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1、 X O C- 0 1 15ppm艙底水報警裝置 (原油份濃度計)使用說明書九江共創(chuàng)機械設備有限公司服務熱線文說明書1 概述.22 技術參數(shù).23 結構簡介.24 使用方法.34.1 安裝 .34.1.1 箱體固定.34.1.2 管路連接.34.1.3 開、關箱門44.1.4 接線44.2 運行.55 維護與保養(yǎng).56 常見故障與排除方法.57 運輸與儲存.68 成套性及備件.69 注意事項.6 英文說明書71、概述XOC-01型15ppm艙底水報警裝置用于船舶艙底油污水的連續(xù)檢測,也可用于化工、石油、環(huán)保等領域用于含油污水的監(jiān)測。 本儀器經中國船級社型式認可,技術

2、性能符合MEPC.107 (49)決議(2003年7月18日通過)修訂的船舶機器處所艙底水防污染設備指南和技術條件中第2部分15 ppm艙底水報警裝置型式認可試驗和性能技術條件及第3部分防污染設備型式認可環(huán)境試驗技術條件規(guī)定。儀器設計結構緊湊、牢固,防護等為IP45,完全適合于船舶機艙等環(huán)境工作。XOC-01型15ppm艙底水報警裝置,具有測量結果顯示、15PPm報警值設定、污水達標排放控制和正比于測量值的模擬信號輸出等一系列功能。2、性能指標測量范圍: 030PPm(當測量值40ppm時,顯示值為80)測量精度: ±1 PPm報警工作點: 15PPm重 量: 約13.5Kg輸出模擬

3、信號: 420mA 或 05V DC電源: AC220V±10% 50Hz±5%使用工作環(huán)境:055正常工作,允許相對濕度在95100%中正常工作。3、結構簡介XOC-01型15ppm艙底水報警裝置的結構示圖見附圖一。儀器的主要部件為測量室中光電轉換器,在儀器面板上裝有數(shù)據(jù)顯示板,儀器箱體內部有數(shù)據(jù)處理電路板,電源和輸出部件以及輸出信號,包括電源開關、保險絲盒、電源濾波器、報警控制繼電器、輸出接線柱等。4、使用方法4.1 安裝4.1.1 箱體固定XOC-01型15ppm艙底水報警裝置的安裝尺寸見附圖二。XOC-01型15ppm艙底水報警裝置用四個M8螺栓將儀器垂直安裝固定在

4、安裝部位。儀器在安裝時應盡可能地靠近油水分離器的取樣點,從而避免因取水樣產生延時導致報警動作的延時,儀器的四周應有足夠的空間以便日常維護。4.1.2管路連接儀器與外部管路連接參見附圖三。管路安裝推薦采用8×1mm紫銅管,儀器箱體的右側(或左側)中部的管路接頭為取樣水進口接頭,出水接頭在箱體頂部的出口部件上,管路間的連接均采用標準卡套接頭。在儀器進水口的管路上,安裝一個“L”型手動球閥,用于無油清水和取樣水的轉換。樣水采集點應考慮選擇在分離器排放管的垂直部件上,以減少樣液中所夾帶的空氣,使儀器的玻璃管內充滿自下而上流動的樣液。4.1.3 開、關箱門 儀器在運行時,請把儀器的箱門關好并鎖

5、死。如因接線、開或關儀器等必須打開箱門時,請按以下步驟進行操作:(1) 把隨機配帶的鑰匙正確地插入鎖孔中。(2) 左手用力按住箱門靠近鎖孔的邊緣不放,使箱門有一個稍微向下的位移,同時用右手逆時針轉動鑰匙90度。(3) 用手將箱門打開。關箱門的操作步驟如下:(1)把隨機配帶的鑰匙正確地插入鎖孔中。(2)合上箱門,左手用力按住箱門靠近鎖孔的邊緣不放,使箱門有一個稍微向下的位移,同時用右手順時針轉動鑰匙90度。(3)拔出鑰匙并妥善保管好,以備下次開箱時使用4.1.4 接線打開儀器箱門,可以看到在箱體底部有一接線端子排,共10個接線端子。電源、報警器以及控制電磁閥的電纜從儀器底部三個20mm的填料函中

6、穿過與接線端子相連接。典型端子排接線圖見附圖四。其中,1號和2號接線端子為儀器外接電源,用來給儀器提供工作電源;3號和4號接線端子為輔助電源,可以用來給被控的報警器以及電磁閥提供工作電源;5、6、7號接線端子對應報警繼電器1的輔助觸點,6號端子為公共點,8、9、10號接線端子對應報警繼電器2的輔助觸點,9號端子為公共點,1號繼電器通常用于報警, 2號繼電器通常用于控制外部電磁閥。在儀器斷電或報警情況下,5號和6號端子觸點斷開,6號和7號端子觸點接通, 8號和9號端子觸點為斷開,9號和10號端子觸點接通;在儀器接通電源且運行在不報警狀態(tài)時,5號和6號端子觸點接通,6號和7號端子觸點斷開, 8號和

7、9號端子觸點接通,9號和10號端子觸點斷開。 4.2 運行儀器在運行前,必須對儀器進行下列檢查:4.2.1 電氣部分:1)接地端子是否可靠。2)供電電源電壓是否與本儀器規(guī)定輸入電壓一致。4.2.2管路部分:檢查所有管路是否有滲漏現(xiàn)象。4.2.3功能性檢查:1)將電源開關撥向“ON”位,觀察三位數(shù)碼管是否有數(shù)值顯示2)向儀器通入無油清水,觀察三位LED顯示是否為零。如因溫度和濕度劇烈變化,三位LED顯示不為零,則調整主板上電位器VR3,待為零后進行下一步工作。3)觀察儀器的出水流量,應在1L/min左右,如低于0.8L/min,則需進行流量調節(jié)。調節(jié)方法參見附圖3的說明。4)當水樣含油濃度超過1

8、5PPm,1號報警指示燈在2秒內點亮,同時1號繼電器動作。如果濃度在6秒內還未降到15ppm以下時,2號報警指示燈點亮,同時2號繼電器動作。5、維護與保養(yǎng)5.1 測量室玻璃管的維護與保養(yǎng)如果儀器的測量室玻璃管污染嚴重,會導致儀器的性能下降。所以儀器在使用1000小時后,須檢查測量室玻璃管是否被污染,并進行維護保養(yǎng)一次,具體方法為:(1)關閉儀器電源,讓清水通過儀器3分鐘,然后切斷進入儀器的水源,并使玻璃管內保持一部分清水。(2)擰下出水螺塞(逆時針為松),用干凈的軟毛刷反復洗刷玻璃管,直至玻璃管干凈為止。(3)擰上出水螺塞(順時針為緊),接通儀器電源,讓無油清水通過儀器,持續(xù)運行3分鐘即可。5

9、.2 當環(huán)境溫度在0以下時,取樣玻璃管內的殘水應排放干凈,以避免玻璃管破裂。5.3在關機前用清水清洗管路3分鐘,再將電源開關斷開,每次關機后至少停10秒后再開機,以保證儀器正常運行。6、常見故障及排除方法故障內容 故障原因 排除方法開機后無顯示電源是否接通保險絲FU1、FU2斷開接通電源更換FU1、FU2指示值一直偏高。測量玻璃管不清潔光電轉換器損壞。電路板損壞。把玻璃管清洗干凈檢修光電轉換器。檢修電路板。指示值一直偏底。光電轉換器老化。測量室玻璃管漏水。更換光電轉換器。更換玻璃管。指示超過報警值仍不報警。外接線不正確。保險絲FU3斷開。報警繼電器1損壞按附圖4正確接線。更換FU3。更換報警繼

10、電器1儀器一直報警儀器箱門未關好測量玻璃管不清潔關好儀器箱門把玻璃管清洗干凈電磁閥失控外接線不正確。保險絲FU3斷開。報警繼電器2損壞按附圖4正確接線。更換FU3。更換報警繼電器2未經專門培訓的非專職人員,不得擅自檢修儀器,以免造成故障的擴大和意外的損壞。7、運輸與儲存7.1儀器在包裝運輸前應將管路及測量室中的水排干,在包裝完整條件下允許用一般交通工具運輸,但須防止沖擊、雨淋、日曬。7.2儀器應存放在環(huán)境溫度為255;相對濕度不大于95%,空氣中不含有腐蝕氣體的室內。8、成套性及備件8.1成套性:8.1.1XOC-01型15ppm艙底水報警裝置 1臺8.1.28接頭 2只8.1.3保險絲 2A

11、 3只8.1.4使用說明書 1份8.1.5產品合格證 1份8.1.6毛刷 1只 9、注意事項9.1在使用本產品前請仔細閱讀本說明書。9.2在使用本產品前請仔細核對供電電源。9.3本公司對本儀器于購入之日起一年內因制造原因產生的故障實行三包,。由于用戶的人為原因造成的誤操作、任意改造、修理等出現(xiàn)的故障以及用戶不恰當?shù)木S護引起的故障和不可抗力的原因引起的損壞,本公司需收取維修成本費用。9.4儀器在出廠之前已經進行了嚴格的檢查和試驗,只有本公司員工或經本公司培訓獲得授權的人員才能對儀器進行校正,終端用戶不得對本儀器進行校正,如果需要對儀器進行校正,請與本公司聯(lián)系。九江共創(chuàng)機械設備有限公司地址:江西省

12、九江市生態(tài)工業(yè)園順發(fā)路2號郵編:332000電話8326958真ODEL 15ppm XOC-01 BILGE ALARM OPERATION MANUALJIUJIANG GONGCHUANG MACHINERY EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD1 Summary.92 Performance parameters.93 Structure.94 Using method104.1 Installation.104.1.1 Chamber mounting.104.1.2 Pipe connection.10

13、4.1.3 Open and close the chamber door.114.1.4 Wiring.114.2 Operation.125 Maintenance.126 Trouble shooting137 Transportation and storage.138 Complete sets and spare parts149 Attentions141. SummaryModel XCO-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument is not only used for the continuous detection of oil and

14、sewage in the bilge of ship, but also used for the monitoring of oily waste water in the fields of chemical industry, petroleum and environmental protection etc. Model XCO-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument has acquired the approval of CCS,and its technical performance conforms to the third part

15、“ Authorization of Technical Conditions of Environmental test of Anti-pollution Equipments”, the second section “ Authorized Test and Performance Technical Conditions of 15 ppm Warning Device for Bilge Water”, MEPC.107 (49) Resolution - “Revised Guide and Technical Conditions of Anti-pollution Equip

16、ments for Bilge Water in Ship Craft” which was passed on the 18th, July of 2003. This instrument has the advantages of compacting and firm design structure, IP45 guard rank, so it can completely adapts to the working environment in cabin.Model XCO-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument has a lot of f

17、unctions, such as, to display measurement result, set 15ppm warning value, output analog signal of sewage standard discharge control total amount to measurement value.2. Performance parameters Measurement range: 0-30ppm(When the measured sample water concentration is over 40ppm, digital pipe begins

18、to show 80ppm).Measurement precision: ±1 ppmAlarm point: 15ppm Weight: about 13.5Kg Output analog signal: 420mA or 05VDCPower supply: AC220±10% 50Hz±5%Operational environment: 055, relative humidity 95100%, normal3. StructureInside detailed structure of this instrument, see Figure . M

19、ain component of this instrument is electrical-optical converter. on the panel of instrument is set data display panel. Inside of the instrument chamber,have a set data-processing circuit board. on the bottom are power supply, output unit, including power switch, fuse box, mains filter, alarm contro

20、l relay, output terminals etc.4、Using method4.1 Installation4.1.1 Chamber mountingInstallation dimension of model XOC-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument, see Figure. This instrument is fixed on installation site perpendicularly with four M8 bolts, near sampling point of oil-water separator as pos

21、sible, in order to avoid of alarm delay caused by collecting water sample. Around the instrument, there should be enough space for convenient maintenance.4.1.2 Pipe connectionThe instrument connected with outside, see Figure . It is commanded that pipe connection adopts 8×1mm red copper pipe. P

22、ipe joint in right middle of chamber is sample water intake joint, and outlet joint is on the outlet part of chamber top. Pipe connections all adopt standard cutting sleeve joints. On the intake pipe of oil water separator, two manual valves are fit, for conversion between clean water and sample wat

23、er. It had better to choose water sample collecting point on the perpendicular unit of discharge pipe of oil water separator, in order to reduce entrapped air in sample liquid. Make the sample glass tube of this instrument to be full of sample liquid that flows upwards. Avoid of collecting water sam

24、ple from the top or bottom of horizontal segment of discharge pipe of oil water separator.4.1.3 Open and close the chamber door When the instrument is running, please close and lock the chamber door. If you have to open the chamber door because of wiring, starting-up or shutting-down this instrument

25、, please do it according to the following processes:(1)Plug the key which is supplied with the instrument into locking hole correctly.(2)Press on the chamber door edge near locking hole with left hand, in order to make chamber door to move downwards a little, and while turn the key 90 degree withers

26、hins with right hand.(3)Open the chamber door.Close the chamber door according to the following processes:(1)Plug the key which is supplied with the instrument into locking hole correctly.(2)Close the chamber door, and press on the chamber door edge near locking hole with left hand, in order to make

27、 chamber door to move downwards a little, and while turn the key 90 degree clockwise with right hand.(3)Draw out the key and keep it well.4.1.4 WiringOpen the chamber door, and you can see 10 wiring terminals, power, alarm instrument and control electromagnetic valve cable that is connected with wir

28、ing terminals through three 20mm stuffing box at the bottom of the instrument. Typical terminal wirings, see figure .No1/2 wiring terminals are external power supply of the instrument; No3/4 wiring terminals are assistant power supply that supply work power to the controlled alarm instrument and ele

29、ctromagnetic valve; No 5/6/7 wiring terminals are corresponding to assistant contact point of alarm relay 1, and No 6 wiring terminal is common point; No 8/9/10 wiring terminals are corresponding to assistant contact point of alarm relay 2, and No 9 wiring terminal is common point. No 1 relay is use

30、d to alarm, and No 2 relay is used to control external electromagnetic valve. In the conditions of electrical outage or alarming, contact between No5 and No 6 terminal breaks, contact between No 6 and No 7 terminal is connected, contact between No 8 and No 9 terminal breaks, contact between No 9 and

31、 No 10 terminal is connected. In the condition that power is connected and the instrument runs normally, contact between No5 and No 6 terminal is connected, contact between No 6 and No 7 terminal breaks, contact between No 8 and No 9 terminal is connected, contact between No 9 and No 10 terminal bre

32、aks. 4.2 Operation Before operation, please check the following parts:4.2.1 Electric part:1) Earth terminal is reliable or not.2) Power voltage is corresponding to the rated voltage of the instrument. 4.2.2 Pipeline:Check all the pipelines, leaky or not.4.2.3 Functional inspection1) Switch power to

33、“ON”, and observe zero indication lamp lightening.2) Fill clean water to the instrument for 5 minutes, and 3-bit LED shows zero. If 3-bit LED does not show zero because of large variation of temperature and humidity, fill clean water, adjust potentiometer VR3 on the main board, and do next step work

34、 after LED shows zero.3) Observe whether flow of this instrument is within the range of 0.52L/min. If flow is less than 0.5L/min, make a flow adjustment mode, see Figure .4) When oily water sample flows through the instrument, if oily concentration in water sample is over 15ppm, indication lamp of N

35、o 1 alarm system will lighten, and then NO 1 relay will start to work within 2 seconds. If oily concentration can not reach requirement within 6 seconds, indication lamp of No 2 alarm system will lighten, and then NO 2 relay will start to work 5、Maintenance5.1 Maintenance of glass tube in measuremen

36、t lab Check out whether the glass tube in the measurement lab is polluted or not after the instrument being used for 1000 hours. Meanwhile the maintenance work is required and the maintenance method is as follows:(1)Switch off power of instrument, let clean water to flow through the instrument for 3

37、 minutes, cut off water supply that flows into the instrument and keep some water in the glass tube. (2)After loosening the plug screw and removing it, wash the glass tube with a cleaning brush until glass tube becomes clean.(3)Tighten the plug screw and switch on power supply. Let oil-free clean wa

38、ter to flow through the instrument for 3 minutes. 5.2 Water left in glass tube should vent to avoid glass tube broken when environmental temperature is below 0.5.3 Wash the pipe for 3 minutes with clean water before turning off the instrument, and cut off power supply.Every time turning off the inst

39、rument, at least in 10 seconds, start-up it again.6、TroubleshootingTroubles Causes SolutionsNo display after start-upPower is not connected.Fuse FU1/FU2 is cut.To change powerTo change FU1/FU2The indication value is too highNot cleaned glass tube Damage of the optical-electrical converterDamage of t

40、he circuit board To clean measurement glass tubeTo inspect and repair the optical-electrical converterTo inspect and repair the circuit boardThe indication value is too lowAging optical-electrical converterLeaked glass tubeTo change optical-electrical converterTo change glass tubeNo alarming even if

41、 indication value is over warning valueNot correct external wiringFuse FU3 is cut.Damage of alarming relay 1Correct wiring according to Figure 4 To change fuse FU3To change alarming relay 1Instrument lasts alarmingChamber door is not closedNot cleaned glass tube To close chamber doorTo clean glass t

42、ubeOut-control of electro-magnetic valveNot correct external wiringFuse FU3 is cut.Damage of alarming relay 2Correct wiring according to Figure 4 To change fuse FU3To change alarming relay 1Non-professional personnel who have not trained can not repair the instrument, in order to prevent from accidents and unexpected damage.7、Transportation and storage7.1 Before packaging and transportation, make sure to drain the pipeline and the measu


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