




1、Logistic Information System Design of OrderFulfillment Process in IC PackagingCompanies°ê ¥ß ¤¤ ¥¡ ¤j ¾Ç¤u·ºÞ²z¬ã¨s©ÒºÓ ¤h ½× ¤å¬ã ¨s ¥Í
2、;¡G´¿ «T Às«ü¾É±Ð±Â¡G°ª «H °ö¤¤ µØ ¥Á °ê ¤K ¤Q ¤E ¦ ¤» ¤ë ¤G ¤Q ¤E ¤é-¶¼Æ¡G56
5、1;¤h½×¤å´£-n¬ã¨s¥Í¡G´¿«TÀs «ü¾É±Ð±Â¡G°ª«H°ö ³Õ¤h½×¤å´£-n¤º®e¡GIn recent years, I
6、ntegrated Circuit Packaging (ICP companies in Taiwan have beenincredibly thriving due to the growth of semiconductor industry, which has been consideredreaching to the stage of maturity. Meanwhile, in order to meet the challenges of intensecompetition, globalization and gaining greater market share,
7、 most ICP companies haveincreased in size and complexity of business operations. For instance, when multiple-plantoperation is replacing single-plant production, the distribution of products from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption has become one of the most important issues. Beingperceived as t
8、he subject of Supply Chain Management (SCM, how to deliver qualityproducts to the customer in right quantity, at the right time, and with minimum cost is thenecessary capability that determines a companys survival in todays dynamic businessenvironment. In other words, establishing and maintaining a
9、robust logistic system becomes a most significant competition strategy.Therefore , to enhance logistic system of customer satisfaction , establishment of acomplete real-time and multi-function logistic information system (LIS is must priority forshort cycle time and On-Time-Deliver of order fulfillm
10、ent process (OFP in IC packagingcompanies .We provide an innovative modeling technique called to model the order fulfillment process .The special features ofARIS are comprised of Function View, Organization View, Data View, and Control View, that is functional, organization, informational, and behav
11、ior, to model dynamic process at thesame time.The implementation of logistic information system of order fulfillment process can leadto improving shorten cycle time and on-time-deliver for customer service . The logisticinformation system that link the firm with its vendors, suppliers, subcontractor
12、s also offersignificant opportunities for profit improvement .Keywords : Integrated Circuit Packaging (ICP, Supply Chain Management (SCM, logisticinformation system (LIS, order fulfillment process (OFP,Table of ContentAbstract . i Table of Content. .iiList of Tables.iv List of Figures. . . v Chapter
13、 1 Introduction 11.1 Background and Motivation11.2 Research Objects.31.4 Thesis Organization4Chapter 2 Literature Review 62.1 Definition Supply Chain Management. 62.2 Issues of Supply Chain Management. . . 72.2.1 Customer Service, Inventories, and Flexibility. 72.2.2 Integration and Coordination. .
14、82.3 Logistic Information System. 102.4 ARIS Methodology. .12Chapter 3 Architecture and System Modeling of LIS 143.1 Supply Chain of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan.143.2 Order Fulfillment Process of ICP companies.163.3 Architecture of LIS. 183.4 Modeling LIS with Architecture of Integrated Informa
15、tion System(ARIS.223.4.1 The Function View Model. 243.4.2 The Organization View Model. .253.4.3 The Data View Model. 263.4.4 The Control View Model . .27Chapter 4 ARIS Modeling of LIS 294.1 Inbound/Outbound Logistic Modeling.304.1.1 Function Tree Model of Inbound/Outbound Logistic. .314.1.2 Organiza
16、tion Chart Model of Inbound/Outbound Logistic324.1.3 Data Flow of Inbound/Outbound Logistic. .334.2 Production Logistic Modeling. . 344.2.1 Function Tree of Production Logistic.354.2.2 Organization Chart of Production Logistic364.2.3 Data Flow of Production Logistic. .374.4 Control View Model of Log
17、istic in Order fulfillment Process. 39Chapter 5 Implementation of LIS 465.1 Scenario and background of LIS for ICP company465.2 Optimal Production solution of example.485.3 On-Time Deliver controlling approach.50Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 536.1 Conclusions.536.2 Recommendations for Fu
18、ture Study. . 54References . .55List of TablesTable 2-1 Four Major Process Modeling Perspectives.13Table 2-2 Four Major Process Modeling Perspectives vs. Applications.13Table 3-1 Overview of semiconductor industry. . 15Table 5-1 Manufacturing Capacity in P IC packaging company. . 46Table 5-2 Decisio
19、n-Making of Customer Order49List of FiguresFigure 1-1 The Process of Logistics. . . 3Figure 1-2 Research Framework. .2Figure 2-1 Reference model for a supply chain. 6Figure 2-2 Interrelation between flexibility, inventories, and customer service.7Figure 2-3 Schematic illustration of General Coordina
20、tion and Multi-PlantCoordination 10Figure 2-4 Overview of the Logistic Information System. .11Figure 3-1 Multiple layer of Supply Chain_ Semiconductor Industry. 16Figure 3-2 Order Fulfillment Process of IC packaging. .17Figure 3-3 OFP design in Semiconductor Supply Chain.18Figure 3-4 LIS role in IC
21、packaging Industry.19Figure 3-5 LIS three-tier structure. . 20Figure 3-6 Decision procedure of LIS. . 21Figure 3-7 Reduction of complexity. . 22Figure 3-8 ARIS views of the Process Model. .23Figure 3-9 Function Tree Model of ARIS24Figure 3-10 Organization Chart Model of ARIS25Figure 3-11 Allocation
22、of Attributes in the ER Model. .26Figure 3-12 Example of eEPC Model.28Figure 4-1 ARIS Modeling of OFP. . .29Figure 4-2 Inbound/Outbound Logistic in IC P Companies. . 30Figure 4-3 Function Tree of Inbound/Outbound logistic. 31Figure 4-4 Organization Chart of Inbound/Outbound Logistic. 33Figure 4-5 Da
23、ta flow of Inbound/Outbound Logistic. 34Figure 4-6 Function Tree of Production Logistic. . 35Figure 4-7 Organization Chart of Production Logistic. .37Figure 4-8 Data flow of Production Logistic. 38Figure 4-9 eEPC of Order Fulfillment Process in Logistic. . 40Figure 4-10 Order Management PCD. . .41Fi
24、gure 4-11 Capacity Planning PCD.42Figure 4-12 Material Management PCD. 43Figure 4-13 Production Planning PCD.43Figure 4-14 Production Control PCD. .44Figure 4-15 Warehousing and Shipping Management PCD. .45Figure 5-1 Three kind of Customer Order in P IC packaging company. .47Figure 5-2 Total Order C
25、ycle Time.48Figure 5-3 Interface of system.50Figure 5-4 Products type and workstation alternative. .51Figure 5-5 Screen alternative of reports.51Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background and MotivationsIn recent years, Integrated Circuit Packaging (ICP companies in Taiwan have beenincredibly thriving due
26、 to the growth of semiconductor industry, which has been consideredreaching to the stage of maturity. Meanwhile, in order to meet the challenges of intensecompetition, globalization and gaining greater market share, most ICP companies haveincreased in size and complexity of business operations. For
27、instance, when multiple-plantoperation is replacing single-plant production, the distribution of products from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption has become one of the most important issues. Beingperceived as the subject of Supply Chain Management (SCM, how to deliver qualityproducts to the cus
28、tomer in right quantity, at the right time, and with minimum cost is thenecessary capability that determines a companys survival in todays dynamic businessenvironment. In other words, establishing and maintaining a robust logistic system becomes a most significant competition strategy.Traditionally,
29、 the logistics function of individual manufacturer has dealt internally withthe planning, implementing and controlling of flow and storage of raw materials, in-processinventory, and finished goods. However, in the network of demand and supply, everycompany is both a customer and supplier and, depend
30、s on the position of the company in thenetwork, its in-coming materials and output products may be raw materials, components,parts, subassemblies, or assemblies. Accordingly, for implementing the win-win strategy, thecoordination between supplier and customer within the logistics network becomes the
31、 focusof both research and practice.In terms of material flow, logistics is the process from the acquisition of raw materialsto the distribution of finished products and related activities include transportation, materialhanding and value-added transformation, such as fabrication, manufacturing, ass
32、embly,testing, and packaging. From the perspective of material flow, these activities can becategorized into three segments: inbound logistics (the movement of materials, equipment,and machines from up-stream suppliers, production logistics (the movement of jobs withinthe factory, and outbound logis
33、tics (the movement of products distributed to downstreamcompanies or customers. Regarding the vendor-manufacturer-customer relationship, asupply chain is formed and defined as a series of facilities performing these logisticsfunctions.Besides material flow, the flow of information exchanged and proc
34、essed within thesupply chain provides the mechanism to activate the material flow. Since a seamlesscommunication channel ensures the cooperation between all the parties involved,information flow actually determines the logistics performance Slats et al., 1995. Inaddition, owing to world-wide promoti
35、on of e-Commerce , e-Business , Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS, and advanced Information Technologies, such asInternet , Intranet , Extranet , and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI, individual companysperformance is strongly correlated with the velocity of information which is
36、shared withother companies. Taking both material and information flows into consideration, we definelogistics of individual company (Figure 1-1 as the process from receiving customer order tothe distribution of the finished products to the customer. 1.3 Thesis OrganizationThe result of this research
37、 is presented in five additional chapters. With regard to theresearch domain and proposed methodology, there are two domains to be surveyed inchapter 2: Supply Chain Management and Logistic Information System. In addition, thefeasibility of ARIS application is illustrated. In Chapter 3, we propose t
38、he structure of LISand model the order fulfillment process with ARIS in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, we willdemonstrate the operations of LIS with an example of IC packaging company. In Chapter 6,conclusions will be made. This research framework is shown in Figure 1-2.Background ReviewFigure1-2 : Resear
39、ch Framework Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Supply Chain ManagementA decade ago, Steven 1989 describes a supply chain as a system whose constituentparts include material suppliers, production facilities, distribution services, and customerslinked together via the feed-forward flow of m
40、aterial and the feedback flow of information(Figure 2-1. There are three traditional stages in the supply chain: procurement, productionand distribution, each of which may be composed of several facilities in different locations around the world. Supplier Wholesalerand information flows both within
41、and between facilities, such as vendors, manufacturingand assembly plants and distribution centers (DC. Rune 1997 pointed out that SCM is thedecision making that optimizes supply chain performance and supply chain functions mustoperate in a coordinated manner.2.2 Issues of Supply Chain Management2.2
42、.1 Customer Service, Inventories, and FlexibilityAs shown in Figure 2-2, customer service, inventory and flexibility are the mostimportant issues of supply chain management and their performance will influence oneanother. In a sense, the objectives related to these three criteria should be achieveds
43、imultaneously. Figure2-2: Interrelation between flexibility, inventories, and customer service(Source: Grossman et al, 1995.As quoted from Lee and Billington 1995: “The performance of filling orders willcause the company to win or lose the competitive battle,” customer satisfaction should bethe desi
44、red end result of any SCM strategy. Although customer service is a very vague term,it is often presented in terms of the metrics for measurement. Typical measures of customerservice are a company's ability to fill orders within due date (fill rate, the ability to deliverproducts to customers wit
45、hin the time quoted (on-time deliveries, and the average timefrom order to delivery.Manufacturing inventories include raw products (RPI, works in process (WIP, andfinished products (FGI. In addition, there are often warehouses or distribution centersbetween the different levels of the supply chain.
46、Inventories are costly while holing cost areoften as high as 30 - 40% of the inventory value. In addition it is desirable to avoid so-calleddead inventory, i.e. inventory that is left when a product no longer has market value. As wesee it is in every company's interest to keep inventory levels a
47、t a minimum and a newmanufacturing paradigm has come out of it. In an ideal condition, the main objective of theJust in Time (JIT production is to virtually abolish inventories and the efforts made havebeen more or less successful. Grossman, 1995Flexibility can be defined as the ability to respond t
48、o changes in the environment. Inthe case of a manufacturer, flexibility is the ability to change the output in response tochanges in the demand. In a supply chain the flexibility of one entity is highly dependent onthe flexibility of upstream entities. The overall flexibility of a supply chain will
49、thereforedepend on the flexibility of all the entities in a supply chain, and their interrelations.2.2.2 Integration and CoordinationThe Webster's dictionary defines integrate as: To make into a whole by bringing allparts together. In an enterprise, integration can simply mean that each unit of
50、theorganization will have access to information relevant to its task and will understand how itsactions will impact other parts of the organization thereby enabling it to choose alternativesthat optimize the organization's goals Fox, 1996. The key to integration is coordination. Tocoordinate is
51、to manage dependencies among activities so as to achieve coherent operationof the entire system in question.In later years we have seen an increasing focus on the integration of different segmentsof the supply chain. Bhatnagar et al. 1993 distinguish between two broad levels ofcoordination (Figure 2
52、-3. General coordination is the integration of different functions, e.g.inventory and production planning, sales, and distribution. The other level of coordination, referred to as multi-plant coordination, identifies which production decisions should becoordinated among the plants of an internal sup
53、ply chain. The objective of multi-plantcoordination is to coordinate the production plans of several plants in a vertically integratedmanufacturing company so that the overall performance of the company is improved.Bathnagar et al. conclude that there is much overlap and interaction between the twoc
54、oordination levels. In order for such coordination to be efficient, the effects of uncertaintyof final demand, uncertainties in production process at each plant, and capacity constraintsat each plant must be taken into consideration.Plant 1Plant 2Plant 3General Coordination Plant 1Plant 2Plant 3Figu
55、re 2-3: Schematic illustration of General Coordination and Multi-Plant Coordination.2.3 Logistic Information SystemA logistic information system may be represented schematically as Figure 2-4. Notethat there are three distinct elements that make up the system: (1 the input, (2 the data baseand its a
56、ssociated manipulation, and (3 the output. Figure 2-6 further highlights the featuresof the system Ballou, 1999 Figure 2-4: Overview of the Logistic Information System(Source: Ballou, 1999The input, a database management capability, and the output are the key features of aninformation system. In add
57、ition to basic data-processing capabilities, the major purpose ofthe system is to be a decision tool for planning and operating the logistics system. The firstactivity associated with the information system is acquiring the data that will assist thedecision-making process. After carefully identifying those data items needed for planningand operating the logistics system, the data can be obtained from many sources, notably (1customers, (2 company records, (3 published data, and (4 management.Database Management is to convert data to information, portraying it in a manner useful for decis
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