1、SECTION A 3SECTION B 11SECTION C 21SECTION D 36SECTION E 49SECTION F58SECTION G 71SECTION H 79施工工藝說明,中英文翻譯錄錄錄錄SECTION I94SECTION A第一章第一章早用第一章第一章CARPENTER AND JOINER木匠和工匠木匠和工匠木匠和工匠木匠和工匠10 SCOPE OF WORK工程范圍The works in this specification shall include but not necessarilybe limited tothe supply and ins
2、tallation of the following此技術(shù)標準的工程范圍包括但不限于如下產(chǎn)品的提供和安裝Timber Doors and Frames Installation木門和門框的安裝Hardware Ironmongery and Door Furniture Installation五金件鐵制品和家具門安裝Sundry Joinery cabinets counters Installation各種木制產(chǎn)品櫥柜和柜臺安裝Timber Flooring and Decking Supply and Installation木制地板和裝飾品供應(yīng)和安裝Built-in Furniture
3、 and Cabinetry Supply and Installation內(nèi)置家具和細木家具的供應(yīng)和安裝20 CARPENTRY JOINERY GENERALLY木匠和工匠概要21Timber shallbe firstqualityof thespecifies specified straight grainedproperly seasoned free from sap and free from shakes large andlooseknots文理清晰做工木制品首先要符合特殊技術(shù)標準精細無腐蝕抗震無大的樹眼22 Timber for both carpentry and jo
4、inery work shall be tanalised localhardwoodunless otherwise stated除非特殊說明木匠和工匠制造的木制品將為用防腐劑處理過的當?shù)赜材?3 Scantlings shall be in long lengths sawn square to the required sizes freefrom twist or curl with a trade allowance of 3mm- for a sawn timber beingpermitted A imum of 3mm additional allowance for dres
5、sing will bepermitted從長木條中抽取一小塊按照原標準的正方形隨意扭轉(zhuǎn)彎折的誤差在毫米3 毫米內(nèi)24 All scantlings for studs noggins plates etc shall be gauged for uniformityof thickness所有少量的釘子五金配件金屬板等都將統(tǒng)一厚度標準25 Samples of all timbers to be used shall be submitted to the ProjectManager in triplicate for approval and once approved the Cont
6、ractor shallorder the timber as soon as possible after the Contract is let to allow time formilling the quantity and sizes required and for adequate drying of same所有提交給項目公司的木制品的樣品都應(yīng)得到批準經(jīng)過批準的承包商應(yīng)立即按照合同規(guī)定的相同的烘干尺寸和型號訂購木料326 All timbers to be used shall be seasoned so that the moisture content isbetween
7、 12 and 15 The Contractor shall submit written proof ofmoisture content from an approved laboratory or arrange for a site test to besupervised by the Project Manager whenever called upon to do so所有要使用的木料都應(yīng)是加工過的濕度在12 到 15 之間 承包商將提交實驗室出具的濕度書面證明或是安排項目經(jīng)理人隨時到現(xiàn)場進行測試27 The whole of the Carpentry and Joiner
8、y works throughout shall beexecuted in the best and most workmanlike mannerAll necessarytemplates lining blocks stops etc shall beprovided and fixed and alltrimmings grooving tonguing mitering etc incidental to the workshall bedone even though not specifically mentioned所有木匠和連接工程都將保證做到技術(shù)嫻熟提供并加工所有必需的模
9、板內(nèi)置木板木楔等從事所有和工程有關(guān)的即使沒有提到的過程或方法28 All timber exposed to view shall be wrot所有木材外表面應(yīng)感觀良好30 SCHEDULE OF TIMBERS木材部分comUnless otherwise described all timber for Carpenters and Joiners workshallbe in accordance with the finishesschedule as specified in thefinishesSchedule All timber framework behindceilin
10、gs paneling etcshall be first quality local hardwood with aspecific gravity of 075 45lbscu ft strength to be group "B"除非特殊提出所有木匠和工匠使用的木材將符合裝飾表格內(nèi)對裝飾的075特殊說明 天花板嵌板等所有木材都采用當?shù)睾细竦挠材酒淙葜貫?5lbscu ft強度為 "B"40 PRESSURE IMPREGNATION OF TIMBER真空注壓壓力板生產(chǎn)41 Timber described as "pressure-tr
11、eated" shall be impregnated undervacuum and pressure withan approved local proprietary wood preservation tothe following nett dry salt retention41 通過真空注壓生產(chǎn)的板材應(yīng)符合當?shù)嘏鷾实哪静母稍锉4娴臉藴蕵藴嗜?下Use Tanalith "C"Structural timber and 035 lb per cu ft joinery for use in theinterior of buildings above
12、ground Exterior such as weather 050lb per cuftboard door and window frames and sill above ground在建筑物內(nèi)部使用防腐劑"C”結(jié)構(gòu)的木材和035 lb per cu 的木板 地面以上外部如 050 lb per cuft 的木板 門窗框窗臺地上部分42 On delivery to the site of any pressure-treated timber inspectioncertificates shall be produced for scrutiny by the Proje
13、ct Manager運至施工現(xiàn)場的任何壓好的板材檢驗證書將由項目經(jīng)理詳細審查43 All timbers shall be cut to final dimensions before impregnation Anytimber which is rip sawnor deeply wrot after impregnation shall be impregnated again as foruntreated timber to the entire satisfaction of the Project Manager所有木材在經(jīng)過注入式處理前都將切割成最終尺寸所有有裂縫暴露在外或深度
14、受損的木材將重新注入處理以使項目經(jīng)理滿意44 Ends of pressure-treated timber which are cut shall be sealed withapproved proprietary preservative applied strictly in accordance with themanufacturers instructions最后經(jīng)過蒸壓處理的木材將嚴格根據(jù)制造商說明進行相應(yīng)嚴格的防腐處理并貼上合格標簽45 Acclimatisation of timber to site conditions shall require that any so
15、lidtimber stock eg flooring millwork etc for internal use be delivered tosite and maintained under the same climactic conditions temperature andhumidity as would be the case for the finished project Thisperiod shouldnot be less than 10 days符合條件的木材需要采購堅實的木材作原料如地板磨坊等在相同的環(huán)境下 溫度和濕度運輸?shù)绞┕がF(xiàn)場以便長期使用完成的項目也同樣按
16、此要求進行這段期10天46 Plywood shall be of the grades specified in BS 1455 or local equivalentwhich in the opinion ofthe Project Manager is appropriate to the work as follows膠合板將符合英標BS 1455 等級或是項目經(jīng)理人認為的適合施工的當?shù)貥藴试斍槿缦耤om Grade 1 - For use in the natural state the veneer shall be free fromknotsworm and beetle h
17、oles splits glue stains or other defects等級 1- 用于 自然狀態(tài)膠合板將不帶結(jié)點蟲洞裂縫 膠水污點或其他 的缺陷com Grade 2 - For use where subsequent painting or similar treatment isrequired The veneer on the face side may have a few sound knotsoccasional minor discolouration or stain and small inlay repairs等級 2- 用于持續(xù)噴漆或相似的需要 膠合板的表面
18、可有些死結(jié)小污點或瑕疵和小補丁com Grade 3 - For use where the plywood is not normally visible The veneermay have defects other than those specifiedabove provided that theserviceability is not affected等級 3- 用于合板不可見的部分如果不影響實用性膠合板可有除上述特殊強調(diào)的缺點47 Unless otherwise specified plywood shall be Grade 2with Type 1adhesive th
19、e veneer being rotary cut Meranti of standard thicknesses asdetailed on the respective drawings1 等級 2 經(jīng)過旋削的膠合板將符合 圖紙中的厚度標準50 PLYWOOD膠合板Each sheet of plywood delivered to the site shallbear the followingmarkings提供給現(xiàn)場的膠合板應(yīng)該有如下標記Manufacturers name or identification制造商的名字或認證b BS No 1455 or local equival
20、ent符合英國標準BS1455或當?shù)赝葮藴蔯 Wbp weather and boil proof or where used for weather resistant locationsMR moisture and weather resistant or markingsfrom local StandardsInstitute場所 MR 濕度和抗環(huán)境Wbp 天氣和防溫性或天氣的能力或當?shù)貥藴恃芯克臉擞汫rade of finish裝飾等級Thickness厚度60 LAMINATED PLASTIC SHEETING飾面薄板技術(shù)要求Decorativelaminated plas
21、tic sheeting shall generallycomply with therequirements of BS3794 or local equivalent and shall be an approvedmelamine surface sheeting 2mm in thickness of "cigarette-proof" gradeSamples of the type the contractor proposes using indicating also thetexture and pattern shall be submitted to
22、the Project Manager for selectionand approval before use裝飾的薄板狀的造型防護墻將符合 BS3794的標準或當?shù)赝葮藴?并 且是批準的三聚氰胺表面厚度2 毫米防煙等級在使用批準前承包商建議樣品使用的標識質(zhì)地型號將提交給項目經(jīng)理人進行篩選和批準70 NAILS釘子Nails shall be wire or cut type of mild or black rolled steel complying therequirements of BS1202 or local equivalent and unless otherwise s
23、pecifiedto be "bright" finish Galvanized or cadmium coated nails shall comply withthe requirements of BS1202 or local equivalent根據(jù)BS1202的規(guī)定或當?shù)匾?guī)定釘子將是金屬絲制的或切割形狀或者黑色 卷鋼 的在 精 裝的技術(shù)標準除外鍍鋅 的或鎘制的釘子要符合BS1202的規(guī)定或當?shù)卣耐纫?guī)定80 POWER DRIVEN FIXINGS安裝工具設(shè)備Power driven fixings shall be approved hardened st
24、eel pins driven with anapproved power charged tool "Ramset" or similar equivalent The Contractorwill be responsible for compliance with all local regulations regarding thepurchase storage and safety measures to be undertaken in the use of suchsystems and shall follow in detail the manufact
25、urersregarding the type and size of fastener suitable for the work被批準的安裝工具是"Ramset”品牌的工具或類似 品牌承包商根據(jù)當?shù)匾?guī)定購買存儲安全檢驗負責并且遵循制造商對適合此項工程使用的工具的尺寸或型號的推薦標準90 BOLTS PLUGS SCREWS螺釘插拴和螺絲91 BOLTS螺釘com Bolts shall be mild steels bolts with nuts and washers螺釘將是帶螺母和墊圈的中型的鋼螺釘com Expansions bolts shall be of approv
26、ed manufacture膨脹螺釘必須是得到政府批準com All bolts used externally to be complete with nuts and washers and shallbe galvanized所有長期使用的螺釘將帶有螺母和墊圈并且將是鍍鋅的com Bolts connecting timbers loaded parallel to the grain shall be spaced tominimum of eight times the diameter of the bolt from the end of the timberBolts conn
27、ecting timber loaded perpendicular to the grain shall be spaceda minimum of four times the diameter of the bolt from the loadedge Nobolt shall be closer than twice the diameter of the bolt to any edge oftimber Minimum spacing shall be two and one half times the diameter ofthe bolt的八倍由螺釘垂直連接的木邊應(yīng)為被連接部
28、分的四倍 螺釘至木邊的距離不小于兩倍釘子直徑最小應(yīng)為 25 倍釘子直徑插頭92 PLUGSPlugs shall be patent plugs of approved manufacture and shallbe of theappropriate recommendedsize for the location required and shallbe ofthe pre-formed nylon type插頭將是由制造商批準的專利插頭并且將是符合當?shù)貥藴实谋煌扑]的型號并將是預(yù)制尼龍的93 SCREWS螺絲comWoodscrews shall comply with the requi
29、rements of BS1210or equal andshall be sufficient size and adequate for the purpose for whichthey arerequired Unless otherwise specified brass screws shall be used for bothCarpenters and Joiners work木制螺絲將符合BS1210的規(guī)定或相關(guān)規(guī)定其型號將符合實際情況除 非特殊說明銅螺絲將用于木匠和工匠的工程com Screws shall be satin chrome where exposed螺絲的外
30、露部分將是光滑的鉻com Exposed screws in locations accessible to thepublic shall be "Phillip"head screws菲利浦螺絲com Screws which are intended to be removed periodically shall be fitted withsatin chrome plate cups定期可移除的螺釘應(yīng)有鍍鉻的螺釘墊com Drill guide holes for all acrews and countersunk for heads of internals
31、crews other than the screws in cups Screws which becomedistorted orwhose head is damaged shall be removed and replaced所有螺絲和埋頭釘?shù)你@導(dǎo)孔都是使用的釘頭形成的扭 曲的或頂頭損壞的螺絲將被更換和替代comMetal thread self-tapping screws shall be of approved manufacture金屬線螺釘將由制造商批準94 COACH SCREWS十字螺絲Shall be first quality mild steel of appro
32、ved manufacture with hexagonalheads Each screwshall be fitted with a soft aluminium washer 3mm thick每個螺絲錨固時將是經(jīng)過國家許可的一級質(zhì)量的低碳鋼六角形螺絲使用 3毫米厚的鋁制墊圈100 ADHESIVES粘合劑101 Adhesives used for constructional work and joinery in timber shall be coldsetting casein glue complying with the requirements of BS1444or c
33、oldsettingsynthetic resin adhesive moisture resistantgap filling typecomplying with the requirement of BS1204 wep or local equivalentTheuse of animal glues is not permitted用于結(jié)構(gòu)和木制品的粘結(jié)劑將是酪素膠的且符合BS1444的標準或合成樹脂符合 BS 1204的要求的填充劑填充縫隙物膠禁止使用102 Adhesives for plywood shall be one of the following types膠合板的粘
34、合劑將符合如下型號之一Type 1 - Pheno formaldehyde resin adhesive classified as weather and boilproof Wbp inBS1203 or equal型號1-在BS120然別為耐候膠系列的甲醛樹脂粘合劑或同類產(chǎn)品Type 2 - Urea formaldehyde resin adhesive classified as moisture and weatherresistant MR型號 2- 類別為抗?jié)竦哪蛩丶兹渲澈蟿?03 Adhesives for bonding plastic sheeting to tim
35、ber shall be of anapprovedsyntheticresin adhesive used strictly inaccordance with themanufacturers instructions Plastic sheeting must not be applied to timberat a temperature less than 18 degrees C orwith a moisture content ofmore than 15木材塑料粘合劑應(yīng)為符合國家標準的合成樹脂粘合劑應(yīng)用于木材背后的塑膠護板粘合溫度應(yīng)低于18 度且濕度不大于15110 DEFE
36、CTS IN CARPENTERS AND JOINERS WORK木匠和工匠工程的過失Should joints in Carpenters or Joiners work open or other defectsarisewithin the period stated for maintenance in the Contract and the causethereof be deemed by the ProjectManager to be due to unseasoned timber or faulty or bad workmanshipsuch defective jo
37、inery shall be taken down refitted redecorated orreplaced if necessary and any work disturbed around shall be made goodall at the Contractors expense一旦木匠和木質(zhì) 的工程開始以后或在合同履行期間出現(xiàn)過失 而且過失是由項目經(jīng)理人使用不合格的木材或者工藝立即停止過失在必要得部分進重新裝修裝飾替換挽回工程過失承包商將負擔一切費用120 DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES8門和門框121 Flush doors shall be hollow c
38、ore framed up in selected first qualityhardwood and covered with 6mm plywood as described bonded underpressure on both faces The direction of the grain of face veneer is to bevertical or as otherwise indicated on the drawings齊邊拉 門應(yīng)為質(zhì)量上成的硬木和雙面捆綁的 6 毫米的膠合板薄板的表面應(yīng)是垂直的或者在圖紙上標識出122 The finished surfaces o
39、f plywood facing shall not be subject to膠合板的裝飾面不應(yīng)為a Lifting at edges邊緣起翹b Blistering起鼓 的c Sinking or raising of the surface due to defects of the base material鼓起問題致使局部凹陷123 All doors shall be square and of a smooth finish with all framing properlymortised and tenoned together平滑正確榫接成的所有的門應(yīng)是方正124 All
40、doors shall have a hardwood lipping mitred around all edges所有的門應(yīng)是邊實木門邊be framed up in first125 Hollow core door 44mmthick overall shall qualitytanalized hardwood skeleton framing with 100 x32mm stiles top andthree intermediate rails and 150 x 32mm bottom rail faced bothsides with6mm plywood with ven
41、eer finish as per finishes specifications andwith 44x 6mm edge strips all round or as detailed on drawings44 米 厚 全 部 的 空 心 門 應(yīng) 使 用 質(zhì) 量 上 成 的 用 防 腐 劑 處 理 過 的100 x 32 mm鋼骨構(gòu)架硬木根 據(jù) 裝 飾 標 準 的 3個 中 釘兩面 150 x 32mm 的低釘44x 6mm 的邊沿襯條或按圖紙的詳細說明126 Doors to all kitchen and bathroom shall be of similar constructi
42、on to theabove but faced both sides with 6mm marine plywood with finishas perfinishes specification and with 44 x 6mm edge strips all round所有廚房和浴室的門應(yīng)符合上面提到的相似結(jié)構(gòu)但按照裝修技術(shù)標準面為6 mm的膠合板44 x 6mm的邊緣襯條127 Solid core door 44mm thick overall shall be framed up in first qualitytanlized hardwoodboarding 150 x 32
43、mm tongued and grooved togetherand covered on both sides with 6mm plywood in specified veneer finishand 44 x 6mmedge strips all round The whole door is to be bolted with 3numbers 12mmdiameter mild steel tie rods and tightened with nuts andwashers and all holes plugged and pelleted over44 mm 厚全部 的實心
44、門應(yīng)是特殊薄板裝飾的質(zhì)量上成的 6 mm厚的膠板裝框和44 x 6mm 的邊緣襯條整個 門是 36 mm 直徑的軟鋼把手并用螺母和墊圈固定所有的門孔都硬塞緊128 Door frames and linings shall be first quality tanlized dressed hardwood oras indicated on finishes specifications and to the profiles shown on thedetailed drawings are to be plugged screwed and pelleted to hardwoodgro
45、unds Where required fix with approved pattern mildsteel holdfasts to jambs of brick walls with dowels at foot of frame門框和內(nèi)層應(yīng)選用質(zhì)量上成的用防腐劑處理過的硬木或在技術(shù)標準或圖紙剖面中特殊指 明的材料并在膠合板上塞緊用螺絲擰緊在需要的地方在門框底部用被核準的軟鋼固定磚頭并用木釘擰緊129 Door jambs and heads shall be properly framed and wedged togetherwith horns removedbefore plug
46、ging to masonry側(cè)面和頂部應(yīng)加上合適的外框在用木塞填堵之前固定四邊END OF SECTION AA部分的結(jié)尾部分的結(jié)尾部分的結(jié)尾部分的結(jié)尾10SECTION B尺N 第二章第二章尺N 第二章第二章SUSPENDED CEILING AND CEILING FINISHES吊頂和天花板的裝修SCOPE OF WORK工程范圍The works in this specification shall include but not necessarily be limited to thesupply and installation of the following技術(shù)標準中此項
47、工程將包括但不限于如下的供應(yīng)和安裝Supply and installation of all hard CementBoard Cemboard ceilings所有水泥壓力Cemboard 天花板的供應(yīng)和安裝Supply and installation of all Plasterboard Ceilings所有石膏天花板的供應(yīng)和安裝Supply and installation of mineral fiber ceilings礦物質(zhì)纖維天花板的供應(yīng)和安裝Co-ordination with all M E trades in relationto the installation o
48、f all M Eworks prior toceiling works commencing在開展與天花板有關(guān)的工程前就機電安裝問題與機 電供應(yīng)商進行協(xié)調(diào)Co-ordination with all M E trades in relationto the locations of all outletsequipment andaccess openings and other installations which will affect ceiling framing和機電供應(yīng)商就插座設(shè)備檢修孔以及其他影響天花板裝飾的安裝進行協(xié)調(diào)Statutory Provisions Standar
49、ds and Codes of Practice法定條款標準和實際編號All work and materials shall except where otherwise indicated on the drawings ordirected in this Specification comply with the following圖紙上或技術(shù)標準中特殊標識外所有的工程和材料將符合如下標準AS1045 Measurementof Absorption Coefficient in a Reverberation RoomAS 1045混響室的音響吸收標準AS 1214 Hot-Dip
50、Galvanized Coatings on Threaded FastenersAS 1214熱鍍鋅表面的羅紋緊固件AS 1397 Steel Sheet and StripHot-Dipped Zinc-CoatedorAluminiumZinc CoatedAS 1397鋼板和鋼條熱鍍鋅或鋁鋅的表層AS 1789 Electroplated Coating - Zinc on Iron or SteelAS 1789 electroplated coating 電鍍鋅鐵或鋼的AS 2107 AcousticsRecommended Design Sound LevelsandReverb
51、eration Timesfor BuildingInteriors11AS 2107音響-被推薦的音響設(shè)計標準和室內(nèi)建筑的回響次數(shù)LaboratoryAS 2499 Acoustics - AS 2499 Method forMeasurement of AirborneSound Attenvation of CeilingsAS 2499音響-AS 2499天花板空氣載聲的實驗室測量方法AS 2588 Gypsum PlasterboardAS 2588石膏板AS 2590 Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum PlasterAS 2590玻璃鋼加固石膏板AS 25
52、91 The Erection and Fixing of Glass Fibre Reinforced GypsumProductsAS 2591 豎立及 固定玻璃鋼或加固石膏板AS 2592 Gypsum Plaster for Building PurposesAS 2592用于建筑目的的石膏板AS 2573 Adhesivers - Masticto Wood andFor Bonding Gypsum Plaster LiningsAS 2785吊頂-設(shè)計和安裝Metal FramingMembersAS 2573粘合劑-乳香-用于木制和金屬框架的粘合得石膏板Design and InstallationAS 2785 Suspended CeilingsFlat SheetsAS 29082 Cellulose Cement ProductsAS 29082纖維素水泥產(chǎn)品平板AS 1111 Iso Metric Hexagon Commercial Bolts and ScrewsAS 1111 國際標準化組織公用的六角形商業(yè)螺釘和螺絲AS 1112 Iso Metric Hexa
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