1、云南昆明第一中學2014屆高中新課程高三第一次摸底測試英 語 試 題本試卷分第I卷(選擇題)和第II卷(非選擇題)兩部分。考試結束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交同。滿分120分,考試用時100分鐘。第I卷(選擇題,共85分)注意事項:1答題前,考生務必用黑色碳素筆將自己的姓名、準考證號、考場號、座位號在答題卡上填寫清楚,并認真核準條形碼上的準考證號、姓名、考場號、座位號及科目,在規(guī)定的位置上貼好條形碼。2每小題選出答案后,用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案標號。答在試卷上的答案無效。第一部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié)單項填空(共1
2、 5小題:每小題1分,滿分1 5分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑 。1He is _newcomer but he is very popular with _classmatesAthe; the Bthe;不填 Ca; 不填 Da; the2Bob tries to keep his parents company _he is so busyAas if Beven if Cnow that Dthe moment3The couple next to my house _walk the dog every dayAshould Bw
3、ill Cmust Dcan4 I usually go hiking on weekends, but I want to try something more challenging this time ALets go BCheer up! CLike what? DTake care5I have to see the doctorI often see double and cant tell _ far away things areAthat Bwhere Cwhat Dhow6 Look, hes late again! Whats excuse hell _ this tim
4、e?Agive out Bmake up Cwork out Dtake up7Jane sent me an email _ she explained why she hadnt attended our weddingAwhich Bto which Cin which Dhow8 Can you get to the meeting-room on time? Terribly sorry, itAhad rained Bhas rained Chas been raining Dwill be raining9Some people are always playing with t
5、heir mobile phones _ they areAwhoever Bwhatever Cwhenever Dwherever10John knows more about Europe as he _ six European countries last vacationAcovered Bfinished Cwent Dran11After all the participants arrived, the judge kept them _ of what to do nextAinform Binforming Cinformed Dto inform12Smith gave
6、 up smoking, _ I found a bit surprisingAwhich Bthat Cwhen Dwhat13Without our teachers help we _Awont have succeeded Bwont succeedCwouldnt have succeeded Dmustnt succeed14Its hard to believe he learned English so well, for _ of his parents spoke the languageAboth Bneither Cany Dnone15Tom told me it w
7、as in the library _ they had met for the first timeAwhich Bthat Cwhere Din which第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題15分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Our seven-year-old younger son, Benjamin, became quite illHe was inactive, sick, and had a headache and a high feverOur doctor said Be
8、njamin would need to go to hospital to have some 16 doneThe nearest hospital was an hour away so my husband 17 , and then returned home to care for our 18 sonBenjamin and I were in a 19 place without any friends or family, surrounded by strangers with 20 equipmentTests in the hospital proved 21 , bu
9、t the doctor wanted to 22 my son overnightThe other bed in our ward was 23 by a boy about Benjamins age who needed surgery to 24 a broken armHis mother and I 25 stories about our sons conditions and got on wellAfter she left for the night, Benjamins illness was more serious and the doctors were 26 w
10、hat was wrongThere was nowhere for me to go that night so that I had to lie in a 27 The next morning, I felt tired and anxious about Benjamin without any toiletries or clothes for myself because Id left home 28 But when the mother came, she 29 to take me to her place to have a showerWhen we got ther
11、e she had to go back to the hospital, so she told me to 30 her shampoo, kettle, etc, leaving me alone in 31 homeI felt so much better after a lovely hot shower and a 32 , and was ready to face the dayAfter 33 , she took me back to the hospitalI am so grateful to that young mother for 34 me, a comple
12、te stranger, into her home and extending such 35 to me at a time when I really needed it mostBenjamin was eventually diagnosed with scarlet fever and made a full recovery16AoperationsBtestsCrepairs Dsurveys17Adropped us oftBpicked us upCsent us away Dtook us away18AyoungerBhealthierCother Danother19
13、AstrangeBfamiliarCquiet Dempty20AlovelyBsatisfyingCuseful Dscar)21ApositiveBnegativeCeffective Dwrong22AexamineBtreatCmonitor Dattend23AchosenBoccupiedCbought Dcontrolled24AremoveBmendCrebuild Dreset25AexchangedBheardCwrote Dmade26Asorry forBsurprised byCunsure of Dconcerned about27AbedBdrawerCkettl
14、e Dchair28Ain a hurryBwith a coldCfor the moment Dbeyond my power29AmanagedBofferedCpretended Dhappened30Ahelp myself toBget close toCget used to Dpay attention to31AhisBmyCher Dtheir32AdrinkBmealCwalk Dsleep33AtakingBleavingCanswering Dreturning34ApersuadingBforcingCclinging Dinviting35AloveBshower
15、Csympathy Dtrust第二部分閱讀理解(共2節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。AIts assessment time at Dallas Brooks Community Primary School in Melborrne, Australia, and a bunch of 11-year-olds are videoing themselves as they explain the step-by-step process of multiplicati
16、onIn a nearby classroom, children use personal computers to upload facts onto a smart board ( interactive whiteboard) for the class to shareIn preparation, the five-year-olds are using digital microphones and cameras to record the days lesson; their colorful classroom is full of tablets, desktops, N
17、intendo DSs and iPodsTechnology has entered the classroomFrom the lime children learn to read until they finish university, their schooling is being transformed with digital and online teaching methodsTechnology isnt replacing kids learningits supporting it, explains Amanda Henning, the assistant pr
18、incipal at Dallas BrooksPupils are still expected to learn their timetables and do spelling tests, but we are constantly looking at new ways to improve learning and engage students by using technologyGone are the days when the only person in the classroom who had access to knowledge was the teacherN
19、ow the facts are available with a tap or a click via the internetThat means the teachers role has fundamentally changedRather than teaching children what to learn, teachers can now spend time showing them how to learnIn other words, rote learning (機械學習) isnt that useful-future and employers will be
20、looking for staff who can evaluate data, work with others and be innovative (創(chuàng)新)But its not just about replacing black-boards with smart boards and textbooks with iPadsTechnology enables kids to do things they couldnt do beforeFor instance, children are using the internet to research facts at homeTh
21、eir time with the teacher is then used to learn how to apply their knowledgeIts called flipped learning the concepts of class work and homework have been turned hack to front36The way of students learning is changing because of _Athe technology development Bthe new internet effectCthe teachers hard
22、work Dthe colorful social life37In order to be a good teacher, one has to _Ainsist on his teaching methods Bgive more help to his studentsCguide the students how to learn Dmake friends with his students38A company may prefer to employ a person who has the ability to _Acooperate, create and analyze B
23、assess, share and helpClearn, research and explore Dexpress, exchange and obtain39Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AAn Expensive Technology BThe Students UnluckinessCA Slowly Changing World DA New Dawn in EducationBI woke up one morning to get the kids ready for school, and
24、the whole room was spinningI kept trying to stand, but I gave up and spent the whole day in bedFor a week, I felt dizzy; then my left ear started to feel unusual, so my husband took me to the emergency departmentThe doctor did a CAT scan and said maybe I had just a virus when she couldnt find anythi
25、ng wrongI kept feeling off, so I went to my regular doctorShe asked me to walk in a straight line and I couldnt do it! That worried her, so she sent me to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor, who discovered Id lost hearing in both earsHe said the problem might be my sinuses (鼻竇) , and he ordered an
26、other CAT scan, which also came back normal, and a balance test, which I passedAbout three months later, I woke up and was completely shocked because I could hear my heart beating in my left ear: boom, boom, boomFrom that point on, I heard my heartbeatIt drowned out regular sounds-Id have the TV vol
27、ume all the way up, but my heartbeat still took overAnd I started hearing my voice echo in my left ear, as I was in a barrel (桶) , so I began talking lessIf I ate anything hard, like chips, the chewing sounded like a gun going off next to my earI was afraid to leave the house, I lost my appetite and
28、 I cried constantlyI hated that my kids were seeing me like thatI kept bouncing between my normal doctor, the ENT doctor, and the emergency department, but nobody had any answersFour months after my suffering began, I finally tried a different ENT doctor, who recommended an ear specialist at the Uni
29、versity of California, Los Angeles ( UCLA) Thats how Ifound the doctor who changed my life40The underlined word spinning means _Awheeling Bbreaking Cfalling Dchanging41The authors condition became worse because _Asounds around sometimes bothered her very muchBsounds from herself were higher than fro
30、m outsideCshe perhaps lost her hearing in one of her own earsDthe doctor thought the problem might be her sinuses42From the authors experience, we may conclude that _Aself-confidence is a better treatmentBseeing more doctors may do good to youCtrusting your doctor may kill yourselfDletting it be is
31、what you can doCThis week we flew across the blue Mediterranean and onto the island of CyprusCan you imagine that Cy-prus is in between the three continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia? Cyprus is the third largest island in the MediterraneanOver 260 species offish circle the warm Mediterranean water
32、s around Cyprus, and most of them like to eat bananasEverest tried to catch some but unfortunately even with bananas he didnt have any luckOne afternoon we had fresh chocolates made by a chocolaty (生產者) that has been making chocolate for yearsHe has even made a super healthy dark chocolate called Fl
33、ava that is filled with antioxidants (抗氧化劑)Hetold us that it helps keep your skin soft, maintains heart health, protects your brain, and keeps you young and fitWowHe was like something out of a story book with a joyful face and round stomachAnother beautiful day we went into the mountains and visite
34、d an amazing waterfall and monastery (修道院)The monastery was beautiful and full of quietnessWe were up in the Troodos Mountains and you could hear every sound, from the monks praying to the birds singing! One of the highlights of the week was visiting the birth place of AphroditeAphrodite is the Gree
35、k goddess of love and beauty? Aphrodite was said to have been the daughter of Zeus (god of the sky) and Dodna (mother goddess) The Greek myth says that she rose from the sea at Petra tou Romiou in PafoAt the end of the week we took an adventure to the Turkish side of the islandCyprus is split into t
36、wo parts, the North is part of Turkey and the South is part of Greece Visiting Turkey was crazy; even though the two sides are right next to each other, they are so differentTurkey felt more attractive and foreignWe had a happy time in Cyprus but now its off to another continentAfrica!43Who liked to
37、 eat bananas?ACyprus islanders BPeople around the MediterraneanCA man named Everest DFishes in the Mediterranean44Antioxidants was filled in a super healthy dark chocolate to _Amake it beautiful Bdo good to eatersCmake it tasty Ddo some research45What is the third paragraph mainly about?AExploring n
38、ature beauty BEnjoying nature and spiritCVisiting a famous temple DShowing respect to the goddess46The author may think of Cyprus _Aforgetful Bawful Cimpressive DcostfulDResearchers have developed software that can listen to recordings of a forest and tell us what animals are thereMore importantly,
39、the software can show what animals are not thereThis new technology is available on the Internet, and free for anyone to useThousands of species die out each yearScientists want to know how climate change and land development are affecting animals like the Plains CoquiBut how can scientists know how
40、 many species are disappearing if they do not know how many there are? New software can help themIt is called the Automated Remote Biodiversity Monitoring Network, or ARBIMONIts a generic system to monitor biodiversity (生物多樣性)That is Mitchell Aide of the University of Puerto RicoHe is one of the lea
41、ders of the ARBIMON teamThey hope the software program will help environmentalists study creatures worldwideThe software is set up for the user to use it for whatever species theyre interested inIt could be snapping shrimp, or whales, or it could be frogs or insects or monkeysResearchers place small
42、, low-cost recording equipment in the rainforestThe equipment makes a recording every 10 minutesThe recordings are sent immediately to a central computerThe scientists direct the computer to recognize the sounds of different animalsThey then use the software program to examine tens of thousands of r
43、ecordings in less than an hourThe software can identify which animals are in the rainforest and which are notIt can also show which ones are making sounds when, and which are notThe ARBIMON software and its collection of sounds are available to evervone at arbimoncorn47What is the newly-developed so
44、ftware for?AProtecting our future living environmentBTelling the differences between the animalsCKnowing more about animals far in a forestDGetting the better recordings of a forest48The equipment which could match with ARBIMON is _Aexpensive Bcheap Cundeveloped Duseless49In order to use ARBIMON, sc
45、ientists need _Ato keep themselves at the equipment in the forestBmore workers in the forest and several in the officeCto work in the office after setting the equipment in the forestDa wire between the equipment in the forest and the computer in the office50With the development of ARBIMON, some scie
46、ntists may _Aget more information to protect our surroundingsBknow exactly how many animals are dying outCchange the way of our life in the near futureDsell more equipment all over he world very soon第二節(jié) (共5小題:每小題2分,滿分10分)根據短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。We are nowhere near perfect travelersE
47、very one of the travel mistakes on this list comes from painful personal experiences - often from repeating the same mistakesOver packingAccording to a recent survey by Travelodge, two-thirds of travelers typically return from a trip with at least six unworn clothesThe lesson: 51 Figure on at least
48、two wears for (almost) everything 52 You think you will circle back to that shopYou wontThat beautiful street painting or those nesting dolls you didnt buy? Now not having them will trouble you for the rest of your lifeWhen you see something you like, just buy it and live without regretToo much phot
49、ographyThe desire to document every street scene, statue and new kinds of food can kill the thrill of newfound experiences that should be the key of travel 53 Before you know it, you have 300 pictures on your phone consisting of old buildings, unclear sunsets and plates of foodCongratulations, Your trip is now defined by low-quality images on a handset that no one back home wants to spend 20 minutes viewing 54 Th
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