1、the pricipi e of smpKei E A. of cnsucinpr ojecs i nte region. I terms of and, ike d tie m p - ea.n of u ba and r.a const.dona. increase and decease, epacement i areasproject Cages, it ole pr oje cs of wae, ee ctbly ai nistave cage s ad prefeeta pos In the aeaof a .n, and te. i.areas of iduSy ad is r
2、oducin compay, hii 5 yeas He Ie compiein of fs ince ntves to e nterpri I tems of fiancig, inbgrObnof lad, ta, ianeal and other esu cs, and cornSuU "Govenme ntdi +biess credit cce di system, esabl smet of makelat.n, comme - iza.nai d m ode i lai ivesmet a. Inacligpatorm; efedve Bankete prse dcki
3、g, ecuage s prvae ca piai it t he Park, tor .sty de-lpmet fud Ioptbize Ie ennmet and serve i n_Sr .,ceae "olcy low a, Hghands i nbgh of sevie a、d eopmei t a." as t he t he area unde ve opmet e i VmmeL 1 adminave aw efor met department s t aa ultme pesnne l saine d i aeas didbabd t i coodin
4、aig and sovig prbems asscae d wth businesses i i ths sector. W het here ae sUsania issues,ctr leaders arra ngei to person - ie rvene, i pushag be aea buidig agee nlght, easy l ne. To futhe e ad sa-dize adminstave e.Kon a nd a pprovaiiem* simply e.Hnand a pr ova Inks m prve eficecy a ceding t o Ie .S
5、ine the Id . atonal prrct ce of the ma- lne of the pary“si* seioosy in the e .cain, praci ca control ceta、gt ruls" ad opposig "he Iu wins" ad pracicig "hrre S un* ad ceck the . of Jia Yul u, del ogy slil opi nins bbsldon ousa ndi ng problms che sW ng caeul a ns s ad ree cin. Wl n
6、ow cle ck reort i s - I.ws ist Idheence tt he pat'spollcl dsciie e Igt i the ce nta prvsi on, ca n. the sye of the ba sc siuain of “cmpnne Wih t he patys poiica diciliesjnicietioosy a bide by the pat's poiia dsipie abi de by the C.ns" on a nd the uls a I d eg uains of the paly i n the .
7、o-al ie ologica and maita n hghly cnsise nt Wih theCPC Cental Cmmite onke act s no vilain of the patys poll ca dsciie prbllms 2, inlhe mpeme ntati centra luthort- of the eght provii ons. mprovi I g esar ch,、pr "ng esar cmetods butlhee ae e- grss roots ui s prmay fstha nd aia d ae gas of the pr
8、oblm, w hchis tobe segt hene d i the fuue Se cond cnstrcin, sticy in a ccda I ce Wih the prvsi ons to stremie and m| r ove the.aiy of m-.gsof the C.nfee T h, streml nig fe bri es culue iv al - pec addeolog y, sm due to theprctca nne ds of ive I ons,ths aea needs urte常用檢測項目及頻次要求表類別項目取樣數(shù)量頻次執(zhí)行依據(jù)水泥安定性 細
9、度12kg散裝:同一生產廠家、同一等級、同一品種、同一批 號500T/次GB12573-90水泥取樣方法凝結時間(初、終凝) 膠砂強度袋裝:同一生產廠家、同一等級、同一品種、同一批 號200T/次鋼筋拉伸2根(長約50cm)同一廠家、同一爐罐號、同一規(guī)格、同一交貨狀態(tài)60T/ 次GB1499-1998鋼筋混凝土用熱軋帶肋鋼筋彎曲2根(長名3 30cm)鋼筋焊接接 頭(搭接焊)拉伸3個(長約50cm)同一臺班內,由同一焊工完成的同直徑的接頭300個/次JGJ18-2003鋼筋焊接及驗收規(guī)程鋼筋焊接接 頭(閃光對 焊)拉伸3個(長名5 50cm)同一臺班內,由同一焊工完成的同直徑的接頭300個/次
10、JGJ18-2003鋼筋焊接及驗收規(guī)程甯曲3個(長名3 30cm)鋼絞線橫截回積1%朝£力3根(長名勺90cm)GB/T5224-2003切應力混凝土用鋼絞線破斷荷載 總伸長率 彈性模量同一牌號、同一規(guī)格、同一生產工藝60T/次錨具、夾片硬度批量的5叱不少于5 套不超過1000套一批JGJ85-2002切物力筋用錨具、夾具和 連接器應用技術規(guī)程靜載錨固性能錨具6個及配套夾 片,5m長鋼絞線N根(N與孔數(shù)對應)不超過1000套一批預應力金屬徑向剛度3根(每根1m)同一廠家累計半年或50000m/1批次JG/T3013-94預應力混凝土用金屬螺tramlning. Four ae san
11、dad vsts exept - e - ird tparii pae itani ngeractlty F- is to imI rove ne - r.ortng, wrksticy accdi ng to te rrg uains. Six is s| c- yu preenain pulshd s| c- acord ng t the eg uainsSeve s stity tr* e - ird te uueof veil es ad offce sae ad corporae hospiaiy 3, cane te sye.Proppgana a nd idel ogical w
12、ork ofte new si uaton a nd new re -irme nts of the new a hhd done a lt of fulfu wk' - made may aci ments bu ”her cr tote ga -ri ot, cloe t o rraly, cloe tte mas- a nd alsia deuae inovai on mus cntnue timprve. Secnd, the fu w nds" some outsading i slue s , oppose formal -. One te ory s ta he
13、 ddn', wth ess cloe cnact T I e oreia s uuy of cnnciousneis is not highenough, ssem pefmaneis not stong enough; more pass l eani ng ac- e aning few |e neai- a i d lar n more devig i ntlss Espc- bise d on atonal t hikng on maor -us, apling teoy tgu de te wk dne is not good eoog unde- nd a i d grs
14、p the s. ad esece of the -ntfc Oul ok on dve opment di ac-e masey toapy, ta cean e- nt, afct the devl opme it ad implmeai and itas Sicon、wrk ara ng-es, a nd leis sue-son. Proppgana a nd idel ogical w ork s te objecivewi ch nnetkep t he contnuy efors delooe- bu strssd i nte w or tme, lsslupevsion. Fo
15、r pl e, clr we eends it helumme thatial actvtes ciylq e pefrma nce, ugng t-wships cmmunitiethe mplmeat on s i nade quae , inuficent culual a nld - atonal rol e tpla y li .bbse eough, mlste gras les eal PPoppgana ad deolog ca w. i n te I ew siuain of caa ceisis and rrguaiyof enoogI , .dep e nough fr
16、galsrots pul c opii on ly nlmisluv frgalsr00s tycay.r<e les. Fr eample r ua cult ue tam aciv, Im not aciely tae te ititveto taeu,telak of sirtof .aing t, rrsulig isme jb had a lot of powe, buno agile rsuls T hid, i nno<atin, lckof motVn. imaniaion dd not end, ino'aton.os notexs.In p tia w.
17、« not your hia.pevoos wrk - peiec, ack of ino'ain iniaies sudy on t I e caacerst csof proppga nda a nd i deol ogcl w o. uder t I e newskiton thr oug h, gion gassoots delogca te nds a nd canges ae not.de p, t promoe new iiatve s ad ex plore new metoos of i deol ogca a nd cul ua wrk s not muc
18、, a id sme lck of reevace a id tmelnnss 4, dsc plie . loweing ad had work ae a ckig. Wie work ng and eer prsng spii dw n. Norra sol uin to tea your-l rght, cricty tea pas honos, tei complacecy, and w ok t se teiicorrs more les cheki ng hs ow sort cmig s lie tlse n to the prie,latsfedfae,onl ne pr om
19、oin, tee ae ty pial, a nd la ck of hg .sanads a nd sr c rquiements tI e efecs rral Secnd ha d drie le Ohar d andthe pricipi e of smpKei E A. of cnsucinpr ojecs i nte regi on. I terms of and, ike d tie m p - ea.n of u ba and r.a const.dona. increase and decease, epa cement i areasproject Cages, itole
20、 proje cs of wae, eectbly ai nistave cage s ad prefeeta pos In the aeaof taain, and - i .areas of iduSy ad is roducin compay, hii 5 yeas He Ie compiein of fs incentves to e nterpri I tems of fiancig, inbgrObn of lad, ta, ianeal and other esuces, andcornSuU "Govenme ntdi+ bi ness ceil" cce
21、di system, esabl smet of makelat.n, comme - iza.nai d m ode i lai ive smet a. f .aOgpatorm; efedve Bankete prse dckig, ecuage s prvae ca piai it t he Park, tor .sty de-lpmet fud Ioptbize Ie ennmet and serve i n_Sr ., ceae "ol cy low a, Hg hands i nbgh of sevie a、d eopmei t a." as t he t he
22、 area unde veopment e i VmmeL 1 minave aw efor met department s t a a ultme pesnnel saine d i aeas didbabd t i coodi naig a nd sovig prbems asscae d wthbusinesses ii ths sector. Wet here ae sUsa nia issues, ctr leaders arra ngei to person - ie rvene, i pushag be aea bui dig a gee nlght, easy l ne. T
23、o futhe e ad sa-dize adminstave exmiaton a nd a pprovaiiem* simply exmiaton and a pr ova Inks mprve eficecy a ceding t o Ie .Sine the ld . atonal prrct ce of the ma- l ne of the pary hmsel sei oosy i n the e .cain, pracica controlceta " eght r uls" ad opposig "he fu wins" ad prac
24、icig "hrre S uns", adceck the . of Jia Yul u, del ogy slil opi nins bbsldon ousa ndi ng problms che sW ng caeul a ns s ad ree cin. Wl now cle ck reort i s - f.w s istIdheenne t the pat'spoll cl dsciie e Igt i the ce nta prvsi on, ca n. the sye of the basc siuain of 1, i cmp,nne Wih t h
25、e patys poiica diciliesjnicietioosy a bide by the pat's poiia dsipie abi de by the C.ns" on a nd the uls a I d eg uains of the paly i n the .o-al ie ologica and maita n hghly cnsise nt Wih the CPC Cental Cmmite onke acton, tee s no vilain of the patyspollca dsciie prbllms 2, inlhe mpeme nta
26、ti centra luthor. of the eght provii ons. m p" ng resar ch,、pr "ng esar cmetods butlhee ae e- grss roots ui s prmay Istha nd a ia deuae gas of the pr oblm, w hch is to be segt hene d i the fuue Se cond cnstr - tin, sticy in a ccda I ce Wih the prvsi ons to stremie and m| r ove the .aiy of
27、m-.gsof the C.nfee T h, streml nig Ie bri es culue iv al - pec ad deology, sm due to theprctca nne ds of ive I ons,ths aea needs urte螺旋管抗?jié)B漏3根(每根23m)旋管鋼筋混凝土 管裂縫荷載1根視管材的內徑大小而定GB/T11836-1999混凝土和鋼筋混凝土排水管破壞柿載塑料類管材環(huán)剛度1米視管材的內徑大小而定GB/T19472.1-2004聚乙烯雙壁波紋管材等碎石 卵石顆粒級配(篩分)>60kg用大型工具(火車、貨船或汽車)運輸?shù)囊?00帚或600t 1
28、批次用小型工具(馬車等)運輸?shù)囊?200精或300T/1批次JGJ53-92普通混凝土用伸右或卵石質 量標準及檢驗方法含泥量泥塊含量針片狀含量壓碎指標值表觀密度堆積密度含水率有機質含量巖石抗壓強度顆粒級配(篩分)砂含泥量>20kg用大型工具(火車、貨船或汽車)運輸?shù)囊?0003或600t 1批次用小型工具(馬車等)運輸?shù)囊?20003或300T/1批次JGJ52-92普通混凝土用砂質量標準及 檢驗方法泥塊含量表觀密度堆積密度含水率有機質含量砂當里表觀密度礦粉粒度范圍>5kg必要時GB50092-96tramiing. Four ae sandad vsis exe pt - e -
29、 ird tparciae itaii ngeradviy Fie is to imI rove ne ws reortng, fr | ropigada wrk sticy accdi ng to te rrguatons. Six is s|cty yu , ree nain pu . hd s| cty acord ng t the eg uainsSeve s stitly trf, e - ird te uueof veil es ad offce sae ad corporae hospiaiy 3, cane te sye.Proppgana a nd idel ogical w
30、 ork of te new si uaton a nd new re -irments of the new a hhd donea lt of fulfu wk, has ma de may aci ments bu ”her c r tote ga -r i ot, cloe t o rraiy, cloe tte mas- a nd alsia deuae inovai on mus cntnue t imprve. Secnd, the fu wnds" some outsading islue s , oppose formal -. One te ory s ta he
31、 ddn', wih ess cloe cnact T I e oreia s uuy of cnnciousneis is not high enough, ssem pefmaneis not stong enoug h; more pass -l eani ng acie e aning few |e neaiis a i d lar n more devig i ntlss Espc- bise d on atonal t hikng on maor isus, apHig theoy tgu de te wk dne is not good eoog undesa nd a
32、i d grsp the sii ad esece of the sientifc Oulok ond l opment di acivemasey toapy, ta cean exe nt, afct the devl opme nt ad implmeai onof ddas ad iiaies Slcond wrk ara ng-es, and leis sue-sin. Pr oppgana a nd idel ogcal work ste objecivewi ch nne tkep t he contnuy efors delooe- bu srrssd i nte w or t
33、me, lsslupe ion. For pl e, clr we eends it helumme thhatial actvites ciylq e pefrma nce, ugng t-wships cmmunitiethe mplmeat on s i nade quae , inuficent cukal a nld - atonal rol e tpla y Ti d bise eough, mlste gras les eal PPoppgana ad deolgca w. in the I ew stuain of caaceisics and rrguaiyof enoogI
34、 , ddep e nough fr galsrotspulc opini on lynimicsluv frgar00s tyicahdr - les. Fr eample r ua cul ue tam aciv, Imnot ac y tae te iitaveto taeu,telak of sirt of daing t, rrsulig insme jb had a lot of powe, bunoagie rsuls T hid, inno-in, ak of motivain. Emaniaton did notend, ino<atondosnot eXs.In p
35、tica w o« notyour hhadpevoos wrk - peiec, a ck of ino-in inias sudy on t I e caacerst csof proppga nda a nd i deol ogcl w o. uder t I e new siuat on thr oug h, gion gassoots del ogca te nds and canges ae not dmp, t promoe new iaIves ad ex plre new metoos of i deol ogca a nd cul ua wrk s not muc
36、, a id sme lckof reevane aid tmelnnss 4, dsclie . lwei ng ad ha d work ae acking. Wie workng and ete prs ng spirit dw n. Norra sol uinto tea your-l right, crrc tea pas honos, ter compaceny, and w ok t se tericorrs more les cheki ng hs ow sort cmigs l- tlse n to thep. ,iatsfed fae,onl ne pr omoin, te
37、e ae ty pical a nd a ck of hig .sanads and sr c rquiements t I e efec s rral Se cnd har d dr le Ohar d andthe pricipi e of smpKei E A. of cnsucinpr ojecs i nte regi on. I terms of and, ike d tie m p - ea.n of u ba and r.a const.dona. increase and decease, epacement i areasproject Cages, it ole pr oj
38、e cs of wae, eectbly ai nistave cages ad prefeeta pos Inthe aeaofa .n, and te. i.areas of iduSy ad is roducin compay, hii 5 yeas He Ie compiein of fs ince ntves to e nterpri I tems of fiancig, inbgrObn olad tax, ianeal and other esu cs, and cornSuU "Govenment di +biess credit cce di system, esa
39、bl smet of makelat.n, comme - iza.nai d m ode i lai ive smet a. Inacligpatorm; efedve Bankete prse dckig, ecuage s prvae ca piai it t he Park, tor .sty de-lpmet fud Ioptbize Ie ennmet and serve i n_Sr ., ceae "ol cy low a, Hg hands i nbgh of sevie a、d eopmei t a." as the t he area unde veo
40、pment e nvbnmel 1 admi nave aw efor met department s t aa ultme pesnne l saine d i aeas didbabd t i coodi naig and sovigprbems asscae d wth businesses i .ths sector. W het here ae sUsa nia issues,ctr leaders arra ngei to person - ie rvene, i pushag be aea bui dig a gee nlght, easy l ne. To futhe e a
41、d sa-dize adminstave e.Kon a nd a pprovaiiem* simply e.Hnand a pr ova Inks mprve eficecy a ceding t o Ie .Sine the Id . atonal prrct ce of the ma- lne of the pary hmsel seioosy in the e .cain, praci ca control ceta " eght ruls" ad opposig "he Iu wins" ad pracicig "hrre Sun*
42、ad ceck the . of Jia Yulu, delogy slil opi nins bbsldon ousa ndi ng problms che sW ng caeul a ns s ad ree cin. Wl now cle ck reort i s - I.w s istIdheence t t he pat's poll cl dsciie e Igt i the centa prvsion, ca n. the sye of the ba sc siuain of “cmpnne Wih t he pajys poiica diciliesjnicietioos
43、y a bide by the pat's poiiadsipie abide by the C.ns" on and the uls a I d eg uains of the paly i n the .o-alieologica and maita n hghly cnsise nt Wih the CPC Ce nta Cmmite on the acion, tee s no vilain of the patys poll ca dsciieprbllms 2, inlhe mpeme ntati centraluthort- of the eght provii
44、 ons. mprovi I g esar ch,、pr "ng esar cmetods butlhee ae e- grssroot s ui s prmay fstha nd a ia deuae gas of the pr oblm, w hch is to be segt hene d i the fuue Se cond cnstrcin, sticy in a ccda I ce Wih the prvsi ons to stremie and m| r ove the .aiy of m-.gsof the C.nfee T h, streml nig fe bri
45、es culue iv al - pec ad deolog y, sm due to theprctca nne ds of ive I ons,ths aea needs urte含水率瀝青路面施工及驗收規(guī)范親水系數(shù)塑性指數(shù)粉煤灰細度>3kg200t每1批次GB/T1596-2005用于水泥和混凝土中的粉煤灰需水量比燒失量含水量安定性水泥漿水泥漿抗壓強度6塊/組每一工作班不少于3組JTJ041-200公路橋涵施工技術規(guī)范水泥漿配合比設計水泥20kg/組一種規(guī)格一次,原材料發(fā)生重大變化時重做外加劑1kg/組混凝土混凝土抗壓強度3塊/組每100盤但不超過100而的同配合比的混凝土,取樣
46、不少于1次GBJ107-87混凝土強度檢驗評定標準混凝土抗折強度3塊/組每天或每200吊制件2組,每10002000,增1組GBJ98-87水泥混凝土路面施工及驗收 規(guī)范混凝土抗?jié)B等級6塊/組給、排水構筑物每池按底板、壁板、頂板的每一留置 部位取樣,不少干-組地下防水工程質量驗收規(guī)范GB50208-2002混凝土配合比設計水泥 50kg/組一種規(guī)格一次,原材料發(fā)生重大變化時重做JGJ55-2000混凝土配合比設計規(guī)程砂>50kg/組石 > 100kg/ 組外加劑1kg砂漿砂漿抗壓強度6塊/組每個構筑物或每 50mf砌體制一組,如配合比發(fā)生變更 時也應制件CJJ2-90巾政橋梁工程質
47、量檢驗評定 標準砂漿配合比設計水泥20kg/組一種規(guī)格一次,原材料發(fā)生重大變化時重做JGJ98-2000tramiing. Four ae sandad vsis exe pt - e - ird tparicipae in tani ngeradviy Fie is to imI rove ne - r.ortng, wrk sticly accdi ng to te rrgulatins. Six is s|cty yu , ree nain pu . hd s| cty acord ng t the eg uainsSeve s stity trf, e - ird te uueof v
48、eil es ad offce sae ad corporae hospiaiy 3, cane te sye.Proppgana a nd idel ogical w ork of te new si uatin a nd new re -irme nts of the new a hhd done a lot of fuitfu wk' - made may aci ments bu uter c-r tote ga -ri ots cloe t o rraiy, cloe tte mas- a nd alsia deuae inovai on mus cntiue t imprv
49、e. Secnd, the fu w nds" some outsading i slue s, oppose formai-. One te ory s ta he ddn', wih less cloe cnact T I e oreia s uuy of cnnciousneis is not highenough, ssem pefmaneis not stong enoug h; more pass l eani ng acie le aning few |e neaiis a i d larnmore devig i ntlss Espc- bbse on rai
50、na thikng on maor isus, apHig teoy tgu de te wk dne is not good eoog undesa nd a i d grsp the sii ad esece of the sientifc Oulok ond l opment di uly acive masey toapy, ta cean exe nt, afct the devl opme it ad mplmeaionof ddas ad iiaies Sicon、wrk ara ng-es, a nd leis sue-sin. Pr I paa nna and idelogi
51、cal w ork s te objecivewi ch nne tkep t he contiuy efors delooe- bu srrssd i nte w or tme, lsslupe ion. For pl e, clr we sit helumme thatial actv.s ciylq eperorma nce, ugng t-wships cmmthe implmeat on s i nade qqae , inuficent -luala nld - ctonal rol e tpla y Ti .bbse eoug h, mte gras les ea. Poppga
52、na ad deolgca w. in the I ew stuain of caa ceisics and rrguaiyof enoogI , .dep e noogh fr galsrotspulc opini on lynimicsluv frgalsr00s tycay .- les. Fr eample r ua cul ue tam aciv, Im not ac y tae te itaveto taeu,telak of sirt of daing t, rrsutig insme jb had a lot of powe, bunoagie rsuls Thid, inno
53、-in, ak of motivain. Emanipton did notend, ino<aton.osnot exs.In p tica w o« not yourhia.pevoos wrk - peiec, a ck of ino-in inia-s s_y on t I e caacerstcs of propaganda a nd i deol ogcl w o. uder t I e new siuut on thr oug h, gion gassoots delogca te nds a nd canges ae not.de p, t promoe new
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