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1、閱讀完形專練一、閱讀理解AHow does your skin smell? Pretty well, as it turns out, tha nks to receptors that can be found all over you. What ' s more, they could help you heal.There are more than 350 types of olfactory(嗅覺)receptors in the nose, noticing different scents. About 150 are also found in body issue

2、s such as those of the heart, liver and gut( 胃), but they are hard to study.Hanns Hatt ' s lab at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany focused on skin, which is easier to study, and tasted the response to seen ts(pleasa nt smells) of receptors in kerat ino cytes(角質(zhì)化纟田胞), the main skin cell type.The

3、y found that an olfactory receptor in skin called OR2AT4 respond to man-made san dalwood(檀香)perfumes and skin care products. Rather tha n sending a message to the brain, as nose receptors do, the receptor caused cells to divide and migrate, important processes in repairi ng damaged skin.Cell growth

4、in creased by 32 perce nt and cell migrati on by n early half whe n kerat ino cytes in a test tube were mixed for five days with man-made san dalwood.“ There is a big trend towards olfactory receptors being found elsewhere in the body doing other jobs. ” Says Joel Mainland o the Mon ell Chemical Sen

5、 ses Cen ter in Philadelphia. So it is not unexpected to find receptors in skin, but it is a surprise to learn that they are involved in wound heali ng.Hatt and Mainland both cauti on that these olfactory receptors are very fin ely adjusted, as is shown by their distinguishing between various man-ma

6、de kinds of sandalwood. And there is genetic variability in human receptors, so your receptor might be a bit different from your neighbor ' s.It leaves ope n the questio n of whether receptors might differ somuch betwee n in dividualsthat the man-made san dalwood that ben efits one pers on might

7、 be useless or even pois onous to ano therHatt says the 150-200 olfactory receptors ide ntified in tissue outside the nose represe nt a new family of targets for experime nts and new opport un ities to treat disease.Treatments that heal wounds and repair the effects of ageing in the skin are likely

8、to be the easiest to develop, he says. Understanding receptors on internal (inside your body) organs and creati ng ben eficial drugs is likely to take Ion ger.( )1.What can we learn about OR2A T4?A. It is a kind of nose kerat ino cyte.B. It works like a nose receptor.C. It can help damaged skin reco

9、ver.D. It can be found in man-made san dalwood.( )2.How did the scientists observe olfactory receptor' s reactions to seents?A. By study ing receptors in body tissuesB. By comparing OR2A T4 and nose receptors.C. By using man-made san dalwood in hospitals.D. By mixi ng kerati no cytes with man-ma

10、de san dalwood.()3. Which of the followi ng about olfactory receptors is amaz ing?A. They are found in skin.B. They can do other jobs.C. They may help heal woun ds.D. They exists all over the body.()4.Ma n-made san dalwood may be harmful to some one because.A. san dalwood scents are sometimes un saf

11、e.B. receptors may be differe nt among people.C. some in dividualkin'issunable to smell.D. man-made products have some side effects.BWhat in spires people to act selflessly, help others, and make pers onal sacrifices? Each quarter, this colu mn features one piece of scholarly research that provi

12、des in sight on what motivates people to en gage in what psychologists call "prosocial behavior" things like making charitable contributions, buying gifts, volunteering one's time, and so forth. In short, it looks at the work of some of our finest researchers on what spurs people to do

13、 something on behalf of some one else.This quarter we focus on how percepti ons of "group membership" can in flue nee whether others decide to help us in emergency situations. A 2005 British study reported in Personality and Social Psychology Bullet in shows that bysta nders are more likel

14、y to help stra ngers in distress whe n they recog nize such stra ngers as bel onging to a com mon group. However, what counts as group membership is not fixed. When people are en couraged to see greater com mon alities with strangers, they will extend help to those whom they may have otherwise consi

15、dered part of the "out group."Two studies con ducted at Lan caster Un iversity in the UK played on the intense rivalry betwee n fans of two En glish football teams, Man chester Un ited and Liverpool. I n the first study, Manchester United fans were recruited to fill out questionnaires abou

16、t their interest in the team and the degree to which they identified as fans. They were then invited to walk across campus to see a video about football teams. Along the way, an accide nt was staged in which a runner slipped and fell, groaning in pain. Hidden observers watched the incident, and thos

17、e taking part in the study were asked about it whe n they reached the project ion room.Participants, all of whom had a strong identification as Manchester fans, were more likely to ask the runner if he needed help when he was wearing a Manchester United shirt than when he was weari ng a Liverpool sh

18、irt or an ordinary unbran ded shirt.In the sec ond study, Man chester Un ited fans were aga in recruited, but whe n they arrived they were told that they were participat ing in a study about football fans in gen eral (not Man chester Un ited fans, specifically). They were also told that the study ai

19、med to focus on the positive aspects of fan hood as opposed to the negative incidents and stories that usually get attention. The study questionnaires asked them about their broader interest in the game and what they shared with other fans. They the n were in structed to cross campus to head to the

20、project ion room, and along the way witnessed the same staged incident and conditions described in the first study.In this case, participants were as likely to help a victim in a Manchester United shirt as they were to help some one in a Liverpool shirt. And they were more likely to help those weari

21、 ng team shirts tha n those who were not.When people expa nd their no ti on of the "in-group" they are more likely to reach out to those in the "other camp."One noteworthy strength of this research is that it offers an analysis of actual helping behavior rather than "beliefs

22、 about" or "intentions" to act. Evidenee of dramatic shifts in such behavior across deeply entrenched antagonisms (根深蒂固的敵對情緒) in response to simple changes in levels of categorization is striking.()5.Accord ing to the 2005 British study, people tend to help stra ngers if.A .the later

23、are in great pain and sufferi ngB. they two share somethi ng in com monC. they themselves can get someth ing in returnD. the latter bel ong to a differe nt group()6.What con tributes to differe nt results of two studies?A. That each group wit nessed a differe nt accide nt.B. That only one group was

24、told the purpose of the study. C .That the two group were fans of differe nt football teams.D. That participa nts of the two group were form differe nt cities.()7.The research is worth no ti ng in that.A. it is based on behavioral experime ntsB. it deals with problems all circumsta ncesC. it in volv

25、es participa nts of differe nt ide ntitiesD. it creates new approaches to frien dship-build ingCBooks, Films and PlaysThe novelist' s medium is the written word, one might almost say the printed word. Typicallythe novel is con sumed by a sile nt, in dividual reader, who may be any where at the t

26、ime. The paperback novel is still the cheapest, most portable and adaptable form of n arrative en terta inment. It is limited to a single channel of information-writing.The narrative can go, effortlessly,any where: into space, peopl e' s head, palaces, pris ons and pyramids, without any con side

27、rati on of cost or practical possibility. In determining the shape and content of his narrative, the writer is restricted by nothing except purely artistic criteria. The no velist keeps absolute con trol over his text un til it is published and received by the audie nee. He may be advised by his edi

28、tor to revise his text, but if the writer refused to meet this condition no one would be surprised. It is not unknown for a well-established novelist to deliver his or her manuscript(手稿)and expect the publisher to print it exactly as written.However, not even the most well-established playwright or

29、scree nplay writer would submit a script and expect it to be performed without any rewriting. This is because plays and motion pictures are cooperative forms of n arrative, using more tha n one cha nnel of com muni cati on.of thThe product ion of a stage play in volves, as well as the words of the a

30、uthor, the physical prese nee of the actors, their voices and gestures, the and possibly musi(seAlthough the script is the essential basis of both stage play and film, it is a basis for subsequent revision negotiated betwee n the writer and the other creative people in volved. They are give n“ appro

31、valof director and actors and have the right to attend rehearsals(排演),during which period they may undertake more rewriting work. In the case of the screenplay, the writer may have little or no con trol over the final form of his work. Con tracts for the product ion of plays protect the rights of au

32、thors in this respect.In film or television work, on the other hand, the screenplay writer has no contractual right to this degree of consultation. While the script is going through its various drafts, the writer is in the driver sest, although sometimes receivi ng criticism from the producer and th

33、e director. But once the product ion is un der way, artistic con trol over the project tends to pass to the director. This is a fact overlooked by most journalistic critics of televisi on drama, who tend(un like film critics) to give all the credit or blame for success or failure of a product ion to

34、 the writer and actors, ig noring the contribution, for good or ill, of the director.()8. Where might you find the passage?A. In a textbook.B. In a movie magaz in e.?C. In a travell ing brochure. D. In a shopp ing guide.()9. Which of these subtitles would be most appropriate?A. Why does the future l

35、ook good for writers of books, plays and films?B. What do audie nces want from these three forms of en terta inment?C. How do these forms of media compare for their producers?D. What ben efit can we get from these forms of media?()10. Why can the no velist expect the publisher to print the manu scri

36、pt exactly as writte n?A. Because the no velist keeps absolute con trol over his text.B. Because the paperback novel is most portable and adaptable.C. Because the novel is limited to a single channel of information-writing.D. Because the no velist is seldom advised by editors to revise the text.()11

37、. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is True accord ing to the passage?A. Playwrights envy the simplicity of the novelist' s work.B. Experie nee in the theatre improves the work of scree nplay writers.C. Screenplay writers usually have the final say in how a TV drama will turn out.D. Playwright

38、s are frequently involved in revising their work.()12. What can be implied from the last sentence of the passage?A. TV critics often blame the wrong people for the failure of a programme.B. The director is a determining factor in the future of a television drama.C. Few people know that the screenpla

39、y writer is often criticized by the director.D. It is urge nt for the film critics to realize their mistakes.DWe all fail, all the time. We might miss a call with a client because of an emergency work meeti ng, or miss that meet ing because ano ther project has sudde nly become urge nt. And the n we

40、(or our families) get sick. and we have to shift priorities around again.These unsystematic failures are benign, though. They reflect that all of us have limited resources. There simply is not eno ugh time, en ergy, or money to do everythi ng you want to do all the time. Part of being a resp on sibl

41、e adult is lear ning to make tradeoffs, bala ncing your con flict ing goals and trying to get as much done as you have.The thing your really need to watch out for is the systematic failure .The systematic failure happens when there 'a particular goal you want to achieve, but never get to. The ca

42、uses of systematic failures usually boil dow n to some comb in atio n of these three factors.1.Short-term pressures versus Ion g-term goals. Most of us prefer to achieve press ing short-term goals rather than put time into Iong-term projects .Lots of research suggests that our brains are wired to pr

43、efer tasks that pay off in the short term rather tha n those whose ben efit is Ion g-term.The people who do man age to accomplish their Ion g-term goals create regular space to make progress on them.2. Without even realizi ng it. We ofte n do what is easiest to accomplish ratherthan what we say is m

44、ost important. Email is a great example. If you are like most people, youkeep your email program open at work all day. Consequently, each new message is an invitation to drop what you are working on to check it. It feels like work and it' s much easier than finishing that100-slide presentation.

45、Simply shutting off email for a few hours a day can remove this source of distract ion(分心的事物 )form the environment.3. Work ing for too long. Many workplaces create to stay at the office for more and more hours, which(paradoxically) creates opportunities for systematic failures. Work is not an iron m

46、an competiti on where the wins. Most people have an optimal (最佳的) nu mber of hours they can work each day. If I spend any more time at work than that, then at some point. I start doingwork ”.The next time you run into trouble, assess whether it' s an unsystematic failure or a systematicone. When

47、 you notice a systematic failures in your life, you need to make a change in your behavior. If you don' t make a change, you will continue to fail.Fin ally, if you experie nce a lot of un systematic failures, it might be worth reth inking the number of tasks you are taking on. Perhaps you need t

48、o offload some responsibilities onto some one else ,before you start experie ncing more systematic failures.()13.The underlined word“ benign ” in Paragraph 2 means“ ”.A. not dan gerousB. not useful C. releva ntD. troublesome()14.who was most probably affected by the first factor?A. Andy who put his

49、keep-fit plan aside due to a lack free timeB. Sarah who worked overtime till the next morning to finish her work ahead of time.C. Philip who missed an importa nt appo in tme nt because he has bee n un der the weather lately.D. Emily who kept her social networking platform on all day to receive updat

50、es about friends.( )15.Which of the followi ng could fill in the bla nk as a subtitle?A. The truth about importa nt goals.B. Environments that are bad for our goals.C. The easiest goals that often bring us little.D. Ways to remove the source of distracti on.( )16.What is the main idea of the passage

51、?A. How to disti nguish systematic failures from systematic failures.B .When you should worry about failure and when you shouldn' t.C. What to do to save yourself from con sta nt systematic failures.D. Why assess ing failures you have encoun tered is importa nt.二、完形填空One effective way of destro

52、ying happ in ess is to look at someth ing and focus on even thesmallest fault. It' s like looking at th鋪瓦的 0 ceiling and concentrating on the space whereone tile is 1.Once I heard a bald man said,“ whenever I enter2 rooirsee is hair. ” Once you ' ve3what your miss ing tile is, explore whethe

53、r acquiri ng it will 4make you happy. Then do one of the three thin gs: get it, replace it with a differe nt5 , or forget about it and 6the tiles in your life that are not miss ing.We all know people who have a relatively 7 life, yet are essentially unhappy whilepeople who have suffered a great deal

54、 but 8rema in happy.The first 9 is gratitude. All happy people are 10. Un grateful people cannot behappy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to11, but it ' s truer to say thatcompla ining leads to people beco ming un happy.The sec ond secret is 12 that happ in ess is a byproduct (副

55、產(chǎn)品)of someth ing else. The most obvious 13 are those pursuit(追求)that give our lives purposeanything 14 study ing in sects to play ing baseball. The more passi ons we have, the more happ in ess we are 15 to experie nee.Fin ally, the belief that someth ing perma nent goes bey ond us and that our 16 ha

56、s some larger meaning can help us to feel happier. We 17 a spiritual faith, or a philosophy, it should 18 this truth: if you choose to find the 19 in every situation, you will be blessed, and if you choose to find the awful, you will be cursed. As with happ in ess itself, this is 20 your decisi on t

57、o make.1.A. differe ntB. missi ngC. shortD. broken2. A. noth ingB. noneC. allD. anything3. A. determ inedB. predictedC. assumedD. imagi ned4. A. completelyB. n aturallyC. hopefullyD. really5. A. tileB. brickC. ceili ngD. house6. A. look onB. focus onC. count onD. rely on7. A. peacefulB. difficultC.

58、easyD. ordinary8. A. certai nlyB. merelyC. hardlyD. gen erally9. A. secretB. factorC. ruleD. key10. A. wealthyB. gratefulC. proudD. gen erous11. A. upsetB. quarrelC. compla inD. depress12. A. admittedB.assu mingC. provi ngD. realizi ng13. A. sourcesB. resultsC. an swersD. goals14. A. amongB. fromC. throughD. for15. A .probableB. possibleC. likelyD. capable16. A. valueB. desti nati onC. survivalD. existe nee17. A. needB. lackC. dema ndD. expect18. A. i nvolveB. i ncludeC. absorbD. mean19. A. worstB. bestC


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