



1、常用文體的寫作知識1. 描寫文(description ):描寫文就是用生動、形象的語言把人物的狀態(tài) 和動作、景物的性質和特征具體地描繪出來,描寫人時 則刻畫人物的肖像、語言、行為、心理活動及生活細節(jié)。描寫景物時則用時間 與空間順序的安排方式展開文章段落。描寫文中每一段只能表達一種思想或主 題的一部分。請讀這段文章。(由于篇幅有限,每種類型的文章只取一個段落為 例。)It was noon. The hot sun above was bright. It made the temperature rise. On the road all was quite. There were few

2、cars to be seen. There were even fewer people about. The shops alongside the road were wide open. Their bamboo shades were rolled down to keep out the blazing sun. There was no wind at all. The pavement way, though shady, was stuffy. Even the shopkeepers seemedaffected by this mid - day heat and stu

3、ffiness.Theylooked bored and unwilling to serve the few occasional customers.這是一段描寫文。在讀文章之前要求讀者帶著問題閱讀:段落的中心思想是什么? 段落是采用什么方法描寫的?不難發(fā)現(xiàn),段落的中心思想是描寫 某一天中午的高溫、 悶熱的情景。 作者采用由上到下、 由遠到近的空間順序的方 法描寫。文章中用火熱的太陽、道路安靜、車輛稀少、為擋住陽光,商店的竹窗 簾落下來、店主不愿接待顧客等情景的描寫生動地襯托了段落的中心思想。2. 記敘文 (narration) :記敘文敘述過去發(fā)生的事情,著重寫事或人。其要素 是五“何”

4、原則,即在寫作中必須交待清楚五個方面的內容: 何時、何地、何人、 何事以及何如。 記敘文主要是按時間順序陳述事件, 中心思想是通過陳述、 舉例、 解釋及細節(jié)來說明。 文章段落的中心思想可能是段落的任何一個句子或暗示。 請 讀下面題為“ My 35 Years In China ”記述文章的開頭段落,并注意體會文章的 開頭方式和展開手法:There is a saying in China that“Time flies like an arrow. ” WhenI cameto China the People's Republic of China had just been bor

5、n. Today, the new China has proudly celebrated her 35 th anniversary and now stands in full splendor and looks to the world with confidence. Meanwhile time has turned me from a strong 40-year-old into a gray-haired old man.Thisyear marks 75 th birthday as well as 35 th year that I have been living a

6、nd working in China. In that time I have lived in this fascinating land and shared joys and suffering with Chinese people, so that in my old age I can proudly say“the longer I live in China, the younger my heartbecome.”這段文章的目的是通過時間順序、 舉例對比的寫作手法 從中華人民共 和國成立到如今中國面對全世界,驕傲地慶祝 35 周年紀念日;從一位四十歲的 中年人變成了兩鬢灰白

7、的老人, 感覺光陰似箭的心情。 文章的中心思想是圍繞著 中國生活的 35 年時光過得很快而寫成的。又如:一九八八年六月全國四級統(tǒng)考的作文,題目是:An Early Morning Walk。這是一篇屬于記敘文體裁的文章,要求學生寫出“我”由起床開始到去公園以及 在公園所見所聞的全過程。在第三段中,還要求寫出自己的思想,對早上安靜的 環(huán)境的敘述以及對公園所見的情況給以具體的描述。見下面參考范文:An Early Morni ng WalkOne morning I got up early, and everything around was very quite. The sun had ju

8、st risen, shining brilliantly.Everything seemedto be coveredwith a layer of golden silk, there were only some birds singing occasi on ally in the high trees. I tripped all the way toward the park, breathing the fresh air, feeling extremely happy.When I arrived at the park, I found, to my surprise, t

9、here were somany people there. Me n and wome n, boys and girls all enjo yed themselves by various activities. Some were doing morning exercises, some were playing badminton, some old people were having their tea while talking to each other cheerfullyWalk ing around the park, to my delight, I found a

10、 few middle school stude nts were talk ing to each other in En glish in the southeast corner of the park, I went to them at once and spoke to them in English, we became friends right away. I was very glad to find ano ther opport unity to practice myspoke n En glish. On the way home, I thought early

11、morning walk was really helpful. Taking an early walking makes a man healthy and wise.注:(打橫線的句子為段首句和段尾句。)3. 說明文(exposition ):說明文就是用言簡意駭?shù)奈淖窒蜃x者介紹事物的 過程,講解思想和信念,把信息展現(xiàn)給讀者。寫說明文要掌握的要素是“什么(what)”和“為什么(why)”,即通過點明論點和闡明緣由或過程,說明事物 的特點和性能,或闡明某種觀念、原理或現(xiàn)象。說明文包括實體事物說明文、事 理說明文和文藝說明文。請讀下面一段題為“ Read Good Books”的說明文章:

12、From good reading wecan derive pleasure, friendship,experienee, andinstruction.A good book may absorb our attention so completely that forthe time being we forget our surrounding and even our existenee. Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It in creases our conten tme nt whe

13、n we are cheerful, and lesse ns our troubles whe n we are sad. Whatever may be our main purpose in readi ng, our con tact with good books should n ever fail to give us enjo yme nt and satisfact ion.這是一段事理說明文,要把事情理由講清楚。段落的中心思想是段落的中間句 Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life.其它句子都是為

14、了襯托中心思想,要說明讀書是生活中最大樂趣之一的原因。要注意, 說明文除了要掌握其空間順序(從上到下,由外到內)、還要掌握其邏輯順序(先 因后果或先果后因)、認識順序(由淺入深、由此及彼、由局部到整體、由現(xiàn)象 到本質、由具體到抽象)。這段說明文就是用讀書可以使人忘掉周圍一切,可以 使人愉快時心情更愉快,傷心時可以減少痛苦等現(xiàn)象說明其本質讀書可以使我們獲得享受和滿足。又如:一九九二年六月全國四級統(tǒng)考的作文題目是:How I Overcame MyDifficulties in Learni ng En glish.段首句是:在英語學習中存在的困難。我是怎樣克服困難的。多數(shù)學生能根據(jù)所學知識較好地

15、寫出文章所給的提綱內 容,從文章開頭交待英語學習中有哪些困難,回答說明文what,到論及如何克服這些困難的過程,完成說明文的 why和how的闡釋,內容較充實,解釋清晰。 但少數(shù)學生審題失誤,全文只說明了英語學習的困難是什么,卻疏漏了說明文最關鍵的一步,即沒有扣住 how的闡明,而是表決心似的大喊“今后要努力學習 英語”之類的口號,導致全篇跑題。這就要求學生在實際寫作中掌握好寫說明文 的要點。4. 議論文(argumentation ):議論文就是講道理、講是非。一段完整的議 論文是由論點、論據(jù)和論證構成的。說明文是把信息展現(xiàn)給讀者,那么議論文則 是用信息去說服讀者。這兩種文章都是以來自各方面

16、的事實和印象為基礎的。最常見的議論文順序為: 提出問題或表達一種觀點即引論。 分析、評論提出的問題或觀點即正文. 對提出的問題、觀點表明態(tài)度或提出解決方法即結論, 也就是文章的結尾。現(xiàn)引用一篇題為“ Smoking and Cancer”議論文的引論和結論段落,分析如 下:弓丨論 America ns smoke six thousa nd milli on cigarettes every year. This is roughly the equivale nt of 4:195 cigarettes a year for every pers on in the country of 1

17、8 years age of more. It is estimated that 51%of American men smoke compared with 34% of America n wome n.結論 While all tobacco smoking affects life expectancy and health, cigarettesmoking appears to have a muchgreater effect than cigar or pipesmok ing. However, ni cot in e con sumptio n is not dimini

18、 shed by the latter forms, and curre nt research in dicates a causal relati on ship betwee n all forms of smok ing and can cer of the mouth and throat. Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smok ing to some exte nt safer, but they can only margin ally reduce, not elim in ate the hazards.這是

19、一篇典型議論文的開始和結尾段落。引論中,作者用數(shù)字、男女吸煙的 比率提出了吸煙問題。結論中,作者對吸煙問題做了明確具體的分析,無論是香 煙、雪茄煙還是煙斗對健康都有害處,一切吸煙方式與口腔癌、喉癌之間都有一種因果關系。通過閱讀可以體會到,文章的標題是“吸煙與癌癥”,一直到結尾段落也沒有脫離吸煙與癌癥這一話題。此處雖然沒有足夠的篇幅給出文章的正 文,但要注意正文的內容必須要:論點正確、鮮明;論據(jù)確鑿、典型、恰當、有 說服力;論點之間要有本質的必然聯(lián)系。綜上所述,四種類型文章的閱讀寫作訓練,僅是起到一種提示作用。文章寫 作手法多種多樣,訓練時必須結合文章的性質、寫作方式,靈活地改變訓練方法、 訓練

20、手段。要想寫出好文章,必須要多閱讀、多體會、多模仿、多練習。怎樣寫大學英語四級圖表式作文圖表式作文是四六級考試中較難的一種作文類型(2002年6月的考試便 是一例)。它要求考生根據(jù)圖表所給出的信息,寫出所要表達主題的作文。圖表 式作文最大的特點是所給的信息表達很集中,給人以一目了然之感。圖表式作文一般可分三段來寫:第一段描述出圖表反映的總情況,用能充分說明主題的典型 數(shù)據(jù)來描寫。第二段對數(shù)字進行仔細的分析比較,歸納出增減速率并找出產(chǎn)生變 化的原因。第三段寫讀圖表后的想法和評論,從而得出自己的結論。請看實例: Changes in People ' s Diet:Year food198

21、61987198819891990Grain49%47%46.5%45%45%P Milk10%P 11%11%12%13%Meat17%20%22.5%23%21%Fruit and vegetable24%22%20%20%21%Total100%100%100%100%100%“ Changes in People ' s Diet ” 一文是1991年6月份四級考試作文題。實 際上從此文表格的提示中不難把握文章的內涵和范圍。根據(jù)三段法寫作的原則, 第一段闡述近6年來人們飲食上變化的總況(包括哪些需求的降低或增加)。第 二段是文章的重點,著重說明變化的原因。從歸納出的原因中反映出

22、了人們現(xiàn)在 在經(jīng)濟實力提高的前提下更加注意科學的營養(yǎng)。第三段則從個人的理解得出結 論,展示人們飲食結構的變化所帶來的益處和光明的前景,從而使主題思想更突出。參考范文Changes in People ' s DietAs can be see from the table, great changes took place in people' sdiet from 1986 to 1990. The consumption of grain decreased year by year, while that of some high en ergy food, such a

23、s milk and meat, i ncreasedsteadily.While were there changes in people' s diet? There were two majorreas on s, I thi nk. First, people could afford to buy more expe nsive food with better nutrition.Second, people paid more attentionto the qualityof their diet, because they knew it was of great b

24、en efit to their health to eat in a scientific way. Therefore, they were trying their best to improve the structure of their food.From the above, we can see that people ' s living standard improved markedly in the five years between 19861990. And wecan also expect that their life would be more p

25、rosperous in years to come.、寫作中常見的幾種表達方式列舉法中常用的句型:First(ly),;seco nd(ly),;third(ly), First of all, ;the n,;thirdly, To startwith ;moreover, ;last, To beg in with,;most importa nt of, ;in additi on,Firstand foremost, ;sec ond,;fin ally舉例時常用的句型:For example/instanee A case in point is This can be illus

26、trated byTake for example, Such as Another example is say/suppose as an illustrati on表示比較和對比的常用詞語:There are a lot of similarities betwee n Xand Y X is like Y in X has nothing in com mon with Y Compared with X, Y We can compare X to Y ,on the con trary/ on the other hand in con trast. I n comparis on

27、 with in spite of the fact n evertheless whereas conv ersely.表示分類法常用的句型: X may be classified/dividedaccording to /on the basis of The classificati on is based onX may be put into groups con sists of / comprises表示時間順序的常用句型: Before / until something has been done ( doing someth in g),While / As someth ing is done ( doing somethi ng),During this time / processThe process beg ins ( fini shes / con cludes ) with表示數(shù)量之間比較的語句:in crease / decrease by X times ( 凈增/減 X倍)It in creased ( rose, jumped, shot up ) to X(dropped, fell ) to XThe figure ( percentage,number, population,doubled as aga inst that


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