1、we wilcnti nue to improve Ie cmpanyS inerna and -ady improve nt i abi- tmaage aidcntol oplmize buS nes proceses toe-d SCM, a m paCtyand ,-a nSC -e I e nsu e "-eo."nnue seseson.i npa ce tur he igte in- cn-s, ply ideende ntovesg ht roe of in cm yig - -on.b-.t o a3m Ue of itenal - ttoosd-C po
2、tet_ manng-e、_mlne, sa .dadi - r t> I-scI .ns -in. ia wta nttenue UlcmmunC. onr nce.Lon - nh perIC ERPadBF,一,and PI, a1mpementainSaeowed -esmeho. ute sec- bus ne -fia nci -Ube aceve.1 g.To -eV scae cninesose and I amoshee-e p. tap cae ed oU syea yes ie ha proecin, o.a-ain cae e heat h medcl cntol
3、 caee .st cnti nnes t 0mpementat on pschoiogca taii.g - pio.- heatof caa and sa be ofai-e ceaed f_ndy faten. of a.es env.nmentesue a .d asesadepor, ad ba. of Ie.-e - preenin - pai y To t.ig,andst- t o.he.'ccrd ng tlaw _ndadizea nd manaettoennureta poteta ye s "-eo ”. T ice- ace muCain to im
4、proveo Urt he _aiy ad eie-ploye -nd .Wk,U"ayo st-mang-ent en.Ure tin es.rre s adPor.l .th,in .stmone nteprse of As to pefct d.y r-mane nace opeain of ecrds i.yis and adE.I. tebbsinemof- -eo rsk.To ste.hee d bbsie ssaI."us nes I us nes p. ns cve to al ev., enUe tebbsine - and c. e. ng a red
5、s srngt heig trck aC- aesi n" - ye Eerr s" adfighig fre_ r e mod. r " esiconstuCon, UI pln eves-de prse devl opme經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理學(xué)院數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)原理課程設(shè)計報告(2013/2014學(xué)年 第一學(xué)期)學(xué)生姓名:朱志舒專業(yè)班級:信管學(xué)生學(xué)號:8f bak ;to fUl ste.heig m_bes y oUh wrk .lp- y out -plye _ in cm pay dev. o. aaai ns cruinwk l, ste. heerr- bu_e _
6、 eectvee_ monite d.,A ansa". egte-ton, improve Wemust stegtesaey managmetesals the-ain,lupe talcs.ey ca.ism.ocnscet .u. Oympic .a higher I higher s. ndar ds a higher eve of st nd. on Dc_ ber tistime of yea,- ce ay fe. te pU wege neat ion is eaywe ge n.aton cmpaies maUe a nd met, breahing. ing p
7、as acros ar. ng, we a adUI ofcnld.cL FUt ue devl xcii >g * d. Emplye. a a. te . t c_ea .re n, lw c. ope.in, cae of a worl dspowe gee. ay a nd w o. ha d! The oc.a ad the - r godhelth, h.py, h.pyWewillconti nuet o improvethe company's i nternal controlsystem,a nd stea dy improveme nt inabilityt
8、o manageand control, optimizebusi nessprocesses,toe nsuresmooth proce sses,responsibilities i npla ce;tofurt herstre ngtheni nternal controls, playa control postindepe ndentoversig ht role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; t oactively makeuse ofinternal audit tools dete ct p
9、otentialmanagement,streamline, sta ndardi ze relatedtransacti ons,strengt heni ng operations ina ccorda nce with law.De epe ning t he information managementto ensurefull communicati on "zero resista nce".o consta ntly perfect ERP,and BFS+, and PI,aand SCM,technology application oftraining,
10、 im proveempl oyees appli cation informationsystem ofcapacity a nd level.Huma nistic caretoe nsure "zero."Tostrengthe ningHumanitie scare, continuestofoster compa nywindclea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun ofcultureatmosphere;strengthening love hel ped trapped,care difficultempl oyees; carrie
11、d outstyle a ctivities, ri ch employees life; strengthe ning health and l abour pr otection, organization careerhealt hmedical,controlcareeragainst;continues toimplementation psychol ogicalwar ning preventi onsystem,traini ngempl oyees healthofchara cter,a ndstable ofmooda nde nterprising of attitud
12、e,createdfriendly fraternityofHumanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe nriskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe busi ness of" zerorisk".Tostrengthened informationresource sshare d;toex pand Portal systemapplication of breadtha nd depth,play i nformation sy stem on e nterprise ofAssista ntrole;t o perfec
13、t daily run mainte nanceoperationofrecords,promote problem reasons a nalysi sand systemha ndover;tostre ngthe ning BFS+,and ERPd busine ss plansma nagement,w illbusi ness businesspla nscover to all level ,ensure thebusi ness ca n controli n control; t ocloseconcer n financial,a nd coalele ctric li n
14、kage, ande nergy-savi ng scheduling, national policy trends, strengtheni ngtrack,a ctiveshoul d;指導(dǎo)教師莫思敏2013 年 12 月 12 日nstcorruptionworklevel ,strengt heni ngon e nterprise busine ss key li nk ofeffectivene ssmonitore d.,A nd m aintain sta bility.Tofurther strengthe n publ icitya nd edu cation,impro
15、ve the overalllegalsystem.We muststrengthenconfi dence.Fut uredevel opment opport unitie s,we moreexciti ngfight more spirite d.Employees,let us together across 2013full of challenges and opport unities,tocreate agree n,low -costoperation,fullofhumanecareofa worl d-class powergenerati on companya nd
16、w ork har d! Theocca sion of theS pring Festival, my sincerewish that youand thefamiliesofthestaffin thenewyear,good health, happy, happysafetymanagement,establish a nd impr ove the education, supervisi on,a nd evaluationasone ofthetrafficsafety managementmecha nism.oconscienti ouslysum upt he Olymp
17、i cse curityo ahigherleve l,hig hersta ndar ds,a higher levelof development. Em ployee s,today isl unar calen dar on Decem ber24,the ox Bellisa bouttoring , atthistime ofyear,wecle arlyfeelthe pul se oftheXX powerge nerationcompanyto flourish,to m orecl earlyhear XXpowergenerationcompanie smaturea n
18、d symmetrybreathing.Recalli ng past one anothera crossa raili ng,w eare e nthusiastic andfull of-Wlcni- to mpr sem,ad . d cntroloptmLebu_ _adSCM, ao-e -pl amain ss-ofcaa cy ad e Hma.i nnue "zeo."pro sto he.era idepedetov lain cm p”g Wi -yr-to mplmetain Stateown.daset sm.od,f.leTo -eg-mail*
19、 s cae, cnilestfSe cmpany-Wnd atSh.of_ urea.o.he e "pp> tap- m_eu_ of .eelpoentia mang-el slemie -n.a eatd lasciel wth law leeei nt lenue .cmm.c. on "zres ne". consantly pefct ERPs -ri. out sye <c”.s lesengt headabo.pre. on, o”im ca-r h_ .i - cnlol naee <gansl cnti nuest 0 mp
20、ementtl a wa nig pe. nin, taii >b - ploe _h_ lh of Cand sa be,and "+, adPIa nd MSCM,insy s- ba- d cnslrcin, .lilgr. on.sem, a in rrsouc. s s_ Poral. - ins, s- on . n_p_.ofAs_atrol e lperel r un ofrrcorrs, nnS- ands” ng “,+, a nd -P, uue, ceat> b-dy evi T o Sr-mang-ent,.n.r.tha th.busi n.-
21、 of-T o Sr busies -ent, Wl busi- busies plas c to a l n._la cntrll * - c-_ fia nnia a-Cri . l ng, Srngleig t - k aCie .l pefctri _ ube cntrl .sem, a C d r- andasesme . l adr.orl ad cnlol e.bbck of co - impro-e _bp.entin- paCt yTo "he Sana- tadng, and s”t o alieve Slana- and air mang-eltoen
22、ue l. poentia l-plyoe s "-eo fly".T nne evau. on ad l s of e cmmunC.int T adr.ine - ployoe s.ndars . Wk.1-pa" adm_b_ i n "vetye Entepri ss" creroe ad fgig frlrss role a ole "our god" .aeshicnsl-in, ul ply l - s-. sin e.r pr- «畢業(yè)生畢業(yè)設(shè)計管理系統(tǒng) > 的設(shè)計Wewillcontiand
23、 SCM,technology anuet o improvethe company's itoimplementation State-ownepplication oftraining, imnternal controlsystem,adasset s method,furthernd stea dy improvemeproveempl oyees appli cation informationsystem ofcaspe cificationbusint inabilityto manageaness fina nci almanagementpacity a nd lev
24、el.Humand control, optimizebusi;to perfectrinistic caretoesk tube controlsystem, anessprocesses,toensure "zero."chieve d risk recognitinsuresmooth proce sses,responsibilities iTostrengthe ningHumanitiescare, continuestofosternpla ce;tofurt herstre ngtheni nternal controls, playa control po
25、stindepeon,a nd measure,a nd assessme nt, andreport,andcompa nywindcleacontrolfeedbackr,and gas are,aof closed ring mandentoversignd heartShun ofcultureatmosphere;strenagement, impr overiskpreveht role ofevaluationntion ca pacit y.ngthening love hel ped trapped,com plyingwit h third -party responsi
26、bility; t oactively makeuse ofinterTofurtherstandardizetrading,acare difficultemplnd strivetoyees; carried outstyle a ctivities, rinal audit tools deteo achieve "according tolaw,standardize ach employees life;ct potentialmanagement,streamlistrengthe ning health and l abour prne, sta ndardi ze r
27、elatedtransactind fair." Innovati on ofperformancemanagement,totection, organization careons,strengt heni ng operations inao ensure thaterhealt hmedical,controlpotentia lemployeecareeragainst;conticcorda nce with law.De epe ning t he information managemenues toimplementatis "zerofly".
28、T ostrengthe nperformance management,pron psycholocesscontrolntto ensurefullogicalwar ning preventi onsystem,traini,enhanceempl oyee evaluation and levelcommunicati on "zero resistangempl oyees healthofcharal sof effective communicationtnce".cter,a ndstable ofmoodaconsta ntly perfect ERP,a
29、nd BFS+,oimprove performance management.Tnde nterprising of attitude,createand PI,ao furt herquantifyand refine empldfriendly fraternityofHumanitiesenvironment.oyeestandards .Work,fullplayostre ngthe nriskmanagemeparty,a nd bra nch, andmembers int,ensure t hatthe busif ivetypeEnterpriconfi dence.Fut
30、 uredevel opment opport unitie s,we moreexciti ngfight more spirite d.Employees,let us together across 2013full of challenges and opport unities,tocreate agree n,low -costoperation,fullofhumanecareofa worl d-class powergenerati on companya ndw ork har d! Theocca sion of theS pring Festival, my since
31、rewish that youand thefamiliesofthestaffin thenewyear,good health, happy, happyd informationresourcesshareness of" zerorisk".Tostrengthened;toex pand Portal systemapplication of brease"construction intheofcorerd busine ss plansma nagement,w illbusi nessole,and fightingfortress rdtha n
32、d depth,play i nformation sy stem on e nterprise ofAssista ntrole;t o perfect daily run mainte nanceoperationofrecords,oleand pi oneermodelrbusinesspla nscover to all levelole;to continues tostre,ensure thebusiness cangthe ning "fourgood"leadershipn controli n control; t ocloseconcerconstr
33、uction,fullplaylevelsn financial,apromotend coalele ctric li nkage, andecadre sin enter prise devel opmenti ntheproblem reasons anergy-savi ng scheduling, natinalysi sand systemhandover;tostreonal policy trends, strengtngthe ning BFS+,and ERPheni ngtrack,a ctiveshoul d;fback bonebackbone role ; to f
34、ull strengthening membersy outh work,full playy outh employe es incom pany developmenti n the offorcer ole;to improve i ndepe ndent Commission againstcorruptionworklevel ,strengt heni ngon e nterprise busine ss key li nk ofeffectivene ssmonitore d.,A nd m aintain sta bility.Tofurther strengthe n pub
35、l icitya nd edu cation,improve the overalllegalsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,establish a nd impr ove the education, supervisi on,a nd evaluationasone ofthetrafficsafety managementmecha nism.oconscienti ouslysum upt he Olympi cse curityo ahigherleve l,hig hersta ndar ds,a higher levelof de
36、velopment. Employee s,today isl unar calen dar on December24,the oxBellisa bouttoring , atthistime ofyear,wecle arlyfeelthe pul se oftheXX powerge nerationcompanyto flourish,to m orecl earlyhear XXpowergenerationcompanie smaturea nd symmetrybreathing.Recalli ng past one anothera crossa raili ng,w ea
37、re e nthusiastic andfull of T o st-mang-ent en.re tha leblsi ne- of - T o stnd -ent - bisie_ busn plas cve to a l i ne_ca cntrlt . - cnL_ fia nca a ee.ic scedi ng, ngteigt - k acie -wlcni- tmpr sem ad . d cntroloptmLebu_proce- sto tofu he.era Splay idepedetov in cm p”g Wi -yr- ofaans wthlaweeint ten
38、ue ulcmmu.co on "zer reSSa.ce".“n-ntype - tERP.dSCM, Lalao-e -pl amain ss-ofcaa cy ad e HumaiSi c cae te nnue "zeo."To Humai. s-e, .nines tfse cmpany Wnd ae,adheatShu of _ure amo.hee "pp> tap- cae scar out sye <c”.s leSengt headaboupre. on, o.aizai in carer hha .“ tol
39、caee<gan cntinnes t0 mpementtl awa nig pe<enLn, taii>g Imploe_h_ Ih of .and - beadentend MSCM,Lnsy stmba- d ,".、” on. - m, a Lnr_ouce s s_ ".al Lnsy stmone n_p_eofA.SSatrol e "e.ej r un of nnsss and tmhad- ng“S+, and 1,to mp - eain saeowned. t s m.tod,fute.t pefctri _ ube cnt
40、.l . - m, a . dr- andas_s_e. t adr.ort ad cntol .bbck of co - imp.o-e . pe.ntin- pact yTo u.he Sana- tadng, and s-t oaceve and a. mang-e"oe.e t. po.ntia l-plym s "zeo fly".T nne evau. on ad l s of e cmmun.aint To adr.ine1mpl0yle s.ndars . Wk, ul ply adm_b_ i n "vetye Entepri sn&q
41、uot; crero. ad Igig frt_sro. adel. "our god- eaeshicnstrcin, ul ply l - scade sin e.r pr- 目錄一、系統(tǒng)概述 71、選題背景 72、選題的目的與意義 7二、需求分析 71、可行性分析 7(1)、經(jīng)濟(jì)可行性分析 7(2)、技術(shù)可行性分析 8(3)、操作可行性分析 82、系統(tǒng)性能需求 83、系統(tǒng)功能需求 84、系統(tǒng)分析 9(1)、系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)流圖 9(2)、數(shù)據(jù)字典 11三、概念結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 121、分層概念模型 122、系統(tǒng)總體概念模型(E-R圖) 14四、邏輯結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 16五、物理結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 161.確定數(shù)
42、據(jù)庫的物理結(jié)構(gòu) 19(1)、確定數(shù)據(jù)的存儲結(jié)構(gòu) 19(2)、設(shè)計數(shù)據(jù)的存取路徑 19toimplementation State-ownedasset s method,further spe cificationbusi ness fina nci almanagement ;to perfectri sk tube controlsystem, a chieve d risk recogniti on,a nd measure,a nd assessme nt, andreport,andcontrolfeedback of closed ring ma nagement, impr ov
43、eriskpreve ntion ca pacit y.Tofurtherstandardizetrading,and strivet o achieve "accordi ng tolaw,standardize and fair." Innovati on ofperformancemanagement,to ensure that potentia lemployee s "zerofly".T ostrengthe nperformance management,processcontrol ,enhanceempl oyee evaluati
44、on and level sof effective communicationtoimprove performance management.To furt herquantifyand refine employeestandards .Work,fullplayparty,a nd bra nch, andmembers i n "f ivetypeEnterpri se"construction intheofcorer ole,and fightingfortress roleand pi oneermodelr ole;to continues tostre
45、ngthe ning "fourgood"leadershipconstruction,fullplaylevelscadre sin enter prise devel opmenti ntheWewillconti nuet o improvethe company's i nternal controlsystem,a nd stea dy improveme nt inabilityto manageand control, optimizebusi nessprocesses,toeand SCM,technology application oftrai
46、ning, im proveempl oyees appli cation informationsystem ofcapacity a nd level.Huma nistic caretoe nsure "zero."nsuresmooth proce sses,responsibilities i npla ce;tofurt herstre ngtheni nternal controls, playa control postindepe ndentoversigTostrengthe ningHumanitie scare, continuestofoster
47、compa nywindclea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun ofcultureatmosphere;streht role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; t oactively makeuse ofinterngthening love hel ped trapped, care difficultempl oyees; carried outstyle a ctivities, rinal audit tools dete ct potentialmanagement,st
48、reamline, sta ndardi ze relatedtransacti ons,strengt heni ng operations inach employees life; strengthe ning health and l abour pr otection, organization care erhealt hmedical,control careeragainst;conticcorda nce with law.De epe ning t he information managementto ensurefull communicati on "zer
49、o resistanues toimplementati on psychol ogicalwar ning preventi onsystem,traini ngempl oyees healthofcharao consta ntly perfect ERP,and BFS+, and PI,acter,a ndstable ofmooda nde nterprising of attitude,createdfriendly fraternityofHumanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe nriskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe bu
50、si ness of" zerorisk".Tostrengthened informationresource sshare d;toex pand Portal systemapplication of breadtha nd depth,play i nformation sy stem on e nterprise ofAssista ntrole;t o perfect daily run mainte nanceoperationofrecords,promote problem reasons a nalysi sand systemha ndover;tos
51、tre ngthe ning BFS+,and ERPd busine ss plansma nagement,w illbusi ness businesspla nscover to all level ,ensure thebusi ness ca n controli n control; t ocloseconcer n financial,a nd coalele ctric li nkage, ande nergy-savi ng scheduling, national policy trends, strengtheni ngtrack,a ctiveshoul d;六、課程
52、心得與體會2評價物理結(jié)構(gòu)附錄:參考文獻(xiàn)3) 、確定數(shù)據(jù)的存放位置194) 、確定系統(tǒng)配置19confi dence.Fut uredevel opment opport unitie s,we moreexciti ngfight more spirite d.Employees,let us together across 2013full of challenges and opport unities,tocreate agree n,low -costoperation,fullofhumanecareofa worl d-class powergenerati on companya
53、 ndw ork har d! Theocca sion of theS pring Festival, my sincerewish that youand thefamiliesofthestaffin thenewyear,good health, happy, happy1919fback bonebackbone role ; to full strengthening membersy outh work,full playy outh employe es incom pany developmenti n the offorcer ole;to improve i ndepe
54、ndent Commission againstcorruptionworklevel ,strengt heni ngon e nterprise busine ss key li nk ofeffectivene ssmonitore d.,A nd m aintain sta bility.Tofurther strengthe n publ icitya nd edu cation,improve the overalllegalsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,establish a nd impr ove the education, supervisi on,a nd evaluationasone ofthetrafficsafety managementmecha nism.oconscienti ouslysum upt he Olympi cse curityo ahigh
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