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1、Scripts Unit 1Part II Listening and SpeakingTask 1 FAQs in job interviewComments on the three questions:Point for Q 1: Tell me something about yourself.Sample answers:Q1.I am graduatinginJune,2015 from GuangdongUniversityofFinanceand mymajor is financialsecretary.Iam an outgoing,energeticperson.Ienj

2、oyteamwork verymuch. As partof my degree program, Ineeded to communicatewith differentpeopel. Ipossess excellentinterpersonalskillsand a verypositiveattitude.Mycareeraspirationistobecome asuccessfulsecretary.Duringmy internshipatone company, Iworked as a secretary.My duties included offering friendl

3、y and efficientschedule to my boss,answering phone calls, taking and passing on messages to my boss.Q2.I received honors in severalFinancial managementand computer contests. Iamgood atcommunicating,organizingand coordinating.I liketo get alongwell withpeople from differentbackgrounds.Ifsomethingbloc

4、ksmy path,I will look for a solution. I never give up easily.Sometimes I receivecommentsthat Ineed toimproveinthe area offiling.I am now trying to improve by learning from others.精選文庫Q3.Interestand careerdevelopment are two ofmy criteriain choosinga job.Interest is the best motivation. I love to be

5、a secretary, so I willdefinitely devote myself to it. Moreover, high job satisfaction can beattained when the job is what I am interested in.Career development is very important for me when choosing a job. Fromwhat I know, Shangri-Laprovidesequal careeradvancement forallstaff.The job rotation plan a

6、nd individually tailored training program arereally exciting and helpful for young people like me.Task 2 Inappropriate questions in job interviewScript:M: Come in, please.W: Good morning, sir. Im Karen Yang.M: Goodmorning, Miss Yang. I m Kevin Carter,the AdministrationManager.Take a seat, please.W:

7、Oh, is that your wife, Mr. Carter? She is so beautiful.M: Thank you. Ah Miss Yang, Ive gone through your resume. Id liketo ask you some questions now, if you dont mind.W: Of course not. please go ahead.M: Well,can you tellme whyyou would like towork asamedicalrepresentative with us?W: I really like

8、this kind of work, and having been a doctor for three-2精選文庫years, I want to apply for this position for a change.M: Dont you think its a pity for you to leave your present job?W: To some extent,itis.I have learned a lotin the hospital.But I wouldlike to try a different kind of life. By the way, coul

9、d you tell me howmuch the new job pays?M: Sure. There is a five-monthprobationary試用的 periodand you can onlyget RMB2,000 for each month. After that, well determine your salaryaccording to your performance.W: Oh, I see. Then, what about the paid holidays, insurance, and things like that?M: Every emplo

10、yee in our company enjoys life insurance人壽保險(xiǎn) andunemployment insurance. In addition, they enjoy two-week paidholidays.W: That sounds fine.Howmuch time will ittake for meto be promoted here?M: I m not sure. Itdepends on your abilityand performance.Maybewellsend you to one of our branches, if you like

11、.W: No problem. I hate staying at one placeall the time. But in which citiesdo you have your branches? And, where is your company based (把總部設(shè)在 )?M: Our company is based in New York, with branches in many cities, such as Philadelphia, Beijing and London.Key:-3精選文庫Is that your wife, Mr. Carter? She is

12、 so beautiful.Avoid asking interviewerpersonal questionsor making personal comments.Could you tell me how much the new job pays?The interviewer might infer from these questions that you are onlyinterested in your own needs and not those of their company. Wait untilthe employer raises these subjects

13、to discuss them.What about the paid holidays, insurance, and things like that?How much time will it take for me to be promoted here?But in which cities do you have your branches? And where is your companybased?Itis also unwise to ask about thingsyou should have alreadyknown. Youare only telling the

14、interviewer that you haven't done your homework.Part III Language FocusKey:o Name: Cai Ningo Personality: serious-minded認(rèn)真的 ; calm; humorous; easy-goingo Strengths: the ability to work with all types of people o Weakness: perfectionist; impatientoWork experience:sixyears financialindustryexperie

15、ncewithseveral companies; two years e xperience in an investment banko Qualification: graduated from Peking University in 2001 majoring in accounting; fluent English; bookkeeping 記賬 and accounting proficiency-4精選文庫in English.o Reasons for leavinglastjob: wantto finda job thatis challenging.o Questio

16、nsabout the job:Would I be able to work abroad in one of youroverseas branches?Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 Applying for the position of financial consultantScript:Chen: Good morning, Ms Mandel.Ms. Mandel: Good morning, sit down, please.Chen: Thank you!Ms. Mandel: You areChen Bo, aren t you?

17、I m Cathy Mandel, Director ofthe HR Department.Chen: Yes, Im Chen Bo. Nice to meet you, Ms. Mandel.Ms. Mandel: Nice to meet you, too.I ve gone through your resume and wouldlike to know more about you.Chen: Thank you for your interest in me.Ms. Mandel: To startwith,would you liketo tellme a bitabout

18、yourself?Chen: Sure. I m a seniorstudentat GDUF.I expect to graduate thissummer.My major is international finance.Ms. Mandel: So why did you choose our company?Chen:As farasIknow,yourcompany isoneofseveralleadinginternational consultant corporations which came to China after China-5精選文庫entered WTO.

19、I think working here would give me the best chance to usewhat I ve learnedat university.Ms. Mandel: As a major in international finance, what do you think youcan do in consultancy?Chen: Well,I know how to tackleproblems. For example, I know I must firstanalyze the problem and work out the major caus

20、e. Then I will be able tosearch for ways to solve it from available data.Ms. Mandel: Sometimes data is not enough. Have you got any relevantexperience in this field?Chen: Last year, during the probationary period, I was involved in therestoration of a factory in Nanjing, I really learned a lot from

21、theexperience,especiallyhow toaccess評(píng)估people sstrengthsandabilities.Ms. Mandel: Can you cope with hard work under pressure and in a toughenvironment?Chen: No problem, Idont care about pressureor the environmentas lo ngas I enjoy the work.Ms. Mandel: Good. Now, do you have any questions to ask?Chen:

22、Yes,I vegot one.Arethere anyopportunitiesforChineseemployees tobe transferredto thehead officein NewYork orotherbranchoffices around the world?Ms. Mandel: Um, probably. I think you are likely to be sent to work in-6精選文庫an overseas branch to get experience later on once youve proved yourworth.Chen: O

23、h, great. If Im accepted, I will do my best for the company.Ms. Mandel: I wish you luck! Well notify you ofour final decision byFriday.Chen: Thank you! Ms. Mandel. Good-bye.Ms. Mandel: Goodbye.Key:Reasons for joining the companyItis one of the leadinginternationalconsultantcorporationswhich cameto C

24、hina after China entered WTO.Working in thiscompany would give him the best chance to use what he haslearned at university.Relevant work experienceHe was involved in a factory restoration in Nanjing.QuestionsAre there any opportunities for Chinese employees to be transferred tothe head office in New

25、 York or other branch offices around the world?Result of the interviewChen Bo will be notified of the final decision by Friday.Video 2 Applying for the position of Sales ManagerScript:-7精選文庫Wang: May I come in?Mr. White: Yes, please do.Wang: Goodmorning,sir.My nameis Merry Wang. I ve comefor an inte

26、rview,as requested.Mr. White: Nice to meet you, Miss Wang. I am Harry White, Directorof theHR Department. I was expecting you. Please, take a seat.Wang: Thank you.Mr. White: Well, Miss Wang, you are applying for the position of SalesManager, right? How did you know about our company?Wang: I got to k

27、now your company from your TV commercials. They areelaborately designed and produced, and leave me deep impression. And inthe summers of 1997 and 1998 I worked as a salesgirl for your company inGuangzhou.Mr. White: Really? Thats good. Then you must know something about ourcompany?Wang: Yes, a little

28、. Your company is very famous. Your cosmetics andskincare products are very popular with women all over the world.Mr. White: Huh, that s right.Miss Wang, can you tellmewhich universityyou attended?Wang: Sun Yat-sen.Mr. White: And what degree have you got?Wang: I have a bachelors degree in business a

29、dministration.-8精選文庫Mr. White: Howis your English?You know, somestaffmembersin our companyare Americans, so conversational English is very important.Wang: I passed TEM 8 at college, and I am good at oral English. I thinkI can communicate with Americans quite well.Mr. White: Good. I know you are now

30、with United Butter.What is your chiefresponsibility there?Wang: I ve worked thereforfiveyears,sinceI graduated from college.Two years ago, I was appointed Brand Manager responsible for the Pandaline of biscuits.Mr. White: Why do you want to change your job?Wang: I want to change my work environment,

31、seek newchallenges and broadenmy experience. Thats why I want to move into sales.Mr. White: What do you think is the most important qualification for asalesperson?Wang: I think its self-confidence and quality products.Mr. White: I agree with you. What salary would you expect to get here?Wang: Well,

32、I would leave it to you to decide after you consider myabilities.My currentannual income in United Butteris 150 thousand. But,er, coul d you tell me a little more about what the job entails?Mr. White: You would be in charge of all the sales activities, for allhair products in northeast China. This w

33、ould involve market analysis,client service and development, sales promotion, and regular customer-9精選文庫satisfactionsurveys.YoudreportdirectlytotheRegionalSalesDirector. Do you have any other questions?Wang: Yes, only one. When can I get your decision?Mr. White: I needto discusswith other board memb

34、ers. Well notify youof our decision as soon as possible. But to be honest, you seem to bea good candidate with the right kind of experience and personality.Youre high on my list.Wang: That s good! Thank you, Mr. White. Ilook forward tohearing fromyou. Goodbye.Mr. White: Goodbye.Key:o 1.FTFFTo 2.1) S

35、ales Manager2) Five3) Brand Manager4) biscuits5) Business Administration6) oral EnglishScripts Unit 2Script:Sherry: Daniel, its you! I havent seen you for years. How are you-10精選文庫doing?Daniel: Very well, thank you. And you, Shelly?Sherry: Not too bad. I heard youve got a new job. So,what do you don

36、ow?Daniel: I am an engineer in a large international car corporation now.Sherry: Oh, thats nice! Which departmentare you in?Daniel:I m in the Research and Development Department.Sherry: That sounds great!Daniel:Yes, it s reallya very excitingand rewarding job.At the moment,we are designing a new typ

37、e of car.Sherry:Oh, really?Youve always been clever,Daniel.I knew youd dosomething very challenging and creative. Do you need to work overtime?Daniel: Not really, I just work regular hours most of the time. But onFriday nights, I sometimes stay in the office after work to deal withunfinished tasks.S

38、herry: Well, Daniel, you must come and see me sometime and tell me allabout it over a cup of tea.Daniel: I certainly will. What about you, Sherry? How is your job?Sherry:I am still the accountant of that cosmetics companyTask 2 Describing jobsScript:vJack: Hi, Im Jack. Im the manager of the Research

39、 & Development-11精選文庫Department.I ve been inthispositionforthreeyears.I have tomanageallaspectsoftheproductdevelopment process,includingresourceallocation , budgetrequirements and personnel management. I have towork withmarketing teams toanalyzethe needs ofthedevelopingmarketsand directourworkac

40、cordingly.I m responsibleforcreatingandmanaging the R&D teams and for the overall planning, execution , andsuccess of the projects.vJanet:I m Janet,Sales Manager ofR&TCompany. Since Iwas promotedto the position ofmanager four yearsago, Ive been engaged in variousresponsibilities.My responsib

41、ilitiesinclude:developingsalesstrategies;achievingsalestargets;recruitingand trainingsalesstaff;supervisingand motivatingteam performance;expandingthe customerbaseand ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction.vStanley:Hi, I m Stanley.As themanager of theProductionDepartment,I m responsibleforsel

42、ecting,developingandmanagingahighlycompetentand motivated staff of employees; ensuring that productioniscost-effectiveand the products are produced on timeand ofgood quality.Moreover,Ihave to work outthe humanand materialresourcesneeded. I malso responsible for identifying the training needs of our

43、staff andcultivatinga cultureofcontinuousimprovementinallaspectsofmanufacturing.Part IV Viewing and Speaking-12精選文庫Video 1 Introducing titles and responsibilitiesScript:President: Good afternoon, everyone! This is Robin Copperfield, the newvice presidentof our company. He willbe in charge of the acc

44、ountingwork.Let s give him a warm welcome!Robin: Thank you!President: Mr. Copperfield is an expert in the field of accounting. So,itis a ple asure forus to have him here.Now, Mr. Copperfield,I d liketo introduce the vice presidents and managers to you.Robin: Its OK, thank you!President:ThisisMay Bat

45、es,VicePresidentinchargeoftheAdministration Department and the Neighborhood Service Department.Robin: Nice to meet you, Ms. Bates.Ms. Bates: Nice to meet you, Mr. Copperfield.President: And this is Dennis Hayes. Vice President in charge of theMarketing Department and the Sales Department.Dennis Haye

46、s: How do you do, Mr. Copperfield? Glad to meet you.Robin: Glad to meet you, Mr. Hayes.President: And this isoh, where is Andrew Jefferson?Robin: Mr. Jefferson?I ve met him before.I heard he is one of the secretsof this companys success. Everyone was raving about what a greatjobhes done in-13精選文庫Pre

47、sident: Uh speak of the devil Mr. Jefferson has just arrived.Mr. Jefferson: Hi, Mr. Copperfield, good to see you again.Robin: Good to see you, Mr. Jefferson.Mr. Jefferson: Sorry, Im late. I was talking to a client.Robin: Oh, that s OK. How many departments are you in charge of, Mr.Jefferson?Mr.Jeffe

48、rson:Four:Research& Development,Engineering,ContractBudgets, and Project Preparation.Robin: No wonder youre so busy.President:Mr. Copperfield,thereare threemanagers who reportdirectlyto you, and they are allladies.So, ladies,can you introduceyourselves?Ada Black: ImAda Black, responsible for man

49、agement accounts.CarolineClinton:I m CarolineClinton,responsibleforfinancialaccounts.Lucy White: Im Lucy White, responsible for data processing.Robin: Oh, good. Nice to meet you all, ladies.Key:1. Caroline Clinton: financial accounts Lucy White: data processingAda Balck: management accounts2. Administration; Marketing; Engineering; Project Preparation; Accounting-14精選文庫3.1 ) administration:rear serviceof the company,coordinatingthe staffto exercise2)neighborhood service:working out plans for preserving&improving thephysicl,


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