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1、數(shù)學高考總復習人教A版 (理)第四模塊 平面向量、數(shù)系的擴充與復數(shù)的引入高一英語-Unit4-Earthquake-Pre-reading-and-Reading課件-人教版大綱canalsteamdirtruinsufferingextremeinjure n. 運河運河; 水道水道n. 蒸汽;水汽蒸汽;水汽n. 污垢;泥土污垢;泥土n. 廢墟;毀滅廢墟;毀滅vt. 毀滅;使破產(chǎn)毀滅;使破產(chǎn)n. 苦難;痛苦苦難;痛苦adj. 極度的極度的 vt. 損害;傷害損害;傷害Words previewdestroybrickdamtrackuselessshockrescuevt. 破壞;毀壞;消滅

2、破壞;毀壞;消滅n. 磚;磚塊磚;磚塊 n. 水壩;堰堤水壩;堰堤n. 軌道;足跡;痕跡軌道;足跡;痕跡adj. 無用的;無效的無用的;無效的vt. & vi. (使使)震驚;震動震驚;震動n. 休克;打擊;震驚休克;打擊;震驚 n. & vt. 援救;營救援救;營救 Words previewtrapelectricitydisasterburymineminersheltervt. 使陷入困境使陷入困境n. 陷阱;困境陷阱;困境n. 電;電流;電學電;電流;電學 n. 災難;災禍災難;災禍 vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隱藏埋葬;掩埋;隱藏n. 礦;礦山;礦井礦;礦山;礦井n. 礦工

3、礦工n. 掩蔽;掩蔽處;避身處掩蔽;掩蔽處;避身處Words previewright away as ifat an endin ruinsdig out立刻;馬上立刻;馬上仿佛;好象仿佛;好象結(jié)束;終結(jié)結(jié)束;終結(jié)嚴重受損;破敗不堪嚴重受損;破敗不堪掘出掘出Expressions preview1 Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have tine to take only one thing. What wil you take? Why?What strange things

4、do you think may happen before an earthquake? well wallmicepondwellbrickcanaldamAnimals are too nervous, such as cows, pigs, horses, and snakes, etc. What strange events happened before the earthquake in Tang Shan?In the wellI n t h e farmyardIn the skyIn the city well water, cracks ,smelly gaschick

5、ens, pigs , mice , fish bright light ,the sound of planeswater pipesnervous to eat, run out, jump cracked and burst rose and fell, came out of地震,特別是強烈地震之前,總會地震,特別是強烈地震之前,總會出現(xiàn)一些異常現(xiàn)象,人們把與地震出現(xiàn)一些異常現(xiàn)象,人們把與地震發(fā)生有密切聯(lián)系的異?,F(xiàn)象稱之為發(fā)生有密切聯(lián)系的異常現(xiàn)象稱之為地震的前兆。地震的前兆。 下面這首民謠是群眾在長期預測下面這首民謠是群眾在長期預測地震中的總結(jié),細讀一下,對觀察地地震中的總結(jié),細讀一下

6、,對觀察地震是有極大好處的。震是有極大好處的。 震 前 動 物 有 預 兆 , 群 測 群 防 很 重 要 。震 前 動 物 有 預 兆 , 群 測 群 防 很 重 要 。 牛 羊 騾 馬 不 進 圈 , 豬 不 吃 食 狗 亂 咬 。牛 羊 騾 馬 不 進 圈 , 豬 不 吃 食 狗 亂 咬 。 鴨 不 下 水 岸 上 鬧 , 雞 亂 上 樹 高 聲 叫 。鴨 不 下 水 岸 上 鬧 , 雞 亂 上 樹 高 聲 叫 。 冰 天 雪 地 蛇 出 洞 , 大 貓 攜 著 小 貓 跑 。冰 天 雪 地 蛇 出 洞 , 大 貓 攜 著 小 貓 跑 。 兔 子 豎 耳 蹦 又 撞 , 魚 躍 水 面

7、惶 惶 跳 。兔 子 豎 耳 蹦 又 撞 , 魚 躍 水 面 惶 惶 跳 。 蜜 峰 群 遷 鬧 轟 轟 , 鴿 子 驚 飛 不 回 巢 。蜜 峰 群 遷 鬧 轟 轟 , 鴿 子 驚 飛 不 回 巢 。 家家戶戶都觀察,綜合異常作預報。家家戶戶都觀察,綜合異常作預報。 -There is often a great sound. -Animals too nervous to eat.-There are bright lights in the sky.-A smelly gas may come out of the well.-Water pipes may crack or burst

8、.strange things before an earthquakeImagine there has been a big earthquake, what will happen to the things around us?cracks, cut across houses, roads and canals, fall down, lie in ruins, destroy, damage, loss 震前應做哪些準備?地震來臨,震前應做哪些準備?地震來臨,在民房中、在公共場所怎么避震?在民房中、在公共場所怎么避震?專家提出,學習必要的防震知識,專家提出,學習必要的防震知識,提高

9、防震意識,做好防震準備,提高防震意識,做好防震準備,對更好地保護身處險境的自己大對更好地保護身處險境的自己大有好處。有好處。 地震來臨地震來臨, 我們?nèi)绾伪Wo自己呢我們?nèi)绾伪Wo自己呢? 地震前應做好防震準備,如清理雜物,地震前應做好防震準備,如清理雜物,保持門口、樓道暢通;固定高大家具,將重物下保持門口、樓道暢通;固定高大家具,將重物下置,防止傾倒傷人;準備電筒、創(chuàng)可貼、水等物置,防止傾倒傷人;準備電筒、創(chuàng)可貼、水等物品,做成家庭防震包;騰空牢固家具的下方,以品,做成家庭防震包;騰空牢固家具的下方,以備藏身。備藏身。 地震來臨時,最重要的是要保持冷靜,并地震來臨時,最重要的是要保持冷靜,并靈活

10、選擇藏身之所:震時應就近躲避,震后迅速撤靈活選擇藏身之所:震時應就近躲避,震后迅速撤離到安全地方;室內(nèi)避震時應選擇易于形成三角空離到安全地方;室內(nèi)避震時應選擇易于形成三角空間的地方避震,如內(nèi)墻墻根、墻角等,或躲避到廚間的地方避震,如內(nèi)墻墻根、墻角等,或躲避到廚房、廁所、儲藏室等開間小的地方。震時切記不要房、廁所、儲藏室等開間小的地方。震時切記不要跳樓、不要站到陽臺上和窗邊。跳樓、不要站到陽臺上和窗邊。 學生在教室上課時遇到地震,學生在教室上課時遇到地震,老師應疏導學生迅速抱頭躲在課桌老師應疏導學生迅速抱頭躲在課桌旁,待地震過后迅速撤離;在操場的旁,待地震過后迅速撤離;在操場的學生可原地蹲下,注

11、意避開附近高學生可原地蹲下,注意避開附近高大建筑物或危險物,不要回到教室中。大建筑物或危險物,不要回到教室中。 在商場、影劇院等公共場所遇到在商場、影劇院等公共場所遇到地震時,應盡快找到結(jié)實的柜臺、低地震時,應盡快找到結(jié)實的柜臺、低矮家具或柱子邊、內(nèi)墻角等處就地蹲矮家具或柱子邊、內(nèi)墻角等處就地蹲下,同時注意預防高空落物傷人。下,同時注意預防高空落物傷人。 在戶外遇到地震時,應就地選擇開在戶外遇到地震時,應就地選擇開闊地蹲下,并注意避開變壓器、電線闊地蹲下,并注意避開變壓器、電線桿、廣告牌、高煙囪、水塔、過街橋、桿、廣告牌、高煙囪、水塔、過街橋、立交橋等構(gòu)筑物。立交橋等構(gòu)筑物。 Talk abo

12、ut the great earthquakes that have ever happened in the world? What damages they caused?Natural disasters occur throughout the world, and China has a particular problem with earthquakes. Tangshan earthquake in 1976 is a case in point. An earthquake measuring 8 Richter hits Wenchuan County of Chinas

13、Sichuan Province on May 12 this year. So it is especially important to take steps to reduce the damage caused by quakes.Seismology: the study of Quake recordingsSeismologist:the person who studies quakes.Seismometer:the machine to record seismic waves.Zhang Heng in Han Dynasty:the inventor of the 1s

14、t seismology Why is the title called A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep?2. When and where did the earthquake happen?Read the text silently and quickly and try to get the information about the following questions.A the army came to help themB the quake happened while they were sleepingC they were nervousD

15、 dames and wells were uselessE they didnt know the quake caused the strange things1 The chickens didnt eat because2 Before the earthquake the people didnt worry because3 Such a great number of people died because4 Water was needed because5 The people did not lose hope becauseRead the text aloud and

16、join the correct parts of the sentences.Read the passage again and make a timeline.TimeEventthree days before the earthquakeat 3:42 am Later that afternoonafter that TimeEventthree daysbefore theearthquakesaw: crackswater in the wellsrose and fell,animalstoo nervous; hidefish jumped out of bowls &am

17、p;ponds; bright light in the sky;water pipes cracked and burstheard: sound of planessmelt: smelly gas in the cracks of the wells TimeEventat 3:42 am L a t e r that afternoonfelt: everything shookone-third nation felt itheard: in Beijing 100 km. awaysaw: a huge crack cut acrosshouses, roadssteam burs

18、tfrom holes in the ground hardhills of rock-rivers of dirtcity lay in ruins T imeEventafter that hope not lostarmy sent 150,000 soldiers workers built shelters forsurvivorsfresh water taken to the city Strange things happened before the earthquake.Main idea of the textThe earthquake destroyed the ci

19、ty of Tangshan.The army came to help the survivors.ParagraphParagraph 2&3Paragraph 4Part1Part2Part3to get the main idea, you should pay special attention to the beginning and ending sentences in each paragraph1Suppose the earth begins to shake what will you do to protect yourself? Discuss the fo

20、llowing open question in group of four If at school : Hide under a desk or table. Face away from windows. If at home: Hide under a heavy table or bed. Sit in a corner, away from doors, windows, ect. Life is beautiful.We must love our lives.In an earthquake SPEED IS LIFE.Lets practise hiding.Filling

21、the blacks with the first given letter:Several days before July 28, 1976, many s_things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the e_. But people in the city of Tangshan didnt think m_of these. At 3:42am that day,the earth began to s_,which d_the city. trangearthquakeuchhakeestroyedMany people,in

22、cluding workers and doctors,came to r_those t_under the ruins. Later that afternoon,another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more buildings f_down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. T_were organized to dig out the trapped and b_the dead.escuera

23、ppedelleamsuryadv. 好好; 令人滿意地令人滿意地 She sings well. 她歌唱得很好。她歌唱得很好。n. 井井; 水井水井 The old well in the village had awall around it . 村里的古井有井欄圍繞。村里的古井有井欄圍繞。1 wellThe balloon suddenly burst.burst into + n. Some robbers burst into that house.burst out + doing They burst out laughing.2 burst : to come open or

24、fly apart suddenly 爆裂爆裂; 爆發(fā)爆發(fā) Burst & Crackburst v. (使使)破裂破裂; (使)爆使)爆炸炸crack v. (使使)裂開裂開 n. 裂縫裂縫1. The windows was cracked but not broken. 窗玻璃裂了但沒有碎。窗玻璃裂了但沒有碎。2. The balloon burst . 氣球吹炸了。氣球吹炸了。burst burstThe war was at an end.at the end of 在在盡頭,在盡頭,在末末Go straight and youll find the hospital at

25、the end of the road.by the end of 直到直到末末,到到結(jié)束的結(jié)束的時候,主句一般用完成時時候,主句一般用完成時in the end 最后、終于最后、終于3 at an end (=finished) 結(jié)束結(jié)束; 終結(jié)終結(jié)1. His father will return home _ this year.2. He tried various jobs and_ became a teacher.3. How many English words had you learned _ last term?4. I must warn you that my pat

26、ience is almost_. at the end ofin the endby the end ofat an endAn earthquake left the whole town in ruins.His career is in ruins .in ruins : severely damaged or destroyed 毀壞毀壞; 嚴重受損嚴重受損; 破敗不堪破敗不堪4 ruin n. 毀滅毀滅; 崩潰崩潰; 覆滅覆滅The castle has fallen into ruins . 5 injure v. to hurt oneself / sb / sth physi

27、callyHe fell off the bicycle and injured his arm.She was serious injured in a road accident.6 destroy v. The fire destroyed most of the building.honour (honor. Am) n.榮譽榮譽honourable adj. 榮譽的榮譽的; 光榮的光榮的an honourable duty 榮譽的職位榮譽的職位destroyer 破壞者破壞者, 消滅者消滅者, 驅(qū)逐艦隊驅(qū)逐艦隊 damage destroy ruindamage vt. to har

28、m or spoil sth.指部分指部分“損壞損壞”、“損害損害”、“破壞破壞”或指使用或指使用價值有所降低。價值有所降低。Compare:Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.n. U harm or injury +to sth. 1 Strong winds had caused serious damageto the roof.2 The doctors were worried that he might have suffered brain damage.1 Most of the old part of the c

29、ity was destroyed by bombs during the war.2 The accident seemed to have completely / totally destroyed his confidence.destroy vt. to damage sth. so badly thatit does not exist or cannot be used 徹底破壞徹底破壞, 摧毀以致不可能修復摧毀以致不可能修復, 也可指希望、計劃等破滅。也可指希望、計劃等破滅。ruin表示破壞嚴重表示破壞嚴重,以致不能修復以致不能修復,但這但這種破壞不像種破壞不像destroy那

30、樣毀滅某物那樣毀滅某物,而是而是強調(diào)致使該物的使用價值發(fā)生了問題。強調(diào)致使該物的使用價值發(fā)生了問題。用作名詞時用作名詞時,它表示它表示 “毀滅毀滅”、 “瓦解瓦解”、 “廢墟廢墟”等抽象概念。等抽象概念。ruin也有借喻的用也有借喻的用法。法。ruin vt.1 to spoil or destroy severely or completely 使毀滅使毀滅;使崩潰使崩潰;弄糟弄糟 a Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline.b Her injury ruined her chances of winning t

31、he race.2 to cause a person or company to lose all their money or their reputation 使破產(chǎn)使破產(chǎn); 毀滅毀滅a Cheap imported goods are ruining many businesses.b If theres a scandal Ill be ruined!1 U when sth. is spoilt or destroyed 毀壞;毀壞;毀滅毀滅The company is facing ruin. 2C the broken parts that are left from an o

32、ld building or town廢墟廢墟We visited a Roman ruin.the ruins of the ancient city of Carthageruin n.harm 的含義側(cè)重于的含義側(cè)重于“損害,傷害損害,傷害”,可,可指精神或肉體的傷害,程度較輕指精神或肉體的傷害,程度較輕Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light. injure指指“損害,受傷損害,受傷”,著重容貌、機,著重容貌、機能的損壞,例如:能的損壞,例如:She was injured badly in the accident. 事故中她受了傷。事故

33、中她受了傷。詞義辨析 harm, injure, hurt, woundhurt指指“傷害;刺痛傷害;刺痛”,尤指在精神,尤指在精神或肉體上的傷害,含有強烈的疼痛或肉體上的傷害,含有強烈的疼痛No feelings were hurt though the criticism was sharp. 批評雖然尖銳,卻批評雖然尖銳,卻未傷感情。未傷感情。wound指外傷,如槍傷指外傷,如槍傷,刀傷刀傷,劍傷劍傷,尤指尤指在戰(zhàn)斗中受傷。在戰(zhàn)斗中受傷。Their criticisms _him deeply.Smoking will _his health.He was slightly _in th

34、e car accident.He got _in the fighting.What you said _my feeling.have hurtinjuredinjuredwoundedhurt7 rescue(n.) an act of rescuing or being rescued 搭救搭救; 解救解救A rescue team is trying to reach the trapped mines.They came to our rescue when we were in danger .(v.) to save or set free from harm, danger, or loss 救出救出; 解救解救 He rescued the man from drowning.8 sheltern. 庇護所庇護所; 避難所避難所; 遮蔽物遮蔽物 a shelter for the homeless In the storm I took shelter under a tree .v. 庇護庇護; 掩蔽掩蔽; 保護保護 The plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.9 buryvt. 埋葬埋葬; 葬葬 The boy buried the dead bird in the backya


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