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1、introductioncompound word is a word which is composed of two or more words and considered as an independent word unit. there are compound nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns and so on. here compound nouns, which take up the most proportion in the compound words, are the focus in this thesis.

2、 although both english and chinese remain a large number of compound nouns, there are still differences for their different languages and culture.there were few foreign linguists who studied the word formation of compound words from the contrast of morphology or the classification of structure and s

3、emantic. and then, chinese linguists studied english and chinese compound nouns from word orders, semantic or morphology. they explored their different structural patterns and revealed their composite motivations. although those studies are very helpful for our knowing compound words, there is still

4、 not a dictionary or work which has entirely explained compound nouns. so exploring the contrast between english and chinese compound noun should be continued all the time, for constantly social development. here my thesis has stated about the internal structures and semantic relations between engli

5、sh and chinese compound nouns, which can help to understand, memorize and correctly use words.the thesis consists of three chapters. the first chapter is about literature review, in which there are definition and classification about english and chinese compound nouns, , and pre-studies on it. and t

6、hen the second chapter is about a contrast of the internal structures between chinese and english compound nouns. it includes introduction to the internal construction of english and chinese compound nouns and their contrast in the internal structures. furthermore, the third chapter is about a contr

7、ast of the semantic relations between english and chinese, including introduction to the semantic relations and the contrast which is stated from endocentric and exocentric compound nouns between english and chinese. finally, it comes to a conclusion.i. literature reviewcompound nouns take up a larg

8、e proportion in both english and chinese, and also have various kinds, so the position of compound nouns can not be ignored. naturally, there are a school of linguists from home and abroad who have studied on them and achieved a lot of helpful fruits.1.1 definition and classification about chinese a

9、nd english compoundnounsmost linguists define english compound word as “a compound is a word which and various kinds in compound words, lu guoqiang holds that it is composed of two or more words (1983) . and according to lorigman dictionary of contemporary english. english compound noun can is a nou

10、n which is made of two or more words (2005:371). at the same time chinese compound noun, in the contemporary chinese dictionary, is defined that "compound noun is the combination of two or more than two roots'9. and according to the definition of chinese compound words, chinese compound nou

11、ns can be defined that a word is composed of two or more than two roots and has the property of noun. so we can sum up the definition of english and chinese compound word. there are two kinds of meanings: firstly, it is composed of two components of word formation; secondly, its components can be wo

12、rds or roots- as one kind of compound words, the definition of compound nouns can be got according to that of compound words, it is that english and chinese compound nouns are made of two or more words or roots, and have the property of nouns.as i have mentioned, compound nouns have various kinds. i

13、n compliance of structural relations among its composite components, "english compound nouns can be divided into five categories: subject-predicate verb-object> attribute and head, adverbial and head> and coordinate structure'll- 2008: 11). while chinese compound nouns can be divided

14、six kinds, such as subject-predicate, verb-object, attribute and head, adverbial and head, coordinate and additional structure. on the basis of the structure, forms of its composite components, english compound nouns can be divided into “n.+nadj.+rl、n.+adj.> adv.+n.、 v.+n: and so on. while chines

15、e compound nouns can be divided into “n.+v.+n.、v.+n.+n.、 n.+v.、v.+n.,n.+n.、v.+adv: and so on. in a word, both chinese and english compound nouns have six major categories, such as subject-predicate (n.+v.), verb-object (v.+n. or n.+v.), restrict (v.+n.), subject-complement (adj.+n.), coordinate (n.+

16、n.) and verb-adverbial (v.+adv. or adv.+v.) relation.1.2 a review of studies on english and chinese compound nounscompound nouns have been playing an important role in english and naturally been studied by some linguists. in 1905, jesperson(1905) explored the relations between compound nouns from th

17、e perspective of semantics and divided it from place, purpose, time, instrument and inclusion. later lees divided compound nouns into subject-verb, verb-predicate, instrument case, combination, parity case and so on. american linguist first put forward endocentric construction and exocentric constru

18、ction which are important concepts in structuralism and have at first been applied to analyze the grammatical features of syntactical structure. in china, lu guoqiang(1981) explored compound nouns from the perspective of morphology, syntactic and semantic. later chen xiaoju and wang wenbin(1995) exp

19、lored english compound nouns and adjectives, in order to enable the readers to have insight into the internal grammatical relations of compound words through their external structure and better grasp compound words.nowadays, the studies especially on compound words are few, and those on the contrast

20、 of english and chinese compound nouns are fewer. in 1999, li song made a contrast between english and chinese compound nouns, noun phrases from the word order and semantic. later qin zhifeng and zhao qitao explored different structural patterns of english and chinese compound nouns, made a comparis

21、on between them, and revealed the motivations of their lexical meaning.according to above studies, we can know that probing into the contrast between english and chinese compound nouns is still needed to continue. although the thesis doesn't explore compound nouns entirely and deeply in theories

22、, it makes a brief and clear statement about the internal structure and the semantic relations of english and chinese compound nouns.ii. a comparative analysis of internal structures betweenchinese and english compound nounsalthough in both english and chinese, there are compound nouns, they have di

23、fferences for culture and language habits. this chapter lays emphasis on the similarities and differences in internal structures between english and chinese compound nouns. in the structures, english and chinese compound nouns not only have a corresponding part but also reflect different features. f

24、urthermore, the contrast of internal structures involves the word orders. in this way, the readers can understand its internal structures between english and chinese compound nouns bette匚2.1 internal structures of english and chinese compound nounsthis thesis introduces the internal structures throu

25、gh the statement of the relations among the composite components and the analysis of the pattern of every internal composite components, such as "n.+vl.a. one component is stated by another and the relation between those two components is like that of subject and verb in a sentence.n.+v: sunris

26、ethe sun rises.g.+n.: flyingfishthe fish can fly.v.+n.: rattlesnake一the snake rattles.b. one component dominates anotherv.+il: pickpocket一a pick s pocket.g.+n: chewing gum一a chews the gum.il+v: bloodtest一a tests blood.n+g: sightseeing一a sees the sightc. one component polishes another or restricts an

27、other.n.+n.: nightschool一school where lessons are given in the nigh匸adj.+n.: whiteflowerthe flower is white.d. the relation between two components is like that between adverbial and head in asentence.n.+n.: fieldwork一a works in the fieldn.+g.: handwriting一a writes by hande> the two components are

28、 equal.n.+n.: painter-teacher一painter and teache匚 v.+v.: looksee一look and see.as for the internal structure in chinese compound nouns, it can be dealt on the basis of the type of phrase.f. the latter root is stated by the former one.n.+v.:地震,鬢邊,海嘯n.+adj.:蛋白g. the latter root is dominated by the form

29、er one.v.+n.:管家,理發(fā)h. the latter root is polishes and restricted by the former one.n.+n.:皮包,網(wǎng)球adj.+n.: 口菜,黑板 class.+n.:四季i the relation between the two roots is like that between adverbial and head in a sentence.n.+v.: 口試,筆試adj.+v.:小說(shuō),小吃。v.+n.:跑車j.the two roots are equaln.+n.:花草,人民v.+v.:開(kāi)關(guān),領(lǐng)導(dǎo)k.the la

30、tter root is a complementary statement of the former one.n.+n.:火花,瀑布n.+class.:車輛,人口2.2 similarities in internal structures between english and chinesecompound nounsin both english and chinese compound nouns, there are nine coomon structures: n.+n.、v.+n.、adj.+n.、num.+ih、n.+v.、n.+adj.、v.+v.、adj.+v.、ad

31、j.+adj. among them, "n.+n. is the most universal structure and then “n.+n.” and “adj.+rt posses the strongest composite ability in both english and chinese compound nouns. because in english and chinese , there are a lot of nounsadjectives and numerals which act very lively in language composit

32、e. furthermore, english and chinese "n.+vl possess stronger composite ability, these two components are that one states anothe匚 as for "n.+n? “v.+vl and "adj.+adj", they form a kind of coordination, that,s, the two components are parallel. in fact, the similarities of english and

33、 chinese compound nouns in the internal structures are mainly showed in coordinate compound nouns, such as boyfriend cowboy > moonlight; 路線、筆墨、眉目。 in chinese, they are called "combination, meanwhile, in both form and meaning, they are equal.in the word orders, most english and chinese compou

34、nd nouns are produced in a natural front and back order, such as blackboardhoneymoon> lazybones and so on.2.3 differences in internal structures between english and chinesecompound nounsfrom the internal structures, there exist many differences between english and chinese compound nouns,. because

35、 the structures of english compound nouns are richer than that of chinese compound nouns.in english, there is "g.+iit structure, such as dancing girl, but not in chinese. because in chinese verb, there is not any root which can express such a grammatical relation as gerund. but “n.+adj: structu

36、re is unique in chinese compound nouns, because chinese adjective can directly act as predicate. furthermore, “n.+g.'; “g.+n.”,and “n.+v.+er", which are major structures in this kind of compound nouns, are also unique in english. because in english compound nouns, the verbs can mostly be ch

37、anged into gerund,. but chinese cant at the same time, in english, there is "pp.+nl structure, because english verb can be added to -ed and possess adjective property, such as televised interview. but chinese verb can not do like that, naturally, it do not have "pp.+nt structure. and then,

38、 in english, there is no such a form “num.+n:, because english do not have classifier, while chinese have classifies. in english, the composite ability of "g.+n: is the strongest, next is "n.+g: and "n.+v.+ef'. but in chinese, the composite ability of “n.+vt is stronge匚 and then i

39、n chinese “adv.+v: and “adv.+adjl, adverb as adverbial polishes the following verb or adjective, but those structures can not be found in english compound nouns. in english, the composite ability of “n.+nt structure is the strongest, but that of "v.+vt and “adj.+adj: structure is limited, mainl

40、y because the componentsverb or adjective nature is composed of those with verbs7 nature and shows substantive things. while chinese composite ability of “n.+n: "v.+vt and "adj.+adj:is fairly stronge匚 in fact, compound nouns produced by "adj.+adj: are also few. meanwhile, in chinese t

41、here is "class.+class: structure, while in english there is not, because in english there is not a corresponding classifier, that is to say, classifier only exist in chinese, what's more, in english, there are a few of kinds of special compound nouns, such as derived compound noun is to add

42、 affix, such as "一ect andto a compound, and produceanother word, for example lightheadednessairsickness and so on. as for "v.+adv: structure, it is very productive in english, such as blow-offbreak-away >burnt-out and call-down. those structures are big differences between english and c

43、hinese compound nouns. following, another great difference is “n.+n.” and un.+class.m which show complementary relation. this situation can only be found in chinese.from above analysis on the contrast of structures, those differences are mainly that because in english, there are mostly noun and verb

44、 morphemes, and then adjective and adverbial morphemes, which are colorful in structures by changing the verbis form, while in chinese noun> verb and adjective morphemes are employed to produce words.then from the word order of the internal structures, there are also differences. in english, ther

45、e are normal order and reverse order, but in chinese there is only normal orde匸 this feature reflects the different characteristics of english and chinese creating compound nouns in using structural relations, that's,english make its structures colorful by changing the verbis forms and word orde

46、r, but chinese form word by using noun> verb> adjective and classifier morphemes- for example, there are “v.+n: and “n.+v:、“g.+n: and “n.+gl、“adj.+n: and “n.+adj:. while in chinese there is only "n.+adjl, but not "adj.+nt.there are reasons why above situation could happen, according

47、to baker, although many reverse orders have been developed into modern order, the order of compound do not have been changed, so in english compound, there are still normal and reverse orders. while in chinese, after experiencing many changes, compound has also been changed into only one order: norm

48、al orde匸 and then, english compound words depart from ordinary syntactical structure in semantic, its composition is not restricted by english word orders > phrases and sentences are identical in composition.iii. a comparative analysis of semantic relationsbetween english and chinese compound nou

49、nsenglish and chinese compound nouns have differences and similarities not only in internal structures, but also in the semantic relations. this chapter mainly stars the contrast of semantic relations between english and chinese compound nouns from endocentric and exocentric< the endocentric comp

50、ound nouns have similarities and differences in the form of structure and semantic relations, but the exocentric in the form of structure and techniques of word formation.3.1 semantic relations between english and chinese compound nounsin compound type, wolfang u dresser divided compound nouns into

51、endocentric and exocentric type.firstly, english endocentric is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, that's a word or a group of words which serves as a definable center or head. usually noun phrases and adjective phrases belong to endocen

52、tric type. furthermore, according to linguistics a course book, english compound noun can be divided into subordination and coordination. subordination is defined that two components have different syntactical status, one being dependent upon the othe匚 the common structures are as follows:n.+n.: off

53、ice managerthe manager of an officeadj.+n: madman一a man who is madg.+n.: chewing guma gum for chewv.+n.: pitch forka fork with which one pitches haypp.+n.: finished products一the products which are finishedadv.+n.: overcoat一a coat worn in cold weatherpron.+n.: she-wolfa wolf is shen.+adj: secretary-g

54、eneral一the secretary who is general.coordination refers to two components being as heads and having equivalent syntactic status, for example, n.+n.: historian-politician一historian and politiciansecondly, english exocentric is just the opposite of endocentric construction. it refers that none of two

55、components is functionally equivalent to the group as the whole. here we can divide subordination into back and front endocentric again. the following format is the semantic relations of the back endocentric. a and b are the two components of the compoundnoun.english semantic relationsexamplesa expl

56、ains b,s typeflower gardena explains b,s usagereception rooma explain b's timemorning papera explains the place where b uses or b is fromairport busa explains the material which b usessilverwareb is forced by ahand-pumpa is made by bhoneybeeb is produced by agaslighta possesses bpiano keysb is a

57、's or b is a5s statedarkroomb is made of abread crumba explains what b involvesadult educationb is similar to a or is a part of abell jarin chinese, yan hongyu(2007) in her master9 thesis also divided compound nouns into endocentric and exocentric type in semantics.firstly, chinese endocentric i

58、s that compound noun9 one or two components act as the head in the compound noun. the syntactic function of this head stands for that of the whole compound noun, and its central semantic centers on the head9 semantic. then endocentric compound noun can be divided into two types: coordination and sub

59、ordination according to semantic relations. subordinate refers to the process or result of linking linguistic units, so that they have different syntactic status, one being dependent upon the other, and usually aconstituent of the other. then we can divide subordination into back and front endocentric again. the following format is the semantic relations of the back endocentric. a and b are the two components of the compound noun.english semantic relationsexamplesa explains b's type花園a explains b's usage跑鞋a expla


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