1、精品文檔詞類一名詞()1. ( 2009 廣州 ) You look very tired thismorning. What did you do yesterday afternoon?I did _ Christmas shopp ing.A. a lot ofB. a few ofC. a nu mber ofD. a piece of【答案】A()2. ( 2009 ?武漢 ) 一 Why do you get up soearly in the morning, Tracy ?I gen erally make it a_ to be up by 7 toread En glish
2、.A. pla n B. wish C. secret D. rule【答案】 D()3. ( 2009 ?武漢 ) 一 Do the dishes, Mike, orI will tell mum!Mind your own _,Sue!A. action B. duty C. bus in essD.way【答案】 C()4. ( 2009 ?廣州 ) The letter from my unclewas short. There wasn't_ n ews.A. many B. a few C. much D. few【答案】 C()5.(2009 威海 ) -Why didn
3、 ' t you take a taxiback last ni ght?-Because I didn ' t have any with me.A. food B. bicycle C. frie ndD. money【答案】 D()6. ( 2009 成都 ) John always says that helikes apples of all the _ .A. vegetables B. fruitsC. drinks【答案】 B()7.( 2009 江西 ) -You look worried. Whatyour _ ?-I have trouble lear n
4、ing En glish.A. n ameB. questi on C. problem D. job【答案】 C()8. ( 2009 南京 ) -Oh, my God! We havemissed the last bus. What shall we do?-I 'nafraid we have no_but to take ataxi.A. choice B. decisi on C. reas on D. i nformatio n【答案】A( )9.(2009河南) I like_a lot, and mymother usually cooks it in differe
5、 nt ways.A. fish B. butter C. potatoes D. no odles【答案】A( )10 ( 2009 宜昌 ) -In my opinion, China hasmore _ to deal with the disease ofA/H1N1.-I quite agree with you. Chin ese medici ne works well.A. adva ntagesB. in terestsC. equipme ntsD. materials【答案】A( )11. ( 2009 婁底 ) 一 It ' s said that you ha
6、ve moved into a new house.Yeah, and we need to buy some_ in themall nearbFY.A. food B. furniture hamburgor【答案】 B()12. ( 2009 孝感 ) All the _teachersenjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it wastheir own holiday.A. manB. menC. woma nD. wome n【答D案】.(2009 湖北孝感)()13Emma,who are you takingof athome?My g
7、ra ndma, she got hurt in an accide nt. A. place B. part C. seat D. care【答案】 D( )14. ( 2009 山西 ) -How can I see thick snow in most n orther n parts of China?-You have to wait till_ comes, Steve.A. summer B. autu mnC. win ter【答案】C()15. ( 2009 山西 ) Let 'get some_about tourism on the Intern et.A. in
8、 formati onB. messageC. inven ti on【答案】A()16( 2009 無錫 ) _ the teachers in theirschool is about 200 and one fourth of them are' _ teachers.A. A nu mber of ; wome nB. A nu mber of ; woma nC. The nu mber of ; wome nD. The nu mber of ; woma n【答案】C()17. ( 2009 綏德 ) Mike and his friend aregoing to the
9、 _to see the new actionmovie toni ght.A. book shopB. restaura ntC. concertD. cin ema【答案】D()18.(2009. 安徽 )-Shall we go shopping now? -Sorry. It 'not the right _ . I'ntootired.A. way B. weather C. place D.精品文檔B. much too D. many too安順 ) We should not eat精品文檔mome nt【答案】D( )19. ( 2009. 安徽 ) -I &
10、#39; nafraid I can ' get there before 9 o ' clock.-That 's OK. There _ s .A. no wayB. no won derC. no doubtD. no hurry【答案】D()20 ( 2009. 漳州 ) -What makes you so upset? -I wanted to explain why I was late, but Mr. White didn' tgive me a(n) _ .A. wayB. cha neeC. idea D. excuse【答案】 B()21
11、. ( 2009 通化 ) We need to come up witha/a n_and make a decisi on at once.A. informationB. advice C. idea D. news【答案】 C()22. ( 2009德州 ) Look at the flowers! Theyare in differe nt_ : red, yellow, pinkA. colors B. sizes C. prices D. n ames【答案】 A()23. ( 2009恩施 )- I'd like _gpesand pears.- Oh, I only
12、n eed _ orange juice.A. some; a fewB. a few; someC. a little; fewD. a little; a few【答案】 B()2 4. ( 2009 阜康 ) 一 What would you liketo drin k? _ , please.A. RiceB. MeatC. Water D.Bread【答案】 C( )25. ( 2009 朝陽 ) -You look very you ng. Mrs. Gree n. Could you tell me how old you are? -Oh, sorry. It 's a
13、(n)A. problemB. in structio nC. secretD. bus in ess【答案】 C()26. ( 2009_meat.A. too many C. too much【答案】 C()27. ( 2009 安順 ) I don 'un dersta ndstory though there are _theit.new words inA. few B. little C. a few 【答案】D. a littleA()28. ( 2009 安順 ) This is not my dictionary.It 's _ . She lent it t
14、o me this morning.A. my sisterB. my sistersC. my sister's D. my sisters【答案】 C( )29. ( 2009 安順 ) A school in An shun held an activity called “ Recommend 推薦 )Books toYour Teachers” . The studentadm a_ of1,0000 books!A. note B. li ne C. me nuD. list【答案】 D()30. ( 2009 莆田 ) -I feel thirsty. I want so
15、meth ing to drink. What about you?-OK. Let 's go and buy some _ .A. orangeB. bread C. chocolate【答案】 A()31. ( 2009 莆田 ) Hurry up. There is_time left.A. a little B. littleC. few【答案】 B32.(2010 內(nèi)江 )Well,you look so happy! -Becauserve got a good _ .A.work B. n ews C.job D. ideas【答案】 C()33. (2010上海You
16、 can get much _ aboutthe World Expo on the Intern et.A.map B.picture C.ticket D.i nformatio n【答案】 D()34. (2010?上海 )The customers are pleasedwith the _of the restaura nt.A.bala nee B.experie nee C.surface D.service【答案】 D()35. (2010?晉江 ) - Lily has a silk _ .Liste n, she is singing in the n ext room!
17、-How nice!.A. look B. no iseC. voice【答案】 C( )36. ( 2010 ?通化 ) We need to come up with a/an _ and make a decisi on at once.A.i nformatio n B.advice C.ideaD.n ews【答案】 C()37.(2010 ?湖州 ) -Would you like some _? -No,thank you.I'm not hungry at all.A.water B.books C.clothes D.bread【答案】 D()38. ( 2010 ?
18、荊州 ) When will the 2010 World Expo( 世博會 ) come to a close?It 'll close at the end of_ .A. SeptemberB. OctoberC. NovemberD. December【答案】 B精品文檔精品文檔() 39. (2010 ?武漢) - Why are you still waiting in【答案】 Cline?() 49. (2010 ?定西 )What would you like , sir?-I 've missed my _全品中考網(wǎng)A. place B. order C.
19、tur n D. time【答案】 C() 40. (2010 ?河南 )It was very hard for me tomake a _but J decided to leave my job.A suggesti on B decisi on C pla n D speech【答案】 B() 41 (2010 ?黃岡) Good news. We will havea _ holiday.-I 've heard of it.But it's coming inA. three days ; three days ' time B. three days th
20、feedays 'C. three-day; three daysD. three days; three-day time【答案】 C() 42. (2010 ?聊城) Why not go to Qingdao on May Day,Jim?-I ' nafraid it 'not a good been therehaveseveral times. A.way B.place C.advice【答案】 DD.idea() 43. (2010?阜康) ( )MrBlack gave uson how to lear n En glish well.A.a n ad
21、viceB.ma ny advicesC.some adviceD.some advices【答案】 C() 44. (2010?黃石)一 With whom did youwatch 2010 World Cup Ope ning Ceremo ny ?A. A frie nd of mi neC. A friend of my sisterB. A frie nd of me【答案】 A() 45. (2010?荊門) Oh,D. A friend of youmy god! The kids are making too muchhere. Ican _' t doA. soun
22、d B. Voice C. Noise D. footstep【答案】 C() 46. (2010?襄樊)一 What ' s your job ,Henry? I ' ma_ ,I work late . I 'mverybusy whe n people go out to dimters .A. waiter B. reporter C. teacher D. n urse【答案】() 47. (2010?雞西 )How manysee in the picture?A. Two pop全品中考B. Two bottles popC. Two bottles of
23、 pop D. Two bottle of pop【答案】 CA. letterB. dicti onaryC. postcard D. no tice() 50. (2010 ?萊蕪) I have a breakfastforeveryday.A. hot dog B. Cookie C. dumpli ng D. hamburger【答案】 D1 - ( )51. (2010 ?哈爾濱 )A low-carbo n (低碳 )lifestyle has_ effect on our daily life.People are paying more and more attention
24、to saving _ these days.A. the, en ergiesB. a, en ergy C. an, en ergy【答案】 C() 52.( 2010三明 )一 What a fine day! Shallwe go hiki ng, Bob?-I ' d love to.But is the sight_ .am busy now.A.placeB.mome ntC.weather【答案】 B' II get() 53. (2010?天津) If you work hard,you good.A.gradesB.no tes C.l ess ons D.
25、a nswers【答案】 A() 54(2010 ?泰安)一 Lucy, do you like _-Yes.Most of my clothes are _ .A.a n orange an orangeB.ora nge ,ora ngeC.oran ges ,ora ngesD.ora nge,a n orange【答案】?)() 55.(2010寧夏Mr. Li regards Ni青海 &ngxiaas his secondbecause he has“ bee n here for over twenty years. anything.A. Tamily B. house
26、 C. room D. home【答案】 D() 56.(2010?沈陽) rm not sure about the meaning of the word. You'd better look it up in aA 【答案】 B() 57. (2010 ?連云港) -What ' s the news about ? - _ entertainment stars gathered to attactOnly one.can youA. Dog B. sheep C. child D. tree【答案】 B() 48. (2010 ?定西 )一 What 's y
27、our _ ?I like swimmi ng.A. job B. age C.hobby D. nu mberdon ati ons for Yushu. A. A member of C.A packet of【答案】 D() 58. (2010 ?巴中)全品中考網(wǎng)B. A ki nd ofD.A nu mberofWhat a pity! Liu Xia ng精品文檔精品文檔didn 't win theA.110-meterC.110 meter 【答案】 Ahurdles 跨欄) .B.110-metersD.110 metersA. two pair of shoesC. two pair of shoe【答案】 D 全品中考網(wǎng)B. two pairs of shoe D. two pairs of shoes() 59. (2010 ?四川 )When I was a student, I liked to sit in the front of the classroom so that I could see the words more clearly on theA. blackboardB. deskC. dicti
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