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1、加工應(yīng)用合成橡膠工業(yè),2007-05-15,30(3:224227CH I N A SY NTHETI C RUBBER I N DUSTRYProperti es of acrylon itr ile2but ad i ene rubber/ loose nano m eter magnesi u m hydrox i de co m positesZeng Neng1,2,Chen Yukun1,J ia Zhixin1,W ang W anxun1,J ia De m in1,L i Zongbao2,Yang D ilun2(1.College of M aterials Scienc

2、e and Engineering,South China U niversity of Technology,Guangzhou510640,China;2.Zhongshan R esearch Institute of A pplied Che m istry,Zhongshan528436,ChinaAbstract:Loose nanometerM g(OH2(LN2MHp repared by gas bubble liquid me mbrane(G BLMmethod was app lied as a fire retardant and acryl onitrile2but

3、adiene rubber(NBR/LN2MH flame retardant nanometerco mposites were p repared.Fla me retardancy,mechanical p r operties,extracti on rate,Mooney viscosity andcr osslinking density of the composites were investigated.The results showed that LN2MH had a obvi ous nanom2eter reinforcing effect on NBR/LN2MH

4、 composites.W ith increase of a mount of LN2MH,fla me retardancy,me2chanical p r operties,extracti on rate,Mooney viscosity and cr osslinking density of the composites i m p r oved,butthe a mount of LN2MH had no effect on the extracti on rate of the composite in t oluene.Keywords:l oose nanometer ma

5、gnesiu m hydr oxide;acryl onitrile2butadiene rubber;composite;fla m retardan2cy;extracti on rate;Mooney viscosity;cr osslinking densityCL S nu m ber:T Q33317D ocu m en t code:BArti cle I D:1000-1255(200703-0224-04Recently,poly mer/inorganic nanometer filler composites or hybrid materials have caused

6、 an exten2 sive attenti on in the material field14.Nano meter composites often exhibit s ome quite different p r oper2 ties co mpared with non2nanometer composites of the sa me kind.A typ ical exa mp le is poly(vinyl alco2 hol/layered silicate nanometer co mposite,in which s mall mass fracti on(typ

7、ically<5%of nano meter thin layered inorganic fillers give rise t o the sa me level of mechanical and ther mal i m p r ove ments as are typ ically achieved with l oading mass fracti on of 30%50%of m icr on sized fillers5.I norganic hydrates were commonly used as fla me retardant because of their

8、ability t o undergo endo2 ther m ic dehydrati on under fire conditi ons68. There is gr owing interest in Mg(OH2as fla me re2 tardant filler that does not evolve t oxic gases and oth2 er corr osive substances upon combusti on.Moreover, Mg(OH2can be used at higher p r ocessing te mpera2 tures than tha

9、t of the used widely A l(OH39.I n the recent work,l oose nanometer Mg(OH2 (LN2MHp repared by gas bubble liquid me mbrane (G BLMmethod10,11was app lied as a fire retard2 ant filler,and acryl onitrile2butadiene rubber (NBR/LN2MH fla me retardant nanometer compos2 ites were p repared.This paper reporte

10、d that influ2 ence of a mount of LN2MH on fla me retardancy,me2 chanical p r operties,Mooney viscosity,cr osslinking density and extracti on rate in t oluene of NBR/ LN2MH co mposites.1Exper i m en ts111M a i n ma ter i a lsLN2MH,p il ot p r oduct,Zhongshan Research I n2 stitute of App lied Che m is

11、try.NBR,N2305,com2 mercial p r oduct,Zeon company of Japan.D icumyl per oxide(DCP,che m ical pure,Taixing Reagent Che m ical Fact ory.112Prepara ti on of NBR/L N2M H com posites Reci pe(phr:NBR100,DCP0or1.5,LN2MH3Rece i ved:2006-04-18.B i ography:Zeng Neng(1975,male,doct oral student.Founda ti on it

12、e m:Supported by Nati onal Natural Science Foun2dati on of China(50573021.varied a mount .According t o above reci pe,NBR /LN 2MH compos 2ites were p repared by <160m ill .NBR /LN 2MH vulcanizati on were carried out in the p resence of DCP at 150f or 6m in .113Character i za ti on and testi n g T

13、he mechanical p r operties of NBR /LN 2MH co mpos 2ites,such as tensile strength,tear strength,el ongati on at break and shore A hardness,were deter m ined by China nati onal standard (G B .A DX LL 22500tensile testing machine (Tai w an of China was used with the cr osshead s peed of 500mm /m in .Al

14、l mechanical tes 2ting was co mp leted at 25.The oxygen index of NBR /LN 2MH composites was measured by AST M D 22863.A JF 23oxygen index analyzer (J iangning,China was used .The Mooney viscosity of NBR /LN 2MH composites was measured by GT 270802S 2Mooney viscosity ana 2lyzer (Tai w an of China .Th

15、e extracti on experi m ent was f oll owed .1g sa m 2p le was weighed up accurately by analytical balance and was packed with abs orbent cott on which had been extracted p revi ously by t oluene,then was ex 2tracted in Soxhlet s extract or by t oluene s olvent at 80for about 72h .The extracti on resi

16、due was dried at vacuu m at 60f or 8h and was weighed up accurately again .The value of extracti on rati o (E x was calculated .The measure ment of cr osslinking density was fol 2l o wed .The accurately weighed vulcanizati on samp le (m 1was i m mersed in acet one up t o the s welling balance,and th

17、e mass of s welled sa mp le (m 2was measured .The cr osslinking density (V r was calcu 2lated according t o the exp ressi on 12:V r =1/1+(m 2/m 1-1r /s ,(1W here r is density of ra w rubber,s is density of s olvent,is percent of ra w rubber in reci pe .2Results and d iscussi on211O xygen i n dex of

18、NBR /L N 2M H com positesThe curve of typ ical oxygen indexes of NBR /LN 2MH composites was given in Fig 1.The oxygen index of NBR /LN 2MH composites increased fr om 18.5%t o 27.0%with increasing the a mount of LN 2MH fr om 0t o 100phr .This result showed that the fla me resistance p r operty of NBR

19、 /LN 2MH com 2posites was considerably i m p r oved .Fig 1Effect of a mount of LN 2MH on oxygenindex of NBR /LN 2MH composites212M echan i ca l properti es of NBR /LN 2M H co m 2positesI n Fig 2,al ong with increasing amount of LN 2MHfr om o t o 100phr,tensile strength and tear strength of NBR /LN 2

20、MH composites increased by fr om 3MPa and 12kN /m t o 10MPa and 23kN /m ,re 2s pectively .Shore A hardness increased by fr om 48t oFig 2Effect of a mount of LN 2MH on mechanical p r operties of NBR /LN 2MH composites522第3期曾能等1丁腈橡膠/疏松型納米氫氧化鎂復(fù)合材料的性能63,and el ongati on at break increased by fr o m 320%

21、t o 625%.These results indicated that LN 2MH inNBR /LN 2MH gave rise t o obvi ous nanometer rein 2forcing effect .213M ooney viscosity of NBR/LN 2M H co mpoundsI n Fig 3,with the increasing a mount of LN 2MH,Mooney viscosity of NBR /LN 2MH composites gradu 2ally increased .Fig 3Effect of a mount of

22、LN 2MH on Mooneyviscosity of LN 2MH /NBR composites214Extracti on of NBR /L N 2M H com positesW hen a mount of LN 2MH was 0,20,40,60,80,100phr,extracti on rati o of NBR /LN 2MH composites was f ound t o be 5.3%,5.2%,5.6%,5.5%,5.3%,5.2%,res pectively .The vari ous a mounts of LN 2MH as fla me retarda

23、nt filler had not influence on the value of extracti on rati o .The results indicated that oleate ani ons linked on surfaces of LN 2MH par 2ticle were not extracted by t oluene s olvent,and ole 2ate ani ons were cl osely combined with LN 2MH and NBR.The compatibility of LN 2MH particle withNBR molec

24、ule was good .215Crossli n k i n g den sity of NBR /L N 2M H co m 2positesW hen a mount of LN 2MH was 0,20,40,60,80,100phr,cr osslinking density of NBR /LN 2MH com 2posites was f ound t o be 0.30%,0.33%,0.36%,0.37%,0.43%,0.53%,res pectively .These results had shown up that oleate ani ons on the surf

25、aces of LN 2MH particles reacted int o cr osslink net w orked during the curing p r ocess by use of DCP .3Conclusi on sLN 2MH p repared by G BL M method as a fire re 2tardant filler was app lied t o p repare NBR /LN 2MH fla me retardant nanometer composite,and the fla me retardancy,mechanical p r op

26、erty,extracti on rate,Mooney viscosity and cr osslinking density of the composites i m p r oved al ong with increasing a mount of LN 2MH,but the a mounts of LN 2MH had no effect on the extracti on rate of the co mposite in t oluene .The LN 2MH had obvi ous nanometer reinf orcing effect on NBR /LN 2M

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28、ed by s olid phase composites J .合成橡膠工業(yè),2005,28(5:3743773U suki A,Koji m a Y,Ka wasum i M ,et al .Synthesis of nyl on 62clay hybrid J .Mater Res,1993,8(5:11791184.4Novak B M.Hybrid nanocomposite materials bet w een inorganicglasses and organic poly mers,J .Adv Mater,1993,5(6:4224335Stra whecker K E,

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