1、英語影視賞析課程教學(xué)大綱(2003年制訂,2006年修訂)課程編號:100190英 文名: English Movie Appreciation課程類別:專業(yè)選修課前置課:基礎(chǔ)英語后置課:無學(xué) 分:2學(xué)分課 時:34課時主講教師:李麗萍褚玉襄選定教材:Andrew Lynn ,英語電影賞析,北京:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社,2005年。課程概述:本課程針對英語專業(yè)高年級學(xué)生開設(shè)。主要目的是為了順應(yīng)我國當前政治經(jīng)濟形勢發(fā)展的需要,滿足大學(xué)生迫切需要通過電視、電影等媒體來直接了解世界各國的政治、經(jīng)濟、文化和社會發(fā)展動態(tài)的需要。通過涵養(yǎng)學(xué)生的影視藝術(shù)感覺,提高學(xué)生英語水平和影視藝術(shù)鑒賞的審美品位。學(xué)習(xí)語言
3、背景深入了解作品的文化學(xué)內(nèi)蘊,通過教師分段的各種提問與講解,使學(xué)生能對影片的內(nèi)容有個透徹的了解,從而能逐漸培養(yǎng)起他們獨立欣賞原版片的習(xí)慣與能力。學(xué)生通過本課程的學(xué)習(xí),可以提高自身通過聽覺獲取信息的能力,可以較為順利地聽懂有一定難度的英語電影、電視片段等,了解英語國家 的人文特點,提高英語文化素養(yǎng),能夠在日常生活中靈活運用所學(xué)知識進行交流。教學(xué)方法:觀看經(jīng)典英語電影或片段、名人傳記紀錄片等內(nèi)容,難度相當于四六級或以上水平。重要的知識點為資料中所涉及的英語文化知識,對其中出現(xiàn)的重點句子及其結(jié)構(gòu)加以強化、操練,使學(xué)生可以將 所聽到所看到的知識運用到自己的學(xué)習(xí)和生活中,達到提高運用英語能力的目標。各章
4、教學(xué)要求及教學(xué)要點Chapter 1 History and Genre課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Introduce the history of early cinema, classical Hollywood cinema, and post-classical Hollywood cinema with regard to technological, industrial, and artistic developments.Introduce the concept of genre and, in particular, the categorization of genres
5、and the functions of genre.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Early Cinema, Classical Hollywood Cinema, Categorization of Genres思考題:1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of approaching films through the concept of genre?2. Do you think genres are historically and culturally specific?Chapter 2 Character and Performance課時分配
6、:2課時教學(xué)要求:Explain characterization in film from the perspectives of character functions and cast design, character archetypes, and motivation, conflict, and character growth.Explain performance in film by considering the specific qualities of cinematic performance(as opposed to its theatrical equival
7、ent), the concept of the actor ' s two bodies, the movement in acting known as Method acting and the phenomenon of the " star'.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Character Functions and Cast Design , Cinematic Performance思考題:1. What makes a film character interesting to you?2. What factors do you think should be tak
8、en into account when casting decisions are made?Chapter 3 Narrative課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Define the basic terms used to analyze narratives-narrative, story, and plot.List and briefly describe the limited number of basic stories that form the basis for most narratives.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:The Basic Terms (Narrative, Story, a
9、nd Plot) and the Basic Stories ,Subplots .思考題:1. What are the main differences between Hollywood narratives and those of Chinese films?2. Do you think that narrative in Hollywood is too formulaic to produce great art?Chapter 4 Style課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Introduce methods for analyzing the cinematic shot usin
10、g concepts such as composition and photographic techniques, mise-en- scene, setting, framing, sound and lighting, costume and props, and symbols and motifs.Introduce methods for analyzing the editing process using concepts such as continuity editing, safe and unsafe space, and dialectical montage.教學(xué)
11、內(nèi)容:The Shot: Composition and Photographic Techniques ,Symbols and Motifs .思考題:1. What different kinds of effects can be produced by the manipulation of stylistic characteristics?2. Do you think a film ' s style really matters? Or is content more important?Chapter 5 Critical Perspectives課時分配:2課時教
12、學(xué)要求:Give a definition of theme and outline some typical thematic concerns.Introduce some of the main theoretical approaches to the study of film auteur theory, structuralism, feminism and gender studies, psychoanalysis and the spectator, and polictics and ideology. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Defining Theme & Typical
13、Thematic Concerns , Structuralism .思考題:1. How can a knowledge of theory contribute to our understanding of cinema?2. Can these Western theories be applied to Chinese cinema?Chapter 6 Blockbuster Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Exemplify the blockbuster, and in particular to show how the essence of the blockbuster
14、lies in its use of spectacle and generic mixing.Show how the four-function model of cast design can help one to better undersand characterization in popular Hollywood films.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:The Blockbuster and Synopsis , The Matrix .思考題:The basic question posed by the The Matrix is this: Should one, like Nero,
15、accept an unpleasant reality, or, like Cypher, choose a life that is perfect but unreal " ? What do you think?Chapter 7 Comedy Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Exemplify comedy as a genre, and in particular to consider what it is that gives rise to humour.Show how engagement with characters occurs through a tr
16、ipartite process of recognition, alignment, and allegiance. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Comedy and synopsis , Gumpism" as a Philosophy .思考題:1. Do you think it is acceptable for Hollywood to rewrite history?2. Why do you think Forrest Gump is popular in China?Chapter 8 Social Drama Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Exemplify the socia
17、l drama as a genre.Apply the ideas of the protagonist and forces of antagonism to the film.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Social Drama and Synopsis , A concept of Beauty .思考題:1. Does the idea of a “Crisis in Masculinity " have any significance in China?2. How do Chinese films deal with the problem of the “mid-life crisi
18、s " ?Chapter 9 Action Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Exemplify the action genre, and in particular to show how the action film is characterized by action set-pieces, new technology and the "quip".Introduce the Bond character and discuss the importance of casting in the Bond series.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Action and S
19、ynopsis, England and its Decline .思考題:1. Do you think it ' s true that Bond films totally lack “ an ethical frame of reference " ?2. Why do you think Bond films are so popular?Chapter 10 Film Noir/Neo-Noir課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Analyze characterization in the light of the cop/buddy model and the anta
20、gonist as representative of broader socio-cultural forces.Show how the film deliberately frustrates narratives expectations.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Film Noir/ Neo-Noir and Synopsis , Sin in the Modern World.思考題:1. Consider how the following comments about real-life serial killers help us to better understand Se7en.2.
21、Would it be true to say that Se7en is an unremittingly grim film?Chapter 11 Romance Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Exemplify romance as a genre and to show how it rests on conventions such as that of the unlikely couple and the conflict of social and romantic perspectives.Consider how the concepts of main plot/su
22、bplot, narrative circularity and narrative depth can help us to better understand the narrative of the film.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Romance and Synopsis , The Elements of Passionate Love .思考題:1. Do you approve or disapprove of Almasy and Katherine ' s behaviour?2. How do Almasy and Katherine compare to the romanti
23、c leads in Chinese films?Chapter 12 Gangster Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Consider how the film reworks the typical gangster character and how it provides a good example of method acting.Analyze the gangster film as tragic narrative.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Gangster Films and Synopsis ,The Mafia .思考題:1. Do you sympathize with Mich
24、ael?2. Why do you think The Godfather was such a popular film?Chapter 13 War Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Analyze the film as a kind of mythological narrative and consider the implications of having two distinct versions of the film.Consider the role played by lighting and color in the film.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:War Film and Sy
25、nopsis , The Problems with American Culture .思考題:1. Apocalypse Now offers an explanation for the American failure in Vietnam. What do you think it is.?2. Do you sympathize with Kurtz?Chapter 14 Horror Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Show how casting decisions contribute to the overall effect of a film, and how cha
26、racters can sometimes represent externalizations(or to use a Freudian term “projections" ) of other characters.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Horror and Synopsis , The American Family and other Problems .思考題:1. What makes The Shining a frightening film?2. Do you agree with the idea of evil that is advanced in The Shinin
27、g ?Chapter 15 Science Fiction Film課時分配:2課時教學(xué)要求:Consider the role of non-human characters and of character absences in the film.Describe how editing, sound, and visual rhymes are employed in the film?教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Science Fiction and Synopsis , aAbsolute Cinema".思考題:1. Does 2001: A Space Odyssey manage t
28、o raise Hollywood cinema to the level of " art" ?2. What, ultimately, do you think 2001: A Space Odyssey is trying to say ?內(nèi)部資料附錄:參考書目1 .黃際英、侯丹、王麗娟選編,博學(xué)英語英美影視欣賞,上海:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社,2006年。2 .葉莉,英語電影電視劇欣賞,北京:北京航空航天大學(xué)出版社,2006年。3 .劉曉慶,經(jīng)典電影作品賞析,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年。4 .朱維芳編,英語電影教程 (上、中、下),北京:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社,2005年
29、。5 .朱小品,電影英語賞析,長沙:湖南人民出版社,2005年。6 .趙英男,英文影視賞析,北京:清華大學(xué)出版社,2005年。7 .吳耘,電影視聽英語教程,北京:北京大學(xué)出版社,2004年。8 .朱小晶,郝昕榮編著,電 影英語賞析,長沙:湖南人民出版社,2004年。9 .吳相松,英語影視學(xué)習(xí)與欣賞第一輯,北京:世界知識出版社,2002年。10 .蔡東東主編,當代英美電影欣賞,北京:外文出版社,2000年8月。執(zhí)筆人:李麗萍 2006年6月審定人:褚玉襄 2006年6月院(系、部)負責人:黃能 2006年6月內(nèi)部資料,僅供參考贈送以下資料考試知識點技巧大全一、考試中途應(yīng)飲葡萄糖水大腦是記憶的場所
30、,腦中有數(shù)億個神經(jīng)細胞在不停地進行著繁重的活動,大腦 細胞活動需要大量能量??茖W(xué)研究證實,雖然大腦的重量只占人體重量的2%-3%,但大腦消耗的能量卻占食物所產(chǎn)生的總能量的20%,它的能量來源靠葡萄糖氧化過程產(chǎn)生。據(jù)醫(yī)學(xué)文獻記載,一個健康的青少年學(xué)生 30分鐘用腦,血糖濃度在120毫克 /100毫升,大腦反應(yīng)快,記憶力強;90分鐘用腦,血糖濃度降至80毫克/100毫 升,大腦功能尚正常;連續(xù)120分鐘用腦,血糖濃度降至60毫克/100毫升, 大腦反應(yīng)遲鈍,思維能力較差。我們中考、高考每一科考試時間都在 2小時或2小時以上且用腦強度大,這 樣可引起低血糖并造成大腦疲勞,從而影響大腦的正常發(fā)揮,對考
31、試成績產(chǎn) 生重大影響。因此建議考生,在用腦60分鐘時,開始補飲25%濃度的葡萄糖 水100毫升左右,為一個高效果的考試 加油。二、考場記憶“短路”怎么辦呢?對于考生來說,掌握有效的應(yīng)試技巧比再做題突擊更為有效。1 .草稿紙也要逐題順序?qū)懖莞逡麧?,草稿紙使用要便于檢查。不要在一大 張紙上亂寫亂畫,東寫一些,西寫一些。打草稿也要像解題一樣,一題一題 順著序號往下寫。最好在草稿紙題號前注上符號,以確定檢查側(cè)重點。為了 便于做完試卷后的復(fù)查,草稿紙一般可以折成 4-8塊的小方格,標注題號以 便核查,保留清晰的分析和計算過程。2 .答題要按先易后難順序不要考慮考試難度與結(jié)果,可以先用 5分鐘熟悉 試卷,合理安排考試進度,先易后難,先熟后生,排除干擾。考試中很可能 遇到一些沒有見過或復(fù)習(xí)過的難題,不要 蒙了。一般中考試卷的題型難度 分布基本上是從易到難排列的,或者交替排列。3 .遇到容易試題不能浮躁遇到容易題,審
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