1、1999年全國醫(yī)學(xué)博士外語統(tǒng)一考試英語試題into marketable goods and SerViCeSA ImmChedB. translatedC. dissectedD. COnVeyed12. NatUre never CeaSeS to SlIrPriSe us. MOIeCUleS Withstructures and ProPertieS turnUP in IIle IabOratOry all Ihe time.A. bioartiveB miniatureC bizarreD invisible13 SinCe PatientS CannOt always tell
2、Ihe difference between PSyChOlOgiCalIy IndUCed CheSt Pain and heart HtUIek the PhySiCian ShoUldthe PoSSibIe CaUSeS Of Ihe pain.A. HIle OUtB divide UPC bring apartD Sort OUt14. DaVid L RiniOn Of the IlniVerSiIy Of Califbmia9 IX)S AngeleSt Schl Of MediCine ays that sucha test f if itexpectations CoUld
3、 sher in a new area Of Pnknatai diagnosisA. meets UP WithB. COmeS UP WithC ShedS Iight OnD. IiVeS UP to15. 'he fall in PnXlUClion OVer the PaSt year has CaUSed 200 WOrkera to be made redundant and afurther 500 have beentemporarily.A laid OffB. Iaid downC. Iaid OUtO. Iaid awaySeCtiOn BDirectionsz
4、Each Of the following SentenCeS has a WOrd Or PhraSe underlined. Thrre are four Other WOrdS Or PhraSeS l>eneath each SentenCe ChOOSe the WOrd Or PhraSe WhiCh WOUIcI best keep thr meaning Of the Original SentenCe if it Were substituted for the Underlined part. Mark your answer On the ANSWER SHEET1
5、6. FOOd is Often invested With religiow SignifiCanCeA. installedB. entertainedC. ChargedD. COnSUmed17. Care Of the mentally ill ha5 ChangC(I (IninIaIiCally in recent decades.A. accordinglyB. markedlyC absolutelyD eventually18. There is absolutely no point in Irying to IiVe in Ihe abstract WOrld Of (
6、IeSiref IUnIing down Ihe re ality Of Ihe PreSent A rejectingB abusingC despisingD. dissipating19. UP to 30 Percent Of all deaths from co>nary heart disease Can be MtribiHed to Cigarette smoking-A. exposedB. endowedC entitledD. ascribed20. IndGed. the CrUCiaI role of VigOrOUS PhySiCal activity has
7、 been POorly QCknOWlCdged as a major factor in the CaUSeS and CUre Of obesity. PartiCUIarIy Ihe PrObltrn Of being overfat.A. recognizedB. documentedC. appraisedD administered21 In the 1970st the desires for Self-fulfilment Of millions Of AmeriCanS SPIit away from the tradi- UOnal SymbolS Of successA
8、 in皙PinlIiO9B. appiicalioiiMC. MMI)Irali(HmD >liVMliuriM22. Life in technologically advanced SOCietieS has additional perils.A. advantagesB. PnWPeCtSC. hazardsD. adventures23 When We Say a substance is Of the Same kind, We mean all PartS Of it are alike and ShOW the Same p>pertiesA OriginalB.
9、UniVerSalC. geneticD.homogeneous24.EXPertS Can CVCnreach consensus On how Ihe material StandanI Of Iiuing ShaiPIy reducesdeath rate.A. agreementB. decisionC judgmentDresolution25.EVen IhOUgh Ihe evidence WaS overwhelming, he WaS still not convinced.A PerSUaSiVeB. SkePtiCaIC. PerPleXedDCritiCaI26.MUC
10、h Of What Weknow about the SUbjeCt On a hypothetical IeVeI Canbe InlCed to Dr. JOhnCaIhOUn A. meditativeB. PreSUn)PtiVeC. thoughtlD.(IeCePtiVe27.We have available to UA many different*Waye to fulfill OUr nutritional needs.A. HatiSfyB. acquireC aflbrdD.StandardiZe28.ObeSiIy is a COndition perpetuated
11、 by adiversity Of factorsA. CaUSedB. sustainedC. modulatedD.modified29.AbalKIOn fad diets arid heed your body tS hunger cuesA PIay downB PUt UP WithC. give attention toD.get rid Of30.Heahh is an CCOnOmiC arid PoIitiCal asset.A. WeaIthB. eenceC CnterPriSeDissuePart IVCIOze TeSt (15%)DireCtiOns:FOr Ca
12、Ch numbered blank in the following PaSSage there are for ChOiCeS marked At Bt C and D listed below. ChoodC the beat answer and mark your answer On the ANSWER SHEET-ThC problem Of Caring for Ihe WCak and SiCk members Of society has existed from the VCry earliest times BUt the idea is a new One in the
13、 history Of man.The CreCk , for instance, had 31 PUbIiC institutions for the ick SOmC Of Iheir doctors maintained SUrgerieS Where they COUId Carry On their WOrk t but they Were Very Small t and Only One >atient ColIId be Ireated 32 The ROmanS, in times Of war, established infirmariest 33 WereUsed
14、 to Ireat sick and injured SOldierfi I血e Onf inGrnaries Were founded in the Iargrr CitiCS and Were 34 OUt Of PUbIiC funds.35 the ROman influence was responsible for the CHtablihhment Of ho»PitaIH36 Chri8Iianity grew. Ihe Care Of Ihe SiCk became Ihe duty Of the ChUrCh DUring the Middle AgeS mona
15、steries and COnVentA PrOVidcd most Of the hospitals MOnkS and nuns Were the nursesThe CUStOm Of making PilgrimageS to religious ShrineS also helped advance the 37 Of hospitals. TheSe PilgnmageS Were Often long, and the travelers had to StOP 38 at SnlaIi inns along the road, rcse inns Were CalIed hos
16、piialia t Or guest houses t from Ihe IQIin Mord hospes9 meaning Ma guest" ThC inns COnneCted With the monasteries 39 themselves to Cahng for travelers WhO Werft ill Or Iame Or weary. In this Way Ihe name "hospital” became COnneCted Vith 40 for the afic- ledSinCC IiVing COnditiOn9 during th
17、e MiddIC AgCS WCre not VcJry COmfOrtal>le Or hygienic, the hos PitaIS Of those days Were 41 Clean Or orderly. In factt many 42 hwpital WoUId PUt two Or more PatientS in Ihe Same bed DUring the seventeenth CentUry t Ihere WaS a general 43 living COn(IitiOnS PeoPle began to feci that it WaA Ihe dut
18、y Of the Atate to Care for iU ailing Citi祝a BUt it WASnt t 44 _the eighteenth CCntUry that PUbIiC hospitals became general in the larger towns Of EngIand SOOn f the idea Of public hospitals began to 45 and they appeared all OVer Europe31.A a fewB.DOC.manyD.few32.A. at a IilneB.at no timeC.OnCe and a
19、gainD.OnCe Ibr all33.A theyB.thatC.in WhiChD.WhiCh34.A. SUPPliedB.recruitedC.builtD.SUPPOrted35.A. In Ihe SWne WayB.In a big WayC In WayDIn the WaY36.A. SinCeB.AlthOUghC.IfD.AS37.A historyB.ideaC.COnditionD.equipment3&A OveEihtB.for SleePingC.OnCeD.in Iime39.A. (IeVOtingB.that devotedC.(IeVOte&l
20、t;1D.fr>r devoting40.A. housingBhospitalityC.CaSingD.friendship41.A. Iar from beingB.far to beingC. »o far aM to beD.M much from being42.A. aBOtherC.Of IhCD.SUCh43.A. agreement OnB.awareness OfC.improvement inD.interest in44AinB.byC.UP toD.UntiI45.A. OCCUrB.SPreadC.COnCeiVrDSlrikePart V Read
21、ing COmPrehenSiOn (30%)DireCtiOnS: In this Part Of Ihe test Ihere are SeVen passages. Following each passage there are four Or five questions With four ChOiCeft. ChOoSe the best answer and mark your answer On the ANSWER SHEETPaSSage OneDear BOard Of EdUCation:On behalf Of the residents Of the IOWnhO
22、USeS IOCate(I On Kranklin StreCI near die PrOPOSed college along RiVer Road I Want to Pn)IeHt Ihe building Of the (X)Ilege as it i PreSently PIanned We OPPoSC it because:Firat, the COiiege Wiil block OUr VieW Of the river. ThiS is disturbing not OnIy for aesthetic reasons; it WijI also decrease the
23、VaIUP Of OUr houses if We are ever to SelI them.SeCOndt Ihere arc two highrise apartment buildings to Ihe »oUth Of US blocking SUnHght from that direction during a good Part Of the day.【f the COHege is built to the wet Of US that WiII decrease Ihe amount Of SUnlighQ We get even moreThirdt Parki
24、ng WiIl become even bigger PrOblCm Ihan It already is. Fronl What We UnderStand 9 there are no provisions for Parking for COIIege Staff and StUdentS ThiS Will OnIy COmPoUnd a PrObIem Ihat is already a SerioUtt one for this neighlx>rh<Mxl, IaCk Of SPaCe for onStreet parking.FOUrth t the propose
25、d main entrance to the COlIege is On Frankhn Streetf WhiCh is a Very narrow Street already OVerlOaded With Street IrafnC HaVing Ihe COllege entrance -On (his Street WiIL CaUSe an increase in traffic and UnneCesSary dangers to the residents Of both the towno<ses and the high rise apartment buildin
26、gs, many Of Whom are ChiidrenIf We have to accept the COIlege l>eing built in this IOCation t We WOUI(I Iike to SUggeSt SeVeraI ChangeS to the plans. Firett Ihe COIIege ShoUl(I Create a Parking area for COllege PerSOnnel t PerhaPd in IhC empty SPaCC On ChamI)Cre Street and WeSt Street t so that O
27、Ur Parking PrObIrme Will not be in- CreaSed SeCOnd I the main entrance should be moved to either RiVer ROad Or ChamberS Street I thus relieving Ihe amount Of IralTiC On a residential Streete Finally, IhC BOard Of EdUCatiOn BhoUId contribute to expanding and improving Ihe Park OrI RiVer ROad Ro that
28、residents Of the area have a PIeaSant and Safe PlaCe to enjoy the VieW and Ihe SUnIighLThank you for your attention.SinCerely t Frank HamPtOn 肝 Why (IOeS the author Write this letter?A. TO ProteCl people, especially children, against IraffiC injury.B. To maintain Ihe market ValUe Of the townhouses a
29、nd apartmentsC TO COmPIaln Of IhC authorityt S newly proposed expansion Of the COllegeD. TO PreVenl the COlIege from disturl)ing the Iife Of the nearby residents.47. WhiCh Of the following is a PTObIem brought about by Ihe college?A. RedUCed amount Of sunlight.B. A high Gfrure Of road accidentsC RUi
30、ned VieW Of IhC neigldwrfiood D. An even maI)er number Of Parking lots.48. What WiII be Iying to the east Of the college?A. APartment building%.B.Townhouses.C. A ParktD.A river49. WhiCh Of the following CalI best describe Ihe tone Of this letter?A.SarCafttic.B.IndifTerentC. SerioUs.D.FearSolnePMSage
31、 TWOAd today* R bride WaIkS down the aisle With her future husbandt Rhe has CVery excuse for being nervous She is about to exchange VOWS Of IifelOng Commitfnent; fidelity and mutual SUPPOrt Ye< all around her. She Can See Ihat many PeOPIe do nol and CannOt IiVC UP to Iheee vow. Her OWn mar riage
32、faces a One in three ChanCe Of CliVOrCe t if PreSent trends COntinUeTraditiOnalIy Inarriage in Britain is CUrrently in a turmoil. NOt OnIy is Ihe divorce rate rising I but the rate at WhiCh PeOPie marry is failing LiVing together is more popular than ever before The ShaPe Of the family is now no IOn
33、ger One Inan t One WOman and Iheir Chiidren InUgad, Ihere are growing numbers Of families WhiCh include SteP-(Wtents I half 8istcra and brothers t Or merely OnC Ione Parent COPing On her OWn Compared With Other COUntriCS, Britain is still COnserVUUVe in its marriage patterns. In Ameri Caf the divorc
34、e rate is even more Startling TWO OUt Of five marriages end in divorce In SWeden IiV- ing tcether i» now more PoPUIar than marriage among COUPIeS in their early IWentieg and a SimiIar PaUen) SCClnS to be emerging in DenmarkAlthOUgh Uiis is happening on a HnlalIer Scale in Britain9 it has not ye
35、t become such a marked Irend BUt if We do follow the AmeriCa and ScandinaVian PattemS, the (IIhIre Will See many more COUPIeS living together l>efbre InaiTiageand even more divorceImOreStingly enough, it is WOmen rather than men WhO get a divorce in the CX)Urts. SeVen OUt Of ten divorces are gran
36、ted to Ihe wife. DiVOrCC t Of COiinKOnly reflects Ihe IegaI winding UP Of a marriage WhiCh may have effectively broken UP Iong before The Partner WhO PetitiOnH for divorce may not be the PartnCr WhO broke UP the marriage. WOmen USUaliy have more to gain from Ihe COUrlS in the Way Of alimony rights t
37、o the home, and ChiId maintenance BUt Ihere is also a fascinating dis ProPOrtiOn in One of the grounds that the SeXeS ChoOSe for CiiVOrCe The grounds Of UnreaSonable Or CrUel behaviors arc OVerWhCImingIy ChoSen by Ien IimeS InOre WOmen than rurn DOeS this mean that WOmen WiIl PUt UP With IeSft than
38、they USed to?50. What i» Ihe IOPiC Of (hi» passage?A. CUrrCnt trends in marriage PattemH in BritainB. High divorce rate in EUrOPeC. Underlying CaUSeS for the breakup Of the familyD l*gal SOIUtiOnS to family COnflictS51 What does "this" in ParagraPh 4 refer to?A ThC inglc-parrrt f
39、ily patlrni.B. The SteP-Parent family PattemC. LiVing together before marriageD GrOWing (IiVorCe rate.52. What docs Ihe author PrVbabIy mean by Saying MIntereSUngIy enoUghM in ParagraPh 5?A. Women Can gain more ProteCtiOn in COUnS than they USed to doB. SitUationS are diflerent from What PeoPle USUa
40、lly expectC. WOlnen are no IOnger to blame for breaking p a marriage.D NOW Ihere is more freedom for WOmen53 Whdt Can be inferred from Ihe passage?A. The CeremOny Of exchanging VoWS at Ihe Wedding is going to be replaced by Other services.B. WOmen have Ieamed to fight against maltreatment in marriag
41、eC. The PgCnI situation of marriage is WOrrying to SOme governmentD The author Of Ihe PaSSage is OPPoSed to IiVing I(ether before marriagePaSSage ThreeKnoWIedge about SiCkneSS t death and Other misfortunes is COloUrrd bPerCePtiOnS Of the body and how it functions, the PIaCe Of the individual in Ihe
42、SoCiaI order, and the COSmOlOgiCaI forces that affect human beings. Many StUdie8 Of local knowledge SyMrnlS CmPhaSiZe the U exoticW CaUHeS to WhiCh ChroniC COnditiOnS and (IiSabiIitieS are attributed WitCheSl SPiritd Or POllUtiOn resulting from improper behaviour may be regarded as Ihe CaUSeS Of men
43、tal r physical impaincnt. SUCh CUltUraI explanations arc WayS Of Putting (IiSability in ntext t Of making sense Of it in relation to SOCial CoiI ficts 1 moral IaPSeS and the influence Of unseen PoWerS They help PeCPle to UnderStand an individual* s COnditiOn in terms Of Ihe WhOle Iife SitUation.Iden
44、tifying CaUSeH is Often a first HteP (OWardS treatment In many health CoSmOiOgie8 f dealing With the reason for a COrKIitiOn holds OUt Ihe hope Of a Permanent cure. Dealing merely With symptoms may Only give IemPOrary relief Until another disaster StrikeS ; Ihe Underlying SOCiul and moral PrOblemS r
45、emain EHminating PoIIUtiOn t COUntCraCIing WitChCraft Or making OfrenngS to SPiritS are CfiDrte to IaCkie the POWere responsible for PrObIelnS and thus to SolVe them OnCe and for all.Of COUrSe I it Often happens that a PerHon With a disability does not improve When measures Of IlIrSe kinds have been
46、 HdOPted Other CaUseS may then be SOUght Until Ihe affected family accepts Ihat the COnditiOn Cannot be ChangCd Il is this POint that PeOPIe in EaSt AfriCa begin to SPeak Of the 44 Work Of (JOd” . UnaIterabIe by the efforts Of huans The dierence between misfortunes WhiCh Can be dispelled and the WOr
47、kingS Of fate WhiCh CannoI Be changed Only Seeomes evident OVer timeIn COntraSt rehabilitation PrOgrammeS are based On the CUltural belief tnat disability Can be diminished tlrugh COnStant effort, Iraining 9 individual adjustment and, to SOme extent, environ men tai adaptation. The goal is improved
48、function 9 not CUre Th< individual is the ObjeCt Of Iong term SPeCia) attention Here technical aids and training are the key t rather than IttemPtS to eliminate Ihe Wider soCial and InOral CaUSe8 Of the problem. RehabilitatiOn OfTiCerb COnlPlIIin that families are in SUffiCiently committed to SUC
49、h extended effort OVer months and years t and Ihat Ihey are disappointed When Ihere is DO immediate improvement. There is a CUItUral gap but Ihe ProbIem is IlOt necessa rily that PCoPIC tac<l by traditional lxlicf alx>ut diability CUItUrC io a IllattCr Of exeience Und most PeOPle in developing
50、 COUntrieS have Iittle experience Of the results Of effective rehabilitation programmes. COnSeqUently Ihere is Iittle COmmitment and COnfidenCe Until (he VaIUe Of PrOgrammeS has been (IemOnStrated54. In Iht firal ParagraPh t the autlor makes an CfrOrt to Point OUt IhC significance Of.A. knowledgeB C
51、UItUral implicationC moral COnditiOnsD. the MeXOtiCM CaUbeS55. ACCOrding to the PaKSagev mental Or PhyGCal impairmentA. is attributed to an individual * S ignoranceB. k cau!etl by either SoCiaI Or InOral COn(IiliOnC results from family 4ationships1). InakeS UP a CaUde Of disability56. Of the followi
52、ng RtatementR t WhiCh is true for the passage?A. Treatment is the result Of identifying causes.B. SoCiaI conflicts, moral IaPSeS Und Ihe influence Of UnSeen POWere are all Ihe HIementS Of Ihe Whole Bfe SitUatiOnC. PeOPle With disabilities hold that fate is a dominant factorD CoPing With Ihe CaUae fo
53、r a health COndition is more important than dealing With symptoms.57. WhiCh Of the following COnCIUSionS about rehabilitation p)grammes Can be drawn from the pas-A Th6 Iact that disability has relation to CUltUraI IMtIirf has I)Cen neglected So far.B The PUrPoSe Of Carrying OUt rehabilitation PrOgra
54、nIme8 is getting rid Of disability.C Tile author insists that rehabilitation PrOgrammeS ShOUld benefit meet PeOPIe in developing COufItriCd D A good CUre for disability is to give families more commitments.PaSSage FourIn all CUltUreSf the PeOPle With SPeCia) knowledge and POWerS to deal with SUfferi
55、ng and death also have SPeCial obligations. In Iheir respective SOCietieS f healers and health PrOfeSdiOnah have thus always been SUbjeCt to a Wide Variety Of Written and UnWritten rule,.FOr more than a millennium in the WeStenI medical tradition 9 the HiPPOenltiC Oadl has encapsulated some Of Ihe P
56、nnCiPleS that ate Still Seerl as essential for good practice in Ihe health professions. And for almost 50 years nowt Ihe World HeaIth OrganiZatiOn has set IeChniCaI and ethical StandardS and ProPOsed guidelines and COdeS Of good PraCtiCe in VirtUalIy all areas Of health f as mandated by its COnStitU
57、tiOn ThC Organization al COnthbUtCS to the ha>nization Of ICgiSIatiOn and terminology t and f8ter Ihe dissemination and exchange Of information On IheSe SubjeCtSEthiCS today is a matter Of IiVely PUbIiC interest. ThiS IefleCtS a StrOng desire to assert SOme measure Of COntroI OVer the CUrrent PrOIiferatiOn Of new biomedica
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