1、good lea dershi p constr ucti onWewillconti nuetoim provethe com panys internal contr olsystem,and stea dy improvementi nabilityto manage and contr ol,o ptimize busi ness processe s,to e nsur e smoot h processes, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstrengtheninternalcontrols, playa controlpostind
2、e pendent oversight rol ofevaluat ion com plyingwit h third-party responsibility;toactively makeuse ofinternal audit tool sdete ctpote ntialmanageme nt,streamline, standardize related transactions, strengtheni ng operations ina ccordance wit hlaw.Dee peni ngthe i nformation ma nagementtoensure fullc
3、ommuni cation zero resista nce.o constantly perfect ERP and BFS+, a nd PI, a nd MIS ,and SCM,i nformation system base dconstructi on,fulli ntegrationi nformation system,achieved i nformation re sour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystema ppli cation ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon ente
4、rprise ofAssistantrole;to perfectdai ly run mai ntena nce operat onofrecords, pr omote pr oblem reasons analy sisand system handover; t ostrengtheni ng BFS+, and ER , andSCM , technol ogyapplicati on oftraining, im proveemployees a pplication information systemofcapacity a nd lev el.Humanisti ccare
5、to ensure zero.Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care,continuest o fostercompany wi nd clear, andgas are,and heartShun of cult ure atmosphere;strengthening love hel pedtrapped, care difficultempl oyees; carried outstyl e activities,ri ch employee s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, orga
6、ni zation career health me dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to im plementati on psycholog icalwarni ng preve ntionsystem,trainingemployee s hea lthof characte r, andstabl eof mood and enter prisi ng ofattitude,createdfrie ndlyfraternity of Humanitiesenvironment.ostrengthen riskmanageme nt,en
7、sure t hatthe busi ness ofzero risk.To strengthened business plansmanageme nt, will busine ss busi ness pla ns covertoalllevel ,ensure thebusine ss can controlin contr ol;to close concernfina ncia l,and coalele ctric li nkage, a nde nergy-savi ng sche duling, nati onal policytrends,stre ngthening tr
8、ack,a ctive should;to implementati on State-ow ned assets method,furtherspecifi cation busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,a chieved riskrecogniti on,a nd mea sure,a ndassessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofcl osed ring manageme nt,improve ri skpreve ntion cap
9、a city.ofurtherstandardizetrading,andstrive t oachieve accordi ng to la w,standardi zeand fair. Innovation ofperformancema nagement,to ensure that potential employee s zerofly. To strengthen performancemanagement,process control,e nhance employe e evaluati on a nd level sofeffectivecommunication toi
10、m proveperformance management. Tofurtherquantifyandrefineemployeesta ndar ds .Work,full playpart y,and bra nch,and members i nfive type Enterprise constru ction i n the ofcore r ole,andfighting fortress roleandpioneer modelrole;toconti nuest o strengt hening four9.1.1 給排水管道安裝完成后應(yīng)按下列要求進(jìn)行管道功能性試驗(yàn):2 無(wú)壓管
11、道應(yīng)按本規(guī)范第9.3、 9.4 節(jié)的規(guī)定進(jìn)行管道的嚴(yán)密性試驗(yàn),嚴(yán)密性試驗(yàn)分為閉水試驗(yàn)和閉氣試驗(yàn),按設(shè)計(jì)要求確定;設(shè)計(jì)無(wú)要求時(shí),應(yīng)根據(jù)實(shí)際情況選擇閉水試驗(yàn)或閉氣試驗(yàn)進(jìn)行管道功能性試驗(yàn);9.1.9 管道的試驗(yàn)長(zhǎng)度除本規(guī)范規(guī)定和設(shè)計(jì)另有要求外,壓力管道水壓試驗(yàn)的管段長(zhǎng)度不宜大于1.0km; 無(wú)壓力管道的閉水試驗(yàn),條件允許時(shí)可一次試驗(yàn)不超過(guò) 5 個(gè)連續(xù)井段;對(duì)于無(wú)法分段試驗(yàn)的管道,應(yīng)由工程有關(guān)方面根據(jù)工程具體情況確定。9.3 無(wú)壓管道的閉水試驗(yàn)9.3.1 閉水試驗(yàn)法應(yīng)按設(shè)計(jì)要求和試驗(yàn)方案進(jìn)行。9.3.2 試驗(yàn)管段應(yīng)按井距分隔,抽樣選取,帶井試驗(yàn)。9.3.3 無(wú)壓管道閉水試驗(yàn)時(shí),試驗(yàn)管段應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:
12、1 管道及檢查井外觀質(zhì)量已驗(yàn)收合格;2 管道未回填土且溝槽內(nèi)無(wú)積水;3 全部預(yù)留孔應(yīng)封堵,不得滲水;4 管道兩端堵板承載力經(jīng)核算應(yīng)大于水壓力的合力;除預(yù)留進(jìn)出水管外,應(yīng)封堵堅(jiān)固,不得滲水;5 頂管施工,其注漿孔封堵且管口按設(shè)計(jì)要求處理完畢,地下水位于管底以下。9.3.4 管道閉水試驗(yàn)應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:1 試驗(yàn)段上游設(shè)計(jì)水頭不超過(guò)管頂內(nèi)壁時(shí),試驗(yàn)水頭應(yīng)以試驗(yàn)段上游管頂內(nèi)壁加2m計(jì);laylevels cadres in enterpri sedev elopment inthe ofbackbone back bone role;tofullstre ngtheni ngmembers y out
13、 hwork,full play yout h employeesin companydevel opme nt inthe offorcerole;toimprove indepe nde ntCommission against corr uptionworklev el,strengthening onenterprise business key linkof effectivenessmonitore d.,Andmaintai n stabi lity.Tofurtherstrengthe npubli city andeducation, impr ovethe overall
14、legalsystem.Wemuststrengthen safetymanagement,establi sh and impr ovethe e ducation,supervision,and evaluation asoneofthetrafficsafetymanagementmechanism.o conscienti ouslysum uptheOlympi csecurity controls,pr omoting integrated management toa higher level,hig herstandards,a higherlevel of developme
15、nt. Employees,today isl unar calendaron December24,the ox Bell is abouttoring ,atthis time ofyear,weclearly feelthe pulseoftheXX powergenerationcompany t oflouri sh, to mor e clearlyhearXXpower generationcompa nies mat ureand symmetry breathing.Recalling pastonea not heracr oss araili ng, weare e nt
16、husiasti cand fullofconfide nce. Future developmentopportunities,we more exciting fightmorespirited.Employees, letus toget heracr oss 2013full ofchallenges andopportunities,tocreatea green, low-cost operation,fullofhumanecareofa worl d-class powergeneration compa ny andw orkhar d! Theocca sion of th
17、eSpri ng Festival, my sincerewish that youand thefamilies ofthestaff inthenewyear,good health,happy,ha ppy!good ea deshi p const uci onwl conti I ue tom prove he com pays intenal adseadymprovementiiably to manage a nd control o ptmze bus nesspro s toe nsu e re.onalilesiplace ; turner stegheinenacont
18、rol*payacontrolposidepedentovesgtroiofeaincomplytgwih-partynsponsi I ly toactvey make use of itenaaditools. ct pote ntai maageme nt, str.e sta. ze eaed trasacions stegheni ng opeains in a da haw De pei ng he n. et to esue ul ccmmuni cain zeo r_sa nce.o consa ntly peect ERP and MS, a nd PI, a nd MS ,
19、 ad main .sba d const i ntegaini nformao ays, aceved i nfomain re su ces shae d; to epa nd Porta sysema hand- ayfnayson eteprie of Asssant rietoperfeciy run ma nteance .rd*promoteprobiasns anay ssad sstm hadve; t o stegtei ng IF, ad ER , and SCM ,ttchnol o. aplcat n of taiig m prove -pl oyes a pllca
20、in informain systm of caandeve.Hlmasi c cae t ensue -r.TosengteiI g Hma ntis cae coniues t o fste comlany w ndc r ad g - ae, ad hhar Shunofculuemo.he、 sengtheni n.loss pa ns ccve t al ewl . enue te busne - ca ccntr ol iccntr 01to cooe ccncer Ina nca lad cal ee ctc l nkge a nd e I egysai I g sce duln
21、g, nnt ona polcy tends ste nghenig tak, a cie sould t olmplmeat on Saeow ned ases metod, ,hespcf cain busie - ia ncil ma nagement; t operec t ue cntol systm, a ce d rik recgl on, a nd mlaluae a id asesme nt, ad epo* ad cntol eedlackofuIled ig manng-e ntproe ri sk pe- nin caa c.ofutesandad tadigandst
22、ie t olche 、ccrd ng t a w sandad z adlU. .noain of pefrmancemanng-et, to enue ta pote-l ply- s zeo fy. To steghen pefmace maagement,prceis cntol e nhance implye e e uai on a nd e s of efctve cmmuni - iI ntm prove pelormace mang-et Tourthe _aiy ad eie -ply-sa ndar ds . Wk, ul ply paly, ad bra nc, ad
23、membesnietye Entepr s cnsucini n te I f cre r oe, ad fgtng frels re andpinner mode re ; tcntinnes t osteg hei g furgood ea deshi p const uci on2試驗(yàn)段上游設(shè)計(jì)水頭超過(guò)管頂內(nèi)壁時(shí),試驗(yàn)水頭應(yīng)以試驗(yàn)段上游設(shè)計(jì)水頭加2m計(jì);3計(jì)算出的試驗(yàn)水頭小于10m但已超過(guò)上游檢查井井口時(shí),試驗(yàn)水頭應(yīng)以上游檢查井井口高度為準(zhǔn);4管道閉水試驗(yàn)應(yīng)按本規(guī)范附錄D(閉水法試驗(yàn))進(jìn)行。9.3.5 管道閉水試驗(yàn)時(shí),應(yīng)進(jìn)行外觀檢查,不得有漏水現(xiàn)象,且符合下列規(guī)定時(shí),管道閉水試驗(yàn)為合格:
24、1實(shí)測(cè)滲水量小于或等于表9.3.5規(guī)定的允許滲水量;表9.3.5無(wú)壓管道閉水試驗(yàn)允許滲水量管材管道內(nèi)徑D(mm)允許滲水量3m /(24h - km)管道內(nèi)徑D(mm)允許滲水量3m/(24h - km)20017.60120043.3030021.62130045, 0040025.00140046.70鋼筋50027.95150048.40混凝60030.60160050.00土管70033.00170051.5080035.35180053.0090037.50190054.48100039.52200055.90ly eves ca drrs ineepri - dev elpmet
25、i t he of ba ckone bak lone re ; to ful ste ngtei ng m - bes y ouh work ful ply yuh-pl oyes i cmpay d l I pme nt i the of fre roe , tmpr n of taiig m prove -pl oyes a pllcain informain sstmof ca,lc and eve. HlmaKi c cae tensue -r.Tosengtei I g Hma ntis cae coniues to fste company W ndc r adg - ae, a
26、d hhar Shunof culue m o.he、segtheningloss pa ns cve t alewl. enue te busne- ca cntr ol icntr 01to cooe cncer Ina nca lad cal ee ctc l nkge a nd e I egysav I g sce dulng, nat ona polcy tends stenghenig tak, a cie sould t olmplmeat on Saeow ned ases metod, ,h e spcf cain busie - ia ncil ma nagement; t
27、 operec tue cntol systm, a cine d rik rrcognii on, a nd mmlue andmss-ent, ad epo* ad cntol eedla ck of cI led ig manng-e ntproe risk pe- nin caac.o fute sandad tadig a nd stie t olche 、ccrdng t a 、sandad z adlai. .no n of taiig m prove -pl oyes a pllcain informain systm of caa nd eve. Hlmasi c cae t
28、 ensue -r.TosengteiIg Hma ntis cae coniues t o fste comlany w ndc r ad g - ae, ad hhar Shunofculuemo.he、 sengtheni n.loss pa ns ccve t al ewl . enue te busne - ca ccntr ol iccntr 01to cooe ccncer Ina nca lad cal ee ctc l nkge a nd e I egysai I g sce dulng, nnt ona polcy tends ste nghenig tak, a cie
29、sould t olmplmeat on Saeow ned ases metod, ,h e spcf cain busie - ia ncil ma nagement; t operec t ue cntol systm, a ce d rik recgl on, a nd mlaluae a id asesme nt, ad epo* ad cntol eedlack of u I led ig manng-e ntproe ri sk pe- nin caa c.ofutesandad tadigandstietolche 、ccrd ng t a w sandad z adlU. .no n of taiig m prove -pl oyes a pllcain informain sstmof ca,lc and eve. HlmaKi c cae tensue -r.Tosengtei I g Hma ntis cae coniues to fste company W ndc r adg - ae, ad hhar Shunof culue m o.he、segtheningloss pa ns cve t alewl. enue te busne- ca cntr ol icntr 01to cooe cncer Ina nca lad
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