should to the greatest extent possible be coordinated with notifications made under provisions of the Multilateral Trade Agreements and, where applicable, the Plurilateral Trade Agreements.E. Relationship with the balance-of-payments provisions of GATT 1994and GATSMembe
28、rs recognize the need to minimize the burden for governments also subject to full consultations under the balance-of-payments provisions of GATT 1994 or GATS. To this end, the Chairman of the TPRB shall, in consultation with the Member or Members concerned, and with the Chairman of the Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions, devise administrative arrangements that harmonize the normal rhythm of the trade policy reviews with the timetable for bala
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