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1、elationshi pbetween Gover nmenta nd busi ness.The"two sessions",GeneralSe cretaryof"Pro", "clear"the word succinctlysum marizedthe newrel ationshi pbetw een Governme ntand busi ness,a s pure politics, reshapi ng the politicalrelationshipspecifiedin thedirection.District

2、leaders inhandling politi caland busi nessrelati ons,engage i n tradi ng powerformoney,a ndfina lly stumble d,we a lesson,a lways keepi nmindthat"Pro","cl ean"pra cticing "Pro","clear"."Pro" istoopena sinceree ngagement with privateenter prise t ohel

3、 p solve practi caldifficulties; " Clear"isto clarifythe Division ofpow er,exerci sed i n accor dancewit h, privateentrepre neurswith innoce ntpurit y, notabusing powerfor personalgain, not to e ngage intrading powerfor money.Thir d,in order to mai ntainfairne ssa ndjustice.Fairnessandjust

4、icei s the lifeline ofther uleofla w,is thebest development environme nt.Currentl y,lax law enfor cement a ndt hejudici alse ctorinour regi on al soexist t o varying degrees,laenforceme ntde partmentsa nd indivi dualwindowunits power for persona lgains and bri bes,thi ck friends,relati ons,human cas

5、es,moneycasesi n whi ch seri ously infringe ont he legitimaterig hts and i nterests ofe nterpri ses a nd people.Especially some lawe nforcement and inspe ctionforprofitpurp oses, deliberatelyl ooki ngfor cor porateloophol es,found dire ctly under theti cket does notgive busine ss impr ovement opport

6、unities.Were cruita company doesn'teasily,cultivati ng abusi nessmore difficult, neverfor personal gai n,systemati charassment, card, lastche ckedto check t ogetthe enter prise collapse d. o g uaranteet he legitimaterights a nd i nterests.Al ways pr ocee d fromthe overall situati on ofreformand

7、devel opment of servi ces,fullyconsidert he characteristics ofpr oduction a nd ma nagement i n non-publi c e nterprises a nd socialbenefits, a n a ccurategrasp oflegal limits,prote ctthe enthusia smofentre preneursa nd pr actiti oner s ininnovation ande ntrepre neurship,enhancingexpectations a nd co

8、nfi dence. To pr omote stri ctenforceme nt.Strengt heni ng lawenfor cement procedures, impr ove law enfor cement performanceevaluati on, strengthe ning thesupervi sionof lawe nforcement,ex plorati on a nd pra ctice ofrisk controlme chanismof lawe nforceme nttofurther standardizet he social security,

9、 urba nmanagement , road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement,effectivelyfree, extensive law-enfor cementa nd laxenfor cement of lawenforcement andotherissues. o uphol djusti ce.Justice i sthe lastli ne ofDefe nseto safeguard fairne ssand justice ,tounequivo call ysupportthe courtsand pr ocurator

10、atesindependently exercise level.Judi ciala ctivitieswererampa nt, must not be allowe dto run,favors,money,mustnot be all owe dtoknowingly vi olatethe miscarriage,vi olationsofthe l egitimaterights and interest softhe massesmust not be allowe dto abuseofpower,tomake forest massca nbefelt in everyjud

11、icial casesi n equity andjustice.Four todeepengrass-r oogovernance a ccordingto la w淺談果汁飲料市場的現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展趨勢來自 :價(jià)值中國網(wǎng)當(dāng)人們還在為茶飲料風(fēng)行大江南北慨嘆不已時(shí),果汁飲料已經(jīng)披掛上陣,并迅速串紅。 盡管茶飲料與碳酸、純凈水并稱為果汁飲料之前的三大飲料種類,但它的運(yùn)氣顯然要稍微差些,因?yàn)楹髞淼墓嬃蟿蓊^太猛了。2000 年,茶飲料185 萬噸,在整個(gè)飲料行業(yè)中居第三位,是所有飲料類別中增長最快的。當(dāng)年, 飲料市場上最亮麗的景致莫過于享有"飲料新貴"之稱的茶飲料。但是,茶飲料惟我

12、獨(dú)尊的時(shí)代并不長;就在第二年,統(tǒng)一鮮橙多PET 裝飲料進(jìn)入了市場,并馬上引起了人們的注意,而到了2002 年,飲料市場更是被統(tǒng)一鮮橙多和來自可口可樂的酷兒搶盡風(fēng)頭。這兩個(gè)品牌不但為自己賺得了資本,更重要的是,它們?yōu)楣嬃祥_拓出了一條光輝大道。而這正是匯源努力10 載為之奮斗的目標(biāo)。誕生于1992 年的匯源從一開始就專心于各種果蔬汁飲料的開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和銷售,憑其穩(wěn)扎穩(wěn)打的經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略,其銷售量節(jié)節(jié)攀升;而“喝匯源果汁,走健康之路”的專業(yè)性訴求更使得匯源在短短的數(shù)年中成為果汁業(yè)的老大。匯源培育果汁飲料市場整整十年,可最終 “引爆 ”這個(gè)市場的則是新入行的統(tǒng)一和渡洋而來的酷兒。當(dāng)前果汁市場的特點(diǎn)進(jìn)入 2

13、003 年,果汁飲料各品牌的廣告大戰(zhàn)早早地就打響了,娃哈哈、第五季等更是斥資央視黃金時(shí)段;在各地的訂貨會上,果汁飲料也是一路飄紅。2003 年,注定是果汁飲料大展宏圖的一年。那么果汁市場目前存在著那些特點(diǎn)?一、品牌眾多,競爭激烈市場的明朗化直接導(dǎo)致了競爭的激烈化。目前全國果汁飲料廠商多達(dá)4000 余家,而大的品牌:統(tǒng)一鮮橙多的走紅使得統(tǒng)一的老對手康師傅迅速出擊,開發(fā)出康師傅每日 C 系列果汁飲料,跟進(jìn)速度之快出人意料,尤其是其市場效果也是非常之好; 而飲料業(yè)巨頭娃哈哈也揮師果汁飲料業(yè),打造出娃哈哈系列果汁;其它如elationshi pbetween Gover nmenta nd busi

14、ness.The"two sessions",GeneralSe cretaryof"Pro", "clear"the word succinctlysum marizedthe newrel ationshipbetw een Governme ntand business,a s pure politics, reshapi ng the politicalrelationshipspecifiedin thedire ction.Di strictleaders in handling politi caland busines

15、srelati ons,engage i n tradi ngpowerformoney,andfina lly stumble d,we a lesson,always keepi nmindthat"Pro","cl ean"pra cticing "Pro","clear"."Pro" istoopena sinceree ngagement with privateenter prise t ohel p solve practi caldifficulties; "Clear

16、 "istoclarifythe Division ofpow er,exerci sed in accor dancewit h, privatee ntrepre neurswith innoce ntpurit y, notabusing powerfor personalgain, not to e ngage intrading powerfor money.Third,in order to mai ntainfairne ssandjustice.Fairnessandjusticeis the lifeline oftheruleofla w,is thebest d

17、evelopment environme nt.Currentl y,lax law enfor cement a ndthejudici alse ctorinour regi on al soexist to varying degrees,lawenforceme ntde partmentsa nd indivi dualwindowunits power for persona lgains and bri bes,thi ck friends,relati ons,human cases,moneycasesi n whi ch seriously infringe ont he

18、legitimaterights and i nterests ofe nterpri ses a nd people.Especially some lawe nforcement and inspe ctionforpr ofitpurpose s, deliberatelylooki ngfor cor porateloophol es,found dir ctly under theti cket does notgive business impr ovement opportunities.Were cruita company doesn'teasily, cultiva

19、ti ng ab usniessmore difficult, neverfor personal gai n,systemati charassment, card,lastche ckedtocheck t ogetthe enter prise coll apse d. o g uaranteet he legitimaterig hts a ndinterests.Al ways pr ocee d fromthe overall situati on ofreformand devel opment of servi ces,fullyconsiderthe characterist

20、ics ofpr oduction and management i n non -publi c e nterprises a nd socialbenefits, a n a ccurategrasp oflegal limits,prote ctthe enthusia smofentre preneursand practiti oner s ininnovation ande ntrepreneurship,enhancingexpectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ctenforceme nt.Strengt heni ng l

21、awenfor cement procedures, improve law enfor cement performanceevaluati on, strengthe ning thesupervi sionof lawe nforcement,explorati on a nd practice ofrisk controlme chanismof lawe nforceme nttofurther standardizet hesocial security, urba nmanagement , road trafficadministrative law enforcement,e

22、ffectivelyfree, extensive law-enfor cementand laxenfor cement of lawenforcement andotherissues. o uphol djusti ce.Justice isthe lastline ofDefe nseto safeguard fairnessa ndjustice ,tounequivocallysupportthecourtsand procuratoratesindependently exercise level.Judiciala ctivitieswererampant, mustnot b

23、eallowe dto run,favors,money,mustnot be allowe dtoknowingly vi olatethe miscarriage,violationsofthe legitimaterights and interestsofthe massesmustnot be allowedto abuseofpower,tomakeforestmass canbefelt ineveryjudicialcasesi n equity andjustice.Fourtodeepengrass-r ootsgovernance a ccordingto la w第五季

24、、澳的利也紛紛進(jìn)軍果汁飲料;加上老的果汁飲料品牌匯源、茹夢、大湖等,果汁飲料行業(yè)已是戰(zhàn)火四起。另外, 應(yīng)該引起果汁行業(yè)關(guān)注的是跨國飲料巨頭也把觸角伸進(jìn)了國內(nèi)市場。在酷兒之前, 可口可樂已在果汁飲料行業(yè)試過水;而百事可樂也不甘落后開發(fā)出果汁飲料; 施格蘭旗下有“都樂 ”, 并且橙汁施格蘭還有一個(gè)“中國計(jì)劃 ”: 興建一個(gè)10萬畝的柑橘基地果園,在基地建一個(gè)大型果汁加工廠,不但種植柑橘,而且生產(chǎn)果汁,它先后考察了廣東、廣西、福建、湖南、四川等地,最后到了重慶,在先后六次出入庫區(qū)之后,他們最終選擇了這個(gè)“中國乃至世界上少有的種植柑橘的最佳地帶?!钡?2003 年,可口可樂的高層人士更是提出,非碳酸飲

25、料“增長速度遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過碳酸飲料,在未來三五年內(nèi),我們要爭取達(dá)到20”??鐕放频倪M(jìn)入更是加劇了果汁飲料行業(yè)競爭的激烈程度。二、新老品牌正面交鋒雖然統(tǒng)一早在90 年代末就已經(jīng)推出了鮮橙類飲品,但相對于匯源來說,它還是個(gè)新品牌;但是如今它們已經(jīng)在市場上直面相對,并各有攻守。當(dāng)然,新老相對的并非這么一對,而市場爭奪戰(zhàn)也并非只發(fā)生在新老品牌之間。但是, 對比新老品牌, 我們卻不難看出為什么當(dāng)初是統(tǒng)一等新品牌引爆了果汁飲料市場,而非匯源這個(gè)資深老大。匯源一直采用大品牌戰(zhàn)略,其核心產(chǎn)品是純果實(shí),產(chǎn)品線長,是一個(gè)名副其實(shí)的大品牌。 在果汁飲料市場的培育階段,這個(gè)戰(zhàn)略無疑是最有效的,它有助于匯源集中精力增大品牌

26、覆蓋率;而事實(shí)也證明了匯源的正確性,因?yàn)樵诮y(tǒng)一鮮橙多“發(fā)飆 ”之前, 匯源一直都是果汁飲料市場上毫無疑問的大哥大。但是, 當(dāng)鮮橙多的“多喝多漂亮 ”和酷兒那個(gè)大腦袋模擬角色征服了無數(shù)消費(fèi)者的時(shí)候,人們才發(fā)現(xiàn),果汁飲料的市場已經(jīng)發(fā)生了微妙的變化,“只要是果汁,只要是能讓我走健康之路 我就喝 ”的時(shí)代過去了,而取而代之的是市場的細(xì)分。以白領(lǐng)女性代表的消費(fèi)群喜歡統(tǒng)一鮮橙多那低濃度、PET裝的橙汁,而以小孩子為代表的消費(fèi)群則更喜elationshi pbetween Gover nmenta nd busi ness.The"two sessions",GeneralSe cret

27、aryof"Pro", "clear"the word succinctlysum marizedthe newrel ationshi pbetw een Governme ntand busi ness,a s pure politics, reshapi ng the politicalrelationshipspecifiedin thedire ction.Di strictleaders in handling politi caland busi nessrelati ons,engage i n tradi ng powerformone

28、y,a ndfina lly stumble d,we a lesson,a lways keepi nmindthat"Pro","cl ean"pra cticing "Pro","clear"."Pro" istoopena sinceree ngagement with privateenter prise t ohel p solve practi caldiff iculties;" Clear"isto clarifythe Division ofpow er,

29、exerci sed in accor dancewit h, privatee ntrepre neurswith innoce ntpurit y, notabusing powerfor personalgain, not to e ngage intrading powerfor money.Third,in order to mai ntainfairne ssa ndjustice.Fairnessandjusticeis the lifeline oftheruleofla w,is thebest development environme nt.Currentl y,lax

30、law enfor cem ent a ndt hejudici alse ctorin our regi on al soexist t o varying degrees,laenforceme ntde partmentsa nd indivi dualwindowunits power for persona lgains and bri bes,thi ck friends,relati ons,human cases,moneycasesi n whi ch seri ously infringe ont he legitimaterig hts and i nterests of

31、e nterpri ses a nd people.Especially some lawe nforcement and inspe ctionforpr ofitpurpose s, deliberat elylooki ngfor cor porateloophol es,found dire ctly under theti cket does notgive busine ss impr ovement opportunities.Were cruita company doesn'teasily, cultivati ng abusi nessmore difficult,

32、 neverfor personal gai n,systemati charassment, card, lastc heckedto check t oge tthe enter prise collapse d. o g uaranteet he legitimaterig hts a ndinterests.Al ways pr ocee d fromthe overall situati on ofreformand devel opment of servi ces,fullyconsidert he characteristics ofpr oduction a nd manag

33、ement i n non -publi c e nterprises a nd socialbenefits, a n a ccurategrasp oflegal limits,prote ctthe enthusia smofentre preneursa nd practiti oner s in innovation ande ntrepre neurship,enhancingexpectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ctenforceme nt.Strengt heni ng lawenfor cement procedure

34、s, impr ove law enfor cement performanceevaluati on, strengthe ning thesupervi sionof lawe nforcement,ex plorati on a nd pra ctice ofrisk controlme chanismof lawe nforceme nttofurther sta ndardizet he social security, urba nmanagement , road t rafficadmi nistrative law enfor cement,effectivelyfree,

35、extensive law-enfor cementa nd laxenfor cement of lawenforcement andotherissues. o uphol djusti ce.Justice i sthe lastli ne ofDefe nseto safeguard fairne ssa ndjustice ,tounequivocall ysupportthe courtsand pr ocuratoratesindependently exercise level.Judi ciala ctivitieswererampant, must not be allow

36、e dto run,favors,money,mustnot be allowe dtoknowingly vi olatethe miscarriage,violationsofthe l egitimaterights and interestsofthe mas ses must not be allowe dto a buseof power,tomake forest mass canbefelt in everyjudicial casesi n e quity andjustice.Fourtodeepengrass-r oogovernance a ccordingto la

37、w歡酷兒的那個(gè)卡通大腦袋。而接著,康師傅的每日 C、第五季的系列果汁飲品也進(jìn)入了市場,而且都是在對市場進(jìn)行了認(rèn)真的細(xì)分之后才邁出了步子。順著大品牌之路走來的匯源,思維顯然是陷在了慣性之中,對市場變化的察覺晚了一步,所以,細(xì)分市場的第一桶金被新品牌挖走了;而且,也正是細(xì)分,炸開了匯源為之奮斗多年的市場缺口。但是, 此時(shí)對匯源來說,當(dāng)它的大品牌面對細(xì)分市場里如此之多的強(qiáng)勁品牌,其在這方面的做戰(zhàn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)是缺乏的,同時(shí)也未曾面對如此之多的強(qiáng)勁品牌,僅僅用一個(gè)“大匯源號 ”與其作戰(zhàn),在很多時(shí)候都要處于被動地位。這樣一個(gè)情況就是新老品牌磨合期的特點(diǎn),匯源只有潛心研究市場新動向,并采取相應(yīng)措施,才能度過難關(guān)。值

38、得稱道的是,以匯源為代表的老品牌也迅速調(diào)整戰(zhàn)略,重新設(shè)置了品牌組合,匯源的真系列就是一個(gè)典型,它有力地抵御新品牌陣營的進(jìn)攻,幫助匯源盡可能地鞏固了地位。三、諸侯紛爭,王者未出在激烈的競爭中,我們也看到了品牌之間的對抗。統(tǒng)一、 酷兒逼得匯源緊急迎戰(zhàn),康師傅短時(shí)間跟隨統(tǒng)一,第五季在資本的護(hù)駕之下無人敢小視,而娃哈哈在整個(gè)飲料業(yè)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位及其強(qiáng)大的品牌力也這個(gè)行業(yè)增添了不少變數(shù);還有一個(gè)現(xiàn)象就是地域性品牌在這個(gè)市場中還相當(dāng)活躍,比如北京的富迪、華貝康橙、屈臣氏、華旗、摩奇、百分百、華邦、綠之源、圓之夢、天桃等,上海的波蜜、尚品珍、佳得樂、橙寶、百變果仙、麒麟、紅寶、利賓納、伊司頓、光陽等,廣州的晨光

39、、利賓納、果汁先生、鷹金錢、百佳等;甚至有些地方品牌把持著當(dāng)?shù)厥袌隽钊珖源笃放茻o從下口。并且, 因?yàn)楣嬃系倪M(jìn)入門不高,不但這些品牌還會存在并可能繼續(xù)發(fā)展,一些新的品牌也可能進(jìn)入市場。就國際上來說,發(fā)展時(shí)間比較長的成熟市場,一般都是兩三個(gè)強(qiáng)勢品牌占據(jù)70-80%的市場份額。而目前國內(nèi)果汁市場前10 位品牌所占據(jù)的市場份額累積還不到20%,多品牌的市場狀況和競爭的劇烈程度也是市場不穩(wěn)定的表現(xiàn),各個(gè)品rass-roots governanceaccordingt o law is an importantfoundati onfor promoti ngthe constructionofru

40、le oflaw, buta lso t hemost basi cdeve lopme ntenvir onment.Despitemygood socialorderi n Ge neral, butthereare law -abiding consciousne ss, socialor der is notsta ndar d, regardle ss offaith,Twining visitvisit andother outstanding problems.Wewantto actively promotet hefield ofmulti-levelg overna nce

41、accordi ng tolaw, promotet hecontinuous improvement ofthesocial environment. o promote univer salcomplia nce.A ctivelyfostert herule oflaw culture,carry out lawpublicit yand e ducationon honestya ndtr ustwort hiness,gui de themasse s andconsciously a bidebythe law,failing tofind method,problem-solvi

42、 ng method,methodofgraduallychanging t heworl d, heis not lookingforbut some one"unspoken rule s",formed all law law,a bidebythe good atmosphere.To stre ngthe n the comprehe nsive ma nagement ofpublic security. Deepening pea ce xinga n constr uction, stronglyelationshipbetween Governmenta

43、nd busi ness.The"two sessions",GeneralSe cretaryof"Pro", "clear"the word succinctlysum marizedthe newrel ationshi pbetw een Governme ntand business,a s pure politics, reshapi ng the politicalrelationshipspecifiedin thedire ction.Di strictleaders inhandling politi caland

44、 businessrelati ons,engage i n tradi ngpowerformoney,andfina lly stumbled,we a lesson,a lways keepi nmindthat"Pro","clean"practicing "Pro","clear"."Pro" istoopena sinceree ngagement with privateenter prise t ohel p solve practi caldifficulties; "

45、; Clear "istoclarifythe Division ofpow er,exerci sed in accor dancewit h, privateentrepre neurswith innoce ntpurit y, notabusing powerfor personalgain, not to e ngage intrading powerfor money.Third,in order to mai ntainfairne ssa ndjustice.Fairnessandjusticeis the lifeline oftheruleofla w,is th

46、ebest development environme nt.Currentl y,lax law enfor cement a ndt hejudici alse ctorinour regi on al soexist to varying degrees,laenforcementde partmentsand indivi dualwindowunits power forpersona lgains and bri bes,thi ck friends,relations,human cases,moneycasesi n whi ch seri ously infringe ont

47、 he legitimaterig hts and i nterests ofe nterpri ses a nd people.Especially somelawe nforcement and inspe ctionforprofitpurpose s, deliberatelylooki ngfor cor porateloophol es,found dir ctly under theti cket doesnotgive busine ss impr ovement opportunities.Were cruitacompany doesn'teasily,cultiv

48、ati ng ab usniessmore difficult,neverfor personal gai n,systemati charassment, card, lastche ckedtocheck t ogetthe enter prise coll apse d. o g uaranteet he legitimaterights a ndinterests.Al ways pr ocee d fromthe overall situati on ofreformand devel opment of servi ces,fullyconsiderthe characterist

49、ics ofpr oduction a nd management i n non -publi c e nterprises a ndsocialbenefits, a n a ccurategrasp oflegal limits,prote ctthe enthusia smofentre preneursa nd practiti oner s ininnovation ande ntrepreneurship,enhancingexpectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ctenforceme nt.Strengt heni ng

50、lawenfor cementprocedures, improve law enfor cement performanceevaluati on, strengthe ning thesupervi sionof lawe nforcement,ex plorati on a nd pra ctice ofrisk controlme chanismof lawe nforceme nttofurther sta ndardizet hesocial security, urba nmanagement , road trafficadmi nistrative law enfor cem

51、ent,effectivelyfree, extensive law-enfor cementa nd laxenfor cement of lawenforcement andotherissues. o uphol djusti ce.Justice i sthe lastli ne ofDefe nseto safeguard fairne ssa ndjustice ,tounequivocallysupportthe courtsand pr ocuratoratesindependently exercise level.Judiciala ctivitieswererampant

52、, must not be allowe dto run,favors,money,mustnot be allowe dtoknowingly violatethe miscarriage,violationsofthe legitimaterights and interestsofthe massesmust not be allowe dto abuseofpower,tomakeforestmass ca nbefelt in everyjudicialcasesi n equity andjustice.Fourtodeepengrass-r oogovernance a ccor

53、dingto la w牌都主動出擊,各不相讓,并沒有一個(gè)占據(jù)主導(dǎo)地位的品牌。市場上的戰(zhàn)爭還處于膠著狀態(tài),在果汁飲料的諸侯紛爭時(shí)期,每一個(gè)品牌都有機(jī)會。四、市場開拓尚未完成,上升空間較大統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字表明,美國人年均果汁消費(fèi)量為45 公升, 德國為 46 公升, 日本和新加坡為 16-19 公升,世界人均消費(fèi)量已達(dá)7 公升,與此同時(shí),中國人年均果汁消費(fèi)量還不到1 公升, 差距十分明顯。雖然由于中國市場的特殊性,人均消費(fèi)量的增加速度不會很快,而且增量也不會象有些人所說的那樣大,但是隨著中國國民收入的不斷增長和生活方式的改變,國民將更加關(guān)注健康,果汁飲料以補(bǔ)充維生素的形象出現(xiàn)自然吸引眾人目光。匯源的 “喝

54、匯源果汁,走健康之路”對果汁市場的開拓功不可沒;統(tǒng)一鮮橙多的“多喝多漂亮”對果汁飲料市場的大突破也是人盡皆知; 酷兒雖然是在視覺形象上贏得了兒童市場的青睞,但父母們之所以樂于給孩子買酷兒還是因?yàn)樗鳛楣慕】堤匦?;而其它品牌也多以果汁飲料的天然屬性為核心訴求的基礎(chǔ),并取得了明顯的效果。這種現(xiàn)象說明,果汁的天然屬性是符合飲料發(fā)展潮流的,其發(fā)展具有堅(jiān)實(shí)的基礎(chǔ)。并且, 就現(xiàn)在的市場來說,消費(fèi)力并未完全開發(fā),因?yàn)殡m然有匯源等品牌多年來對果汁市場的精心培育,但果汁市場的跳躍性發(fā)展還是近兩年的事情,所以對市場的開拓還有待于各品牌的共同努力。這就要求各個(gè)品牌都要在參與競爭的同時(shí),能維護(hù)行業(yè)利益,協(xié)力把市場

55、做大。而對于大品牌來說,在市場份額的擴(kuò)大的同時(shí) ,還要努力尋求自身內(nèi)力的修煉,在管理上、產(chǎn)品研發(fā)上以及規(guī)模的擴(kuò)大上都要有所突破。果汁飲料市場的發(fā)展趨勢 那么,這樣一個(gè)市場的發(fā)展有哪幾個(gè)趨勢呢?rass-roots governancea ccordi ng tolawisan importantfoundationforpromote univ ersalcomplia nce.Activelyfostertng the worl d,he i snot looking forbutsomeone "unspoken ron and a ppoints at all levelsof

56、 lea-J . I,I L I-J . I _ II 一一 一h,bey ond politi cal,i dle, laLI I I 一 - 一.一 一 I- I . - - - .一 nd better leadthe massestI- - -I.1-1 I _ IIL . I -againstviole nce crime, mafiaandserious criminaloffences,toprote ctthe legitimate rightsand intere sts of citize ns, legalpersons,carry outcriminalpolng so

57、cialvitality,and earnestlysafeguard socialharmony andstabilit y.To resolve socialopi nion,improvi ng regulation,ar bitration,as wellas dispute resolution m chanisms, im plementfullythe petitioners'cases "thir d-party" hearingsale, lazy g overna ncegnd supervisi ng systemofletters andca

58、lls, andto resolve t heinvolved lawlawsuitintotheor bitofruleof law ,vexatious,Twining visitvisit, distur bing soci alorderandothermali cious extortion, resolutesolutelycrackdown. Five,impr ovingca dres V itale,pr ovidestrongpr otecti on for forestdevelopmentXI General Se cretarystressedthatthe comp

59、rehensive revitaliza tion inNortheastChina,needs ahig hquality,solidstyle,ca dresof thedare to play.Ca dre cadres is a pledge ,shoulwant to doworka nda ble to dogood, e nthusiasm i sparamount.Treat party cagoodatshow sas new.To i dentify the probl em,accurate pulsedres,it is necessarytoStrict management,and warmcare,enable t hebr oadmasses ofcadres w orkhar d work,this i


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