1、必修MOdUleI .academic2. tech no logy3. province 4.impress 5. be divided into 6. correction 7. enthusiastic 8. enjoyment 9. amazing 10. fluency 11. assistant 12.1 n other words 13.disappo in ted 14.1 nformatio n 15. e ncourageme nt 16. website 17. disappo inting 18. mis Un dersta nding 19. brilliant ad
2、j. 20. comprehension 21.1 nstructi on 22.diploma 23.look forward to 24. method 25. system 26. go to college 27. bored 28. cover 29 .take Part in30. embarrassed 31 .attitude 32. at the Start of33. move 34. behaviour 35. previous 36. teenager 37. descripti on38. amazed 39. disappear 40. embarrassi ng
3、41. at the end ofModule21. amusing 2. SCientific 3. loudly4. make SUre5. energetic 6. WaVe 7. intelligent 8. respect 9. n ervous 10. IiteratUre 11. so that12. orga nised 13. admit14. Patient 15. headmaster 3.44.45.Seri
4、OuS46.revisio ntell jokesModule3Shy1.helicopter .in COrreCtIy2.motorbikeStriCt3.dow ntow nimpressi on4.exhaustedjoke5.tramavoid6.kin dergarte nhate7.get onSimiIarIy8.VaCUUmcompletely9.carto onrelaxed10.dista ncefall asleep11.get intoImmediateIy12.abandonedappreciate13.cameldiscipli ne14.souve nirtra
5、n slati on15.take offrevise16.CaSSetteas a result17.deserttimetable18.in terviewerformal19. get offrelationship20. eagleSUmmary21. tracktopic .22.diam ondin fact23. apartme ntgrade24.eve ntVaCati on25.not .any moreheadmistress26. expertPeriOd27. midnightmake PrOgreSS28. PrOdUCtModule.
6、.9. SCe nery 30. shoot31. Cerem Ony 32. i nterview 33. out of date 34. soil 35. rail36. journey 37. train38. CirCUS39. refer to 40. SeaSide 41. StadiUm 42. frighte n 43. be short for Module4SUrVeyParkemployment PUt UP n eighbourhood local manual SUbUrb UP to now PrOfeSSiOnal organ
7、isati on hometow n attractive Un employed 15. exchange 16. fortunate 17. Pretty 18. go UP 19. con tact 20. sound 21. gallery 22. tourist 23. bother 24. n UiSa nce 25. SUrViVe 26. rent27. so far28. fascin ati ng 29. district 30. approach 31. a number of 32. afford 33. harbour 34. gorgeous 35. get awa
8、y from 36. architecture 37. COmmittee 38. StarVe39. till now 40. traffic 41. household 42. OCCUPati on 43. a great many IiqUid31.tongsfloat32.rustexpand33.boilSteam34.in the area ofcon tract35.flameSUbSta nce36.Ordinaryform37.USed to1 .2 ..7.8 .9.101112131415161718192021222324252627282930mixt
9、ure MOdule6dissolve1.con ta inadd .to2.con SiStS ofoxygen3.accesselectricity4.disadva ntagefacility5.CraShStage6.keywordbala nce7.averagecon clusi on8.as wellaim9.logbe SUPPOSed to10.StatiStiCSdepartme nt11.SOftWareCrUCibIe12. go dow nreact ion13.ShOrtenelectrical14.breakdownast oni Shed15.SOUrCeequ
10、ipme nt16.accessiblereact17.dataIeCtUre18. SideWayS .be proud of19.defe ncePartiaI20. come UP WithCOPPer21. CworkCOmPared With11 .toothacheVia prep.12 .Un healthyPerCe ntage13 .PrescriPti ondesi gn14 .WeaIthydocume nt15 .become illinven tio n16 .breathebecome known as17 .rarelyPermiS
11、Si on18 .PrOVerbmilitary19 .beg in WithCOnCen trate20 .an xiousCOnCen trate on21 .CaPtai ndefi nite22 .throatfan tastic23 .injurein depe ndent24 .have a temPeratureessay25 .in juryPaSSfrom that mome nt on26 .Pai nfrequently .27 .Pai nful必修二28 .IUngModule129 .lie dow n1 . diet30 .no rmal2. questionna
12、ire31 .PUt into.3. fat32 .IifeStyIe .4. be connected With33 .head5. inSUrance34 .OVerWeight6. fit35 .eye7. awful36 .take exercise8 . fluModule29 . rare1. drug .10 . SymPtOm2. ratio .. belOng to 4. illegal 5. CanCer 6. Cigarette7. break into 8. s
13、hoplifting .9. tobacco 10. addictive 11. take one S advice 12. treatme nt 13. Cann abis 14. cocai ne 15. distracti on 16. likely .17. dan ger 18. adult 19. addict 20. Cafe21. disagree 22. inject23. so as to 24. joggi ng 25. n eedle 26. POWerfUI 27. i n order to 28. ban 29. affect 30. recog nise 31.
14、give UP 32. reduce33. horrible . 34. nearby 35. gymn astic36. .leaflet 37. burglary 38. PartiCiPant 39. Crime 40. Criminal 41. become addicted to 42. COnneCtiOn 43. related to Module31. audience 2. solo 3. tune 4. choir 5. record6. complex 7. CatChy 8. ballad 9. CIaSSiCaI 10. composer 11. album 12.
15、SymPhOny 13 . mix 14 . musical 15 . con ductor 16 . jazz 17 . be impressed With 18 . musician 19. PrinCe 20. IeCtUrer 21 . OrCheStra 22 . in flue nce 23. SaXOPhOne 24. court 25 . director 26 . PeaSant 27 . genius 28 . split UP 29 . lose 30 . tale nt 31 . compose 32 . tour 33. band 34 . IyriCS 35 . m
16、ake a note of Module41. like 2. be / get tired of 3. artist 4. con temporary 5. be fond of 6. landscape 7. watercolour 8. traditional 9. drawing 10. Paint 11. Painter 12. PUt off 13. Painting 14. tell by 15. SCene 16. UnUsual 17. adopt 18. style 19. colourful 20. POrtrait 21. alive 22. aspect 23. ta
17、ke tur ns 24. reality 25. aim 26. expressi on 27. realise 28. ObSerVe 29. delightful 30. realistic 31. destroy 32. dislike 33. imitate 34. exhibiti on 35. Stand 36. a SerieS ofModule51 . headline 2 . delighted 3 . photograph 4 . fan Celebrity economy politics now that SPaCeShiP .photographer .actor
18、.cosmonaut .navigator .politician .telescope .Universe .believe in .backstage .sailor .financial .CaPSUIe .belief .9.1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435 . evidence 36 . achievement 37 . replace 38 . alien 39 . disbelief 40 . amateur 41. astro no mer 42 . in total Module61. P
19、OSter 2. drama 3. come out 4. brave 5. every now and the n 6. thriller 7. COmedy 8. in SUrPriSe 9. Shark 10. Setting .flight .con gratulati on11. OCCaSi on ally .CUItUraI 12. leap royal13. plot .review .aboard .welcome .be SimiIar to .found .Part .historical 15. actress 16. Care about 17. CharaCter
20、18. argue 19. female 20. male 21. masterpiece PrOdUCe 14. fall in love With ...3.fiance rooftop graceful to One S SUrPriSe SeCti on Play a Part in terest movi ng ad Cha nnel en tertai ning telly be in IOVe With sword at the age of
21、 必修3Module1SitUated symbol because of located architectlittle by little PrOjeCt WhereabOUtS govern head . anCient opposite Sign 14. i n terms of15. agreeme nt 16. ParIiame nt 17. region 18. represe ntative 19. SCUIPtUre 20. birthplace 21. CiViIiSati on .22. ever SinCe 23. geographical 24. feature 25
22、. PrOdUCe 26. across 27. boot 28. COntinen tal 29. face 30. range 31. be known as 32. landmark 33. gallery 34. on the other hand Module 21. measure .2. goal .3. be conn ected With 4. expectancy 5. POSiti on .6. educate . 7. figure8. household 9. freeway 10. IOCatiOn n. 11. in habita nt 12. SimiIarit
23、y 13. hom hun ger 14. i ncome. 15. POVerty . 16. huma n . 17. tourism 18. tran sport. 19. make effort 20. entertainment. 21. exchange 22. at the top of 23. in dustrial 24. polluted .25. Smart . 26. be close to 27. VaSt 28. development 29. index 30. eless 31. Charity32. CrOWded 33. UnfOrtun ate 34. a
24、t the bottom of Module 31. torn ado 2. column 3. experie nce .4. bury 5. feather 6. fur 7. disaster 8. flood 9. CatCh fire 10. CaUSe 11. CUrre nt12. IatitUde 13. furniture 14. hurrica ne 15. in all 16. light ning 17. thunderstorm . 18. Set fire to 19. COffin 20. rui n .21. on average 22. ash23. erup
25、t 24. lava.25. tidal 26. PUt out 27. Strike (struck; StrUCk/strike n) 28. Cemetery 29. volca no. 30. PreViOUS 31. erupti on 32. occur .33. tropical 34. equator . 35. end UP 36. rotati ng. 37. hopefully 38. active 39. damage . 40. POSSibiIity 41. earthquake 42. terrifyi ng . 43. take off 44. sadly 45
26、. fortun ately 46. Warning 47. take place 48. worldwide 49. viole nt . 50. WaVe 51. luckily 52. tha nkfully 53. PiCk UP 1. cycle .2. mask 3. atmosphere 4. in a nutshell 5. Carb On .6. dioxide 7. ChemiCaI 8. enVirOnment 9. garbage 10. melt .11. polluti On 12. recycle . 13. COaStaI 14. San dstorm 15.
27、give out 16. frighte ning 17. inland 18. mass 19. CamPaig n 20. dune 21. absolutely 22. PrOteCtiO n 23. CUt dow n 24. be CaUght in 25. COnCern ed. 26. evidence 27. major 28. Urgent 29. pollute Module 430. compla in 31. look through 32. nutshell 33. SCary 34. Stre ngth 35. one after ano ther 36. have
28、 a bad effect on37. desertification n.38. PrOCeSS 39. CitiZen 40. dust 41. forecast 42. take in Module 51. order 2. PrinCiPIe 3. POSitiOn 4. StreSS 5. resign 6. adviser 7. in flue ntial .8. love9. kindness 10. hon esty 11. justice. 12. bark.13. COn tributi On 14. invent . 15. Ieather 16. equal 17. i
29、mportance 18. philosopher 19. philosophy 20. teach ing 21. inven tor 22. argume nt 23. freedom. 24. fuel 25. con diti on 26. be at War With 27. bring UP 28. become interested in 29. be proud of 30. in con clusi on 31. thinker 32. monk33. soft 34. argume nt. 35. freedom 36. fuel 37. con diti on . 38.
30、 be at War With 39. bring UP 40. CategOry 41. SUtra42. inven tor 43. argument 44. freedom 45. for the first time . 46. fuel 47. con diti on 48. be at War With 49. bring UP Module 61. gorge 2. hydro-electric 3. reservoir 4. StrUCtUre5. termi nal6. date 7. bullet in 8. canal 9. accommodate 10. CarVi n
31、g 11. COn StrUCt ion 12. relic 13. Site 14. Buddhist. 15. gen erate 16. civil 17. cliff18. dam 19. engin eeri ng 20. SUbmerge 21. global . 22. WatChtOWer 23. remove . 24. date from 25. hold back 26. come true 27. make SenSe 28. bring to an end to 29. freezi ng 30. ridiculous 31. eno rmous 32. harnes
32、s . 33. historical 34. narrow 35. poem 36. ObSerVatOry 37. foggy 38. CraSh 必修4Module 11. PrediCti on .2. risky .3. resource. 4. run out 5. material 6. rely V7. rely on8. landfill 9. arrest .10. Crim inal . 11. fire 12. limit 13. outdoors 14. online 15. brick 16. conCrete 17. mud.18. alter native 19.
33、 crime.20. for SUre 21. solar 22. Urban 23. get rid of 24. load 25. catalogue 26. comma nd place order softball charge. free Of Charge power . flick switch. recreati on bowli ng. SUrgery telesurgery . OUtPatie nt Clinic disability eve ntually for a Start on the Way out colony. PrediCt . ShaPe . Pad
34、doormat attach SPaCePOrt USe UP look out OPtimiStiC . defi nitely . Module 2receipt2. get around 3. fare .4. trolleybus .5. be conn ected to 6. Wire .7. SUbUrban 8. be / get StUCk in 9. in no time 10. air-c on diti oned 11. limit 12. desti nati on. 13. impressive 14. route.15. display . 16. Cab 17.
35、Permit 18. double-decker 19. PrOVide . 20. Un der con StrUCti on 21. COnVenient 22. soluti on 23. mood 24. no Way 25. con gesti on. 26. registrati on 27. pedal 28. SWitCh off 29. keep cool 30. blow .4.1.31. tricycle. 3
36、2. SingIe .33. return24. youth.25. hold UP34. explore26. SPread . (SPread. SPread)35. roadwork27. give away36. hor n28. toast37. react29. SiPModule 330. bla nk1. formal.31. com muni Cati on2. aggressive .32. com muni Cate3. traditi On ally .33. uncon SCiOUS4. WeaP On34. Vary .5. gesture35. on guard6
37、. mind reader36. Panic.7. COn SCiOUS37. rude8. eyebrow38. Say hello to9. lip39. SWitCh on10. WriSt40. in Vitati on11. threate ning.41. request12. deal.42. make a deal13. bend (be nt. bent)43. i nvolve .14. hug .44. SIightIy .15. Stare45. forehead16. WiPe .46. favour.17. lift UP47. live18. UP and dow
38、 n48. PerfOrma nce19. religio n .49. PerfOrmer20. host50. CIaSSiCaI .21. by accident51. applause22. bow52. judegement23. informal53. prolong54. equality.26. gen eticS55. social .27. agriculture.56. in fectious .28. breed ing57. fun eral29. SPeCieS.Module 430. yield .1. zoology31. coSmology .2. StaPI
39、e .32. diag nose .3. PrOdUCer.33. graduate4. origi nal .34. PerS onal .5. PUbIiSh35. relativity6. SteriIe .36. motor neurone disease7. breakthrough37. ViCtim8. SUPPOrt .38. brillia nt9. lead inq .39. Career10. figure40. brief .11. bring UP41. PartIy12. educate .42. PhySiCal.13. nickn ame43. as a res
40、ult of14. escaPe .44. rocket15. arrow.45. mille nn ium16. Straight .46. gunpowder17. clear47. explosion.18. COnVert .48. explode19. CaSh crop49. PrOdUCti on20. export .50. replace .21. hybrid51. qua ntity22. agricultural52. quality23. biochemiStry53. be known for24. biology.54. best-seller25. bota n
41、y55. earn one ' S living56. COme to power MduIe 51. shore .2. slope 3. valley 4. trade 5. temple6. dock 7. hilly 8. wood.9. flat .10. at the edge of 11. cave. 12. Peak 13. plai n. 14. PIateaU . 15. surro Und 16. colleague 17. downstream . 18. goods 19. get a kick out of 20. VieW . 21. pin. 22. n
42、 aturally 23. torch 24. be heavy With 25. deck 26. dista nt. 27. mountainous 28. imme nse 29. fertile 30. remote 31. SteeP32. Varied 33. exploit 34. in the dista nce 35. cruise.36. raft.37. narrow . 38. at least 39. detour 40. lege nd 41. Cabi n.42. forbid43. l ounge . 44. spot 45. rip offModule61.
43、frightening .2. CreatUre 3. grey .4. claw 5. exist .6. indicate 7. identity 8. due to 9. myth 10. fortune 11. SharP12. n ail .131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142horn43. reputation.dive44. border .CaIm45. POSitiVeSCeDtiCal必修五Unl ikely .Module1journal1. have in com monmon Ster
44、2. li nguistattack3. make a differe ncefootpri nt4. acce nthairy .5. obviousSighti ng.6. motorwayseal.7. Un dergr ound.mysterious .8. SUbWayclaim9. get aroundSUrfaCe10. flashlightvolca nic11. queuethrow light on12. COnfUSingcome Straight to the POint _13. PrePOSiti onfierece14. COmParedeStructio n15
45、. omitgen erouS16. VarietyUn PrediCtabIe17. differcover18. SettIeradapt.19. be SimiIar todiSappear20. remarkextinct .21. Variati onevolve .22. have difficulty (-i n) doing sth.die out23. SteadiIyemperor24. satelliterobe25. flick26. SWitCh 27. lead to 28. StrUCtUre 29. rapidly 30. announ Ceme nt 31.
46、li nguistics 32. editi on33. CUte 34. add 35. in favour of 36. PreSent 1. con tract2. SatiSfyi ng 3. earn 4. acco Untant 5. barber 6. Staff 7. electricia n 8. age nt9. offer 10. .sig nal 11. dema nd 12. Sheer a 13. On average 14. i n theory 15. in PraCtiCe 16. shot 17. toll 18. bend 19. CirCUIar 37.
47、 refer to . as38. attempt 39. SimPIify 40. comb in ati on 41. thanks to 42. distinctive 43. look 44. CritiCiZe 45. Standard 46. referenceModule 220. available 21. PaSS by 22. take for gran ted . encoun ter _23. profo Und have an effect on 24. missi on 25. take UP 26. pathologist 27. take no tice of 28. temporary 29. freezer 30. freeze 31. i ntellectual 32. StreSSfUI 33. Perma nent 34. SaIary 35. Sig n 36. volun teer 37. analyst 38. apply 39. Orga ni Zati Onal49. Chef50. youn gster40. post41. in PartiCUIar51. SUffer42. require52. VertiCaI43. ren ewable53. double44. esse nt
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