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1、精品文檔名人演講:國(guó)會(huì)大廈告別演講道格拉斯·麥克阿瑟(douglas macarthur),美國(guó)陸軍五星上將。 出生于阿肯色州小石城的軍人世家。1899年中學(xué)畢業(yè)后考入西點(diǎn)軍校,1903年以名列第一的優(yōu)異成績(jī)畢業(yè),到工程兵部隊(duì)任職,并赴菲律賓執(zhí)勤。麥克阿瑟有過50 年的軍事實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn),被美國(guó)國(guó)民稱之為“一代老兵”,而其自身的又曾是“美國(guó)最年輕的準(zhǔn)將、西點(diǎn)軍校最年輕的校長(zhǎng)、美國(guó)陸軍歷史上最年輕的陸軍參謀長(zhǎng)”,憑借精妙的軍事謀略和敢戰(zhàn)敢勝的膽略,麥克阿瑟堪稱美國(guó)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)史上的奇才。提起這句話:“老兵永遠(yuǎn)不死,只會(huì)慢慢凋零”( oldsoldiers never die, they just f

2、ade away),就不由得想起那個(gè)叼著玉米棒子煙斗的麥克阿瑟,和他在1951年4 月19 日被解職后在國(guó)會(huì)大廈發(fā)表的題為老兵不死 著名演講。我即將結(jié)束五十二年的軍旅生涯。我從軍是在本世紀(jì)開始之前,而這是我童年的希望與夢(mèng)想的實(shí)現(xiàn)。自從我在西點(diǎn)軍校的教練場(chǎng)上宣誓以來,這個(gè)世界已經(jīng)過多次變化,而我的希望與夢(mèng)想早已消逝,但我仍記著當(dāng)時(shí)最流行的一首軍歌詞,極為自豪地宣示“老兵永遠(yuǎn)不死,只會(huì)慢慢凋零”。i am closing my 52 years of military service. wheni joined the army, even before the turn of the centu

3、ry, it was the fulfillment of all of my boyish hopes and2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)1/20精品文檔dreams. the world has turned over many times since itook the oath on the plainat west point,and the hopesanddreamshavelongsincevanished,butistillremember the refrainof one of the most popularbarrackballad

4、sof thatday which proclaimedmost proudlythat“ old soldiers never die; they just fade away.”就像這首歌中的老兵,一位想盡一已之責(zé)的老兵,而上帝也賜予光輝使他能看清這一項(xiàng)責(zé)任,而我現(xiàn)在結(jié)束了軍旅生涯,而逐漸凋謝。andlikethe old soldierof thatballad,inow closemy military career and just fade away, an old soldierwho tried to do his duty as god gave him the light

5、tosee that duty.演講全文: macarthur: farewell address to congressmr.president,mr.speaker,anddistinguishedmembers of the congress:istand on thisrostrumwitha sense of deep humilityand greatpride-humilityin the weightof those greatamerican architectsof our historywho have stoodherebefore me; pride in the r

6、eflection that this home oflegislativedebaterepresentshuman libertyinthepurest form yet devised. here are centered the hopes2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)2/20精品文檔and aspirations and faith of the entire human race. ido not stand here as advocate for any partisan cause,for the issues are fundamental

7、 and reach quite beyondtherealmofpartisanconsideration.theymustberesolved on the highest plane of national interest ifourcourseistoprovesound and our futureprotected.i trust,therefore,that youwilldo me thejustice ofreceivingthatwhichihave tosay as solelyexpressingthe considered viewpoint of a fellow

8、 american.i address you with neither rancor nor bitterness inthe fading twilight of life, with but one purpose inmind: to serve my country. the issues are global andso interlocked that to consider the problems of onesector,oblivioustothoseofanother,isbutto courtdisasterfor thewhole.whileasia is comm

9、only referredto as the gateway to europe, it is no less true thateuropeisthegatewaytoasia,and thebroadinfluenceof theone cannotfailtohave itsimpactupon the other.there are those who claim our strength is inadequateto protect on both fronts, that we cannot divide oureffort.icanthinkofnogreaterexpress

10、ionofdefeatism.ifa potentialenemy can dividehisstrength2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)3/20精品文檔on two fronts, it is for us to counter his effort. thecommunistthreatisaglobalone.itssuccessfuladvance in one sector threatens the destruction ofevery other sector. you can not appease or otherwisesurrende

11、rtocommunism inasia without simultaneouslyunderminingoureffortstohaltits advanceineurope.beyond pointing out these general truisms, i shallconfine my discussion to the general areas of asia.before one may objectively assess the situation nowexistingthere,he must comprehend somethingofasia spast and

12、the revolutionary changes which have markedher course up to the present. long exploited by theso-calledcolonial powers,withlittle opportunitytoachieveanydegreeofsocialjustice,individualdignity, or a higher standard of life such as guidedour own noble administration in the philippines, thepeoplesofas

13、ia foundtheiropportunityin thewar justpast to throw off the shackles of colonialism and nowsee the dawn of new opportunity, a heretofore unfeltdignity, and the self-respect of political freedom.mustering half of the earth s population, and 60percent of its natural resources these peoples are2016 全新精

14、品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)4/20精品文檔rapidlyconsolidatinga new force,bothmoralandmaterial, with which to raise the living standard anderect adaptations of the design of modern progress totheir owndistinctculturalenvironments.whetheroneadheres to the concept of colonizationornot,thisisthedirectionofasianp

15、rogressanditmaynotbestopped. it is a corollary to the shift of the worldeconomic frontiers as the whole epicenter of worldaffairsrotatesback towardthe areawhence itstarted.in this situation, it becomes vital that our owncountry orient its policies in consonance with thisbasicevolutionaryconditionrat

16、herthanpursueacourse blind to the reality that the colonial era isnow pastand the asian peoplescovettherightto shapetheirown freedestiny.whattheyseeknow isfriendlyguidance,understanding,and support -notimperiousdirection-thedignityofequalityand notthe shameofsubjugation.theirpre-warstandardoflife,pi

17、tifullylow,isinfinitelylowernowinthedevastationleftinwar s wake. world ideologiesplaylittlepartinasianthinkingand arelittleunderstood.what the peoples strive for is the opportunity for a2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)5/20精品文檔little more food in their stomachs, a little betterclothingon their backs,

18、a littlefirmerroofover theirheads, and the realization of the normal nationalisturgeforpoliticalfreedom. these political-socialconditions have but an indirect bearing upon our ownnationalsecurity,butdoformabackdroptocontemporaryplanningwhichmustbethoughtfullyconsideredifwe are to avoidthepitfallsofu

19、nrealism.ofmoredirectandimmediatelybearinguponournationalsecurityarethechangeswroughtinthestrategicpotentialofthepacificoceaninthecourseof the past war. prior thereto the western strategicfrontier of the united states lay on the literal lineoftheamericas,withanexposedislandsalientextending out throu

20、gh hawaii, midway, and guam to thephilippines. that salient proved not an outpost ofstrengthbut an avenue of weakness along which the enemycould and did attack.the pacific was a potential area of advance for anypredatory force intent upon striking at the borderinglandareas.allthiswas changed by ourp

21、acificvictory.our strategic frontier then shifted to embrace the2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)6/20精品文檔entirepacificocean,whichbecame avastmoat toprotect us as long as we held it. indeed, it acts asa protectiveshield foralloftheamericasand allfreelands of the pacific ocean area. we control it to th

22、eshores of asia by a chain of islands extending in anarcfromthe aleutianstothemariannasheldby us andourfreeallies.fromthisislandchain we can dominatewithseaandairpowereveryasiaticportfromvladivostoktosingapore-with sea and airpower everyport, as i said, from vladivostok to singapore - andprevent any

23、 hostile movement into the pacific.anypredatoryattackfromasiamust be an amphibiouseffort.*no amphibiousforcecan be successfulwithoutcontrol of the sea lanes and the air over those lanesinitsavenue of advance.withnavaland air supremacyand modest ground elements to defend bases, any majorattack from c

24、ontinental asia toward us or our friendsin the pacific would be doomed to failure.undersuchconditions,thepacificno longerrepresentsmenacingavenuesofapproachforaprospectiveinvader.itassumes,instead,thefriendlyaspect of a peaceful lake. our line of defense is a2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)7/20精品文檔n

25、atural one and can be maintained with a minimum ofmilitary effort and expense. it envisions no attackagainstanyone,nordoesitprovidethebastionsessentialforoffensiveoperations,butproperlymaintained,wouldbeaninvincibledefenseagainstaggression. the holding of this literal defense lineinthewesternpacific

26、isentirelydependentuponholding all segments thereof; for any major breach ofthatlinebyanunfriendlypowerwould rendervulnerabletodeterminedattackeveryothermajorsegment.this is a military estimate as to which i have yettofinda militaryleaderwho willtake exception.forthat reason, i have strongly recomme

27、nded in the past,asamatter ofmilitaryurgency,thatunder nocircumstancesmustformosafallundercommunistcontrol.such an eventualitywouldatonce threatenthefreedom of the philippines and the loss of japan andmight wellforceour westernfrontierback tothecoastof california, oregon and washington.to understand

28、 the changes which now appear upon thechinese mainland, one must understand the changes in2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)8/20精品文檔chinese character and culture over the past 50 years.china,upto50yearsago,wascompletelynon-homogenous,beingcompartmentedintogroupsdividedagainsteach other.thewar-makingte

29、ndencywasalmostnon-existent,as theystillfollowedthetenetsof theconfucianideal ofpacifistculture.attheturnof the century, under the regime of chang tso lin,effortstowardgreaterhomogeneityproduced thestartofanationalisturge.thiswasfurtherandmoresuccessfullydevelopedunder theleadership ofchiangkai-shek

30、,buthas been broughttoitsgreatestfruitionunder the present regime to the point that it has nowtakenonthecharacterofaunitednationalismofincreasingly dominant, aggressive tendencies.through these past 50 years the chinese people havethusbecome militarizedin theirconceptsand intheirideals. they now con

31、stitute excellent soldiers, withcompetent staffs and commanders. this has produced anew and dominant power in asia, which, for its ownpurposes,isalliedwithsovietrussiabutwhichinitsownconceptsand methods has become aggressivelyimperialistic,with a lustforexpansionand increased2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程

32、指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)9/20精品文檔power normal to this type of imperialism.thereislittleoftheideologicalconcepteitheroneway oranotherinthe chinesemake-up.the standardoflivingis so lowand thecapital accumulationhas beenso thoroughly dissipated by war that the masses aredesperate and eager to follow any leadership whic

33、hseems topromise thealleviationoflocalstringencies.i have from the beginning believed that the chinesecommunists supportofthenorthkoreans wasthedominantone. theirinterestsare,atpresent,parallelwiththoseofthesoviet.butibelievethattheaggressivenessrecentlydisplayednot only in korea butalso in indo-chi

34、na and tibet and pointing potentiallytoward the south reflects predominantly the same lustfor the expansion of power which has animated everywould-be conqueror since the beginning of time.the japanese people, since the war, have undergonethe greatest reformation recorded in modern history.with a com

35、mendable will,eagernesstolearn,and markedcapacityto understand,theyhave,fromtheashes leftin war s wake, erected in japan an edifice dedicated to the supremacy of individual liberty and personal2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)10/20精品文檔dignity; and in the ensuing process there has beencreateda trulyre

36、presentativegovernmentcommittedtothe advance ofpoliticalmorality,freedomofeconomicenterprise, and social justice.politically,economically,and sociallyjapan isnowabreastofmany freenationsoftheearthand willnotagain failtheuniversaltrust.thatitmay be countedupon to wield a profoundly beneficial influen

37、ce overthe course of events in asiaisattestedbythemagnificent manner in which the japanese people havemet therecentchallengeofwar,unrest,and confusionsurroundingthem from the outsideand checkedcommunismwithintheirownfrontierswithouttheslightestslackening in their forward progress. i sent all fourof

38、our occupation divisions to the korean battlefrontwithout the slightest qualms as to the effect of theresulting power vacuum upon japan. the results fullyjustified my faith. i know of no nation more serene,orderly,and industrious,nor inwhich higherhopes canbe entertained for future constructive serv

39、ice in the advance of the human race.of our former ward, the philippines, we can look2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)11/20精品文檔forwardin confidencethattheexisting unrestwillbecorrectedand a strongand healthynationwillgrow inthelongeraftermathofwar sterribledestructiveness.we must be patientand unders

40、tandingand never failthem -as in our hour of need, they didnotfailus. a christiannation,the philippinesstandas a mighty bulwark of christianity in the far east,and its capacity for high moral leadership in asia isunlimited.on formosa, the government of the republic of chinahas had the opportunitytor

41、efuteby actionmuch ofthemalicious gossip which so undermined the strength ofits leadership on the chinese mainland. the formosanpeoplearereceivingajustandenlightenedadministrationwith majorityrepresentationontheorgans of government, and politically, economically,and socially they appear to be advanc

42、ing along soundand constructive lines.with this brief insight into the surrounding areas,i now turn to the korean conflict. while i was notconsultedpriortothepresident sdecisiontointervene in support of the republic of korea, that2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)12/20精品文檔decisionfroma militarystandpo

43、int,proved a sound one,as we hurledback theinvaderand decimatedhisforces.our victory was complete, and our objectives withinreach,whenredchinaintervenedwithnumericallysuperior ground forces.thiscreateda new war and an entirelynew situation,a situationnotcontemplatedwhenourforceswerecommittedagainstt

44、henorthkoreaninvaders;asituationwhichcalledfornewdecisionsinthediplomatic sphere to permit the realistic adjustmentof military strategy.such decisions have not been forthcoming.whileno man inhisrightmind wouldadvocatesendingour groundforcesintocontinentalchina,and such wasnever given a thought, the

45、new situation did urgentlydemand a drasticrevisionof strategicplanningifourpolitical aim was to defeat this new enemy as we haddefeated the old.apartfromthe militaryneed,as isawit,toneutralize the sanctuary protection given the enemynorth of the yalu, i felt that military necessity intheconductofthe

46、warmadenecessary:firstthe2016 全新精品資料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)13/20精品文檔intensificationof our economic blockadeagainstchina;two the impositionofa naval blockade againstthechinacoast;threeremovalofrestrictionsonairreconnaissanceofchina scoastalareasand ofmanchuria; four removal of restrictions on the forcesof the republic of china on formosa, with logisticalsupport to contribute to their effective operationsagainst the common enemy.forentertain


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