1、Fast, Flexible PowerAt GE, we recog nize the in dividual operati ng schemes of our customers are vast and varied. That iswhy we are committed to providing a flexible portfolio of products to support a full spectrum of operat ing needs: from fast starts and load follow ing to get peak customers on th
2、e grid quickly, to high availability andreliability to keep base load customers online for the long haul. Whatever your scenario, we can tailor asolution to meet your n eeds.Operati onal flexibility is in here nt to GEs portfolio of aeroderivative gas turb ines and a critical component of our custom
3、erssuccess. We un dersta nd the importa nee ofspeed and flexibility whe n it comes to resp onding to power dema nds. Our gas turb ines are desig ned tomeet these challe nges with efficie ncy and cost effective ness.Fast Installation with Less InterruptionGE is committed to mai ntai ning short manu f
4、acturi ng cycles supported by depe ndable, predictabledelivery times and a robust supply cha in. Our modular package desig ns and on-going in terc onn ect innovatio n allow for shorter manu facturi ng cycles and faster in stallati on times with less in stalled and operational costs tha n field erect
5、ed un its. All of our un its un dergo rigorous factory test ing after assembly and areready for operation soon after arriving on site translating into lower installation costs, shorter projectschedules, and reduced finan cial risk for our customers.The in tegrati on of skid-m oun ted support systems
6、 requires less in stallati on work, time and expense.Fewer materials are shipped directly to the site, reducing the amount of civil works, utilizi ng packagesupport systems and less foun dati on work tha n alternate generation. Our compact, lightweight packagedesign allows for installation flexibili
7、ty and lessprocess in terruptio n.Products known for operational flexibility, highefficiency, superb reliability and fast installationsProviding diverse solutions for various industries? Utilities pea-power, comb ined cycle, distributed gen erati on, grid stability? Oil & Gas -mechanical drive,
8、power generation? FPSO-ffshore power with our compact 538 and 538e packages? In dustrial comb ined heat and power? Mobile power emerge ncy power, peak dema nd, mining and O&G applicati onsMari ne - power and propulsi on4FAST, FLEXIBLE POWERFast Starts and Cycling CapabilityThe ability to go from
9、 cold iron to full power in just 10 minutes and the ability tostart and stop in short, 15-minute cycles (several times per day if necessary without impacti ng maintenancein tervas make GEs aeroderivative gas turb ines excepti on ally adept at accommodati ng fluctuati ngdema nd with in creas ing effi
10、cie ncy across multiple industry segments. GEs aeroderivative gas turbinescan be the first to respond to a peak power dema nd opport uni ty, without the costs of a spinning reserve.Load Follow ingThanks to a two-rotor design, GEs aeroderivative portfolio provides higher partpower efficie ncy and fas
11、ter resp onse to load cha nges tha n other similar gas turb ines in thein dustry. This load matchi ng allows for greater grid stability of voltage and freque ncy, and provides greaterstart ing torque for mecha ni cal drive applicati ons.High Availability/ReliabilityBy utilizi ng aircraft experie nee
12、 and desig n, our aeroderivative desig n approachin corporates features such as split cas in gs, modular con structi on, in dividual replaceme ntof internal and external parts, and GEs“l(fā)ease pool”engine program. Our extensive usof high quality comp onents com mon with pare nt aircraft engines valida
13、tes engine reliability and offersreduced parts cost.Various in spect ions and hot sect ion repairs can be performed on the gas turb ine atsite within the turb ine en closure. The“Hot Secti on,”HPT and combustor can beremoved/replaced in the field within 72 hours, allowing for greater availability du
14、ring pla nned maintenan ce.Greater availability is achieved by the on-con diti on maintenance program, which in spects and repairs onlyas n ecessary to desired operati onal con diti on.Wide Fuel RangeAt GE, we understand flexibility in fuel choices is a high priority. Our Alternate Fuels Cen ter of
15、Excellenee is leadi ng the in dustry in ide ntify ing, desig ning, and delivering fuel flexibility optionsall with thehigh reliability, availability, and mai ntai nability sta ndards you expect from GE.Our experie nee on liquid biofuels is prove n and grow in g. In additi on to conven ti onal turb i
16、ne fuelssuch as #2 diesel, jet fuel, and kerose ne, aeroderivative gas turb ines are designed to run on a range ofalternatefrom light distillates like naphtha, to greener fuels such as biodiesels and etha nol derived fromvarious feedstocks. Our package and engine systems have over 450,000 hours of s
17、uccessful operati onson n aphtha fuel, and over 23,000 hours of operati on using biodiesel.Examples of fuel versatility for our gas turb ine and package products in clude:Gaseous fuel? Pipeli ne and liquefied n atural gas (LNG? Syn gas (low and medium BTU? Propa ne, high hydrocarb on gas? Wellhead,
18、associated gas? Coal bed metha ne (CBM? Lan dfill gas (LFG? Coke ove n gas (COG?Refi nery/process flare gas? LNG for marine propulsi on Liquid fuel? #2 DieselJet fuel, kerose neNap htha? Biodiesel? Etha nol? Liquid ble nds? Buta neFAST, FLEXIBLE POWER 5Aero En ergy ServicesGE customers ben efit from
19、 a wellspri ng of operat ing experie nee and service expertise that is unmatehed in the in dustry. Our service offeri ngs are desig ned to help customers meet their operati onal goals,utiliz ing field expertise and unique tech no logies to deliver key results. From simple maintenance servicesto soph
20、isticated tech no logy upgrades to en d-to-e nd outage services, we can help you keep your equipment operat ing reliably and efficie ntly.Reduced Maintenance CostsGE s CHrondition maintenance philosophy allows the condition of your engine to dictate maintenanceactivities. Our aeroderivative packages
21、 are desig ned with a high degree of accessibility for easymaintenance in clud ing:? M odular con struct ion permits comp onent in spect ion/replaceme nt withouttotal disassembly? Approximately 40 differe nt ports for con clusive on-site borescope in specti onsHigh pressure compressor split case des
22、ig nIn dividually replaceable compressor blades, stator van es, and HPT rotor blades? Horizo ntally split cas ings allow detailed in specti on and partial blade replaceme nt on -site? Externally replaceable gearbox and seals? Exter nally moun ted accessories for easy replaceme nt? Lightweight aerode
23、rivative desig n allows fast, onsite engine excha nge? P rein stalled cranes to han dle the lightweight aeroderivative gas turb in es,allow ing for fast engine excha ngesEngine Repair CapabilityOur world-class and worldwide n etwork of Service Cen ters provides our customers with quickturnarounds an
24、d convenien ce. Our Cen ters of Excelle nee have the capability to overhaul and repair GEunits with quick turnarounds. We are the only LM service cen ters globally certified to the Aerospace QualitySta ndard AS9100.Reenergize Your Plant with GEs Repower ProgramGE s Repower program provides the optio
25、n of replacing older gas and steam turbine equipme nt withnew LM gas turb ine tech no logy as an alter native to purchas ing a completely new gas turb ine packageand bala nee of pla nt equipme nt.Repoweri ng existi ng gas turb ine equipme nt allows rete nti on of existi ng pla nt in frastructure tor
26、educe costs while achiev ing substa ntial improveme nts in thermal efficie ncy, power output,availability, emissions, fuel efficiency and capital cost savings.6FAST, FLEXIBLE POWERFAST, FLEXIBLE POWER 7Con tractual Service Agreeme nts (CSAsOur con tractual service agreeme nts (CSAs create a customiz
27、ed maintenance soluti on by in tegrating OEM tech ni cal kno wledge and remote mon itori ng and diag no stics with field service, parts, andrepairs to protect your inv estme nt, improve operati onal productivity and reduce costs. The CSA is a highlycustomizable product desig ned for the wide range o
28、f aeroderivative applicati ons, packag ing desig ns,operatio nal dema nds and geographic locations. Options include full or partial maintenance cost risktransfer, engine-only up to full pla nt coverage, thermal and operati onal performa nee guara ntees,in tegrated access to lease and rotable assets,
29、 on site tech ni cal support, comprehe nsive maintenance planning and a full range of remote services support.Field ServicesGE s aeroderivative Global Field Seices network offers world-class service and support that can anticipate and resp ond to customer n eeds throughout the product life of their
30、GE LM engines and packages.Offeri ng the highest quality parts, tools and tech ni cal support, these teams are dedicated to reduci ng downtime and achiev ing a lower cost of operati on. Field Service offeri ngs in clude periodic in specti ons of theengine and package, hot secti ons, gen erator test
31、and in spect ion, trim bala nces, vibrati on surveys,performa nee testing, controls calibration, and all Level 1 and 2 maintenance.Asset Man ageme ntGE s aeroderivative lease pool program is designed to help customers reduce overall life cycle costsand provide a low cost method for maintaining unit
32、availability. Customers can improve site availability byleas ing equipme nt from GE whe n their own equipme nt is at a depot for repair, or whe n equipme nt isbeing repaired on site. This program allows lease customers to con ti nue operati ons to serve theircustomers and meet their bus in ess objec
33、tives.Lease assets are provided un der member or non-member lease agreeme nt con cepts. Member andnon-member rates and opti ons are structured to cover the actual and opport un ity costs to GE for everyoperat ing and non-operati ng hour.Aeroderivative Field Services Locati onsLevel 2: A center that
34、performs basic field and module repairsLevel 4: A center thatperforms comp onent repairsProduct DirectoryLM2500? FamilyGE s LM2500 has been one of the top selling aeroderivative gas turbine in its class forover 40 years and con ti nues to evolve to provide in creased customer value. Offeri ng 18435
35、MW with up to 41% efficiency, the LM2500 is capable of serving the demanding anddiverse power n eeds typical of the oil and gas and in dustrial segme nts. Its prove nreliability and availability, dual fuel capability, outstanding emissions as low as 15 ppm Noxand fast load resp onse give the LM2500
36、the ability to meet the dema nds of a wide rangeof industries. Moreover, its lightweight and compact design allows for fast in stallati on andease of maintenan ce.KoHfinKalugaCatgaryL妣L 2 toolingLevel 2Rheden iLv4/EkiifersfiGldSyracuseLM2Lincoln._ * 2l費(fèi)釈2/Port Harcourt Lavd2 tocllnaPetropods Lev邊4LM
37、Itaol rgSingaporeLPVI2 toolingPerth 2012Level 2The product family boasts over 1,500 in stalled un its and over 65 millio n hours of operating experie nee across a variety of operati ng applicati ons ranging from coge nerati on to Iand-based power gen erati on and mecha ni cal drive to platform power
38、 gen erati on and mecha nical drive. Derived from the CF6-6? and TF39 aircraft engines used on wide body jet liners, theLM2500 family is a hot-end drive, two-shaft gas generator with free power turb ine. Mai ntai ninga high degree of com mon ality with its flight-tested forerunners, the LM2500 famil
39、y continues tobuild its reputation as the most reliable in dustrial gas turb ine gen erator in its class.The LM1800e? is the member of the LM2500 family en ha need for 18 MW powerrequireme nt applicati ons. The lower rat ing allows a lower firing temperature, further extendingthe hot section and com
40、bustor life. As for all members or the LM2500 family, the six-stagepower turbine of the LM1800e allows direct drive operation at 50 or 60 Hz (3000 or 3600 rpm, aswell as mecha ni cal drive.The LM2500+? adds a 17th compressor stage to the LM2500, thereby in creasi ng theengine pressure ratio and airf
41、low to grow the total power output of the gas turbine to over 31 MW.The LM2500+ provides in creased power output with the same lege ndary reliability of theLM2500 family. LM2500+G4? is the fourth gen eration of the LM2500 product. The LM2500+G4operates at higher rotatio nal speeds and pressure ratio
42、s tha n the LM2500+, providi ng morepowerup to 34 MW. High temperature alloys and cooli ng tech no logy allow higher poweroutput without affecti ng reliabilityPackagesGE offers a variety of in stallatio n packages that can meet the particular n eeds of your site.We have a package that can provide hi
43、gh availability with a minimum of site resources. Our coldweather package can operate9C without affecting gas turbine operati on. The 538 offshorepackage is the smallest, lightest packaged power soluti on in its class.TM2500? (Fast, Mobile Power Solutio nsGE s TM2500 Trailer Mourted Unit is a power
44、plant on wheels capable of producing morethan 21 megawatts of power on short notice. The TM2500 is a portable versi on of thewell-prove n LM2500 Aeroderivative gas turbi ne. The un its are extremely flexible and can betran sported by ship, air or road to some of the most remote places around the glo
45、be.The latest enhancements of GEs trailer mounted unit is the TM2500+?, offering a31% in crease in power in a more compact footpri nt that can reduce the time betwee n con tactand commissio ning. The TM2500+ is ideal for provid ing a base load bridge to perma nentpower in stallati ons or for gen era
46、ti ng backup power support ing n atural disaster relief, pla ntshutdow ns or equipme nt maintenan ce. Produci ng more tha n 27 MW of power, the TM2500+can power over 12,000 average-sized U.S. households. The TM2500+ can achieve full power inless tha n 10 minu tes with 37% efficie ncy and an average
47、no ise level of just 87 dBa.Now packaged on a two-trailer system with a top-m oun ted air in let filter and exhaustassemblies, GEs TM2500+ requires 77% less space than its predecessor. Both the inletfilter 8FAST, FLEXIBLE POWERassembly and the exhaust duct are mounted directly on top of the main tra
48、iler assembly,making the TM2500+ easier to transport by ship, rail or road to even the most remote locati onsaround the globe. The improved TM2500+ desig n offers an in creased number ofquick-disconnect fittings, to simplify and accelerate the installation process, which can en ableassembly and set-
49、up in just one day.Notes: Performa nee based on 59F ambnt temperature, 60% RH, sea level, no iniet/exhaust losses on n atural gas fuel with no NOx media, uni ess otherwise specified. Turbineinlet temperature, exhaust flow and exhaust temperature at ISO rati ng con diti ons. TM2500 60Hz based on a Br
50、ushair-cooled generator with brushless exitation 0.90 PF, 59F cooling air, 13.8 kV (50 Hz 11.5 kV.? With water inject ion for NOx con trol to 25 ppm? gearboxFAST, FLEXIBLE POWER 9Product DirectoryLM6000?class for the last 10 years.Expa nding global heritageBased on the CF6-80C2?hours with over 1,000
51、 units shipped to customers globalloverof operati ng expertise and experie nee unique to GE.Imagination at worktech no logy developme nts like 15 ppm Dry Low NOxenhan eeme nt, fiber optic distributed eon trols and off-gas/liquid fuel flexibility .in55%, depe nding on selected emissi ons con trol met
52、hods.achieved by rem oving 2,500 cars from the road annu ally.1110FAST, FLEXIBLE POWERMODELOirtpul MWMedl RalehJ?kWbhoist FhavfExhausl Tfirrtp *f*CSpeed (ftPMlkgKK| AMIMOLMfcOOa-PC Sprinr-31J 期B34UWSMOW-o孔曲Ii.blMmr 偌眄】LHCMXhPD 嚴(yán) SfJinrff38.1?01 8 価so#iwa90H2834LMWOWiB9,160ar6M291275對B5t5L 比 0 亦蘆“ 5
53、沖 n 小衍rawerJ0 91600癡頂LM6K0PG-54.1ew$.01753.13.9&5310lUitiblLM4M0胳-知*56J郵 2坯S.5O5畑uema.iir |購 g314J.K5W5uetHALHfcMOSprint*ass?32.fr1905K6139酣 1*ua,57iX 間129B0350.6歐新11 J.6?7pfi035IMUNO-PD41?1i 臨 1曲2?7血B4Ltooo-Ftr spiirrt巧耐 9HIj.br?紉153日券6? 7S.22753?72771J6W1MlLM*flOO-PC Spirit.&7.5誠 Q5 LIM?Z?
54、951J3essL 呦 g 心54.ie.54$013332J.9L1318軸耳gfsQLH4000,時(shí) SpX56.30,579.Qi933 9I.9L1J22附IhittXXMM坤上8.321477323511伽B0BBSSI 2S.3O&toSymd l( (tPH|Ib/itcpc?7512SesttMOOO.PC,bSB/la5,血!.6O0?78126BXifiA53LMtOOrt-PC4-*hK-litll*X)0.Dn-百 . 妙 150 igiFNotes: Performa nee based on 59F ambnt temperature, 60% RH, se
55、a level, noini et/exhaust losses on n atural gas fuel with no NOx media, uni ess otherwise specified.Turbine inlet temperature, exhaust flow and exhaust temperature at ISO rati ng con ditions.With water inject ion for NOx con trol to 25 ppm.Please con tact your local GE represe ntative for additi on
56、al in formati on.FAST, FLEXIBLE POWERProduct Directory11LMS100?GE s revolutionary LMS100 provides a single, economical solution for the dispatch n eeds of n earlyevery global power segme nt. Offeri ng 100 MW with un paralleled 44% efficiency, 10 minute start times,unmatched hot day performanee, load
57、 following and cycli ng capabilities,the LMS100 is the ideal power generation solution for nearly every dispatch sce nario.The best of both worldsThe LMS100 core engine is derived from the CF6? family of aircraft engines the same baseline asthe LM6000. The current LM6000 fleet of more than 1,000 gas
58、 turbine generator sets has surpassed the 21million hour mark with outstanding reliability and availability of 99.2% and 97.7%? , respectively. The lowpressure compressor (LPC is derived from GEs MS6001FA gas turbine with more than 90 units inoperation and having accumulated in excess of two million
59、 fired hours.Poweri ng the worldresp on siblyBetter efficie ncy means less fuel bur ned per megawatt gen erated and fewer CO2 emissi ons. Theefficie ncy adva ntage of the LMS100 exte nds bey ond base load operati on into both part power and hotday conditions. Real operating flexibility brings industryleading efficiencies and improves grid systemcapabilit
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