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1、怪物史萊克:法爾奎德領主的鬼魂法爾奎德蜜月酒店-這是條死路 -拜托 史萊克- That's a dead end. - Come on, Shrek.有了動物的直覺 還要地圖嗎Who needs a map when you've got animal instinct?-該死的蟲子 愚蠢的地圖 -怎么回事- Darn bugs. stupid map. - Hey, what the. Uh-oh.-快回來 -史萊克 快幫幫我- Come on! - Shrek, a little help here!好吧 你會不會All right. Will you.不如我們?nèi)プ?0路車

2、走305國道Oh, I say we take the 10 to the 305然后在童話瀑布下車and get off at Fairy Tale Falls.-你在說什么呢 -或者我們可以飛過去- What are you talking about? - Or we could fly there.你能消停一下嗎Is there an off button on you?你怎么了公主Aw, what's wrong, princess?你才剛結婚不應該這么不開心啊You shouldn't be this unhappy until years into the mar

3、riage.這是我一生中最快樂的日子It's the happiest day of my life.讓我猜一下 你是為愛哭泣嗎Oh! Oh! Let me guess. You're overwhelmed by love?不 我是說是的 但這不是原因No! I mean, yes. But that's not why.那是因為蝦盤太難吃了嗎The shrimp platter was bad?-不是的驢子 我只是 -等等 我知道了- No, donkey! I'm just. - Wait! Wait! I got it! I got it!你想養(yǎng)只小狗

4、但是大家只會送烤面包機You always wanted a puppy, but all you got was toasters!不是 是因為我坐在洋蔥里No, I'm sitting in an onion!這馬車就是個大洋蔥This carriage is one big onion.怎么不早說 我?guī)湍惆烟齑按蜷_Oh, why didn't you say so? I'll turn on the air.-現(xiàn)在好多了 -很榮幸為你效勞- Much better. - Noble steed at your service.過來看看驢子 我找到了一條捷徑Woul

5、d you look at that? Donkey! I found a shortcut.-你瘋了嗎 -我的天 好大一只- Ah! Are you crazy? - Jumping jiminy, that's a big one.什么 拜托 我討厭蜘蛛What? Hey, man, I hate spiders!別這樣 它跑哪兒去了Stop that, would you? Where'd he go?你太容易被嚇著了 走吧You are too easy to scare. Come on.那森林一定被施過魔法或者受過詛咒什么的That forest could be

6、hexed or voodooed or anything!我才不進去I ain't going in there.我是個怪物 我就是嚇別人的Listen, I'm an ogre. I'm the one that does the scaring.還有什么好怕的What is there to be scared of?-就是那個 -特洛尼斯- That! - Thelonius!-你想干什么 -很抱歉公主 蜜月結束了- Hey, what are you doing? - Sorry, princess, honeymoons are over.-放開我 -史萊克

7、- Let go! - Shrek!-菲奧娜 -史萊克- Fiona! - Shrek!-菲奧娜 -放我走- Fiona! - Let me go!-快上馬車 -史萊克- To the carriage! - Shrek!現(xiàn)在 一頭驢駕駛著一輛洋蔥做的馬車We got a donkey driving a carriage made from an onion.天已經(jīng)黑了 我們的馬還帶著太陽鏡It's dark and our horses are wearing sunglasses.少廢話驢子 快追上他Cut to the chase, donkey! Just cut to th

8、e chase.沖啊伙計們Hit it, boys!-菲奧娜 -史萊克- Fiona! - Shrek!快救我Help!完工了 不 不All done. Oh, no. No!不要No!你擠到我的屁♥股♥了You're gonna get an elbow to the groin!-好險啊 -那個真可愛- That was close. - Aw, now that's sweet.-史萊克 史萊克 -小心- Shrek? Shrek! - Watch out!要甘草棒不Licorice?史萊克 我希望你買♥&

9、amp;hearts;了保險Hey, Shrek! I hope you're insured!那房♥子花了我很多錢That house cost me a lot of dough!屋子里有醫(yī)生嗎Is there a doctor in the house?很抱歉 小姜餅Hey, sorry about that ginger.真惡心Oh, that's gross.不 Oh, no!不Oh, no!我能看見了 我能看見了I can see! I can see!算了Oh! Oh, never mind.菲奧娜Fiona!史萊克 這可不是抄近路吧Shre

10、k, this isn't another one of those shortcuts, is it?往前走就是了Just get a move on.-好吧 我不害怕 -菲奧娜- Ok. I'm not afraid. - Ugh. Fiona!我能行的 我是高貴的戰(zhàn)驢I can do this. I'm a noble steed.沒關系的 這只是一個沒有孩子It's all right. It's just a park沒有操場的公園而已with no children and no playground.史萊克 史萊克Ah! Shrek! Sh

11、rek!我覺得這有鬼I feel dead people.你是不是覺得心驚膽戰(zhàn) 毛骨悚然Are you getting the willies? The trembles?渾身發(fā)抖還有驚恐不安 The shakes? The heebie-jeebies?別鬧了史萊克Stop messing with me, Shrek.這地方已經(jīng)讓我毛骨悚然了This place is aready creeping me out.別跟我說你害怕鬼魂Aw, don't tell me you're afraid of ghosts.不 我不怕Uh. I'm not afraid.撞得

12、真漂亮What a crack-up!史萊克 史萊克 等等我Shrek? Shrek! Wait up!真是亂改歷史Talk about rewriting history.看起來法爾奎德Well, looks like Farquaad's still還想要補償點什么trying to compensate for something.我想知道是什么I wonder what that could be.我不知道 這看起來很詭異I don't know. This is just plain freaky.我懷疑是他搗的鬼I wonder if he's behind

13、 of this.真是無稽之談Oh, that's just crazy talk.我看到了奇怪的東西 我們能離開這嗎Now I'm seeing things. Can we get out of here? Please?當然可以Sure. Of course.你口袋里不會碰巧Now, you wouldn't happen to have還有一輛馬車吧another carriage in your pocket, would you?驢子沒有口袋Donkeys don't have pockets.但有人有翅膀But some of us do have

14、 wings!-不 不是這條龍 -你就不該吹口哨- Uh-oh! Wrong dragon! - Wrong whistle.-法爾奎德 -你對我妻子做了什么- Farquaad? - What have you done with my wife?你的妻子 你是說你的寡婦嗎Your wife? Don't you mean your widow?你第一部里面就死了I know I seen you die in the first movie!你們這些蠢貨 輪到你們受死了You fools! This time it's your turn to be the entr

15、33;e!我的寶貝 好好照顧他們 祝你好胃口OK, my sweet, take care of them! Bon appétit.你能不能別吹了Will you stop that?閉嘴Shut it!-先吃你吧 我可以當飯后甜點 -太好了- You can go first. I'll be the dessert. - Oh, great.這才是我的寶貝Whoo! That's my girl!寶貝 我一直在期待你出現(xiàn)Hey, baby, I was hoping you'd show up!-公主在三點鐘方向 -史萊克- Princess at th

16、ree o'clock. - Shrek!-公主 -菲奧娜- Hi, princess! - Fiona!不 史萊克Oh, no. Shrek!哎喲 對不起Oops. Sorry.我來了Coming in!-下降 快下降 -收到 下降- Dive! Dive! - Got it. Dive! Dive!紅龍呼叫基地 我們要進去了This is red dragon. We're going in.閃避Evasive action!上膛Lock and load!瞄準目標 瞄準目標Stay on target. Stay on target!瞄準目標 張開翅膀 現(xiàn)在Stay on

17、 target! Act wings! Now.聽我命令 收回翅膀 快On my mark, retract wings! Now!回頭看Turn and burn!太漂亮了 Smooth move, ex-lax.我一直在說 每一頭成功的驢子背后Like I always say, behind every successful donkey,都有一條噴火的龍there's a fire-breathing dragon.不要再反抗了公主You might as well stop struggling, princess.馬上你就可以和我永遠在一起了Soon you and I w

18、ill be together forever.有你的鬼魂做我的皇后 我將成為地獄之王With you as my spirit queen, I'll be king of the underworld!除非我死了Over my dead body!當然得等你死了 送她過去 特洛尼斯Exactly. Over she goes, Thelonius.-特洛尼斯 -對不起公主- Thelonius? - Sorry, princess.你個傻瓜 你不用上去No, you nitwit! Not with you on it!什么What?真是罪有應得 這個也是Deserved that

19、. And that, too.你個大傻瓜No, you numbskull!-對不起特洛尼斯 -別管他- Sorry, Thelonius. - oh, well, never mind him.-我們下面見 公主 -不可能- See you on the other side, princess. - Never!不要欲擒故縱了Stop playing hard to get.-別過來 -我那么迷人- Stop it! - You know I'm irresistible.-菲奧娜 -史萊克- Fiona! - Shrek!不可能 他們應該已經(jīng)被龍吃掉了Impossible! I

20、 thought they were dragon food!我們會救你的We'll save you!-你還好嗎 -還好- Are you ok? - I think so.我覺得不好I don't think so!太好了 他們早晚會是我的人Splendid! They all fall for me sooner or later.-菲奧娜 -史萊克- Fiona! - Yes, Shrek!我短暫平庸的一生在我眼前閃過My short, furry life is flashing before my eyes!-我愛你 -我也愛你- I love you! - I love you, too!菲奧娜 我的鬼魂女王 你在哪兒Fiona? My ghostly queen? Where are you?我在這兒 小甜心Ri


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