1、2017-2018 學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期高二第一次月考英語試卷分值:150分時(shí)間:120分鐘一、 聽力略二. 閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分;滿分30分)AI was recen tly asked what i nspires me most.That was easy to an swerl_live_and_breathe_track_and_field.lt is the only sport that has allowed me to spread mywings and truly fly.I have struggled a lot in my life after being d
2、iag no sed with a lear ningdisability at the age of three .I was also born four mon ths too early,weigh ing less tha n fourpoun ds.Eve n at 17 rm still work ing to catch up.Me ntally rm on the level of a 12repeat the third and fifth grade,which caused me a lot of stress and embarrassment.I was joked
3、 so much that I would ofte n hide in the bathroom in stead of going toclass.My parents always gave me lots of love and support,but I still felt worthless most of the time .Imalso quite shy,so making and keep ing friends has always bee na challe nge.Then one day when I was 12,my life changed forever.
4、My parents decided that myyounger brother and I should try track.From that moment on my life was different.Iwas a n atural mid-dista nee runn er.Whe n I was on the track,the other kids just sawme and my speed.No one saw my learning disability.For the first time in my life Ifelt no rmal.When I entere
5、d high school,I joined the track teammy tale nt.I was selected to run on the A team for crossrelays,and colleges are even interested in me!My cross - county team won the 2011 County and acceptedmy award,my mom cried because she was so proud of me,andfor once,I was proud of myself.Even though rm a sp
6、ecial-educationstudent,I now know that my learningdisability does not defi ne me.I can hold my head up high because track has allowed me to spread mywings and truly fly!21.The underlined sentence in Para.1 may mean-year - old .I had toand thecoach-county and the A team forin doorandon the school tea
7、m for the4X400- meter and 4X800-meterRegi onal Champi on ship.Whe n I- 2 -Back when our children were small,who could have imagined what life would hold for them:pressures surrounding alcohol,drugs,and consequences.We recognizethat our childrensneedfor independence grows as they do.And talkingabout
8、touchy(棘手的)subjects can be especially difficult whe n tee ns to tun e_us_out _Driving a tee n to meet his/her friends may seem like an un pleasa nt thi ng,uni essyou recog nizeit as an opport unity to talk.Of course,you may have to get thecon versati on going.lf you worry about losi ng con trol of t
9、he con versati on,like cook ing,hik ing,or going to a con cert or museum.“Before I discuss topics like alcohol or drugs with my son,”one father says,I do a littlehomework.Often its as simple as checking the phone book for hotlinesor ask ing my doctor to recomme nd some pamphlets .If my son is not wi
10、lli ng to discuss a touchy subject,I can still give him a number to call or an article to read.And,of course,I tell him rm always available if he needs my help.”Dont start a pers onal attack or hold a family conference to open a dialo gueon a tough subject.No matter how serious the subject is,its im
11、portant not to beheavy-handed or much focus on your child.Say youve read an article or heard about a troublingsituation from a colleagueor a friend.Share this informationwith your teenager; then ask his/her opinion ratherthan offering yours.Suppose youre discussing AIDS, and you can arouse your chil
12、drens interest byA.I can easily breathe on the track BC. track and field is my life D22.What is the problem with the writer?A.He did nt want to make frien ds. BC. He weighed a little less than others. D23. The first time the writer was on the trackA.felt as normal as others BC. was still a little sh
13、yD24.The best title for the passage may be.track and field is where I live.I take track and field as a sportHe did nt get much love from his parents.He had a poor lear ning ability.,he_.was proud of himself.treated himself as a heroA.Fly in the SkyBSpread My WingsC . Try Track Bravely DBe an Hono ra
14、ble Student,try to dosomethi ng you both enjoy together- 3 -asking:Do you believe it cant happen to you?Do your friends discuss- 4 -AIDS among themselves?What are some strategiesto stay safe?Whena teen feels thatthe two of you are exploring a subject together,he/she is likely to share his/herown tho
15、ughts.25. Whats the purpose of the passage?A.To explain what tough subjects involve in children.B.To offer tips on how to talk about tough subjects with children.C.To show the importanee of childrens tough subjects.D.To give some examples on childrens tough subjects.26. In the first paragraph,the un
16、derlinedpart“tune us out”can be explaineda?as.A.go along well with us B their childre nB.parents should avoid talkingabout such topics as alcoholand drugs with their childre nC.children should turn to their parents first if they need any helpD. children should see a doctor or read a book if they mee
17、t with big health problems28.In the case of discussing AIDS,what parents can do is to_A. share opinions with their colleagues or friendsB. in spire their childre n to express their ideasC. remind their childre n of the dan ger of itD. give their children as much advice as possibleCLast ni ght I had
18、a long talk with my roommate .It was late at ni ght and everywhere seemed soquiet.We wan ted toshare our feeli ngs in that kind of atmosphere.We talkedabout our childhood,our prese nt and future lives .I was so surprised whe n heari ng my roommateJennys point of view.She thought that some one could
19、also lead a happy life even if he or she justreceived high school education, because he or sh e couldlearn more useful things in society,compared to the universitystudents.That shockedme very much .I was asked to study harder and harder,which is an un doubted fact.Life is tooshort while 16 years is
20、too long.Lots of students lives include hard workrely much on usC. understand what we said Dpay no atte nti on to what we said27.According to the passage,the father mentioned in the third paragraph mayagree that_A.parents should do certainresearch before talkingabout a serious subject with- 5 -lack
21、of sleep and stress.And now,rm admiring her opinion.ln the future,we shouldfirst choose an easy life.We do not have to buy anything expensive; we just need warm families andhealthy bodies.Forget all those terrible things.Why not spend time with our loved ones?Why would wewaste our dear time in fight
22、ing for a hundred million dollars?We can never spend it all,can we?29. The people in this passage are most probably_A.primary school studentsB.junior middle school studentsC. workers in a factoryD.university students30. The author was shocked by Jennys words because_A.Jenny did nt want to go to coll
23、egeB.Jennys point of view was all new to the authorC. Jennys idea was the same as the authorsD. Jenny knew what kind of future she wan ted31.What is an easy life according to the passage?A.Expensive things and travels. B.A good future and suitable environment.C. Warm families and good health. D.More
24、 money and knowledge.32.What did the author think of her past life as a stude nt?A.She thought it was bori ng and full of pains because no one un derstood her.B.She thought she could nt have fini shed it without others help.C . She thought she did nothing wrong through it and felt relaxed.D . She th
25、ought she was forced to study and took great pains to get through it.DSince the beginning of the year, smog has covered parts of North China. In January,Beijing saw only five days without smog. The rising PM2.5 readi ngs terrified manypeople,and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets s
26、erious, hospitals receive morepatients suffering acute respiratory (呼吸系統(tǒng))and heart diseases.Later, n ews of polluted un dergro und water in some provi nces scared people whowon dered whether the water they drink is safe.So the n eed to emphasize environmen tal protect ion while develop ing the econo
27、myis heard everywhere.Smog is especially a com mon concern.As a popular on li ne post said, air may bethe only thing that is equal for every one,despite your in come or professi on.Peoplewith higher in comes are able to drink only bottled spri ng water and eat only orga nic food by pay inghigher pri
28、ces, but they breathe the same air as every one else.- 6 -At a meeti ng on Mon day, many represe ntativeshave expressed their concerns aboutthe air quality, too. One talked about his experie nee in Beiji ng.“After tak ing ataxi from the capital airport to my hotel, which took about an hour, I washed
29、 my nose and found the in sideof my nose was black. We should ask ourselves this questio n Why do we want to develop?Its for livinga better life. Dirty air is definitely not a better life, ”he said.Chi na n eeds to develop its economy and in vest (投資)in high-tech.Every Chin ese wants astrongerChina.
30、 But without blue sky,clean water and safe food, theachieveme nts in the economy will become meanin gless.Space tech no logies are not to be developed forbuildi ng a base on Mars so that one day all huma n beings can move to the red pla net because they havedestroyed Earth.What the public wants is a
31、 strong and beautiful Chin a.Former preside ntHu Jin taospoke at the 18th Party Congress last November saying that great efforts must be made to promoteecological progress and build a beautifulChina. The words have shown thecen tral gover nmen ts resoluti on to address the en viro nment issue.33. Th
32、e effect of smog does NOT include_A.the rising of PM2.5 readings B.more people suffering diseasesC. the in crease of peoples in come D.patie nts in creased in hospital34. Why has smog become a com mon concern?A.Because people have to pay higher prices. B.Because nobody can avoid it.C.Because we have
33、 to develop industry.D.Because a popular online- post discussed it.35. From the last two paragraphs we can infer that_A.high - tech can completely solve the problem of pollutionB.space tech no logies should be developed in a largescaleC . we can move to Mars after the earth has bee n destroyedD . we
34、 must protect the environment while develop ing economy三、信息匹配(七選五)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。How do you enter a room full of strangers?Do you walk right in full of con fide nee?Or do you tryto slip in without being no ticed?36In life , weadmire those who do their tasks con fide ntly.We
35、prefer people who appearto know what they are doin g.But where does that con fide nee beg in?Developing self - confi dence starts very early.Its parents role to get kids on the right track towardbeco ming con fide nt people._37_That can be done by focus ing- 7 -on the childs stre ngths.Pare nts shou
36、ld en courage their childre n to try new thingsand take risks.When children make mistakes,their parents should still let them know that they areloved.Children whose parents do these things will likely develop intocon fide nt adults._38_So whats the solutio n?With most things in life,practice makes p
37、erfect,and that is true of con fide nee skills._39_Always hold your head high and look people in the eye.Answer questions clearly and con fidently.Focus on the things that you do well,and look for opportunities to use thoseabilities.Prepare thoroughly for every project.Youll approach the task more c
38、on fide ntly knowing that youare ready.40 It could be a good test score or a prize from a contest.Remind yourself that one success often leads to the n ext.However,all humans fail at times,and you will too.Even with efforts to try all the above,you willnever be perfect.But you can learn to love and
39、accept yourself and live your life with con fide nee.A. Keep in mind an item that reminds you of a recent success.B. The more you practice them,the easier they will become.C. The way y ou go into new situati ons shows your level of self-c on fide nee.D. Our goal is to prepare stude nts to go into th
40、e world with con fide nee.E. To help that process,parents should always offer more praise than criticism.F. Learning from mistakes helps you face the same situation laterwithout fear.G. But self - con fide nee still does nt come easily.四、完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)Perhaps forty years ago Sadie left he
41、r drunk and violenthusband.Needing shelterfor herself and her young son she took a _41_ in a housing project for 42 people.Even tually,she got to know the reside nts. One reside nt,Archie,did nt have a_43_ of his own but his n ephews wife and her kids would _44_ and help the old guy from time totime
42、.Sadie helped care for Archie as he battled _45_ and it was she who called thedoctor who diag no sed his can cer.Time passed.Sadies son grew up,got _46_ and settled several hundred milesaway.Sadie retired and _47_ into a nice little home of her own.To _48_ the_Ion eli ness she took in a series of _4
43、9_ over the years.- 8 -Her current dog,Muffin , with a bad temper,50 pulls at the end of his lead.Sowhe n a heavy fall of snow came a year and a half ago she was _51_ when a neighbour offered to_52_ the dog;just so she would nt be pulled off her feet and break a_53_.And each day he would spend a whi
44、le talking to her,seeing if she was _54 _checking if she needed anything.But in all the time shes known him,Sadie never really thought to wonder what his last _55_ was.This morning she asked.His surn ame wasthe same as old Archies.She was _56_ to discover the man who had been“caring”for her for the
45、past year and a half had bee n one of the little kids who used to_57“Uncle Archie”and tramp mud up and down the stairs she had to _58_.She had cared for his family,now he was caring for her.Neither of them _59_it un til that mome nt but they were liv ing proof of the old say in g.What goes aroundcom
46、es around,and the circle of_60_ will not be broke n!41.A.seatB.JobC. PictureD.trip42.A.elderlyB.ForeignC. youngD.foolish43.A.c on ductorB.hopeC. familyD.frie nd44.A.look upB.get roundC. pass byD.drop in45.A.pollutio nB.illn essC. dangerD.trouble46.A.marriedB.dressedC. accustomedD.lost47.A.steppedB.s
47、ettledC. brokeD.looked48.A.judgeB.divideC. easeD.show49.A.beggarsB.catsC. childrenD.dogs50.A.sometimesB.alwaysC. seldomD.n ever- 9 -51.A.pleasedB.in terestedC. concernedD.determ ined52.A.comfortB.trainC. walkD.feed53.A.promiseB.secretC. doorD.bone54.A.busyB.patie ntC. okayD.quiet55.A.nameB.chaneeC.
48、dayD.word56.A.worriedB.surprisedC. satisfiedD.encouraged57.A.inviteB.protectC . supportD.visit58.A.cou ntB.climbC . buildD.clea n59.A.cutB.gaveC.knewD.picked60.A.k indn essB.kno wledgeC . powerD.courage五.語法填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)【導(dǎo)學(xué)號:14212053】In a basketballgame whe n thi ngs are going badly and the
49、 coach does nt like theway his team 61._ (perform),he instructs his players to call a “ timeout”.Atthis point,the game 62._(stop) for a few minutes and the coach gathers the teamto discuss adjustme nts 63._are n eeded to get the players back on track andto perform more 64._(effective).Of course,duri
50、ng the timeout,the coach alsopoints out what the players did is right,which helps to rein force their positivebehavior.Here is the question:Howoften in 65._(you) life do you call a“timeout”to review what is working for you and to put66._ end to what isnt?Probablynot ofte n eno ugh. Unfortun ately,we
51、 tend 67._ (be come) entren ched (根深蒂固的)in habits which are not moving us68._the directi on of our goals.Life- 10 -is continually providing feedback,69. _And its up to you to become awareof these useful 70. _(clue)to learn from the results you are producing andto make any change that may be necessary.六.短文改錯(cuò)(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)One day,I was cooking in the kitchen as the t
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